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PSE (wyk. X) temat: entitlement


Terminy, zadania: Ważne informacje: Uzupełnienia:




1. Entitlement – basic
 Psychological entitlement is related to competitive attitudes
 Revenge entitlement is associated with self-interest threat, other types of entitlement is not associated
 Passive entitlement increased when our group is attacked
 Active entitlement people support democracy, passive welfare state
 Types peoples:
 Entitled – have high levels of all types of entitlement
 Un-entitled – have low levels of all types of entitlement
 Passively entitled – have high level of passive entitlement and mean or low levels of other types of
 We have any difference between PIS and PO electorates peoples vote in types of entitlement
 Entitlement is associated with classical prejudice and nationalism (not with patriotism)
2. Entitlement and social life:
 Active entitlement is associated with positive and negative form of reciprocity
 PE is associated with balance of social exchange and positive form of reciprocity
 RE is associated negatively with trust and
 Narcissistic entitlement is associated with sexism, aggressive driving, sexual violent and extreme aggression
 Associated with high expectations toward partners, tendency to rape, destructive methods of coping
with stress
 Intimacy is associated positively in PE and negatively with RE
 Similarity is associated with AE and negatively with RE
 Self-realization is associated with negatively with RE
 Disappointment is negatively associated with AE and positively with RE
 Entitlement and response to betrayal in close relationship:
 People in high RE and PE described betrayal person as amoral – negatively association with communal
 AE and PE is positively associated with civic behaviors, RE is negatively association
 AE and PE is associated with counterproductive behavior, RE is not associated
 Narcissism is associated negatively with civic but positively with counterproductive
3. Six model of entitlement:
 Two main factors: Collective: PIE, ACE, PCE, RCE (antagonistic) ; Individual: AIE, PIE, RIE (stronger
association) – well socialized
 Correlation with HEXACO:
 AIE – negatively with H factor and C, positively with Emotionality (reverse) and Extraversion
 PIE – negatively with H and Agreeableness
 ACE and PCE is associated negatively with DT
 RCE is not any associations with DT

2 Data

 AIE, PIE, RIE is associated positively with DT

 Other correlations:
 Communal form is associated with left
 Individual form is associated with right part of politic and associated positively with narcissistic
strategies from CMN and narcissism as whole construct
 Fusion and Sanctity is lower levels of individual forms of entitlement, but highest levels of communal

Individual level AIE PIE RIE
Collective level ACE – action which will PCE – prediction of help RCE – revenge for harms
enable to achieve group from institution for whole the whole group
purposes group

4. Cross- cultural research on narcissism:

 Problems:
 WEIRD samples
 Measurement invariance
 Comparison collective cultures with individual cultures (artificial bigger differences)
 Collectives narcissism is the highest in poor countries – countries in poverty area with is located near
równoleżnik 0

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