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(Please write your Exam Roll No.) (Paper Code: BALLB-104 Time: 3 Hours _ Ql Q2 @ O4 Qs q Qs Qe Exam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION SECOND SEMESTER [LLB] May-2017 Subject: Political Science-IT Maximum Marks: 75 Note: Attempt any five questions including Q.No 1 of Part A which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit of Part B. PART-A Write short notes on: - {a] Aristotle’s classification of states (0) Evolved and enacted constitution {c} Collective responsibility (@) Distinguish between a federation and a confederation (e) De-jure and De-facto Sovereignty (8x5-25) PART-B UNITI Critically analyse the concept of Judicial Review? How different is its practice in India and USA? (12.5) Examine the working of ‘checks and balances’ in the Amercian State system.(12.5) ‘UNIT-I What are the features of a unitary form of Government? Discuss comparative advantages or disadvantages of having a unitary form in modern democracies.(12.5) Bring out the features in Indian Constitution which classify India as a ‘quasi- federal’ state. (12.5) UNIT Discuss the powers and functions of the Prime Minister in a Parliamentary form of Government. Has there been any change in his position in the coalitition era of politics specially in India? (12.5) ‘What are the causes for the growth of one-party democracy and Military rule in the third world countries? Analyse with relevant examples. (12.5) UNIT-V Briefly examine the various theories of sovereignty with special reference to the pluralist theory. (12.5) Define Rights. How are the Rights of the Minorities protected in India? (12.5) [ U4 (Please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. ‘Paper Code: BALLB-210_ Time: 3 Hours oo = [ Note: Attempt any five questions including qi Q2 Qs Oe Q6 a 8 END TERM EXAMINATION ___Fourri Semester [LLB] MAy-JUNE 2017 ‘Subject: Economics-II | _ Maximum Marks: 75 which is compulsory. | All questions carry equal marks. | Answer the following in brief. (a) Real and Nominal GDP. (b) Distinguish between a trade deficit and a current account deficit. (c) Inclusive Growth. (a) Regressive Tax System, (e) Structural Adjustment Programme. Illustrate graphically the circular flow of income in four sector model. What is the effect of change in personal tax and government expenditure on the circular flow? Does a balance budget policy result in expansion or reduction in circular flow? What is the method of knowing whether balance of payment is favourable or unfavourable? What are the problems associated with favourable and unfavourable balance of payment. Natural resources, human resources, capital formation and technology are four critical factor in economic growth of a country. Explain how these factors contribute to economic growth. Examine critically the arguments for free trade. Why was free trade not a global phenomenon ever? Discuss the tools and objectives of Fiscal Policy in the developing countries. What are its limitations? What is a budget? How is it prepared? What are the ingredients of Union Government Budget in India? What do you understand by Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)? What is its importance for the development of an economy? Give examples in Indian Context. P ous ———————————__——— (Please write your Exam Roll No,) Exam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION ____ SECOND SEMESTER [LLB (H)] May 2017 oe Paper Code: BALLB-118 Subject: Economic-II | _ __(Macroeconomics Analysis) Time: 3 Hours a _ Maximum Marks: 75 Note: Attempt any five questions including from Part-A which is mpulsory. In Part-B, select one question from each unit. Part-A QI Write short notes on the following: (x8=28) (a) Goals of macro economics policy (b) Various types of inflation (c) Distinction between Public Finance Vs, Private Finance (@) Central Budget (c) Explain the various types of unemployment Part-B Unit-1 @ Evaluate the development of macroeconomics, highlighting the important thought of the Classical, Keynesian and Post-Keynesian Schools. (12.5) Q3 Discuss the principle of effective demand, with special reference to Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, (12.5) Unit-II Q4 Describe the various functions of central bank. How RBI contributes in the economic growth of India? (12.5) Discuss the meaning and role of Non Banking Financial Institutions. Distinguish between bank and NBFI. (12.5) ee Unit-I Q6 Discuss the various types of taxes. Explain the direct and indirect taxes with their respective merits and demerits, (12.5) Q7 Write notes on the following: (a) Explain the technique of fiscal policy. (b) What is burden of deficits and debts? (2x6.25=12.5) Unit-IV Q8 “Poverty forms a vicious cycle.” with reference to this statement, explain concept of poverty. What are various government policies to resolve the problem of poverty in India, (12.5) 9 What do you mean by business cycle? Explain various phases with a diagram of business cycle. (12.5) P use Note: Attempt any flve questions including of Part A which ts Q2 Q3 write your Exam Roll No) Rxam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION Fourth Semester (LLB) MAY 2017 Subject: Family Law-Il | Maximum Marks: 75 Code: LLB.202 3 Hours compulsory. Select one question from each Unit of Part B. Part-A Wate short notes on the following (5x5=25) fa) Daughter as a coparcener. (>) Principles of disqualifications from Inheritance under Muslim Law. (©) Validity of gift of Mushaa under Muslim Law. (@) Doctrine of Representation under Hindu & Muslim Law. (¢) Father's power of alienation under Hindu Law. Part-B Unit-I “A Hindu joint family does not come to an end by the extinction of coparcenary.” Explain it with the help of relevant case laws. (12.5) Who can be the Karta of the Hindu joint family? Is this position open to a female Hindu? Discuss with the help of latest case laws. (12.5) Unit What is Partition? What do you understand by the term ‘Severance of Status’ and how does it differ from “partition by metes and bound”? Can the demand of a partition once made be revoked subsequently? (12.5) Vishal, @ coparcener living in Delhi sends an e-mail to his father Vikul at Bombay expressing his intention to separate from the joint family on 20% May 2016. He then executed a gift of his share in the property in favour of an orphanage on the same day. Vikul was very busy as the elder brother of Vishal, Vinod met with an accident and seriously injured a young boy. Vikul as the Karta of this joint family sold the joint family property including the share of Vishal to pay compensation to the aceident victim in order to bring about a compromise and to save the eldest son Vinod from the prospects of a penal litigation. Due to this accident Karta Vikul failed to check his emails and came to know about the demand of Vishal about partition only on 30 May 2016. Vishal files suit against Karta Vikul challenging the validity of the sale. Discuss whether he would be successful and also state whether Partition has occurred in the family or not. (12.5) Unit Sohan, along with his three sons, Rahul, Rohan, Rohit constitute a Mitakshara coparcenary. Sohan dies as an intestate and undivided member of his coparcenary in 2016. He is survived by his two daughters Rashi and Ritu, three sons Rahul, Rohan, and Rohit and widow Sita. Ascertain their shares in the coparcenary property? What would have been the shares if Sohan died in the year 2002? (12.5) P.7.0. LLB-202 Py. wo? Whe (Please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION Fourra Semester [LLB] May 2017 PART-A Write notes on:- (5x5=25) (a) Doctrine of Pious Obligation and its relevance under the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005. (b) Pre-emption and its constitutional validity (c) Concept of Joint Hindu Family (d) Re-opening of partition (€) De facto and Dejure partition PART-B ‘UNITI Q2 What do you mean by a coparcenary? What are the incidents attached to the coparcenary? (12.5) Q3 (a) Decide the nature of the property in the following situations by giving reasons and the case law: (6.5) {i) Property inherited from maternal grandfather; (ii) Property received on partition. (b) Discuss Karta’s power of alienation of joint family property and decide the validity of his transaction if he has used the family house for meeting the expenses to pay the arrears of tax due on family. (6) ‘UNIT-I Q4 Explain the essentials to effect partition in a joint family. Substantiate your answer with the principals laid down by the Supreme Court in Radhavamma v. Chenchamma AIR 1964 SC 136. (12.5) Q5 Write notes on the following:- (12.5) (a) Minor coparcener’s right to demand partition {b) Right of women to get a share on partition. UNIT-I Q6 (a) A male Hindu, H, dies intestate in 2010, leaving behind self-acquired property. He was survived by his widow W, mother M, one son S (converted to Christianity), and two daughters D1 and D2 (suffering from Cancer). Devolve H’s property on his legal heirs under the Hindu ‘Succession Act, 1956. (6.5) (b)A female Hindu, F, dies intestate in 2012, leaving behind huge property which she inherited from her brother. She was survived by her husband H. Devolve her property on her legal heirs under the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 (6) P.T.O. LLB-2904 Bae U--& (Please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION —FoURTH Semester [LLB] May 2017 _ Subject: Constitutional Law-II Time : 3 Hours ———— — - _Maximum Marks :75 Note: Attempt any five questions including Q no.1 of Part A whichis | Compulsory, Select one question from each unit in Part B. Part-A Ql. Write short notes on the following: (8x5=25) @) ‘Other authorities’ for the purpose of st D) Doctrine the Waiver P"POSe of state <} Double Jeopardy @) Right against exploitation ©) Writ of Habeas Corpus 2. Explain the scope of Right to Equality as contained in the Article 14 of the Constitution of India. (12.5) 3. Write a note on expan: sive interpretation of life’ under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. (12.5) . Unit 4. Tt is the elixir of India that the devout, the agnostic and the atheist are all faval in a secular state. It, however, does not mean that the state has no say in the secular matters connected with religion’. Discuss. (12.5) QS. ‘While the right of the religious and linguistic minorities to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice cannot be interfered with, restrictions by way of regulations for the purpose of ensuring educational Standards and maintaining excellence thereof can be validly prescribed’ Explain, (12.5) it-1 Q6. a) Mandamus is reserved for extraordinary emergencies, being supplementary means of obtaining substantial justice where there is clear legal right and no other adequate legal remedy’. Explain, ») What are the procedural technicalities which guide the courts in exercising Writ Jurisdiction? (12.5) Q7. ‘Certiorari applies to a decision which is fait accompli; Prohibition seeks to prevent the fait from becoming accompli. Explain. (12.5) Unit-1v Q8. ‘A restriction placed on any Fundamental Right aimed at securing the Directive Principles will be held as reasonable and hence intra vires subject to two limitations; firstly, that it does not run in clear conflict with the Fundamental Right, and secondly, that it has been enacted within the legislative competence of the enacting legislature’. Discuss, in the context of, the inter-relationship between Parts II and IV of the Constitution of India. (12.8) Q9. ‘Amendments made to the Constitution, in the last two decades, on the aspect of public employment have practically if not wholly nullified the law laid down in the Mandal Commission Case’. Comment, (12.5) P wee (Please write your Exam Rolt No,) Beam Roll No Enp TERM EXAMINATION [Paper Coder LLB DOC SEMESTER LLB) May-2017 oper Cod ELD 206) Subject: Constitutional Law | ee coe laximum Marks: 75 | Note: Attempt any fice quasions tcladlng ONG Te ] ——Sompulsory. Select one question from each unit of Part i PART. Tite short notes on the following. (e228) (2) Doctrine of Severability (b) Twin Tests for reasonable classification (] Constitutional safeguards for a detenu under a law of Preventive (q) Right against exploitation (c] Writ of Habeas Corpus PART-B UNITI Explain the tests laid down by the Supreme Court in regard to the expression ‘other authorities’ appearing in Article 12. (12.5) ‘The framers of our Constitution recognized the safeguarding the right to freedom of speech and expression since the free flow of opinions and ideas is essential to sustain the collective life of the citizenry.’ Elaborate, in the context of, freedom of speech and expression of the citizens and the media. (12.5) importance of UNIT Discuss the concept of secularism under the Constitution of India. (12.5) ‘While the right of the religious and linguistic minorities to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice cannot be interfered with, restrictions by way of regulations for the purpose of ensuring educational standards and maintaining excellence thereof can be validly prescribed’. Explain. (12.5) UNr (a)‘Mandamus is reserved for extraordinary emergencies being supplementary means of obtaining substantial justice where there is a clear legal right and no other adequate legal remedy’. Explain. (6,25) (b) Writ of Quo Warranto, (6.25) ‘Certiorari applies to a decision which is fait accompli; Prohibition seeks to prevent the fait from becoming accompli’. Explain, (12.5) UNIT-V Discuss the inter-relationship between Parts Ill and IV of the Constitution of India. (12.5) “Equality is not violated by mere conferment of power but is breached by arbitrary exercise of the power conferred’, Explain, in the light of, reservation policy of the State in matters of public employment. (12.5) P UPI (Prease write your Exam Boll Wo.) Exam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION Fourta Seapstee [LLB] May-2017 Paper Code: LLB 206 Subject: Law of Crimes _| Time: 3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks: 75 (Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. ‘ciller Z and gave 20 lac to kill B. Z with the 4 B when he was on his routine walk in the as shot with a country made pistol 7 times tis the liability of A and how? and B developed some misunderstanding and B started her parents residence. A could not cope with this situation and with a pillow and drank poison afterwards. in this case, explain. between criminal force & assault? A person let car and gave to his friend B for use without telling breaks. B started the car and met with an accident. What bility of A in this case? G4 A kidnapped the mentally ill child when the child was 16 yrs of age and kept him for household purpose at various places. Due to a unique operation smile he was located and brought back to his family after medical treatment of 6 months. His age was now 20 yrs. What is the offence of A. Explain? Q5 What are the ingredients of the offence of Voyeurism & stalking? What is the difference between the two? Can the same person commit both the offences? & Explain the meaning of cruelty and elucidate the difference between bigamy and adultery. Q7 Whats the difference between:- (a) Theft & Extortion (b) Robbery & Dacoity 08 An old man aged 68 yrs gave some money to B, a bank employee duly filled the form to deposit it in his account. B instead again filled the form and deposited it in his own account. What is.the offence of B? Explain. 09 A daughter-in-law gave her ornament to her Mother-in-law for safe custody. Her mother-in-law gave all her ornaments to the jeweller to make new ones. Jeweller delivered the same after making them as ordered. What is the liability of Mother-in-law? What is the difference between the criminal Misappropriation é& Criminal breach of Trust? Q10 What is the difference between Hurt & Grievous Hurt? A was attacked by B with his friends by a Lathi resulting in grievous hurt. Due to the loss of blood A dies what is the liability of B. seen P u-se (Please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No, ss END TERM EXAMINATION Fi OURTH SEMESTER [LLB] MAY-JUNE 2017 _ — [Paper Code: LLB 208 _______ Subject: Law of crimes-I Note: Attempt all question as directed. Internal choice is indicate Part-A Ww (5x5=25) A. a pickpocket, puts his hand in B's pocket. Incidentally B had a pistol im his pocket and as a put his hand in pocket, it touched the trigger and the pistol went off killing B. Is a guilty of culpable homicide. ») A found that his beloved had started loving 'Y". One day he saw her with 1 taking coffee in a restaurant and immediately, kicked up a stone and Killed Y. Fix the liability of A, ©] X was driving a tourist bus at a fast speed. When he was 100 yds, away {rom a traffic crossing he saw a green signal. In a bid to cross the road he enhanced the speed but before he could cross the road the green signal tumed red, but X continued to drive on and hit C, a school child, on the Zebra-crossing, For what offence can X be convicted? 4) A commits a theft of a ring of his master and leaves for his hometown. During travel, B, a co-passenger with A, stole the ring from him while he was sleeping. Discuss the liability, X emits Rs, 50,000 to Y, his agent to buy units for him from the UTL. Y instead buys the schemes in a shoe company thinking that. it would be beneficial for X. This results in loss to X. Is ¥ guilty of ‘Criminal breach of trust”? QL. Attempt the questions given belo a) e) Part-B Q2. Explain and discuss the distinction between clause| of section 300 with the help of illustrations and deci OR “To hold an accused guilty of murder under clause(3) of Sec 300, IPC. the Prosecution must prove that there was an intention to inflict that particular injury, that is to say that injury was not accidental or unintentional or that some kind of injury was intended, and that particular injury ws sufficient in ordinary course of nature to cause death’. Explain, (2) of Sec 299 and clause (3) ided cases. (12.5) Q3._ What constitutes a grave and sudden provocation? What is the prevailing test to determine the state of grave and sudden provocation? (12.8) OR Distinguish between “causing death by *rash/negligent act” and “causing death with the knowledge that the act is likely to cause death, Q4. “The words “takes” or “entices are intended to be read together so that each takes to some extent its colour and contents from the other". Examine in light of decided cases. (12.5) OR The accused, a stranger to 17 years old girl, confined her to a forest hide out and did imercourse with her before the villagers rescued her. However, there Were no injuries on the body or the private parts of the victim. Can the accused by prosecuted for the offence of rape? Discuss in light of decided cases, QS. Explain the distinction between theft and extortion with the help of illustration and decided cases. (12.5) OR Explain the distinction between criminal misappropriation and criminal breach of Trust. P 4-33 yur eo 9 wt su Exam Roll No. Subject: Law of Crime Maxiraum Marks :75 PART. sport notes on the following:- write SPO ‘ pistingnis between assault and Criminal force (Sx5=25) cuss the provisi vis pusband pefine eriminal misappropriation of Property sigh between ‘House-trespass' and 4 ig ising . pass’ and ‘House breaking’ |, visewss the ingredients of the offence of foregery’ t vanes jate between murder and culpable h A ng it © be Tikely top cause Z's death induces 8 Kite Z. Comment on the Criminal liability of & and B HES Be Shi eee (6.5) jnguish between ‘wrongful restraint’ and Wi a Distinguis and ‘Wrongful confinement. 6) “ry attempts to leave the building, What offence A has committed. (6.5) UNIT. __ yet is an offence of outraging the modesty of women? Define the term modesty with the help of the decided cases, (12.5) 4 when Corroboration by independent testimony is needed in a rape case, Explain the esentials of a Tape. (12.5) unrramt ss boihat are the ingredients of the offence of thet? Explain them and ilustrate. ) fx intending to commit theft, inters the house of ‘Bat night and removes from one of ‘he rooms 2 heavy box to the courtyard where he opens it. He does not find in the bow vehing worth taking and leaving it there goes away. Did ‘A’ commit any offence? 1 yes, what offence? (6.5) 4 fyplain the essential ingredient of offence of cheating under IPC. Substantiate 3° answer with the help of case law, (12.5) NIT (8 What is defamation and its exceptions according to section 499 of the Indian Penal code? (32.5) © hefne the term ‘Counterfeit? as given under section 28 of |.P.C. How can offences of fountereting of coin and documents be committed and what punishment’, 1 escribed for much offences? (12.5) a ac] en jUPPLEMENTARy Beam Rou no, ie $s ‘THIRD SEMESTER stay XA ATION 2014 ‘207 giB207 Fouts & seempt any five questions inci, Sibi Law of Crime including p-———_Maxii we eg AteN” select one question front A"9 Part A ipp mem Marks: 75 ‘0 Bel “tion from each yo ich is co; Po no ACh unit op pach i Compulsory PART.A ce eee LEEE i oe rantia facit excusat ignorantia jp; ; juris {tl geinctions between vicatious iat Dist ve i lity Under sec (Oe tinction between Dishonesty Section 34 an 5 (9 Pfminal liability of minor.” “4 Fraudutently 4 section 149, (erence between legal Insanity an Medical In, Ss rc) PART-B jolation of a right cont ime is a violation of a right considered Malone ogre aoe in reference to the evil tendency of ; ee withthe help of definitions given by different icig oo tHe COnCEDE ofc rime (12.5) ‘fens Fea is necessary to be proved for cony offence unless such proof has been express) law. Discuss. Don-excusat (Sx5=25) nity cri jcoused was a retired the marriage party went to bride's not move. The accused whipped injury proved total. After shooting at the boy, secured at a short distance from the d: tobe forgiven saying that if had happened from hit, Decide the case regarding the liability of the persons for the murder with reference to section 85 and 86 LP.C. (12.5) Explain the right of private defence against property and what are the limitation for the exercise of such right under Indian Penal Code? (12.5) UNIT. % Define Abetment-and in light of relevant provisions decide- (@) instigates a child ‘B’ to poison ‘C’ and provides poison for the purpose. ‘B’ by mistake put the poison on D’s plate, which happened to be on the side of C’s plate. ‘D* took the food and die. (6.5) (}) instigates ‘B’ to shoot ‘C’, ‘B’ goes of ‘C’ house with a gun but finding C’s car standing unattended, steals the car instead of shooting him, (6) © Beplain ch nature and scope of Liability for the offence of Criminal Conspiracy Substantiate your answer with help of case law? (12.5) ® UNIT-v : "plain briefly the various theories of punishment propounded to justify the “nd of Criminal justice system? (12.5) ® Write short notes on the following:- 65) (t Capital punishment a Reformative theory of punishment P Rew od Rott) we EMENTARY EXAMINATIO seven (LL) Serre ao Subject: Conatitutional baw acimum Marks ‘7% / Tool any five questions including of Part-A whieh ey Select one question from each unit of Part B a PARTA the following (Sa5°25) ppl 4 4 % gene * fretigion in India Pee yabeas COmUs. of eclipse Fundamentals Rights can be waived by Citizen + the jaamental Duties . PART-B UN! mine the meaning and concept of Freedom of Speech and pport your (12.5) ally @xuith, special reference of Freedom of Press? Si oe with case law definition of “State” as given in Article 12 of the Constitution ss the cuss: the various criteria given by the Courts to bring any authority what “ihe definition of State? (12.5) UNIT-IT gate the expanding horizon of right to life and personal liberty? How procedure established” by law have been equated with due process cause of the USA constitution? (12.5) wnat are the procedural Safeguards has been provided to the person ciated under the ordinary law under Article 22 of the Constitution? (12.5) UNIT-IIT Amele 32 of the Constitution is very heart and soul of the Indian stitution”. Critically examine. (12.5) Wnt short notes of the following: (12.5) | Judicial Review Distinction between writ of cortiorari and writ of prohibition UNIT-IV tat i the Concept of social justice as reflected in the Indian sutution, Discuss with reference to Mandal Commission case. (12.5) “Discuss the test to determine reasonableness of restrictions on ,, fundamental Rights. Relations! a {catonship between Fundamental Rights and Directive principle of te Policies. (12.5) ® a ® es! we" END TERM Exay Bam Rott Bxam Roll No.) MINATION five questions includiy ‘one question from port notes on the following. s weite § ition of Constituti efiniti ion of India - oer aing process. and its nature with reget tow lic Interest Litigation egard to its (bl Peent features of Ind | salient feats ian Constitution ie Sar ative Powers of the President and le PART.B UNIT the Conventions of the C explain ‘onstitutio sx the Convention which operate in Te tes aid Fone (12.5) ate of law a8 a concept finds no place in our Cons Gparaterzed 8S 2 basic feature of our Constiwtins ohieh sensor be chafgated or destroyed even by the Parliament ad in fact ‘nds the pariament’. Elaborate tad UNIT-n (12.5) we a detail note iat Hie Legalaiee relationship between the Union piscuss administrative relation between the Union executive and state Executives? sate UNIT-IIT List the constitutional provisions dealing with the independence of judiciary. Is it mandatory to obtain the consent of a siting Judge of a igh Court before he is transferred to another High Court? Bxplein the present position with regard to appointment of Judges of the High Court.(12.8) briefly explain the provisions of Anti Defection Law. Is any remedy aeigble to a legislator who is disqualified by the Speaker undes the said saat view of the fact that Para 6 (1) embodies finality to the Speaker's aver and Para 7 bars jurisdiction of court in regard thereto? (12.5) UNIT-IV What do you understand by ‘President's Rule’ President judicially reviewable? 2 Is the action of the (12.5) + the Parliament to amend either expressly oF ‘Articles of the Constitution of India but the tions on the power of Parliament in a series pe Fundamental Right case’. Explain.(12.5) ‘Article 368 does not debai even impliedly any of the Summit Court has read limital of judgements beginning from P 3BeY of ie we ur Exam Roll No.) ited A SuPPLEMENTARY E 1 a ROU No. , e EMESTER [LLB] Seeremaey mae jet = Lb Subject: Family Law-II | ing Part A aati Marks: 75 Ch unit of Part ge omPusOry. | | sours . 3. Ee ampt any five questions includi At ‘Select one question from e, PART-A ge short ates on the following: poctrine of Pious Obligation of Son (5x5=25) (0 Pee rine of Re-opening and Re-union 1» ON inguish between Mitakshara and D; «tinction between Stridhan and Wome, 1 Powers anc obligations of Maan abhaga school of Hi s s of Hindu Law. ome jindu La the position and powers of karta of a Joint Hindu Family and Joint Hindu Pamily an ise ' ith the relevant case le specify wil ise laws the powers of the alie 2 spe tarot ofthe propery ofthe doin indy Famaly. (12.8) conceptualize the concept of the copare @ Ca aa Fasnil ‘pt of the coparcenary. Distinguish it with te B, and C are the sons of X. They A I ey all reside in Delhi in a joint fami 1n2009 C has completed his B.A. LL.B. and got ajob in opine he has got married in year 2010 and purchased a flat there and settled in Banglore. Now he occasionally visits Delhi where his family resides. Specify the status of C in the Joint Hindu Family with the help legal (4.5) reasoning. UNIT la) Elucidate the concept of partition and how the partition is affected? (8.5) {b] Decide whether the following properties are liable for the partitions (4) (i) a source of water (ii) deity or God of the family (iii) Indivisible properties (iv) residential house la) According to Mitaksara School of Hindu Law who are the persons that can demand partition. @) {by Suresh has a joint family comprising wife, two sons and (hel hve a areerte unmarried daughter. They reside in Rajasthan happily. In the year 2013 one 21 years ole boy claimed Suresh his father and Jemanded partition in the family of Suresh. The other. two sous and the daughter of Suresh challenged the demand of partion by starting that an illegal son is not entitled to ay right in the family Now help the court to ascertain the shares of ht family members of iresh and that illegal son too. (45) P.O. nce under Sunni Law. (8.5) te in 2014 leaving behind his low W, two sons $1 and $2, one married ed daughter UD and a son of predec ed S1 become Christian during the lifetime of id heirs in the separate prope rty of 4) _ the following: ra coparcenar’ ‘ayush dies in Jan ighter. Ascertain the shares in U f Ayush according to Mitakshara Law d property which she following relaties~ yush, Anurag is @ mother, wife he ancestral (6.5) has y consisting Anurag and A\ 2014 leaving behind his ) or itakshe ‘a son and a dat ‘s for the heirs 0 2014 January leaving behin from her lather-in-law leaving the rom aughter of predeceased daughter and fal rtain the share of the relatives. (6) dower S wint xr. Asce! prothe! UNIT-IV. essentials of religious an charitable endowments? (8) py what are the & © Explain the kinds of endowments. iq) Shivram has tow farms to wnd B in Jaipur. He has gifted one the farn Biuse to the deity of Govinddewi temple. Discuss the legal validity of the gift (4-5) ept of Wagf under Muslim Law and its main characteristics. (8.5) (t) Rehman has waqfed his whole property to a Mosque during easth Relige | June 2013. He died in December 2013. After his death the vaceessor of Rehman challenged that wagf. Decide whether they will (4) succeed or not. fa) Define the cone’ LAS 2S8 Pro 2 cs jam Rott NO-) a Exam Roll No... pe aw wf See een EXAMINATION SpmesTER [LLB] Sepremper 2014 PART-A re notes on the following (5x5-25) rt ie: marriage wter Hind a Marriage py Ma and Mubaaral HY qhula ane of Marriage under Special Mart ge Act, 1954 (Registra S 1 gestivution of Conjugal Right e PART-B UNIT wnat are the © ntials of a valid marriage under Muslim Law? Discus math special rele ‘ence to the restrictions laid down by Muslim Law as regaras marriage (12.5) peseribe the nature of marriage under Hindu Law. Examine the validity Brahe following marriage under Hindu Law: (12.5) ing n the wife of pre-deceased brother (a) Marriage (Wy Marriage with wile’s sister after her death. Marriage of @ girl of 11 youre with boy of 18 years. (i) Marriage of a Brother's “aughter with sister’s Son. 20 years with a sikh boy of 23 years, rights of Jainism {¢) Marriage of a Brahmin girl of solominising the marriage according to customary UNIT and leaving in Chandigarh. The husband ied to Ramesh iB ty and perverse. The mental Reema was marri aeemsold, indifferent and sexually abnor! agony of the wife continued ‘and she out of frustration joined as manager Gr MNC in Delhi. Ultimately because ‘of physical and mental torture the ese the matrimonial home in July 3012, and started living in vehied flat. The husband went to wife ‘and advised her to resign her job set eave the city. The wife refused. In july, 2014, the husband filed a divorce petition under HMA, 1955 pleading a ertion. Argue the case for the wife. Cite judicial precedents. na plea taken by the husband in his written cra M faintenance petition of the wife under section fg oe P.c, } that he had pronounced talaq at some earlier date, be nated os Cfectuating talaq on the date oF delivery of the copy of the ten statement to Fe wife. On the basis of above facts, examine the of Talaq under Muslim Law: (12.5) Under Muslim Law, ca! Statement (in response t p.T.0. pup de! ppB203 Subject: Family Law! emours give questions including Part A Maximum marks: 76 “4 e ques! fart A which is compulsor | ape ang Fe" question from each unit eee tsory. Select [-2-] UNIT : i nder the Hingy : are the effects of adoption under W Adoptig oo Mate es 6. Is the doctrine of Relation Back stip Telen 2 4 Gleemes the legal position of the following adoptions unde, any, a Ring (6 intenance Act, 1956. indy ae lopted a son S, aged 19 Years, any and W a : = : years W gave birth to a son named Rahul. Now # Wants ty Bive oe adoption to K. (i) A, a Hindu bache! yEBrS. ts a de lor aged 24 years adopts a daughter Ageg ib years, r Q7 (a) Discuss with F Muslim di Vor», : interes 7] wife would be entitled to receive maintenance ene (Cob Usbang under section 125 of the Cr.P.C. and if so, roug! ich fory, ; (6 (©) The Supreme Court in Daniel Latifi V Union of Indie hag heig ol liability of ‘ lat SiNg Under secs’ help of Judicial decisions whether a UNIT-Iv Q8 (a) Who are the natural guardians of the person and property of a minor under Hindu Law. Discuss their powers relating to property of the minor. (8) (b) The parties gol separated just two and a half months after their Gar a8e. Thereafter, the wife Hore bith to a baby boy and after that anted and custody was given to mother. After sometime pomen remarried. Husband o fe aim for the custody or Id? Will he be succeed? Examine Stody of a chi (43) Q9 (a) What are the various 'YPes of Guardianeh: ' : We mother be the Natural Guardian under Mia, under Muslim Law? (b) Can the welfare of @ child be s Uslim Law. (8) : ordinat ‘ ight of the Party to custody of a Minor chilqo Can Sane ie legal iain a Uivialities simply because Under the law, fe e denie dominant Position? Explain it. > @ father enjoys a rm) ey & % v write short notes on th : (a) Natural Resources Fi Blowing. {p) San Francisco Conferenes ment of Nati (q Afghanistan Crisis : 2 Poe (@) Relevance of NAM f {a Negotiations What is National Power? How and the type of Government atten 8 the rocarement of fe Power quotient ofa nase aeons ofa nati Is the Concept of Balance of Powe; nation. (12.5) ive reasons with relevant obsolete in present day context? eB t example ¥ context? I so, les for your answer, (12.5) UNIT- What are the powers and functions of Ge specifi P mneral Assembly sj context of Uniting for Peace Resolution and the establishment of arose Peace keeping forces? Discuss your answer with relevant case studies (12.5) Critically analyse the role of Secretary General in the maintenance of International peace and security. Is his good office still ¢ relevant mode of peaceful settlement of disputes? Justify. (12.5) ‘UNIT-I i has been very often a reason to an nO iswer in the light ‘Do you agree that Americ: sion in Asia? Discuss your ant uae) prevent communist expan: of Korean crisis. (12.5) Write briefly on the following (a) Cuban missile crisis (b) Impact of cold war me rio. Discuss a Ani 1 the non-state actors in the actual scenario. PIO) lalyse the role of the their status, role and features: What are the reasons £0! radies. of the World? Discuss with cas? © poor eam Roll No) ae UPPLEMENTAR oer rr Seacrest EXAMINATION _ YountH Smears (oe ma Sane 2014 See ! Economies. It (i 4 Saat TIT (Ec (Ey fn gents pciomap ena ote 4 = eet a i gutome ns including Q no ot im Marks :75 we utsory. Select one questions 1 of part A whicn Exam Roll No, : ee “ons Srom each unit of part B ' PART sepia te following :- TA 1 Oe genomic and Non-economic fact Fs tors of economic growth. (5x5=25) wow market driven decisions are different form Sta 4 and Flexible Exchange Rates. ite /Govt, decisions? (a Fixes cayarguments for and against SEZs, @ inclusive Growth. PART-B UNITI |. gyplain how the inequalities in distribution of income g : a erty in the economy. Suggest important steps for retucien in income inequalities. heme g. Brplain in what way concept of economic development is different from the concept of economic growth. Which of them is more relevant in a country like India. (12.5) UNIT-I Give an assessment of performance made by India during five years (12.5) plans. {§ Write a note on the contribution of public sector in Indian economy.(12.5) UNIT-IIT Critically evaluate the role of IMF in the cont Give arguments in support of free trade and protection. Should India (12.5) adopt a policy of free trade? UNITAV 8 Eaplain the Second Generation Reforms in India. (12.5) of Regional Trading Blocks in promoting blocks are compatible with the objectives of ss the characteristic (12.5) Je. How these ennai text of developing countries. (12.5) gxam Roll No.) if Exam Roll No. we ‘SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION gpcOND Seuss LB] SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2014 - B118 ibject: Economics-II (Macroeconomic Analysis) Maximum Marks :75 no. of Part-A which urs ‘tempt and ‘five questions including ulsory: Select ish between the following : gu 8 (6x5=25) , Markets and Capital Market. {} public Finance and Private Finance. wrect Taxes and Indirect Taxes. pistin (9 D 7 jaystock and Flow Variables. [q Gross National Product and Gross Domestic Product. PART-B : UNIT-I gyplain Keynesian theory of employment Show how in Keynesian Epproach equilibrium can be achieved at a point much below the level of fall employment. (12.5) Explain the following: jacro economics. (12.5) ‘nterdependence of micro and m {b] Consumption function. UNIT-I what do you mean by demand pull ‘and cost push inflation? Suggest important measures to control inflation. (12.5) vw the banking system creates money: What are the of the commercial banks. (12.5) Elaborate hor ne credit creating power limitations on # UNIT-IL in detail. Discuss the role of state the various objectives of fiscal policy in detail fiscal policy during depression ‘along with the limitations. (12.5) i | and external debt. (a) Distinguish between the purden of internal (b) What = the essentials of an efficient budget? (12.5) UNIT-IV if business cycle. Suggest i De different phases of the geet important fiscal ie neta measures tO control these phases. (12.5) ne? Explain the cause® of poverty in India, What are What is poverty line? Mt eviation programmes adopted by Indian (12.5) the various Government t© this issue, Discuss tackle Bet a 2 SypPLEMEN U) TARY E: Exam Rott No, SEMES XAMI SIDS aaa Serums cre ON — Econ leet: Economies; omiest(teroe fe Ci a (eee accept any five questions including On g por ie Ampulsory. Select one question free, ea PART. paptain the following in brief = ive and Normative E i at ar positive ve Economic Analysi (5x5=25) (6 Signifcance ofthe Price determined by de ; production Isoquants mand and supply forces, 4 Minimum Wage Legislation \d Work trad (e) Labora ‘ade off with the help of indifference curve. PART-B . UNIT. pescribe the subject matter and scope of economies. Ho u i . How do abunds and scarcity create the possibility of and necessity for, economic decision. (12.5) 2 piscuss the merits an demerits of the three types of economic organizations. (12.5) UNIT-0 {a) What is the difference between movement along an shifts in demand curve. (6) (b)Define ‘Law of Demand’. What are its assumptions? Why do the demand curves slope downward from left to right, Explain with (6.5) 2 2 reasons. {) Explain the process of consumer equilibrium based on Indifference (6) curve analysis. (b)Differentiate between crossprice elasticity and income elasticiy, 3 demand. UNIT-IT . % What is the condition of Producer attaining equilibrium with the Isoquants curves an Isocost lines? (12.5) Compare perfect competition and monopoly. (12.5) UNITV Examine the marginal productivity theory determining factor — Discuss the role of a Trade Union. i aus the following: (6) 8) Ricardian theory of Rent (6.5) ) Dynamic Surphas theory of Profit YP tad: oll No.) am Exam Roll No ose’ SpLEMENTARY EXAMINATION 1 GOP es seesren [LLB] Serremnen 2014 Subject: Political sctence atte 105 le Maximum Marks: 75 Jit any five questions including Part A whieh (s compulsory shed" Steck one question from each unit of Part 1 PART-A anort notes on the following (8x5-25) yote Sept of State maicalis™ S sending Demerit of Marxism Net ant Social Contract pea de nature and scope of Political Science PART. UNIT re the significant contribution of Political Science to the study of (12.5) nat is the organic theory of state? Critically evaluate the relevance of mis theory, (32.5) UNIT-L siscuss the concept of Liberalism. Why has liberalism been a popular deology in the world? (12.5) what is Fascism? Give an in-depth analysis of this ideology. What were he reasons for Fascism to have become an absolute concept? ——(12.5) UNIT-111 What were the reasons for emergence of Socialism? Analytically elaborate the concept and features of Socialism. (12.5) Describe the concept of Class and Class Struggle according to Marx.(12.5) UNIT-IV Why is Aristotle considered to be an illustrious western political thinker?(12.5) Wha 3 hat is the contribution of Nehru as a Soci list in India Political i t in India Political (12.5) mee t—(i‘<‘i«t«s DS cam Rott NOD Ream Roll No. yw" ‘GuPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION second SEMESTER [LLB] Serreamen: 2014 qpLp 104 : cote Subject: Political Selence It as woul” gece all questions, Internat choice ae pons: 7 : 8 ind PART-A port note on all aalof Constitution Fon of Executive i ultiparly Democracy PART-B UNIT-I nat is the ProcesS of Judicial Review? Describe the cases and problems Myated co cs oepreept in the context of Indian political system? 12.5) OR (12.5) what is the Mest appropriate definition of State as given DF the political Wientists? Describe the elements of a modern state, What could be Significant Te J fonship between State and Government? (12.5) UNIT-II cetically examine the Unitary form of government. numeral the ‘er Federal form of government (12.5) savantages of Unis form ov OR dentify the features of the Indian Constitution that substantiate India (12.5) fang a Quasi-federal State UNIT-IIl pescribe the features and (YF =F Military Rute, What are the mat eeumments in favor of and Crit ‘ams linked to Military Rule? (Support (12.5) uth examples from different countries) parliamentary form of government referring | the (12.5) Elaborate upon the F features, merits an demerits. uNIT-IV Define the concept of sovereignty Of state and describe at length the different types viz, popul political and lege (12.5) OR Establish the d types of rights in democracy ts and duties (12.5) Explain the concept an correlation between righ! r P { ‘Exam: ra UND-TERM EXAMINATION ‘Su: cOND SEMESTER [LLB] - MAY-JUNE 2006 T ‘Subject: Poli! rion 0 8? Og) e) E i ss -apakory. Part B has 8 ‘questions out of which 4 are to be attempted. ‘selecting ona from each wag Ais om" ir sarry 12% marks I ps ins in Part B carry rks each. Pa gust ! 1 PART-A | ayrite short notes on the following: I (g Territory as an element of state \ (Merits of Unitary form of government {@) Military rule | (a) Bicameralism {Important duties ofa responsible citizen PAREB Unit \ ee : co. Discuss the important functions performed by the legislature in'a democratig'political system. 1 + 4 Ey # @3. Do you agree that the system of checks and balance ensures smooth functioning of the government? Give reasons in support of your answer. 4 “Parliamentary form of government is fast turning into the dictatorship of the Cabinet’. Critically analyse this statement. QS. Discuss the merits and demerits ofa single party system. i Unit-10 Q6. How does the federal form of government help in checking regional imbalance? QI. Discuss those features of Indian polity which make it a quasi-federation, Unit-IV , Q8. Examine the relationship between legal and political sovereignty. ‘We Q. ‘Rights are essential for the development of the personality of an individual? ! 4 ma ng of this statement, discuss the various rights guaranteed in a democratic society 0, thy f eee F "eee ee wre your Esa Rot No. inmate immediately Exam Roll NO. % END-TERM EXAMINATION SECOND Frger Code: LLB(HDIO® (Re-appe ‘SEMESTER [LLB-H]|- MAY-JUNE 2006 [paper 1D: 38102 ppear) Fime 23 Hours nore: Part A is compuls f ipulsory and all questions carry equal marks. Attempt any five ques “Maxinnurm Marks ¢ 7 ttons from Part Bait ‘1 Part-A qa @ Write a short note on consumer surplus (c) Explain briefly functions of credit banks. payment. i i | (b) Differentiate between average cost and marginal cost. | (d) Compare balance of trade and balance of (e) Briefly mention some measures fo check inflation. | mnacroeconomics How are the two areas Q2 Elaborate the differences between microeconomics and of economics related to each other? | (10) 3 Q3. Define law of demand. What are the function of demand? Delineate various factors afecting demand. | “i 110) ( ‘iil = a4 — Explain marginal and total wild Elaborating upon the law of diminishing marginal wlility, !ay down its various applications. | au i Qs Bring out detailed comparisor perween pure and perfect market we) Qe ro pervasive role in an economy: Critically’ jrebze this statement (10) Jd demerits. | (10) down their merits Q6 Mon ney plays all Hy apandiniter ts Q7 Explain dire ps ymca hin ag h hese, at | ON Je do the © QB What role Ot cess of oe any 1 Q9 Explain ® Yinion u exam Rol No. taeda a diately) yrite short notes: Uy Effective demand 0s used in Kej | lines Beoy / nomies (t) National Income (@) Problem of Urban and nd Rural Poverty i (@) Infrastructure and economi ic Develoy pment. { q (x5= Part-B «the role played by Reserve Bi +? ank of India in promot ° promati techniques adopted by the Central Bank of any ey acnieb eat Bap oe ng the quantity and qual of (@) Free trade as engine of growth, credit? OR (12.3) ‘The role of money is all pervasive in an economy. Explain this statement Explain the interrelation between monetary and fiscal policy. Also enumerate the monetary policy (25) instruments. OR | aerits and demerits ofeach of hese Distinguish between direct and indirect taxes Explain the i taxes. economic ordet fon, How far will the new (2s) Discuss the role played by World Trade Organiza introduced by WTO affect India? «5 of Balance of Payme lance of Payments i sountry. Bring out the differences, if Analyze the various feature: ats of a country. Bring any, between Balance of Trade and Bal lowed sn the strategy being oll Explain the concept of ‘economic reform sod presently by the country @s @ model i » Comment. 15 je growth pout ero Be ; “Globalisation brings # Give arg process of globalisation 2s)" ore" END-TERM E XAMINATION a % @. OB. ott No, immediately) Ex Rll NB ne FOURTH SEMESTER [LI eee nen pUIEB] = MAY-JUNE 2006 ‘Subject: Family Law-I ___—_— vt ‘Maximum Marks : 75 dtempt any five questions from Part B. Part A (8X 5)=25 ye a Mitakshara Hind : @ bef ndu Joint family. Can a husband and oat wife form a Hindu Joint father’s ¥y comment on the followin state i Yes Fes been convexte’ die sil vovale: lab pain the jurisdiction Ganon i. secular lial ity by be jdiinye ale he a y court, Can a fami ide a disput wera a sie wih pest interne a @ jure and defacto pat oe Di on wena Suite pattition, Discuss the role of th ct nr this effect is fle, seunen {ion betal fa minor opener 10 can be appoint i? Di pointed a Mutawali? Discuss the powers of Mutawallito alienate the waa We property @ oO Part B x10)=50 vers of the karta of a Hindu joint family to alienate the joint family propery .edies available to such sent of the other coparceners? What are the rem 0 the alienation made by karta? ‘coparcenary property, Discuss the character of = ree avis his male descendants under the Hindu pscass the po satbout the CO oarcencrs who are opposed tt ringuish between separate property and inherited by a son from his father, Succession Act, 1956. Banus the change made inthe definition of Downy’ by the legislature from 1961 101986. How isa post marriage demand for money different from a demand for dowry? What are the fundamental re estate of a Hindu female Wipsolue estate? Can a Hindu wid estate that she inherits fer in 1954, but from her husband in 1940, ifs possession W isregained in 1960, through ® re-transfer. ister the major changes ushered in 1 the legislature in th ‘Amendment) Act, 2005. in Jan’2006, and is survived by by the Hindu Succession dies as a member of unlimited Mitakeshara his parents F and M, takes ew W, two sons St and S2 nd 6 daughter ey had separated from the family ee 2000. The tial value ofthe JOR family property oe ramuary 2006 is worth Rs. $0 ak Decide, what would be the share of each of the family member? A Hindu female *X", dies leaving i iaaived from her father and Jewelny Myth Rs 20 aks, thet Was husband H, #500 S+ converted 10 : tinder the Special | 1954, against the ithe son of ber preaeceased Sah ion of a limited fow acquire absolute ownership 0! as lost through a voluntary trans 1e Hindu succession Act, 1956, behind her ighter She is survived by her who gets married to @ Christian man 0d son S2W, and 7 Ps a . i of her family, a widow of her a fh ed during child birth. Discuss who will get the trations under 2D, who afier converting "9 1. their th FOF 6x? and What wou ci Re oS ete io ao . "ft under Muslim Lav Explain givin isto mae ses the require possession can be dispenses" circum eaeannneoeet is of a valid & « ORO Ng 4 [Paper Code: LLp, @ Paper ID: 38204 q « ~ane t d ; Subject: Criminu! wl | 4 QI (a) Distinguish itis 4, (b) What do sn Detwe ‘ Tet 2 You mean yee and roy in by aM rope, EA (©) Essentials of Brave and (a) What do yor S8tion Sudden, You ung 498-4, Provocation™ 2402 (e) Is marital pao "2°*5ta Pe 1” as defined in eae "ape an oft Nd by the exception |. Sectiog ee 7 = ‘utraging the mod q 2 iodesty of a women'"? we P, Q3. ‘Aand "Bare go Maat with a stick. On “Workers in an i specie of the same’, Ai an old enemity with eet 8 is nindusty. One nalyse. (av) f ‘Aand kills hig Wen es advantage Cet they have an altercation and ‘A’ ati ey aetAEE of Bs assay ph Peet Lag ¥ t Qs Ms.°X’, lity of Cry 8° ANd puts a revo! Searty in 2 & Sex Worker w, ‘ olver in B’s hand t ae for the same. ‘Aftes Promised Rs, 10, is *X?. Ms. Xx? fr the satisfarn 200 for extend: lodge isfactio nding sexual t ges a FIR against Mi n of his sexual desire * ial favours to Mr. ‘M0 xt she QS Ms. ‘A’ gave her salw: Me.‘M alleging rape Dette, ee ee t the stitched suit within a material tobe stitched ¢ ‘ (10) ‘ Thereafter inspite of sever! ie eS week M ed to the tailor “Y’.*Y” promised to gi committee? several visits *Y" fs “A? went to *Y" ised to give her fee? does not return he 's shop but he evades her. ta suit. What offence if any has *Y” ‘A’ agirl of 21 years was married to ‘BY (10) ‘ sex. oF the toetis denemiisd til bp ee eee ; ; a oc eran a ee es eee cali Boake 4! acl tg ae ued to ‘Ay on heari i ‘ liability of her husband? ers ‘A" ad one dey she come use. Wha a be t Q7 ‘A’ meets witha sri ei ith a serious road accident and is | a rushed for medical ai ‘ the hospital he is put on oxygen, since his condition Dal Saupe eee ‘ breath, his sn ‘Beals upon the doctor "todo eS dani ne seen discovers that the oxygen cylinder ib empty, Novoxygen supplied 10° rao ae ‘ cylinders in the hospital. ‘A’ dies. Is the doctor *Y’ liable under section 304A. ro a a ( Q8 Distinguish between kidnapping and abduction. adi on any two gr). { Q9 Write short notes (a) The Commissi (b) Immoral Traffic : (c) Sexual Harassme prevention) Act, 1987. ‘Act, 1987 workplace. [si jon of Sati ( (Prevention) nt of women at on it an offence? eeneeenent SH 279 eS | suey Ean fl omy END-TERM EXAMINATION foe 8 aaa onsttaonl r | \pape?. 1D: 38208 : aes sine) Hor “Maximum Marks £75 Part B all ea ‘art A is compulsory and carr Pe en ts ‘part Band in Part-A (ox5=28 Ql. (a) Doctrine of severability, (b) Double jeopardy. (c) Fundamental Duties (@) Rights of Minorties (e) Ex-post-facto laws. Part-B (5x10 = 50) \ @Q. Discuss the development of the scope of right to equality under the Indian Constitution. Q3. ‘Right to administer educational institutions can be claimed by a minority community only when it has been established by them.” Discuss this statement, ion of India, 4. Discuss the scope of freedom of speech and expression under the Constitutis given to ‘Life and personal liberty’, and ‘procedure. established Q5. What meaning has been Court of India in the context of Article 21 of the ‘Constitution. by law by the Supreme Discuss and refer cases. stance of Directive Principles of State Policy? What is the relationship Q6. What is the impor le and Directive Principles of State Policy. between fundamental Right “ fandamental right of freedom of religion. What are the various “Article 25 on the freedom of religion. ee Q7. Examine the scope of limitations mentioned in Q8. Discuss the “ Doctrine of Pleasure”. State the Constitutional safeguards available to civil servants in India. h tes on any two of the following: / E @ wea oe es on a al cemedes avalible 10a citizen under Arist 32 eh % Constitution? 3 i t i Constitutional and post-Constituti the difference between pre- post: stillondl wee 8 Rigi ts Trajveation as a fundamental Right ‘under the Constitution of India " * a eee sneer “th Please write your Exam Roll No,) exam Bolt Ho, END TERM EXAMINATION ies Semvaren [LLB] Novemsen-De-nanen 2018 Paper Code: BALLB-115 Subject: Economics/I (Microeconomic Analysts) | Hours Maxtmum Marks: 75 Note: Attempt five questions in all including Q no.1 of Part A which ts compulsory. Select one question from each unit of Part B. PART-A Ql Answer the following in brief:- (a) Economics is neutral between ends. Explain. (b) Distinguish between Giffin Paradox and Veblen effect. (c) Distinguish between returns to scale and returns to @ variable factor with the help of isoquant. (d) Write 2 note on International Court of Justice. (e) Write note on Economic Rent. (5x5=25) PART-B UNIT-I QQ An eminent British Economist J.M. Keynes explained that at times of depression, there was unemployment and surplus of both labour and capital resources. Is it not inconsistent with the problem of scarcity? Discuss. (12.5) OR 3. It is said that in a free market economy consumer is a king who directs its functioning, Is this valid in free market economies of the world today? Explain. (12.5) UNIT- Q4 What is meant by ‘ceteris paribus’? What factors are covered under ‘ceteris paribus’ conditions in relation to demand for a commodity? (12.5) OR Q5 (a) How do you measure point elasticity of demand at a point on demand curve? (6) (b) What happens to point price elasticity at a given price when demand curve shifts to the right in parallel manner? (6.5) ‘UNIT-IT Q6 (a) “The slope of an isoquant is a measure of the relative marginal productivities of the factors’. Explain. (6.5) (b) If production function reveals increasing returns to scale, what can you say about the returns to a variable factor? Explain diagramotically. (6) OR Q7 Derive a long run supply curve of increasing cost industry working under conditions of perfect competition. (12.5) UNIT-IV Q8 What is meant by exploitation of labour? Show how labour is exploited under monopsony in a labour market. (12.5) OR Q9 How does loanable funds theory of interest differ from (i) Classical theory (ii) Keynes theory of interest (12.5) at Please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION ‘THIRD SEMESTER [LLB] NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2018 Paper Code: BALLB-207 ‘Subject: Economics | Time: 3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks: 75 Qu Qe Qs ee 6 qr Q9 Note: Attempt any five questions including Q.No 1 of Part A which is | compulsory. Select one question from each unit of Part B. PART: Answer the following in brief:- (5x5=25) (a) Economic Offence and Economic Legislation (b) Giffin’s Paradox (c) Dynamic Theory of profit (d) Different cost concepts (¢} Dynamic functions of money PART-B u How far is it correct to say that Robbins definition limits the scope of Economics?(12.5) OR Distinguish between partial and general equilibrium approach to economic analysis? (12.8) UNIT-IT Define price elasticity of demand. Prove that (i) a straight downward sloping curve implies that as price falls, elasticity of demand decrease. (i) Comparing two straight line demand curves of the same slope, the one further from the origin is Jess elastic at every price than one closer to the origin. (12.5) OR “The part played by Nature conforms to Diminishing Returns’ while the part which man plays conforms to ‘Increasing Returns’. Critically examine this statement. (12.5) UNIT. “A Monopolist is a price maker, a seller under competition is price taker’. Elucidate. (12.5) OR Discuss and explain clearly the part played by rate of interest in maintaining equilibrium between savings and investment, (12.5) UNIT-V How do commercial banks reconcile the conflicting aimes of liquidity and profitability in their operations? (12.5) OR A leading economist has written;” If you think of the social costs of inflation at least of moderate inflation it is hard to avoid coming away with the impression that they are minor compared with the costs of unemployment and depressed production." Write a short essay describing your views on this issue. (12.5) (\ (Please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. {Paper Code: BALLB.209 Time : | Qi Qe es a Os 96 qr eB END TERM EXAMINATION ‘THinp SEMESTER [LLB] Nov.-Dec. 2018 7 Subject: Political ‘Science-IT Hours E ‘Maximum Marks :75 ‘Note: Attempt five questions in all including which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit. PART A Write short notes on all the following: (5x5-25) (a) Rise of Japan and China {b) Public Opinion (©) Conciliation and arbitration (d) Types of democracy (e) ASEAN PART B UNITY Describe quasi-federal and confederal as variants of Federalism. What are the unique features in the Indian constitution that qualify India to be dubbed as Quasi-federal in nature? (12.5) Elaborate upon the concept and characteristics of the Parliamentary form of government. Justify why this model is suited to the Indian democracy by comparing it with the Presidential form. (12.5) UNIT IT What is the concept of Balance of Power in International Relations? Describe the methods to attain balance of power with relevant examples. (12.5) Critically examine the three important limitations on National Power. How does international law differ from National law? (12.5) ‘UNIT IT Describe at length the notion of Diplomacy. Compare and contrast Old and New world diplomacy. What role has Diplomacy played in resolving major legal conflicts (Give specific examples)? (12.5) Elaborate upon how the United Nations has been successfully discharging Collective Security Mechanism. What are the precise roles played by General ‘Assembly and Security Council within this framework? (12.5) UNIT IV What is the meaning of Supra-national Organisations? Describe the evolution, structure and function of EU and OAS. (12.5) Describe in depth the Cuban Missile crisis. What was the impact of the Cold war politics and the US hegemony in the escalation (increase) of this crisis? (12.5) (Please write your Exam Roll No.) (Paper Code: BALLB-215 Exam Roll No. « Enp TERM EXAMINATION ‘Tarep SemEsTER [LLB(H)] Novempen-DECEMBER 2018 ‘Subject: Political Sctence-IIT | ‘Maximum Marks: 75 Time: 3 Hours a | Note: Attempt all questions as directed. Internal Ghotce is indicated. | PART-A Write short notes on:- (5x5=25) mn League of Q Qs Qe Oe qr 8 (a Enumerate the similarities and dissimilarities betwee! Nation and United Nation. (b) Disarmament (¢) Gulf War I & Il (d) The Hague Conventions (e} Public Opinion as a limitation on International Law. PART-B UNIT-I What is National Power? Critically examine any four important components of National Power. Which according to you is the most important component of National Power in Modern times? Justify your (12.2 argument. OR Describe various patterns of Balance of Power. How is the Balance of Power maintained by various countries of the World today? Give examples. UNIT-IT Critically evaluate the role of General Assembly in the maintenance of International Peace and Security. Discuss with relevant case studies. (12.5) OR Discuss the changing role of Secretary General of United Nations in handling various crises. UNIT-I Write briefly on amy two of the following:- (12.5) (a) Korean Crisis (b) Cuban Crisis (c) Afghanistan Crisis OR Do you agree that the end of World War has expedited the formation of alliances? Give suitable arguments to support your answer. UNIT-IV Examine the role of International Non-Governmental Organisations in the contemporary world. (12.5) OR Explain the emergence of International Terrorism. How is it related to the issues of Resources and Religion? Discuss with relevant examples. Ss (lease write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Rolll No. . EnpD TERM EXAMINATION ‘Tumrp SEMESTER [LLB] NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2018 [Fever Code: LLB-201 ‘Subject: Family LawI Time: 3 Hours [ a @ Qs 6 Maximum Marks: 75 Note: Attempt any five questions including Q.No 1 of Part A which is ____computsory. Select one question from each unit of Part B. PART-A Write notes on:- (5x5=25) (a) Grounds for a Muslim woman to seek divorce under the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939. (b) Cruelty as a ground for divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. (c) Constitutionality of Restitution of conjugal rights under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. (a) Who can be adopted and the effect of a valid adoption under the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956. (€) IVF: Hope for infertility. PART-B UNITI Discuss the status of following marriages under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955:(12.5) (a) X marries his mother’ sister’s son’s daughter D, (b) A marries C, a Hindu girl as a disguised owner of a seven star hotel but he is waiter in that hotel. (¢) B, a Hindu boy marries Z, a Hindu girl, in spite of the existence of his first wife W. ‘Substantiate your answers with legal provisions and case law, if any. Write notes on any two of the following: Qs) (a) Divorce by mutual consent under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. (b] Desertion inchoate matrimonial offence. Comment. {c) Adultery as a ground for divorce and the effect of decriminalizing the same by the apex court. UNIT-IT Write notes on the following:- (a) Essential of valid Nikah (Marriage) and prohibitions to marriage (b) Irregular (Fasid), Void (Batil) and Muta marriage and their legal effects (6.5+6) Discuss various forms of talaq under Muslim law and critically analyse the debate and the version of the apex court on triple talaq. (12.5) UNIT-II (2) Discuss the capacity of a Hindu male and female to adopt under the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956. (b) Examine the following situations under the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance ‘Act, 1956: i. Smita, an unmarried woman aged 25, adopts a son who is of 13 years of age. Will the adoption be valid? Decide. ii, Aman, an adopted child, wants to marry his biological mother’s brother's daughter. Can he marry? Decide. Substantiate your answer with relevant legal provisions. (6.5+6) LLB-29" 330 Please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. .. END TERM EXAMINATION = _____THIRD SemesTER [LLB] Novemser-DeceMBER 2018 \Paper Code: LLB-203 Subject: Family LawI [BATCH 2008-2013] | Time: 3 Hours” ae ____Maximum Marks: 75 | Note: Attempt any five questions including Q.No 1 of Part A whichis | compulsory. } Part A QI) Write short notes on the follewings:- (Sx5=25) a) Nature of Hindu Marriage. b) Civil Marriage. ©) De facto Guardian, 4) Divorce by mutual Consent. ©) Nikah Halala. Part B Q2) “ Judicial Seperation is considered to be the stepping stone towards divorce? Elucidate. When grounds for judicial seperation and divorce are same and people are opting for divorce, what is the need to retain judicial separation under the Hindu Marriage Act? (12.5) Q3)_“Desertion is not only withdrawal from place but also from state of things” Discuss the above statement with the help of land mark cases. (12.5) Q4) Triple Talag has been and is still a very contentious issue. Why it is considered to be the most sinful form of divorce? Discuss inthe light of Shayara Bano’s case. (12.8) Q3) * Adoption is the uprooting of the child from his natural family and transplanting into adoptive family and after adoption all toes in the natural family are broken and are accrued in the adoptive family”. Explain the above mentioned statement along with the leading cases, (12.5) Q6) Maintenance of divorced Muslim woman has been a very debateable issue. Discuss it in the light of Shah Bano’s judgment, (12.5) Q7) What are the grounds on which the Hindu woman can live separately and claim maintenance from her husband under Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956? Discuss. (12.5) Q8) Who is a guardian? Discuss the powers, responsibilities and liabilities of natural, testamentary and certified guardians (12.5) p> \ 34 iia Meee rrrareeaeeeee eee exam Roll No. « (Please write your Exam Roll No.) END TERM EXAMINATION ____ Tuep Semesrer [LLB] Novemner-Decemonn 2018 ‘ Paper Code: LLB.203 Subject: Constitutional Lawl Time: 3 Hours Maxtmum Marks: 75 | Note: Attempt any five questions including Q no.1 of Part A which ts L compulsory. Select one question from each untt of Part B. PART-A QI Write short notes on the following:- (a) Define Constitution and enumerate its classification (b) Division of powers (c) Colourable legislation (@) Parliamentary Privileges (¢) Ordinance making power of the President and Governor. PART-B UNIT-I Q2. “Indian Constitution is said to be a fair-weather Federal System, thought the expression Federalism has nowhere been used in the original Constitution”. Critically examine the federal features of Indian Constitution in the light of the above statement. (12.5) (5x5=25) Q3 “Rule of law connotes a limited government and some higher kind of law which is reasonable just and non-discriminatory.” Critically discuss the rule of law with the help of decided cases on the subject. (12.5) UNIT-II Q4 “Parliamentary Sovereignty under Indian Constitution is not the same as it is in case of British Parliament”. Explain the nature of parliamentary sovereignty in India with the help of decided cases. (12.5) Q5 Judiciary is an indispensable unit of federal and democratic governance. Therefore Indian Constitution has made all out efforts at ensuring independence of judiciary under Indian system of governance. Critically examine the provisions of Indian Constitution that related to Independence of Judiciary. (12.5) UNIT-IIL Q6 “The Constitution commands the states to carry out their executive powers so as to ensure compliance with the laws made by Parliament and any existing law that apply to that state”. Critically examine the distribution of administrative powers between the Union and the States under Indian Constitution in the light of the above statement. (12.5) Q7 Critically examine the doctrine of repugnancy under Indian Constitution with the help of decided cases. (12.5) UNIT-IV Q8 Explain the provisions relating to imposition of President Rule Under Article 356 of the constitution. Substantiate your answer with help of guidelines laid down by the Supreme Court to check misuse of power by executive in dismissing democratically elected state government. (12.5) Q9 What do you understand by the expression “Doctrine of Basic Structure”? Critically examine with the help of decided cases. (12.5) eer: at (Please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. EnpD TERM EXAMINATION ‘THIRD SEMESTER [LLB] NOVEMBER-DECEMBER-2018 ner Code: wt [Paper Code: LLB-205 Ee ‘Subject: Constitutional Law! | Time: 3 Hout Z xe Maximum Marks: 75. Qn Q2 Q3 Qs Qs Q6 Q7 Qs Qe Note: Attempt any five question including Q.Nol of Part A which is compulsory. | Select one question from each unit of part B. cal ay PART-A rite short note on the following:- (a) Source of Indian Constitution (b) Parliamentary privileges (c) Separation of power (d) Salient features of 10: schedule of the constitution (e) Independence of judiciary. (8x5=25) PART-B I Explain the salient features of the Indian Constitution (12.5) “Rule of law must define law rather than law defining Rule of law’ Critically examine. (12.5) UNIT- Explain the power and position of the President of India. Substantiate your (12.5) answer with help of case law. Discuss the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India in Criminal ‘matters with help of case law. (12.5) UNIT-I1 Explain the administrative relations between the Union and the States. What ear ye consequence of non-compliance of Union direction by the State (12.5) Government? Write short notes on: {a) Doctrine of Harmonious Construction (12.5) (0) Pith and substance UNIT-V Explain the grounds for proclamation of emerHeney of the president under Article 35) of the Constitution. What safeguards was introduced by the Constitution 44% som ndment Act, to check misuse of power by the executive in this regard. (12.5) the procedure of amendment of the Constitution including those vr the Constitution which is having significant bearing with respect to tthe federal scheme of the Constitution. Mow Doctrine of basic wr the constituent power of this parliament 1 (12.5) Explain provisions working ol Structure has imposed restraint 0 amend the constitution. (Please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. .. END TERM EXAMINATION - THIRD SEMESTER [LLB] NoveMBER-DECEMBER 2018 [Paper Code: LLB-207 ‘Subject: Law of Crimes| ‘Time: 3 Hours —— Maximum Marks: 75 | Note: Attempt any five questions including Q.No1 of Part A which is L compulsory. Select one question from each unit of part B. PART-A Q1 Write short notes on the followin; {a) Distinguish between mistake of fact and mistake of law (b) Infancy as defence of criminal liability (c) Good faith {d) Test to determine when an act amounts to mere preparation or an attempt to commit an offence. (e) Nature and scope of right to private defence against body. PART-B UNIT-I Q2 Explain the essential attributes of actus reus and mens rea with judicial interpretation. (12.5) (5x5=25) Q3 Define Crime. Discuss the constituent elements of crime. How the principle of reasonable foresight is applicable in criminal law? (12.5) UNIT-IL Q4 Discuss the essential ingredient of Section 34 of IPC. How common intention is distinct from similar intention. Substantiate your answer with case law. (12.5) Q5 _Irrestible impulse or impulsive insanity has never been accepted as defence under Section 84 of IPC unless it is attributable to unsoundness of mind,” Discuss. (12.5) ‘UNIT-IIT Q6 Explain the essential requirement of abetment by instigation and abetment by intentional aiding with help of case law. (12.5) Q7 Explain the nature and scope of conspiracy in Section 120 A of IPC. What is distinction between Section 120 B and Section 107 of IPC?(12.5) UNIT-IV Q8 Discuss the constitutional validity and procedure of imposing death penalty. Explain the evolving parameters for imposition of death sentence. (12.5) 9 Discuss the reformative and retributive theories of punishment with help of judicial interpretation. (12.5) sheen F ‘Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. END TERM EXaMINATION .4- Jan.2015 ‘ ra ae 201 LLB115: __ Subject: Economics: ours pt any six questions including Q no.1 of Part A which is _____——somputsory. [-— PART-A te short notes on any five of the following:- (5x5=25) a wa posiive Economics (price Mechanism mping a oeories of Profit (feof Trade Unions in industrial harmony iy Mixed Economy PART-B 2 Discuss the inter relationship between Law and Economics. (10) 3 state the law of demand and show it through a demand schedule | @ ory a demand curve. What are the exceptions to the law of demand? (10) Qt Explain the concepts of price elasticity of demand. Discuss its applications in the current business scenario. (10) § What are the three stages of returns to scale? Why does production increases at increasing rate in the initial stage of production. (10) Q% Discuss the Ricardian theory of rent. (10) Q Cartelization adversely affect the market efficiency. Do you agree or not? If so give reasons along with the legal framework to deal with Cartels. (10) Write notes on any two of the following:- (2x5=10) (2) Exploitation of Labour (b) Indifference Curve (2) Scope of Economics P sop a po 5 oS int! pote! ‘attempt any five questions inctudi; our Bxam Roll No.) END TERM E: Ban Rott No __TsiRD Seater NATION prtte 3 Gol! ‘Zompulsory. Select one ng Q no.1 9, ee ect one question from each mee Pare wth is ant of Part PART-A ive short notes on all of the following: ia afghanistan crisis till the exit of USSR (8x5=25) oo Contributions and criticisms of Balance of id rusteeship Council -¢ of Power {jy Relevance of United Nations NGOs: Meaning and types, what is the concept of Power in International Relati i ‘ i Wat oo the folowing tangents of mae Googe Military and Population. . ao =i caitically examine these limitations on Power- Public Opini i = ic a international Law. Why do they tum out to be weak at tones in their intended aim of limiting Power? (12.5) UNIT-IT what are the distinct objectives and purpose of United Nations? Describe and compare the two important organs viz., General Assembly and Security Council with respect to their structure and functions. (12.5) Examine the methods and roles of negotiation, mediation, conciliation and arbitration in peaceful settlement of disputes in world politics. Which is the most effective instrument according to you? (12.5) ‘UNIT-I Explain the meaning and delineate the important phases of Cold War. Hew did it shape some key alliances (NATO, Warsaw Pact and Non, Aligned Movement) during this period? (12.5) Describe briefly the following episodes of world politics: Vietnam War and Ethiopian Crisis. Based on these two crises, analyze how the Cold War and Post.Cold War periods differed from each other. (12.5) ‘UNIT-IV Elaborate upon the evolution and the factors responsible for emergence of terrorism, What are the probable ‘methods to combat terrorism? (Use examples extensively). (12.5) Define Inter-governmental Organizations — 6 Non-State _ actors. Extensively er aoe the role of IMF and AU as illustrations of 1GOs. (12-5) Pb3s OG ase write Your Bam Rott No, MERcy Cu. AN Finer Semesten (Lug fe AMINA TI paper Code: LLB-109 (uy) PEORUARY-MaRcH204 a 3 Hours : ~ S SN ot aa : Subject: Economies: | = lax : compulsory. Select one uestion nt Qnoi of Part Aw 75 oe Exam Roll No, Westio 1 Brief note of around two funds PART. init of part B, 3 (gy Scope of Economics eed won (o) Equi-marginal Utility p, {c) Features of Perfe (a) Economic Rent (@) Positive and Normative Economics Fd8 is require “Teauired for the following concepts: {8x5=25) rinciple ‘ct Competition, PARTS @2__ Draw alline of contrast between miero and macroeconomic analysis, (12.5) QS Give your views re; ‘garding the ‘Statement the = et : UNIT-IL @ Explain the various methods that have been laid down to measure elasticity. Give your understanding of price elasticity of demand on a straight line demand curve.(12.8) 5 What is Law of Demand and Supply? Lay down the various factors influencing them (12.5) UNIT Q@ Distinguish between monopoly and monopolistic competition. (12.5) Q7 Blucidate on the concept of Dumping’. What are its repercussions on the domestic market? (12.5) UNIT-IV : i QS Review some important theories of wage determination. Discuss the various possible ways whereby trade unions can achieve increase in wage rates. (12.5) ction? Point out the main characteristics of @ eu ae you mean by factors of productio naa 9b are west! Exam Roll No.) 7 END Te E Exam Roll No. oa D TERM XAMINATI __finst SEMESTER [LLB] DecewneR 2015. N - Tie Suber ee 2018 Janvany 2016 Z BALLB ‘

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