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毕业设计主要关注 1、2、3、4 阶段

自研产品的公司,还需要进行 MD、ID

本地和 远程用户接口。


受控设备(可以是电机、加热器等任何东西), 需连接到同一现场总线网络。
使用通用 IO 扫描的矩阵键盘。
两个 LED 指示灯。
LCD 显示屏。
远程监控计算机可以与之连接的嵌入式 Web 服务器。
在 PDA 上运行的配置实用程序的 RS232 接口。

嵌入式计算机的控制函数每 10 毫秒发送一次请求, 生成的命令应在此请求后 5
毫秒内发送。 控制算法依赖于准确的时序,因此满足这些时序要求至关重要。

操作员可以使用键盘和 LCD 来选择、查看和修改系统数据。 设备受控时,操作员
为确保没有遗漏按键,应至少每 15 毫秒扫描一次键盘。 LCD 会在按键后 50 毫秒
内 更新。

LED 灯用于指示系统状态。闪烁的绿色 LED 灯表明 系统正按预期运行。闪烁的红
色 LED 灯表明发生故障。
正确的 LED 灯应每秒闪烁一次。 此闪烁频率应维持在 50 毫秒以内。

RS232 PDA 接口
PDA RS232 接口可查看和访问的数据与本地操作员接口相同, 两者需遵守同样的

嵌入式 Web 服务器应在一秒钟内处理 HTTP 请求。

严格时序 -设备控制
控制函数具有非常严格的时序要求,必须每 10 毫秒执行一次。

灵活时序 - LED
虽然 LED 输出具有最大和最小时间约束,但可以发挥作用的 时间范围较大。

仅限截止日期时序 - 人机接口
这包括键盘、LCD、RS232 和 TCP/IP 以太网通信。

人机接口函数具有不同类型的时序要求,仅指定了最大限制 。 例如,必须至少每
10 毫秒扫描一次键盘, 任何高达 10 毫秒的频率均可接受。


实际原理图(还有外围电路,R/C/L,有参考设计,可以直接对 AutoCAD 的原理

机械设计 MD

mechanical Design
Creating a well-tested reliable embedded software is important, especially in safety-
critical applications. A great design starts with a well thought system design. Following the
system design, embedded hardware design and software design will take place with high
clarity. In this article we mainly focus on embedded system design.

Embedded system design is based on software development processes and life cycle,
using any of the popular models such as the waterfall model, the V-Model and nowadays
most of the software houses use the agile methodologies.

Embedded System Design Overview

Why do we create software? This question is a basic question, the answer is to solve a
specific problem based on some requirements. Another important question, how do we create
software? The answer is in the following figure, which is an example of a software
development life cycle. There are 5 stages in the following model, the waterfall model.

Requirements Analysis
In the first stage, the requirements should be collected and the software requirement
document is written. In the design phase, we answer the question “how to build the
solution?”. In the SW development phase, we start to implement the software and write the
code. In the testing phase, we verify the proposed solution to produce high-quality software.
After deployment of the solution, we maintain it if needed in case of changing the

Our scope here is on the design phase, our input is system/requirement specification and,
the output is the design document.

The Design document can be a physical Document or a code skeleton. There are two
types of software design a static design or a dynamic design.

In the static design, you define the structure, the structure includes modules and how
they connected. On the other hand, the dynamic design defines how the modules interact
As an example, in a football match, consider the plan of the team (e.g. 4-4-2) as the
static design and consider how they move as the dynamic design.

Another example from the definition of the real-time system, a real-time system is a
system that has to perform a correct function at a correct time.

Static design is responsible for executing the correct function, on the other hand, the
dynamic design enables the function to be executed at the correct time.

Embedded Software Design Characteristics

Good software design has three main characteristics. Your software design should be
correct, meaning, that everything is correct and nothing is wrong from gathering,
requirements (inputs), so your design solution should meet these requirements. The second
one, the software design should be understandable, and it means that any stockholder should
understand the design regardless of his/her background, however, we do a lot of reviews
between the team members to clarify the design. The third characteristic of a good embedded
software design is to be maintainable; we mean here that the system should allow editability,
in case of changing the requirements, we can change the design without damaging any other
part or any other component in the system.
Software Design Levels

When creating a design, it can be done through steps, as example, when facing a big
problem, we try to solve it by cutting it into smaller parts “Divide and conquer approach”.
As you can see in the figure, we have divided the system into subsystems, and also have
divided each subsystem into modules and submodules.

For example, consider you are working on a microcontroller project, we can map the
design outputs to c code as

— System is the IDE Project

— Sub-system is the group of files

— Module contains on functions’ definition in 1 C file or more header files

— Sub-module contains data types, variables, and the implementation of the functions.

Pragmatic Software Design

To make your design pragmatic we should have

The Concept is what you have studied and your previous experience as a designer. The
more concept, the better. The context is how you can use and apply your knowledge to
achieve pragmatism.

The goal of pragmatic software design is to determine and organize how we reach the
optimal solution. Keep in mind always the following slogan “if you fail to plan, you plan to
fail”, so you need to organize and plan before implementing your solution.

Elements of Embedded software Design

There are some questions you should ask yourself before starting your design process

How to identify modules:

– using context diagram


– using Super loop and block diagram

How to identify modules’ interfaces

– apply 4 rules in the software design process

How to identify dynamic design or behavior

– using interfaces classification

– using timing analysis

– do schedulable check

How to identify modules’ details

– using Pseudo code

– using state machines

Case Study – A Digital Clock

This is a design example of a digital clock with 3 modes/buttons

Set hours
Set mins

Let’s look at the first question “How to identify modules: ”

Context diagram 外部视图、概念视图

From the context diagram, we can understand what are the inputs and what are the

Super Loop as a design tool

Identify modules of the digital clock:

Void main (void)

while (1)

pushButton.update(); // Input taks

TIME.update(); // Processing Task

sevenSegmentDisplay(); //Output Task


Block Diagram 内部、外部联合视图

In the block diagram, we divide the modules in the context diagram. There is always an
operation system (e.g. real-time system, while(1), simple scheduler)

In the figure, we have modules such as:

Switches (SW) is used to set the hours, mins and change the modes
OS is used (to set the rules of the software)
Seven Segments Display (SSD) is used to display the time
Time module is used to send the time and the mode to display (SSD)
Display module (DISP) is used as a generic module to allow us to change display block
e.g. from seven segments to LCD

from the static design Perspective, any module should have

Initialization function is used to

Initialize hardware
Initializes data structures

Initializes both

1 or more update functions

Update something

Do the module logic

0 or more setter functions

Set something in the module

0 or more getter functions

Get something from the module

The above figure applies the rules to the digital clock use case
A push Button Module

This is another module in our system (push button)

The push button module is used to identify the state of the button to show us if it is
pressed or not

Setter or a getter?

If we have 2 modules connected together

We have 2 options:


Implemented in M1 and called in M2


Implemented in M2 and called in M1

Modules’ Interfaces of the digital clock










From the dynamic design perspective, we can classify the functions into 4 types

Called just one time before using the module

Period or aperiodic and it is called by the operating system

Period or aperiodic and it is called by the hardware
It is not like any of the above types and it can be called by any other function.

Similarities between static and dynamic design:

Initialization is the same in static and dynamic design. Update in the static design is task
and ISR in the dynamic design. Setter and getter in the static design can be functions in the
dynamic design.

To apply them in our use case

pushButton_Init is an initialization function

pushButton_UpdateState can be task or ISR
pushButton_UpdatePressTimeMS is a task
pushButton_GetState is a function
PushButton_GetPressMS is a function

Timing Analysis of a function

We have many parameters to be used in timing analysis

E is the Execution time

BCET is the best-case execution time (the max time to be done)

WCET is the worst-case execution time (the min time to be done)
B is the blockage (interruption + preemption) that can be discovered after system

D is the deadline (based on the requirements)

P is the period (design choice)

BCET <= WCET and B +E <= D <= P

Schedulability Check

If the functions are not periodic, change the period with the minimum interarrival time.

Worst-case design (E = D = P)
No multitasking

Relaxed worst-case design (E < D = P)

The first design check

Blockage is considered after integration (B+E < P)

Schedulability check

Timing Analysis and Schedulability check the digital clock use case
The following table has the timing analysis and the Schedulability check of our use case


In this article we have introduced, how to create a pragmatic embedded software design
step by step. Embedded software design is important to meet the requirements of any system
software. What to do next? Try to implement apply the principles of embedded software
design on any embedded system you know and then implement the system using any


Embedded System Design, Embedded Systems Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems,

and the Internet of Things, Authors: Marwedel, Peter

Embedded Systems Architecture 2nd Edition, Author: Tammy Noergaard

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