TMK 2 Sociolinguistics - VIAN HIDAYAT 042246555-1

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Nama Mahasiswa : VIAN HIDAYAT


Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 042246555


PBIS4131 / Sociolinguistics
Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah :



Masa Ujian : 2022/23.1 (2022.2)


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SEMESTER: 2022/23.1 (2022.2)

Fakultas : FKIP/Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Kode/Nama MK : PBIS4131/Sociolinguistics
Tugas 2

No. Soal
1. There is discussion about difference between regional and social dialect.

Regional dialect which refers to linguistic differences that accumulate in a particular

geographic region.

Social dialect originates among dialect social groups and are related to a variety of factors, the
principal ones apparently being social class, region, and ethnicity. Social dialect which
emerges because of particular kind of social background.

Write down on your own words in a paragraph with minimum 5 sentences!

Regional dialects:
A British tourist who to New Zealand decided that while he was in Auckland, he would look up an
old friend from his war days. He found the address, walked up the path and knocked on the door.
“Gidday,” said the young man who opened the door. “What can I do for you?”
“I’ve called to see me old mate, Don Stone.” said the visitor.
“Oh, he’s dead now mate,” said the young man.
The visitor was about to express condolences when he was thumped on the back by Don Stone
himself. The young man had said., “Here’s dad now mate”, as his father came in the gate.

Social dialects
Bernicia penpal gave me one. I was acting like I stole my sister food. If I don't get out my mom
room, I get in trouble. When I don't get out my sister room she hit me.That's what I run to my
cousin's house, Raymond.
2. Classify the following words into groups of British English or American English.

headmaster elementary school

dustbin timetable
breaktime torch
front desk schedule
trashcan stroller
recess grade
reception vacation
flash light holiday

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primary school mark

principal pushchair

British America
Headmaster Principal
Dustbin trashcan
Holiday Vacation
Pushchair Stroller
Torch Flashlight
Timetable Schedule
Breaktime Recess
Reception Front desk
Primary school Elementary school
Pushchair Stroller
Mark Grade
3. Whether we realize it or not, the language we use everyday is very varied. There is more than
one way of saying the same thing. Especially with the language used by the Indonesian
people which consists of many regional tribes. In the Jakarta city, there are many tribes met
and forming new social societies. With this heterogeneous society, there will be lots of
variations in language.

Should all language variations be taught? Give the reason!

Yes, it should be. The language variation is considered important in language teaching because
its contribution of cultural values regards. By having good understanding towards language
variation, it will help language users to have good communication from different region
4. Language is formed by society with social conventions, agreement and understanding by
language users in the choice of meaning, structure and linguistic principles.
Sociocultural context and imagination as a process of language formation

The process of language variation can be found in the following cases in a social community
of a region, calling the person who gave birth to their child is "IBU" in another area and it is
agreed to be called "MAMI", "EBOK", "MAMA", "EMAK", "NYAK", ”AMBU”, ”UMI”,
”OMA”, ”UMMA” and so on. Because language users in each area and the local community
agree to understand that the word has the same meaning to say that the person is the person
who gave birth to a child.

How will you explain about the process of language variation that is easy for your students to

I will explain about the concept. It is important because the students need to know about the
right time to use the words. Commonly, mom words in Indonesian consist of two ways, the
formal and informal.
The formal way, mom words are used to greet or talk to some old women, such as “ibu”.
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While the second way, the informal way, used when you want to greet your mother in
Indonesian, such as “mama”, “bunda”, “mami”, or even “emak”.
The students can use “ibu” to call your mother in Indonesian, but “ibu” is commonly used to
greet some older women.
Informal way
Hai mama, lagi ngapain? – hello mom, what are you doing?
Boleh aku pergi keluar, bunda? – can I go out, mother?
Aku sayang mami. – I love you, mommy.
5. Styles and background knowledge will affect the variety of languages used by the community
of an area. Student environment will certainly have different variations in the language used
by the farmer environment. The student community environment will talk about knowledge,
scientific developments, and technological advances and so on, of course different from
farmers who discuss harvest schedules, harvest predictions, the latest fertilizers, proper
fertilizers, pest control, crop yields and so on.

On these cases, what do you find if you look at it in terms of

language? Make an ilustrasion by using some aspects (4) of
language variation!

For example
The people in Brebes (the influence of Sundanese) who work as shallot farmers use symbols and
vocabularies that can only be understood by the group, such as the word “koncar [koɲcar] or
kuncar [kuɲcar]”to show shallots that are still young, and the words “kawak [kawak], winih
[winih], atau bibit [bibit]” to indicate shallots that have been stored in a shallot’s storage for about
3 months to be replanted.

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