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LOAN APPLICATION FORM 20ee or"* Serato: 5 °Z '¢.2 Branch Code: Version : June 2022 ems. Date — et Loan requested FO*Viil fori / Predict Name abbreviations are mentioned on Page Na. Type of Loan “Mudra Loan: C]Yes Ne GA at cv CLAP LD COMENDILAP DoDCIKHusHiHL | New C1 Refinance CI Top-Up CI Take Over OA Oat O ce Oop Or CPeNCmiar CloTHer Cl others YBL Customer 0; __ = a Aourt oflean patties 1 SOC OOO LeenTenue [OGIO] welts interest Rate Type EA ned [Flowing [2 Semi Fxee bg sar SPs Parcs or ane EEN evrovaret =] Wortre Cpt [aconmaecel uciese Tlothers Pease Sicty) UO LI L Vehicles /Equipmettloan Detas: Number of Vehicles Equipment Make | Model Dealer Vatunion woe er Primary Applicant Application Form Nos —___(aranoy 1 Co sppeat oes, Wea MeO Ning (tr ays mis. Mes.10) Gy AU RAV KO MAR Fal eee ARUN OSHA MoS Malden Now = MINTO DEVE cabin mcorenee HEL ols TS BEI “wean Eifnes lana “ender EAR EAF Clow Nationality? wie TANR! C1PIOLForeign National Counity of Residence for NRUPIO customer Education J Under Graduate EA Graduate C1 Professional C1 Post-Graduate C1] over om spect _ irProessiona I CAC] Doctor] Architect CI owa ane ESber pr nay SERVICES: Relion [Hy DMCC Category FAGeneral [7] Schedule Caste] Schedule tivo [] Minority er | est Number: ________ ES FRNASE — RUN: PORRE cetyl Nem nied Cin POP aa eae access’ [HP STUIS TE] oF Gee e TMDL [ele (BIL loleiRra MITISICL IMAlAWv a IMI alo le) iy We: __ Landmark IVEAR VASH IST Chemis Precoe 2ewn[f I [Oo [218] 185 coae) (OU ML I Mobite za aS a a) No.of Dependeris [Ol | Emit = KUM PRGARORAV IS OZISSLP@QaMAT L- Co | Rente Pam Paar tere i rata SSE pans ree Ee aaa Tet (S70 Code) Email cars: I I I TT + SHC IS Iai TALS: (let $e ET | cy LOL a a LLL (S10 cose TOI) wetite ane Ee mara Dee y Passer Gaone, ED I 2ST 1A] vo CTT Sceupation” [EY Svariea L] Set Employed (Business) [-]Set enployed professional [-JRetred [-]Howewte [Joh Present Employer Company / Business Name” aoe pee INVESTMENT SERVICES EIMITED — Bloton SALES MANAGER Fields marked wi“ @re MANDATORY o No. of years al curent job / Business* Company Business Type" [7] Public Sector (PSU) [[] Central Government [] Putz. Co [Trust (2-Pobie Lis. Co.[] Partnership rm [I] HUF J NGO L Muttnational 2] Properictorshio [2] Religious instutions [Z] TrusuAssociavon/SocityiGiub [Z] Wage eamer 1 Emosssies/Consulates ([] Household Services [Z] Educational Institutions Nature of Business [] Manufacturing F2YServices [Z] Agricuture [] Professional [X] Service Provider [[] C&F Agents [] Broker Ly Whoiesate Trading [Reta Trading/ShopsiMerchants [X] Real Estate [] Others (Ps. Specty) HERR. N« seer com EISEN ZAS> ‘office ownership* Clowned CI Rented C1 others irs spec) Annual Tumover ta) IOI Oo Toa yoar of werk / Business experince Whether invoived in Source of Funds FSatary [] Wages J Pension [] Income foment [] Income From Agrculture [] Royalty] Income from Business 1 Income fom investment [2] Supported trom Family Income Type of nausty” [] Soci! Media Marketing [Z] Muti Level Marketing (MLM) Frms/Cht unas [] Co-perate Banks [1] Share & Stock broker L Finance Companies (NBFC excep! Housing Finance Companies & Systamaialy Important NBFC's) [1] Commodities Broker LH Casinanigh! CubfBeting [X] Gambling and gaming business [C] BtcoivVitual Curences [] Arms/AntqueiAt DeaaExplosives [At deaterstScrp metal deters [1] Telemarketers [] Intemat Service Provider [] Liquor dstnuorsilStandolone wine shos Cy Real Estate Agants ‘Estate Agons/Rea| Estate - Guilder [] Dealers n Gomaliewolery/Precous metae@ulion (neludingsub-deae) exchange Houses [) Embassies:Consultes [] Online Loteies [1] Ofshore Corporalon [7] Donation taking TrusVSocites Di Money Changer / Money Transfer Agentainvestment Mgmt (smal ite known) Money MgmvPersona investment Company 1D Tradersiagents involved in ImporVExport (vadors; goods not used for own manutactuingretaiing} [] Auction House Zl Cartised canBoauPtane desarstipsorokers [] Transport Operators [C] Pel Pump [2] Venture Capital Companies 1 Elecvonic tems [Fim Production/iimDisiuton House/Move Thgares [1] Regulators and tatutrybadies Ll Goverment departments & Goverment owned companies atc. oe senvices: SSS Pee ON NAD [ Namie &Aasross fan [Ren Type Spgs Coront/ One| ASEOURUN Date Gpened [lao Un For Apaicant (QQNK oF Rapon A SIA 290 |p0003935] [Geapmican | | PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR CREDIT CARDS / LOAN (INCLUDING ANY WITH YES BANK LTD.) Trneser snag Bek] Type los /CrestCerd [Tenure |Loan/CCNo. [Balance Tenor [EM _[Loon/UmntAroun] For pica | [Gonmopican7 ] [Geter | PSS NG { stvaled Requfemenis of Funds Sour of Fue 1 [foreuchese Pree Own Fura | oy See a | ot strated Reauromens Toi “Pst ivesiment Amount n Plan & Meciney or | Turnover Amount Secor, verimen & Tumover valve Casiaton | Equement (et yauehOV) {Grating xporTurover wero Epes | =R1 Cr Re. 1 Cr and Re, 6 Grand Re. 10 Gr and Re, 60a and < Re 250 Gr | Netinvesiment Va: Re ‘Aare Seder |_[ Waral Farmer (= 25 Ace) | LS Famers (28 -SAcwa) [| _E]Onas Saar) Water Seaton ET, Set Cast Tiba 5] iebied Rerwon LE Morty Pie Spock, [SET PERSIE ‘YES BANK Saving Account: []Yes[-] No ‘YES BANK Current Account: []Yes[7] No YES BANK Credit Card: []¥es E]Ne Fields marked with * are MANDATORY @ casa eM ne) No.of Property ove by Applicant / Co-Applicant- Resiortial ‘Commerical Present Status of #8 property C] Ready Propériy ] Under Construction [7] ‘Not selected (ony ‘or Pre approval) Propety Onnernane [ [|_| cl Too | Property Adcress” = [J LI a a ei Lt Lj Country | Stale Lanamart ew LL J 3uid Up area of poperty “T] Aae ott propery ‘occupancy details [] Set Occupies [7] Rentes [_] Vacon [SaaS name MALENDRA DEV_ SHARMA fame | ANA a roatonsne’ [FEL IEIMIP ] Reiatonsnp* [RIE ls Took | Assess CA - airs 6-4) Plot CANTON Qo Hivi Sec — 16 A oly RoH VT ewn[ Jt Jo Jo Ie ex Looe? (Sro cea" [OIL Le Grn coder [B] Lu movie” [To lf? 2 [2] aslo Mobites [8 2] fe} Ensai = Emel source [] wed Cams Clemait (Channel| Branch Code source Cove PLN NCR 2S Channel: 2] Branch [E} Channel / Branch Name OST Code OSE Code 1 | declare that Ihave personally met the customer. Channel Stamp & Sgnature Eats eaa 11 Saab ape atime ae trea ‘and fr with any director of otier bankis Name ofthe Orectorismiorofcer Relafonship with the drectorsenior officer Ai - 2) Detals of dirctors of the ee er eae ee ‘BANK Limited. Name of director =a = = (Gael From time to ime YES BANK communicates various fealures/Products/promotional Offers which offer significant benef to its customer and may use the services of third party agances 19 do 60. Do you wish tobe informed about such benefis? J] We expressly authorize YES BANK to Use informatian or data rotating to me/us, for communicating marketing offers 2s aulined above. 51 ine ao not wish to receive oflers 3s cutine above Fr customers wha wish fo receive such marketing offers but do not wish to be communicated the ‘offer @“DoNot Call Serve. To register, pleaso visi our website wwrt.veabankin same by way of tolaphonic calls/SMS's from YES BANK, we Idenity/ Signature Proof ‘Address Proof (Residence & Ofice) ‘Age Proof For Salaried customer () Latest 2.9 Salary Sips. (@) Last 2 years 1T Fetum / Form 16. Appoinimant letter (i) 9-0 ‘onthe salary account statement (iv) Details of all exising loan ‘5. For Private Lirited company {() Memorandum ard Articles of ‘Association (0) Ust of Directors and Shareholders (i) TR. and Prof and Loss and. Baience Sheet ‘Slatements for last 3 years (along with Form CB and SCD where applicable) (Ww) Bank ‘Statement of main account for last © month (Dota ofa exising loans iausilve and depending upon per necossi For Partnotship Frm () Parmership Deed (i) ITR_and Proft and Loss and Balance Sheet Siatemer's for last 3 years (along wih Form 3CB and 3CD where @pplicabla) (il) Bark statement of main ‘account for last 6 months (W) Detals of all existing oans For Proprietorship ()ITR and Proft and Loss and Balance Sheet Statements for last 3 years (along with Form 3CB and 39D where applicable) (i) Bank ‘atement of main account for last § morih (Gi Details of al existing loans Complete Description of Product Name Abbrev PL Personal Loan BL = Business Loan HL= Home Loan AL = Auto Loan MEN = Medical Equipment Loan INEQ = Industral Equipment Loan Fils marked with" are MANDATORY CV = Commercial Vehicle Loan CCE = Construction Equipment Loan Khushi HL = Affordable Housing Loan TWL = Two Wheeler Loan PEN = Printing Equipment Loan LEPO = Loan for Professionals And Doctors ° LAP = Loan Against Property LAP DOD = LAP Dropline Overdraft LCP = Loan for Commercial Purchase APA = AMC & Peripheral Assets Loan au ee een ONS Ie Deca 2a ive are resident Indans/NR and that al particulars and information given inthe application form are true correct and complateand thal they shal fort {ne bass of any ban YES BANK Limited (YBL) may decide fo grant to mals Mie undertake fo inform YBL regarding any change in mylour above menioned deta 2c {o provide any “othr infrmaton Vat they may require. We further agree that myfour lon ehould be governad by Ba rules of YBL which may be in fren from tm ie lime. YBL resar¥es th right to rojeet the oan application UWe acknowledge and ghe consent that YBL ray obtaniislose/share anya infcrmation peraining f motut fremith any yanksfinancialinstiusonsleredt bureavsied pares for any purpose whalsceve: Further, incase of any guarantee or secu of thir pary ls intended Kc be provided fo-YBL as security forthe loan to be sanctioned to me, We acknowledge and give consent that YBL may disziose to such tr party information pertaining rmalus andi of the detais of the loan granted to mel, We agree that VBL andoe AMfilates or thelr contractors may hold and process my/our personal information anc al other information concarning myfour Aecoun(s) on computer or otherwise for analysis, cre scoring and markaling. We further agree that YBL. may discoze in sic onfidence to oer inetutone personal Information concerning mals as may be Teasanably necossary fr reasors inclusive of but not lmied to participation in ary \elecommunia ton of alectoni clearing network, for compliance with algal drectve ot fr raud prevention purposes. Fer any information so oblained | disclosed/snared We agree and cory that le wil not hold VBL responsibia fr the use of such informabon We agree that Lwe will ot ulize the monoy(es) received under the foar agreements) 1 any purpose which ae prohibited under any lw for te um being in ore including but not Imted to investment) in capital markal(s) ana speculaine purposes Vive understand that this application form slong withthe eupporing dacumentsiphotographs submited by melus shall remain the property of YES BANK LTC fd the same wal not be retwned to me/us, Tax Is applcabfe and wil be charged bo connection with he Loan. | understand that the Processing Fee, Login Admin Fee and Siam Duty are non-refundable or would not be waive under any ercumstances including bu ot lite to loan rejeclonwithdrawal of te appicalionioan cancelains or non-dsbursement of loan. le agree and confem 1) no eashiblank chaque has been given by me slong with his application, nor have | been promised any ee gitsinducements to appy fr hs facity 2) The 32Pk shal not process incomplete appicaton form, or which # an oes oF delay Is caused to me/us, We wi pot hold the Bank labie for such Loss/Delay 3. That Submission of Losn Application to your Bank does net imply aulomate approval bythe Bank. ) The Bank in is sole and absoulediscraton may sither sanction 0 reject the Loers appicaton and incase of rejection, te bank shall not be required (9 give ny reason and also reserve is rights to reain the Joan application form information and documents. 6) Tat le have not deteuted on any loan and ro ligation is pending against meivs. 6) thatthe Bank is only a finance provder anc Subsequent io vehle /AsseUPropery fnance dabursemant to the deslerBulder, Bank Ras no labily towards conditoncoor! maka! peformancal quality of vehicle AssetProperty at he time of dalvoryPoseeesiondaiay in deivery of Vehicalaccassones!Property from the DealBuiderMtenufacurer or avalabliy of specie eriade/qually! version ate dealership. 7) tha any ekscount ln pcing ofthe assets purely an otfarby tne manutactureridealer 8) Account Maintenance Charges f: {AP Dropine Oversrat payable annually. Retr faclty sanction letter for terms and conaltions. 9} Non Utlzation Commitment Char ges for LAP Oropline Qverraf art Deyable quartory 4 lization i ose than épecieg th eno. Rote facity sanction lta for terms and conditions. 10) YES BANK may deduct applicable fess om the Sieoursement proceeds for cretion of eharge ints favor or any euch expenee for enduring perfection of secur. For more deta, please refer fecilty sanction later | dist Yee Bank website for tho atest updates. ‘Ave autroriae Yes Bank to senda communications on emal/SMS a8 merioned above, iy 7 For Complte Protcvse Scheel Charen ana We Gur wate ov URL Ripa yebenkin ales an chrgnlpersonl Barnngoos Schedule of Charges communicated to mols by the bank representative Promo Code: Loan processing fees: ‘Kot tne aporoved Loan ammount ‘Cheque Bounce Chargas: RS per instrument Amortization Charges: Rs Indicatve Rate of narst: ta Cheque/EC Swopping Charges: Rs Overdue itarest: %pa. Loan Rebooking charges: Rs. Duplate NOC charges: Re, Login seman Feo: Re Interest Rate Type: Fixed! Floating ——] Semi Fixed ‘Penalty charges for pre-payment on Floating Rates of Interest for Incvidual Customers ony lease note, the interest rate and charges mentioned are indicative. The Applicable Rate of Interest and Charges would be as detailed inthe terms and ‘onalions, shoud the facifylloan be sanctioned by the Bank. ‘Account Maintenance Charges for LAP Dropline Overdraft ae payable annual. Commitment Charges on Non Ubletion fr LAP Dropine Overdraft are Payable {uarony i ubization flees an spocifed teshal YES Bank may deduct anpicable fees from the alzbursement proceed, for creation of charge ints favour or ary such exponse fr ensuring perfection of secuiy. Refer Sanction Letter and/or Loan Agreement or vst eur website on URL: hitps:J/www. yosbank.invratos-and-charges/personal-banking/loans for schedule charges applicable, List of Documents te be provided atthe te of Lan Apoiction wl be glen bythe YES BANK Relationship Managar Declaration: In case this Apaticaton form slay ited thas tobe ume rom your tain Oficial Ema 1D and rect sent to an YES Bank Offer ORRRER cence be Sood carson opodeas the apptcaion tres No save weve be rquroa tobe cated on ths sppiesionf- oa 15/04)9% rom WARATAA sorawect ronan (4000 Komttnnur ct coAspieantGierae i “ Ta ay BT Ta Com ie anni tera en Sg Woe A Pete act yu Cece Tod rastDREDT Fare ine Fy Desa Tae saan Fino Man a espa mp aE ae acl pn ennai maine ay vee nd sp ayant Ag pee np preety Om engin ny pnd te foromseritorite anne stan sd1 a)-D etn ek nl tt peg Toa ge i Iran one aan Locareeee Tiempo Ge in c= eK Granned with PamGrannar

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