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Unit 8: Our House

Trace and Read

table sofa lamp plant window

door picture rug

Listen and Circle

There is / there are

There is a There are


Complete the sentences

1. There ___________ two _______________ in the _______________

2. There ___________ a _______________ in the _______________

3. _________________ three_______________ in the _______________

4. _________________ a _______________ in the _______________


in on under behind in front of next to

Read and answer

Gio’s Living Room

In the Gio, bedroom, there is a table next to the window. There is also a grey
sofa in front of the bed. In his bedroom, Gio has two plants. One plant is next
to the door and one is on the table.
Gio loves his family, that’s way there are some family picture in his bedroom.
There are two picture on the table. There is also a picture on the wall.

True or false
1. It is about Gio’s bedroom. __________________
2. Gio don’t have a window in his bedroom. __________________
3. There are two table next to the window. __________________
4. Gio has a grey sofa. __________________
5. There is a grey sofa in front of his bed. __________________
6. There are three plants in Gio’s bedroom. __________________
7. There is a plant next to the door. __________________
8. There are two plants on the table. __________________
9. Gio loves his family. __________________
10. There is a family picture in his bedroom. __________________
1. Sofa __________________ 5. Karpet __________________
2. Tanaman __________________ 6. Pintu __________________
3. Foto/gambar __________________ 7. Lampu __________________
4. Meja __________________ 8. Jendela __________________

There is / there are

1. __________________ two windows in the living room.

2. __________________ a sofa in the living room.
3. __________________ a door in the living room.
4. __________________ four plants in the living room.
5. __________________ three picture in the living room.
6. __________________ a rug in the living room.
__________________ two table in the living room.
Read and answer

Gio’s Living Room

Gio has a living room in his house. There is a brown door in the living room.

There is also a . There are two .There is a

Also, there are three . One is on the wall and two on the counter.

True or false
1. There are two tables in the living room. __________________

2. There is a plant in the living room. __________________

3. There is one picture on the wall. __________________

4. There are two sofa in the livingroom. __________________

5. There are two picture in the living room. __________________

6. There are to picture on the counter. __________________

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