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1 Soto

Adolfo Soto

Keaton Powers

February 7, 2023

English 1302

Time of day

The time that you take your classes may be affecting your attendance and performance

for the course. What would be the best time to study and take a class? Your attention span may

be different throughout the day and could be at its lowest point during the most popular time to

take a class. Some experiments were conducted in 3 different schools about how the performance

of the students was affected depending on the time they take the course, or exam.

The experiment will be conducted by myself, taking notes and keeping track of grades

and performance in the classes. There are 2 8:30 am classes, 3 noon classes and 1 4:25 pm class.

I will also be waking up way earlier around 6:00 am. Too see if it's not the time of the class that

affects performance, but how long the student has been awake. After the experiment is done. The

results will be compared to the other 3 experiments on the other schools to see if the hypothesis

is correct.

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