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Waste Management 105 (2020) 119–127

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Analysis of e-waste recycling behavior based on survey at a Midwestern

US University
A.L. Arain a,b, R. Pummill c, J. Adu-Brimpong d, S. Becker a, M. Green e, M. Ilardi e, E. Van Dam c, R.L. Neitzel a,⇑
University of Michigan School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, 1415 Washington Heights, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, United States
Oakland University School of Health Sciences, Environmental Health and Safety, 433 Meadow Brook Road, Rochester, MI 48309, United States
University of Michigan Law School, 625 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, United States
University of Michigan School of Information, 105 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, United States
University of Michigan Ross School of Business, 701 Tappan Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The United States lacks a set of unified electronic waste recycling laws, contributing in part to the
Received 10 September 2019 observed low rate of e-waste recycling behaviors among consumers. Individual factors of consumers con-
Revised 8 January 2020 tributing to the low recycling rates are not well understood. The objective of this study was to evaluate
Accepted 3 February 2020
consumer behaviors, including barriers, surrounding e-waste recycling at a large Midwestern university
in the United States. A survey was administered to faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students,
and staff to determine their personal recycling habits, knowledge, and beliefs. The results indicate that
free access to disposal, lack of consumer knowledge about products and disposal sites, and access to a
Consumer knowledge
recycling facility within a reasonable distance are all important factors in consumer decisions. Policy-
Recycling behavior makers and waste management professionals should focus on promotion of e-waste recycling behaviors
Landfill through increased access to free or low-cost recycling as well as through the creation of recycling
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the United States (Baldé et al., 2017). Design of electronic products
as well as changing technologies makes it difficult or impossible for
Electronic waste (‘‘e-waste”) contains hazardous materials consumers to repair or upgrade existing e-waste products, creating
including lead, cadmium, flame retardants, and others that can a high turnover rate of electronic goods. Additionally, growing
enter the environment and impair human health if improperly dis- markets in developing countries, new devices, and increasing
posed of (Luo et al., 2011; Robinson, 2009; Widmer et al., 2005). inclusion of electronics into existing products (i.e. refrigerator
Electronics that are not recycled at appropriate facilities can end LCD displays) contribute to the growing number of electronic prod-
up in landfills where they leach dangerous chemicals into the ucts consumed each year. Despite the high generation rate of e-
ground water, and where otherwise recoverable materials are lost waste relative to the rest of the globe, the U.S. does not have a
(Zeng et al., 2018). Alternatively, discarded e-waste may be national set of regulations regarding this waste stream. Addition-
exported to low- or middle-income countries where the materials ally, the US has a low recycling rate of electronics. The U.S. Environ-
are recycled using dangerous methods that endanger the workers mental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated that in 2015 only 39.8%
and contaminate the local environment (Arain and Neitzel, 2019; of consumer electronics were recycled in the U.S. (US EPA, 2019).
Grant et al., 2013; Wong et al., 2007). When done responsibly, Furthermore, the U.S. is one of the few countries that has failed
however, recycling e-waste not only reduces the amount of haz- to ratify the Basel Convention, an international treaty designed to
ardous waste that ends up in landfills but can also recover precious regulate the transboundary movements of hazardous wastes,
metals that would otherwise have to be mined to produce new including e-waste, and their disposal (Lepawsky, 2015). These pol-
electronics (Wang et al., 2012). icy gaps leave the burden of e-waste regulation with the State gov-
E-waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams globally ernments. Therefore, the policies related to e-waste vary from state
(Lundgren, 2012), with 22% of global e-waste being produced in to state. Of particular interest in this study is the e-waste legisla-
tion in the Midwestern United States.
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R.L. Neitzel).
0956-053X/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
120 A.L. Arain et al. / Waste Management 105 (2020) 119–127

1.1. E-waste recycling in the Midwestern United States Various strategies for behavior change among consumers have
been identified to promote pro-environmental behaviors, including
Among the Midwestern states, North Dakota, South Dakota, recycling (Steg and Vlek, 2009). Recycling behavior can also be
Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, and Ohio have not adopted any e-waste motivated by convenience of recycling opportunities (Meneses
legislation. The remaining Midwestern states – Minnesota, Wis- and Palacio, 2005). Reduced distance to collection point saves con-
consin, Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, and Michigan – have adopted sumers on the time-cost and increases recycling behavior (Rousta
some variation of a producer responsibility law (Electronics et al., 2015). Monetary considerations of recycling, including cost
Takeback Coalition, 2019). Several states, including Michigan and and incentives, are significant predictors of recycling behavior with
Minnesota, have adopted mandatory e-waste takeback programs. traditional recycling materials (e.g., paper) (Hornik et al., 1995).
These laws require that electronics manufacturers register with Intrinsic factors have also been shown to influence pro-
government and set up an electronic takeback program that is free environmental behaviors. Personal and social norms that govern
and convenient for households and small businesses (‘‘Michigan behavior are influenced by awareness of an issue, understanding
Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy,” 2019; of the consequences of a given behavior and acceptance of conse-
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, n.d.). The law in both Michi- quences, as well as a belief that a person has the ability to perform
gan and Minnesota is limited to TVs and computers, although the a given action (Klockner, 2013). Knowledge of environmental
definition of computer includes most tablets. As an example, in impacts associated with various behaviors have also been shown
2013, Michigan saw 93% compliance with the law among manufac- to be predictors of recycling behaviors (Goldenhar and Connell,
turers, although a majority of manufacturers (57%) chose to main- 1991; Meneses and Palacio, 2005; Saphores et al., 2012).
tain mail-back only programs to comply with the law (Michigan The purpose of this study was to evaluate consumer behaviors
Department of Environmental Quality, 2013). surrounding e-waste recycling at a large Midwestern U.S. univer-
Historically, Michigan has had a low recycling rate for all recy- sity. Our primary objectives were to evaluate consumer e-waste
clable materials (15% in 2013) compared to the national average behaviors, values, and understanding among different levels of
(34.3% in 2013) (Paben, 2016; Resource Recycling Systems, 2016). affiliation with the chosen university. Additionally, we wanted to
The rate of e-waste recycling is no different. In 2015, the EPA esti- understand the barriers to recycling e-waste among this group.
mated that 3.1 million tons of consumer electronics were generated Our findings inform potential interventions to improve e-waste
in the United States – 1.2 million tons of which were recycled, result- awareness, knowledge, and opportunities for engagement in
ing in a national e-waste recycling rate of 37.5% (US EPA, 2019). In proper e-waste management practices amongst consumers.
Michigan, 210,334 tons of e-waste were generated and only
21,010 tons were recycled, which resulted in an e-waste recycling 2. Material and methods
rate of only 5.7% (Michigan Department of Environmental Quality,
2016; Schoonmaker et al., 2016). E-waste recycling rate data do 2.1. Study population
not appear to be readily available from other Midwest states.
Wisconsin has a slightly more rigorous e-waste take-back pro- This study was conducted at a large Midwestern university in
gram that applies to several types of electronics beyond televisions the United States. We sought to enroll participants with various
and computers (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2019). affiliations at the university, including students, staff, and faculty.
In addition, Wisconsin and Indiana have banned the disposal of a The university is situated in a county with local government-
large variety of e-waste products in municipal garbage; however, sponsored clean-up events that allow free disposal of one e-
these bans apply only to households, public schools, and small busi- waste item and then request a $10 donation for each additional
nesses (Indiana Department of Environmental Management, 2019; item. There is also a recycling center within the city where the uni-
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2019). versity is located (more detail in discussion). Institutional review
One of the most important considerations in improving e-waste board approval was obtained from the University of Michigan
recycling rates in the U.S. and abroad is consumers. This group not (HUM00152896).
only drives the increasing demand for new electronic products, but
they will ultimately make decisions about the end-of-life disposal 2.2. Survey design
of electronic products after the use phase is complete. Therefore, it
is important to understand consumer knowledge and awareness of A 30-question survey was generated from a critical review of
e-waste disposal in order to design and implement successful e- e-waste-related literature. A brief literature search for relevant
waste collection programs (Gurauskien, 2008). Despite the impor- articles was conducted and the studies were reviewed to deter-
tance of consumer knowledge in end-of-life decisions, they gener- mine the types of questions that were asked in similar e-waste sur-
ally have low education about environmental impacts of e-waste veys. Through group discussions, as well as consultations with
(Lu et al., 2014). Unfortunately, consumers’ e-waste awareness faculty and staff at the university with expertise in e-waste issues,
and disposal behaviors have largely been ignored in the e-waste the survey was honed to 15 questions (excluding demographics)
literature (Borthakur and Govind, 2017). assessing four main concepts: (1) Ownership and knowledge of
The few research studies conducted on electronic consumer e-waste products, (2) e-waste recycling behaviors, (3) knowledge
recycling behaviors have shown that factors such as data security, of e-waste recycling options in area, and (4) degree of action and
convenience of recycling, availability of and access to recycling willingness to engage in appropriate recycling. Five questions on
facilities, education/awareness, as well as cost of recycling are demographics were also included in the survey. The survey instru-
among the major concerns determining recycling decisions ment used can be found in Appendix 1. All 20 questions asked, as
(Cairns, 2005). Studies from different populations across the globe well as possible choices, are provided.
have repeatedly shown that consumers are under-recycling their
electronics for these reasons, though the importance of each factor 2.3. Distribution
varies (Echegaray and Hansstein, 2017; Favot and Grassetti, 2017;
Nnorom et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2016). Socio-economic factors, The survey was built in Qualtrics (Qualtrics, Seattle, WA) and
such as education and income, have also been found to be signifi- distributed through email to 2500 students across 19 schools at
cant in predicting recycling behaviors (Saphores et al., 2006; Song the selected university as well as 5000 randomly selected faculty
et al., 2012). and staff using university-affiliated email addresses The surveying
A.L. Arain et al. / Waste Management 105 (2020) 119–127 121

period was two weeks during Fall of 2018. One hundred $20 gift ditioner, batteries, calculator, CD/DVD, cell phone, lamp, laptop,
cards were utilized as incentives for participation; all survey par- microwave, printer, and television), at the end of their useable life,
ticipants had an equal probability of winning a gift card. can be considered ‘‘e-waste”. These items were intended to repre-
sent products that would clearly constitute e-waste (i.e. computer,
2.4. Data analysis cellphone, etc.), as well as things that are not as obvious and
require a bit of knowledge about e-waste (i.e. lamp, microwave,
All analyses were conducted using SPSS version 25 (IBM Corp, etc.). The number of respondents from each affiliation type who
Armonk, NY). Descriptive analytics were run on all demographic correctly identified each item as e-waste is shown in Table 2 along
data. Frequency and count analysis was performed on relevant sur- with the total number who correctly identified each item out of all
vey questions. Where appropriate, chi-squared or ANOVA tests respondents. The e-waste item, lamp, was least correctly identified
were run to test for significant difference between different demo- by all respondents (35.4% correctly identified this item as e-waste),
graphic variables, particularly between university affiliation and the number of correct answers was significantly different
groups. The significance level for statistical tests was set at 0.05. among the affiliation groups (p < 0.05) with undergraduate stu-
dents most frequently correctly identifying lamps as e-waste
3. Results (41.7%). A score (out of a possible 10) is given at the bottom of
Table 2 showing the mean and standard deviation number of prod-
3.1. Demographics ucts correctly identified as e-waste by each group. Scores between
groups were not significantly different (p = 0.055). Additionally,
The results of demographic questions are displayed in Table 1. Table 2 shows the number of respondents for each affiliation cate-
Overall, we received 1718 responses (22.90% response rate) with gory, as well as the total number of participants, who answered
155 responses removed prior to analysis due to unfinished surveys affirmatively when asked if they were aware of options for recy-
and 3 responses removed from individuals less than 18 years old. cling e-waste near them. Nearly one-third (29.0%) of all partici-
Our final sample size was 1560. The majority of respondents were pants were aware of e-waste recycling options near them, with
female (68.7%), followed by males (28.4%) and non-binary individ- faculty and staff being significantly (p < 0.001) more likely to be
uals or those who did not indicate gender (2.7%). More than half of aware of these options.
respondents (61.2%) identified as Non-Hispanic White race/ethnic-
ity, while an additional 16.6% identified as Asian. Considering uni- 3.3. E-waste behavior and values
versity affiliation, graduate students constituted the largest group
(40.0%) of respondents, followed by staff (35.7%) and undergradu- Fig. 1 shows the method(s) of disposal that participants
ate students (15.1%). Lastly, 88.0% of respondents reported living in reported using during their time living in the town where the uni-
off-campus housing as compared to roughly 12% of respondents versity is located. Storage of e-waste products within the home
who live in on-campus housing (graduate students: 6.3%, under- was the most common method selected (42.8% of participants),
graduate students: 5.7%). while donation of used electronics was the second most common
response (40.8% of participants). Only 8.5% of participants reported
3.2. E-waste knowledge participating in buy-back programs.
Participants were asked ‘‘On a scale of 1–5, with 5 being the
The results of questions designed to evaluate consumer knowl- most, how important do you think that it is for consumers to dis-
edge of what constitutes e-waste are shown in Table 2. We asked pose of unwanted products they own in a sustainable manner?”.
participants to identify which products out of a list of 10 (air con- The responses to this question are shown in Fig. 2, with a Likert
scale added to help with interpretation of the scoring (1 to 5, with
Table 1 5 being the most important). Results of a chi-square test showed a
Demographic information of survey respondents.
relationship between university affiliation and importance placed
Variable N (%) on consumer stewardship of waste (p < 0.001). Although the most
Gender common response for each affiliation category was 5, or most
Male 438 (28.1) important, faculty and staff were more likely to rate the impor-
Female 1076 (69.0) tance at ‘‘5” compared to other categories. Only 50.6% of under-
Non-binary 13 (0.8)
graduates, 52.4% of other affiliation, and 58.3% of graduate
Prefer not to answer 30 (1.9)
Missing 3 (0.2) students were likely to assign a rating of ‘‘5” compared to roughly
Race/Ethnicity 67% of faculty and staff.
Non-Hispanic White 955 (61.2) The responses to questions assessing the values of participants
Non-Hispanic Black 65 (4.2)
surrounding e-waste recycling are displayed in Table 3. Respon-
Hispanic 70 (4.5)
Asian 259 (16.6)
dents who reported never recycling e-waste using formal methods
Middle Eastern/North African 30 (1.9) (n = 692) were asked why they did not use formal methods. Nearly
Other 85 (5.4) three-quarters (73.8%) reported that they were not aware of any e-
Prefer not to answer 91 (5.8) waste recycling services near them; 4.0% believed their standard
Missing 5 (0.3)
trash or recycling pickup service would take care of it; 1.4% did
Faculty 102 (6.5) not have time to recycle e-waste; 1.0% did not care about recycling
Staff 557 (35.7) e-waste; 1.0% knew of an e-waste recycling facility but it was too far
Graduate Student 624 (40.0) away; 0.3% reported that e-waste recycling was too expensive; and
Undergraduate Student 235 (15.1)
17.5% chose more than one of the previous reasons for their reason
Other* 42 (2.7)
Location of Residence
for not recycling e-waste using formal methods (data not shown).
Off-Campus Housing 1373 (88.0)
On-Campus Housing (Graduate) 98 (6.3) 3.4. E-waste quantities
On-Campus Housing (Undergraduate) 89 (5.7)
‘‘Other” affiliation includes hospital residents, hospital workers, alumni, and The number of electronics currently used by participants as well
postdoctoral fellows. as the number of waste electronics owned by participants is shown
122 A.L. Arain et al. / Waste Management 105 (2020) 119–127

Table 2
Percent of consumers who correctly identified different types and were aware of e-waste recycling options near their home.

% participants correctly identifying e-waste or aware of disposal options

University Affiliation Group
Variable Faculty Staff Graduate Student Undergraduate Student Other Total
Type of e-waste Percent (%)
Air Conditioner 51.0 53.5 53.5 64.3 47.6 56.2*
Batteries 70.6 74.9 86.2 85.1 78.6 80.8***
Calculator 78.4 74.0 79.2 77.9 69.0 76.8
CD/DVD 47.1 47.8 51.9 56.2 45.2 50.1
Cell Phone 95.1 92.6 95.2 92.8 100.0 94.0
Lamp 30.4 30.7 33.7 41.7 30.7 35.4*
Laptop 95.1 92.6 91.5 90.2 90.5 91.9
Microwave 65.7 68.2 71.3 68.9 66.7 69.4
Printer 82.4 85.5 83.8 83.0 88.1 84.3
Television 89.2 87.1 88.6 88.1 83.3 87.9
Aware of disposal options 47.1 43.2 17.9 19.6 14.3 29.0***
Mean (sd)
Correct e-waste identification score (out of 10) 7.1 (2.3) 7.4 (2.3) 7.4 (2.3) 7.5 (2.3) 7.0 (2.3) 7.3 (2.3)

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

Buy Back Programs

E-waste disposal methods

Collection Events



Standard Recycling Bin



0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Percent of participants reporting each method
Fig. 1. Method(s) of e-waste disposal utilized during residence in university community showing the percent of participants out of the total that selected each disposal
method (Note: Participants were allowed to select more than one method).



Number of Participants (Count)








Not At All Important A Little Important Somewhat important Fairly Important Very Important Missing
Faculty Staff Graduate Student Undergraduate Student Other

Fig. 2. Responses of participants (count) by university affiliation to the question: ‘‘How important do you think it is for consumers to dispose of unwanted products they own
in a sustainable manner?” p < 0.001.
A.L. Arain et al. / Waste Management 105 (2020) 119–127 123

Table 3
Responses of participants to various questions about their values regarding the recycling of e-waste.

How often do you recycle e-waste using formal methods?

n (%)
Frequency Never Sometimes Usually Always Missing
Faculty 29 (28.4) 24 (23.5) 26 (25.5) 23 (22.6) 0
Staff 201 (36.1) 144 (25.8) 113 (20.3) 98 (17.6) 1 (0.2)
Graduate 305 (48.9) 183 (29.3) 88 (14.1) 47 (7.5) 1 (0.2)
Undergraduate 131 (55.7) 53 (22.6) 36 (15.3) 14 (6.0) 1 (0.4)
Other 26 (61.9) 9 (21.4) 5 (11.9) 2 (4.8) 0
Total 692 (44.4) 413 (26.5) 268 (17.2) 184 (11.8) 3 (0.2)
How important are the following factors in your decision to recycle e-waste?
n (%)
Factor Very Important Important Somewhat Important Not Important Missing
Free recycling 1095 (70.2) 355 (22.8) 92 (5.9) 13 (0.8) 5 (0.3)
Distance to facility 795 (51.0) 567 (36.3) 184 (11.8) 10 (0.6) 4 (0.3)
Pickup of e-waste 578 (37.1) 421 (27.0) 347 (22.2) 203 (13.0) 11 (0.7)
Knowledge of where/how e-waste is recycled 556 (35.6) 451 (28.9) 343 (22.0) 201 (12.9) 9 (0.6)
Incentives/rewards 777 (49.8) 543 (34.8) 194 (12.4) 37 (2.4) 9 (0.6)

in Fig. 3. Although a large percentage of participants reported own- electronics listed (p < 0.001). Undergraduate students had the
ing no small appliances (72%), about 75% still reported having at highest mean willingness to pay for batteries, cell phones, and
least one waste small appliance. Appendix 2 shows the responses 32” televisions, while graduate students had the highest mean
to the number of currently owned electronics, as well as waste willingness to pay for laptops.
electronics in the home, broken down by affiliation category. Chi-
squared tests showed that the number of electronics (current or
waste) was significantly dependent (p < 0.01) on university affilia- 4. Discussion
tion level (faculty, staff, graduate student, undergraduate, other)
for each category of electronic (data not shown). Additionally, a Our study results contribute important information to the liter-
chi-square test between the e-waste knowledge score variable ature on e-waste recycling and consumer behaviors. First, our
(Table 2) and the number of small appliances (Appendix 2 or study demonstrates that cost and convenience are the most impor-
Fig. 3) showed that participants who had a higher knowledge score tant factors to the consumers in our study population’s decision to
were significantly more likely to report having more small appli- recycle e-waste formally or not. Secondly, show that consumers
ances and handheld devices (p < 0.01) (test data not shown). have a poor knowledge of what e-waste is, as well as where it
can be disposed of. Finally, despite majority of respondents stating
that they considered the sustainable disposal of products ‘‘ex-
3.5. Replacement time
tremely important”, nearly half reported never recycling e-waste
through formal methods.
Table 4 shows the typical replacement rate of various types of
Nearly 70% of our respondents were female. The higher portion
electronics reported by respondents. For each electronic, the
of females may have influenced our results as females and males
majority of responses indicated that the products were kept for
have different behavior patterns with respect to environmental
more than 24 months. When asked if they considered the ultimate
decisions. For example, a 2019 study showed that females were
impact that the disposal of a product would have on the environ-
less likely to store e-waste in their home than males
ment, only 30.3% of respondents reported that they did (data not
(Nowakowski, 2019). Females have also been shown to have a
higher willingness-to-pay for eco-friendly products (Patel et al.,
2017). Although environmental trends are likely to vary by gender,
3.6. Willingness to pay recent research suggests that the ways in which behaviors differ
are complex (Fern, 2018).
When asked if participants would be willing to pay a fee at the Numerous studies have indicated that education is correlated
time of purchase of a new electronic to cover the cost of recycling with more responsible consumer behavior in terms of e-waste dis-
of the product in a sustainable manner at the end of its life, approx- posal (Milovantseva and Saphores, 2013; Saphores et al., 2006;
imately one-third (33.7%) of participants replied that they would Song et al., 2012). However, our study shows that at a major uni-
be willing to pay a fee, while 33.9% were unsure and 32.1% were versity in the U.S., 44.4% of respondents never recycle e-waste
unwilling (0.3% missing) (Table 5). Results of a chi-square test using formal methods. Additionally, 26% of participants reported
showed that affiliation had a relationship with willingness to pay throwing e-waste in the trash, while 12% have incorrectly
a fee with faculty most willing to pay a fee (54.9% responded ‘‘yes”) attempted to recycle e-waste in regular recycling containers, and
and staff most unwilling to pay a fee (41.1% responded ‘‘no”). The 43% reported storing e-waste in their home. Storage of e-waste
amount that participants would be willing to pay at the time of products is a common but environmentally unfriendly practice
recycling e-waste is shown in Table 5. Note that this question among consumers, with one study estimating up to 75% of per-
was only presented to participants who responded ‘‘yes” or ‘‘un- sonal computer systems remaining in storage in California for dis-
sure” to the question assessing if they would be willing to pay a posal at a later time (Kang and Schoenung, 2006).
fee. Overall, participants were willing to pay an average of $12.6 Reasons for e-waste storage include a lack of knowledge among
to recycle a 32” television, and $2.90 to recycle a battery. Results consumers regarding disposal options, such as location of proper
of a one-way ANOVA showed that the mean willingness to pay facilities, as well as concerns regarding personal data security
was significantly different for each affiliation category for all 4 (Estrada-Ayub and Kahhat, 2014; Saphores et al., 2012). Finally,
124 A.L. Arain et al. / Waste Management 105 (2020) 119–127


Percentage of total participants

Computer Computer Handheld Televisions Stereo Small Other
accessories devices appliances electronics

Zero 1 to 2 3 to 5 More than 5

Percentage of total participants

Computer Computer Handheld Televisions Stereo Small Other
accessories devices appliances electronics

Zero 1 to 2 3 to 5 More than 5

Fig. 3. Number of current devices (top graph) and waste electronics (bottom graph) owned by participants.

Table 4
Frequency of replacement of different types of electronics.

Electronic <12 months 12–24 months >24 months Missing

n (%)
Cell Phone 46 (2.9) 379 (24.3) 1129 (72.4) 6 (0.4)
Television 42 (2.7) 37 (2.4) 1417 (90.8) 64 (4.1)
Desktop 45 (2.9) 34 (2.2) 1360 (87.2) 121 (7.8)
Laptop 41 (2.6) 72 (4.6) 1419 (91.0) 28 (1.8)
Computer Accessories 63 (4.0) 184 (11.8) 1236 (79.2) 77 (4.9)

when considering differences among the affiliation categories, ing the personal cost to recycle. Educational campaigns should
there were mixed results. For example, although faculty members focus on targeting multiple types of stakeholders from all educa-
were more likely to report that it is ‘‘very important” for con- tional levels.
sumers to properly dispose of unwanted products (Fig. 3), they also In consideration of what factors are most important in encour-
reported lower amounts that they would be willing to pay to recy- aging recycling behavior, our data demonstrate that cost of dis-
cle various items, despite being overall more willing to pay a fee a posal is by far the most important. This finding is in agreement
recycling fee (Table 5). Taken together, these results indicate that with numerous other studies on recycling that report consumer
attaining a certain level of education alone is not sufficient to cost is an important determinant of recycling behavior (Jenkins
induce e-waste recycling behaviors. Instead, researchers should et al., 2003; Nixon et al., 2009; Sidique et al., 2010). In our survey,
focus more on specific consumer e-waste knowledge and beliefs 70% of respondents listed free disposal as ‘‘very important”, while
regarding consumer stewardship responsibilities, as well as lower- 23% listed free recycling as ‘‘important.” Interestingly, 50% of
A.L. Arain et al. / Waste Management 105 (2020) 119–127 125

Table 5
Mean willingness-to-pay ($) reported by participants for four different e-waste products by university affiliation.

Affiliation Faculty Staff Graduate Student Undergraduate Other Total

Willing to Pay a Fee?
Response N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)
Yes1 56 (54.9) 160 (28.7) 235 (37.7)3 59 (25.1) 15 (35.7) 525 (33.7)
Unsure1 33 (32.4) 166 (29.8) 226 (36.2)3 92 (39.1) 12 (28.6) 529 (33.9)
No1 13 (12.7) 229 (41.1) 159 (25.5)3 84 (35.7) 15 (35.7) 500 (32.1)
Amount Willing to Pay ($)
Electronic N Mean (sd) N Mean(sd) N Mean (sd) N Mean (sd) N Mean (sd) N Mean (sd)
Battery 74 2.5 (2.3) 348 2.9 (3.9) 422 2.8 (4.1) 154 3.8 (6.3) 29 2.2 (2.4) 1027 2.9 (4.3)
Cell phone2 87 6.6 (4.9) 434 6.6 (6.7) 494 8.6 (8.0) 185 9.3 (9.4) 30 7.0 (6.4) 1230 7.8 (7.6)
Laptop2 91 10.9 (8.2) 456 9.7 (7.8) 508 12.7 (10.6) 189 11.9 (10.3) 34 9.7 (7.2) 1278 11.3 (9.5)
3200 Television2 91 12.3 (8.5) 454 11.2 (8.6) 499 13.7 (10.5) 187 13.8 (9.9) 33 10.6 (8.6) 1264 12.6 (9.6)
Chi-square test: p < 0.001.
One-way ANOVA test: p < 0.001.
4 participants missing.

respondents reported being willing to pay a fee, despite the high is needed. The facility is only open certain days and hours of the
importance on having free recycling. While free recycling is clearly week. These results agree with the literature, which suggests that
the preferred alternative, half of the sample would be willing to having convenient facilities is one of the major contributors to
pay a fee, which emphasizes recognition among the sample of recycling behavior (Kipperberg, 2007; Miafodzyeva and Brandt,
the importance of proper recycling. Respondents tended to report 2013; Tonglet et al., 2004). Studies on recycling interventions of
a mean willingness to pay commensurate with the size and com- traditional waste materials (i.e., paper) have shown that increasing
plexity of the item being recycled, indicating that they expect their access to recycling effectively improves recycling rates on college
recycling fee to reflect that which is being recycled. For example, campuses and in other settings (Digiacomo et al., 2018; Largo-
the total study sample reported a mean willingness to pay of wight et al., 2013). Increasing knowledge of the existing recycling
$2.90 for a battery, $7.80 for a cell phone, $11.30 for a laptop, centers is likely not enough to improve recycling behaviors. Rather,
and $12.60 for a 32” television. Despite faculty having the most policy-makers in this city should focus on increasing accessibility
respondents willing to pay a fee, they were among the lower mean to recycling centers through programs such as pick-up services,
values ($) reported for the willingness to pay for each of the four e-waste drives, or providing a recycling drop-off center near cam-
products listed. This result is interesting and deserves further pus. Extended producer responsibility programs by higher levels of
investigation as faculty are more likely able to afford to pay a recy- government would increase recycling options as well as incentives
cling fee than students or staff due to a higher income. For compar- without burdening the local city government.
ison purposes, one local facility’s fee for formally recycling a Most respondents (72.4%) reported replacing their cell phone
television is $1.00 per diagonal inch. For a 32” television, the mean after 2+ years, while about a quarter of respondents replace their
reported willingness to pay ($12.60) is less than half of the phone every 1–2 years. These results are consistent with a study
required fee ($32.00). Economic incentives to increase recycling, done among Chinese university students, where most students
such as deposit-refund systems or manufacturer, have been found replaced their phone every 2–3 years, while 22% replaced their
to be successful interventions to increase recycling behaviors phone annually (Yin et al., 2014). These results are also similar to
(Calcott and Walls, 2005; Hong et al., 1999; Iyer and Kashyap, those of a study conducted among students at 5 UK universities,
2007; Viscusi et al., 2020). where 66% of students replaced their phone every 2+ years
Nearly 80% of respondents who reported ‘‘never” recycling e- (Ongondo and Williams, 2011). The rate at which electronics are
waste formally reported that they did not know of any e-waste replaced becomes increasingly important when considering trends
recycling services near them. It is interesting that many respon- in electronic consumption. Rapid development of new electronic
dents were not aware of recycling facilities when we consider that equipment, a growing number of global electronics consumers,
majority of respondents also stated that disposing of waste in a and poor electronic repairability all indicate that the rate and
sustainable manor was ‘‘very important” (Fig. 2). In the community amount of e-waste generated will continue to grow. Short elec-
where the study occurred, there are at least four different perma- tronic lifetimes will compound these trends.
nent locations that accept e-waste, either with or without a fee. Although it has been shown that consumer educational cam-
Information on where the locations exist, directions, and instruc- paigns have limited effectiveness in changing recycling behavior
tions for dropping off e-waste are readily available through the (Miafodzyeva and Brandt, 2013), this study also demonstrated that
facility websites. Additionally, the city where the community is e-waste educational campaigns should seek to educate consumers
located has additional online resources telling consumers where on not only what constitutes e-waste, but also why it is important
they can take different objects for recycling (among several differ- to ensure proper recycling. Nearly 85% of our respondents indi-
ent facilities located within the city), along with directions and cated that having an understanding of where and how e-waste is
hours. This suggests that there may be a motivation issue where recycled was important or very important in their decision to recy-
the time and mental expense of learning where and how to dispose cle e-waste. These results are in agreement with multiple other
of e-waste properly is greater than the potential benefit for some of studies that have demonstrated that consumer awareness of the
our study population. In the study city, the nearest recycling facil- toxic effects of e-waste on human and environmental health, as
ity is approximately 4.5 miles from the main university campus, well as understanding of recycling advantages and management,
and there is a bus line that stops nearby. Although this may be rel- are correlated with consumer willingness to participate in recy-
atively convenient for some people, there is a donation fee and a cling (Nduneseokwu et al., 2017; Saphores et al., 2012). Educating
relatively high time-cost to recycle goods if public transportation consumers on the benefits of properly recycling e-waste is
126 A.L. Arain et al. / Waste Management 105 (2020) 119–127

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