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College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts

Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus II,
Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200 Telefax: (043) 300-4044 locs. 106-108

CHE 556 – Chemical Engineering Practice With Comprehensive Examination


NAME: ___________________________________ SCORE: ________________

SECTION: __________ STUDENT NO:__________ DATE: _________________

General Directions
1. Use black or blue ink only.
2. Write your answers on the answer sheet provided. Erasure means wrong.
3. Cheating of any form is not allowed. Anyone caught will automatically have a grade of 0 for the exam.

1. A train whistle has a natural frequency of 1500 Hz. If the train is approaching a station at a
velocity of 30 m/s, what is the frequency perceived by a person standing at the station?
(Assume that the air temperature is 30°C).
A. 1641.5 Hz B. 1500 Hz C. 1240 Hz D. 2000 Hz
2. Which of the following relationships between compound interest factors is NOT correct?
A. Single payment compound amount factor and single payment present worth factor are
B. Sinking fund factor and uniform series compound amount factor are reciprocals
C. Capital recovery factor and uniform series present worth factor are reciprocals
D. Capital recovery factor and sinking fund factor are reciprocals
3. A closed box with a square base is to be built and the volume fixed at 30 m3. Determine the
minimum cost of the box if the front and top shall cost P 1.50 per square meter and the
bottom and the three sides shall cost P 2.00 per square meter.
A. P 106.14 B. P 142.15 C. P 175.22 D. P 187.65
4. The perimeter of a triangle is 79 feet. The second side of the triangle is one more than three
times the first side and the first side is ½ the third side. How long is the third side?
A. 26 ft B. 13 ft C. 40 ft D. 52 ft
5. Transform the equation of the circle x + y = 16 into an equation in polar coordinates.
2 2

A. r = 4 B. r sine = 4 C. r = 16 D. r cose = 4
6. Who is the chairman of the Board of Chemical Engineering?
A. Francisco Arellano C. Rodrigo C. Ong
B. Ofelia Bulaong D. Rizalino Nocon Jr.
7. A body weighing 40 lb starts from rest and slides down a plane at an angle of 30° with the horizontal for
which the coefficient of friction is 0.3. How far will it move during the third second? How long will it
require for it to move 60 ft?
A. 19.02 ft, 3.87 s B. 18.75 ft, 3.50 s C. 19.33 ft, 3.94 s D. 21.50 ft, 3.56 s
8. Andrea, Brian and Claire spent an afternoon picking strawberries. Andrea picked 3 kg more than Brian
but 2 kg less than Claire. If Brian picked three-quarters of the amount that Claire picked, how much did
the three friends pick in total?
A. 53 kg B. 15 kg C. 20 kg D. 35 kg
9. You are considering two types of electric motors to power an assembly line in your factory.
The financial information and the operating characteristics of the two motors are given below. If you
operate the assembly line for 6,000 hours annually, what is the total cost savings per operating hour
associated with the more efficient brand (Brand B) at an interest rate of 10%? The motor is required for a
period of 5 years.

Brand A Brand B
Price $ 9,000 $ 12,000
Salvage after 5 years $ 1,000 $ 1,500
Capacity 30 HP 30 HP
Efficiency 80% 85%

Current electricity price : $ 0.08 / kWh Note: 1 HP = 0.7457 kW

A. less than or equal to 1 cent
B. greater than 1 cent but less than or equal to 3 cents
C. greater than 3 cents but less than or equal to 5 cents
D. greater than 5 cents but less than or equal to 7 cents
10. From a point outside of an equilateral triangle, the distances of the vertices are 12, 20 and 12
respectively. Find the length of each side of the triangle.
A. 23.95 B. 22.85 C. 21.78 D. 20.68
11. What is the determinant of M?
0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
M= 1 1 3 1
2 1 3 4
A. -6 B. 6 C. 0 D. 7
12. To set an object in motion on a surface usually requires
A. less force than to keep it in motion
B. the same force as that needed to keep it in motion
C. more force than to keep it in motion
D. only as much as force as is needed to overcome inertia
13. Jodi has x dollars in her bank account. She withdraw 1/6 of it to pay her rent and 1/6 of it to
make her car payment. Jodi then deposits her payback of y dollars into her account. A week
later, she withdraws ½ of the money in her account to spend on a new set of knives. How
much money, in dollars, is left in Jodi’s account?
A. (4x – 3y)/6 B. (2x + 2y – 3)/6 C. (3x – y)/6 D. (2x + 3y)/6
14. Poisson’s ratio is the ratio of the
A. unit lateral deformation to the unit longitudinal deformation
B. unit stress to unit strain
C. elastic limit to proportional limit
D. shear strain to compressive strain
15. It is defined as the time-dependent and permanent deformation of materials when subjected
to a constant load or stress.
A. creep B. failure C. rupture lifetime D. shot peening
16. Find the LCM of the numbers 15, 21, 36.
A. 1260 B. 3 C. 9 D. 36
17. A number of men agree to contribute equally toward a P 14 fund. Later four men joined the
group, causing the individual contributions to be 40 cents less. How many men were originally
in the group?
A. 3 B. 8 C. 10 D. 14
18. What type of differential equation is (x + 1) ydx + (y – 3) (x – 2) dy = 0?
A. variable separable C. linear
B. homogeneous D. exact
19. A ball is dropped from a building 100 m high. If the mass of the ball is 10 grams, after what
time will the ball strikes the ground?
A. 5.61 s B. 2.45 s C. 4.52 s D. 4.42 s
20. The person who uses an invention for profit without the permission of the inventor is known
as the
A. impostor B. infringer C. infrator D. Perpetrator
21. A personnel officer drove from Lake Charles to a conference in Baton Rouge. The total
distance for the round trip was 240 miles. The time required to travel one way to Baton
Rouge was two hours. Due to heavy traffic during the return trip to Lake Charles, an extra
hour was required. How much slower was the personnel officer travelling on the return trip?
A. 10 mph slower B. 15 mph slower C. 20 mph slower D. 25 mph slower
22. Another name for the shear modulus of a material is
A. Young’s modulus B. modulus of rigidity C. bulk modulus D. ductility
23. Time rate of change of displacement.
a. speed
b. velocity
c. acceleration
d. time
24. Time rate of change of velocity.
a. speed
b. velocity
c. acceleration
d. time

25. It is defined as the resultant force on a particle.
a. Effective force
b. Inertia force
c. frictional force
d. force
26. It expresses the relation between the external forces applied to a system of particles and the effective
force on each particle of the system.
a. Newton’s Law of Motion
b. Newton’s Law of Acceleration
c. D’ Alembert’s Principle
d. Archimedes Principle
27. Motion of the rigid body in which a straight line passing through any two of its particles always remain
parallel to its initial position.
a. Translation
b. Transmutation
c. Rectilinear
d. Curvilinear
28. The motion of translating body moving in a straight line.
a. Translation
b. Vertical Translation
c. Horizontal Translation
d. Curvilinear Translation
29. A sequence of numbers whose every term is obtained by adding the two preceding terms and
the first two terms are 1 and 1, as 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ….. is called
A. Fourier series C. Fibonacci number
B. Fermat’s number D. Euler’s number
30. Determine the number of words of five different letters each that can be formed with the letters of the
word “VOLTAGE”.
a. 5,040
b. 2,520
c. 4,050
d. 2,520
31. find the laplace transform of e2tsint.
a. 1/(s2-4s+5)
b. s/(s2-4s+5)
c. (s-2)/(s2-4s+5)
d. 1/(s2-4s-5)
32. The differential equation (x2+4xy+y2)dx-xydy = 0 is
a. variable separable
b. homogeneous
c. exact
d. linear
33. A body so small that any differences in the motions of its parts can be neglected.
a. Particle
b. System
c. Object
d. Body
34. Into a 100 gal tank initially filled with fresh water flows 3 gal/min of salt water containing 2 pound of salt
per gallon. The solution kept uniform by stirring, flows out at the same rate. How much time will elapse
while quantity of salt in the tank changes from 100 to 150 lb?
a. 15.8 min
b. 20.7 min
c. 23.1 min
d. 26.3 min
35. What is the order of the differential equation dy/dx=5y?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
36. Myra’s age 13 years ago was 1/3 of her age 7 years hence. How old is Myra.
a. 49
b. 15
c. 18
d. 23
37. Action and reaction forces between two particles are always equal and oppositely directed.
a. Newton’s 1st Law
b. Newton’s 2st Law
c. Newton’s 3rd Law
d. Newton’s Law of Viscosity
38. Branch of dynamics without considering forces causing motion.
a. Dynamics
b. Statics
c. Kinematics
d. Kinetics
39. A system of particles which form an object of appreciable size.
a. Particle
b. System
c. Object
d. Body
40. From the mountain 1780 feet high, the angle of depression of a point on the nearer shore of a river is
4840’ and of a point directly across on the opposite side is 2220”. What is the width of the river
between the two points.
a) 2767 feet b) 4332.9 feet c) 1565 feet d) 3381 feet

“We are what we do… Not what we did. Now if we continue doing what we used to do, we can’t be upset that
we are still what we were, simply because we’re still doing what we did!”
Damon Lofton- motivational speaker

_end of exam_

Prepared By:

Engr. Neres Ann S. Manguiat

Instructor 1, ChE/FE Department

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