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Multiple choice completion

Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to

1 I’m used to_____  with my sister about who will do household chores.
A. argue           B. argued         C. arguing        D. in arguing 

2 This toy was a gift from my father when he traveled abroad. I used to______ it.
A. liked           B. like           B. hating         D hated

3 My mother is very busy because of work. She goes home three days a week, now I get used
to____ . 
A. miss her          B.  eat alone           C. eating alone   D. being alone

4 When Laura was at college, she used to_____ a picture of Elvis Presley on her bedroom wall.
A. have B. had C has D. having
5 When I was a child, I used to_______ of being an astronaut.
A. dream B. dreaming C. dreamed D have dream
6 It took us ages to get used to______ in an apartment house.
A. live B. living C. lived D leave
7 .When I was a child, I _____ anyone 40 was old.
A. used to think     B. was used to thinking C. used to thinking  D. was used to
8 I know this town well. We ________ (visit) here a lot when I was younger.
A. used to visit B. used to visited C. used to visiting
D. was used to visit
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in the Present Simple Tense (simple
9 The Lees ________ a new receipt. ( always, try out)
10 Mr Henderson ________ 16 students. (  teach)
11 Mum _______ the house once a week.( tidy)
12 Tina __________ after breakfast. (dress up) 
13 When _____ the family ______ on holiday ? (be)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Perfect Tense (form of simple
14 They ____________________________ cookies all afternoon, ever since they came home
from school. (EAT)
15 I _________________________ a new pair of shoes (JUST BUY).
16 The novelist ____________________________ eight pages of his new book. (ALREADY
17 Your exam paper is completely blank! What ___________________________ in the past
hour ? (YOU DO)
18 There's nothing left to eat. My sister _________________________ everything I left in the
kitchen. (EAT)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or be going to. (form of simple
19  A: Oh no! I’ve left my money at home
B: Again? OK. I _________ pay for the dinner.
20 The weather forecast is good for the next few days. It_________ be warm and sunny.
21  They’ve already decided on their next summer holiday. They _________do a tour of the
22 I and my friends _________see a movie after class. Would you like to join us?
23  think the final match _________ be very exciting.

Future perfect and future continuous

Complete the sentences with the present simple form

of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible. (form of simple completion)
24 ____________________(you / retire) by the time you're 60?
25 Next year, I _____________(study) maths at university.
26 Hurry up! The film_________(start) soon.
27 There won't be anyone in the office. Everyone__________(go) home.
28 Don't phone me before 8 o'clock, we___________(have) dinner.

Complete the second sentences with the correct form of the future continuous or the future
perfect. (form of simple completion)

29 Today is Friday. I’m doing my driving test next Thursday. This time next week I
………………………… my driving test.
30 You always have dinner at 8 p.m. What about tonight? ………………………… at 8 p.m.
31 My sister goes to bed at 9 p.m. We arrive home at 10 p.m. My sister …………………………
by the time we get home.
32 We’re living in this house now. We’re moving in December. Next year,
………………………… in this house.

Complete the text about the future with the future perfect or the future continuous form of the
verbs in brackets.( form of simple completion)
Life in 2050
By 2050, technology will have taken over our lives and there will be no reason for us to leave
our houses.
We 33………………… (do) all our shopping on the Internet and instead of visiting friends
we 34………………… (chat) to them via our webcams. Many people 35…………………
(work) from home in the future too, so cars will no longer be necessary. As for our houses
themselves, they 36………………… (grow) in size to incorporate giant solar panels.
People 37………………… (throw away) their ovens and kitchen utensils, and
robots 38………………… (cook) the family meals.
In 2050, everybody 39………………… (go) to exercise groups in their area to keep fit. The
price of beauty treatments 40………………… (fall), so everybody 41………………… (look)
Circle the correct answers (form of multiple choice completion)
41 Fran went / has gone ballroom dancing last night
43 Did you finish/ Have you finished vlogging yet ?
44 I had / have had this camera for over a year
45 I read/ have had the whole magazine in an hour
46 Sam isn’t hungry because he already ate / has already eaten
47 Did you go /Have you been cycling last weekend?
Complete these sentences with the correct form of adjectives and adverbs comparison. (form of
simple completion)
48 Mary is (pretty) as her sister. .....................................................................................................
49 A new house is (expensive) than an old
one. .....................................................................................................
50  His job is (important) than mine. .....................................................................................................
51 Nobody is (happy) than Miss Snow. .....................................................................................................
52 Today English is the (international) of
languages. .....................................................................................................
53 Mr Bush is the (delightful) person I have ever
known. .....................................................................................................
54 Gold is (precious) than iron. .....................................................................................................
Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the words in the box.( form of
simple completion)

 friendly         useful         important         cold       crowded

   bad               high            exciting            thin       narrow

55 In Canada , January is ___________________ than March

56 I think that good health is ___________________ than money
57 You look ___________________ . Have you lost weight ?
58 I couldn't get a seat in the restaurent . It was ___________________  than usual.
59 I think that people who live in village are ___________________ than people in big cities.
60 My exam results were ___________________ than I expected
61 I think New York is  ___________________ than Houston.
62 Mountains are ___________________ than hills
63  These trousers are too wide . Do you have any that are ___________________ ?

Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (form of
simple completion)
64 If the weather ……………………… (be) nice, we ……………………… (have) a barbecue.
65   My sister ……………………… (not pass) her exams if she ……………………… (not
66   If they ……………………… (lose) tomorrow, they ……………………… (not play) in the
67  If you ……………………… (drive) to work, you ……………………… (not be) late.
68   I ……………………… (not get) wet, if I ……………………… (take) an umbrella.

69   Rob ……………………… (do) a computer course if he ……………………… (not find) a

Complete the third conditional sentences with the verbs in brackets. (form of simple
70 I ………………………….. (be) hungry, I ………………………….. (buy) a sandwich in the
buffet car.
71 We ………………………….. (book) a cabin if they ………………………….. (not be) so
72  If we ………………………….. (stop) at the filling station, we …………………………..
(not run out) of petrol.
73  If you ………………………….. (look) at the departures board, you
………………………….. (know) which gate to go to.
74   What ………………………….. you ………………………….. (do) if the airline
………………………….. (lose) your luggage?
75  We ………………………….. (not go) out on deck is the weather …………………………..
(not be) so lovely.
Complete the sentences with will / may / might / could (not) and the verbs below. Sometimes
more than one answer may be possible. (form of simple completion)
be       close      go out       hurt       like       win
76)The doctor isn’t completely sure, but he thinks that leg ____________ broken.

77) I don’t think our team ____________ today because our best player is injured.

78) I’m not sure if you should watch this horror film. You ____________ it.

79) He’s quite anxious about his operation, although the doctor has said it ____________ at all.

80) I haven’t decided yet, but I ____________ tonight. I’ve got a lot of homework.

81) There are rumours that they ____________ our local hospital. Very few people use it.

Complete the first conditional sentences with the verbs below. Use the present simple form
and will / won’t + base form. (form of simple completion)

be       be       not be able to       cut down       die out      find

get       get rid of       live       protect       rise      not use

82) If scientists ____________ cures for most diseases, people ____________ much longer.

83) If the climate ____________ warmer, sea levels ____________

84) Many endangered species ____________ if we don’t ____________ them.

85) We ____________ stop climate change if we ____________ less fossil fuels.

86) If we ____________ the rainforests, there ____________ more carbon dioxide in the

87) If we ____________ nuclear weapons, I think the world ____________ a much safer place.

Look at the table. Then write sentences using the prompts.( form of simple completion)
100% 90% 70% 40% 10% 0%
will will could / may / may not / might probably definitely
definitely probably might not won’t won’t

88) it / rain / tomorrow (70%)

 It might rain tomorrow.

89) I / go to bed late tonight (0%)


90) Tom / pass all his exams (100%)


91) Lisa / go to the doctor’s tomorrow (70%)


92) I / get the answer right (40%)


93) Fred / see his girlfriend this weekend (90%)


94) Jade / play computer games this evening (10%)


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