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Submitted for the Degree course of Honours in Accounting

And Finance under the University of Calcutta

Title of the project-TALLY ERP 9

Submitted By:
Name of the candidate: Satyam Jha
C.U.Reg. number: 144-1111-0695-20
C.U.Roll. number: 201144-21-0150
College Roll Number: 250
Name of the college: Bangabasi Morning College


Annexure- 1

Supervisors Certificate
This is to certify Mr. SATYAM JHA a student of B.Com Honours in
Accounting & Finance of BANGABASI MORNING COLLEGE under the
The University of Calcutta has worked under my supervision and
For the project work and prepared a project report with the title TALLY
ERP 9 which he is submitting. His genuine and original work to the best
Of my knowledge.

Place: KOLKATA Signature:

Date: Name: Debashish Biswas

Designation: Supervisor & guide

Name of the college: Bangabasi Morning


Annexure: 2

Student’s Declaration

I hereby declare that the project works TALLY ERP 9 submitted by me

For the partial fulfillment of the degree of B.Com Honours in Accounting
& Finance under the University of Calcutta is my original work and has
Not been submitted earlier to any other university/ institute for the
Fulfillment of the requirement for any other course of study.

I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in part has

Been incorporated in this report from any earlier work done by others
Or by me.However, extracts of any literature which has been used for
This report has been duly acknowledged providing details of such
Literature in the reference.

Name: Satyam Jha
Address: 15, Gopal Ghosh Lane, Salkia,


C.U. Reg. no: 144-1111-0695-20

C.U. Roll. No: 201144-21-0150

Place: KOLKATA College roll no: 250

3. ANSWER TO 7 - 15.
4. SHORTCUTS OF 15 & 16.

Tally is an ERP accounting software package used for scolding day to day

Business data of a company. The latest version of the tally is TALLY ERP 9. Tally
ERP 9 is one acclaimed financial accounting system & inventory management
The system with a proven computer. It is one of the best accounting software that
Can integrate with other business applications such as sales, finance, purchase,
Payroll, Inventories, etc. Tally software stores all the business transaction
Of each account in detail. Tally ERP 9 follows double-entry accounting systems
And hence eliminates & rectifies possible errors.

1. The first version of Tally 4.5 & was released in the 1990s. It is an MS-Dos-based software.
2. The second version of the tally was Tally 5.4 & which was released in 1996. It was a
graphic interface version
3. The next version of the tally was tally 6.3 & this tally version was released in 2001. It was
a window-based version & supports printing & implemented with VAT.
4. The next version of the tally was Tally 7.2 & which was released in 2005. This version was
added with a new feature of statutory complimentary version & VAT rules as per state wise.
5. The next version of the tally was tally 8.1 & it was developed with a new data structure.
This version was added with new features of DOS & payroll.

Advantages of TALLY ERP 9:

1. Automatic reports of all financial activities.
2. Multi-currency account.
3. fewer expenses on data collection & transaction of files.
4. Fast data file transaction
5. To get easy & fast document access.

Disadvantages of TALLY ERP 9:
1. The installation of the ERP system is costly. ERP consult-outs are very expensive
and take approximately 60/-.
2. The system can be difficult to use.
3. It is a single window software.
4. Tally is not ideal for multi-branch.

1. How to open Tally software?

After successfully of tally ERP 9 on Windows or Mac you can state TALLY ERP
9 by using one of the following methods.
Double-click on the TALLY ERP 9 icon from the computer desktop or,
Follow the path: Starts > programs > tally ERP 9 the start-up screen appears with
the options.
a) Licensing operations:- To activate your license, press a from your
keyboard & exit.
b) Login as ramset Tally, net uses:- If your valid tally.Net user I’d &
Password of a company connected, you can log in remotely.
c)exploration of different modes
d)Quite:- Eilertson is quite an option to close the tally. After login to
tally, the welcome screen of tally ERP 9 Power of simplicity displays on the
system. After logging in to tally, the welcome screen of tally ERP 9 power of
simplicity displays on the system.

2) How to create a new company?
To create a company select create company icons the company into. Menu using up & all no
they & presents key or use short-cut (Alt+K). In this company creations screen, you should
enter all the companies that you have been asked for.

Details to be filled in the company creation screen:-

a) Directory:- It is nothing but the storage location the tally direction will store all data you
entered in TALLY ERP 9.
b) Name:- In this field, we are required to type the name of the company, for example, it.
c) Primary mailing details:-
1) Mailing name:- In this field, we are required to type the name of the company.
2) Adrien:- In this field, we are required to enter the address of the company.
3) Country:- We are required to select the country in which the business operates.
4) State:- In this field, we have to select the state in which we would comply with laws.
5) Pin code:- Pin code of the location. Where the office exists.

d) Control details:-
1) Phone number
2) Mobile number
3) Fax number
4) E-mail
5) Website

3) How to alter the existing company?
After the company creation in tally, the given information of the company can after
modifying change as per requirement. Use the following steps to alter the company in the

Step 1:- Gateway of Tally > Alt+F3 > alter

Step 2:- Under the list of a selected company 'select the information to
Step 3:- On the screen of company alteration add & modify the
required details. To save the details press Ctrl+A.

4)How do select an existing company from lied of

Tally ERP 9 accounting software allows us to whole with more than one company
simultaneously. And that we must load the list of the company's data into the primary
memory to the whole and even after loading them we must choose each specifically to
work on.
To state loading the accounts of a company in tally we have to select the company
to on in Tally ERP 9. To select a company.
a) In the company to menu choose. Select the company any option.
b) Then you will see the list of companies that are created using the create company
option under the company info menu.
c) From the list choose any of the companies.

5)How to display the list of companies already
From the menu choose select company options then you will see the list of
companies,which are created using the create company option under the company info.

Menu from the list chooses any one of the companies.

6)How to delete an existing company?

a) Load the company you want to delete.
b) From the gateway of Tally press Alt+F3 companies info.
c) In the company info menu select to alter the menu, new you are in the company
alteration screen.
d) Now press the Alt+D short-cut key.
e) Fixed confirmation managers to delete will be asked by tally.
f) Click on yes or press enter or press y from your keyboard.
g) Second confirmation managers will be asked to be sure.
h) Repeat the previous action and click on yes.
i) The company will be deleted, you are done.

10 | P a g e
7)How to create a ledger account?
There is a total of 2 major ways to create a ledger in tally
* One way is to create a simple ledger.
* Another way is to create it with multiple ledgers.
Method 1:- simple ledger creation in tally-
Step 1:- from the gateway of tally, go to accounts info.
Step 2:- go to the ledger.
Step 3:- under simple ledger, select the option to create.
Step 4:- fill in the particulars in the ledger action screen displayed.
Name:- the first box is the name of the ledger, enter the name of the ledger,
i.e., Furniture A/c, Party ledger A/c (Sale).
* Under every ledger requires a group to operate in for example furniture
A/c will be under a fixed asset group & party ledger A/c (Sales) under
sundry debtors on they are receivable which the company will realize us on a future point
of time.

11 | P a g e
* Inventories values are attached: this needs to be set to yes if we have
stock to be maintained.
* Mailing details: details like name, address, country, & bank details for the
ledger has to be filled in.

* Tax registration details:- Tax registration details include

1) PAN/ IT no.
2) Registration type
4) SHIFT/Alter GST Details.

8)How to enter voucher entries in the tally?

A voucher is a document that contains the detail of a financial transaction & is
required for recording the same into the books of accounts. For every transaction, you can
use that appropriate to enter the details into the ledger & update the financial position of
the company.
The voucher entry menu option is available under transactions in the gateway of a
tally. The payroll & ordered vouchers are available in us to separate options that can be
enabled based on the requirements.

The payroll voucher can be enabled from F1: Accounting

whereas the order vouchers can be activated from F2:
Inventory features.

12 | P a g e
9)How to create a secondary ledger from the
vouchers entries page?
In the above screen, the casual is under the particulars area, from here use shorted
they lack a new screen will appear which is called ledger creation (secondary)
screen. Create a 'discount received' ledger. If you don't know how to create a ledger
click, Here and save the screen.
The ledger newly created will have selected automatically in the vouchers we were
at the beingly
This is a very useful feature in tally it helps features data entry&gives more
flexibility. By introducing this vouchers creation screen tally classify the ledger creation
into two.
Primary ledger creation screen:- This is the normal ledger creation screen,
Accounts info >> ledger >> create.
Secondary ledger creation screen:- this is the ledger creation screen that can only
be accreted by pressing Alt+C from a voucher. The only difference is that the
secondary ledger creation screen does not have the option to enter the opening

11)How to create groups?

In tally ERP 9, maintaining to following sundry debtors ledger account: main group:
North India debtors group & South India group under sundry debtor. Subgroup: Tech
solution grouped & ABC limited under North India debtors Hyderabad debtors, Bangalore
debtors, Vijayawada debtors under South India debtors.

Step 1: In this step, go to the gateway of tally & then click on account info.
Step 2: Choose the option groups under accounts info.
Step 3: In tally ERP 9, choose the option a single group menu to create a
single group.
Step 4: Update the following details on the group creation.

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12)How to alter the group in Tally?
Alter a group:
1) Go to the gateway of tally > accounts >info >groups >alter
2) Select the name of the group required from the list of groups displayed.
3) Make the necessary changes in the group alteration screen.
4) Click Yes to save the changes.
Alter multiple groups:
1) Go to gateway of tally >accounts info >groups >alter.
2) Select the group from the list of groups. The multiple group alteration
screen appears.
3) Change the details as required & click yes to save changes.

13)How to delete groups in the tally?

The group can be deleted from the alteration screen.
You cannot delete groups from the multiple groups' alteration mode
1) Go to gateway of tally >accounts >info >groups >alter.
2) Select the group from the list of groups.
3) Click D: delete.
4) Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

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14)How to create multiple ledgers?
Step 1: Go to the gateway of tally & then choose accounts info.
Step 2: Choose the option ledger under accounts info.
Step 3: Under multiple ledgers, click on Create an option to create multiple ledgers in tally.
Step 4: Enter the following details under a multi-ledger creation screen.
Under group, treat filed.
Step 5: Update the following details under the groups.
a) Name of the ledger: Enter the ledger name that we like to create.
b) Under The under group filed will be automatically filled by tally.
c) Press enter to continue after entering the details we will get a
manage as accept: yes or no, to accept the update details chose ‘yes'.


Shortcut Key Functionality

F1 To select a Company
F2 To change the menu period
F3 Select the company name
F4 To select the contra vouchers
F5 To select the payment vouchers
F6 To select the receipt vouchers
F7 To select the journal vouchers
F8 To select sales vouchers
F8(Ctrl+F8) To select the credit, note vouchers
F9 To select purchase vouchers
F10 To select the receiving vouchers
F11 Select the function and feature screen
F12 To select the configure screen
Alt+R To hide ledger
Alt+ U To unhide ledger

15 | P a g e
Alt+C To make a master screen
Alt+2 To duplicate the voucher
Alt+A To add a voucher
Alt+ D To delete voucher
Alt+E To export the report in HTML & XML format
Alt+I To insert a voucher
Alt+N To view report
Alt+Y To register Tally
Alt+M To E-mail the report
Alt+R To remove a line in the report
Alt+P To print the report
Alt+Z To zoom the report
Alt+X To cancel the voucher
Alt+F12 To filter the information & value
Ctrl+Enter To change ledger
Ctrl+A Enter
Ctrl+N To activate calculator
Ctrl+T To mark any post-dated voucher
Ctrl+Alt+C To copy text from Tally
Ctrl+Alt+V To pass the text in Tally
Ctrl+F6 To Rejection
Ctrl+C To select the cost category
Ctrl+L To select ledger
Ctrl+O To select godown
Ctrl+U To select the unit
Ctrl+V To select voucher types
Alt+F1 To close the companies view report

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Balance Sheet
As on 31-03-2021
Debit Credit
Particulars Amount Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Capital A/c ( Name of the partner) 60,000
Furniture A/c 25,000
Ram A/c (Creditors) 20,000
Bishal A/c (Debtors)
Cash-at-bank (SBI)
Total 2,82,000 2,82,000
Transaction during the year 01.04.2021-31.03.2022
Particulars Amount
Cash Sale 19,000
Cash Purchase 21,000
Purchase goods from Ram on credit 26,000
Goods sold on credit to Bishal 23,000
Cash deposit into the bank 6,000
Rent paid by cash 1,500
Salary paid by the issue of cheque 2,000
Purchase furniture by cheque 4,500
Cash withdrawal from the bank 1,000
Depreciation on furniture 10% p.a. (on opening balance)
Closing Stock 8,000

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Creation of ledger
Gateway of Tally
Accounts Info

Capital Account Group of Capital Accounts

(1) CAPITAL ACCOUNT:- Fill up the name of the capital

For other information go on pressing enter till comes to the opening balance.
Fill up the opening balance amount
Press Enter
Accept Yes/No

(2) Fill up the sales account in the ledger like the above Group
click- Sales Account (Heads of Account)
Go on pressing enter till comes Accept Yes/No

(3) Fill up the purchase account in the ledger like the above
Group click -Purchase Account (Heads of Account)
Go on pressing enter till comes Accept Yes/No

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(4) We did not create a 'Cash Account'. It is by default stored in

tally software.

(5) Fill up the Bank name for Bank Account

Group click -Bank Account (Heads of Account)

Go on pressing enter till comes Accept Yes/No


(6) Fill up Ram Account

Group click –Sundry Creditors (Heads of Account)

Fill up the opening balance (if any)

Go on pressing enter till comes Accept Yes/No
(7) Fill up Bishal Account
Group click –Sundry Debtors (Heads of Account)

Fill up the opening balance (if any)

Go on pressing enter till comes Accept Yes/No

(8) Fill up Rent Account

Group click –Indirect Expanses (Heads of Account)

Go on pressing enter till comes Accept Yes/No


(9) Fill up the Salary Account

Group click -Indirect Expenses (Heads of Account)

Go on pressing enter till comes Accept Yes/No


(10) Fill up Furniture Account Group and click –Fixed Assets

(Heads of Account) Fill up the opening balance (if any)
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Go on pressing enter till comes Accept Yes/No

Voucher Entry

a. Cash sales receipt vouchers processing F6.

b. Cash purchase, salary payment, rent payment, Payment voucher
processing F5.
c. Credit Sales and Sales Vouchers processing F9.
d. Depreciation and Journal Voucher processing F7
If we create any other ledger or heads under the group we press
Gateway of tally
Click on the voucher entry
Now we make voucher entry Narration not required press enter to skip
1. Cash sale 18,000/- Click on the receipt
Click on sale (fill up the amount)
Click cash (fill up the amount)
2. Cash purchase Rs.20,000/- Click on the
payment voucher
Click on purchase(fill up the amount)
Click cash(fill up the amount)
3. Purchase goods from Ram on Credit for
Click purchase voucher
Click purchase voucher (fill up the amount)
Click Ram a/c (fill up amount)
4. Goods sold to Bishal on credit for
Click sales voucher
Click sales voucher (fill up the amount)
Click Bishal a/c (fill up amount)

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5. Cash deposit in Bank Rs. 5,000/- Click on
contra voucher
Click contra (fill up amount)
Click cash at the bank (fill up the amount)
6. Rent paid by cash for Rs. 1,000/- Click
payment voucher
Click rent (fill up amount)
Click cash (fill up the amount)
7. Salary paid by issuing a cheque for
Rs.1,500/- Click payment voucher
Click salary (fill up amount)
Click bank (fill up the amount)
8. Purchase furniture by cheque for
Rs.40,000/- Click payment voucher
Click furniture (fill up amount)
Click bank (fill up the amount)
9. Cash is withdrawn from the bank Rs.1,500/-
Click on contra voucher
Click contra (fill up amount)
Click cash (fill up the amount)
10.Depreciation on furniture for Rs. 1,000/-
Click on journal entries
Click depreciation account (fill up the amount)
Click furniture account (fill up the amount)
11.Closing stock Rs. 8,000/-
Click journal voucher
Click closing stock (fill up amount)
Click purchase (fill up amount)

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To find entries reflected in final assets
Gateway of Tally
Click Profit and Loss Account
Click Balance Sheet
Click on 'display more reports' we can see the ledger wise Balance

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The study material to complete this project it takes from the books provided
by the University of Calcutta.

Learn Tally Prime

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