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Conceptual Framework

The study was anchored by Ellis (1997), defined livelihood diversification as the process by which
families construct a diverse portfolio of activities and social support capabilities in their struggle for
survival in order to improve their standards of living. Such diversification can have many advantages and
tourism can become; a means to enable income accumulation, for consumption and investment; a
means to help spread risk.


List of profile in terms of

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Sources of Income.


Assessment of the Enhancing Livelihood in Barangay Pansol, Padre Garcia, Batangas.


Interviewing residents of Padre Garcia Batangas' Barangay Pansol.

Figure 1

The study's paradigm is depicted in the image. Researchers give the study's input in the form of a
list of profiles broken down by age, gender, and sources of income in the first box. The method, which
involved interviewing inhabitants of barangay Pansol Padre Garcia Batangas is described in the second
box. Researchers give study's output a determination of how to improve livelihood in the barangay of
Pansol Padre Garcia Batangas in the third box.

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