P e Chapte 2 Notes

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 Force is an effect on one body that results from the interaction of a second body.
 Inanimate and animate bodies are either in a state of rest (not moving) or a state of motion (moving). 
 To change the state of a body, a force must be applied to it. 
 A force can have either a pushing or pulling effect on a body with mass, causing it to accelerate (speed up), decelerate (slow down) and/or
change direction.
 The unit of measure for force is the newton which is abbreviated as "N". 

 f = m x a
 f = force 
 m = mass 
 a = acceleration.

Simultaneous Force Summation

“Is the use of multiple body parts at the same time to produce force”

Simultaneous force summation occurs in athletics when a sprinter explosively moves multiple body parts at the same time
at the start of the race. 
Sequential Force Summation 
Definition: Sequential force summation is the activation of body parts that are used in sequence to produce force.

In this cricket bowl, there is a sequential transfer of momentum between different body parts, starting with the large muscles of the lower body, transference of force to the
torso, then the smaller muscles in the arms before the momentum is transferred to the ball on release.
These include:
 Activating the stronger and larger muscles first
 Using as many body parts as possible, enabling force to be generated over a greater time
 Transferring momentum from one body part to another when at maximum velocity
 The presence of a stable base for maximal acceleration of body parts to occur so that momentum can be transferred successfully from one body
part to another
 Ensuring appropriate follow-through is used to prevent unnecessary deceleration of body parts.

 The term momentum describes the quantity of motion a particular body mass has.
 Momentum is the product of mass (Kg) and velocity (m/s)
 In order to find the momentum of an object is:

  Momentum (P)= mass(M)x velocity(V) 

 The higher the mass and the higher the velocity of an object, the greater its momentum.
 An example would be to compare athletes in an 100-meter sprint. If there were 2 lanes and the athlete on lane 1 had mass of 80kg and
velocity of 10 m/s, he/she would have a momentum of 800 p, if the athlete on lane 2 had a mass of 90kg and velocity of 10m/s they would have a
momentum of 900 p. This shows the higher the mass and velocity the higher the momentum. 

Angular Momentum 
H = angular momentum 
I = moment of inertia 
ω = angular velocity 
Moment of inertia depends on:
 The mass of the rotating object or body 
 The distance the weight is distributed from the axis 
The greater the angular momentum the greater transfer of momentum to the object will be. 
Example: when a diver leaves the diving board, angular momentum will be conserved. During the tuck, the moment of inertia is reduced a lot, which
then increases angular velocity (degree of rotation) that conserves momentum. 
Newtons 1st Law
 ‘An object will stay at rest or continue to travel in the same direction at a constant velocity unless acted on by
an unbalanced force.’
 The higher the mass of a body, the greater the inertia and therefore more force is required to overcome this

 Newton’s 2nd Law
States that the rate of acceleration of a body is proportional to the force applied to it and in the direction in
which the force is applied
force = mass x acceleration
•To produce maximal force, mass and acceleration must be at its highest.
• A soccer kicked with greater force will have greater acceleration and will travel in the direction it is applied.

 Newton’s 3rd Law

Newton’s third law states that:
 ‘For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.’
 An example of this law is, when one body applies a force against a second body, the second body applies an equal force in the
opposite direction on the first.
 If an individual were to jump three different times and aims to jump directly in the air and land on the same spot, then in order
to go directly up, the force must be applied directly down. In the second jump, the athlete aims to propel themselves up and forward. To
do this, the force must be applied down and back.

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