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English Student – E Hindi Student- H Gujarati Student-G Marathi Student- M Bengali Student- B

Narrator- One fine summer evening a few friends ( E,H,G,M,B) were playing in the park when suddenly
one of the friend (E) exclaimed

E- Oh my gosh it has been such a hot summer. I wish it changes to a cool weather soon

H- I know it is really hot but still people work hard day and night for us while we sit in AC at homes. here
in AC’

E- You are correct (H) their hard work remind me of one poem <Recites Poem in English> this is such a
beautiful poem about hard work . To be real English is a really beautiful language there can be no other
languages like it

B- That’s not true many other languages can be beautiful at that level as well

E- Oh please you are just saying that so you can prove English is inferior. English is used world wide and
is the most beautiful language filled with lots and lots of stories and poems which include a moral
worthy to change a person’s mind/heart

M- That is true English is a beautiful language but there are many languages that are as beautiful as
English is

E- Oh please there can’t be any language as beautiful as English is

M- <Recites Poem in Marathi> Nandani The poem you recited a few minutes ago told us about the
hardwork I recited a similar version of it in marathi whose meaning was the same but in a different
language and a different way

E- OK find I would say your language is good as well but its not like every other language can have such
beautiful morals

G- Oh my friend you are wrong now listen to my Gujrati poem <Recites Poem in Gujarati> this is the
same poem as yours but in Gujurati if you think this is not good enough you can ask our friends who
speak fluently in Hindi and Bengali to speak a poem in their languages

E- Pfft .. as if they can,Uchit can you?

H- Yes of course<Recites Poem in Hindi> I am sure Devmalaya can also recite one in Bengali

B- <Recites Poem in Bengali>

BM- Now you see (E) India is a culturally and literature wise very rich country and there is no language
barrier in literature

B- Our intention was not to show English as an inferior language we just wanted to tell you that each
language has its own beauty and each language and it's literature has its own significance and has
contributed a lot to our Indian literature
E- From the way you all speak about your poems in your languages it feels as if the real moral is not in a
language its in the way how an author expresses it and truly India is an great example of diversity. There
is no language barrier in the art of expression and poetry..

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