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Music Lesson Plan Ideas

Grade Level: K/1

Type of Lesson (choose one): Movement Listening Instrument Singing Game

Title: Glow Stick Drumming



Let the students practice drumming while using glow sticks. They can experience
different sights and sounds, such as by drumming on different objects.

Curriculum Connection: Playing instruments, sounds, sights

Literacy Connection: Can be connected to anything!
Music Standards utilized: K.MU:Cr1

Grade Level: 2/3

Type of Lesson (choose one): Movement Listening Instrument Singing Game

Title: Timbre Sorting

Description: In groups or individually, give students a paper with images and names
of instruments. Students then cut out the names and pictures and sort them into timbre or
sound categories.

Curriculum Connection: Critical thinking, sounds, listening, visuals

Literacy Connection: None, but can be included if the teacher wanted to add
to the lesson!
Music Standards utilized: 3.MU:Pr4.2

Grade Level: 4/5

Type of Lesson (choose one): Movement Listening Instrument Singing Game

Title: Tuning Fork Madness



Show students a video about how tuning forks work. Let them loose with these questions-
- What makes the strongest sound with a tuning fork?
- How can you test your hypothesis?
- What did you learn about sound from this experiment?
Let them play and explore!

Curriculum Connection: Sounds, listening, patterns, rhythm, discovery

Literacy Connection: Students create their own sounds and patterns!
Music Standards utilized: 4.MU:Cr1

Grade Level: K/1

Type of Lesson: Movement Litening Instrument Singing game

Title: Instrument Petting Zoo


Description: There will be every type of instrument possible laying on a

blanket or table. Students will try each instrument, testing out which sounds
they like playing.
Materials needed: Any type of instrument

Curriculum Connection: Playing instruments, listening to sounds, hand


Literacy Connection: Toot! Toot! Guess the Instrument! By Cocoretto Music

Standards Utilized: K.MU:Cr1

Grade Level: 2 / 3

Type of Lesson: Movement Listening Instrument Singing Game

Title: Pass the Plate Rhythms


Description: Students sit in a circle and each student has a plate. Then, the
teacher plays the music they selected (something with a strong downbeat)
and ask students to pass the plates in a steady beat. When the music stops,
the student with the star plate can tap their rhythm first like a drum, then all
of the students follow (one at a time).
Materials Needed: Sturdy paper plate or bowls. Write four-beat rhythm
patterns on each one and a star on just one of them.

Curriculum Connection: Listening, beats to music and rhythm, tapping.

Literacy Connection: Pokko and the Drum by Matthew Forsythe Music

Standards Utilized: 2.MU:Cr1

Grade Level: 4 / 5

Type of Lesson: Movement Listening Instrument Singing Game

Title: Recorder Mashups


Description: The class will play the recorder with songs, in canon, or at
thirds. For example, they can learn to play “Hot Cross Buns”.
Materials Needed: Recorder

Curriculum Connection: Playing instrument, listening, building

coordination, and developing breath control

Literacy Connection: Lazo Learns Recorder by Vicky Weber

Music Standards: 4.MU:Cr1

Grade Level: K/1

Type of Lesson: Movement Listening Instrument Singing Game

Title: “I Spy… Music Room Instrument Game”

Source: Sing, Play, Create

Description: Students are able to take turns playing the common game, “I
Spy”. However, they will need to use comments and words based on the
pictures of instruments, they will be saying characteristics. Then their
classmates will be guessing which instrument is being hinted at.

Curriculum Connection: Instruments.

Literacy Connection: Matching characteristics with pictures.

Music Standards utilized: 1.MU:Cr2 – Anchor Standard 2: Creating.

Organize and Develop Artistic Ideas and Work.
Grade: 2/3

Type of Lesson: Movement Listening Instrument Singing Game

Title: “Symphony Orchestra Word Search”

Source: Pinterest

Description: Students are able to do this independently or even with a

partner. Word search of orchestra instruments, this will test their
knowledge/comprehension as well.

Curriculum Connection: Watch a video of an orchestra performance. Field

trip to a local middle/high school to go see a performance.

Literacy Connection: Wild Symphony by Dan Brown

Music Standards utilized: 2.MU:Re8

Grade: 4/5

Type of Lesson: Movement Listening Instrument Singing Game

Title: “Guess The Orchestral Instrument”

Source: Youtube

Description: There is an interactive video that the students will be watching

and listening to 20 different orchestral instruments. They will have the
chance to guess which ones they are hearing. There can be picture clues or
simply just audio/sound clues. Students can do multiple worksheets and such
with this lesson; for example, a writing assignment that will reflect their

Curriculum Connection: Listening/Writing/Reading.

Literacy Connection: “The Sound of Musical Instruments: a Musical

Introduction to the 20 Most Loved Instruments” by Hanna Sheldon-Dean.

Music Standards utilized: 4.MU:Pr4.2

Grade Level: K/1

Type of Lesson (choose one): Movement Listening Instrument Singing


Title: How to make Maracas


Description: 1. Rinse out the plastic bottles. Talk to your child about the
fact that each of the materials on the table (rocks, pasta, beans, and rice) can
be used to fill the maracas. Discuss the qualities of each of the filler
materials and ask her to make some predictions about what each material
would sound like and what it would do if it filled a bottle (for example, “The
rocks are big, so they’d be hard to shake” or “The rice is light so the bottle
wouldn’t feel very heavy”). 2. Allow your child to fill the plastic bottle with
the fill material of her choice. Close the bottle, let her shake it, and tell her
she can exchange it for something else if she’d like. This is a great time to
allow your child to experiment with different fill materials. How is the sound
made by rocks in the bottle different than the sound made by rice? 3. Once
your child has settled on the perfect fill materials, place a lid on each bottle
and secure with masking tape. Cover the entire bottle with layers of masking
tape and give your child the markers so she can decorate them. Strike up the
music and shake!

Curriculum Connection: Music/ History

Literacy Connection: Celebrate It’s Cinco De Mayo

Music Standards utilized: K.MU:Cr1 - ( a. With guidance, explore and

experience music concepts (such as beat and melodic contour).

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