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Conceptual Framework  the entity is assumed to carry on

its operations for an indefinite period of

time. The entity does not expect to end its
operation in the foreseeable future.
 Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring,
and communicating economic information to permit
3. Separate Entity (accounting entity/ business
informed judgments and decisions by users of the
entity/entity concept)
 American Association of Accountants  the entity is viewed separately from its
4. Stable monetary unit
1. Identifying- the process of analyzing events and  all accounting elements are stated in
transactions to determine whether or not they will be common unit of measure (i.e. PHP). The
recognized. purchasing power of the currency is
regarded as stable or constant and that is
2. Measuring- involves assigning numbers, normally in instability is insignificant, hence, ignored.
monetary terms, to the economic transactions and events.
5. Periodicity (Time Period/Accounting Period)
3. Communicating- involves transforming economic data into  the life of the entity is divided into series of
useful accounting information, such that financial statements reporting periods.
and other accounting reports, for dissemination to users. It
also involves interpreting the significance of the processed 6. Materiality
information.  information is material if its omission or
misstatement could influence economic
Accounting Concepts: decisions. It is matter of
professional judment and based on size and
 Accounting concepts refer to the principles upon nature of item being judged.
which the process of accounting is based.
7. Cost-benefit (cost constraint/reasonable assurance)
 Accounting assumptions (Accounting postulates)- are  the cost of processing and communicating
the fundamental concepts or principles and basic information should not exceed the benefits
notions that provide the foundation of the to be derived from it.
accounting process.
8. Accrual Basis of Accounting
 Accounting theory- is logical reasoning in the form of  income is recognized when earned rather
a set of broad principles that (1) provide a general than when cash is collected and expenses
frame of reference by which accounting practice. are recognized when incurred rather
than when cash is paid.
 Accounting theory- is logical reasoning in the form of
a set of broad principles that (1) provide a general 9. Historical Cost Concept 
frame of reference by which accounting practice can  the value of an asset is determined on the
be evaluated and (2) guide the development of new basis of acquisition cost. 
practices and procedures.
10. Concept of Articulation
 It is the organized set of concepts and related  This recognizes that the financial
principles that explain and guide accountant’s action statements are fundamentally interrelated
in identifying, measuring, communicating accounting and interact with each other. 
11. Full Disclosure Principle
1. Double-entry system
 this principle recognizes that the nature
 each accountable event is recorded in and amount of information included in the
two parts-debit and credit financial statements reflect a series
of judgment trade-offs.
2. Going concern assumption 
12. Consistency Concept   costs that are not directly related to
 the financial statements are prepared on the earning of revenue are initially
the basis of accounting principles that are recognized as assets and recognized as
applied consistently from one period to expenses over the periods their economic
the next. benefits are consumed, using some method
of allocation.

22. Immediate recognition principle

13. Matching   costs that do not meet the definition of
 costs are recognized as expenses when the an asset, or ceases to meet the definition of
related revenue is recognized. an asset, are expensed immediately.

14. Entity Theory

 the accounting objective is geared towards Common Branches of Accounting:
proper income determination- proper
matching of costs against revenues. (ASSETS 1. Financial Accounting
= LIABILITIES + EQUITY)  the branch of accounting that focuses
on general purpose financial statements
15. Proprietory Theory  
 the accounting objective is geared 2. Management Accounting 
towards proper valuation of assets. (ASSETS  refers to the accumulation
- LIABILITIES = EQUITY) and communication of information for use
by internal users or management.
16. Residual Equity Theory
 applicable when there are two classes 3. Cost Accounting
of shares issued. (ASSETS - LIABILITIES -  the systematic recording and analysis of the
PREFERRED SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY = costs of materials, labor and overhead
ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY) incident to production.
4.  Auditing
17. Fund Theory  the process of evaluating the
 the accounting objective is proper custody correspondence of certain assetions with
and administration of funds. (FUNDS =CASH established criteria and expressing an
INFLOW - CASH OUTFLOW) opinion thereon.

18. Realization 5. Tax Accounting

 the process of converting non-cash assets  the preparation of tax returns and
into cash or claims for cash. rendering of tax advice, such as the
determination of the tax consequences of
19. Prudence (Conservatism) certain proposed business endeavors.
 use of caution when making
estimates under conditions of uncertainty 6. Government Accounting
to avoid overstated assets or income and/or  refers to the accounting for the
understated expense/liability. government ans instrumentalities, placing
emphasis on the custody of public funds,
Expense Recognition Principles:
the purposes of which those funds are
committed, and the responsibility
20. Matching concept (Direct Association of costs and
and accountability of the individuals
entrusted with those funds.
 costs that are directly related to the earning
7. Fiduciary Accounting
of revenue are recognized as expense in
 refers to the handling of accounts managed
the same period the related revenue is
by a person entrusted with the custody and
management of property for the benefit of
21. Systematic and rational allocation
8. Estate Accounting  
 refers to the handling of accounts for
fiduciaries who wind up the affairs of a
deceased person.

9. Social Accounting 
 (social and environmental accounting or
social responsibility reporting)
 the process of communicating the social
The Philippines is fully compliant with IFRS since January
and environmental effects of an entity’s
economic actions to the society.
10.  Institutional Accounting
 the accounting for non-profit entities other Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS)
than the government.
1. Philippine Financial Reporting Standards which
11. Accounting Systems correspond to the International Financial Reporting
 the installation of accounting procedures Standards.
for the accumulation of financial data and 2. Philippine Accounting Standards (PAS) which
designing of accounting forms to be used in correspond to the International Accounting
data gathering. Standards (IAS).
Accounting Research 3. Philippine Interpretations which correspond to
Interpretations of the IFRIC and the Standing
 pertains to the careful analysis of Interpretations Committee and Interpretations
economic events and other variables to developed by the Philippine Interpretations
understand their impact on decisions. Committee.
Bookkeeping and Accounting

 Bookkeeping ends with the preparation of trial International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
balance while accounting requires preparation of
financial reports for interpretations and decision-
Global Scale

 is a common set of accepted accounting principles,
standards, and procedures that companies and their
accountants must follow when they compile their
financial statements. 

 is a set of international accounting standards, which
state how particular types of transactions and other
events should be reported in financial statements.

Philippine Setting

Conceptual Framework
1. Income/Revenue - Income is increases in assets, or
Conceptual Framework  decreases in liabilities, that result in increases in equity, other
 is a summary of the terms and concepts that than those relating to contributions from holders of
underlie the preparation and presentation of equity claims.
financial statements for external users. 
 It provides an overall theoretical foundation for 2. Expense - Expenses are decreases in assets, or increases in
accounting which will guide standard-setters, liabilities, that result in decreases inequity, other than those
preparers and users of finacial information in the relating to distributions to holders of equity claims.
preparation and presentation of statements.
 It is concerned with general
purpose finanial statements, including the T-Account
consolidated financial statements.

 Special purpose financial statements are
outside the scope of Conceptual Framework.
 Conceptual Framework is not an IFRS.
 In case there is conflict, the requirements of  
IFRS shall prevail over the Conceptual Framework.

Journal Entry


Elements of Accounting:

Financial Position / Balance Sheet (Real or Permanent

1. Asset - A resource controlled by the entity as a result of
past events and from which future economic benefits are
expected to flow to the entity.

2. Liability - A present obligation of the entity arising from

past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in
an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic

3. Equity - Equity is the residual interest in the assets of the

entity after deducting all its liabilities.

Elements of Accounting:

Financial Performance / Income Statement (Nominal or

Temporary Accounts)

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