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1. Why is hearing loss prevalent in the Philippines? What are the contributing factors why cases
of hearing loss are high in the country?


The relatively high prevalence of hearing loss in both adults and children in the Philippines is
likely being driven by several factors. Lack of access to preventative ear healthcare and poor
general access to health services, poor maternal nutrition and poor health knowledge are just of
few of the possible explanations for the disparity in hearing outcomes in the Philippines.

2. Is it possible that the poor educational output of the Department of Education based on the
TIMMS, and ASEAN reports and rankings are impacts of undetected hearing loss in children in
the public school?


Yes, it is possible that poor educational output of Department of Education impacts the
undetected hearing loss in the public schools. One way to attain improvement of the educational
programs of the hearing impaired is by conducting survey and assessment of the status of the
hearing-impaired education of the Department of Education Philippines. The Special Education
(SpEd) teachers play a vital role for the pupils of the hearing-impaired children as they are
viewed as linchpins in the learning process of the children. There should be an advocacy on the
hearing-impaired education program to the public and stakeholders.

3. What can DepEd, and Philippine government do to improve the educational system in the


There should be a team in DepEd for every division that will identify problems in every school
and provide solutions to it with the help of everyone involve. Best practices and programs that
will suit to every unique learner should be given great importance. The SpEd teachers need to
create a collaborative culture in school and home to assist the difficulties of the parents and
caregivers in handling the hearing impaired a support that should always be available. The
teachers need to have additional trainings in educational approaches for the hearing-impaired
education to enhance their skills and provide children with better opportunities after they
graduated in elementary level.

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