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MACHINE DESIGN/ HEAT TRANSFER Ags\ENMENT NO.4 _ JIRA MAR FRANCISCO MARIO BSME - ETEEAP PROFESSOR A Receacch ond 10 problems (theenal Principle, Heat exchanger, Heat exchanger avalygc) > Princige of Thermal Decign = Thenral design ic aged on the asic theory of hea Hrancfer awd fluid mechanics where there's temperature difference . treve's reat Ayonsfer fiom high temperature tone to lao femperature Zone, Heat transfer con athived Hirough heat conduction, heat convection avd heat radiation the formula of eat transfer dieplayed as: @ = KAT, in which (2 stands for ee amourt of heat fansmission whose unit is WK stands for the we FPicient of heat transmiccion unit is W/OntK), A stands for the area of heat Honemigion ube unt to and AT lands or the temperature diference Vehween therwal fluid ond cold Fluid whose unit i kK. In the proass of hermal margtment, peper thermal design measures con be rode gecording 4 practical wonditiong such as the practeal operation environment Cemaperatare /hawidity, chmospheric, pressure, ust ale) , theqnal Fluid cencity on band. power volume density ard ‘pfal Pour conpumpton ; Surfoce Area, Volume, heot sink ard other Special eondifions in order ‘DP engure the even distribution of Yemprtture Ord yeagorable tempRabae vise with regulated Umiled value. D Heat Exchanger - R gystem ined for effeient trarsfer of heat behween a Wot ond cold Fluid when it je yoqured ty beat up a cold Haid or cool doun 4 hot Fiid . Both the fluids involyed th heat exchange process are geen seu by a solid wall. Heat exchages ov wed in’ wide range of applications such as: — Heating ond air” conditioning system = Avjomobile yadiators ~ Goling of intemal combustion engines oy a coolant: = Belews ard emdenses Of @ pour plant = Chemical plants = Peboleum refiners Deak Exchanger Avalycic ~ Veot lyansfer yole in a heat exchanger of a partalon Tagth i cltuleted by toncidering sherwal poterfal of that lerght Which is expresed as 6 =UA (Ty-Te) - : Rewerer overall heat trarefer jn a heat excharger © coleuladed by using average ternal. poretial ord ie generally vepresented by Henn legan thrale Femperabirt difference. therefre , overall heat transfer in heat exchanger can Ye expressab ag 7 Qs UAC where = U- 1 overall peat transfer weficient , w! Gne-K) Ae 's heat therefor area an? BT -S Aemperahure dierence or lagortwic empebure difference , k D Aassification OF eat Exchangere © A) Wolice of Wrot Exchange Process - Depending upon the ature of heat eacharge process, heat exchanoers are Calegerited of; a Direct Contact Neat exchangers — In guch a beat exchanger , het ond ead Puidg, exchange thermal nergy by thelr physical nizing ard Yhee ig gq Simul- jancous transfer of eat and rnasses drown in figure. Water Gling ‘ues, Jek Shea condenser g ore examples of ditect omtact heat exchanger. eo LIN CSouer| —— 8 \ ‘TO CONDENSATE Pume 2 Regenerator Ty Heat exchanger - Hot and wold fluids are brought in Comlack with a medium alternately with hich they exchange heat. This is alt Keown as storage type heat erchonger loecause heat transfer From hot Fuid fo old Fluid occurs Through coupling Wedlum in the form of a solid matrix having a high heat capacity The hot fluid and cold fluid altervately Flow Ahrough the mofrix, the hot fluid Sbring heat in it and the cold Paid erbmeting eat From if. The arrangement 1 shown tn Faure below Owicg the fet” fart of the oye hen hot fluid flows ‘weigh ‘the wohis, valves 4°aed4 “are open and” 2 and are Closed — thile during Ye fatter gort Nolves A and 4 ave closed ond A and oye open, yor fu coo Fund @ ~ VANE { web 7. + Colo FLUIP Our * eagle = In He pe 04g Hot Fup OUT of heat exchanger, hot and cold Fluids do rot wix and excharge heat ha separating wall which also thermal yesistance The heat transfer process in which heat exchangers wonsiste of + Convective tat tranfem from hot fluid fo wall © Conductive heat ronsfer fom Wot ty ld Surface of wall & Convective heat honsfer fiom wall +> cold Fluid. (txamphs: Brilers, automobiles, radiators ) B) Relative Direction of Flow _& Fluke ' Depaading upon the wlative direction of flow of Fluide, heat exchangers are Categorized ag, Parallel Flow - heat and cold Plaids enter the leat exchanger from the some side Fou In Come divecion and leave jn same di Ne shown in Foure below} eee Cold fluc led Qe old Fil et ber Pusd Ouble } me ~— tot Fuad Inlet Gls Fuid Inlet = = — 2- Comber Flow = Hot and cold flid enter fom oppesite side of heat Cod Fal Inlet Hot Plaid Outkt <—= t— Tot Pad Inlet Gi Oe ie ees Gd ei > Cross Pow - Wor ard Gd fluid few jn divedlion right owgle +e Un ~ wiring Paid ont wt owe FLL our C) Mechanica Desgn of eat Cichanae x + Cocenteie Tubes - Two tubes Concentric are used , each carrying one of the Fluids. Cold Fd Ovtlet t Hot Fluid Quttet 2. Sel $ WE ~ One of He hid is carried through the bundle of vey endlond by a shel. The ae Riad & Breed en the shell ond Flas over the outside Cucface of the tubes as shown in Figure Velow Cold Fluid in a TT. 4: wr Gee << HoT FLUO IN ut 44 — Cold Plidhout exchanger as shown in Figure below Ceoe Wi 3. Malti chall and tube passes - Baffles ore wed to woke the mul Hi Shell and Tobe Poses heat rr hs ah baffle sie TH Tee waaay wee, ROG BAFFLE r UonertupwiaL 4 Te BAFFLE Out D) Physical State of Reat Cdanging Thids: Depending upon physical Cha Nest exchangtng Fluids. Yeat exchangers ore orkeapriter as kee 1 Condenser -Tempeatire of et fluids vemoins constant alll along jhe length of the beat -eichanger OC TH loss Hs lake heat while Jemparalure oF cold Fads Inoreses. ; . 2. bay ~ Temmperahre of cold fluids remains constant os 1K gains j as whe Temperature of hot fluid decreases - Lecprittwic Mean Tengerature Difference = In a heat exchanger, Therwal grleatal, wesponstble for Tat exchange even the hot ard cold fluids, changes &% emperoture of nth the Fluids charges along the legth of the heat exchanger: In a parallel beat exchanger, thermal” potential th a parallel beat exchanger 16 wnatinum ot inlet } it ‘decreases glong the length and is yinimum at He eit os dn in Figure bob. In a counter flow heat exchange r, maximnam thearal golerial eoisly ot exit of the Wat exchanger as shaun ws igure below ee \ AA; : ee [2 & gt 2 Length, L Parallel Flow Peat Cxchanger Coun ferFlow Heal Exchanger Bovever im some ext xs Such as condensers Ard -»woper Hors, changes Jn Bervel poletil alag He light oars only en account of chang tn Jompeotue One Of He Phi wohlle Seuperature He otter Pad yemalns constant Figues Ween represent variation of tharmal poential along the length Of a tordeser ond an eragoralor 6 Ne av] Ts, } 2a Tw } t x, & Te Be ei 7 nam : \ t 4 ar - Legth ,L e ta, CONDENSER ENAPORATOR Problem No.’ + bn a fond prexscing plant, a brine solution \eated fom 10% eo -S0°C “im a double gige parallel flow heat exchanger by water ebtering ot 28°C ond Veawing, att J0.5°C at the vate of "Olan, Debermine he heat extrarger Grea for an overall lneat tvansfer Weffolent of S60 Whur. Tor wer Ge Alle M10? 4 kak. Given m= IO KyInin "Cy .tle nso? Sage Te BOC y= 206 di = 30°C tus tus ty = -SU Finda Qe Batyete Gretta Ger Po es One cehige St tecte | Oortaose Gabon. QawlpaT => (044. 14h x107 (90-905) = 434. $0 x1080 finin = WEI r= by ty = 90- (10) = 40°C Gr =ty te 2205- (5) =295°C Sm * 40-988 = TEC eye (40/253) nS, Tass Vem ~ — $y0 xe Palle No = A toler beat exchanger 16 ty vc designed Sr tooling oil fom a Yenperature of 80°C 0% by a large Staqrant water “which Wray be assumed {9 remain constant at a +tempernture of 20°C . the heat Aravefer surface const OF 0m long Straight be OF 20mm inside diameter. The ok (specific Wuat = 2-5 Kj [Kg “and eae qrarily = 0-8) eos theeugh the cyGaderrcal fue with an avwage Velocty “Of 50 cinls . Coleuleke the Overall heat harsher ewefFicioah for the oil Goler, Given! = SDemfe or OS mic D> AOmm er O-02m = 08 G= 25% high te WC Here ty =-20" Ls 30m ar Formula: w= VAP = tna Buti) Az Tal Om Us eB) Q=UAGm > U=S Gouin! Wy = VAP = BS x Ya (0-02)? x(0-¥x [o0) = 0.100 Sh, Q = WACn (ty —ths) = O-LaSe x 2-6 x( 90-30) =I1S-F wk =@ a 9: Us @/aem = Ute Ort te = 40- Cao) =utc, 8, UALR aL 8 ayia iee ape (20) aot loge G62) logelGoli) 2.27.40'C AsTdL = T x 0.0220 = |. 644 m™ 7o 0.248 W/o ¢-d Us 56,” tesa Prablem No.3 2 Exhaust goss (Cp = [4 K /kg-deg) Flavin hough 9 Moular” eat exchanger at the vate of 1200 Kg/nv are cooled Eom 00°C + 20°C, The cooling 6 affected toy water (epe aR Kd Iky-deq) Heat enters the syste ae WE at the vate of [Sook lhe Tf the overall heat transfor toefoient rch Ts S00 KV Im%—he deg what \neat excharger area is required te handle the load for G2 goal flo. md XU) courier {bur arovopreat’ Hee Givens ty al" Wh 1200 Kyle Cy = ERK Migadeg Mex (600 Kyla (eaAts lhgy tre 200°C thes d0°e US ban Formulas MeCe Herter )-MhCy Cth the) Ste, = tat nh Gy ante mn 7 2 acer (teste) =n G Gh-the) Ome Rte bay Osta ty Getty 6 = Uhm > A= So Wn Gh cy 200% I-12 Rea Glen = 4Q, etert Kt, (an the) = to casas C00 20) = Foc O= Nin Cy Cthethe) = 1200 x12 (900-20) = 37002 lar 0) Porallel Flow arrangement Bin Ore, = 2010 (qe (eile. TeeGa0/) i bye (290/10 G th te, = 400-10 290% Ge = thats 20-10 = 10°C \aa-AlG ——_+ e DIU QaUhen DART = Honadw OO = 445 .H12% b) Gunter Flow arrangement + Om Tel = ee = Myst, Oi =tyi-te, = 200-907 220°C Bat thy-ty = o-l Fore GO _ prbnw a Oo, View __ ny RTE Spousal] 2dSA > Prablem No.4: A ceunter flaw caceahic tube heat exchanger is used 1 cool He Vdbicint aL of @ large dustrial gps turbine engine. The oil Flas Hnewgh He te at Dib kels Cope 2S Wyk) and the coolant wolur Flows ‘im the avmules in te apposte diechion af 0 vate of Quis Kgls (cps 4.18 K)/ igh’) - The @il enters the colant of 425 K and leaves at Bdsk while the cxclont enters af 295K - bow long wast He ave Woe wade tp perform this duby if the heat fronsfer oeffilet From cil 40 tube surface %§ 2280 Wim K ard From phe Surface + water 6 SUSD Wn k? The tube hos a mean diameter of 1ASimm and its well Presatts pegligible Jo heat transfer > Given? wigs Oth Kale (= 218 Wight, = tack ty, = 345k MWy=O1S bake Cue F1SKIKGK Ay 229k K Yo = 9250 Wire — hu SUSO Win — d= taGaan Formula wal (to, to.) = MuCudtu stu) Qee = Mole (te, -tov) ‘ Sate 2 Orb . ; Baty ty Geticty 8m Tee Seted Use @ ol Q sUkBn > A-Te, Lats Selution = WCo (to, ~tos) > Wu Cu (dug tur) => Ot x2-18( 4ur- 34s) 20.18 4.18 (tu2-28) tus das+ K218X8 = 9 295k Sin EK bas 4.18 Ge MoCo (te, -ter) = Oly X28 MS 345) =29.904 Wh = 27,104 x08) $y = ty du, = 425-d94-5 = ISK 6,-6: 22.704 x10 g 6 = tig- tus = 346-205 = GOK Bm 2 Lo < ESO 61 = tu-tu = 346-24 Tegel) teary” EER» a hohw 22504 Soo \othw — Dasvt 5esd @ 2 = 3>-tu nto” a L Aten” Gasman 7 22S _ O- 2814 zat Le T x12-Sx10°? PT Almy > 04-18 W/atk ——__ + Problem NOS) A ore chet, tuo-tuoe pass leat exchanger having 4000 thin wall Toss Mes of 20 wn diomneter Vos (eee ‘installed In a Shean power plant With a treat (00d of 2. gO8W ~The stream condenses af GO°C and the Coli waler enters the tots at Ot ak he yoke of 000g (5. Calodake he sverait wot havcfer elficint , the tule Vength pC pots ond the ouler surfocts of te Mos a gsv0 What K ced the Latent heat OF creating 290 KA [hg - Torte preume Ae folloving fluid properties: ce MEOSKgk, = BS510~% Helm » K=dGI>WlmK ond Pr= 5-89 Sakon © Tor thin alld ow the overall heat trmefer weffoint te given by: ‘We het Ino oF > hehe The best trasfir tefftiet for aondensction on the gulec Surhaces of the tues % staked os lho = 15500 wir and the Coefficient on ‘the inner surfaces Ini can Ve clatoled from He internal flow situation of Fllows : one Reo eo) Where mis the mass Fle rate Hang adh tobe =\kqls ta, Tx 0-02x (95S 10") Obsinwsly The foo 1S acount ong therefore the llewing eorralation applies ~ Nu = oo aa (Rayer (Re yrt = d-va9 KOMAL PEG ao a ° - Naxk _ 304 Ux0-Wl> a = = ‘ = 1267 W [mk be = Se = So gee aur ufark, 2 Mawr yissoe pg a iaarxism ~ P24 wht the outet temperate of tooling unter Can be obtoined Frown the eneqy - that is? Q= mM, Volonce - Hat is He (ler-tu) 2 ga xi0%s 3600 sAi80 x Chant) Apxi04 0-8 te = aeopaifo t= (er-to) = 5 asqe owt Gh) = So-2hu oe oe : . Tae Wola) Pony 7 AOC ae Geeth-te = Go-1 =S0%, $22 th - te = bo. 44 ad calour, BAUAGy, 2 Ao 2 23x08 = lt mt wD A Win = Taney 7 Cnt For a tun toss heat encharyet | He surface are also equals, NX 2A\, wher, N vs the number of tubes d and | yapresent Ye tube diawweter and Leyte rapectivehy =A - la od4h the was flow yok of condensation 16 Obtained from 2.4 x104 wns 28 gu ed Is og Qem xheq => meee Poblen Noy: A hat exchanger ix to be designed + condense A*9K of an orapric quid Choat = G0°C j Wty = (00 Kj) BH cooling water at \'C and abo Cou ke of SE Tgls TH. overall ot hear, weFidant 480 wh? dg 0) te wumber of be yequired - The fubes are be of JS yam outer Aiomeber mm Thickness “and Syn Lang th bh) the uber 9F fuloe passes - The velocity of the Gling water is not Jo exceed Link. Solution: From energy balance , Heat last by popour = heat gomed bq water Mi beg = Mele Chea — kar) 4X Gb0 =SS x 4.196 (te, —lb) + Dutleg temperature of water, fe, = AxGeo = 94-dsrc : SEX ANSE a dea ~ofen Leyuithnde mem tenpeabire AiGvence Ba aoe For eordersing vapor, the temperature remoing constant Hoougk out the Sow pacoge. Thet “ts thy tc, = Se | B1= tynte, > 90H = Ome ae = |Ie-2'C 817 tater =¥0 “jade = 40.58% ee (G#ldo-ss) ~ + Rest trawefer ie given ley , OF yahhglACm 27 U ETdeLN ) XO 9x (ooox 107) =490 x(t xo-0ds xo xN) RNG. 32 oN = 49% number of tubes Lek nm be fhe munis of floes in cade pase - Then moss of Cold water passing trough each pass, We = (FA ev aP)n cc y (0-021Y* nx 1020 xn = $b -LG Number of prsses = S78 _ . ie Thu, 7 Fl =by Problem Not: 6 comter Flav heat exchanger fem ert is used to eoo\ 2000 kg Ihr oF cil ({p=a5 KJ] ege 1, fiom (00°C to 3S log the use of water entering of ITC. TE the overall Veat Iwansfir coe Ficient ie cxpechd to be 1-5 kw] wrk y make calew lations for the water Flow role, fhe curface area vequired and the effechveness of heat exchanger Presume that the exit temperature of water 1 tot Jo exceed $S°C- Use NTU - effec Hveness approach - Solution’ The was Pleo tale of water con be determined from an 4 Valence on the tuo Plaids » Tent lock by cil (hot Fluid’) =heat goin by eae Content. Wy Us hy tye) = meCe Cheater), 7 2200 14S (10 ~Bs) = mond 6) There Gre mois Plow tole of clert (voter) me = SS = 1297.74 kale hero capacity of the water clea Cevotant ) Ce =MeCe =1857-74 x4.18 =I 9S hy Yrucwal capa cihy of He oil Shean Chot Rui) Cn =Wn Cn = 4200 k-S SH 500K) Nel Ooviowly Corin = S001) fare an Cmax = 528% KS Avk | : seeatnesnent ly oo _ (opacity rao U= SE = EE 1044 Bevke | Whea hot Fla hes te Yainimuin heat” capacity thon Effectiveness , E = Ghoti) _ ponas | | Gerta) ony 72 the tumber OF fansfer wits (ATU) can We computed from Ye Flowing expression for effec fiveness of a counter flow exchanger ©= bem f-NM OO] 2 ent = esp[-nt Cc] | 1 Cexp [-Ntu Ci-c) fel Mberna Rvely using Hee pooner] v76>—1) = exp [-NTU (1- |-040)] (2 0-8UF an Eads we get} o-7sdxl Oe | Ntu = 3-44 eas OAT or NTV9-¢4, | bet NTU = GA the heat tenet area f= en Ce or = 2AKK S006 _ | Problem No-B? A ome air-conditioning systean 7 Teas, 3 SSW uses a counter {low heat exchanger fo tool o-f Kyls of oir from ASC fo IS*C - the cooling Ys accomplished by a Stream Of cooling water thok enters Ha system with 0-5 kg fiw rte and 94°C Lemperahure Hf He overall neat anefir- Coeficiente 35 Wick, what heat exchanger area if Yequired? \E the Same air Plow vate IS jnointalned Vhile the water Flow vate ts yedued tp half, how nuh will ye the percentage reduction in heat Transferd Use effec Bveness “NTU approach Solution: Thermal coyncity yates for the at fluid Coir’) gud Cold Purid (water) ove’ Ch =mhCn = 0-8 KIOOS = 904 KS flock» Ce= Mele Hos KA GL = 9199-5 Ki [ark Ooviersy Cron = 3124.5 w/K and Canin 804 wie, Capacity rabto » Cx Gen = god, See Oe Fons 72 AS : ~ Crk, ~bba) €s = As-L Effectiveness , Gite) aS = 68, The effectiveness for a counter How arrangement & é-4 exp [wate + £5 ~ Cexe [-NTUO- O) Reavranging : en mere Fenny] ott L Far x02 901 = eAP [-NTY Ci- 0-280) ] or loge eee oT NTE or NY = 1-42 Therefor, the vepuinad Hranefer area i, As SAR - MAbot dato ot Gace the watorFlou rake We reduced te balf, me AS, Since all He parameticr We the above expression fo NTU vemai Same NTU will bee Same ac in the original. sitwafion. That ie NTU = (+42 (nycking the a welotion Br ember Flour heat exchanger 1 Cong (HU Cr) 2 trexe (var Ci- 0-529] t=d.glazenp [-1-42 (1-?-c122))}, sloew (eqeed 5 10-74 24 Focciaenp Coane) T= oc paxd-e4 Aloo -€ = (Morte) 1 AT Ath 26-2 Oca ts ‘the rate OF heat flow is Propertioval ATy. Hence Percentage chorge in healt A teancfor 1s > (Ath )old = th )ney 40 - a8.y2 ao. i (Ath) ail 75 -061F or ITY Problem NOA> Te ine ol at IS is coded at 80% in a Parallel flow heat exchanger by wa — enteriag at 26% ard teoveng ot Go°C. Estivmte the HG CO = tho) Men > tate - W-a2, NC Ce thie “d= 80 ay Apparently the ae fuid Wes the — minemum —-thermi nal Cupacty ard Cmte] cay = Checivcncs, € = Gy -bn) 2 nk) = ne 1-8 1m Crivn (BortCa) ae “]io- 25 =e In terny of cagaechy patio and number a Taster oe e- Texel tite) Aye Ot 7 sexe Fowsu L000 « (tem feuot (Los) le . eae \-1- K0.S0 = O14 = Numer of -hranster dove, Nm = hay =H (io) tre ecit —Lemporcture of ci] wre be minimum —corresporcti fo the dcmaton when tne excranger 1s inereased lafinty Nm 7h > €= exp l- nu _o 6. Wot \+c eC ang 7 a bso, qe Ginter) 5, 108-4 wc -ta) bee as Therefore: maim ible exit Accopecahuce OF te =i a \sp = 0.605 (im an) Ge bare oS idem Now: Fuel ol ab the rode of Lg Ie beet bos thragh Ye annul of a Compter fi) double ive nent once we to Sorc by Veiga water anilalte fom the angie af Foc. the wae finns reo, a ake (00°2'30m and I= 186 0m) wih veluty of o-7emls the gil pases Lnromh the audulus famed “ \nner “Goyer Wie Ard outer steel pipe (0D- 3-3 4ey, and w= Zon). Fay (fouling factor yociler tide) = ©. D004 yp? € ho Fo CFouliag dather ov side) + 0.0069 7 Cw TAKE THE -FOUOOIDY PRORINES GC WIL AAD aL L. DORTAS oll Keim? Qe FO, C, Cults") | 42 2 ky Cwhm-C*) | 0. 0 03g Vv (m 26) 4.2 7-£ Neglect the veistowee OF Qagger Aube, Soluhoy : Mop tes AOA YECY = 0-14tbals, Meat lot lag wake = Heat Getnd og ol Curt = Wile Ce Te) 02 X42 XIV (qer, j= LBD xP X (3d-20) Tao” ONIX 9-30.46 = 3A. BC O-LX492 Lund = Bi-, _ (9-2)- (agar a8) - grozt "Ge &) ba Pet or-0) f Wester sidey ee oa Set, 7 AB Iy tw= L¢P ~ 4Bourx W*y ya yo? _ 2.44 OE UE Ne a, The owerage rent tranchr creffirient ow water cok is gien L, sng BA 91025 Creo °F (73 ae lag 2 0.023 (2.62 009) (290)"?¢ OF | Moar 2 wh °C 5.0186 Te fuel ail cide’ De Cequivalert Ainweter)=3 -2.13--FIem = DiViry De. (6). De /o Mo - 2 OR) ee) vor 6 ts Me imac for fer eeoal and A ete oven Of ovmlys Poco ahih L glons Rep = omy’ 13 TOU.B a ’ 2. Brw'y sb W (002*- 0.0213") one. Yer Sem 2 ae, O47. SCY gs 3 ©. 0 te 1 Aeon creflident referred fe onttde — cufce OF Oxper tube & je by il. ad ¢ Oo \ u (Sst + Soe) te) Li dofl 4 Teel 40) rhs) * 3 ( aoe 4 a VGu \ Soo23 . dont) + iyo v.aet) “ = 6.00068 + C.v0ld? - O .00IIT 2 ABDWh' “C ey &. ue (uit) = Aen (ahl) (tno) = Yat g2n@l by ol =.) (1.84% 10® (20-40) = 20700w 20300 = 40 (w% Fert) x GE = Qoq00_¥ 10> 2 _Icmeters 4 GO XT X2-1BX YRS

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