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Continuation of Lesson Plan-14

1. Discuss the revised criteria for grading – New Course Outline

2. Case: ‘Building A “Backdoor” To the Phone: An Ethical Dilemma
3. Case will be discussed through the following questions: Please prepare the answers and be ready
to participate in the discussion.
a. What are the various kinds of executive management decisions? Where do ethical dilemma
arise? Hint: Right vs. Right or Right vs. Wrong
b. What dilemma did Tim Cook face? Hint: Customers’ privacy or National security
c. What were Cook’s primary responsibilities, which would have influenced his decision to
refuse to succumb to U.S. government pressure to build a backdoor to the iPhone? Examine
the contradictions in these responsibilities, if any. Hint: Badaracco’s four spheres of
commitment framework.
d. Access the ways in which Tim Cook may have resolved these dilemmas? Hint: Following
four questions will help you assess how Cook could resolve the dilemma pertaining to
creating a backdoor to the iPhone are as follows:
Q1. Consequences: Which course of action (i.e., whether to cooperate with the FBI to build a
back door to the iPhone or not) will do the most good and the least harm?
Q2. Rights: which alternative best serves others’ rights, including shareholders’ rights?
Q3. Integrity/Conscience and Values: What plan can I live with that is consistent with the
basic values and commitments of my company?
Q4. Pragmatism/Reality: Which course of action is feasible in the world as it is?
e. What should Cook have done?

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