Exercise Stress Test As An Antidote For Anxiety Ne PDF

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S100 Abstracts / Indian Heart Journal 70 (2018) S93eS108

Results: A total of 107 patients with clinical suspicion of PE were enrolled cardiologist, 2 electro-physiologist, 3 clinical cardiologist) from teaching
in the study. On MDCT pulmonary angiography 64 patients (59.8%) were hospitals including one from USA were part of giving advice in acute car-
found to have PE out of which 36(56.2%) were men and 28(43.8%) were diac crises. The reason for sending ECG and clinical problems were noted.
women, respectively. Wells score>4 i.e. PE likely was documented in 59.8% The time to response time was calculated and the outcome of patients after
patients and Revised Geneva score ¼11 i.e., high probability of PE was expert advice was noted and change in management was further analyzed.
documented in 21.9% of patients. The most sensitive parameter for the Results: Total duration of the project 3 years till March 2018, 5280 ECG’s
diagnosis of PE was Revised Geneva score 11 was the most specific (93% and related clinical problems were submitted in ECG project group. The
specificity) parameter followed by the combination of positive D-dimer majority of the issues were related with acute coronary syndrome fol-
test and Well’s score>4. The diagnostic accuracy of Well’s score>4 (64.5%) lowed by arrhythmias. The total analysis of above mentioned parameter
was higher compared to Revised Geneva score>11(50.5%). will be presented.
Conclusion: Clinical probability assessment is an easy and effective way to Conclusion: WhatsApp ECG group is a cost effective way of telemedicine.
decide which patient should undergo further testing. Positive D-dimer has Problem solving within specific time can change the outcome in acute
the best diagnostic accuracy for diagnosis of PE. Well’s score has better cardiac care.
diagnostic accuracy than Revised Geneva score, especially when combined

CARDIOVASCULAR MANIFESTATIONS OF HYPOTHYROIDISM Ramesh Ratanlal Dargad, Mahesh Ramshabd Munakka Prajapati. Lilavati
Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai, Stress Test Clinic, Mumbai, India
Himanshu Arora, Jabir Abdullakutty, Rony Mathew, Jo Joseph, Jimmy
George, Vijin Joseph, Israel Ramanathan, Rufus Demel. Lisie Hospital, Hyperuricaemia isn’t a buzz word in cardiology anymore. In recent years,
Kochi, India there has been an increase in the prevalence of hyperuricemia, and the
latter has attracted attention as an adult lifestyle-associated disease.
Background: Hypothyroidism is a syndrome characterized by clinical and Elevated levels of SUA have been associated with an increased risk for not
biochemical manifestation of thyroid hormone deficiency in target tissue only type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and hypertension (HTN) but also for
of thyroid hormone.Hypothyroidism has a multisystem involvement dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, hyperinsulinemia, gout, stroke,
among which cardiovascular manifestations are well known-but one of atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease, congestive heart failure, obesity,
the less researched upon topics.This study is aimed at detecting and coronary artery disease and stroke. More than five decades ago, Gertler et
analyzing the cardiovascular manifestations of hypothyroidsm and their al had postulated that an increase in uric acid levels is a risk factor for CAD.
response to treatment. As of today, number of clinical studies and meta-analyses have shown that
Method: 60 newly diagnosed cases of hypothyroidism,diagnosed by clin- serum uric acid plays a role in predicting cardiovascular mortality &
ical evaluation and confirmed by serum TSH,free T4 and free T3 level were morbidity. Studies have demonstrated a significant relationship between
included in the study.Duration of the study was from May 2017 to May hyperuricaemia and associated conditions. This is confirmed in hyper-
2018.Ecg and Echo findings of all patients were noted at the time of uricaemic patients with and without deposition, and may significantly
diagnosis.All the patients were started on levothyroxine tablets-with the contribute to the overall CV risk beyond the role of traditional risk factors.
dose ranging from 25-100 microgrmas,depending upon serum TSH lev- The mechanisms that link elevated serum uric acid (SUA) levels and
els.S.TSH,FT3,FT4,Ecg and Echo were repeated at the end of 2nd and 6th hyperuricaemia with deposition with CV comorbidities seem to be
month. multifactorial, implicating low-grade systemic inflammation and xanthine
Result: Bradycardia was an ecg finding in 45%cases.Other rare findings oxidase (XO) activity, as well as the deleterious effects of hyperuricaemia
were Q-T interval prolongation,Right bundle branch block and Low voltage itself. In a retrospective study published recently (2018) in JAPI by Billa et al
complexes.After 6 months of treatment with levothyroxine 63.15% patients approximately 25.8% (7580/29391) of the overall subjects had hyper-
showed improvement in form of a normal ecg.(p value¼<0.001).At the uricaemia. Grossly 10% of adults are documented to have hyperuricaemia
time of detection of hypothyroidism-45%patients had abnormal parame- atleast once in their lifetime, however; a majority of the cases do not need
ters of echocardiography.Commonest abnormal findings seen in selected further workup or treatment unless there is an increased risk of compli-
group of patients was"Raised interventricular septal dimensions" seen in cations. Elevated serum uric acid levels are a frequent finding in persons
26.66% patients which showed a improvement in 50% cases after 6 months with obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular and kidney disease as well as in
of treatment with Levothyroxine.Other cardiovascular manifestations those with the cardiorenal metabolic syndrome (CRS). The increased
which showed a positive response to treatment with levothyroxine were consumption of a fructose-rich Western diet has contributed to the
pericardial effusion and diastolic dysfunction.After 6 months of treatment- increasing incidence of the CRS, obesity and diabetes especially in indus-
73.33% patients had a normal echocardiogram(P value¼<0.002) trialized populations. There is also increasing evidence that supports a
Conclusion: This study reflects upon the fact,that early diagnosis and causal role of high dietary fructose driving elevations in uric acid in as-
treatment of hypothyroidism can prevent it''s cardiovascular complica- sociation with the CRS.
tions.However,it needs to be done on a large scale basis with follow up for


Bishav Mohan, Anil O. Mehra, Nitish Naik, Arun Chopra, Gaurav Introduction: Anxiety disorders are characterized by feeling of worry, fear,
Mohan, Abhsishek Goyal, T.S. Kler, Anil Sharma, Mridul chest pain, palpitation or shortness breathlessness. Approximately one
Sharma. Dayanand Medical College & Hospital Unit Hero DMC Heart fourth of patients who presents to physicians for treatment of chest pain
Institute, Ludhiana, India; USC Division of Cardiovascular Medicines, USA; have anxiety disorder. Panic attacks may cause chest pain through multiple
AIIMS, New Delhi, India; Fortis Escorts Hospital, Amritsar, India mechanisms. Such patients often undergo expensive cardiac as well as
noncardiac workup, nevertheless their chest pain frequently remains
Introduction: Telemedicine is rapidly creating a fundamental trans- untreated.
formation in healthcare. There are some cost effective ways to communi- Material And Methods: we conducted a prospective, observational,
cate with treating doctors and experts. There are acute critical cardiac descriptive, cohort study at Sir Sunderlal Hospital, IMS, and BHU Varanasi.
situations where there is diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma. In this The study was conducted over a period of one year. Inclusion criteria: all
scenario getting expert advice can change the outcome. patients, age >18 years. Exclusion criteria :(1) any history or records sug-
Methods: A WhatsApp ECG group comprising of 208 physicians (MBBS, gestive of previous angina, angina equivalent or myocardial infarction or
MD) dealing with acute cardiac care in semi urban and rural area of Punjab corpulmonale. (2) Patients with prior cardiac pathology like valvular heart
were included in this retrospective analysis. Nine experts (4 interventional disease, cardiomyopathy, pericardial diseases or corpulmonale. (3)
Abstracts / Indian Heart Journal 70 (2018) S93eS108 S101

Patients any metabolic or endocrine disorder. 4) Patients with muscular papillary fronds except 1 case had capsulated smooth surface. On TTE, site
chest pain and local tenderness. Detailed history and physical examination of attachment and echotexture was best delineated. In cardiac magnetic
was done. The baseline clinical characteristics analyzed in each group were resonance imaging (cMRI), they had heterogeneous signal intensity on
the age, gender, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, smoking T2W images and IAS attachment. Surgical excision and histopathological
status, personal and family history of cardiovascular history, duration of examination confirmed the diagnosis of myxoma. In another 2 patients,
chest pain, and treatment received. Treadmill test was done after ruling the pedunculated mass was attached to the free wall of left atrium close to
out any structural heart disease by echocardiogram. The Data was studied the mouth of left atrial appendage (LAA). On TEE, the mass was attached to
and statistically treated. the ridge between left upper pulmonary vein and LAA. First, it was sus-
Observation: We analyzed 100 patients with atypical chest pain and pected as thrombus, so we anticoagulated, but not resolved. On doing
frequent episode of panic attack. Mean age of the cohort was 37.6year and Gadolinium contrast cMRI, the mass had contrast enhancement which
male ,female ratio was 0.88.Before test basal heart rate of cohort was favored towards tumor possibly papillary fibro-elastoma. Another 1 pa-
92±13 per minute and after 2-3 days of Treadmill test the basal heart rate tient was presented with fever and septic embolic manifestation with
was reduced to 76±7 per minute (P<0.001). After one month of follow up negative blood culture. In TTE, the mass was attached to the base of
to 93% patients became asymptomatic without any anxiolytic drug. anterior mitral leaflet which made us think of vegetation. As the patient
Conclusion: Anxiety disorders are common and have profound effects on had persistent fever despite antibiotic therapy, surgical excision was done
quality of life. Treadmill test is work as psychotherapy and it provide & histopathological examination confirmed vegetation. Another 2 rare
confidence by ruling out any cardiac illness. cases of left atrial thrombi, one was ball valve thrombus and fixed cystic
thrombus. Both the patients had predisposing heart disease erheumatic
CLINICAL AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL PROFILE OF PULMONARY severe mitral stenosis with atrial fibrillation. Both of them clot was
HYPERTENSION resolved completely after anticoagulation. Differentiating tumor from
thrombus is difficult when the patient is in sinus rhythm without under-
Medha Gupta, Matin Parkar, Chandrakant Chavan, Deewan. Bharati lying cardiac disease. LAA pulse wave velocity is less than 20 cm/sec, in TEE
Vidyapeeth Hospital, Pune, India and no contrast enhancement on TTE more favors to the thrombus.
Conclusion: Evaluation of LA masses requires high quality imaging mo-
Introduction: Pulmonary hypertension is a complex disease that presents dalities in confirming the diagnosis and plan appropriate management
with a broad spectrum of morphological and hemodynamic findings of strategies. In our analysis echocardiography was good enough in many
varying severity, which has a major impact on morbidity and mortality. In cases, we found the role of MRI is more than complementary as it could
developing country like ours, prevalence will also likely increases as newer delineate the morphology better that had an Impact on the final diagnosis
associations with PAH emerge, including dialysis and the metabolic syn- & overall outcome.
drome, and as widespread access to echocardiography identifies PAH
earlier and in more individuals. This study had recorded the clinical CLINICAL, ECHOCARDIOGRAPHIC AND RADIOLOGICAL PROFILE OF
characteristics and demographics of PAH cases in a single centre study that PATIENTS WITH SUSPECTED PULMONARY EMBOLISM
hopefully could be a stepping stone in the development of a national
registry. Shivani Rao, Sanjeev Asotra. IGMC Shimla, Shimla, India
Objective: To study clinical and epidemiological profile of pulmonary
hypertension in a tertiary care centre. Background: Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a life-threatening condition,
Method: All patients admitted to bharati hospital in medicine ward & OPD being one of the three major cardiovascular killers along with myocardial
who met PAH criteria on echocardiography, between August 2014 to infarction and stroke. The diagnosis of PE is a challenge and high index of
January 2016. Detailed history taken along with physical examintion was suspicion, early recognition and use of various diagnostic modalities are
done in each patient. Exercise capacity is then measured using 6-minute required for best outcomes.
walk test along with oxygen saturation at rest and immediately after 6- Methods: Tertiary care based prospective study was done to document the
minute walk. Relevant investigations like blood examination, ecg, chest X- clinical features, echocardiographic and radiology profile of patients pre-
ray, comprehensive echocardiogram, performed. senting with suspected PE over a 12-month period. Patients were stratified
Result: During the study period, 100 patients were admitted with pul- into clinical probability scales by Wells Dichotomous Clinical decision rule
monary hypertension with average male to female ratio was 1.1: 1, with as well as Revised Geneva score. A crude and stratified analysis was done to
maximum incidence in patient between 31 to 40 year (range- 18 yr & compare the clinical and echocardiographic findings with the gold stan-
above). Dyspnoea 94% was the commonest symptom followed by palpi- dard, multidetector CT angiography. We compared the efficacy of various
tation 58%, chest pain 57% and easy fatigability 48%. The mean 6 minute clinical parameters and scores in predicting PE.
distance walked by patients was 251±110 m. Immediately following 6- Results: 107 study participants were divided into PE (n¼64) and Non-PE
minute walk, SO2 remained unchanged (or decrease by 5% absolute (n¼43) groups on basis of MDCT. Mean age (± s.d.) was 53.7 ±15.4 years.
reduction) in 38.6%. Major etiological factors were primary respiratory Acute, acute on chronic and chronic PE was documented in 51.4%, 2.8% and
illness (group 3) around 34% followed by primary left heart disease (group 5.6% patients, respectively. Dyspnea (92.2%) was the predominant symp-
2) around 31%; about 17% of patients of our study fall in group 1. tom but, only cough (66.8%), hemoptysis (39.1%), and pain in lower limbs
(20.3%) had a statistically significant association with PE. Tachypnea
ROLE OF MULTIMODALITY IMAGING IN EVALUATION LEFT ATRIAL (92.2%)was the most common sign in both groups. In these, raised JVP
MASSES: OUR EXPERIENCE & ANALYSIS WITH A CASE SERIES (56.3%), clinical signs of DVT (23.4%) and pedal edema (70.3%) had statis-
tical significance for PE. Immobilization (54.7%)was the most common risk
Satish Kumar Arunachalam, Gnanavelu G, Venkatesan S. Madras Medical factor of PE (p ¼ 0.013). D-dimer had the highest sensitivity (95.3%) but low
College, Chennai, India specificity (27.9%). Wells score¼4 (PE likely) was documented in 59.8% of
patients (p ¼ 0.001). Revised Geneva score ¼11 (high probability of PE) was
Background: Most common causes of left atrial masses are thrombi, tu- documented in only 21.9% patients but had highest specificity (93%) and
mor, and vegetation. Differential diagnosis of left atrial masses poses positive predictive value (82.4%). Revised Geneva score ¼4 had highest
diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Multi-modality imaging is useful in negative predictive value (100%). In CXR, pulmonary artery enlargement
delineating different left atrial masses (LA). We are presenting 10 cases of (35.9%) and Hampton’s hump (10.9%) were associated with PE. In echo-
rare left atrial masses. cardiography, RA (84.4%) and RV dilatation (82.8%), paradoxical septal
Case discussion: Most of our patients were presented with non-specific motion (31.3%), pulmonary acceleration time (PAT) and PAH were statis-
symptoms and left atrial masses were detected incidentally during routine tically significant findings. Thrombus was most commonly detected in
echocardiographic evaluation. We had 5 cases of left atrial Myxoma. On subsegmental part of the pulmonary artery (PA) (57%) in MDCT while
transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), they had mobile mass with intera- thrombus in main PA was found in only 10% patients.
trial septal (IAS) attachment by stalk, variable echo density- both hypo and Conclusions: The diagnostic workup for patients with suspected PE is still
hyperechoic areas due to calcification and necrosis, irregular surface due to a challenge for every physician despite using advanced technology with

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