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Firstly, is surrogate data. Surrogate data is known as analogous data, usually refers to

time series data that is produced using well-defined models like ARMA processes that

reproduce various statistical properties like the autocorrelation structure of a measured

data set.

Secondly, Metadata. Metadata is often used as a surrogate for the real thing. In a

library catalogue, the entries are surrogates for the books on the shelves. While it would be

hard for library users to look at each book to determine which one, they want, at least the

physical book is there. In the digital environment, the surrogate role of metadata is key

because many resources are not easily browsable and others do not carry clear data about

themselves. The rise in interest in metadata is part of the effort to organize our rather

messy world of digital resources and to provide access and services where none existed

before. It is also a way to exchange data between disparate stores of resources, and to allow

searching across digital warehouses.

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