Chapter of The Month 1

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What has Ilene been doing since she arrived in the capital?

A couple of days have passed since Ilene arrived in the capital after the unexpected attack of
hundreds of monsters destroyed her village. The first thing she did when she arrived was to look
for her son, but when she couldn't find him, Ilene went to see her injured friend Alice. More days
passed, and she decided to look for a job while Darx returned. Ilene was offered to return to his
old guild but ultimately settled on a more peaceful job as Princess Kathleen's Royal Guard.

After receiving her armor, on her last day before starting work, she decided to visit her fellow
travelers with whom she arrived in the capital.
A father and his three daughters. Luckily she ran into the three daughters on the street, and
they all went to visit the father at his new job.

Baldor was busy hammering away at a piece of metal when he noticed Ilene and his three
daughters looking at him.

"I-Ilene!" Baldor said, getting red as soon as he saw her.

"We are here too!" His daughters said at the same time.

They had both already noticed that their father was attracted to Ilene. That made them happy,
but at the same time, it made them jealous.
Since Baldor's wife died, he has never been interested in looking for another wife and instead
has devoted all his time to taking care of his three daughters and Ryul.

"So now you're a blacksmith." Ilene said as she approached him, "That's a job that suits you."

Baldor turned even redder at Ilene's compliment.

He tried to covertly hide his face so Ilene wouldn't notice, "It's a job I've done before."

Ilene also couldn't help but notice the strong, rugged man working at the forge. Like Baldor,
Ilene also dedicated her life to her son Darx and never looked for a partner. But now that his
Darx is busy and they can't spend so much time together, and after Darx also told her that he
didn't want to see her alone, she began to consider that maybe it would be a good idea to give
herself a chance if she found a nice man.

To her surprise, she found Baldor attractive. He looked physically the complete opposite of her
late husband, who had a slimmer and more refined build, while Baldor was tall and muscular
with an ample stomach—In addition to having a lot of body hair and a beard that covered half of
his face. He also looked a little older than her, which she liked. But the most attractive thing she
found about him was what a good father he was to his daughters.

"You seem busy," Ilene said with a smile, "I hope I'm not interrupting your work."
Baldor looked up from his work and smiled back at her, "Not at all, Ilene. It's always a pleasure
to see you. And what brings you here?"

"I was just passing by checking if you and your daughters were okay." Ilene reply.

"You are very kind! You saved the people of my village, including my family, and you are also
checking how we are doing. I don't know how to thank you."

"We traveled for several days together, so it's normal for me to worry," Ilene responded.

"I've seen that armor before," Baldor said, referring to the armor Ilene was wearing.

"Oh yes. I am now a member of the royal guard. My job will be to look after Princess Kathelin."

"Wow, that's amazing!" The little daughter spoke, "Are you protecting a princess like me?"

Ilene smiled and rubbed the little girl's head, "Thays right! I was invited to return to my old guild,
but being an adventurer at this age would be a bit exhausting. I prefer not to travel too much
and be in one place. It's the way I get to see my son more often, after all."

As Baldor heard Ilene's words, he couldn't help but notice the sadness in her eyes, "Is
everything alright, Ilene?" Baldor asked, concerned.

Ilene sighed. "It's just my son, Darx. I went looking for him as soon as I arrived in the city, but his
guild informed me that he is now in the middle of a quest. Now that he is an adventurer, he will
be putting himself in danger. I just worry about him."

Baldor nodded in understanding. "I know how you feel. My son, Ruul, is also an adventurer. He's
in the same guild as your son, actually."

Ilene's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? I had no idea."

"While looking for Ryul, I found out that he was in a guild called Midnight Dawn. They told me he
was in the middle of a quest. He is with your son right now. On the way to the capital, you
mentioned the name of your son is Darx, and I told you that I met him when he helped my little
daughter, so I asked for him out of curiosity with the guild receptionist, and she told me that he
was on that same quest."

"I see." Ilene replied, "It's funny how coincidences work. The good thing is that they can watch
each other backs. If Ryul is anything like you, I'm sure they'll be fine."

Baldor's heart skipped a beat at her words, "I-Ilene, I know this might be sudden, but would you
like to join us for dinner? We could talk more about our sons." He asked nervously.
Ilene was surprised, but her face lit up with a smile, "I would love that. Thank you."

Baldor hurried to change and clean himself up before walking with the four ladies down the
street toward a nearby Inn. Baldor, his three daughters, and Ilene sat at a large wooden table
inside the bustling Inn. The room was dimly lit, but the warm glow from the fire in the hearth
made it cozy. They were all enjoying a hot meal of stew and fresh bread, grateful for the hot
food and shelter after their long journey.

Baldor cleared his throat and addressed Ilene. "So, you're from the royal guard, now, huh? Must
be a tough job."

"It's not as hard as it looks." Ilene replied, " We change shifts escorting the princess, and the
rest of the time, it's just making sure the area she's in is always safe. Besides the princess,
Kathleen is very calm and spends a large part of her time reading, making our work much

"Still, it's a necessary job. The princess needs protection."The eldest daughter added.

"How about you? How are you doing in your new job?" Ilede asked.

Baldor smiled. "It's not that bad. Just making swords and armor for all those knights and

Ilene chuckled, "You're quite the skilled blacksmith. I saw the swords you were making. It was

Baldor blushed once again, "T-Thank you. It's been a passion of mine for as long as I can
remember. My father was a blacksmith too, and he taught me everything I know."

The middle daughter spoke, feeling jealous of Ilene and the attention her dad was giving her,
"Our mother was a wonderful seamstress. She taught us how to sew and make clothes. She
was great! T-Too bad she is gone now..."

Ilene expression softened. "I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my husband many years ago, so I know
how painful that is."

The youngest daughter, who had been quiet up until now, spoke, "Ilene will you come to see us
often? I want to show you the doll my dad gave me."

Ilene smiled. "Sure, I'll try to stop by to see you whenever I can."

The girl smiled upon hearing that answer.

Baldor heart skipped a beat after seeing Ilene smile again. He felt a warmth in his chest that had
nothing to do with the stew he was eating. The conversation continued, with Ilene and Baldor
talking about their respective children and their adventures. The daughters chimed in
occasionally, and as time passed, Baldor and Ilene found themselves talking more and more,
enjoying each other's company. They laughed and joked, shared stories and memories.

Baldor growing attraction for Ilene was too evident for his daughters, but he was too shy and
didn't know how to express his feelings. He couldn't tell if she felt the same way. Ilene was
strong and confident, and he wasn't sure if he was her type. Baldor couldn't help but feel grateful
that their sons had brought them together. Maybe there was a chance for him and Ilene after all.

After a while, they left the Inn.

"And it's almost time for me to return to the castle," Ilene said.

"The way back is the same. Let's walk together." The eldest daughter replied.

Ilene led the way holding the little girl's hand while the older daughter nudged her dad with her
elbow, hinting at him to hurry up and go with Ilene. Although she was a little jealous of sharing
her father. After hearing Ilene and seeing how amazing she was, she recognized Ilene was a
good woman for her dad.

Baldor's heart was pounding as they walked, and he knew he had to take a chance. Seeing
Ilene would be difficult since they would not let him enter the castle.

With a red face, Baldor spoke, "I-Ilen-"

"I'm glad you all got here safely."

Baldor was interrupted by someone approaching them from behind.

Ilene immediately recognized the voice, Kase's voice. The images of that night between them
went through her head, and she got nervous even though she did a good job hiding that with a
poker face.

"Oh, it's Kase!" In a happy tone, the middle sister said, "I didn't expect that we would see
someone famous so soon after just arriving in the capital."

"We couldn't thank you enough for your help," The older sister spoke, "Thanks to you and Ilene,
we made it out alive."

"You have nothing to be thankful for. Ilene was my teacher, so I will always come to her aid
when she needs it." Kase said, staring at Ilene.
Baldor noticed the drastic change in Ilene's expression. Her smile disappeared, and she looked
uncomfortable instead.

"You are so kind!" The middle sister told Kase, "I wish Ryul had joined Oblivion. Maybe that way
we could see each other more often!"

The middle sister was trying to flirt with Kase, and the older sister, in response, trying to be
discreet, hit her in the side with her elbow. The attraction they both felt for him was apparent.
Meanwhile, Baldor and Ilene were watching the scene uncomfortably.

"Ryul?" Kase asked.

"Ryul is our brother." The little sister answered.

"Yes, he recently became an adventurer and joined a famous guild called Midnight Dawn." The
older sister continued.

"It's time to go." The Baldor spoke to the girls in a gravelly husky tone.

Kase's unexpected appearance ruined his intentions to ask Ilene out. Given the circumstances,
he had no choice but to try it another time, but for now, it was time to go before his older
daughters began fighting for Kase's attention.

"I'm sure Ilene and Kase have things to discuss, and we also have things to do."

Before leaving, Baldor stretched out his hand towards Kase, and he returned his greeting, "I
also want to thank you. Even though the village was destroyed, all the villagers made it out

"I'm pleased I was helpful," Kase replied with a fake smile.

In that place, Ilene and Kase had their first meeting in the city.
(The Chapter 72 talk)

Several days passed. Darx returned to the capital, and they could finally meet. It was a happy
reunion as Ilene and Darx began a new life in Riledo, now that their old home had been
destroyed. Her friend Alice also recovered from her injuries and returned to her old guild Dark
Dragons, to work as a receptionist with her little daughter. Her new job as the Princess's Royal
Guard was also pleasant, and Darx was able to visit her often. Everything seemed to be going
well except for one thing.

The memory of that night and Kase visiting her often in the castle.
No matter how often Ilene refused or asked Kase not to look for her anymore, he always
returned. He brought her gifts, things she liked, and she didn't know how Kase knew those
things. The most worrying thing for her is that there were beginning to be rumors in the castle.
Luckily for her, Darx hadn't heard those rumors, although Darx noticed Kase a few times near
where Ilene was on more than one occasion.

And tonight was the same. Ilene was returning from her guard in the gardens, walking towards
the castle entrance, when she saw Kase waiting for her, leaning against a pillar.

The cold night air wrapped around them as they stood outside the castle, their eyes locked in a
tense silence. Ilene still feels uncomfortable around Kase because she recalls that night every
time she sees him and remembers her big mistake and emotions that she feels but can't and will
never accept.

"I was on a quest, and I couldn't come to see you," Kase said, his voice low and calm. "I've
missed you."

Ilene, still wearing her armor, raised an eyebrow. "Have you?" she said, her voice cold and

"Of course I have," he said, taking a step closer to her. "I've been thinking about you every day
since we parted."

"That's your problem. All I want is for you to leave me alone." Ilene said in an angry tone.

"I was expecting that answer," Kase replied, his hand reaching out to touch her cheek. "But I will
not give up easily because I love you and want to be with you."

Ilene stepped back, her eyes flashing with anger. "You can't be this stupid," she said, her voice
rising. "That night was a mistake. A mistake I won't make again! Go home and stop coming
looking for me! I don't want strange rumors to keep spreading i-if someone sees us."

"Okay, if you don't go, I'll go," Ilene said, then started to walk past Kase on her way to the door
to enter the castle.

"It's a pity your red cheeks betray your true feelings. It was a good performance, though." Kase
said with a smile, starting to walk to the gate to leave the castle.

Ilene turned with an angry expression as she watched Kase walk away.

"I'll come to see you again!" Kase said without stopping or turning.

"Goddamed...!" Ilene muttered and simultaneously hit the wall with her fist, "I need to get a hold
of myself."
At that moment, Darx was arriving. Darx continued walking and passed Kase. Neither of them
stopped their pace; However, Darx was confused to see Kase at that time of night in the castle.
On the other hand, Kase didn't stop and just smirked as he looked at Darx.

Darx looked up and saw his mother standing at the castle entrance with her head bowed. as if
she was thinking deeply.

"Mom!" Darx yelled.

Ilene's raised her head, "D-Darx!" She said, sounding scared.

Darx walked up to her, "Everything okay? Why are you nervous?"

"N-Not at all. I was just resting a bit. My shift just ended, and I'm a little tired." Ilene replied with
her expression returning to normal.

Darx turned around and saw Kase disappear, walking around one of the fences. Darx thought it
strange that Kase was here once again so close to where his mother was but decided to ignore

"You hadn't come these days. Were you on a quest?" Ilene asked, wanting to change the

"Yes, I have been keeping busy," Darx replied with a hint of pride in his voice, "I've been learning
a lot of things, and the party I formed with my friends is giving good results."

"That's amazing!" Ilene responded with a smile.

Ilene and Darx entered the castle and went to the dining room to eat something. After having a
good time, Darx returned to his guild.

Several days later, on her day off, Ilene was in the castle gardens sitting on a bench reading a
book while waiting for Darx, with whom she would go to lunch. The sun was setting outside the
castle walls, casting a warm glow across the gardens.

"Is that the book I gave you?" Suddenly Kase's voice was heard, making Ilene jump.

"W-What, Kase!?"

Ilene spoke, surprised, dropping the book to the ground.

"Ah, sorry! Did I scare you? Because of my class, I now have the bad habit of walking silently."
Kase said.
"If you had only approached silently, I would have detected you. What you did was something
else." Ilene said angrily at being scared.

"I'm an S-rank assassin. You can't compare me to other adventurers with similar skills."

"Whatever..." Ilene said as she picked up the book.

"Did you like the book? It's one of my favorites." Kase asked her.

That book was one of the many gifts Kase had given her. Ilene had rejected the vast majority
but had accepted a few for one reason or another.

Kase looked Ilene up and down, "I had already forgotten what you look like in normal clothes. I
was getting used to always seeing you in armor. You look beautiful!"

As Kase says, almost every day, Ilene is in armor, and she misses dressing casually sometimes.
Since Ilene was planning to go with Darx to eat at Oliver's Inn, she was wearing new clothes
she bought.

"Where are you going?"Kase asked.

"None of your business now go!"

"Don't tell me you're going with the man I saw you with the other time? The tall guy with the

"I already told you it's none of your business," Ilene responded, sounding irate.

"He didn't strike me as such a big deal. Are you sure you'd like to go out with him?"

"He is a good father and a kind man, a quality you lack." Ilene replied, "Now, really, go away. I'm
waiting for someone."

At that moment, Darx's voice was heard in the distance. Ilene got nervous hearing him. If Darx
sees her and Kase together again, Darx might start to suspect something.

"Go, now!!" Ilene said lightly, pushing Kese by the chest.

"Hey, Darx! Long time no see!" The voice of one of the guards was heard calling him.

"Did you hear!? There's no rush. Darx stayed talking with a guard." Kase said, sounding calm as
if he didn't care.
"Stop playing around and go now! You promised Darx wouldn't find out." Ilene said, looking
more distressed.

"And I kept my promise. However, it's not my fault if he finds out on his own."


"I'm playing. I'll leave if you give me a kiss."Kase said, moving closer to her.

"...You really want me to kill you!" Ilene said angrily.

"Sounds like a fair deal to me. And if I were you, I'd hurry since you don't have much time left."

Ilene heard that Darx was saying goodbye to the guard, and Kase didn't seem like he would
leave unless she did as he asked. Swallowing her pride, Ilene grabbed Kase by the clothes with
force and pulled him closer to her.

(I can't let Darx discover what happened between me and Kase.) Ilene thought.

"You will pay for this!" Ilene said before their faces came closer, and their mouths pressed
against each other. Kase wasted no time and thrust his tongue into Ilene's mouth. Ilene agreed
to whatever Kase wanted to do as long as he'd hurry up and leave.

"MnmmM... AhmnnN.. MnM...,"

They kissed for a few seconds playing with their tongues and exchanging saliva. Kase placed
his hands on Ilene's lower waist, lightly touching her ass with his fingers.

Ilene was surprised but got distracted when she heard Darx approaching. She was making out
with Kase wide-eyed, looking in the direction Darx would come from. When Ilene heard Darx's
footsteps closer, she tried to push Kase, but he wouldn't move away.

Shortly before Darx got to where they were, Kase separated his mouth from hers.

"Let's do this again soon, okay!?" Kase whispered in her ear before turning invisible in front of
her eyes, but not before he lowered his hands to Ilene's ass and massaged it while squeezing it
for a second.

"Mom!" Darx spoke.

Ilene turned around with a red face to look at her son, "D-Darx, I-I was waiting for you!"

Darx smiled and looked around, "Are you alone? I'm sure I heard someone with you."
For the first time in a long time, Ilene lied to Darx directly, "N-No, I was alone. You're imagining
things. Maybe you heard me read since I was doing it out loud."

"Oh, I see. Well, let's go. Oliver reserved a table for us!" Darx said in a happy tone.

Darx and Ilene walked towards the exit of the castle. Ilene had regained some sanity and was
appearing to act normal, yet she could still feel the sensation and taste of Kase's lips.

She looked around, wondering if Kase was looking at her right now while he was invisible.

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