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In Etymology, the word globalization comes from the noun ‘global’ which means worldwide or
universal. In Lexicology, it is derived from the word ‘globalize’. Now the questions are raised,
“What is Globalization and How should we view it?”
The National Geographic Society states that Globalization is a term used to describe how trade
and technology have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place. It
captures in its scope the economic and social changes that have come about as an outcome. To
put it into simple terms, Globalization is the act of globalizing the movements and exchanges
(e.g., human beings, goods, and services, capital, technologies or cultural practices) all over the
globe. Thus, the term ‘global’ or ‘globalize’ is used to indicate its scope.

Now, globalization has been the latest trend and hotpot for all countries as they promote
strong international relations and partnerships. You take for example the Philippines’
partnership with the U.S in sending its nurses to work in the America. After World War II, the
demand for Filipino nurses grew. As the United States started to experience nursing shortages
after WWII, they started to look abroad to recruit nurses and saw Philippines as an obvious and
potential source for nurses in large part because they were American-trained.

Because of the concept of globalization, the Philippines-US partnership extends even in our
time today. And using that same concept of globalization, more and more partnerships has
been made. Just recently, President Bongbong Marcos proposed a ladderized program which
aims to deploy more capable nurses overseas. And such extended international partnerships
would make a large benefit for the economy of the Philippines now and in the future

Globalization has indeed led us to great advantages. You see, richer nations now can—and do—
come to the aid of poorer nations in times of recessions and crisis by offering employment.
However, globalization poses curses if we do not exercise caution. The downside to
globalization can be seen in the increased risk for the transmission of diseases like Ebola, Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), or COVD-19 virus, and in the kind of environmental harm
that scientist Paul R. Furumo has studied in microcosm in palm oil plantations in the tropics.
Not to mention the effects it hamper on local employment and businesses, environment, and
the culture.

I think it is about time to revisit our stand and viewpoint on globalization and why we should
take a good note of the issues and challenges it pose on our health, culture, environment, local
business and economics, and individual economic growth. We may have enjoyed the beneficial
effects of globalization, but we should not be severely impressed at the way how it brings us
immediate haven-like assurance of peace and security. Remember, the advantages and
disadvantages of globalization are available for our review. And it is pivotal that we exercise
precaution in accepting globalization as a trend.

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