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Big Data Analytics

Introduction to Big Data

Big Data in Real Life
Big Data Constraints
Evolution of Technology
1) Evolution of

2) IOT

3) Social Media

4) Data Evolved
to Big Data
Evolution of Technology
1) Evolution of

2) IOT

3) Social Media

4) Data Evolved
to Big Data
Evolution of Technology

1) Evolution of

2) IOT

3) Social Media

4) Data Evolved
to Big Data
Evolution of Technology

1) Evolution of

2) IOT

3) Social Media

4) Data Evolved
to Big Data
What is Big Data
• Big Data is the term for collection of data sets so large and complex
that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database system
tools or traditional data processing applications
1) Volume

1) Volume

2) Variety

3) Velocity

4) Value

5) Veracity
2) Variety

1) Volume

2) Variety

3) Velocity

4) Value

5) Veracity
3) Velocity

1) Volume

2) Variety

3) Velocity

4) Value

5) Veracity
4) Value

1) Volume

2) Variety

3) Velocity

4) Value

5) Veracity
5) Veracity

1) Volume

2) Variety

3) Velocity

4) Value

5) Veracity
5 V’s of Big Data

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