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Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Achieving Sustainable Development

Role of Civil Society

Organizations (CSOs) in
Achieving Sustainable

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Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Achieving Sustainable Development

Live Online Training Schedules


HD07 3 Days 15 Feb - 17 Feb 2023 Live-Online $1400

HD07 5 Days 24 Apr - 28 Apr 2023 Live-Online $2050

HD07 5 Days 08 May - 12 May 2023 Live-Online $2050

HD07 3 Days 26 Jul - 28 Jul 2023 Live-Online $1400

HD07 5 Days 21 Aug - 25 Aug 2023 Live-Online $2050

HD07 5 Days 30 Oct - 03 Nov 2023 Live-Online $2050

HD07 10 Days 20 Nov - 01 Dec 2023 Live-Online $4095

Classroom Training Schedules


06 Feb - 08
HD07 3 Days 2023 Victoria - Seychelles $3500

HD07 5 Days 10 Apr - 14 Apr 2023 Berlin $5125

29 May - 02
HD07 5 Days 2023 Amsterdam $5125

HD07 3 Days 17 Jul - 19 Jul 2023 Singapore $4100

07 Aug - 11
HD07 5 Days 2023 London $5125

HD07 5 Days 16 Oct - 20 Oct 2023 Barcelona $5125

06 Nov - 17
HD07 10 Days 2023 Houston $9425

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Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Achieving Sustainable Development



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Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Achieving Sustainable Development

Course Overview

While there are numerous definitions of civil society, all link to the aspect of ‘common
objective’. While some believe that civil society is a community of citizens linked together
by common interests and collective activity, others think it is a third sector of society
distinct from business and the government but inclusive of family and the private space.
Civil societies are made up of civil society organisations that come together and work for a
common objective or belief. In reality, civil society organisations play a critical role in
enhancing transparency and good governance in developing countries by contributing to
public debate on issues related to formulation and implementation of government plans
and budgets and supporting transparency of government functioning and spending. Civil
society organisations engage in advocating public rights and can influence the
government and hold it responsible. They play an important role in strengthening
democracy and serve as a mechanism for public participation in governance of a nation.
Homeless shelters, food pantries and support groups are some examples of civil society
organisations. They are not-for-profit in nature and comprise either community-based
organisations or non-governmental organisations. Most civil society organisations have
resulted from emotion, concepts of justice and an urgent need for change. Civil society
and democracy are considered to be interconnected, given the strong influence of civil
society on democracy. The International Civil Society Centre (ICSC), a worldwide known
organisation, helps civil society organisations maximise their impact for a sustainable and
more equitable world. Therefore, existence of civil society and active functioning of civil
society organisations increase the level of transparency in governance and foster better
democracy within a nation, ultimately leading to the economic growth and development of
the nation.

This Zoe training course will empower you with the necessary knowledge and information
about civil society and the functioning of civil society organisations. It will not only increase
your awareness of civil societies and their functions but also provide you the necessary
exposure and knowledge to partake in building civil society and civil society organisations,
leading to demonstration of your talent and skill to undertake more dynamic and
responsible roles in your organisation. The role you play in developing the role of civil
society and civil society organisations will also encourage public participation in
governance, resulting in increased transparency and greater accountability of the
government towards citizens.

Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to empower public sector professionals with—

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Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Achieving Sustainable Development

complete knowledge and information about civil society and civil society
the necessary exposure, experience and confidence to partake in building civil
society and forming or encouraging the activities of civil society organisations
the necessary skill and capability to effectively manage governance functions, while
also ensuring transparency and accountability
the required awareness to not let the presence of civil society or civil society
organisations in government functioning affect confidentiality and protection of
intellectual property, as deemed appropriate
knowledge and understanding of the scope, role and rights of non-governmental
organisations towards governance and governance decisions
the necessary knowledge and experience to set up civil society organisations, while
ensuring that public interest is sustained as the primary objective throughout the
the necessary understanding of the importance and contribution of civil society and
civil society organisations to good governance
the confidence and knowledge to deal with any challenges that may arise from civil
society organisations’ participation in public debates and governance decision
making and functions

Training Methodology

Zoe Talent Solutions offers various courses across a wide range of topics. Every course
can be customised to tailor-made level to foster relevance to the audience as per the
audience’s professional background and experience. The trainer, a highly experienced
and certified professional in the relevant domain, uses detailed and helpful audio-visual
presentations to garner trainee attention and focus. Trainee participation is encouraged
through group activities and role-plays. Case studies and practical experiences related by
trainees are discussed in detail for ease of reference.

This course, like all other courses at Zoe Talent Solutions, follows the very innovative and
successful Do–Review–Learn–Apply Model.

Organisation Benefits

With public sector professionals attending this course, their respective organisations will
benefit in the following manner:

Employees with a clear and complete understanding of the importance and

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Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Achieving Sustainable Development

contribution of civil society and civil society organisations

More streamlined and planned integration or involvement of civil society
organisations or their representatives in certain functions or decision making
Increased transparency and accountability
Better and more citizen-friendly decisions and functions because of public voice
being heard and acted upon
Better management and balance of transparency and the protection of intellectual
More citizen-friendly policies and procedures because of public opinion being
brought to fore
Regular feedback and audits as a result of civil society involvement
Happier citizens and increased customer satisfaction

Personal Benefits

By undertaking this course, public sector professionals will benefit in the following ways:

Greater knowledge and understanding of civil society and civil society organisations
Increased confidence and experience to handle involvement of civil society
organisations in certain decision-making processes and functions, while not letting
them overrule logic and priority
Greater experience to encourage transparency and accountability in one’s
organisation, thus building credibility for one’s organisation
Increased awareness and skill to manage and balance transparency and protection
of intellectual property
Increased experience and knowledge to frame policies, keeping in mind the
objective of good governance and also ensuring that citizens and their voices are
Enhanced skill and capability to undertake critical roles involving focus on public
opinion and want, while not compromising on other aspects of governance
decisions, in turn resulting in exponential career growth and progression
A sense of pride and satisfaction to partake in increasing customer satisfaction and
helping citizens lead a better quality of life

Who Should Attend?

Directors and other top management officials who need to clearly understand the
importance and involvement of civil society and civil society organisations
Investors who would like to understand and be aware of public involvement in
organisational functions and decisions

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Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Achieving Sustainable Development

Policy makers who would need to keep in mind public opinion and understand the
authority of civil society organisations when framing policies
Human resource professionals and legal officers who need to be aware of the rights
of civil society organisations in case of any internal or external dispute
Members of civil society organisations who need to be clear about their outreach
and rights in governance and governance functions
Any other public sector professional who would like to know more about civil society
and civil society organisations

Course Outline

The course will cover the following topics regarding civil society and civil society

Module 1: Benefit of Civil Society Organisations to Citizens

Right to scrutinise representative work

Right to publicise illegal, unethical and false acts of the government
Right to protest against wrongdoing
Right to participate

Module 2: Functional Contribution of Civil Society to Good Governance

Watchdog: against violation of human rights

Advocate: of the point of view of weaker sections of society
Agitator: on behalf of aggrieved citizens
Educator: of citizens on their rights and responsibilities
Service provider: to areas and people unreachable by official efforts
Mobiliser: of public opinion for or against a programme or policy

Module 3: Problems/Challenges of Civil Society

Political instability and illiteracy

Lack of adequate awareness
Lack of unity
Inadequate funding
Lack of internal democracy
Corruption and personal enrichment

Module 4: Focus Points for Setting-Up a Civil Society Organisation

Understanding need
Determining members
Defining core values and vision
Identifying focus areas and activities

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Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Achieving Sustainable Development

Determining organisational structure

Dealing with legal issues
Framing policies and procedures
Handling financial issues (including budget and funding)

Module 5: Day-to-Day Operations of Civil Society Organisations

Sharing responsibilities
Privacy and confidentiality
Monitoring and evaluation

Module 6: Characteristics of Non-Governmental Organisations

Not self-serving in aims and values

Module 7: Role of Non-Governmental Organisations in Civil Society

Promote diversity and tolerance

Advance science and thought
Motivate citizens in all aspects of society
Create an alternative to centralised government agencies
Establish mechanism to hold government and market accountable

Module 8: Ways to Build a Global Civil Society

Get organised
Be inclusive (do not overshadow national priorities)
Have shared values
Learn from grass-root activists
Make the most of resources
Listen to women and young people
Influence funders
Promote movement globally

Module 9: International Civil Society Centre


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Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Achieving Sustainable Development

Phone: (+971) 55 253 7914

Address: Middle East – Head Office
918, Blue Bay Towers,
Al Abraj Street (Marassi Drive),
Business Bay, Dubai, UAE.

©2020. Material published by Zoe Talent Solutions shown here is copyrighted. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized copying,
distribution, use, dissemination, downloading, storing (in any medium), transmission, reproduction or reliance in whole or any part
of this course outline is prohibited and will constitute an infringement of copyright.

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