SCD 193B Aminolah

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Presented to
Dra. Aisha G. Minukon
Department of Community Development
College of Public Affairs
Mindanao State University-Main Campus
Marawi City

In the partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Course
Community Organizing and Mobilization
(SCD193 – B)

Submitted By:
Abduljabbar, Mobarak R.
Aminolah, Noralden M.

December 2022
I. Introduction

SCD 193 B is also known as (Community Organizing and Mobilization) it is one of the
offered courses of the BS Sustainable Community Development Practicum. In order to complete
the course, the students must check on the barangay if there is an existing organization to
strengthen the organization. But if there is no existing, the practicum students will create a new
people’s organization by the people who agreed in the survey results. The students will interview
the officers of the organization to ask them about the VMGO and the CBL, the history about the
organization and the capabilities of the organization.

The practicum students also have to meet the organization for the Focus Group Discussion,
they will use a tools to diagnose the organization. Before they will conduct an Organizational
Diagnosis Intervention, the students and the organization will have an Organizational meeting to
know more about the responsibilities, the rights of every members and officers, and the value of
the organization. The Organizational Diagnosis Intervention will facilitate by the student
practitioners to discuss about the ODI, how to solve the organizational issues, and finalizes the
Vision, Mission, Goals and Objects, and as well as the Constitution by laws. The student
practitioners will also give a solution to the problem/issues of the organization through an activity
(Team building, Conflict Management, etc.)

the Gagaw ko Pagtaw is an active organization created by the MARADECA inc. the
organization composed of two sectors, (Women sector and Farmers Sector) it was created since
the Marawi Siege happened, the members of the organization were IDPs (Internally Displaced
Person) and the strength of the organization is 45 women and 26 farmers, total of 71 members.

II. Major Accomplishments

In Novemer 1st, we attended the Tactic Session Meeting at Minanga, Buadiposo-
buntong. Ma’am Aisha discussed the steps of the Community Organizing, She
discussed the KII, FGD, Organizational meeting, and the Organizational Diagnosis
Intervention. She also gave us an overview about the projects and trainings in SCD 193
C and D. She also asked us an update about the organization in the groups’ assigned
In November 23. We, the facilitators visited the Gagaw ko Pagtaw president Sir Yasser
Macaantal to talk about the organization. We asked him their VMGO and the CBL.
Then he shared everything about the community and the organization.
In November 27, we went back to Sir Macaantal to invite him and his members for the
Focus group discussion, he likes to talk about everything in his experiences, he also
shared that he transferred the baking machine at Lanao del Norte to have more branches
and find other opportunities.
In December 3, we called a meeting with the organization officers to do a Focus Group
Discussion. Mobarak introduced the purpose of the Focus Group Discussion. we asked
the officers if they will agree to revisit their VMGO and CBL. Then I used a SWOT
analysis tool to let them identify their Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and threats.
Luckily we have Mr. Jacob (DSWD) and participates as he leads to diagnose their
organization. After that, Mobarak used the PO matrix to be rated by the officers their
VMGO, CBL, leadership, capacity building, Conflict Management, and etc.

III. Problems and Issues Encountered

❖ The Organizations’ biggest issue is that Mr. Macaantal’s side of the story, he said that
the Bakery Cooperative, he will make the bakery be sustainable and build more
branches so he transferred the baking machine in Lanao del Norte to find another stall,
he also said that he hates his members because in their mind, after the project
implementation of MARADECA, they want the project to sell it. He said that whoever
asks him to sell the baking machine, he will terminate that member.
❖ As for the other officers, they agreed that the pastries he sells, its okay for them that
the money he collect will be for him, they just want the baking machine to keep in
safety in the cooperative bakery.

Its been 30 minutes they are arguing about the misunderstandings. We, facilitators with Jacob,
tries to fix their misunderstandings, but it ends to an awkward moment. Barak and I got curious
of how he is selling a bread and pastries without the baking machine.
The officers and the members find Mr. Macaantal as a Lone president, they don’t follow his
orders and ideas.

IV. Actions Taken

➢ We tried to interrupt their arguments, we got scared because their issue opened up in
the middle of the meeting, we can do nothing. Jacob leaves and told us that “Giyanan
dn egera pka topic eran so mga pamemegayan ka pka gisaraw so meeting, kalnganan
siran bo sa katharo.” So we waited for them to finish, until that secretary ate Abla
smiled and she said that “na mapiya so open forum ka an pkatokawi omani isa so
karibatan iyan” then they stopped, and we adjourned the meeting.

V. Learning Insights
✓ Being a good leadership and Honesty make the organization stronger.
✓ Playing safe cannot cover the real situation permanently.

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