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Subject . Madnine Design \ [Meat transfer Prof: Trandsco jy. A. Mato Student » Jirch A+ Muar Course /Seckion? BME / Eb D44 b Research (Wo) ten Solse Rrollems — Analysis of Givaphe Shresses, Shaft Design, Keys and Coupling. ") Ghrege Ye defined ag the nhermal yerictonce offered by the loody againct deforinatton P O- 6 = Stra Chensil or comprtesive) P= Axial load k Cross Section Area Unie ef hrege Ml fania® | KN] aa Simple cress 1¢ alco called direct chvess. Ctress te the farce required per Unit across teckonal area - t Crushing Stress (6 0 Lecalird compressed Shree af the area OF contact between fue members . ¢ ie shes of a material depends on the Aypes of wroteral - 9 Stras ot a print is tension + Compressive stress Cor vompression) 1 the eras State caused by on applied Gad thot acts Tb reduce the lenght of the walerial oforg The oxi of the applied lead. A simple case of counpressian ig the oninziol compression induced by the action of opposite ‘pushing forees + Compressive force } Compressive Loree ie a fype of leading in viich” fhe tuo section of woterial on cither side of a plane along its length fend to be pushed Or compressed. FORCE OBJECT FORCE + Tencile strees ic the sfrers coused fy an applied lead thot tendc To elongate the material olong Phe axic of the oppied load. © Tencile Loree = Tensile fre ie @ ype of Isading in which the Awe section of material on either “side of a plane along its length Aend to be pulled apart or elerqarted « FORCE OBJECT |v Fora # Shear Gres is the chem ghate caused ‘oy Yee Combined -enerqy (OF a par of opposing Farees acting along parallel Unes of clon Fwough the material. TH i the strex caused by fac of tre watertal guiding relative to one —ancther # Shear Gree: Chear involves applying a load parallel 9 9 flanc Which cowed” the material on one Side of the plant fo want +o Glide acres the walertal on He other gde of the plone: A chearing seas ack parallel fb the chrecg Plane Chea properties ave privearily used in the design ef mechanically fostered counponent® , webs, and dortion wnemboers , wed other components subject - parallel, Opposing lade, { \ T Ae [Problem No. 4: Delermire the shes of a nylon sting hac a Famelec of Jy , pulled by a forex ef Joon. loo formula’ 6 =f neh Gwen? F = Os mm S A an 2 Soin Ae T(emnl Beam | 4 (Problem No dh A steel ved bos a Diameter of SO wn pulled 7 a force of 400 by KN - Delerming the stress! bien) DF SOmm Fe foe ¥ l000N = 400 ,00N. S het Gouin. Cat = pa WO A as von G< 4o0.02K! pat (sow A..F (2560 mm") 4 Ge eon cele > G2 204 agin” roblem No 9: Determine tre diameler of a shoft tht vill corny an tenctle load of ooo KN ak chregs ef 400 MR pookN =X oooN = |, 00 ,0CON Given? POMP an Mag ee eae 1,000, C00N, Solution : st 5 foo MP = A =_[,000,000N As 2,500 De Yoo Shum” os BS neat = [ede oF =i v FRavlem Not) hx won colon of ommutal cyose -section ha an outer diameter of 60mm ard ig fuloyected to a force Of QOUN. Find the thicknass of He wall is the compressive stress jg [0 Mpa. Given? De 300mm - Pz 40 KN ¥ 1000N = 40,000N FT pe qoomn f= 10 Mpa or 10 Mun a 4o7 P= 10,000N Solution — e mete GR GARE = 10,0008 > qo00 wm ‘ To Nin” AUVs ‘ i ce oars vet Tp = Argo 90 -2dL GOLA =) oe e I aA A] Re Nene a Qj S ale pe BIR S. c t ue D=Utd ~ Dd-gt Zz t= Ded = 00mm ~ 240 AST wm a gi KEYS: A Key ie a piece of wild cheel inserted between the shoft ant bul or boss of a Pulley 40° connect these together ‘w erder fo prevent yelative woton between them. hh always inserted parallel fo te axis of the shaft. Keys are ~ used as temnpocary fastenings and ave Sulayected 46 congiderable crushing and shearing streges- A ki way is a slot oF veces im a Shoft and hub of the pully & accomodate o Key , Coupling £ Te provide for Hne connection of Shafts of units Ahot are manu foctured Separately guch of a moter and generator and +o provid disconnection for reparg or alternations, lo provide i mis alignment of the Shafts er fo ‘in Woduce _yechan’ cal Fkeyiloitity Sunk keys = The sunk keys ave provided half fn the keysoag of the shaft ard holf iw the Key way of the lub ér loose OF the pulley . Widthe key (w) = 4 /4 Thickness eh, G2 2w fy dle fer d= Diameter of the shaft or diameter of the Remi eenl: Preblem NE: Design Yee veckargular key for a Shaft Som diameter ghearing and orghing Streges for the Key waterial are 42 MPa avd JOMP,. ven? d= SOmm Key destaned = 6 712 41M = 42 Non eae key 2 (bm Ge= 7OMPn = 40 “few TWielness Of key t = [Omm Solution : lenght of Ke V= 1) Wrasidering shearing of The Key We now That Phe shearing Stranght (or torque Bont key. Tels waxes =| xty xd x2 = 16960 | Nfom 2) and Hersional shearing streng ty Cor terqut trance tted ) of the shaft Ta Kk =i #42 (SO! 2103 10 oN fmm From the equation ft we hove; L= 1-0 x (0% /1b 800 = 6) -31 men Problem No.S: Continuation 3 Now Wnsidering crushing of fre key. We know that Sheoring Strength Cor torque transmitted) of the key Te th X60 x = UE xo x8 = @FS0LM,, From equation Uf. we have; (= 199 xlot /s450 = 4-7 wn Taking Larger of the two Values we hove length of leey Ut-F cay 120mm Problen Not\: & ASmam diameler shaft i wade of gheel with TF Weld stent oF HCI A parallel key oF S12 M4 mun wide and “mm thick wade of cteel vith a yield sigength of 340MPa is 4s be wed. Find the vequired lerglnt of Key,if the Shaft is [eoded Ao transmit the na ximutmn Yorinigcilole torque . Use maximum Shed Gres, Hheony and agcuane @ Raclor of sofeky of 2. lution? Given? $245 mm Gyfor Chae HMR = Me Man eaters pea ees = Any Gat Sor ey 340 MPa = 0 “nm” ieSiea Let hecording to waxiwum shear chess Theory, the maximum shear shes for the chat aOx. =A spot] cue ao my) oe 2 , Keo maximuva Shear stress for the bey, Te + Oat = B40 Last 2xfS fa ae : ht Hime et the waza Dee eighty Ws i ae ae. pean: ile a Tmax Kd? 2 To X00 (45)? Stax 08 Man Fete of all, Wet concider he failure of key duc to Sheoring We Know hak the woxinun erat angwited (1), 4 \4 K10%-[xwaty x4 = L®[dx4S ne = 26FIS1 sherefow, [+ 4 20/34 as “no [on™ =u BOE Problem No.l = Conknuation Now congdering the fuilwe of Key dut to orwshing . We Know thot the maximum torque trancmitted (1), Gx loh = UKE Koy x q =lr4 ax} 4 fe 2\F1BL Vrerefor Ve 18 RO Tigayy = lot Gm Kaking the larger of the 4wo vFalues , we hove Us lo. 6 som LOS yer Proltem No.7: A Is kw, U0 rpm moter lat a wild steel Shaft OF 4mm diameter and the extension being AS mm. The permissible shear and erwching shreses for the wild steel key ar 5G MP and 0 Me, Design the Keway in the motor chaft extension Solution: Givns P= I5 KW HIS Xr yj T= UM = SU Nant N= 400 v.p.m 6 W2Ma = [IL Mfonn™ A = 4D mm UL + FS wm We know Prat dhe horgue Aransmnithea Toy Hhe woler, Te ee = ISAO? xU0 ee aH AGO le 2 peat a Wid ts Of Yeyuay Or Key. snsidering the bey Tg shearing ~ We know thot the tieque transmitted (1), WA X= Lx un toed 245 KWK SUK 42 244 yl0%y Therefore w= 144 10? | oA x10% 2 1G mm Ths width of Leguay te tee gmall. the width of key way should be at least A |y = AN Iq = A 10° N han There fore, we 4 =H = lowe Since Ge ZAC, Here fore a square key of we 10 mm and t =lO wm > TRoviem Ma al: Design a dome coupti . D eee ee ee key Te AO MPa and the numloer of alte connecting Yee Awo holes are six. the permigeille tensile Stress for the lolly ji ig JO MPa. The we Feet of Sichon belween fhe wufi and the shaft curforr way Faken as 0.9- Celution - Given) Ps 0 kW 270% [ODUN = = fOMPa = 40 Mmm Wal at 70 Mea =F0 Nf 204 Design for chat : Leh ds Dia meber of Choft , De fra that the torque trancgwritted [oy the Shaft T= AOR IO> ¥L0 Gat x 1001 TH agus Nm = 2065 4107 N/a We algo new Frat fre torque trancenithed by the chafr (TY, 2965 x10 STE TEY = Ty 40 xd 895 29GS xo [ae ¥ 10” d= HA cy AS mm Design fer muff 2 We know Heat tre diameber of wet = 2A +m vesign, S—— 2249S TID = [U4 coy [GS mn Design Gor Key + the widte and tinickness of the bey for a shot Rameter of TSum ore ag follows | Width eof Key w= 22mm Thickness of Key t7 Mw Lengtin of Key = Total of mut 2 242 .S mm Design For Wells. Let So =Reot or wre Mamober of acl. pO) geste Toe Fnw Fook the borane trang vnitted CT) IeUs 10% Ge) x pVot xn xd = GY x om CAW)tX Fox GeTS CAO) te TAU x0% a peso A 0 = Aq Ao 7322 ii lolern Ho] Two TS mw shalt ave connected Wy Hix flanged coupling The Aanged are fitted with le belts en 125 tam lle Girdle The chaft jane wit a torque of $00 Ninn ak YSOr-pan Tor the sale shress mention Velow, Calealate Pre diamefer ef bolt and Hacknete of Flanges. Safe Shear stress for shot} material = GO UPA Soke shreas Cor Volt warerial = 5% MPa, Sate sheess for ast Ivon coupling = (DMMP, Gate stress for Key water =AelM Gaution Given. A= mm nob Da = [as mn T= $00N fim = $00 x10 Ml fan S= G9 MPa = UD N yam b= Se Me = Su N Jn? N= 356 ep C= lo MPa = [of ke de Me =m Nhat Diameber of Woltc? Let dt =Nowingl 6c outside Rameler of (elt Know prot He forque trans wilted Om, $00 lod =T AN AAtb xnx Ovny4 (Gilt = 400x103 Aynas —44.5 gl = G-4% Coy Syran Thideness of Fhangug + Let 46 = Thickness of Manges . We Free Foot the orang transmitted G), GORA TD me xt® fy, “t= Goo 109 fay quo = (0-4 ay Heyman CML SUG LE =m Sou UT 01/08¢ % uy x oa = 91/ Nar xs ‘paijemsuarl someday youp men] mt Papssoey ome ww Sh =| al 'ybve| ony raet ys om aaehoryt | amy 40 44love) aa of wre wrpey ot hoy 30 yjGuey yp, 2). ToT ORY wwe sg bes boty < ann] gal x day = lanrb= (w] $&)# YX Vx] gare wh ngorbs mq MAL ML PAW Al = yh 30 amyer mH Enym]ysqns OO feed Yo orl mak pay gn PL sem LBA TH) sys 29 vanih ay vey, Mow a1 Go My] VL sioaly away peony yf dws au STL swan] yolk gag = >) oe 00) "LL pry svey, aelosop 2m YE MA IM ~ AWA UL SHujg eM DpMPUL THE MD MOM Sn 47) ww sess SXSie Psle sl“) Amy jo yibvay MH et \wrbe vero 51 U1) he fo yb, ah WMD =} Sowy® mt pw wre em ' way 32 pam. we yyense Jeaworp wi sy 9 sap hey yo voy sad and FL 2 Seay vamp bay pop oweay omer, pre yy buey oma ‘uosueumphe| — jo sajoumeyp oh PPIMID ‘pep vmgerg vl wie so 9, CORAL]

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