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Maintenance eS Maintenance is defined as the sestoning of an {tem +o its oniginal condition on to wonk ing onder This can be achieved by grepain, replacement of poe on toto neplacement of -the item. Facilities management makes the choice behoeeo these alternative measunes based 09 practical ond economic grounds. Objectives of Maintenance _ eS OS / > To achieve minimum baeakdown and fo keep the plant in geod working condition at the lowest possible cost, > Machine and othen Facilities should be kept iq such a condition which permits them +o be used at hein optimur capacity voithout any intesmnupHon 5 «10 extend the useful life of the plank, machinen and other Pacilities by minienizing oe oe ny and tean, Minimum Scnap generated due to breakdaon, Minimize accidents thnough preventve and nequlen inspection, ee > Poon Loox King of equipments will lead to quality nelaked problems. Hence ‘Eis an absoluke necessity to maintain the equipments in good openating Conditions with economical cost, v 7 > pampomtanse, of Malarenane / Tt is nesponsible fon the sm wonking of the plant and helps ne productivity, Tt also helps te keep machines operating condiHtons . ooth and efficient in improving in then ophmurn Tt also helps in maintaicing and improving she operational ef fierency ofthe plant facilities & hence contnibules towards mevenue by decneasing the operoting cost b improving the quality & quantity of the prodt being manutactuned. Many mayon industnies have bigger investmen}- in plant and mochineny- So inthis case, maintenance becomes even mone important, Idle time can only be neduced by proper Maiotenance .

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