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Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11

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Comparative life cycle assessment of different synthesis routes of

magnetic nanoparticles
lez-García a, Y. Moldes-Diz a, C. Vazquez-Vazquez b, G. Feijoo a,
S. Feijoo a, S. Gonza
M.T. Moreira a, *
Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Technology, University of Santiago de Compostela, 15782, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Dept. of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Santiago de Compostela, 15782, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Nanotechnology is the manufacture and use of functional structures that have at least one characteristic
Received 17 October 2016 dimension measured in nanometers. Among the wide range of applications nanoparticles (NPs) may
Received in revised form present, they can be used as a catalyst or as carrier to immobilize biological catalysts, such as enzymes.
1 December 2016
The use of magnetic nanoparticles (mNPs) presents as main advantage over other alternatives the fact
Accepted 16 December 2016
Available online xxx
that they can be easily separated by the application of a magnetic field, facilitating their recovery from
the reaction medium. In parallel with the increasing interest in the production of nanomaterials, there is
a general consensus about their potential health and environmental risks associated. This paper aims to
Environmental impact
perform the evaluation of different synthesis routes considered for the production of mNPs from a life
LCA cycle assessment (LCA) perspective. Specifically, different approaches of mNPs synthesis were evaluated;
mNPs from simple forms such as sterically-stabilized magnetite and oleic-acid mNPs to production schemes
Nanotechnology that consider the coating of a shell on the preformed nanoparticles such as PEI-coated mNPs and silica-
Synthesis routes coated mNPs for the increased stability of the nanoparticle. When merely assessing the outcomes from
the LCA study, we observed that the manufacturing stage is dominated by the environmental impacts
associated to energy and chemical use, especially relevant for the type of silica-coated mNPs. However,
the selection of the optimal support for enzyme immobilization must comply with additional re-
quirements such high immobilization yield. According to the results, a compromise solution for the
selection of the support is obtained for PEI-coated mNPs, with satisfactory results in the indicators of
enzyme immobilization and limited environmental impact. Moreover, this work highlights two main
challenges currently encountered with the application of LCA to nanoproducts: lack of comparable re-
ports and data availability, both imply uncertainties associated with the estimation of the environmental
impacts of NPs.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction at the surface. Hence, nanoparticles have a greater surface area

when compared to larger particles and this feature is likely to result
Nanomaterials are defined as materials with at least one char- in faster rates of chemical reactions as well as changes in strength
acteristic dimension in the range of 1 and 100 nm. Nanomaterials and electrical characteristics. Secondly, the benefit of nano-
can be natural (e.g., humic and fulvic acids) (Thurman and Malcolm, materials is attributed to the quantum nature of energy states at the
1981), incidental to human activity (e.g., diesel emissions, welding nanometer scale, which can affect the optical, electrical and mag-
fumes) (Peters et al., 2009), or engineered. Engineered Nano- netic behaviour of matter (Royal Society & Royal Academy of
materials (ENMs) differ from bulk materials in two main charac- Engineering, 2004). On the contrary, a number of drawbacks are
teristics: relative surface area and quantum effects. Firstly, as inherent to the production and use of nanoparticles: the
particle size decreases a greater proportion of atoms can be found complexity of their production scheme and their instability as they
can easily undergo transformations. Moreover, their recycling and
disposal may be complicated as there is no definite solution for the
* Corresponding author.
disposal of nanomaterials.
E-mail address: (M.T. Moreira). Most ENMs can be divided into two general classes, depending
0959-6526/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Feijoo, S., et al., Comparative life cycle assessment of different synthesis routes of magnetic nanoparticles,
Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
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on whether they are carbon-based (e.g., carbon nanotubes and and resources, production process, use of products, and manage-
fullerenes) or metal-containing (e.g., Ag, TiO2, CeO2, Fe) (Heithmar ment of the product including recycling and disposal at the end-of-
and Pergantis, 2010). Among the different ENMs, magnetic nano- life stage. By doing so, LCA helps to identify the potential risks
particles have received a great deal of attention because of their associated with nanomaterials in advance to their complete
potential use in various biomedical applications, including contrast implementation. However, there are inherent difficulties in per-
agents in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic separation forming the LCA of nanomaterials. The major obstacles include the
and sorting of cells and proteins, immunoassay in pathology labo- uncertainty arising from the immature nature of the technology
ratories, hyperthermia treatment for cancerous tumors, and tar- and markets, the reluctant perspective to provide extensive infor-
geted delivery of pharmaceuticals and therapeutic genes (Babic mation on the processes under development and the lack of risk-
et al., 2008; Tsuzuki, 2013). The potential advantage in the use of associated information and characterization factors for LCA
magnetic nanoparticles (mNPs) over other NPs relies on the fact impact assessment (Tsuzuki, 2013).
that they can be easily separated by the application of a magnetic The available LCA studies of ENMs include nanomaterials such
field. as CdTe, carbon nanofibres (CNFs) and nanotubes (CNTs), nanoclay
Regarding the synthesis routes of mNPs, they can be produced (ONMT, organically modified montmorillonite), nanoscale Pt-group
through a variety of processes based on physical, chemical and metals, nanocrystaline-Si, Ag, titanium and titanium oxide
biological methods with differing mechanisms, inputs, yields, re- (Hischier and Walser, 2012; Gavankar et al., 2012; Upadhyayula
action conditions and nanoparticle size distributions (Willard et al., et al., 2012). The main outcomes from these studies report that
2004; Tartaj et al., 2006). Chemical coprecipitation is probably the both energy and chemicals use during ENM synthesis contribute a
most common method to prepare magnetic nanoparticles (Laurent significant and often dominant share of total life cycle environ-
et al., 2008). In this method, it is usually necessary to start from a mental impacts (Walser et al., 2011; Eckelman et al., 2012). How-
mixture of ferrous and ferric salts suspended in an aqueous alkaline ever, the Life Cycle Inventories (LCIs) cannot be classified as
medium that renders into nanoparticles with a broad size distri- comprehensive as they often lack ENM specific data related to the
bution (from 4 to 20 nm). Alternatively, other methods are outputs of the processes. Moreover, a considerable variability of the
currently being developed to produce nanoparticles with more (traditional) inventory items like energy input, material input, etc.
uniform dimensions. In this regard, water-in-oil (w/o) micro- was observed (Hischier and Walser, 2012). Regarding magnetic
emulsion can be considered as it consists of nano-sized water nanoparticles (mNPs), no available LCA reports on the different
droplets dispersed in an oil phase and stabilized by surfactant routes of synthesis were found.
molecules at the water/oil interface (Lo pez-Quintela et al., 2004). In this paper, different approaches of mNPs synthesis were
The surfactant-stabilized nano cavities (typically in the range of considered, from the production of sterically-stabilized magnetite
10 nm) provide a confinement effect that limits particle nucleation, and oleic-acid stabilized magnetite to production schemes where
growth and agglomeration. the coating of a shell on the preformed nanoparticles is developed
Beyond the alternatives considered for the production of sta- to obtain PEI-coated magnetite and silica-coated magnetic nano-
bilized magnetic nanoparticles, which can perform the electrostatic particles. However, not only is necessary to assess the environ-
immobilization of proteins, a shell of an appropriate material on the mental consequences of the different production alternatives of
original nanoparticle such as silica, polyelectrolyte and micelles, magnetic nanoparticles, but also to demonstrate that they can be
has been applied for a more stable structure (Gupta and Gupta, used as viable supports for the immobilization of proteins, in this
2005). The magnetic core ensures a strong magnetic response case, the oxidative enzyme laccase.
and the polymeric shell enables the modification of the surface
with target functional groups. Surface functionalization would 2. Materials and methods
allow the desired molecules such as proteins to be immobilized by
covalent binding on or conjugated to the particles, enabling tar- 2.1. Goal and scope definition
geted biological applications such as site-specific markers, bio-
conjugates and sensors (Subbiah et al., 2010). Most enzymes are The purpose of this work is to evaluate the environmental
covalently attached using their lysine amino groups because of performance of different routes for the synthesis of magnetic
their frequent presence on the protein surface and high reactivity nanoparticles. The assessment is based on real data from the pro-
(Brady and Jordaan, 2009). duction schemes of mNPs developed by the NanoMag group at the
In parallel with the increasing interest in the production of University of Santiago de Compostela. Fig. 1 depicts the four pro-
nanomaterials, extensive research into potential environmental duction schemes or scenarios included within the system bound-
and health implications of their production and use has been aries of the environmental study. The detailed description of the
developed, particularly given the projections for their widespread four routes is detailed in the next section. Both the amount of waste
incorporation into consumer products. The uncertainty associated streams produced as well as their treatment were considered
with the potential toxicological effects of nanomaterials is yet to be identical for the different synthesis routes (i.e. wastewater from
assessed in order to develop specific disposal policies (Alagarasi, washing steps and re-dispersion activities). Their potential vari-
2009). Keller et al. (2013) estimates the release of ENMs from ability in terms of composition is beyond the scope of the envi-
various waste management methods by assuming identical po- ronmental analysis since no information about them was supplied.
tential of release for all ENMs and applications, due to the absence
of case specific data. 2.2. Description of the production processes
According to Grieger et al. (2012), there is a general consensus
amongst scientists, researchers and regulatory agencies that the 2.2.1. Preparation of sterically-stabilized magnetite (Scenario 1)
potential health and environmental risks of ENMs should be eval- In a typical synthesis, FeCl3.6H2O (9 mmol) and FeSO4.7H2O
uated over their entire life cycle. Application of Life Cycle Assess- (6 mmol, molar ratio Fe3þ/Fe2þ z 1.5) were incubated in 0.01 M HCl
ment (LCA) to nanotechnology would highlight both the positive solution with mechanical stirring at 60  C, following the Massart's
and negative impacts of nanotechnology on the environment and it method (1981). Ammonium hydroxide solution was added to the
would have to include all aspects of activities during the life of a mixture, which led to the immediate formation of black magnetite
product ‘from cradle to grave’, such as extraction of raw materials nanoparticles, which will be the basis for the different alternatives

Please cite this article in press as: Feijoo, S., et al., Comparative life cycle assessment of different synthesis routes of magnetic nanoparticles,
Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
S. Feijoo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11 3

Fig. 1. Block Flow Diagram for different routes of production of magnetic nanoparticles (mNPs).

of production. The type of magnetic nanoparticle referred as allowed to continue for 1 h before being heated on a hot plate until
sterically-stabilized magnetite was obtained after the addition of flocculation occurred. The nanoparticles were washed twice with
tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAOH; 10%wt) at pH 10 deionized water to remove residual concentration of the surfactant
(Berger et al., 1999). According to Jolivet et al. (1983), TMAOH acts molecules and finally redispersed in cyclohexane.
as a surfactant to nanoparticles by absorbing the cationic species at
the surface OH groups; thus, creating an electrostatic repulsion 2.2.4. Preparation of silica-coated magnetic nanoparticles (Scenario
layer surrounding the particles keeping them apart. 4)
The fourth type of nanoparticles was obtained in a further step
2.2.2. Preparation of polyethylenimine-coated magnetite when Fe3O4@SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles were prepared through
nanoparticles (Scenario 2) a water-in-cyclohexane reverse microemulsion starting from oleic
Polyethylenimine (PEI) is a branched polymer with a high- acid NPs (Fang et al., 2011; Han et al., 2008). The reverse micro-
density amine group, (CH2CH2NH)n. Due to the different pKa emulsion method considered to coat magnetic nanoparticles with
values of the primary, secondary and tertiary amino groups, PEI has silica required neither the use of silane coupling agents as surface
the ability to capture protons at different pH conditions, which is primers nor a polymer stabilizer.
known as the ‘proton sponge’ mechanism. PEI molecules bounded In a typical synthesis, polyoxyethylene(5)nonylphenyl ether
to particles by electrostatic interaction and the negative charges on (Igepal CO-520) and cyclohexane were mechanically stirred for
the surface of the particles were converted into positive charges. 15 min before the addition of oleic-acid magnetite nanoparticles
Due to its unique properties, PEI appears to be one of the most (0.5% wt in cyclohexane). Finally, ammonium hydroxide solution
appropriate molecules for the surface modification of MNPs for and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) were added consecutively under
biological applications. The production process of the poly- stirring to form a transparent red solution of reverse micro-
ethylenimine (PEI)-coated magnetite started with the addition of emulsion until complete reaction after 16 h. The core-shell nano-
2 g PEI to the black magnetite nanoparticles obtained previously particles were precipitated with isopropanol (IPA) to disrupt the
after the addition of the ammonia solution. After reaction and reverse microemulsion and washed four times with IPA and
cooling down to room temperature, pH was changed to 4 by adding deionized water. Finally, they were subjected to several cycles of
HCl. Then, the magnetic nanoparticles were magnetically separated centrifugation (9000 rpm, 15 min) and washing with deionized
and washed four times with deionized water and finally redis- water until no foam was observed. Then, the core-shell nano-
persed in water. particles were redispersed in deionized water to a concentration ca.
0.5e1% wt (determined by thermogravimetric analysis).
2.2.3. Preparation of oleic-acid magnetite nanoparticles (Scenario
3) 2.2.5. Characterization of the magnetic nanoparticles
Oleic acid (OA) is a commonly used surfactant to stabilize the For transmission electron microscopy analysis (TEM), a drop
magnetic nanoparticles synthesized by the traditional co- from a diluted sample solution was deposited onto an amorphous
precipitation method. The chemical bond formed between the car- carbon film on 400 mesh copper grids and left to evaporate at room
boxylic acid and the iron oxide nanoparticles is remarkably strong. temperature in an evacuated desiccator. TEM micrographs were
Moreover, OA forms a waterproofing shell around the magnetite recorded on a transmission electron microscope (JEOL JEM1011)
nanoparticles. The procedure to produce oleic-acid-coated Fe3O4 operating at an accelerating voltage of 100 kV and the particle size
nanoparticles started from the combination of the black magnetite was measured with the software Image J.
nanoparticles with the addition of oleic acid. The reaction was The nanoparticles sizes in suspension were determined by

Please cite this article in press as: Feijoo, S., et al., Comparative life cycle assessment of different synthesis routes of magnetic nanoparticles,
Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
4 S. Feijoo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11

dynamic light scattering (DLS) using a Zetasizer Nano ZS instru- of the environmental performance of different routes for the syn-
ment (Malvern Instruments Ltd., UK) that allows specific mea- thesis of magnetic nanoparticles in order to identify the most
surements of the z-average diameter (defined as the intensity- environmentally friendly one; and b) the viability of the use of
weighted average hydrodynamic diameter of the particles being magnetic nanoparticles as viable supports for the immobilization of
measured). An aliquot of a stock suspension of the ground material the oxidative enzyme laccase.
in deionized water was prepared and homogenized by ultra-
sonication for 5 min. The z-average diameter was calculated as the 3.1. Technical analysis e viability for enzyme immobilization
average of six measurements.
The superparamagnetic properties of the different nanoparticles
2.3. Life cycle inventory, data quality and assumptions were evidenced when a magnet was placed under the glass vial.
Then, the particles were accumulated on the bottom of the vial near
According to the experimental conditions, the amount of mNPs the magnet within a few minutes. After removal of the external
produced per batch (in mg) was selected as the functional unit (FU). magnetic field, the aggregates were rapidly redispersed by gentle
Hischier and Walser (2012) note that the selection of a weight stirring. Moreover, complete characterization of the nanoparticles
based functional unit makes sense when comparing alternative was performed for the different processes to assure that the pro-
production processes to produce an equivalent amount of nano- cesses rendered into viable magnetic nanoparticles.
material. The LCI data for the foreground system (i.e. raw materials, Transmission electron microscopy of the magnetic nano-
water, chemicals, transport distances, energy consumption) con- particles was performed to determine the shape, size and unifor-
sisted of average data used for the experimental procedure (pri- mity of the particles under optimum conditions. The magnetite
mary data). In this case, the different activities carried out nanoparticles were predominantly spherical, which was confirmed
throughout the production chain of each scenario are only aimed to by field emission scanning electron microscopy. Their average sizes
the production of mNPs and no additional co-products are ob- were 21.5 ± 2.1 nm and 9.9 ± 1.4 nm for the silica-coated and the
tained. Thus, all the environmental burdens derived from each sterically-stabilized mNPs. Oleic and PEI coated mNPs have an
synthesis route were directly associated with the mNPs and no average size of 7.8 ± 2.0 nm and 10 ± 2.4 nm, respectively.
allocation procedure was required. When it comes to assessing the viability of the use of mNPs for
The evaluation of the environmental impacts associated to enzyme immobilization, the different NPs showed variable results.
mNPs production was based on inventory data from laboratory- The best NPs for laccase immobilization were silica-coated NPs
scale experiments, which have been developed at a pilot scale by because they presented an immobilization yield of 103.5 ± 1.3%; the
the company NANOGAP (Table 1). The background system con- rationale behind this value is due to the fact that the immobilized
siders the production of the chemicals and energy used in the enzyme in silica-mNPs showed higher affinity to ABTS (enzyme
different production stages as well as wastewater treatment, as substrate) when measuring its activity. Lower yields of laccase
summarized in Table 1. In more detail, Ecoinvent® database (2016) immobilization were obtained for the other types of NPs: PEI
was used to collect background data concerning generation of nanoparticles achieved a yield of enzyme immobilization of
electricity (Dones et al., 2007), production of chemicals (Althaus 78.3 ± 11.9%, while magnetite NPs attained values below 60% with
et al., 2007), transportation (Spielmann et al., 2007) and waste- reversible leaching from the support when changing the value of
water treatment (Doka, 2007). Concerning the production of elec- pH. The worst results of immobilization were obtained when oleic
tricity, the process included in the database was updated using data acid NPs were used, around 15%, which was due to the agglomer-
for the average electricity generation and import/export data from ation of NPs when pH was changed before enzyme immobilization.
Spain in 2014 (Red Ele ctrica de Espan
~ a, 2014). The formation of aggregates reduced the available sites of the
support for enzyme immobilization. While the highest yield of
2.4. Environmental impact assessment immobilization was achieved for silica-coated mNPs, the selection
of the optimal support should comply with an additional major
The performed LCA is based on a cradle-to-gate approach, from requirement: minor environmental impacts.
the production of raw materials to the formulation of the mNPs.
The environmental profile for the different processes was assessed 3.2. Global environmental analysis
by performing the classification and characterization stages of the
LCA methodology (ISO 14040, 2006). The characterization factors From the analysis of the data presented in Table 1 for the
reported by the ReCiPe method for Life Cycle Impact Assessment different routes, it is evident that they share a number of stages in
(LCIA) were used (Goedkoop et al., 2012). The impact potentials common: mechanical stirring to perform the chemical co-
evaluated according to the ReCiPe method were: climate change precipitation of the black magnetite, magnetic separation,
(CC), ozone depletion (OD), terrestrial acidification (TA), freshwater washing and re-dispersion. But they also differ in complexity and
eutrophication (FEU), marine eutrophication (MEU), human final formulation of the nanoparticle, with distinct stages for oleic
toxicity (HT), photochemical oxidants formation (POF), terrestrial acid, PEI-coated or silica-coated NPs. In the latter option, the pro-
ecotoxicity (TE), freshwater ecotoxicity (FE), marine ecotoxicity tocol for the preparation of core-shell nanoparticles starts from the
(ME), water depletion (WD) and fossil fuel depletion (FD). The oleic acid NPs; accordingly, more stages are performed in this
software SimaPro was used for the computational imple- protocol because all the previous stages of oleic acid nanoparticles
mentation of the inventories (Goedkoop et al., 2012). Firstly, the must be included.
environmental burdens of the different scenarios proposed for When it comes to analyze the individual inventory data for each
analysis were quantified to identify the main hot spots. In addition, scenario, the two first alternatives (Scenarios 1 and 2) resemble
the most relevant stages and parameters were further analyzed by each other due to the comparable production scheme of nano-
conducting a sensitivity assessment for alternative scenarios. particles, similar use of chemicals and electricity and minor dif-
ferences in the amount of chemicals used to adjust pH, water for
3. Results and discussion washing stages and wastewater generated. Broadly speaking, the
production of sterically stabilized magnetite and PEI coated nano-
Two main purposes are pursued in this work: a) the evaluation particles will probably have a similar environmental profile.

Please cite this article in press as: Feijoo, S., et al., Comparative life cycle assessment of different synthesis routes of magnetic nanoparticles,
Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
S. Feijoo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11 5

Table 1
Global inventory of the production processes.

Type of mNPs Inventory Amount Unit

Sterically-stabilized magnetite nanoparticles Inputs from Technosphere

Mechanical stirring
FeCl3$6H2O (99% wt) 12.2 g
FeSO4$7H2O (99% wt) 8.4 g
HCl (37% wt) 98.5 mg
NH4OH (28% wt) 30.0 mL
Electricity from agitation 441 kJ
Electricity from heating 4095 kJ
Deionized water 0.30 L
TMAOH (10% wt) 10.0 mL
Deionized water 0.10 L
Outputs to Technosphere
Sterically-stabilized magnetite nanoparticles 6.8 g
Emissions to treatment facility
Wastewater 0.40 L
PEI coated nanoparticles Inputs from Technosphere
Mechanical stirring
FeCl3$6H2O (99% wt) 12.2 g
FeSO4$7H2O (99% wt) 8.4 g
HCl (37% wt) 98.5 mg
NH4OH (28% wt) 30.0 mL
Electricity from agitation 441 kJ
Electricity from heating 4095 kJ
PEI 2.0 g
HCl (9% wt) 35.0 mL
Deionized water 0.40 L
Deionized water 0.10 L
Outputs to Technosphere
PEI coated nanoparticles 7e7.5 g
Emissions to treatment facility
Wastewater 0.50 L
Oleic acid coated nanoparticles Inputs from Technosphere
Mechanical stirring
FeCl3$6H2O (99% wt) 2.4 g
FeSO4$7H2O (99% wt) 1.7 g
HCl (37% wt) 19.7 mg
NH4OH (28% wt) 6.0 mL
Electricity from agitation 441 kJ
Electricity from heating 4095 kJ
Oleic acid 0.45 mL
Electricity 2340 kJ
Deionized water 0.15 L
Cyclohexane 100 mL
Outputs to Technosphere
Oleic acid coated nanoparticles 2.5e3.0 g
Emissions to treatment facility
Wastewater 0.24 L
Fe3O4@SiO2 coated nanoparticles Inputs from Technosphere
Oleic acid coated nanoparticles 0.10 g
Igepal CO-520 15.0 g
Cyclohexane 180 g
NH4OH (28% wt) 2.1 mL
TEOS 2.4 mL
Electricity from agitation 189 kJ
Electricity from mechanical agitation 4032 kJ
IPA 100 mL
Electricity 42.0 kJ
Deionized water 0.40 L
IPA 0.40 L
Electricity from agitation 168 kJ
Electricity from ultrasonic bath 192 kJ
(continued on next page)

Please cite this article in press as: Feijoo, S., et al., Comparative life cycle assessment of different synthesis routes of magnetic nanoparticles,
Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
6 S. Feijoo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11

Table 1 (continued )

Type of mNPs Inventory Amount Unit

Deionized water 0.10 L

Outputs to Technosphere
Fe3O4@SiO2 coated nanoparticles 0.50 g
Emissions to treatment facility
Wastewater 0.79 L

Regarding the production of oleic acid nanoparticles (Scenario alternatives.

3), the lower use of chemicals also renders into reduced production In this case, the impact of using equivalent amounts of NH3 and
of nanoparticles. In addition, this protocol suffers from the NaOH were modeled as their suitability has been demonstrated
remarkable volume of cyclohexane required for re-dispersion, experimentally. The relative impact in each category from using
which will probably have a detrimental effect on the impact. The such chemicals is shown in Fig. 5. From this plot, it can be assumed
fourth scheme designed for the production of silica-coated nano- that the impact associated to TMAOH is not higher than for other
particle (Scenario 4) is foreseen to present the largest impacts as it alkaline solutions; therefore, the suggested change does not render
comprises not only the stages of oleic acid nanoparticles but also into any significant improvement.
four additional stages, with important requirements of chemicals in In the case of PEI coated nanoparticles (Scenario 2), HCl con-
the reactor. tributes with more than 60% of the impact associated to the
Beyond the analysis of inventory data, the environmental im- chemicals in most categories (Fig. 4b). As in the case of sterically-
pacts are determined from the characterization stage (results pre- stabilized magnetite nanoparticles, HCl is used to adjust pH to 4.
sented in Table 2 and Fig. 2), which split the results into the stages Hence, the use of another type of acid solution could be used to
and processes depicted previously in Fig. 1. As expected, silica perform the same task. Equivalent amounts of HNO3, H2SO4, acetic
coated nanoparticles clearly present the highest environmental acid and formic acid in substitution of HCl have been tested
impacts. Sterically-stabilized magnetite NPs, PEI coated NPs and experimentally and the results of comparing their environmental
oleic acid NPs show lower and similar contributions, which will be effects are presented in Fig. 6. Among the different chemicals,
further examined. H2SO4 has proved to be the most environmentally friendly acid and
Although the outcomes of the analysis for a number of impact additionally, it is an affordable commercial compound.
categories were obtained, special emphasis was paid to During the production of oleic acid coated nanoparticles and
greenhouse-gas emissions and energy-related impacts and in- silica-coated nanoparticles (Scenario 3 and 4, respectively), cyclo-
dicators, e.g., primary energy, as they are the most widely used ones hexane is used in the re-dispersion stage and in the reaction stage,
in the LCA studies and their evaluation methods are globally respectively. Cyclohexane accounts for more than 90% of the
accepted, which allows us to compare impacts across technology chemicals impact in the manufacturing of oleic acid coated nano-
types and maturity levels. Results show that, for the different particles and for more than 25% for the silica-coating (Fig. 4c and d,
synthesis routes, the impacts associated with the consumption of respectively). When modeling the use of similar organic solvents
energy are dominant for nearly every impact category, contributing (N-heptane and 1,1-dimethylcyclopentane), cyclohexane presents
to over 90% of life cycle burdens in some cases (Fig. 3). the lowest impact in most categories, so the use of the other al-
Nevertheless, chemicals also contribute up to 60% in some sce- ternatives would not be advisable (Fig. 7a and b, respectively for
narios (Fig. 4). Therefore, their possible replacement has encour- Scenario 3 and 4).
aged the proposal of other options (Figs. 5e7). The environmental
analysis of alternative scenarios for the ones considered under 3.4. Environmental analysis per unit immobilization yield
study is reported below.
As previously reported, the environmental profiles for the
3.3. Proposal of alternative solutions to the environmental hotspots different synthesis routes of mNPs have been displayed considering
one production batch as functional unit. However, the production
In the production of sterically-stabilized magnetite nano- yields of mNPs are different between scenario (Table 1) as well as
particles (Scenario 1), FeCl3, NH4OH and TMAOH contribute to most the viability for enzyme immobilization. If laccase is considered for
of the impact share, about one third each (Fig. 4a). Since TMAOH is immobilization, silica-coated nanoparticles should be preferred
only used after the washing step to adjust pH at 10, it is one of the due to their high immobilization yield (i.e. 103.5 ± 1.3%) while oleic
target compounds that have been compared with other acid NPs would be rejected due to the low immobilization yield

Table 2
Environmental impacts in the production of nanoparticles.

Impact category Unit Sterically-stabilized magnetite NPs PEI coated magnetite NPs Oleic acid NPs Silica coated NPs

Climate change kg CO2 eq 9.94$102 9.60$102 4.15$101 3.73

Ozone depletion kg CFC-11 eq 7.97$109 1.23$108 2.32$108 1.73$107
Terrestrial acidification kg SO2 eq 8.08$104 7.74$104 3.12$103 1.96$102
Freshwater eutrophication kg P eq 4.45$105 4.63$105 1.57$104 9.01$104
Marine eutrophication kg N eq 3.54$105 3.76$105 1.06$104 8.94$104
Human toxicity kg 1,4-DB eq 3.89$102 4.36$102 1.25$101 9.03$101
Photochemical oxidant formation kg NMVOC 3.93$104 3.74$104 1.62$103 1.46$102
Terrestrial ecotoxicity kg 1,4-DB eq 2.97$106 5.61$106 1.12$105 1.06$104
Freshwater ecotoxicity kg 1,4-DB eq 8.23$104 8.69$104 2.83$103 1.92$102
Marine ecotoxicity kg 1,4-DB eq 8.21$104 8.86$104 2.84$103 1.95$102
Water depletion m3 4.55$103 4.62$103 1.85$102 1.55$101
Fossil depletion kg oil eq 2.89$102 2.70$102 1.44$101 2.07

Please cite this article in press as: Feijoo, S., et al., Comparative life cycle assessment of different synthesis routes of magnetic nanoparticles,
Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
S. Feijoo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11 7


CharacterizaƟon results (unit eq substance/FU)




Sterically-stabilised magneƟte nanoparƟcles PEI coated magneƟte nanoparƟcles
Oleic acid coated nanoparƟcles Silica coated nanoparƟcles

Fig. 2. Total environmental impact for the different types of nanoparticles. Acronyms: CC e Climate Change (kg CO2 eq$102), OD e Ozone Depletion (kg CFC-11 eq$1010), TA e
Terrestrial Acidification (kg SO2 eq$105), FEU e Freshwater Eutrophication (kg P eq$106), MEU e Marine Eutrophication (kg N eq$106), HT e Human Toxicity (kg 1,4-DB eq$103), POF
e Photochemical Oxidant Formation (kg NMVOC$105), TE e Terrestrial ecotoxicity (kg 1,4-DB eq$107), FE e Freshwater Ecotoxicity (kg 1,4-DB eq$105), ME e Marine Ecotoxicity (kg
1,4-DB eq$105), WD e Water Depletion (m3$104), FD e Fossil Depletion (kg oil eq$103).

100 100
RelaƟve contribuƟon (%)

80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
00 00














Chemicals Deionized water Chemicals Deionized water

Energy Wastewater Energy Wastewater

(a) (b)

100 100
RelaƟve contribuƟon (%)

80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
00 00










Chemicals Deionized water Chemicals Deionized water

Energy Wastewater Energy Wastewater
Oleic nanoparƟcles
(c) (d)

Fig. 3. Environmental impact distribution for discrete amounts of different types of nanoparticles produced: (a) sterically-stabilized magnetite, (b) PEI-coated, (c) oleic acid, (d)
silica-coated nanoparticles. Acronyms: CC e Climate Change, OD e Ozone Depletion, TA e Terrestrial Acidification, FEU e Freshwater Eutrophication, MEU e Marine Eutrophication,
HT e Human Toxicity, POF e Photochemical Oxidant Formation, TE e Terrestrial ecotoxicity, FE e Freshwater Ecotoxicity, ME e Marine Ecotoxicity, WD e Water Depletion, FD e
Fossil Depletion.

(15%). If the mNPs production yield is assessed, 0.50 g and 2.75 g PEI coated and sterically-stabilized mNPs the ones with the highest
should be obtained per batch respectively in both scenaria, being production yields. Therefore, an additional functional unit has been

Please cite this article in press as: Feijoo, S., et al., Comparative life cycle assessment of different synthesis routes of magnetic nanoparticles,
Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
8 S. Feijoo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11

RelaƟve contribuƟon (%)

100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0











FeCl3 FeSO4 HCl FeCl3 FeSO4 HCl


(a) (b)
RelaƟve contribuƟon (%)

100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0











FeCl3 FeSO4 HCl C6H12 Igepal NH4OH
C6H12 NH4OH Oleic acid TEOS IPA

(c) (d)

Fig. 4. Chemical impact distribution for discrete amounts of different types of nanoparticles produced: (a) sterically-stabilized magnetite, (b) PEI-coated, (c) oleic acid, (d) silica-
coated nanoparticles. Acronyms: CC e Climate Change, OD e Ozone Depletion, TA e Terrestrial Acidification, FEU e Freshwater Eutrophication, MEU e Marine Eutrophication, HT e
Human Toxicity, POF e Photochemical Oxidant Formation, TE e Terrestrial ecotoxicity, FE e Freshwater Ecotoxicity, ME e Marine Ecotoxicity, WD e Water Depletion, FD e Fossil

RelaƟve contribuƟon (%)



Fig. 5. Comparison between the use of TMAOH, NaOH and NH3 in the production of sterically-stabilized nanoparticles. Acronyms: CC e Climate Change, OD e Ozone Depletion, TA
e Terrestrial Acidification, FEU e Freshwater Eutrophication, MEU e Marine Eutrophication, HT e Human Toxicity, POF e Photochemical Oxidant Formation, TE e Terrestrial
ecotoxicity, FE e Freshwater Ecotoxicity, ME e Marine Ecotoxicity, WD e Water Depletion, FD e Fossil Depletion.

proposed for assessment considering both the mNPs production again the worst option regardless the impact category considered
yield and the enzyme unit immobilization yield. Thus, the envi- for assessment. However, Scenario 2 (PEI coated mNPs) should be
ronmental profiles have been reported per unit of enzyme immo- preferred since reductions of around ~99.5% could be obtained with
bilized (Fig. 8). respect to Scenario 4. Thus, this type of mNPs could be considered
According to the experimental results, 0.15, 1.54, 0.20 and 2.66 as an optimal option from technical and environmental indicators.
units of enzyme are immobilized per mg of mNP in Scenario 1, 2, 3
and 4, respectively, which are equivalent to 1020, 11165, 550 y 1330 4. Conclusions
units of enzyme immobilized per batch. Taking into account the
environmental profiles displayed in Fig. 8, Scenario 4 should be This work provides the first detailed life cycle inventory and

Please cite this article in press as: Feijoo, S., et al., Comparative life cycle assessment of different synthesis routes of magnetic nanoparticles,
Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
S. Feijoo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11 9



RelaƟve contribuƟon (%)






HCl HNO3 H2SO4 AceƟc acid Formic acid

Fig. 6. Comparison between the use of HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, acetic acid and formic acid in the production of PEI coated nanoparticles. Acronyms: CC e Climate Change, OD e Ozone
Depletion, TA e Terrestrial Acidification, FEU e Freshwater Eutrophication, MEU e Marine Eutrophication, HT e Human Toxicity, POF e Photochemical Oxidant Formation, TE e
Terrestrial ecotoxicity, FE e Freshwater Ecotoxicity, ME e Marine Ecotoxicity, WD e Water Depletion, FD e Fossil Depletion.


RelaƟve contribuƟon (%)






Cyclohexane N-heptane 1,1-dimethylcyclopentane



RelaƟve contribuƟon (%)






Cyclohexane N-heptane 1,1-dimethylcyclopentane


Fig. 7. Comparison between the use of cyclohexane, N-heptane and 1,1-dimethylcyclopentane in the production of oleic acid coated nanoparticles (a) and silica coated nanoparticles
(b). Acronyms of Figure A and B respectively: CC e Climate Change, OD e Ozone Depletion, TA e Terrestrial Acidification, FEU e Freshwater Eutrophication, MEU e Marine
Eutrophication, HT e Human Toxicity, POF e Photochemical Oxidant Formation, TE e Terrestrial ecotoxicity, FE e Freshwater Ecotoxicity, ME e Marine Ecotoxicity, WD e Water
Depletion, FD e Fossil Depletion.

Please cite this article in press as: Feijoo, S., et al., Comparative life cycle assessment of different synthesis routes of magnetic nanoparticles,
Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
10 S. Feijoo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e11

100 02) and the author CV-V belongs to GRC 2013-044, programs fun-
ded by FEDER and Xunta de Galicia. Dr. S. Gonzalez-García would
like to express her gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Economy
80 and Competitivity (Grant reference RYC-2014-14984) for financial
ComparaƟve profile (%)


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Please cite this article in press as: Feijoo, S., et al., Comparative life cycle assessment of different synthesis routes of magnetic nanoparticles,
Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),

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