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Chào hỏi xã giao

Hi, Nice to meet you

Giới thiệu tên

My name is Nguyen Thanh Long - you can call me Long . L-O-N-G

Giới thiệu tuổi

I am 28 year old
Giới thiệu quê quán, địa chỉ sinh sống

I am living in Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Giới thiệu về trình độ học vấn/ nghề nghiệp/ kinh nghiệm trong công việc

my major is english linguistic

Before graduting from University I am an englsih teacher with 3 years working in nursery,
primary, secondary school and english cente. My duty is to teach and assist the foreigner
teacher of varying abilities and levels. After graduating I spend most of my time consulting
/kənˈsʌl.tɪŋ/ in customer service industry in concentrix company. My responsibilities are
assisting customers with their orders and handling their complaints /kəmˈpleɪnt/,via phone,
email, or chat as well as identify the real or unreal documents. Futhermore i also have to
Discuss frequently with Supervisor of new Standard operating procedure /prəˈsiː.dʒər/
Giới thiệu về sở thích, ước mơ, mong muốn, hy vọng… của bản thân

Due to I have to take my kid home in the afternoon, I always try to look for a night working
job such as your company. My dream maybe short but very reality is to get more and more
finance for living cost, grow up my daughter and qualify her future. After reviewing lots of
company’s requirement for night shift work, I have found that Vitex is the good one to make
sure all my expectation for the short and long terms.

I hope to talk with you more detail about job description as well as being a apart of the
company soon.

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