Quiz 1 6240

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Quiz 1: 6240

1. What are the 4 main ways individuals gain self-efficacy

Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s ability to accomplish a certain task. There are four
main things that can influence self-efficacy:
- The first is mastery experience. This is when past success and that feeling of
accomplishment influences future successes
- The second is through vicarious experiences, otherwise known as modeling. This is
when the success of another person can influence your own goals
- The third is somatic or emotional. This is when someone’s emotional or physical state
can influence success
- The last is through verbal persuasion. This is usually through positive reinforcement;
when someone provides words or actions of encouragement that will bring success.

2. Most program planning models share some common steps. Name the model that
represents these commonalities and list the steps

Most program planning models share some common steps and a model that represents
these commonalities is the Generalized Model for Program Planning. One if the most
significant benefit of this model is that it provides an organization with a framework to
build an intervention to improve the health of a community.
The steps include:
- Needs assessment
- Setting Goals and objectives
- Developing an intervention
- Implementing an intervention
- Evaluating the results.

3. Differentiate between the five main stages of the Transtheoretical model

The Trans-Theoretical Model considers the dynamic aspects of human behavior and
suggests that every person may be at different stages with respect to changing any
behavior. These stages are:
- Pre-contemplation stage is when people are not thinking seriously about changing
their behavior and are not interested in seeking help.
- As opposed to the contemplation stage, where the person is acknowledging that there
is a problem with their behavior and needs to begin skills training
- Preparation is when a person is finally ready to make that change and is determined.
This is when they need support and encouragement
- Action is when the behavior is starting to change and there are no more barriers
stopping the change
- Maintenance is assuring that the behavior will continue to be changed. This requires a
lot of positive reinforcement.

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