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Keys to ED works 8-9:


1. Answer: 1) 65536
2. Answer: 3) Dock
3. Answer: 2) Invalid
4. Answer: 2) Tidy
5. Answer: 1) Steer
6. Answer: 1) 7
7. Answer: 1) 14835
8. Answer: 4) The legal system is valuable and ensures justice, especially if you are innocent.
9. Answer: 3) Peruse
10. Answer: 1) Towel
11. Answer: 1) Me
12. Answer: 1) sistency (consistency)
13. Answer: 2) Invalid
14. Answer: 1) 7
15. Answer: 1) 15, 3
16. Answer: 1) 12
17. Answer: 3) If you want to achieve something, you should set a good example for others to follow.
18. Answer: 1) 28
19. Answer: 4) Commence
20. Answer: 1) 21 kg
21. Answer: 3) Push down
22. Answer: 2) North, 4). Latch
Practice Exam: MATHS
1. Answer: 1) $110
2. Answer: 1) 1.75km
3. Answer: 1) 40%
4. Answer: 2) 25, 5
5. Answer: 1) $272.50
6. Answer: 2) $41.50
7. Answer: 1) 5
8. Answer: D) 4
9. Answer: C) 3
10. Answer: D) 20
11. Answer: B) 28
12. Answer: D) 22
13. Answer: B) When the weather is cloudy and windy.
14. Answer: A) Breakfast
15. Answer: C) Ice-cream
16. Answer: D) Vitamin C
17. Answer: B) Algae Larvae Brown Trout
18. Answer: C) Only eat black beetle adults, and at this time of year they are in larval stage.
19. Answer: A) Other animals also feed on the insects and larvae
20. Answer: Graph A
21. Answer: B) Pesticide 2
22. Answer: C) Cats and wekas
23. Answer: C) Sunny, windy treatment
24. Answer: B) Vaseline treatment
25. Answer: D) Because the Vaseline closed up the pores on the plants surface
26. Answer: B) 37°C
27. Answer: A) Human body temperature is 37°C and the enzyme performs optimally at this temperature.
28. Answer: 4) 4
1. Answer: 3) Tanned and well worn
2. Answer: 3) Villainous toms, and 4). beggars and rogues
3a. Answer: 2) No
3b Answer: 2) 'passing their comprehension'
3. Answer: 1) They think she is a princess out of a tower.
4. Answer: 1) They don't see her for what she is, but who she is.
5. Answer: 2) Arrogance
6. Answer: 4) Elated
7. Answer: 3) Enthusiastically
8. Answer: 3) The cats give her a purpose in life.
9. Answer: 2) 1890s
10a. Answer: 2) 1890s
10b. Her bonnet much bedraggled, daily she comes (She wore a bonnet which suggests the period is 1890s)
11. Answer: 2) That she has love and enjoys the fact that she can create so much interest for herself
through the cats.
12. Answer: 1) But gracious and sweet it is to be queen of the cats.
13. Answer: 2) 'exiled aristocrats'

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