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CODE. 1.110.547.128





MARZO 2023
STEP 1: checking the eBook content.
Check and develop all content related to eBook B1 level, Modules 5, 6, 7 and 8 as a
prior revision. Then, post on the forum some screenshots of your practice on it.
STEP 3: Checking What You Got

After reading the story, answer the following suggested questions, in English. Then,
publish them on the forum:

a. How was the town at the beginning of the story?

It was a town in the heart of America where it was located in the middle of a
checkerboard of farms full of grain fields and orchard hillsides, with viburnum laurels and
alders along the roads also with great ferns and wild flowers that delighted the sight of
travelers that even in winter was stupendous for roadsides were beautiful places where
birds came to feed on the berries and seed heads, streams flowing clear and cold.

b. How is it currently?

To this beautiful place came a strange plague that slid in the whole area causing
diseases that swept with all the flocks of chickens, cattle and sheep, diseases also arose
among the families, sudden and unexplained deaths occurred that were not only among
adults but also in children who were affected while playing were beaten and the few hours

c. How is it predicted to be in the future?

It will be an area that will not progress or be as resplendent as it was before since
there are few living beings left and too many effects on the flora and fauna of this area.

d. In your opinion, does the story give any message for us? Which one? Explain it
on your own words.

That the bad acts of man cause the bad energies influence and affect the entire
environment, so we must know how to value and respect our beliefs and skills in order to
act positively and cordially.
STEP 4: Brainstorming

To be conscious about this issue, you are going to brainstorm some ideas for creating
your own story which the main topic is the problem related in the “Fable of
tomorrow”, for that, you have to complete the brainstorming chart. After doing it,
you must post it on the forum.

Title of your story A tomorrow without oxygen

Characters of your story fauna, flora, community, natural resources
Place that takes place your Natural reserve

Conflict in your story the inappropriate criminal act of man in the face of
Description of the place before A large nature reserve located in the eastern plains
the conflict

Description of the place after Inappropriate felling, burning of flora, disappearance

the conflict of fauna in the sector.
In the future, the non-existence of flora, fauna and
Description of the place in the climate change will be evidenced, obtaining
future organically degraded soils, this due to the bad acts
committed by man.
If the human being acted in the best way
corresponding to the environment, we would not
Conclusion of your story have these climatic changes that are being evidenced
today throughout the national territory.
STEP 5: Creation of a story (Final Product)

Your story must contain, at least, four paragraphs (each paragraph must contain
between 5 and 6 lines) where you explain the problem of your story. You can consider
the following proposal for doing it:

• Introducing the place, the characters by giving descriptions of theirs

Once upon a time in one of the natural reserves that the eastern plains have, full of a
lot of biodiversity, obtaining a pure environment in which the fauna benefited from the
nutritional sources that this reserve generated without any problem of inappropriate
deforestation and the absurd eviction of the fauna they could live peacefully within their
natural habitat.

• Explain the causes of the conflict by describing character’s actions against the
place’s environment and how this is affecting it

In this story, the circumstances of the inappropriate acts that are being given to the
reserve will be revealed, generating the environmental conflict due to deforestation,
burning of the flora, with this the disappearance of the majority of the fauna corresponding
to the aforementioned reserve and consequently the scarcity of water sources that this
natural reserve and its surrounding sources encompass.

• Describe how those actions have affected as the environment as the population.
The indiscriminate deforestation within this reserve has devastated the community
through actions related to climate change due to the felling of trees we are exposed to the
loss of oxygen and the inhalation of pure and fresh air, society is also affected by the
decrease from water sources.
• Describe the consequences of those actions, plus the conclusions (positive or
negative) if your story proposes a solution.

The consequences of these generated actions is that we could lose all the natural
conservation of this reserve, where different species that make it up will be affected,
through this problem air pollution and loss of different native species is also generated. As
time goes by, we will realize the great impact generated and the great importance of
conserving the riches of nature.

• As a first solution, it would be to enforce the laws attributed to the government

entities in charge of environmental problems through social work and monetary

• Manage municipal monetary resources for the beginning of optimal reforestation of

native species to obtain fauna again and conservation of natural resources.

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