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Objective: At the end of this unit students are able to demonstrate knowledge
on letter structure and appropriate language used in business letters.


In every kind of communication, whether it is in business or general, written or oral, there

is always some kind of content pattern that almost can be seen. This pattern makes up the
structure of these kinds of communication such as in letters, faxes, memos, or even
telephone conversation.

4 Point Plan

In business letter writing the structure is a 4 point plan (Taylor, 2004:22). This is a short
and straight forward pattern for the purpose of routine communication. It can be easily
dictated without hard thinking. Further, Taylor argues that it can be a useful framework for
structuring all written communications. The plan takes the following form:

1. Why are you writing? INTRODUCTION

Refer to a previous letter, (Background and basics)
contact or document.

2. Give information/instructions. (Facts and figures)
Ask for information.
Provide all relevant details.
Separate into paragraphs.
Ensure logical flow.

3. Action the reader should take. RESPONSE OR ACTION

Action you will take.
Give a deadline if necessary.

4. Sometimes all that is needed CLOSE

is a simple one-line closing (A simple one liner)

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Opening or Introduction

This part states the reason for writing the letter; and it sets the scene. The part may:

• Acknowledge previous correspondence

• Refer to a meeting or contact
• Provide an introduction to the matter being discussed
For example:

Thank you for your letter of ……

It was good to meet you again at last week’s conference
We wish to hold our annual conference at a London hotel in September.

Central section or Details

This part gives information that the recipient needs to know, or ask for information, or
sometimes both. Details should be stated simply and clearly, with separate paragraphs used
for individual sections. This part should flow logically to a natural conclusion.

Conclusion (Action or Response)

This part actually draws a logical conclusion; it may:

• State the action expected from the recipient

• State the action that will be taken as a result of the details provided.

For example:

Please let me have full details of the costs involved together with some sample
If payment is not received within seven days this matter will be placed in the hands of
our solicitor.

It usually only needs one simple line to conclude a message, and this should be relevant to
the content of the message.

For example:

I look forward to meeting you soon.

I look forward to seeing you at next month’s conference.
A prompt reply would be appreciated.
Please let me know if you need any further information.

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The following expressions are incomplete and should not be used:

Hope to hear from you soon.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Letter Sample

The following sample describes the all 4 point plan in a letter which also uses fully blocked
style with open punctuation.
Institute of Secretaries
Wilson House, West Street, London, SW1 2AR
Telephone 020 8987 2432
Fax 020 8987 2556


12 May 2004

Miss Ong Lee Fong

15 Windsor Road
Manchester M2 9GJ

Dear Lee Fong


As a valued member of the Institute of Secretaries, I have pleasure in

Opening (give a brief inviting you to attend our special conference to be held at the Clifton Hotel,
introduction) London on Tuesday/Wednesday 8/8 October 2004.

This intensive, practical conference for professional secretaries aims to:

• Increase your managerial and office productivity
Details (separate paragraphs, • Improve your communication skills
flowing logically)
• Bring you up to date with the latest technology and techniques
• Enable networking with other secretaries
Leave one blank line The seminar is power-packed with a distinguished panel of professional
everywhere except the speakers who will give expert advice on many useful topics. A program is
signature space
enclosed giving full details of this seminar which I know you will not want to
Conclusion (action expected If you would like to join us please complete the enclosed registration form
from the recipient) and return it to me before 30 June with your fee of £ 50 per person.

Close (a simple closing I look forward to seeing you again at this exciting conference.
Yours sincerely


Conference Secretary


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The Language of the Letter

The language used in most business documents and letters has the same basic structures
with similar expressions and phrases. The language for the introduction or opening would
be similar from a letter used by one company to that used by another company. This would
also include the other parts of the letter such salutation, conclusion or asking for action, as
well as the closing. In fact, the language of business letters seems to have a standard
structure and wording that have been used for more than a decade.

However, nowadays, more people are willing to change the practice of using traditional
phrases in business letters. Taylor (2004) urged people who are involved in business
correspondence to use a more creative and simpler language. Below are some
considerations when using English language in writing business letters as put forward by
Taylor (2004).

1. Short and simple language. Taylor (2004:31) gave examples of the expressions used in
business letters such as ‘Please be informed’, ‘Kindly be advised’, ‘I would like to
bring your attention’, and ‘I am writing to advise you’ that should be put away and not
be used anymore. Instead use simpler and more to the point expressions, like the KISS
principle – Keep It Short and Simple, as shown below.

Instead of Say
We refer to your letter of 21st October 2004. Thank you for your letter of 20 October.

As spoken in our telecom today. Thank you for calling me this morning.

Please revert to me soonest possible I hope to hear from you soon.

Should you require any further clarification Please give me a call on 2874722 if you
please do not hesitate to contact the have any questions.

I should be very grateful Please

purchase buy
endeavour try
commence start
terminate end

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In other words, when writing a business letter use words that are easily understood by
the recipient and remember to KISS, that is to use short words, simple expressions,
short sentences, and short paragraph that are clear and concise (Taylor, 2004:32).

2. Active form. Passive sentences are used in business letters in the old days to make the
sentences longer so that the message is not clear and often it is also not clear who is
responsible. Today’s business letters are written in active sentences to make the letters
more alive, more focused, and more personalized, as well as making it more interesting
and clear.

Instead of Say
Arrangements have been made for a repeat order I have arranged for a repeat order to be
to be dispatched to you immediately. sent to you today.

The cause of your complaint has been I have looked into this matter.

The seminar will be conducted by Adrian Chan. Adrian Chan will conduct the seminar.

Sales of the X 101 have exceeded all X 101 sales have gone sky high.

Taylor (2004:35) proposed ten steps to good business writing. These are important to
consider whether to be used in classroom practice or in real office situation by practitioner.
In a way, classroom practice should to a certain extent follow what is the practice in the real

These are the ten rules to write business letter better:

1. Remember your ABC. To produce good written communications you must say
exactly what you want say in an appropriate tone. The message must meet the
following criteria:

a. Accurate Check facts accurately

Include all relevant details
Proofread thoroughly

b. Brief Keep sentences short

Use simple expressions
Use non-technical language

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c. Clear Use plain, simple English
Write in an easy, natural style
Avoid formality or familiarity

2. Be courteous and considerate. Courtesy does not always mean using old-fashioned
expressions such as ‘your kind consideration’, or ‘your esteemed order’. It means
that in your writing you show consideration for the correspondent and empathy,
which means showing respect for the reader’s feeling. Writing in a courteous
manner makes refusal still has a potential of keeping a relationship for the future of
the business. Courtesy also means (Taylor, 2004:35):
a. Reply promptly to all communications – answer on the same day if possible.
b. If you cannot answer immediately, write a brief note and explain why. This
will create goodwill.
c. Understand and respect the recipient’s point of view.
d. Resist the temptation to reply as if your correspondent is wrong.
e. If you feel some comments are unfair, be tactful and try not to cause offence.
f. Resist the temptation to reply to an offensive letter in a similar tone. Instead
answer courteously and do not lower your dignity.
3. Use appropriate tone. The tone you use in the letter must be appropriate. Do not
show rudeness or offence in the language used; otherwise you will not achieve the
objective you set. Here are some examples:

Instead of Say
We cannot do anything about your problem. Unfortunately we are unable to help you
on this occasion.

This problem would not have happened if you had The problem may be resolved by
connected the wires properly. connecting the wires as shown in the

Your television’s guarantee is up, so you will have Your television’s guarantee has ended, so
to pay for it to be fixed. unfortunately you must bear the cost of
any repairs.

I am writing to complain because I was very I was most unhappy with the standard of
unhappy with the way I was treated in your store service I received in your store today.

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4. The letter you write should show a genuine interest and sound sincere. Write in your
own style and write naturally. Here are some examples:
Instead of Say
I have pleasure in informing you. I am pleased to tell you.

We do not anticipate any increase in prices. We do not expect prices to rise.

I would be grateful if you would be good enough Please let me know

to advise us.

Please favour us with a prompt reply. I hope to receive a prompt reply.

Please revert to us soonest. I hope to hear from you soon.

5. Remember the KISS principle. Business letters may not be the only business
document that a manager must read. Therefore, keep the letter short and simple. Use
simple words instead of complex ones; use short phrases instead of long ones. Here
are some example:

Instead of Say
regarding about
utilize use
require need
attempt try
state say
expedite hurry, speed up
despatch send
assist help
sufficient enough
kindly please
I should be glad if you would please
In spite of the fact that despite
with regard to about
at the present moment in time now
In the event that if
In the very near future soon
at a later date later
We would like to ask you to please
Conduct an investigation investigate
In view of the fact that as…..because….

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6. Use modern terminology. This will help add to the meaning of the letter, as they
also help to make the message clear and accurate. Here are some examples:

Instead of Say
We are in receipt of your letter of 12 June Thank you for your letter of 12 June

We have received your letter of 12 June Thank you for your letter of 12 June

Enclosed herewith you will find… I enclose

Please find enclosed …

Please be good enough to advise me… Please let me know…

Please be reminded… Please remember…

….the above mentioned goods ….these goods

7. Include essential details. If it is necessary to give details, then do not omit too many
information in your letter.
Instead of Say
My flight arrives at 3.30 on Wednesday. My flight BA 121 from London Heathrow
should arrive at Singapore Changi Airport
at 15.30 on Wednesday 12 June

I thoroughly enjoyed your article in last month’s I thoroughly enjoyed your article on feng
newsletter shui in last month’s company newsletter.

Our Sales Manager will contact you soon. Mr John Matthews, our Sales Manager, will
contact you soon.

8. Be consistent. It is important to always be consistent in the message and the

language used.
The people attending will be John Wilson, G The people attending the next committee
Turner, Mandy Harrison and Bob from Sales meeting will be John Wilson, Gloria
Turner, Mandy Harrison and Bob Turner

I confirm my reservation of a single room on 16/7 I confirm my reservation of a single room

and a double room on 17 Oct. on 16 July and a double room on 17

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9. Use active not passive voice. As mentioned previously, the use of active sentences
is preferable than passive ones in today’s business letters.

The design of our new systems was simplified by The use of hydraulics simplified the design
the use of hydraulics. of our new systems.

The new system was developed by our staff. Our staff developed the new system.

The investigation has been concluded by our Our client has concluded the investigation
client, and the paperwork has been signed and signed the paperwork.

10. Compose CLEAR communication. The ultimate achievement of writing is to have a

clear communication. The message should be:
Clear Leave no doubts in the reader’s mind. Use phrases and words that are
easily understood by the reader.

Logical Structure your message logically; use the 4 point plan.

Empathetic Put yourself in the reader’s place and ask yourself how the reader
will feel when he/she reads your message.

Accurate Make sure all the relevant details are included.

Right Proofread carefully, and make sure everything is correct before you
send it.


The following letter is full of old-fashioned jargon, standard clichés, passive voice and
long-winded writing. Identify what is wrong with it, and then replace it with the modern

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Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter dated 27 March 2003.

We are extremely distressed to learn that an error was made pertaining to your esteemed
order. Please be informed that the cause of your complaint has been investigated and it
actually appears that the error occurred in our packing section and it was not discerned
before this order was dispatched to your goodself.

Arrangements have been made for a repeat order to be dispatched to you immediately and
this should leave our warehouse late today. It is our sincere hope that you will have no
cause for further complaint with this replacement order.

Once again we offer our humblest apologies for the unnecessary inconvenience that have
been caused in this instance.

Please find enclosed herewith copy of our new catalogue for your reference and perusal.

Kindly contact the undersigned if you require any further clarifications.

Very truly yours,

Zachariah Creep & partners

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