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Food Service Organizations

Model Questions
(Study the Chapter 9, F&B Service & refer the given ppt)
Underline the most suitable answer. (Marks 1 x 10 = 10)

1. Which is not a premier objective of a Food Service organization?

a. Produce & provide the right quality of food & drinks.
b. Offer the correct quantity of food.
c. Give the correct value for money its consumer paid.
d. Always serve below the expectation.
e. Serve food & drinks with right palatability.

2. Does not align with the objectives of Food Service manager.

a. Create an unhealthy operational environment.
b. Generate friendly working environment for all level of employees.
c. Drive the organization towards the profitability and future developments.
d. Responsible for daily smooth operational & managerial environment.
e. Give a leadership to create a healthy operational environment for both Consumers,
Employees & Management.

3. Provides the fastest food & drinks service to a hotel room through,
a. Via reception system.
b. Door knob card system.
c. Service takes place from floor service room.
d. Direct calling to room service order taker.
e. None of the above.

4. Not correct with Air Line catering is,

a. Operate using a catering commissary.
b. Short haul routes provide only snack type menus.
c. Some operators provide food & drinks for additional charge.
d. Food & Drink service combines both trolley and tray service.
e. Economy & Tourist flights all meals are different one to another in portion size.

5. Business & First-class airline passengers get food & drinks as similar to offers food & drinks in,
a. First class hotel or a restaurant.
b. Fast food outlet.
c. Kiosk.
d. Pastry shop.
e. Home delivery.

6. Rail service catering offers,

a. On premises catering.
b. Off premises catering.
c. Off shore catering.
d. None of the above.
7. A similarity of Rail & Airline food service is,
a. Both offers a star class service found in a hotel.
b. Both offers food & drinks in trolley & tray service.
c. Airlines offer trolley service and Rail catering offers tray service.
d. Air passenger get selective menu and rail passenger get a none selective menu.
e. Air passenger can choose food & drinks at the time of booking which rail passenger

8. Purpose of having a FLOOR PANTRY ROOM is,

a. Make fast the in-room dinning service.
b. As a resting place for food service staff.
c. A meeting place for HK and F&B employees.
d. Using as a sub store room.
e. A room for use during an over booking situation.

9. Which statement gives a real objective of SERVICE IN SITUATION?

i. Service takes place in different environments due to consumers’

ii. It is a purpose of offering a different experience to consumers.
iii. Food & Drinks serve to rooms when the dining rooms are fully occupied.
iv. It organizes as a requirement of the management only.

a. i & iv.
b. i, ii & iv.
c. iii & iv.
d. i, ii & iii.
e. i & ii.

10. Which statement is true on Hospital catering?

a. Strictly focussed on taste.
b. Not essential to serve as fast as possible.
c. Should reach to the patient quickly with good in attraction and correct nutritional value.
d. Patient can request any food & drinks as in a hotel.

Essay Type Questions.

1. Name 5 (five) food service organisations which operates their services virtually. (Marks 5)
2. Take one from your above given answers which doesn’t have their own food & drinks
production and discuss its success & failures in order to fulfilling consumers’, food production
organizations’ and food service organizations’ expectations. (Marks 25)
3. Name 5 (five) different food service situations found. (Marks 5)
4. Explain one of the above-mentioned situation’s operation. (Marks 15)
5. Name 5 (five) Hotel Room Service food & drinks ordering systems and explain 1 (one) of the
operations. (Marks 20)
6. Explain the importance of Housekeeping assistance given to the success of room service
operation. (Marks 15)
7. Point down the steps of hospital tray service carrying out from doctor consultation to patient.
(Marks 10)
8. Critically analyse and describe the ROLE OF FOOD SERVICE MANAGER. (Marks 25)
9. Define OUTDOOR CATERING. Explain its importance to CONSUMER & THE CATERING
ORGANIZATION. List down at least 10 (ten) points to be considered as a catering manager
towards the organizational success and consumer satisfaction. (Marks 25)
(page 358 of F&B Service)

10. Giving a food & drink service to airline passengers is a stressful responsibility than a hotel food
service. Describe. (Marks 15)

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