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Latihan Soal UKP Pasca Prala ANT-III

(Function 3)
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Created by Purnama Ryan Wibowo

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Kampus Pelayaran *




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Latihan Soal UKP Pasca Prala ANT-III (Function 3) 0 dari 0 poin

Created by Purnama Ryan Wibowo

Soal UKP Pasca Prala ANT-III

Apply medical first aid on board ship

Monitor compliance with legislative requirement

Application of leadership and teamworking skills

Akhiri Latihan

Latihan Soal UKP Pasca Prala ANT-III (Function 3) 144 dari 144 poin

Apply medical first aid on board ship

What is one of the dangerous states a survivor may suffer from? 3/3


Broken limb



I don't know
Treatment of burns and scalds depends on the severity of the injury. What 3/3
is the correct thing to do for minor burns and scalds?

Remove all sticky clothing from the casualty.

Apply lotions, ointments or fat to the injury.

Place the injured part under slowly running cold water for at least 10 minutes,
but preferably until the pain is gone. If no water is available, use any cold,
harmless liquid.

Break blisters, remove any loose skin or foreign objects from the injured area.

I don't know

What does the abbreviation ABC mean in first aid? 3/3

Air, Burning, Critic.

Abandon, Balance, Circulation.

Air, Breath, Concentration.

Air, Breathing, Circulation.

I don't know
Due to exposure to heat fatigue, heat stroke and dehydration, what is the 3/3
maximum recommended effective temperature (ET) for full work load in
enclosed spaces?

35.0°C ET?

30.5°C ET?

27.5°C ET?

290°C ET?

I don't know

Treatment of burns and scalds depends on the severity of the injury. What 3/3
is the correct thing to do for minor burns and  scalds?

Break blisters, remove any loose skin or foreign objects from the injured area.

Place the injured part under slowly running cold water for at least 10 minutes,
but preferably until the pain is gone. If no water is available, use any cold,
harmless liquid

Apply lotions, ointments or fat to the injury.

Remove all sticky clothing from the casualty.

I don't know
After checked for open airway, given the first two inflations and checked 3/3
the pulse to make sure that the heart is beating, what is the rate of
inflations given until natural breathing is restored ?

10 - 12 times per minute

12 - 16 times per minute

25 - 27 times per minute

Doesn't matter how many times

I don't know
Which muscle is the most persevering one in the body? 3/3

The liver.

The lungs.

The heart.

None of the mentioned

I don't know
If a person has been overcome by fumes from toxic cargoes such as 3/3
acetone cyanohydrin and has ceased breathing, you would:

Immediately start mouth to mouth resuscitation?

Place him in a stream of fresh air and let breathing restart by itself?

Do nothing until professional medical help arrives?

Wait for a resuscitator to be brought from the ship's first aid locker and use it

I don't know
How do the human body absorb toxicants? 3/3

The body absorb toxicants only through the aliment channel when eating

The body absorb toxicants only if we wear wrong clothes

The human body absorb toxicants through respiration, skin and the aliment

The body absorb toxicants through respiration if the leak is big enough

I don't know

A strain occurs when a muscle or group of muscles is over- stretched and 3/3
possibly torn, by violent or sudden movement. Strain can be caused by
lifting heavy weights incorrectly. The treatment of strain may be
remembered as the word RICE.What is RICE an abbreviation for?

Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

Right Internal Cooperative Ending.

Rest, Injury, Care, Evaluation.

Rubber, Internal, Careful, Estimation.

I don't know
Unfortunately an insect has become lodged in the ear. How to remove the 3/3

By using rubber vacuum pump and suck the foreign body out.

Gently flood the casualty's ear with terpid water so that the insect will float out

By using a Q-tip and carefully try to get the insect out

Hold one hand across your nose and blow hard. Since the nose-channel is closed,
the air will escape through the ears instead. And so will the foreign body.

I don't know

Unfortunately a fish hook has entered someone's finger. The barb of the hook
is even inside the skin. How to remove the fish hook?

Push the hook through the skin until the barb protrudes, then cut the hook
between the barb and the skin and gently withdraw the hook.

Cut the skin so it is possible to take the hook directly out.

Remove the hook immediately by pulling it back.

Don't do anything by your self, see a doctor.

I don't know
What will you serve seafarers who have been exposed to heat? 3/3

Cold drinks and salt.

Hot and spicy food.

Warm fresh water only.

Strong cocktails with plenty ice.

I don't know
In which way may intake of poisonous material occur? 3/3

By inhalation.

Skin penetration and skin absorption.


All mentioned.

I don't know

What is the purpose of a Medico Message? 3/3

Call an hospital for professional medical assistance by radio when needed.

Giving a regular statement of the health of the vessel's crew.

Calling the health department in the next port of call and ask for free radio practice.

Medico is the certificate which permit the Master to be doctor onboard.

I don't know
A burn may occur when electricity of high current and voltage   passes 3/3
through the body. Most damage occurs at the points   of entry and exit of
electricity. What is the treatment of electrical burns?

Break blisters and secure with bandage.

Place sterile dressing over the burn and secure with a bandage.

Remove loose skin and apply ointment. Don't secure with bandage.

Apply lotions and ointment to injured area and secure with a bandage.

I don't know
If Mouth - to - Mouth (M-T-M) ventilation by itself is unsuccessful and the 3/3
casualty's heart stops, or has stopped beating, you must perform External
Chest Compression (ECC) in   conjunction with M-T-M. When performing
ECC, where do you place your hand on the casualty's body?

Place the heel of one hand, two finger breadths above the bottom of
breastbone. Cover the hand with the heel of the other hand.

Place the heel of your hand on the top of the heart position. Cover the hand with the
heel of the other hand.

The correct position of your hands are of no importance.

Place the heel of your two hands on the top of the breastbone.

I don't know

What is the first sign and symptom of a Cardiac Infarction? 3/3

Sudden crushing, vice-like pain in the centre of the chest

Skin may be red and loss of movements in the right arm may occur

Possible frothing at the mouth.

Strong and painful pulse.

I don't know
Sun rays and light reflected from a bright surface (e.g. sea), can cause 3/3
damage to the skin and eyes. What is thistype of burn called?

Dry burns.

Cold burns.

Radiation burns.

Electrical buns.

I don't know
Abdominal Thrust is the name on a technique which involves applying a 3/3
series of thrusts to the upper abdomen in an attempt to force air out of a
choking casualty's lungs. How to  perform this technique?

Stand behind the casualty. Clench your fist with the tumb inwards in the center
of upper abdomen. Grasp your fist with your other hand and pull quickly

Remove the obstruction and restore normal breathing.

Let the casualty grab a list and hang up right down for a period of minimum 5

Lay casualty on a hard surface, e.g. deck, and press firmly and rapidly on the middle
of the lower half of the breast bone.

I don't know
If Mouth - to - Mouth (M-T-M) ventilation by itself is unsuccessful and the 3/3
casualty's heart stops, or has stopped beating, you  must perform External
Chest Compression (ECC) in  conjunction with M-T-M. What is the rythm
when performing  M-T-M in combination with ECC with one First Aider only

10 compressions followed by 3 full ventilations

20 compressions followed by 5 full ventilations

15 compressions followed by 2 full ventilations.

5 compressions followed by 5 full ventilations.

I don't know
A person slowly feels more sleepy and thirsty. The skin and slimhinner 3/3
become very dry and there is a sweet tasteof the breath. The glucose
reaction shows positive. What kind of medicine will the person need as
soon as possible?

A glass of cold milk.

Sugar lump, sugar drink or something sweet


Nothing at all.

I don't know

Asthma is a distressing condition in which the muscles of the air passage 3/3
go into spasm. How can the asthma attacks be triggered off ?

Too much fresh air activity

Not keeping the diet

Loud music

Nervous tension,allergy, or none obvious cause.

I don't know
There are three levels of burning, namely: *Superficial *Intermediate* Deep 3/3
burns (also called full-thickness burns) A large burn will almost certainly
contain areas of all three grades. How many per cent of the body may be
burned before the danger of shock occurs?

9 percent.

15 percent.

35 percent.

4 percent.

I don't know

Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating 3/3
should be placed in the Recovery Position. What is the Recovery Position?

As shown in figure 1.

As shown in figure 2.

As shown in figure 3.

As shown in figure 4.

I don't know
What is Hypothermia and how is it cured? 3/3

Body temperature below 35C Heat the body

Body temperature above 30C Cooling down the body

Body temp below 23C/ Slowly heat the body

Heavy coughing/Medication

I don't know

Severe pains in the chest occur when the coronary arteries, which supply 3/3
blood to the heart, become too narrow forsufficient oxygenated blood to
reach the muscles of the heart Normally these attacks only last a few
minutes, andthe pain stops if the casualty rests. What kind of medicine to
be taken when an Angina Pectoris attack occurs?


Nitro hydrogen tablets

Nitro glycerine tablets

Chlorocin Phosphate.

I Don't Know
What do you call the method used for bone-soft part injuries? 3/3




First Aid -method.

I don't know

Water Jel is a unique product regarding protection and first aid of burns. 3/3
Water Jel is delivered in different sizes. Biggest is a carpet with the size
182cm x 152 cm. What is the highest temperature the Water Jel carpet is
resistant against?

823 C

1530 C

414 C

2500 С

I don't know
You are part of a team of two First Aiders in a resuscitation situation. What 3/3
is the rythm of resuscitation with two First Aiders?

5 compressions after every 1 inflation

10 compressions within every 3 inflations.

7 inflations before every 5 compressions

3 compressions after every 1 inflation

I don't know
How will you treat a seasick person? 3/3

Leave him in bed or request him to have some fresh air

Make him swallow seasick pills until he stops vomiting

Encourage him to drink a lot of lukewarm sea water.

Force him to eat any kind of fat food.

I don't know

Chemical burns in eyes or on the skin can cause severe damage. Some 3/3
chemicals may be absorbed through the skin and cause widespread and
sometimes fatal damage within the body. What is the first main treatment
if someone is a victim of chemical burns?

Remove any contaminated clothing and flood the affected area with slowly
running water. Make sure that the contaminated water drains away freely and

Break possible blisters around the eye and mouth.

Apply lotions, ointments to the affected area ASAP.

The casualty may be free to both rub the eye and the affected area.

I don't know
A severe blow to or a heavy fall on the upper part of the abdomen (solar 3/3
plexus) can upset the regularity of breathing. What is the symptoms and

The casualty feel very hungry.

The casualty is speaking in a very load manner.

Difficulty in breathing in and the casualty may be unable to speak.

The casualty may start sweating profusely and develops a fever.

I don't know

It is important that a compress is done correctly. One of the alternative 3/3

signs , after completed compress bandage, shows that the bandage may
be to tight. Which one?

Heartbeat increase and a dizzy feeling.

Blue colour of the skin above the bandage.

Swelling below the bandage and heavy pain.

Swelling above the bandage.

I don't know
If Mouth - to - Mouth (M-T-M) ventilation by itself is unsuccessful and the 3/3
casualty's heart stops, or has stopped beating, you must perform External
Chest Compression (ECC) in conjunction with M-T-M. What is the complete
rate when performing ECC?

Complete 20 compressions at the rate of 60 compressions per minute.

Complete 30 compressions at the rate of 100 compressions per minute

Complete 10 compressions at the rate of 40 compressions per minute.

Complete 25 compressions at the rate of 75 compressions per minute.

I don't know
A diabetic has eaten too little food and the person may feel dizzy and 3/3
lightheaded. The skin becomes pale, with profuse sweathing. Limbs may
begin to tremble and pulse becomes rapid. The urine glucose reaction is
negative What kind of medicine will the person need as soon as possible?


Nothing at all.

A glass of cold milk.

Sugar lump, sugar drink or something sweet

I don't know

Inflatable splints are made in various sizes and are shaped to the upper 3/3
and lower limbs. What is the advantages of an inflatable splint?

It is more easy to give correct pressure to the fractured/injured area, and the
control of swelling and bleeding is more easy to observe.

An inflatable splint cannot fail.

It makes it possible for a man to walk on a fractured leg almost immediately.

Inflatable splints should never be used when leg fracture.

I don't know
If a person is in a state of shock, what of the following is the correct thing 3/3
of you to do?

Treat and reassure the casualty and stay with the person at all times.

Be kind to the casualty and give anything to eat or drink at first opportunity.

Move the casualty as much as possible.

Apply hot-water bottles to keep the pasient warm.

I don't know
Which position is the best to stop bleeding from the nose? 3/3

Laying on the back, holding a wet, cold towel on the top of the nose.

Sitting on a chair, leaning forward, with two fingers pressing the nose together.

Laying on the back, leaning the head as much back as possible.

Holding the nose above steamed water.

I don't know
What will you serve seafarers who has been exposed to cold? 3/3

Warm nutritious drinks.

Pork and fat fish.

Fruit and vegetables only.

Brandy, whiskey or other strong drinks.

I don't know

Which organs absorb oxygen and part with carbon dioxide? 3/3

The digestive organs.

The respiratory organs.

The urine organs.

The skin

I don't know
You are witnessing someone about to faint. What are the symptoms ? 3/3

Red face and big eyes.

The pulse is very fast and the person is getting cold.

The person may be very pale, and pulse is slow at first and weak

The person starts to talk a lot and seems superactive.

I don't know
A casualty suddenly loses consciousness and falls to the ground letting 3/3
out a strange cry. The pasient is red-blue in the face and froth may appear
around the mouth. You are witnessing a major epileptic attack. What
should you do?

Loose tight clothing, ask all unnecessary bystanders to leave and carefully
place something soft under the head. If casualty is unconscious, place the
person in Recovery position.

Move the casualty in a sit-up position and put something in the persons mouth to
protect the tongue.

Forcibly restrain and try to wake the casualty.

Give the casualty a lot to drink and keep talking to the person at all times.

I don't know
Shock is a manifestation of changes in which the circulation fails because 3/3
either pressure or volume of circulating blood has fallen to a dangerous
level. What is the skin colour of a patient in shock?

Pale or grey.

Light blue.

Dark blue.

Green or purple.

I don't know
The passage of electrical current through the body may result in severe 3/3
and sometimes fatal injuries. You are witness to man getting electric
current through his body and is stuck to the dangerous area. It is
impossible to switch off the current by any main switch. How to break the
current safely?

Just take the casualty in your arms and pull the person away.

Call the electrician immediately.

Apply fish oil on your hands and cut the cords by the use of any metallic pliers.

Stand on dry insulating material and pull the person away with isolating

I don't know
As with heat burns the damage of frostbite /hypothermia may be either 3/3
superficial or deep, and the affected tissues may be destroyed. What kind
of first aid should be given a person with frostbite?

Heat the affected area with hot-water bottles.

Give the casualty a cigarette

Rub the affected area.

Hand or body heat the affected parts skin-to-skin (e g. frozen hand in persons
opposite armpit.

I don't know

Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating 3/3
should be placed in the Recovery Position. Why is this position so

Because it keeps the heart beating.

The position prevents the pasient from falling asleep.

The recovery position makes it easy to maintain any kind of bleeding.

The position ensures that an open airway is maintained.

I don't know
A faint is a brief loss of consciousness of no more than   momentary 3/3
duration caused by a temporary reduction in the flow of blood to the
brain.How to prevent anyone from fainting?

Try to keep the person in an upstanding position.

Tell the person to sit down in a sitting position breathing normally.

Tell the person to sit down and lean forward with the head between the knees
taking deep breaths

If standing in a crowd, flex the leg muscles and toes to aid circulation.

I don't know

In which way may intake of poisoning material occur? 3/3

By skin penetrating, skin absorbing and swallowing

By inhaling, skin penetrating and skin absorbing

By inhaling, skin penetrating, skin absorbing and swallowing

By swallowing

I don't know

Latihan Soal UKP Pasca Prala ANT-III (Function 3) 0 dari 0 poin

Created by Purnama Ryan WIbowo

Soal UKP Pasca Prala ANT-III

Apply medical first aid on board ship

Monitor compliance with legislative requirement

Application of leadership and teamworking skills

Akhiri Latihan

Latihan Soal UKP Pasca Prala ANT-III (Function 3) 399 dari 447 poin

Monitor compliance with legislative requirement

Exemption to serve as master on board a NIS ship for Non Norwegian 3/3
citizens needs to be given by:

The Norwegian Maritime Directorate

The Norwegian Foreign Service Stations

The Ministry of Trade and Industry, Oslo.

The Norwegian Maritime Officers Association

I don't know
Which ships does the ISM code apply to 3/3

All passenger ships, all cargo ships of 500GRT or above

Only tankers and Ro-ros

Only passenger vessels

All craft above 300GRT

I don't know

Prior to entering service on a vessel in foreign trade for the first time you 3/3
are required to have a health certificate not older than?

Three months.

Six months.

One year.

Five year.

I don't know
Does the employer have to give a reason for a notice of termination? * 3/3

Yes, if the seafrers demands it

Yes, if grounded on factors relating to the seafarer and the seafarer demands it

Yes, if the notice of termination is grounded on factors relating to the owners

The circumstances shall only be disclosed to the manning agent

I don't know

What does the term DISCHARGE mean, as used in the Oil Pollution *3/3




All the other alternatives

I don't know
Who shall check the ship's medical supplies? 3/3

The master shall ensure, at regular intervals, that the medical supplies are sufficient
taking due respect to the areas in which the ship is operating.

The master, or an officer authorised by him, shall check all medical equipment at
least twice a year and order supplements to the stock from an approved pharmacy.

The inspection shall be undertaken by a Norwegian pharmacy or by a person

holding a degree in pharmacy and approved by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate.

A pharmacy authorised or accepted by the Norwegian Board of Health or, if no

such pharnacy is available, the master and a doctor approved by a Norwegian
Consulate shall perform inspection once every 12 months

I don't know

Which of the following would be considered pollution, when discharged 3/3

overboard, under the US water pollution laws?


Hazardous substances


All of the mentioned

I don't know
What is the disadvantage of using chemicals on an oil-spill on the water? 3/3

The chemicals make it difficult to remove the oil from the water

The water gets a white colour, which makes it easy to detect the oil-spill

It is difficult to apply the chemicals if the oil drifts away from the ship's side

It is difficult to apply chemicals if there is any wind

I don't know

What shall the master do upon the termination of the employment 3/3
relationship as to supervision of maritime service?

What shall the master do upon the termination of the employment relationship as
to supervision of maritime service?

Pay off the seafarer, but refer any problem to the manning agent.

Ask the Norwegian Consulate to preform the nesessary proceedings.

Verify that the seafarer has been given his rights according to law or agreement,
make entries in the sea service book or record of service, have a report on
seamen sent to the Maritime Employer/Employee Register.

I don’t know
You are on a vessel 10 nautical miles off the coast of Nigeria, West Africa. 3/3
Are you allowed to dump empty glass bottles overboard ?

Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can
pass through a screen with 50 mm openings

No, glass bottles can not be dumped overboard

Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles
can pass through a screen with 25 mm openings

Yes, glass bottles can be dumped overboard

I don’t know

What are the prerequisites for a CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) to 3/3
be applied to service on NIS ships?

That the CBA expressly states that it applies to NIS ships and is subject to
Norwegian laws and courts of law unless courts of another country is explicity

That the CBA is approved by Norwegian authorities

That the CBA is accepted by each seafarer on board

That the CBA is noted by IMO and approved by ITF

I don't know
What is the difference between the Safety Representative and the Working 3/3
Environment Committee's area of activity?

No difference

The Safety Representative's field is the work situation, the committee’s the total
environment, also spare time

The Safety Representative's duties relate to the ratings, the committee’s to all

The committee is supervised by the protection supervisor

I don't know

Which institution gives regulations concerning certificates of competency 3/3

for marine deck and engineer officers?

The Norwegian Ministry of Church and Education

The International Maritime Organization (As per STCW)

The Norwegian Maritime Directorate

The Norwegian Ship Registers

I don't know
Welding and use of open flames on board tankers in operation are subject 3/3
to regulation laid down by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate (Norwegian
Ship Control Legislation - NSCL). Which of the listed requirements
regarding washing and gas freeing before hot work in cargo tanks
corresponds to these regulations? (NSCL 22/1294/5).

If measurements show no gas developement during the first 24 hours work period,
no more measurements are required.

The atmosphere in the tank where hot work is to be carried out, and adjacent
tanks shall be checked immediately prior to commencement of hot work.

In addition to washing, the tank bottom and corrosion elements shall be thoroughly

Atmosphere in tank to be checked every 4 hours during hot work.

I don't know

When a pollution incident occurs there is a plan for actions to be 3/3

undertaken. State which of following priority sequences to be considered:

Clean up - report - stop pumps?

Report - stop pumps - clean up?

Stop pumps - report - clean up?

Stop pumps - clean up - report?

I don't know
Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least (OPA-90): 3/3

Once a week

Once a month

Once a year

Once every six months

I don’t know

What does it mean in relation to the Seamen's Act that no collective wage 3/3
agreement applies to the employment relationship?

It is unimportant

The NIS Act does not regulate this question

That the Seamen's Act applies in full

That the Seamen's Act partly applies

I don't know
Who are to pay the expenses in connection with public supervision of 3/3
maritime service?

The local employment office.

Norwegian authorities.

The employer.

The seafarer.

I don't know

How is the basic safety manning determined? 3/3

The shipping company determines the manning based on a comprehensive

evaluation of the typical safety operation of the ship.Findings and conclusions are
reported to the Norwegian Maritime Directorate.

The Norwegian Maritime Directorate determines the basic safety manning based
exclusively on an evaluation of the technical standard of the ship.

The Norwegian Maritime Directorate determines the basic safety manning after
anevaluation which includes, inter alia, job specifications and qualification

The manning requirements are laid down in tables developed by the Norwegian
Maritime Directorate. These tables are based on the ships tonnage and propulsion
For how long shall time sheets concerning working hours on board ships 3/3
be kept after their completion?

Until the settlement of wages has been made

For as long as the seafarer is in service

For minimum 3 years

For at least 5 years

I don't know

What is the period of validity of the Safety Management Certificate? 3/3

6 months

1 Year

2 years

5 years

I don't know
At what number of crew members is it mandatory to have an Working 3/3
Environment Committee on board?

Minimum four crew members.

Minimum eight crew members.

Minimum twelve crew members.

Not mandatory.

I don't know

New MARPOL regulations came into effect from July 93 stating that the 3/3
previous instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content (60 litters per
nautical mile) was changed to:

30 litters per nautical mile

25 litters per nautical mile

20 litters per nautical mile

10 litters per nautical mile

I don't know
If you use chemicals for cleaning up an oil-spill on the water, what would 3/3
the chemicals do?

Disperse or dissolve the oil into the water

Absorb the oil for easy removal

Remove the oil from the water

Contain the oil within a small area

I don't know
Watch keeping engineers shall have a minimum of knowledge of the 3/3
vessel's engine room and operation of its functions prior to being accepted
as Engineer on Duty, and shall acknowledge his familiarization with the
equipment by signing a check list listing all units he shall be able to
operate. Minimum knowledge is:

Start, operate and stop main and auxiliary machinery units, including switching
between automatic, remote and/or manual control functions, and operate the
various units in various modes.

Understand the function of all main and auxiliary equipment, e.g. machinery,
pumps, fuel systems, cooling systems and the interlinks between various units and
the function of them.

Check routines during operation and prior to switching to UMS-mode

He shall have all the knowledge as listed in the other alternatives

I don't know
What are the average total working hours per week that must be exceeded 3/3
over a period of at most one year on board NIS ships?

63 hours

56 hours

48 hours

40 hours

I don't know

Service as master on board a NIS-ship for non-Norwegian citizens has to 3/3

be approved by:

The Norwegian Maritime Directorate

The Norwegian Shipowners' Association

The International Labour Organization (ILO)

The Norwegian Maritime Officers' Association

I don't know
Which statement(s) is true of a gasoline spill? 3/3

It is not covered by the pollution law

It does little harm to marine life

It will sink more rapidly than crude oil

It is visible for a shorter time than a fuel oil spill

I don't know

If the Master goes ashore, he is obliged to inform : 3/3

The Port Authority

Ship’s Agent

The deck officer of the highest rank present

Chief Engineer Officer

I don’t know
In which areas is plastic material accepted for overboard disposal? 3/3

Not permissible any where.

100 n.m. from shore line.

In specially designated areas (ref. MARPOL).

In coastal waters.

I don't know

Does the nationality of the ship owning company have any importance in 3/3
general to the application of Norwegian law on NIS ships?

It depends on the trading area of the ship.

It depends on the field of legislation.

No, unless the most of the crew is also of that nationality.


I don’t know
You are on a vessel 10 nautical miles off the coast of Nigeria, West Africa. 3/3
Are you allowed to dump empty glass bottles overboard ?

No, glass bottles can not be dumped overboard

Yes, glass bottles can be dumped overboard

Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles
can pass through a screen with 25 mm openings

Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can
pass through a screen with 50 mm openings

I don't know

Who is responsible for the storage and use of substances injurious to 3/3
health on board?

The seafarer

The protection supervisor

The shipping company's inspector

The shipping company and the master

I don't know
MARPOL - Annex IV. Your ship has in operation an approved sewage 0/3
treatment plant certified by the Administration. During discharge, while
vessel is awaiting pilot off Cape Henry, USA, the surrounding water is
iscoloured. What kind of action would be appropriate to take?

Continue discharge since the treatment plant is of an approved type.

Stop discharge.

Reduce discharge rate in order to have less discolouration of surrounding water.

Continue discharge since Annex IV of MARPOL is internationally not yet in force.

I don’t know

Jawaban yang benar

Stop discharge.

Which entries shall the master make in the sea service book or record of 3/3
service in connection with supervision of maritime service?

Information about the seafarer's certificates, if any.

Entries regarding the seafarer's service time, vacation days due etc.

Entries, by example, that the seafarer has been left behind, been dismissed etc.

Entries concerning military service.

I don't know
Does the seafarer have a right to leave service on board for special 3/3

Yes, if the ship, for example, is not in a seaworthy condition for the voyage and
the master fails to take steps to remedy the defects

Yes, provided the authorities of the port do not deny him entry into the country

Yes, if the ship has been transferred to another Norwegian owner

No, unless he is taken seriously ill

I don't know

Ships registered in the Norwegian International Ship Register are subject to 3/3
public control in accordance with:

The Seaworthiness Act

The Public Administration Act

The Working Environment Act

The General Civil Penal Code

I don't know
You are on board a vessel off the West African coast. You want to dump a 0/3
mixture of food waste, glass bottles and floating packing materials. Is this
allowed? and if so, how far off the coast would you have to be?

3 nautical miles off the coast

12 nautical miles off the coast

25 nautical miles off the coast

This is prohibited

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

This is prohibited
You are on a vessel 10 nautical miles off the coast of Algeria, in the 0/3
Mediterranean Sea. Are you allowed to dump food waste overboard?

Yes, all kind of food waste can be dumped overboard

Yes, the food waste can be dumped if it is ground so that the resulting particles
can pass through a screen with 25 mm openings

Yes, the food waste can be dumped if it is ground so that the resulting particles can
pass through a screen with 50 mm openings

No, food waste can not be dumped overboard

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

No, food waste can not be dumped overboard

Instructions for "Preparation for welding or hot work in cargo tanks" is laid 3/3
down by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. Which of the following
requirements regarding welding or hot work corresponds to these

If the hot work is to be carried out at the bottom of the tank, the entire bottom
shall be thoroughly cleaned and all sediments removed.

If the place of work cannot be satisfactory cleaned by washing, it shall be cleaned


Only spark free tools to be used for cleaning of tank bottoms and for sediments

Areas difficult to clean shall be covered by fire-resistant material.

I don't know

Which Act has a provision that reads as follows: " The ship master shall 3/3
take care that a copy of this Act and of the regulations issued in pursuance
of the Act is to be found on board" ?

The Seaworthiness Act.

The Maritime Act.

The Seamen's Act.

The NIS Act.

I don't know
Shall every seafarer bring with him a valid health certificate issued as per 3/3
Norwegian provisions?


Not if the seafarer has a certificate of competency

Any health certificate will do

Only if he has had a contagious disease during the last month

I don't know

What is the main theme of modern safety practice? 3/3

Making use of Risk Assessment as a means to improving safety

Use the same practice that has been in place for some time

Consult the chief officer before commencing work

Health & Safety at Work Act

I don’t know
In case of a pollution in US waters, who shall notify the cleaning up 0/3
contractor (OPA-90)

Emergency response team

Qualified Individual

The Master

The shipowner

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

Qualified Individual

What are the average maximum working hours which may not be 3/3
exceeded, in a year on NIS ships?

1850 hours

2080 hours

2526 hours

2912 hours

I don't know
What is definition on clean ballast as per MARPOL Annex 1? 3/3

Ballast with an oil content of less than 15 ppm

Ballast with an oil content of less than 45 ppm

Ballast with an oil content of less than 1 %

There isn’t any definition on clean ballast

I don't know

Can an agreement of employment for service on a NIS ship be verbal or 3/3

has it to be confirmed in writing?

It can be verbal during the probationary period, if any

It can be verbal if the agreement is for a specified voyage

It can be verbal if the seafarer agrees to it

The company has to ensure that an agreement is always confirmed in writing

I don't know
What are the duties of the master, specially stated in the NIS act chapter 3? 3/3

To make a copy of the NIS act and the CBA accessible to the crew if referred to
in a contract

To ensure that all necessary safety precautions are taken

To control that all necessary documents requested by the NIS office in Bergen have
been submitted

To carry out safety and emergency drills at regular intervals

I don't know

Which documents shall the master submit to the consulate for supervision 3/3
of maritime service of a Non- Norwegian rating?

Health certificate and record of service. The master can rely on that the
employment agreement and report on seamen are made out by the consulate.

Employment agreement, report on seamen and documentation that the

seafarer has the necessary qualifications, health certificate, record of service

Employment agreement and report on seamen.

A letter asking the consulate to preform a supervision of the seafarer.

I don't know
How is the Maritime Employer/Employee Register kept up to date? 3/3

By annual reports from the employer/master.

By reports prepared by the master/employer.

By reports from the Norwegian Maritime Directorate.

By reports from the seafarer.

I don't know

Which personnel must undergo familiarization training on board 3/3

Only the deck officers

Only the ratings

Only catering staff


I don’t know
Who is responsible for the ship being safely manned? 3/3

The shipping company shall ensure that information on the number and
composition of the crew is posted in the ship and has the sole responsibility for the
ship being adequately manned.

The manning agent is responsible for supplying the ship with adequately qualified

The master and the shipowner are responsible for the adequate manning of the

NMD is responsible for the ship being at all times adequately manned in
accordance with Norwegian acts and regulations.

I don't know

Can any ground be given for dismissing a seafarer? 3/3

Yes, if the master considers the reason to be proper

Yes, if the seafarer is unagreeable to the master

Yes, if the master is asked to do so by members of the crew

No, only those listed in the Seamen's Act as dereliction of duty.

I don't know
Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by doing what? 3/3

Driving wooden plugs into the vents

Closing the lids on the vents

Plugging the sounding pipes

Plugging the scuppers

I don't know

How is a Safety Management Certificate obtained? 0/3

Ship owner is authorised to carry out internal audits and issue SMC

Ship owner has Document of Compliance issued, and vessel is assessed and holds
all statutory certificates

Vessel is surveyed by MCA and certificate issued

RSS issue SMC with Register

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

Ship owner has Document of Compliance issued, and vessel is assessed and holds
all statutory certificates
An Oil Record Book, Part 1,shall be provided to every ship of 400 tons gross 3/3
tonnage and above to record machinery space operations. Out of below
mentioned operations, it is compulsory to record:

Transfer of oil from settling - to daytank.

Discharge of water from Aft, Peak Tank.

Bunkering of bulk lubricating oil.

Purification of HFO.

I don’t know

Editing (Preparation)of the book "Excerpts from The Norwegian Passenger 3/3
and Cargo Ship Legislation, etc. " is done by:

The International Maritime Organization (IMO).

The Norwegian Maritime Directorate.

The Faculty of Law, University of Oslo.

Det norske Veritas (DnV).

I don't know
What would be the preferred colour to use when maintaining the paint on 3/3
shell, plating, structure and bottom/tanktopp in the engine room?

Whatever paint is available.

Dark brown/red colour to camuflage any minor leakages and oil spills.

White or light grey to ensure all minor spills and leakages are noticed and dealt

The same colour as machinery and equipment.

I don't know

What is the best way to avoid pollution from small oil-spills aboard a ship? 3/3

Have dispersing chemicals ready for use in case of oil-spill

Have sawdust ready for use

Contain any oil-spill onboard the ship

Rig an oil boom around the ship

I don't know
Any ship master who in distress or other danger abandons the ship without 0/3
this being necessary shall be liable to:

Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

Imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year.

Imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.

Imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years.

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

Imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year.

For whom does the qualification requirements apply? 3/3

For the master and the officers only.

For personnel assigned to shipboard duties.

For all seafarers except for persons employed for catering purposes.

For seafarers serving on tankers carrying oil, liquefied chemicals or liquefied gas in

I don't know
Who shall submit a request for trade certificate for a NIS cargo vessel of 3/3
less then 500 gross tons?

Owner or master

The vessel's charterer

The vessel's classification society

The local shipping agency

I don't know

What can be the result of public supervision of maritime service of 3/3


Approval with stamping and signing of the employment agreement and report on

Approval with some remaks about terms to be adjusted.

Refusal with report to the Maritime Directorate.

It could be any of the alternatives listed.

I don't know
Are the seafarers entitled to free boat service to exercise their right to go 3/3

Where possible the master shall provide such service. Cost and other
circumstances may be taken into consideration. Yes, but only if it is combined
with the agent's use of the same boat.

Yes, but only if it is combined with the agent's use of the same boat.

No, but he should assist the seafarers in calling a boat.

No, boatservice to shore is up to the seafarers to acquire.

I don't know

For how long shall a ship's log-book be kept on board? 3/3

For at least two years

For at least five years

As long as the master or owner finds it necessary

It shall be delivered to a Norwegian Consulate at first practicable occasion

I don’t know
Is there any special area under MARPOL where it is forbidden to pump out 3/3
any sludge or oil residues?

There are 3 special areas: the Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Black Sea where it
is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues

There are 4 special areas: the Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea and Black
Sea where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues

There are special areas where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil

There isn’t any special area where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil

I don't know

What are the ordinary working hours on NIS ships? 3/3

8 hours every day

Maximum 8 hours per day, or 40 hours per week

Maximum 10 hours per day, 5 days a week

Maximum 16 hours per day, but not more than 64 hours a week
Will an individual contract of engagement for service on NIS ships be 3/3
legally accepted?

No, it is not allowed

Yes, if signed by the agent

Yes, there are no legal differences between a CBA and an individual contract

Yes, provided it appears, amongst others, the wages and overtimepay and that
it is subject to Norwegian laws and courts, but may be brought before a court in
the employee's country of residence

I don’t know

What are the duties of a master if he has to leave a sick or injured seafarer 3/3
behind in a foreign port?

Inform the manning agent

Settle the bills. Say goodbye and send the seafarer flowers or a get-well card

Inform the seafarer next to him of his present address

Notify nearest Norwegian Consulate

I don't know
A master of a Norwegian ship who without sufficient cause refuses to 3/3
receive on board persons whom Norwegian authorities must provide
transportation for shall be liable to:


Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

Imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

I don't know

Any ship of 10.000 tons gross tonnage and above shall be fitted with oily- 3/3
water separating equipment for the control of machinery space bilges.
What kind of equipment is required in this connection?

Sludge separating tank.

Oil fitting equipment only.

Oily-water separating equipment only.

Either Oil fitting equipment , or Oily-water separating equipment , or

combination of both.

I don't know
On what kind of document shall working hours on board ships be kept? * 3/3

In an approved logbookIn an approved logbook

On a settlement wages form

There is no obligation to keep a journal

On a time sheet arranged by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate

I don't know

How shall accidents and health hazards be prevented? 3/3

By all the other mentioned alternatives.

By ensuring that the work is properly organised and executed and that appropriate
accidental prevention equipment is available and used

By ensuring that the seafarer is properly qualified and informed of the hazards
inherent to the work.

By having elected or appointed protection supervisors and establishing a Working

Environment Committee as prescribed.

I don't know
Who is responsible for ensuring that ratings forming part of a watch and 0/3
personnel assisting or performing cargo operations on tankers are properly

The manning agent is responsible for proper documentation, but the master
must confirm in writing that the seafarer is able to carry out his duties.

The national authorities of seafarers are responsible for issuing proper

documentation after having controlled that the personnel is adequately qualified.

The Administration of the flag state is responsible for controlling and documenting
the qualifications of all seafarers employed on board.

It is incumbent on the shipowners and the master to ensure that the requirements
are complied with and documented.

I don’t know

Jawaban yang benar

It is incumbent on the shipowners and the master to ensure that the requirements
are complied with and documented.

Who are required to have participated in emergency preparedness training 3/3

on a NIS cargo ship?

All members of the crew

All members specified as crew on a ship in world wide trade

All seafarers without three months of sea-going experience

All seafarers with less than six months of sea-going experience

I don't know
Under ISM, what is a "non-conformity"? 3/3

The wearing of non-standard Personal protective equipment

Official log book entries not being completed correctly

A safety officer not being nominated for the vessel

An observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfilment of

a specified requirement

I don't know

To whom working on Norwegian ships does the Seamen's Act in principle 3/3

To everyone engaged in work on board, except those who only work on board
while the ship is in port

To persons working on board not covered by collective wage agreements

To seafarers on ships in the Norwegian Ordinary Ship Register

To Norwegian seafarers

I don't know
To which document does the following clause relate? "The contract is 3/3
subject to Norwegian laws and Norwegian courts, but cases concerning
the employee's service on the ship may be brought against the owner
before a Norwegian court or before a court in the employee's country of
residence. The agreement as mentioned in the first sentence is not a
hindrance to a case being brought before a court in another country when
it ensues from the lugano Convention that such action shall be permitted"

To collective wage agreements

To any employment agreement

To no document regarding seafarers

To individual employment agreements for service on NIS ships

I don't know

Is the crew entitled to compensation if the master has to reduce the diet 3/3
during a voyage?


Yes, but only if the voyage has been longer then calculated

Not if the crew has eaten more than could be expected

No, the saving should be used to buy new supplies

I don't know
Is there any particular procedure to be followed when dismissing a 0/3

His wages shall be settled and he shall sign the settlement.

The agent and shipping company should be informed.

The manning agent ordered to send a new man onboard.

A hearing shall be held before a committee on board.

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

A hearing shall be held before a committee on board.

The restriction of overtime work is that the person shall not be required, 3/3
under normal circumstances, to work more than:

10 hours per day

12 hours per day

14 hours per day

16 hours per day

I don't know
Most minor oil spills are caused by: 3/3

Human error

Equipment failure

Major casualties

Unforeseeable circumstances

I don't know

Which, if any, are the restrictions for trading areas on NIS ship when cargo 3/3
is concerned?

They may not carry cargo between Norwegian and foreign ports.

They may not carry oil from the Norwegian shelf to foreign ports.

They may not carry cargo between Norwegian ports.

No restrictions.

I don't know
What should you do with the ashes from your vessels incinerator which 0/3
had burned garbage containing plastics?

Discharge to a shore facility only

Discharge at sea providing you are not in any river or estuary

Discharge at sea providing you are more than 12 miles offshore

Discharge at sea providing you are more than 25 miles offshore

I don’t know

Jawaban yang benar

Discharge to a shore facility only

Can a Norwegian Consulate execute authority on behalf of the Norwegian 3/3

Maritime Directorate (NMD)?

No, the NMD acts through the classification societies.

No, the Consulate concentrates on diplomatic and political activities.

A Norwegian Consulate has already duties on behalf of the NMD and the
directorate can in addition instruct a Consulate to act on the directorate's

Only if a ship has problems with local authorities.

I don't know
Is a repairman not comprised by the specification of crew under obligation 3/3
to public supervision of maritime service?

Not in any circumstances.

Yes, in any circumstances.

Yes, if engaged by the owner.

Yes, if no collective wages agreement applies to the employment relationship.

I don't know

Ships of 10.000 tons gross tonnage and more, shall be fitted with oil 3/3
filtering equipment, complying with Reg.14 (7) of MARPOL for the control
of machinery space bilges. What would be the maximum oil content of oily-
water mixture to pass through the filter?

15 ppm

30 ppm

60 ppm/n.m

100 ppm

I don't know
What are the ordinary working hours on NIS ships? 3/3

8 hours every day

Maximum 8 hours per day, or 40 hours per week

Maximum 10 hours per day, 5 days a week

Maximum 16 hours per day, but not more than 64 hours a week

I don't know

Does the nationality of the ship owning company have any importance in 3/3
general to the application of Norwegian law on NIS ships?

It depends on the field of legislation.

No, unless the most of the crew is also of that nationality.


It depends on the trading area of the ship.

I don’t know
How shall the Norwegian Maritime Directorate be informed when a 3/3
seafarer is seriously injured on board?

By a copy of the log

On a personale injury report form

By the annual report from the protection environment committee

By a telecom report followed by a report on a personal injury report form

I don't know

Which PPM is allowed for discharging of "Bilge Water" overboard? 3/3


15 PPM

50 PPM

100 PPM

I don't know
To which document does the following clause relate? "The contract is 3/3
subject to Norwegian laws and Norwegian courts, but cases concerning
the employee's service on the ship may be brought against the owner
before a Norwegian court or before a court in the employee's country of
residence. The agreement as mentioned in the first sentence is not a
hindrance to a case being brought before a court in another country when
it ensues from the lugano Convention that such action shall be permitted"

To collective wage agreements

To any employment agreement

To no document regarding seafarers

To individual employment agreements for service on NIS ships

I don't know

Which law applies to NIS-ships? 3/3

The Maritime Act

Norwegian law unless otherwise provided in or pursuant to a statue?

Norwegian law as it applies to ship in the Norwegian Ordinary Ship Register

Norwegian law as based on international conventions

I don't know
As per the legislation in question, a copy of the provisions, as you know, 0/3
shall generally speaking be accessible to the crew. Does this apply as well
as to a collective wage agreement?

Yes, if an employment agreement refers to the collective wage agreement

Yes, provided ther collective wage agreement applies to a category of persons


The NIS Act does not regulate this

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

Yes, if an employment agreement refers to the collective wage agreement

What are the duties of the master regarding a sick or injured seafarer? 3/3

He shall immediately notify the manning agent and request guarantee for payment
in case of hospitalization

He shall arrange for proper care within what he may find to be reasonable expenses

He shall arrange for proper care, including medical care

He shall notify the seafarer's next of kin and await further orders

I don't know
How many Working Environmental committee members should be elected 3/3
on a ship with a crew of 13 members?

0 members

1 member

2 members.

5 members.

I don't know

Anyone who violates the provisions of Norwegian law or the provisions of 0/3
regulations laid down by virtue of Norwegian law, relating to contract of
engagements and account book, to notification to, appearance before, or to
the taking of evidence, shall be liable to:


Imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

Imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

I don’t know

Jawaban yang benar

Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

To which Act(s) do(es) the special provisions relating to the seafarers in 3/3
the NIS Act chiefly relate?

The Act relating to hours of work and the Seamen's Act

The Seamen's Act and the Seaworthiness Act

The Seaworthiness Act

The Certification Act

I don't know

Which of the following signal letters states that the ship is registered in 3/3





I don't know
Who is responsible for implementation of working environment work on 3/3

Both master and shipping company.

Shipping company.



I don't know

Which rights does a seafarer who is unfit for work normally have? 3/3


Care, wages, free passage home

A compensation equal to wages for six months

Free passage home

I don't know
What is the book named: "Excerpts from the Norwegian Passenger and 3/3
Cargo Ship Legislation, etc"?

Internationally adopted conventions for safety at sea and adequate manning of


The International Classification societies instructions.

The SOLAS convention, only.

An unofficial translation of "Den norske skipskontrolls regeler" leaving out some

provisions, such as speed limits, relating to local Norwegian waters. (The
authorised Norwegian original applies in cases of discrepancies etc.);

I don't know

Who issues an international load line certificate for a NIS cargo vessel of 3/3
500 gross tons and above?

The International Load Line Society.

The Norwegian Maritime Directorate.

The Norwegian International Shipregister.

The recognized classification society, were the vessel is classified.

I don't know
Any master who makes or permits a false entry to be made in the log book, 3/3
shall be liable to fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year
according to:

The Maritime Act

The Public Administration Act

The Ship Safety and Security Act, Section 65

The International Maritime Organization's Act of Maritime Activities

I don’t know

To whom do the certification requirements apply on a NIS cargo vessel? 3/3

To persons in certificated positions as per the manning certificate and

certificated positions of additional manning, if any

To persons in certificated positions as per the manning certificate

To the deck and engineer officers

To the deck officers

I don't know
What are the master's duties if punishable acts are committed on board? 3/3

If at sea, the master shall immediately undertake an investigation, secure

evidence and take statements, inform Norwegian Consulate/Maritime

The company shall be informed and shall take over the case.

Alleged suspects should be sent home at the first opportunity.

The least possible fuss should be made to ease over the situation.

I don't know

Are there any restrictions about how much sludge we can pump overboard 3/3
on the sea voyage?

There isn’t any restrictions of pumping sludge from ships outside special areas

Maximum is 30 litre pr nautical mile and total is 1/30000 part of full cargo on
the ballast voyage.

Maximum is 60 litre pr nautical mile and total is 1/30000 part of full cargo on the
ballast voyage.

Maximum is 30 litre pr nautical mile and total is 1/10000 part of full cargo on the
ballast voyage.

I don't know
A master or any other person in authority on board treating a person in an 0/3
improper manner or fails to prevent his being so treated by other persons
on board shall be liable to:


Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.

Imprisonment for a term not exceeding 9 months.

Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months.

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.

How can the master ensure obedience? 3/3

Only by giving clear orders in an understandable language. It is not allowed to use

any means which may result in personal injuries.

He has the power of denying the seafarer their democratic right if they refuse to
obey orders given.

By giving clear orders and referring to the necessity of having the work carried out
as ordered.

He shall ensure obedience by the use of force if he finds it necessary, but not
use harsher means than the circumstances make necessary.

I don’t know
Shall a special form for employment agreement be used for service on NIS 3/3

Yes, on a form prescribed or approved by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate

Yes, but only if one of the parties demands it

No obligation if a collective wage agreement exists

A verbal agreement is in order for the whole employment relationship

I don't know

A subordinate who unlawfully brings intoxicating beverages on board shall 3/3

be liable to:


Fines or in especially aggravating circumstances to imprisonment for a term not

exceeding 6 months.

Imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

Fines or in especially aggravating circumstances to imprisonment for a term

not exceeding three months.

I don't know
Shall the seafarer receive a statement showing the calculation of his 3/3

Only for payments for overtime.

Yes, showing how it has been calculated and with possible deductions.

Yes, but only at the request of the seafarer.

He shall be told and make a note himself.

I don't know

For a person whose hours are not divided into watches, the regular working 3/3
hours on board a NIS-ship shall be between:

0000 - 2400 hrs

0800 - 1800 hrs

0600 - 2200 hrs

0600 - 1700 hrs

I don't know
Which mandatory handbooks for medical treatment shall be carried on 3/3

One control book for special medicines, one approved by Norwegian authorities
medical book ("International Medical Guide for ships") and three pamphlets
regarding first aid.

None. There are no mandatory requirements.

The first aid guide: Resuscitation on board.

An approved medical book

I don't know

What are the prerequisites for having a ship registered in NIS? 0/3

That the shipowner is a Norwegian subject or fulfils other requirements stated in

Norwegian acts

That the ship is insured in an approved insurance company

That the ship is classed in one of the approved classification societies

That the shipowner is a Norwegian citizen

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

That the shipowner is a Norwegian subject or fulfils other requirements stated in

Norwegian acts
What does normally form the basis for permission to a Non-Norwegian 3/3
deck or marine engineer officer to serve in a position for which a certificate
of competency is required on NIS ships?

A general evaluation of the maritime education and certification requirements of

the country concerned

A certificate and statement from the issuing authority saying that the national
certificates in question meet the STCW-Convention requirements, and which of the
convention's grades or classes of certificates are covered by the certificate in

A certificate issued by the authorities of a state which has acceded to the

STCW Convention

A special examination

I don't know

The book "Excerpts from The Norwegian Passenger and Cargo Ship 3/3
Legislation, etc." Has notes about whether international regulations have
been implented by Norway. Where can you find these notes?

Notes are attached to each provision.

In footnotes to each provision.

In the main Section numbered VII

In the main Section numbered VI

I don't know
Anyone who without valid reason places, removes, changes or conceals 3/3
nationality marks or registration marks of a registered ship shall be liable


Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.

Imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.

Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months.

I don’t know

Which provisions concerning holidays must the master ensure that is 3/3
carried on board?

The Act relating to holydays and the NIS Act.

The Act relating to holydays and the Seamen's Act.

The Act relating to holydays and Regulations relating to holydays for employees
on ships.

The Regulations relating to holydays for employees on ships and the relevant
wages agreement only.

I don't know
Any ship master who refuses to provide any person carried on the ship with 3/3
anything which he is entitled to receive in such capacity, or who permits
such refusal, shall be liable to:

Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, but not exceeding 9
months if there are especially aggravating circumstances.

Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months.

Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, but not exceeding 2
years if there are especially aggravating circumstances.

Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, but not exceeding 1
year if there are especially aggravating circumstances.

I don't know

What is the main rules as to period of notice of termination as per the 3/3
Seamen's Act?

Three months for any employee

One month

14 days

7 days

I don't know
With respect to the ISM, what training in additional to lifeboat and fire drills 3/3
must be carried out?

Mooring operations

Bridge Team Management

Familiarization, and other drills identified as necessary by the ship

The boat drill and fire drill should be adequate to meet your needs

I don’t know

What is the minimum age for a seafarer on a NIS ship (foreign trade)? * 3/3

A person may serve on board as from the 17th. calendar year

The minimum age is 16 years

The minimum age is 15 years

There is no fixed minimum age

I don't know
If the subject is subject to manning control, which documentation must the 3/3
master have at hand?

Master's record.

Master's record and Documentation file.

The sea service books.

The employment agreements and Reports on Seamen duly signed and stamped by
a public supervisory authority.

I don't know
You are taking fuel on your vessel in the US when you notice oil on the 0/3
water around your vessel. You are to stop taking fuel and:

Leave the area

Notify the Corps of Engineers

Notify the US Coast Guard

Begin clean up operations

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

Notify the US Coast Guard

MARPOL - Annex I. Your vessel sailed from Bahrain heading for Singapore. 3/3
2 days after departure, you would like to empty your machinery space
bilges. What will be the correct procedures in this connection?

Discharge overboard through oily-water separating and filtering equipment without

calling the bridge.

Call the bridge and request for position and permission to discharge overboard
through oily water separating and filtering equipment.

Call the bridge and request for position and permission to discharge directly

Wait till after darkness and discharge in most convenient way.

I don't know

What must be done before a holder of a Non- Norwegian certificate can 3/3
serve in a position for which a certificate of competency is required on NIS

A duly completed application with certificate etc. must be made to the public
supervisory authorities as an endorsment/ qualification document

The seafarer has to present to the certificate to the public supervisory authorities.

The seafarer must present to the supervisory authorities the certificate and
documentation that the seafarer has previously served in such position for a period
of at least 12 months

The person must present a certificate issued by the authorities of a country which
has ratified the STCW-Convention

I don't know
The restriction of overtime work is that the person shall not be required, 3/3
under normal circumstances, to work more than:

10 hours per day

12 hours per day

14 hours per day

16 hours per day

I don't know
MARPOL - Annex V. Disposal of garbage. Your vessel is in the Red Sea 0/3
(Special Area) and the Chief Cook is requesting to have some food waste
burned in the incinerator. Due to problems with incinerator, you decide to
have the waste ground in the Grinder (Lump size max. 25 mm) and
disposed off into the sea. Is this prohibited, if not, how far from nearest
land is this legal?

This is prohibited

3 miles

12 miles

25 miles

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

12 miles
Settlement of disputes, not belonging to the category of the NIS Act, 3/3
outside Norway between the master and any of the crew regarding wages,
the ship service or the employment relationships in general shall be
brought before:

The local P&I club.

The local trade union

The local authorities

The Norwegian Consulate

I don't know

What does ISM stand for? 3/3

International Safe Manning Certification

Internal Ship Safety Management

International Ship Measurement and Pollution Control

The International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for
Pollution Prevention

I don't know
MARPOL - Annex V. Disposal of garbage outside "Special Areas". After 3/3
unpacking spares, you are left with a limited amount of packing materials.
Is this prohibited, if not, what will be the nearest distance to land for
disposal into the sea of these materials?

This is prohibited

3 miles

12 miles

25 milesI

I don’t know

How does the Norwegian Maritime Directorate keep the master/ 3/3
shipowners updated on the new and amended legislation relatives to the
book "Excerpts from the Norwegian Passenger and Cargo Ship Legislation,

Through stapled-in supplements in the quarterly NMD magazine "Navigare" and

Ships Documents.

Through monthly supplements to the book.

Through the publication "Norsk Lovtidende".

Through the next edition of the book.

I don't know
What is the purpose of the O.D.M.E. (Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment) 3/3
printer ?

To prove that oil has been pumped overboard according to regulations

To prove that the O.D.M.E. system has been used

To prove fault conditions in the O.D.M.E

None of the mentioned

I don't know

Which provisions generally speaking govern the rights and duties of the 3/3
employee and employer on NIS ships?

Norwegian Working Environment Act

Norwegian Seamen's Act, NIS Act

The law of domicile of the seafarer

Provisions as agreed upon in the agreement

I don’t know
Notification logging procedures .(OPA-90) 3/3

Every report or message must be logged including time and date

Only initial reports to be logged

Only verbal reports for documentation

Only communication with USCG

I don't know

Why shall a duly qualified officer supervise any potential polluting 3/3

To relieve the master.

To avoid pollution.

To inform the authorities.

To restrict pollution.

I don't know
Do you confirm that personal safety provisions of the Seamen's Act cannot, 3/3
as per the NIS Act, be deviated from in a collective wage agreement?




The NIS Act does not regulate this questions

I don't know

Any person serving on board who without the permission of the ship 3/3
master leaves the ship in distress or other danger while the master still on
board shall be liable to


Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.

Imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months.

Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months.

I don't know
For how long time must the printout from the Oil Discharge Monitoring 0/3
Equipment (ODME) be retained onboard?

Six months

Two years

Three years

Four years

I don’t know

Jawaban yang benar

Three years
The OPA-90 notification requirement is: 3/3

Notify only if you mean that own vessel might be responsible

Notify only if you mean that own vessel might be tracked and chargedv

Notify as soon as you have knowledge of any spill, or threat of a spill

Notify as soon as you have knowledge of a spill exceeding 10 gallons of oil

I don't know

What do you understand by the term “Risk Assessment”, and how would 3/3
this be carried out on board?

Identify the hazards and specify the personal protective equipment that would be
required to complete the work

Identify the hazards, quantify the risks, put control measures in place, monitor
the work activity and review

Requires a great deal of preparation and involves recording everything on paper

States than when work has a degree of risk that the work is not carried out

I don't know
Which document must a foreign master definitely have before his 3/3
documents may be considered for public supervision of maritime service?

A letter "Exemption from the nationality requirement for foreign shipmasters"

A CRA ( Certificate of receipt of application)

A certificate of competency.

A working permit.

I don't know

What is supervision of maritime service of seafarers? 3/3

A formality: The signing and stamping of employment agreement and report on

seamen by the consulate.

Control by the master/employer and public supervisory authority that the

requirements of law or agreement concerning the employee's service on board
are satisfied.

The master's/employer's control

The interview by the employer/master of the seafarer prior to service.

I don't know
Which of the below word(s) is defined as follows: "Service on board a ship 3/3
which gives the knowledge, insight and skills required for the issue of a
certificate or other document referred to in these regulations"


Seagoing service

On-board training

Length of service

I don't know

What is an endorsement/qualification document? 3/3

A sea service book for Non- Norwegian seafarers

A document verifying that application for a such document has been received and

A Norwegian certificate of competency issued to foreign nationals according to the

Certification Act

A document, which together with the national certificate is entitling the holder
to serve in a position for which a certificate of competency is required

I don't know
What are the duties of a master if a seafarer gets ill at sea? 3/3

All the other mentioned alternatives according to the situation

Put him to bed and await the situation

After observation and checking the medical books, check the medicine chest to
find suitable medication

Seek medical advice over radio (Radio Medico/Radio Medical).

I don't know

Which of the connections you are shown, are the dedicated shore 3/3
connection (MARPOL connection) for discharging of sewage ?

I don't know
Do regulations on the scope of the Seamen's Act apply: 3/3

to cargo ships only? Yes.

to both passengers and cargo ships? Yes.

to ships and mobile oil drilling offfshore units? Yes.

to Norwegian and foreign ships operating solely in Norwegian waters? Yes.

I don't know

Latihan Soal UKP Pasca Prala ANT-III (Function 3) 0 dari 0 poin

Created by Purnama Ryan Wibowo

Soal UKP Pasca Prala ANT-III

Apply medical first aid on board ship

Monitor compliance with legislative requirement

Application of leadership and teamworking skills

Akhiri Latihan

Latihan Soal UKP Pasca Prala ANT-III (Function 3) 180 dari 204 poin

Application of leadership and teamworking skills

If Master finds reason to doubt whether the agent is giving the vessel's 3/3
interest full and proper attention he should:

Investigate the matter carefully and report the findings to the company

Report the matter to the harbour Master

Report to the vessel P & I club

Change the agent

I don't know

The office phone, fax, telex and after office hours telephone numbers can 3/3
be found in:

Vessel health, safety and environment manual

The Ship's emergency contingency manual

Vessel operation manual

I don't know
Representative of the port authorities should always receive the best 3/3
possible treatment:

Because you always have some faults in arrival/departure documents

Because the ship's trading certificate are not normally in order

Because you have undeclared dutiable items in excess of permitted on board

For ship's clearance to take place quickly and without complications

I don't know

Ideal leaders according to a survey were commonly characterized as all of 3/3

the following except




I don't know

Where will you normally find the ship's documents including Crew 3/3
Passports and CDC on board a vessel?

Master's cabin

Ship's Office

On the bridge

I don't know
An emergency situation on board must be reported to the company by: 3/3

The fastest means available

The Telex to have a record

The email to save cost

The Sat-C

I don't know

Contingency theory is based on the assumption that the ideal leader: 3/3

Shapes their leadership style depending on the situation.

Provides clear instructions to the followers so that they know what they are doing.

Knows what their strengths are and makes the most out of them.

I don't know

The proper way to correct a mistake in the logbook is to __________. 3/3

erase the entry and rewrite

draw one line through the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction

draw several lines through the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction

completely black out the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction

I don't know
Who is responsible for the safe keeping of the ship's documents? 3/3

3rd Officer


Chief Engineer

Chief Officer

I don't know

Which of these is not a principle of great man theory? 3/3

Great men rise up in times of crisis

We can learn from the biographies of great leaders

A great leader is only great in certain situations

I don't know

To be an effective communicator in a team 3/3

Never Praise your team mates

Never Judge your team mates

Never Respond to your team mates

Never Listen by yourself

I don't know
The majority of convensions adopted under the auspices of IMO fall into 3/3
which of the three main categories:

Safety, Terrorism, ILO

Maritime Safety, STCW, Maritime Security

Maritime Safety, Prevention of Marine pollution, Liability and compensation

I don't know

If immersed in a group that gives a person a sense of anonymity, a 0/3


Alter their social indentity to meet the expectations of others

Unleash inhibitions because of deindividuation

Become inhibited because of social comparsion

Accept resposibility for their actions

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

Unleash inhibitions because of deindividuation

Groupthink is used to describe 3/3

The positive aspects that accur when a group works together.

Group dinamics that can interfere with group decision-making processes and can
produce disastrous results.

When group members have in-jokes and give each other knowing glances.

When group members are on the same wavelength and complete each others

I don't know

What is the social construction of leadership? 3/3

The view that all leadership is social and what matters is how leaders interact with

Leadership is a made up idea that therefore we should pay more attention to more
significant aspects of the organization.

What counts as good leadership is a construction of the perceptions of the


I don't know
To maintain good relationship among the crew on board a vessel, one must 3/3

Strict and authoritative while giving orders

Polite and diplomatic while talking to crew members

Understanding, Co-operative, and have respect from both sides

I don't know

Research on working in pairs, teams, or in groups has shown that. 3/3

Collaborations are never productive

Teamwork is never as good as working alone

Group problem solving tasks always dilute original ideas

Collaborations can be productive

I don't know
What is a transformational leader? 3/3

Someone who is involved in organizational change.

A leader, like Taylor, who provided new ways of carrying out management.

A leader who inspires the workers to new levels by offering them a vision of a
better future.

I don't know

Which of these is a Disadvantage of Teamwork? 0/3

More ideas may be generated

More resources are available

More networking opportunities

More time is taken to perform the tasks

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

More time is taken to perform the tasks

When observing how teams communicate what signs do we see when 3/3
identifying effective team decision making?

Two people always seem to make the decisions

Decision reached by voting or by consensus

The loudest member always decides

Silence implies acceptance

I don't know

The majority of convensions adopted under the auspices of IMO fall into 3/3
which of the three main categories:

Maritime Safety, Prevention of Marine pollution, Liability and compensation

Maritime Safety, STCW, Maritime Security

Safety, Terrorism, ILO

There are no conentions that fall under IMO

I don't know
Ideal leaders according to a survey were commonly characterized as all of 3/3
the following except




I don't know

Representative of the port authorities should always receive the best 3/3
possible treatment:

For ship's clearance to take place quickly and without complications

Because you always have some faults in arrival/departure documents

Because the ship's trading certificate are not normally in order

I don't know
Why is it important to make weekly/routine rounds in the accomodation 3/3

To search for any contraband goods hidden on board

To ensure that cabins and common spaces are maintained in a clean, safe and
hygienic condition

It is a requirement as per flag state

To check for alcohol in cabins

I don't know

Who are free riders ? 0/3

People who report social loafers

People who volunteer to give others ride home in situations of potential drunk

Those who do not put forth effort on a task, but reap the benefits of a group

People who voice their opinions despite the unpopularity of their views

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

People who volunteer to give others ride home in situations of potential drunk
A transactional leader is one who: 3/3

Is the ideal form of leadership

Inspires people and has strong interactions with them

Does deals with people in order to get them to do things the leader wants

I don't know

Proper and accurate inventory of stores should be maintained inorder to: 3/3

Order the required stores

Report to the office

Control the ship's budget

Show to the port authorities

I don't know

What Individual or Group Behaviours might lead to an effective Team? 3/3

Able to listen to feedback

Self Interest verses Group Interest

Lack of boundaries

ill-defined roles

I don't know
What is post-heroic leadership theory? 3/3

A theory which states that there is too much emphasis on leaders and more
attention should be placed on followers.

A theory looking beyond current leadership styles to new, more creative ways of

A theory which tries to create new organizations which do not need leaders.

I don't know

Identify 4 of the Five Steps in Team Formation and Development. 3/3

Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing

Storming, Warming, Norming and Performing

Storming, Norming, Practicing and Adjourning

Starting, Norming, Performing and Adjourning

I don't know

According to the text, which of the following statements is true? 3/3

A good leader can be a good manager, but the reverse is never true

Leadership and management have some unique functions with an area of


Leadership and management are not related

I don't know
Social comparasion theory is offered as one explanation for ........................ 0/3

Group polarization

Pluralistic ignorance

Summation polarity

Group adhesion

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

Pluralistic ignorance

Which of the following will be reported to a company on the emergency 3/3


All accidents where crew are injured or killed

All arrival and departure time from port

All cases concerning cargo shortages

I don't know
Proper and accurate inventory of stores should be maintained inorder to: 3/3

Control the ship's budget

Order the required stores

Report to the office

I don't know

Which of the following statements about leaders versus managers is 3/3


Leadership is a value-laden, activity, management is not

Leaders are thought to do things right, managers do the right things

Leaders focus on risk taking; managers perform functions such as planning and

I don't know
On board training should be organised in such a way that: 3/3

It does not contravene with the rest hours of the crew

It is an integral part of the overall training plan

Each crew member is trained individually

I don't know

Which of the following statements about leaders versus managers is false 3/3

Leadership is a value-laden, activity, management is not

Leaders focus on risk taking; managers perform functions such as planning and

Leaders are thought to do things right, managers do the right things

I don't know
Which of the following will be reported to a company on the emergency 3/3

All near misses

All cases concerning cargo shortages

All arrival and departure time from port

All accidents where crew are injured or killed

I don't know

Prior to ordering stores for any department; 3/3

Consult the ISSA catalogue to ascertain what stores are available for ordering

Consult the ISSA catalogue and order whatever is available but not on board

The store inventory should be checked so that you order only the items required

Ask the departmental head for a list of store to be ordered

I don't know

What is Skinner's A-B-C of behaviourism ? 3/3




I don't know
In leadership trait theory what is a trait? 3/3

A list of the key things that a leader should do to be great.

The list of key behaviours a leader exhibits.

A list of key characteristics that makes a leader great.

I don't know

The subject of minority influence refers to? 0/3

When the group votes by minority rules instead of majority rules

When the minority opinion in not able to sway the majority opinion

When one person in a group influences the other members in the group

When the group members only influence one member in the group

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

When the minority opinion in not able to sway the majority opinion
Where will you normally find the ship's documents including Crew 3/3
Passports and CDC on board a vessel?

Master's cabin

On the bridge

Ship's Office

Telly clerk room

I don't know

It is the Master's responsibility to ensure that: 3/3

All information reagrding the onboard training is given to the ship manager

All personnel participate in the training at the same time

Concerned personnel carry out the on-board traing progamme effectively

I don't know
Master of every ship must provide: 3/3

A link between the shipboard training officer and the company training officer

Facilities to conduct training whenever required by the training officer

Proper rest to the crew after each training programme

I don't know

Which of the following statements concerning the rational and emotional 3/3
aspects of leadership is false?

Leadership includes actions and influences based only on reason and logic

Aroused feelings can be used either positively or negatively

Good leadership involves touching others’ feelings

I don't know
This is a conventional distinction made between managers and leaders. 3/3

Managers maintain while leaders develop

Managers innovate while leaders administer

Managers inspire while leaders control

I don't know

The transformational leadership style 0/3

Encourages group members to transform themselves into better people

Strives to change the group members opinions by showing them a better way to

Changes opinions and attitudes without changing behaviors

Encourages and inspires group members to go above and beyond selfish

interests and do what is the best for the common good of the group as a whole

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

Encourages group members to transform themselves into better people

What best describes the leader-follower relationship? 3/3

The relationship is a one-way street

Leadership and followership are the same thing

Leadership and followership merge and are linked concepts

I don't know

An alien crewmember with a D-1 permit leaves the vessel in a foreign port 3/3
and fails to return. The first report you make should be to the __________.

local police


Customs Service

Immigration Service

I don't know

Prior to ordering stores for any department; 3/3

The store inventory should be checked so that you order only the items required

Consult the ISSA catalogue to ascertain what stores are available for ordering

Consult the ISSA catalogue and order whatever is available but not on board

I don't know
To help turn an individual into becoming a Team Player we would need to 3/3

Check their Fair Work Act Award

Train them in one task at a time

Monitor their individual performance

Reward and motivate them

I don't know

One finding of the risky shift effect is........ 3/3

That group decisions are often risker when groupthink sets in.

That individual decisions are often risker than group decisions.

That individuals help less when others are around.

That group decisions can encourage more exreme decisions than the person would
have made in the first place.

I don't know
It is through…………….that group members can be inspired, motivated and 3/3
guided to be successful and productive.





I don't know

Minority influence can 0/3

Never sway the majority of the group members to the other point of view

Steer other goup members who hold the majorityview over to the minority point of

Decrease creativity

Able to listen to feedback

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

Decrease creativity
Prior to arrival at a US port from a foreign port, as per present regulation, 3/3
the USCG requires:

96 hours notice of arrival

72 hours notice of arrival

48 hours notice of arrival

24 hour notice of arrival

I don't know

What best describes the leader-follower relationship? 3/3

The relationship is a one-way street

Leadership and followership are the same thing

Leadership and followership merge and are linked concepts

I don't know
Master of every ship must provide: 3/3

A link between the shipboard training officer and the company training officer

Facilities to conduct training whenever required by the training officer

Proper rest to the crew after each training programmer

the training during crews working hours only

I don't know

Which of the Following is not a Type of Team? 3/3

Cross Functional


Problem Solving


I don't know
To many, the word management suggests 3/3




I don't know

Why is it important to have good relationship on-board a vessel? 3/3

Crew comes to know each others problems

It will prevent accidents from happening

It encourages crew to extend their contract

It leads to better work performance and positive atmosphere among the crew

I don't know
Which style of leadership focuses on goals, standard and organization ? 0/3

Task leadership

Social leadership

Semantic leadership

Transformational leadership

I don't know

Jawaban yang benar

Transformational leadership

Which of these is an Advantage of Teamwork? 3/3

Compromises may not be best option

Cost may be increased due to extra resources

Can provide Support

Conflict may occur

I don't know
Onboard training should be organised in such a way that: 3/3

It does not contravene with the rest hours of the crew

It is an integral part of the overall training plan

Each crew member is trained individually

none of the above

I don't know

All necessary information for the next port of call should be: 3/3

Procured during the voyage prior arrival at the next port

Procured before departure from a port

Procured on arrival at the next port

Requested on email

I don't know
To help Create and Manage Diversity in a team you need to 3/3

Actively stick to company procedures

Actively discourage members to ask for help as it is a sign of weakness

Actively take time out to include people in formal meetings & discussions

Actively avoid introducing too many diverse ideas as it may create confusion

I don't know

The responsible person for maintaining budget on board normally is: 3/3


Chief Engineer

Chief Officer

I don't know

The Roles and Responsibilities of a team includes: 3/3

Reinforcing Individualism

Taking one’s time

Quality Management

Assimilating Diversity

I don't know
Latihan Soal UKP Pasca Prala ANT-III (Function 3) 0 dari 0 poin

Created by Purnama Ryan Wibowo

Soal UKP Pasca Prala ANT-III

Apply medical first aid on board ship

Monitor compliance with legislative requirement

Application of leadership and teamworking skills

Akhiri Latihan

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