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Republic of the Philippines


Roxas Blvd, San Carlos City, Pangasinan



Name: ______________________________________________ Score: ______________

Course, Year & Section: ________________________________ Date: _______________

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Strictly no erasure, alteration and superimposition. Erasable pen and pencil are also prohibited. Use
CAPITAL letters only. Use the back portion of the exam paper as scrap if needed.

THREE-WAY MATCHING TYPE. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided by matching Column A with Column B;
Column B with Column C; and Column C with Column A only.

Column A Column B

______ A. David Hume ______ A. ghost in the machine

______ B. Rene Descartes ______ B. Transcendental Unity of Apperception
______ C. John Locke ______ C. 3 phased rite of passage
______ D. Charles Cooley ______ D. mind & body are intertwined w/ each other
______ E. self is biological and cultural entity ______ E. True self and false self
______ F. Socrates ______ F. Eliminative Materialism
______ G. Arnold van Gennep ______ G. “I self is the knower”
______ H. play stage ______ H. Real self and ideal self
______ I. Immanuel Kant ______ I. Psychosexual stages
______ J. game stage ______ J. faith and reason
______ K. St. Thomas Aquinas ______ K. assimilation
______ L. Plato ______ L. rationalist
______ M. William James ______ M. 2 – 6 yrs old
______ N. Clifford Geertz ______ N. tabula rasa
______ O. Jane Collier & Milt Thomas ______ O. Know Thyself
______ P. St. Augustine ______ P. Self is influenced by other’s view of us
______ Q. Donald Winnicott ______ Q. matter
______ R. Gilbert Ryle ______ R. Properties of Cultural Identity
______ S. Freud ______ S. ego
______ T. Karen Horney ______ T. delocalized self
______ U. Paul & Patricia Churchland ______ U. 6 yrs old onwards
______ V. Maurice Merleau-Ponty ______ V. tripartite soul
______ W. Jean Piaget ______ W. impressions
______ X. id ______ X. Anthropological Perspective
______ Y. culture ______ Y. cultura

Column C
______ A. latency stage
______ B. physical and ideal realm
______ C. Looking Glass Self
______ D. “I act therefore I am”
______ E. accommodation
______ F. connection between self and the world
______ G. avowal and ascription
______ H. superego
______ I. separation phase
______ J. the unshaped you and mask
______ K. dehumanization of self
______ L. who you really are and who you want to be
______ M. cultural identity
______ N. sense of self is on the physical brain
______ O. temporary
______ P. perfect and impermanent
______ Q. self as rational inquiry
______ R. “Me self is the known”
______ S. Phenomenology of Perception
______ T. appetitive soul
______ U. form
______ V. empty space
______ W. playing badminton with rules
______ X. play “pretend”
______ Y. means cultivation

II. ENUMERATION. Enumerate the following:

Psychosexual Stages
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________
Freud’s Structural Model of the Mind
6. _______________________________________
7. _______________________________________
8. _______________________________________
Freud’s Topographical Model of the Mind
9. _______________________________________
10. _______________________________________
11. _______________________________________
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
12. _______________________________________
13. _______________________________________
14. _______________________________________
15. _______________________________________
James’ component of “me self”
16. _______________________________________
17. _______________________________________
18. _______________________________________
Plato’s Tripartite Soul
19. _______________________________________
20. _______________________________________
21. _______________________________________
Mead’s Stages of Development
22. _______________________________________ “CHEATING IS A PERSONAL DECISION.
23. _______________________________________ SOME PEOPLE WILL NEVER CHEAT NO MATTER
24. _______________________________________ HOW BAD IT IS. SOME PEOPLE WILL CHEAT
Cultural Identifiers NO MATTER HOW GOOD IT IS.”
25. _______________________________________ -Dr. Farrah Gray
26. _______________________________________
27. _______________________________________
28. _______________________________________
Properties of Cultural Identity
29. _______________________________________
30. _______________________________________
31. _______________________________________
32. _______________________________________ Prepared by:
33. _______________________________________
34. _______________________________________ NOEMI C. CARLOS
35. _______________________________________ Instructor, UTS

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