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SOCIAL HOME TEST _ 2 (08/04/23)

1.. what should you do after a Tsunami?

2. Who are the community first responders to disaster?

3. What are the components of a map?

4. Define Remote Sensing.

5. Mention a few surveying instruments

6. What is black death.?

7. What do you mean by the term density of population?

8. What is an ecosystem?

9. Biosphere provide a stable ecosystem

10. Distinguish between primary activities and secondary activities

11. What is hydrological cycle?

12. Continental shelf provides good fishing ground

13. Write short note on lapse rate.

14. What are the different types of rainfall?

15. Distinguish between windward side and Leewardside

16. Distinguish between physical and chemical weathering

17. What are ox bow lakes?

18. Igneous rock are also primary rocks or mother rocks

19. Distinguish between Core and crust

20. Define plate tectonics

21. List out road safety rules

22. List out the factors of road accidents

23. Name the urban local government.

24. List out the salient features of Tamilnadu Panchayat Raj Act 1994.
25 Define POCSO

26. What are the contributions to labour us by B.R Ambedkar?

27. What is a pressure group?

28. Explain the electoral system in India.

29. Give Abraham Lincoln's definition for democracy.

30. Mention the forms of democracy.

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