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I. Describe the Class

- This Kindergarten class consists of 15 students with 7 of them being boys and 8
girls. There are two second language learners.

II. Subject/Skill:

Math: Counting Numbers 0 to 20

III. Objective(s)

- Students will be able to count from 0-20.

- Students will be able to identify a number of objects with a written numeral
- Students will be able to remember number sequences and compare them.

IV. Procedures
- First, the teacher would ask the students about numbers.
Teacher: How many of you guys know about numbers?

*If some students raise their hands the teacher would ask some of them to tell the
class what they know about numbers. Then the teacher would briefly elaborate on
the student's explanation. To really see how much each student knows about
numbers, the teacher would do warm- up activities for the students.

Teacher: All right friends, let us get a piece of paper and a pencil. I will write ten
numbers on the board, and you my friends will write them in order. If you do not
know their order, do not worry, you can guess.

The teacher will then assess the responses of the students and determine where
they are with numbers.
- Instruction: The teacher will start by playing a 0-10 number song from YouTube
to help students remember the numbers easily. Kindergarteners are more likely
to remember added information through a song they can sing in their heads. When
the students start remembering the song, the teacher would write the numbers 0-
10 on the board in order and have the students shout out the numbers as the
teacher writes them. The teacher would then rewrite the numbers randomly and
have the students shout out the correct answer.
- For the next activity, the teacher will use ten soft balls and tape numbers 1-10
onto the balls. The teacher would play the number song and have the
students sing along while passing the balls around. The teacher will pause
the song from time to time and ask individual students to bring him a different

Teacher: Mike, please give me the number 7 my friend.

Then the teacher would continue to play the song and have another student bring a
different number. After this lesson, the teacher will introduce the idea that each
successive number name refers to a quantity one larger. The teacher will
introduce the counting book called “Gecko Hide and Seek” by Gill McBarnet.
The book uses pictures of geckos in the tropical setting to get the students’
attention. The book would start by showing the number one in letters and
numerical and the students will look for one gecko that is hiding. And the next
page will show number two, then once again the students will look for the
geckos and will be counting them as they go up to bigger numbers. When the
students make it to 6 geckos, the teacher will ask them if they noticed a pattern.

Teacher: All right my friends, did you notice a pattern while looking for the

After students give their responses, the teacher will explain the pattern further.

The teacher will combine the song and the book to help students understand
number sequences.

(Song: )

V. Materials

- Gecko Hide and Seek (counting book), soft balls, Gecko toys, Number song
(YouTube video), pen and pencil

VI. Grouping Structures

- Activities for this lesson will involve all the students as a whole in the classroom.
No grouping necessary.

VII. Modifications

- Special education and related services will be provided in a language or mode of

communication other than or in addition to English. For ELLs, may cite
instruction /services in native language for instruction support.

VIII. Assessment

- Assessing student progress/culminating or closing activity:

Teacher: Can someone tell me what we learned today?

Student: We learned to count from 0-10.

Teacher: Very good my friend. Now can we all count from 0-10
Students: *starts counting aloud.

Teacher: Now can someone tell what happens when we go from one to two, two
to three and higher.

Students: We keep going up by one.

Teacher: Now we know how to count from 0-10. If you forget, try to sing the
number song even in your head, it will help you remember your numbers my

- Distributed Practice and Review:

The teacher will proceed to an informal assessment to accurately see how if the
students fully understood the lesson and to determine if some students need some
extra help before moving onto the next part of the lesson.

Teacher: All right friends, since we learned how to count today, I want you all to
grab a piece of paper and write the numbers 0-10. I want you friends to do it by
yourselves without asking me and your classmates. If you get stuck, try singing
the song in your head. This will be your ticket out the door.

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