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1.Describe the ethical issues that Daniel is encountering.

Advertisers know that celebrity recognition boosts sales. Daniel is working for YOLO, an advertising
agency, and he needs an endorsement for Uber Bacon to demonstrate the quality, value and
deliciousness of the bacon, targeting the seventeen to thirty market. After choosing from a variety of
advertising options, they chose Gloria Kunies as their spokesperson. But Daniel meets Ms.Kunies and
realizes she is a vegetarian. Although Mrs. Kunies tried Uber Bacon's bacon, but it's a contradiction to
have her as a spokesperson serving as a brand ambassador.

2.Does this situation in any way violate the concepts of

fairness,honesty, and integrity?
Yes, it violates the concepts of fairness, honesty and integrity. YOLO, the advertising agency
responsible for UBER's accounts is being unfair to its consumers. Having a celebrity endorse a
product is a big responsibility. Ms. Kunies is a popular, well-liked, young and vibrant person with a
large following of young people. But she's unfit to be the product's celebrity spokesperson because
she's a vegetarian, because the affidavit says she needs to be a sincere user of the product. Her
vegetarian lifestyle is at odds with what she will endorse, perhaps Ms. Kunies is more concerned with
how much money she will get for endorsers. If a person is ethical, then she must decline the offer in
the first place to be fair to the company and the ad team. She said she ate Uber bacon at some point
in her life but we're talking about the present. If the project is implemented, it will violate the
concept of honesty. Since Ms. Kunies is a vegetarian, she will not eat bacon, and all her claims will be
invalid. She will mislead consumers.

3.If the advertisement does not violate any laws, then why should Danielbe
concerned? What are the possible consequences of theadvertisement?
Advertising is very important because consumers learn about products they may need or want, they
receive information that helps them make choices. YOLO and UberBacon will consider that if the
endorsement with Ms. Kunies goes through, there is a risk that if consumers find out she is a
vegetarian, people will lose confidence in the brand and product.

It is important to consider the ethical issues that may arise when using celebrity endorsements.
When celebrities conflict with a product's image, values, and branding, the ethical implications can
be severe and harmful. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the celebrity and YOLO to recognize these
problems. Daniel worries about how he will write the assigned project and he doesn't want to start
his career dishonestly as he considers what his boss wants. Chloe says, “Sometimes in advertising,
you have to tweak the message you're communicating so that it matches the product you're selling.
You're not just selling products, but more importantly, you're selling experiences, feelings, ideas that
appeal to consumers." Adding a spin is like adding excitement, not a lie to match what you're
advocating. It is unethical to mislead consumers, especially if the speaker's lifestyle conflicts with
what she stands for. Based on her claims, experience is what appeals to consumers most. In that way,
how will Ms. Kunies end the product with her current vegetarian lifestyle. What will she say to
consumers? That she ate UberBacon before but switched to a vegetarian diet because of her high
cholesterol? She will definitely lie and mislead consumers if she becomes the concept of Uber Bacon.

Advertising can have a great influence on what consumers do. Ad advocates argue that despite cases
of deceptive practices, advertising still contributes a lot to the economy. Most advertising provides
information to consumers, information that contributes to the efficient functioning of economic
markets. Consumers can benefit from advertising when they learn about products they may need or
want, they receive information that helps them make responsible choices.

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