Past Tense Letter

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No 13,Nowhere street

17th March 2022

Dear Mrs.Al Fanani

I hope you’re happy and healty upon the arrival of my latter,i also like to
thank you for the shopee gift card that you bought for my birthday a week ago.
The reason i wrote this latter is to inform you about the disappearance of
your son Munir,4 years ago.As we know,he disappeared during his trip with his
friends in Mojoagung;and pieces of his belongings has been found through out
the city in the past year.As we’ve been looking for his whereabouts for the last
3 years;i’m happy to inform you that 6 days ago,the police has found his body
burried under a beautiful longan tree that grow near my residence.The police
has not yet found the suspect of your son’s murderer.
Let us hope that the police made a fast progress on this case and caught the
culprit soon.

Yours lovingly

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