Module Super Score Biology STPM Term 2 Section A

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1. Why is myoglobin found in abundance in active tissues like muscles?

A To bind oxygen and carbon dioxide
B It has very low affinity towards oxygen
C To store up oxygen to be released when there is acute demand
D It is a smaller substance to be packed in muscles as it has only one haem molecule

2. The purpose of chloride shift that occurs during the transportation of CO 2 by the red blood cell is
A to maintain the pH in the red blood cell
B to maintain the osmotic pressure in the red blood cell
C to replace the CO3 ions that are diffusing out of the red blood cell
D to replace the HCO3 ions that are diffusing out of the red blood cell

3. Which sequence of events is correct for closing of the stomata?

I The guard cells lose its turgidity.
II The proton pumps in the guard cells are inactive.
III K+ ions diffuse out of the guard cells.
IV Water potential in guard cells increases.


4. Several steps in the impulse transmission of a cardiac cycle are given below.
I The impulse travels down the Purkinje fibre.
II The ventricular contraction begins from the apex upwards.
III The atrioventricular node receives the impulse transmission.
IV The impulses from the sinoatrial node are relayed to both atria causing atrial contraction.

Which sequence of events in impulse transmission of a cardiac cycle is correct?


5. The diagram below shows the changes in pressure in the left ventricle, left atrium, and aorta
during a human cardiac cycle. At which of the following points labelled A, B, C, and D will the
semilunar valves begin to open?

6. The role of the Casparian strip in the endodermal cell of the root is
A to carry out active transport
B to strengthen the root structure
C to ensure that water and minerals enter the vascular tissue via the symplastic route
D to ensure that water and minerals enter the vascular tissue via the apoplastic route

7. The following events occur during the transmission of an impulse across synapses.
I The acetylcholine is released into the presynaptic cleft.
II The calcium ion concentration increases in the synaptic knob.
III The vesicles move towards the presynaptic membrane.
IV The sodium ion from the synaptic cleft influxs into the postsynaptic neurone.

Which sequence of events during the transmission of an impulse is correct?


8. The modes of action of hormones are described as follows:

I It triggers a cascade effect.
II It activates gene expression.
III It binds to a receptor protein on the surface of the target cell.
IV It penetrates the plasma membrane and binds to a receptor inside the target cell.
Which of the descriptions are true of non-steroid hormones?
A I and III B I and IV C II and III D II and IV

9. Which statement is not true of auxin?

A It stimulates cell division in a stem.
B It stimulates the elongation of coleoptiles.
C It promotes the formation of lateral shoot.
D It inhibits the elongation of root at high concentration.

10. The curves below are all derived from data obtained from a set of bean plants.

Which one of the following correctly identifies the curves P, Q and R?

Height Absolute growth rate Relative growth rate


11. The diagram below shows the longitudinal section of a seed. During germination, the
movement of P, Q, R and S are shown by the arrows below.

What are P, Q, R and S?

A Hormone Water Sugar Enzyme

B Hormone Sugar Water Enzyme

C Water Hormone Sugar Enzyme

D Water Hormone Enzyme Sugar

12. A pregnancy test is used to detect the presence of which hormone in the urine?
A Progesterone
B Oestrogen
D Prostaglandin

13. Which of the following events occur in the negative feedback mechanism if the body
temperature of a human being increases?
I Subcutaneous blood capillaries dilate
II Erector muscles relax
III Thyroxine hormone is secreted
IV Sweat gland releases sweat
A I, II and III
B I, II and IV
C I, III and IV
D II, III and IV

14. Which of the following may be found in the glomerular filtrate?

I Urea II Drugs III Vitamins IV Glucose

A I and IV
B I, II and IV
C II, III and IV
D I, II, III and IV

15. Xerophytes are

A plants living in dry conditions
B angiosperms living in soil with good humus and water content
C aquatic plants
D marine aquatic plants

1. The maximum tidal volume during forced breathing is called
A. Vital capacity
B. Inspiratory capacity
C. Residual volume
D. Inspiratory reserve volume

2. Which of the following factors is the most effective in accelerating the rate of breathing in mammal?
A. A lack of oxygen in the blood
B. A lack of oxygen in the alveoli of the lungs
C. An exercise of carbon in the blood
D. An excess of carbon dioxide in the lungs

3. Which of the following is the role of the Casparian strip in the endodermis cell of the root?
A. To carry out active transport
B. To strengthen the root structure
C. To ensure that the water loss through transpiration can be replaced
D. To ensure that water and minerals enter the vascular tissue via the symplastic route

4. Which structure of the human heart receives impulses directly from the sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous system?
A. Sinoatrial node
B. Atrioventricular node
C. Bundle of His
D. Purkinje fibre

5. Victims of curare poisoning die of asphyxiation because the poison causes a synaptic block at junctions
between nerves and muscles in breathing. The post-synaptic membranes fail to become depolarized
because curare inhibit the action of
A. Acetylcholine
B. Adrenaline
C. Cholinesterase
D. Noradrenalin

6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of nerve impulse?

A. During the absolute refractory period, the axon membrane is unable to produce an action potential
no matter how strong the stimulus is
B. An action potential is produced when the intensity of the stimulus exceeds the threshold level
C. All action potentials have different amplitudes
D. The bigger the diameter of the axon, the faster the speed of transmission of action potential along
the axon

7. The graph below shows the relative growth rate of the brain, thymus, reproductive organ and whole
human body.

Which of the following is the correct match for the graph above?

Brain Thymus Reproductive organ Whole body

A a b c d

B a b d c

C b a c d

D d a b c

8. The diagram below shows the cross section of a flower

Which structures constitute the carpel of the flower?

A. S, T and Y
B. S, U and V
C. T, X and Y
D. U, V and X

9. Diagram below shows the ornithine cycle?

What substance do W, X, Y and Z represent?


A Urea CO2 Citruline Arginine
B CO2 Citruline Arginine Urea
C Urea Citruline Arginine CO2
D CO2 Arginine Citruline Urea

10. Which of the following statements are functions of the liver?

I. It detoxifies the blood
II. It receives glucose from the small intestine and releases it into the blood at a suitable rate
III. It also capable of producing glucose from non-carbohydrate sources
IV. It plays a role in protein metabolism
A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. I, II and III only
D. I, II, III and IV

11. The following statements describe the immune system.

I. Humoral response involves mainly B-lymphocytes
II. Immune system recognizes foreign tissues as self
III. Cytotoxic T-cells are deactivated when they interact with infected cells
IV. Cell mediated immune response initiated by the formation of antigen presenting cells (APC)
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I and IV
D. III and IV

12. The following are several steps in the reproductive cycle of HIV?
I. The formation of provirus
II. The transcription of viral DNA
III. The removal of capsid proteins and the release of viral genomes
IV. The formation of DNA catalysed by reverse transcriptase enzyme

13. Which of the following is a reason for difficulty in producing a vaccine against malaria?
A. The mosquitoes have many stages in their life cycles
B. The vaccines are broken down by the proteases in the stomach rapidly
C. The human immune system does not recognize the parasite antigens
D. The parasites are only vulnerable to antibodies when they are outside the liver and blood cells

14. Which of the following is not a signs and symptoms of dengue?

A. A flat red rash appears
B. Headaches with severe pain behind the eyes
C. The rupture or erythrocytes cause anaemia
D. Joints and muscle ache occur

15. Which statement is not true of cholera?

A. Cholera is a waterborne disease
B. There is no cure for cholera
C. Cholera is caused by a motile, comma-shaped bacterium
D. The main symptoms of cholera is severe diarrhoea

1. The diagram below shows the diffusion of carbon dioxide from respiring cells into the blood involving
steps P, Q, R and S.

Which step requires carbonic anhydrase to proceed to the next?

A. P B. Q C. R D. S

2. The oxygen dissociation curve for the haemoglobin of an individual is further left compared to the
oxygen dissociation curve for the haemoglobin of a normal individual. Which statements are true of
that individual?

I The individual migrates from a low altitude to a high altitude.

II the individual migrates from a high altitude to a low altitude.
III The total haemoglobin and red blood cell count of the individual increases.
IV The total haemoglobin and red blood cell count of the individual decreases.

3. Which of the following are the effects of abscisic acid on a stoma?

I The guard cells become turgid

II The guard cells become flaccid
III The potassium ions are transported out of the guard cells
IV The potassium ions are actively transported into the guard cells

4. Which of the following statements about the control of heart beat is true?
A The secretion of adrenalin increases the rate of heart beat.
B The decrease in blood pH inhibits neurons in the chemoreceptors at the aorta
and carotid artery.
C The propagation of impulse through the sympathetic nerve towards the sinoartrial and
atrioventricular nodes increases the rate of heart rate.
D The propagation of impulse through the sympathetic nerve towards the sinoartrial and
atrioventricular nodes decreases the rate of heart rate.

5. The diagram below shows a model demonstrating the principle of Munch’s mass flow hypothesis of
phloem translocation.

What are the structures represented by E, F, G, H and what is the direction of flow of solution along
Xylem Phloem Roots Leaves Direction of flow along
A G E F H From F to H
B G E H F From H to F
C E G F H From H to F
D E G H F From F to H

6. During muscle contraction, the calcium ion binds to the

A actin
B myosin
C troponin
D tropomyosin

7. Which of the following are true of non-steroid hormone action mechanism?

A mRNA is produced
B Hormone crosses the cell membrane
C Hormone binds with the receptor in the cytoplasm
D Hormone binds with a specific receptor on the cell membrane

8. What is the effect of an increase in oestrogen concentration between the 11 th and 14th day of the
menstrual cycle?
A The inhibition of GnRH
B The disintegration of endometrium
C The development of corpus luteum
D An upsurge in the concentration of FSH and LH

9. A typical sigmoid growth curve is shown below.

Which of the following are represented by P, Q, R and S?

A Lag phase Log phase Linear phase Plateau phase
B Lag phase Linear phase Log phase Plateau phase
C Plateau phase Log phase Linear phase Lag phase
D Plateau phase Linear phase Log phase Lag phase

10. Which of the following are true of allantois?

I It develops from the hind-gut of the foetus
II It forms the placenta together with the chorion
III There are blood vessels from the foetus to the placenta within it
IV It is an extramenbyonic membrane that completely surrounds the foetus


11. The diagram below shows a renal corpuscle consisting of glomerulus where ultrafiltration occurs and
Bowman’s capsule.

Which statement is not true of ultrafiltration?

A Ultrafiltration is a non-selective passive process.
B The basement membrane of the blood capillaries of the glomerulus acts as a fine filter.
C Podocytes are found among the endothelial cells of the glomerulus.
D Substances with a relative molecular mass greater than 68 000 are not found in the

12. Under which circumstance with the pancreas secrete glucagon?

A The glycogen concentration in the islet of Langerhans is high.
B There is excess glycogen in the muscles.
C The blood glucose concentration falls below normal level.
D There is excess glycogen in the liver

13. The following diagram shows the control of sodium ions level in blood plasma

Name the hormone X

A Antidiuretic hoemone
B Insulin
C Aldosterone
D Glucagon

14. In the process of initiating humoral-immune response in humans, the role of the helper T cell is to
A perforin to lyse the infected cell
B interleukin I to stimulate B lymphocytes to differentiate into plasma cell and memory cells
C interleukin II stimulate B lymphocytes to differentiate into plasma cells and memory cells
D interleukin II to stimulate lymphocytes to differentiate into cytotoxic T and memory cells

15. Three types of the cells involved in immune response and their functions are shown in the table

Types of cell Functions

I. B cell P Destroy cancer cells
II. Helper T cell Q Defferentiates into memory and plasma
III. Cytotoxic T cell R Secretes cytokines that activate

Which cells correspond to their functions?



1. Which row shows the changes in concentration in the red blood cells when carbon dioxide diffuses
from respiring cells?
Carbonic anhydrase Hydrogencarbonate ions Hydrogen ions
A Decreases No change No change
B Increases Increases Increases
C No change Decreases Increases
D No change Increases Increases

2. Which will not be formed in the plasma in capillaries surrounding active tissues?
A. Carbaminohaemoglobin
B. Carbonic Acid
C. Hydrogen Carbonate
D. Hydrogen Ions

3. The table below shows the heart sound activities and their causes.
Heart Sound Activity Cause
(a) First heart beat sound I. Closing of semilunar valve
(b) Second heart beat sound II. Closing of bicuspid and tricuspid valves
III. Occurs during ventricular systole
IV. Occurs during ventricular diastole

A. (a) (a) (b) (b)
B. (a) (b) (a) (b)
C. (b) (a) (a) (b)
D. (b) (a) (b) (a)

4. Which of the following statements is true about hypertension?

I. Hypertension is caused by arteriosclerosis
II. Hypertension causes gout
III. A diet rich in fats and cholesterol can cause hypertension
IV. Smoking increases the frequency of hypertension
A. II and IV B. III and IV C. I, II and III D. I, III and IV

5. The following events occur during the formation of an action potential. The correct sequence for the
events are
I. Depolarisation occurs due to entry of Na +
II. The axon membrane is in a polarized state
III. The stimulation exceeds the threshold level

IV. Repolarisation of the axon membrane occurs due to outflow of K +


6. All the following structures shorten during muscle contraction, except

A. A band C. H zone
B. I band D. Sarcomere

7. Lettuce seeds were exposed to flashes of light of two wavelengths, red (R) and far red (FR). The
percentage of seeds germinating after each treatment was measured. The data is shown in the table.
From this data, it is possible to conclude that germination of lettuce,
Light Exposure Germination (%)
None 9
R 98
R + FR 54
R + FR + R 100
R + FR + R + FR 43
R + FR + R + FR + R 99
R + FR + R + FR + R + FR 54
R + FR + R + FR + R + FR + R 98

A. Requires far red light

B. Requires both far red and red light
C. Is influenced by whether the last flash is red or far red light
D. Requires equal amounts of far red and red to get maximum germination

8. Which of the following hormones are secreted by the placenta?

I. Prolactin III. Oxytocin
II. Oestrogen IV. Progesterone
A. I and II B. II and IV C. III and IV D. IV only

9. Which structures of plants would have the ploidy levels n, 2n and 3n?
n 2n 3n
A. Antipodal Synergid Endosperm
B. Antipodal Synergid Integument
C. Endosperm Nucellus Ovum
D. Ovum Nucellus Endosperm

10. Which statement is true about the hormone secreted by beta cells of the islets of Langerhans?
A. It is steroid hormone.
B. It increases blood glucose level.
C. It causes greater glucose uptake by muscle cells.
D. It activates enzymes which speed up gluconeogenesis in liver cells.

11. The production of urine by the cells of the mammalian kidney requires energy, which is used mainly
A. Actively pump water into the urine
B. Filter the blood into Bowman’s capsule
C. Actively reabsorb solutes from urine
D. Actively reabsorb water from the loop of Henle

12. Which of the following are involved in the humoral immune response?
I. Plasma cells III. Memory B cells
II. Cytotoxic T cells IV. Helper T cells
A. I and II B. III and IV C. I, II and III D. I, III and IV

13. HIV attacks macrophage cells because

A. Macrophage cells have receptor site recognised by HIV
B. Macrophage has a weaker defence system compared to other cells
C. Macrophage are more easily detected by HIV compared to other cells
D. B-lymphocytes hydrolyse RNA of HIV that enters its cell

14. Which of the following diseases that infected the small intestine?
A. Dengue B. Cholera C. Malaria Tuberculosis

15. Which factor is most contribute in increasing the number of cases of tuberculosis (TB)?
A. Overcrowded accommodation
B. Increased drug abuse
C. Increased air pollution
D. Increased pathogen mutation rate

1. What happens when the CO2 level from cellular respiration increases in the blood?
A. The O2 level automatically increases.
B. The pH of the cerebrospinal fluid also increases and is detected by O 2 sensors in arteries near the
C. A decrease in the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid triggers the brain’s breathing control centers, which
stimulate diaphragm and rib muscle contractions.
D. Cellular respiration decreases

2. The partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood leaving and entering the lungs are
shown in the diagram below.


Which statement is true regarding the gas partial pressures for gas exchange?
A. The PCO2 of the tissue must be less than 45 mm Hg.
B. The PO2 of the tissue must be less than 42 mm Hg.
C. The PO2 of the alveolar air must be less than 105 mm Hg.

D. The PCO2 of the alveolar air must be less than 48 mm Hg.

3. What is atherosclerosis?
A. a failure of blood to clot
B. damage to or death of cardiac muscle tissue to a blockage in the coronary arteries
C. lack of oxygen to the brain, leading to a death of nervous tissue there
D. hardening of the arteries by accumulation of fatty deposits

4. The diagram below shows a cross section of a vascular bundle of a monocotyledon plant.


Which of the following statement is correct?

A. The water potential in Z is less negative than in X and Y
B. The water potential in X is less negative than in Y and Z
C. The water potential in Z is more negative than in X and Y
D. The water potential in X is more negative than in Y and Z

5. The graph below shows an action potential as an impulse passes along a neurone.

What happens at X?
A. Na+ ions enter the cell
B. Na+ ions leave the cell
C. K+ ions enter the cell
D. K+ ions leave the cell

6. Which one of the following conditions are regulated by the parasympathetic nervous system?
A. Dilation of the bronchioles
B. Dilation of the pupils
C. Dilation of the arterioles to the intestine
D. Contraction of the bladder sphincter

7. A certain short-day plant flowers when days are less than 12 hours long. Which of the following
treatments will result in flowering?

A. an 11-hour day with 1 minute of darkness after 6 hours, followed by 13-hour night
B. a 15-hour day and a 9-hour night
C. alternating 4-hour periods of light and darkness
D. a 12-hour day and a 12-hour night with 1 minute of white light after 6 hours

8. What treatment is most likely to lead to germination?

A. Soaking the seeds in a solution of gibberellins
B. Increasing CO2 concentration
C. Increasing light intensity
D. Dehydrating the seeds

9. The table below shows four patterns of growth curves and their examples.
Growth pattern Example
(a) Isometric growth (i) human organs
(b) Allometric growth (ii) coral reefs
(c) Step-like growth (iii) fish
(d) Unlimited growth (iv) centipede

Which one of the following is correctly paired?

(a) (b) (c) (d)
A. (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
B. (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
C. (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
D. (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
10. An increase in the secretion of insulin produces
A. an increase in the blood sugar level
B. an increase in glucose permeability by cells
C. a decrease in glucose permeability by cells
D. a decrease in glucose metabolism

11. Liver is said to be the organ that is directly involved in the homeostasis mechanism because
I the liver is able to synthesize glucose from non carbohydrate substance and release it into
into circulatory system when needed
II the liver receives nutrients from the intestine and releases it to the circulatory system
in an appropriate ratio
III the liver produces bile which is kept in the gall bladder
IV the liver functions in the detoxification process so that the blood compositions are always
free from the toxic substances

A. I only
B. II and III
C. I, II, and III
D. I, II and IV

12. A schematic diagram of the human immune response is shown in the diagram below.

Which statement is true of the above diagram?
A. Cell X secretes lymphokine and then divides to form cell Y and cell Z in the presence of substance T.
B. Cell Y makes other lymphocytes willing to produce antibodies.
C. Cell Z responds quickly to a repeated infection of certain illnesses.
D. Substance S regulates lymphocytes which is involved in immune response.

13. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is an autoimmune disease which

A. releases histamine to create an allergic response in the patient’s body.
B. produces many T cells to release perforin that will lysis the infected cells.
C. fails to produce B cells that release antibodies in the humoral immune response.
D. produces antibodies against histones and DNA released by the breakdown of body cells.

14. The antibiotic streptomycin is now proving to be less effective in reducing the incidence of tuberculosis
What is the reason for this observation?
A. There is an increase in the number of people infected with drug resistant strains.
B. Antibiotics such as streptomycin are not effective as antiviral drugs.
C. Fewer people are living in isolated rural areas and overcrowding occurs in inner cities.
D. The incidence of HIV infection is increasing, activating previously inactive Mycobacterium.

15. Which statements are true about malaria?

I. In the gut of a mosquito, zygote of Plasmodium undergoes many divisions to produce
sporozoites which will migrate to the salivary gland of the mosquito.
II. Sporozoites move from the salivary gland of the mosquito into the bloodstream of
human host to complete the sexual cycle.
III. The chills and fever occur in an infected person when infected cells burst and release
toxic substances into the blood.
IV. Low platelet count and development of skin rashes are the common symptoms.
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and IV
D. III and IV

1. The chloride shift in the blood is the movement of

A Chloride ions into the alveolar space

B Chloride ions into the tissue cells to maintain electrical neutrality
C Chloride ions out of erythrocyte to balance the hydrogen
carbonate ions into the cell
D Chloride ions into the erythrocyte to maintain electrical neutrality

2. Which of the following is NOT true of the effects of abscisic acid on a stoma under the condition of
water stress?
A The cytosolic Ca2+ ions level in guard cells increase
B Proton- pump is inhibited, hydrogen ions accumulate in the guard cells
C Potassium ions move out of the guard cells into the surrounding subsidiary cells
D The guard cells become turgid

3. Which graph shows the percentage of oxygen saturation of haemoglobin in blood from the muscle of
a person playing badminton?



4. Several steps in the impulse transmission of a cardiac cycle are given below.

I The impulse travels down the Purkinje fibre.

II The ventricular contraction begins from the apex upwards.
III The atrioventricular node receives the impulse transmission.
IV The impulse from the sinoatrial node are relayed to both atria causing atrial

Which sequence of events in impulse transmission of a cardiac cycle is correct?


5. The graph below shows the changes in pressure in the atrium, ventricle and aorta during a complete
cardiac cycle.

Based on the graph, which statement about the

regulation of blood pressure is NOT true?

A Blood pressure is highest in the artery when the heart muscles contract during
ventricular systole.
B X represents ventricular, Y represents atrial pressure and Z represents aortic pressure
C Changes in cardiac output and diameters of blood vessels are among important
factors which control blood pressure
D An increase in blood pressure cause the vasomotor centre to transmit information
through the parasympathetic system to the arteriole to undergo dilation and the
blood pressure to decrease.

6. The cell walls of endodermal cell found in plant roots are impregnated with structure P is
shown in the diagram below. What is the advantage of structure P ?

A. Able to draw up large amount of water and mineral ions from roots to the leaves
B. To prevent the damage of cell wall due to high hydrostatic pressure
C. Able to control the movement of water and mineral ion into xylem
D.Enable the mineral ions to enter xylem passively

7. The graph below shows the action potential in a neuron?

Which of the following about the graph is correct?

Point on graph Event during impulse transmission

A P Na + and K+ voltage gated channels close

B Q K + voltage gated channels open and Na+ voltage gated

channels close
C R Na + voltage gated channels open and K + voltage gated
channels close
D S K + and Na+ voltage gated channels open

8. The table below shows some parts of the neuron and their functions.
Part of neuron Function
I Synaptic knob (a) To receive information from the receptor
II Cell body (b) To transmit the information received
III Schwann cells (c) To transmit information to a target organ
IV Axon (d) To coordinate all metabolic activities of cell
V Dendrites (e) To wrap the axon and dendron

Which of the following is correct for the parts of the neuron and their functions?
A (c) (a) (d) (e) (b)
B (c) (d) (e) (b) (a)
C (e) (a) (d) (b) (c)
D (d) (b) (e) (c) (a)

9. An experiment on flowering of a long day plant with a 12-hour critical night length is
shown in the diagram below.

Which of the following shows the correct results of the experiment?

Situation 1 Situation 2 Situation 3
A Flowering Flowering Not flowering
B Flowering Not flowering Flowering
C Not flowering Flowering Not flowering
D Not flowering Not flowering Flowering

10.The function of oxytocin during pregnancy is to stimulate

A The dilation of cervix
B The contraction of uterus
C The production of prolactin
D The growth of the mammary gland

11. The hormonal control during pre-ovulatory phase is shown in the diagram below.

What are the hormones X and Y?
X y
A Luteinising hormone Oestrogen
B Follicle – stimulating hormone Oestrogen
C Oestrogen Luteinising hormone
D Prolactin Progesterone
12. The
structure of an embryo sac is shown in the diagram below.

Which is not true of P with regard to double fertilisation?

A P is fertilised after the fertilisation of Q.
B P forms diploid nucleus after fertilization
C P develops into endosperm after fertilization
D P shares the cytoplasm of the large central cell of
embryo sac

13. Some terms and their corresponding biological processes are shown in the table

Term Biological process

I Transamination p Removal of amino group from amino acid to form ammonia
II Glycogenesis q Synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate substance
III Deamination r Synthesis of new amino acid by the enzymatic transfer of
IV Gluconeogenesis amino group
s Conversion of glucose to glycogen

Which terms corresponds correctly with their respective biological process?

A p r q s
B q p s r
C r p q s

D r s p q

14. The fate of excess protein in hepatocytes is shown in the diagram below.

Which is not true of X and Y?

A Q is pyruvate
B R enters Kreb Cycle
C P is carbomyl phosphate
D X is the mitochondria and Y is the cytoplasm

15. Various adaptations for osmoregulation in plants are given below.

I The presence of needle-like leaves
II The plants can tolerate high salinity
III The presence of extensive root system to obtain water
IV The presence of special glands on the leaves known as hydatode .
Which is correct for halophyte and xerophyte.

Halophyte Xerophyte

1) The acidity due to the accumulation of H+ in red blood cells is buffered by
A haemoglobin
B plasma proteins
C carbon dioxide
D oxygen.

2) The flow chart below shows a series of mechanisms involved in breathing. Determine the structures X, Y
and Z

A Baroreceptor Intercostal muscle Diaphragm
B Strecth receptor Diaphragm Intercostal muscle
C Diaphragm Chemoreceptor Intercostal muscle
D Chemoreceptor Intercostal muscle Diaphragm

3) The sound ‘lub’ produced in the cardiac cycle occurs when both
A atrioventricular valves close simultaneously

B atrioventricular valves open simultaneously
C semilunar valves open simultaneously
D semilunar valves close simultaneously

4) Why is the interstitial fluid forced out of the systemic capillaries at the arteriol end?
A The osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid is greater than that of the blood.
B The hydrostatic pressure of the blood is less than that of the interstitial fluid.
C The hydrostatic pressure of the blood is greater than that of the interstitial fluid.
D The osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid is greater than the hydrostatic pressure of the

5) Which of the following statements are true?

I During daytime, K+ are actively transported into the guard cells.
II Accumulation of K+ in the guard cell reduces water potential.
III Accumulation of K+ in the guard cell increases water potential.
A I only
B I and II only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

6) The diagram below is a three-dimensional representation of a cell found in many herbaceous plants

Which one of the following descriptions applies to the cell shown above?
A A xylem vessel produced during secondary thickening.
B A collenchyma cell with tangential thickening.
C An immature sclerenchymatous fibre.
D An endodermal cell with a Casparian strip

7) An increase in the secretion of insulin produces

A an increase in the blood sugar level
B an increase in glucose permeability by cells
C a decrease in glucose permeability by cells
D a decrease in glucose metabolism

8) Which of the following shows the correct sequence of events that occur during a synaptic transmission?
I Neurotransmitter substances diffuses across the synaptic cleft.
II Neurotransmitters attaches to a specific receptor site on the postsynaptic membrane.
III Calcium channels opens and calcium ions enter the cell.
IV The arrival of nerve impulses at the synaptic knob.
A I, II, III and IV
B II, III, IV and I
C IV, III, I and II
D III, IV, I and II

9) Which of the following is the correct sequence when a mammalian immune system first encounters a
I The pathogen is destroyed.

II Lymphocytes secrete antibodies.
III Antigenic determinants of pathogen binds to antigen receptors on lymphocytes.
IV Lymphocytes specific to antigenic determinants of patogen become numerous.
V Only memory cells remain.

10) The MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) is important in

A tracking invader virus
B identifying bacterial pathogens
C recognising paracitic pathogens
D distinguishing self from non-self

11) Which of the following statements about humoral immunity is correct?

A It primarily defends against bacteria and viruses that have already infected cells.
B It is mounted by lymphocytes that have matured in the bone marrow.
C It protects the body against cells that become cancerous.
D It is responsible for transplant tissue rejection

12) Which of the following plant hormones influence parthenocarpy?

A Auxin and cytokinin
B Abscisic acid and auxin
C Giberellin, cytokinin and ethene
D Auxin and giberellin

13) The table below shows four patterns of growth curves and their examples.

Which one of the following is correctly paired?

(a) (b) (c) (d)
A (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
B (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
C (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
D (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

14) Which of the following method is used to eradicate malaria?

A Drainage of stagnant water
B Destruction of breesing stages of the Culex mosquito
C Provision of clean drinking water
D Proper sewage treatment and sanitation

15) Which of the following increases the risk of contracting cholera?

I drinking unpasteurized milk.
II eating shellfish which have fed on raw sewage.
III living in overcrowded conditions.
A II only
B I and III
C I and II
D II and III

1. Which the following statement is not true about haemoglobin?
A. Haemoglobin can act as a pH buffer.
B. Haemoglobin consists of four polypeptide chain.
C. Oxygen competes with carbon dioxide to bind to haemoglobin.
D. Haemoglobin has lower affinity to oxygen as compare to mygobin.

2. Some babies are born with a hole between the right and left atria. These newly born babies are found to
have more number of red blood cells than normal babies. Suggest a reason for this increase.
A. More blood is needed because it is pumped faster.
B. There is less oxygen available to the newly born baby.
C. Newly born babies’ haemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen.
D. Newly born babies’ haemoglobin molecules only have one haem group.

3. Which of the following shows the correct blood pressures if the atrioventricular valve is open and the
semilunar valve is closed?

Pressure in right Pressure in right Pressure in pulmonary

atrium (mmHg) ventricle (mmHg) artery (mmHg)
A. 15 9 3
B. 9 6 15
C. 3 15 9
D. 6 9 15

4.  It was observed that the K+ accumulates at certain parts of phloem cells

 Energy for transporting materials comes from companion cells

The above explanations describe a hypothesis which was suggested to explain the translocation in
phloem. Which hypothesis is best described by these explanations?
A. peristaltic waves B. electro-osmosis C. cytoplasmic streaming D. mass flow

5. The diagram below shows the cell structures in the root of a plant. Which is the easiest way of water
movement across the cells?

6. Nerve impulse travels very rapidly along neurones. Which of the following factors is least likely to affect
the speed of conduction of the impulse?
A. The axons have large diameters.
B. The length of the axon increases.
C. The temperature rises from 25oC to 35oC.
D. The neurones are covered with myelin sheath.

7. Which of the followings explain the “Rigor Mortis” condition where the muscles turn stiff after death?
I. No new ATP is generated.
II. Cross-bridge cannot be formed.
III. ATP remains attached to myosin head.
IV. Myosin head remains attached to actin.
A. I and III B. I and IV C. II and III D. II and IV

8. An insect’s larva is performing its final ecdysis and metamorphosis to become an adult. What is the correct
hormone content in the body of this insect at the moment?
A. Ecdysone is in high concentration.
B. Neurosecretory hormone is inhibited.
C. Juvenile hormone is in high concentration.
D. The adolescent hormone is in high concentration.

9. Which of the followings trigger menstruation to occur?

I. Increase of LH level.
II. Increase of FSH level.
III. Decrease of oestrogen level.
IV. Decrease of progesterone level.
A. I and II B. I and IV C. II and III D. III and IV

10. Which of the following is the function of the follicle stimulating hormone?
I Stimulate the development of uterine wall
II Stimulate the development and maturity of follicle
III Stimulate ovulation
IV Stimulate the ovary to secrete oestrogen
A I only
B II and III
C II and IV
D III and IV

11. Which of the following events occur in the negative feedback mechanism if the body temperature of
a human being increases?
I Subcutaneous blood capillaries dilate
II Erector muscles relax

III Thyroxine hormones is secreted
IV Sweat gland releases sweat
A I, II and III
B I, II and IV
C I, III and IV
D II, III and IV

12. Avicennia is a type halophyte. The following adaptive features belong to this halophytic plants except
A. presence of large air spaces in leaves.
B. presence of trichomes around the stomata.
C. presence of hydathodes at the edge of the leaves.
D. presence of pneumatophores on the breathing roots.

13. When a person produces large volume of diluted urine, this shows that
A. ADH level in the blood is high. C. adrenaline level in the blood is high.
B. insulin level in the blood is high D. aldosterone level in the blood is high.
14. The followings are some of the events that happen when a HIV is infecting a T 4 cell.
I. Viral RNA and protein are synthesised.
II. Provirus is formed in the host cell’s DNA.
III. Reverse transcriptase produces double stranded DNA.
IV. HIV attaches itself to the CD4 receptor on the host cell.

Arrange these events in correct order.



15. When a body cell is infected by a pathogen, which of the following describes a correct immune
A. T helper cells release cytokines, plasma cells release antibodies.
B. Cytotoxic T cells create holes in infected cells, releasing antibodies.
C. Memory cells release antibodies, cytotoxic T cells secrete cytokines.
D. Cytotoxic T cells release cytokines, infected body cells release antibodies.


1. Which graph shows the percentage of oxygen saturation of haemoglobin in blood from
the muscle of a person playing badminton?

2. What causes the guard cells to open and close?
Guard cells open Guard cells close
A Solute pressure is low in guard cells Solute pressure is high in guard cells
B Solute pressure is high in guard cells Solute pressure is low in guard cells
C High level of abscisic acid in the Low level of abscisic acid in the leaves
D Eflux of potassium ions from the Influx of potassium ions into the guard
guard cells cells

3. The flow of chorionic gonadotrophin hormone (HCG) through the major blood vessels
of a pregnant woman is shown in the flow chart below.

What are P, Q and R?

A Aorta Pulmonary vein Vena cava
B Pulmonary vein Vena cava Aorta
C Vena cava Pulmonary vein Aorta
D Aorta Vena cava Pulmonary vein

The cell walls of endodermal cell found in plant roots are impregnated with structure P
is shown in the diagram below.

What is the advantage of structure P?
A Able to draw up large amount of water and mineral ions from the roots to the
B Able to control the movement of water and mineral ions into the xylem

C To prevent the damage of cell wall due to high hydrostatic pressure
D Enable the mineral ions to enter xylem passively

5. Which of the following plant hormones inhibit growth and seed germination during
periods of drought or cold season?
A Abscisic acid
B Ethylene
C Cytokinin
D Gibberellin

6. Green bananas change colour when exposed to the hormone

A abscisic acid
B auxin
C cytokinin
D ethylene

7. In the signal-transduction pathway which involves cyclic AMP (cAMP), the cAMP
A as the first messenger
B as the second messenger
C to activate specific genes in the DNA
D to activate G protein

8. The diagram below shows the cross section of a flower.

Which structures constitute the carpel of the flower?

A S, T and Y
B S, U and V
C T, X and Y
D U, V and X

9. Which of the followings trigger menstruation to occur?

I Increase of LH level
II Increase of FSH level
III Decrease of oestrogen level
IV Decrease of progesterone level
A I and II
B I and IV
C II and III
D III and IV

10. Base on the growth graph of the locust, choose the correct statement about the in body
mass of the locust and the condition of the exoskeleton.


Time Condition of Body mass

A J Hardest Increase
B S Hardest Decrease
C J Softest Constant
D S Softest Increase

11. The percentages of total growth of human body parts, P, Q and R, for an individual
starting from age 4 to 20 years are shown in the table below.
Total growth (%)
Age (year)
4 57 77 9
8 151 90 12
12 181 97 14
16 115 100 28
20 .100 100 100
Which is true of P, Q and R?
A Head Ovary Lymphoid
B Head Lymphoid Ovary
C Lymphoid Ovary Head
D Lymphoid Head Ovary

12. An example of a negative feedback in the human body is

A blood clotting
B production of oxytocin during labour
C osmoregulation
D depolarisation of neurone

13. What would happen if the body temperature of Homo sapiens increases?
A Increase in sweating
B Vasoconstriction of peripheral arteriole
C The hair erector muscle contracts
D The metabolic rate increases

14. A cross section of a liver lobule is shown in the diagram below.

Which structure represents the sinusoid of the liver?

15. Which conditions are true about the levels of hormones in the blood of a runner who
has run for two hours?
ADH Aldosterone
A Increased Increased
B Increased Decreased
C Decreased Increased
D Decreased Decreased

SET 10
1. The oxygen dissociation curves K and L of haemoglobin for humans are shown in the graph below.

Which statement about the above oxygen dissociation curves is true?

A K occurs in the respiring tissue while L occurs in the lung.

B Oxygen is released more readily in K than in L.
C Affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen in K than in l.
D The partial pressure of CO2 is higher in K while the partial pressure of O2 is higher in L.

2. What causes the guard cells to open and close?

Guard cells open Guard cells close

A Solute pressure is low in guard cells Solute pressure is high in guard cells
B Solute pressure is high in guard cells Solute pressure is low in guard cells
C High level of abscisic acid in the leaves Low level of abscisic acid in the leaves
D Efflux of potassium ions from the guard cells Influx of potassium ions into the guard cells

3. Several steps in the impulse transmission of a cardiac cycle are given below.

I The impulse travels down the Purkinje fibre.

II The ventricular contraction begins from the apex upwards.
III The atrioventricular node receives the impulse transmission.
IV The impulses from the sinoatrial node are relayed to both atria causing atrial contraction.

Which sequence of events in impulse transmission of a cardiac cycle is correct?


4. Which of the following hypotheses can explain the translocation that takes place in the

I Mass flow III Transpirational pull

II Cytoplasm flow IV Electro-osmosis
A I and II only C III and IV only
B I, II and IV only D I, II, III and IV
5. The diagram below represents the fine structures of the mammalian skeletal muscle.

Which of the following is a sarcomere?

A Region between R and Q C Region between Z and Z

B Region between R and Z D Zone H

6. The table below shows plant hormones and their main functions

Which of the following is a correct match?
A (a)(I), (b)(III), (c)(II), (d)(V), (e)(IV) C (a)(V), (b)(IV), (c)(II), (d)(III), (e)(I)
B (a)(I), (b)(IV), (c)(III), (d)(V), (e)(II) D (a)(III), (b)(V), (c)(IV), (d)(II), (e)(I)

7. Which of the following hormone is important to start the contraction of uterus?

A Prolactin
B Oxytocin
C Progesterone
D Human chorion gonadotropin

8. Which of the following is a function of the progesterone hormone?

A Inhibits the secretion of FSH

B Stimulates the development and thickening of endometrium
C Causes ovulation
D Stimulates contraction of uterine muscles

9. Which of the following statements explains the mobilization of nutrients in maize seed?
A Embryo secretes gibberellic acid to stimulate the aleurone layer
B Aleurone layer secretes gibberellic acid to stimulate the scutellum
C Aleurone layer secretes digestive enzymes
D Swelling of seed allows oxygen to enter the embryo

10. Which of the following events occur in the negative feedback mechanism if the body
temperature of a human being increases?
I Subcutaneous blood capillaries dilate
II Erector muscles relax
III Thyroxine hormone is secreted
IV Sweat gland releases sweat
A I, II and III
B I, II and IV
C I,III and IV
D II, III and IV

11. Urea is produced in liver cells by the

A Calvin cycle
B Citruline cycle
C Ornithine cycle
D Cori cycle

12. Which of the following are the adaptations of xerophytes for osmoregulation?
I Sunken stomata
II Root cells with low water potential
III May produce abscisic acid
IV Some plants open their stomas at night
A I, II and III
B I, III and IV
C II, III and IV
D I, II, III and IV

13. The events during skeletal muscle contraction are given below.

I Troponin changes shape exposing the actin binding site.

II Calcium is released and binds to the troponin complex.
III Transverse tubules depolarise the sarcoplsmic reticulum.
IV Beding of the myosin heads exerts force on the thin filaments.
V Production of action potential across the post-synaptic membrane.

Which sequence of events is correct?


14. Which statement about the mechanism of action of steroid hormones is true?
A The ATP is converted to cAMP.
B The adenylate cyclase is activated.
C The action involves the transcription and translation of a gene.
D The hormones bind to the receptor on the plasma membrane.

15. Which type of growth pattern is exhibited by lobsters?

A Limited
B Intermittent
C Allometric
D Isometric


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