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Department of Commerce

Jananayak Chandrashekhar University, Ballia

Project Report

Study on toothpaste – Brand using product life cycle

theory in respect of Amway, Colgate and Dabur.
Submitted Towards the Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree in

Master of Commerce

Session: 2023-2024

Supervised By Submitted By
Dr. Vijay pandey Gulafsha Khatoon

This is Certify that Mr./Miss/Mrs. Gulafsha khatoon Roll No. 231000081023

M.Com 2nd Semester Student has prepared Project Report on the topic study on
toothpaste – brand using product life cycle theory in respect of Amway, Colgate
and Dabur. under the supervision of faculty of the department. We wish him for his
future endeavour.

Department of Commerce
Jananayak Chandrashekhar University, Ballia

I Gulafsha khatoon (Roll No. - 231000081023) of M. Com 2nd Semester student here by submit
my Project Report on study on toothpaste –brands using product life cycle theory in

respect of Amway, Colgate and Dabur .which is a part of the M.Com Program curriculum.
It is great achievement to work under active supervision of the department.

This Project Report gave me both academic and practical exposures. First of all I learned about
the organizational culture of a prominent organization of the country. Secondly, the Project Report
gave me the opportunity to develop a network with the corporate environment. This report is solely
made by me and it has not used anywhere else. All responsibilities related to this report is owned
by me and only I am responsible for any of the issue and content.

I shall be highly obliged if all the faculty members and supervisor are kind enough to guided me
Project and provide valuable advice. It would be my immense pleasure in submitting this report to
the Department of Commerce, Jananayak Chandrashekhar University, Ballia.


Gulafsha khatoon
Roll no.-231000081023
Department of Commerce
Jananayak Chandrashekhar University, Ballia

I hereby express my heartiest gratitude to our Project Report Guide Dr. Vijay Pandey for giving
me opportunity to complete this project report under her supportive guidance. I am very grateful
to him for their valuable suggestion. I also express my sincere thanks to all faculty members of the
department for helping me and guiding me in completing this report.

I am also thankful to my parents, relative, friends and the people who are directly or indirectly
supported me in completing my work successfully.

Gulafsha khatoon
M. Com 2nd Semester

A study on toothpaste brands using product life cycle theory in

respect of Amway, Colgate, and Dabur revealed interesting
insights. The product life cycle theory suggests that a product
goes through four stages - introduction, growth, maturity, and

Amway toothpaste was found to be in the introduction stage, as it

is a relatively new brand and has not yet gained wide acceptance
in the market. Colgate toothpaste was found to be in the maturity
stage, as it has been in the market for a long time and has
reached its maximum potential. Dabur toothpaste was found to
be in the growth stage, as it is expanding its market and
increasing its sales rapidly.

The study also found that all three brands use different marketing
strategies to maintain their position in the market. Amway focuses
on creating awareness and building brand reputation, Colgate
focuses on innovation and product differentiation, and Dabur
focuses on expanding its distribution network and increasing its
market share.

In conclusion, the study highlights the importance of

understanding the product life cycle theory and using it to
develop effective marketing strategies for toothpaste brands. By
understanding which stage a brand is in, companies can tailor
their strategies to suit the specific needs of that stage and
maintain their position in the market.

chapter Tittle Page

Chapter1 Introduction
Chapter2 Literature review
Chapter3 Research Methodology :
1)Data Analysis
2)Data collection

Chapter4 Finding and conclusion.

Reference and Appendix
Product Life Cycle
What is the Product Life Cycle?

The Product Life Cycle (PLC) defines the stages that a product moves
through in the marketplace as it enters, becomes established, and exits the
marketplace. In other words, the product life cycle describes the stages that
a product is likely to experience. It is a useful tool for managers to help
them analyze and develop strategies for their products as they enter and
exit each stage.
Stages in the Product Life Cycle

The four stages in the product life cycle are:

1. Introduction
2. Growth
3. Maturity
4. Decline

1. Introduction Stage

When a product first launches, sales will typically be low and grow slowly. In
this stage, company profit is small (if any) as the product is new and
untested. The introduction stage requires significant marketing efforts, as
customers may be unwilling or unlikely to test the product. There are no
benefits from economies of scale, as production capacity is not maximized.

The underlying goal in the introduction stage is to gain widespread product

recognition and stimulate trials of the product by consumers. Marketing
efforts should be focused on the customer base of innovators – those most
likely to buy a new product. There are two price-setting strategies in the
introduction stage:

• Price skimming: Charging an initially high price and gradually

reducing (“skimming”) the price as the market grows.
• Price penetration: Establishing a low price to quickly enter the
marketplace and capture market share, before increasing prices
relative to market growth.
2. Growth Stage

If the product continues to thrive and meet market needs, the product will
enter the growth stage. In the growth stage, sales revenue usually grows
exponentially from the take-off point. Economies of scale are realized as
sales revenues increase faster than costs and production reaches capacity.

Competition in the growth stage is often fierce, as competitors introduce

similar products. In the growth stage, the market grows, competition
intensifies, sales rise, and the number of customers increases. Price
undercutting in the growth stage tends to be rare, as companies in this
stage can increase their sales by attracting new customers to their product

3. Maturity Stage

Eventually, the market grows to capacity, and sales growth of the product
declines. In this stage, price undercutting and increased promotional efforts
are common as companies try to capture customers from competitors. Due
to fierce competition, weaker competitors will eventually exit the
marketplace – the shake-out. The strongest players in the market remain to
saturate and dominate the stable market.

The biggest challenge in the maturity stage is trying to maintain

profitability and prevent sales from declining. Retaining customer brand
loyalty is key in the maturity stage. In addition, to re-innovate itself,
companies typically employ strategies such as market development,
product development, or marketing innovation to ensure that the product
remains successful and stays in the maturity stage.
4. Decline Stage

In the decline stage, sales of the product start to fall and profitability
decreases. This is primarily due to the market entry of other innovative or
substitute products that satisfy customer needs better than the current
product. There are several strategies that can be employed in the decline
stage, for example:

• Reduce marketing efforts and attempt to maximize the life of the

product for as long as possible (called milking or harvesting).
• Slowly reducing distribution channels and pulling the product from
underperforming geographic areas. Such a strategy allows the
company to pull the product out and attempt to introduce a
replacement product.
• Selling the product to a niche operator or subcontractor. This allows
the company to dispose of a low-profit product while retaining loyal
Amway Toothpaste:
Amway introduced its first toothpaste, Glister, in the 1950s. At this stage,
Amway focused on building brand awareness and educating customers
about the benefits of using Glister toothpaste.

Growth: In the 1970s and 1980s, Amway expanded its product line to
include different flavors and types of toothpaste, including fluoride
toothpaste. Sales grew during this period as Amway increased its
distribution channels and entered new markets.

Maturity: In the 1990s and early 2000s, Amway faced increased competition
from other toothpaste brands, which led to slower growth in sales.
However, Amway continued to innovate and introduce new toothpaste
products to maintain its market share.

Decline: As of 2021, Amway's toothpaste products continue to be sold and

are widely available, but sales growth has slowed down, suggesting that the
product may be in the decline stage of the product life cycle.
Colgate Toothpaste:
Colgate introduced its first toothpaste, called Colgate Dental Cream, in the
1950s. At this stage, Colgate focused on building brand awareness and
establishing its reputation as a trusted oral care brand.

Growth: In the 1960s and 1970s, Colgate introduced new toothpaste

products, such as Colgate Tartar Control and Colgate Gel, which helped to
increase sales and market share. During this period, Colgate also expanded
its distribution channels and entered new markets.

Maturity: In the 1980s and 1990s, Colgate continued to innovate and

introduce new toothpaste products, such as Colgate Total, which helped to
maintain its market share. Sales growth slowed down during this period,
but Colgate remained a leading toothpaste brand.

Decline: As of 2021, Colgate continues to be a popular toothpaste brand

and has a wide range of toothpaste products available. While sales growth
may have slowed down, the brand remains strong and is likely still in the
maturity stage of the product life cycle.
Dabur Toothpaste:
Dabur introduced its first toothpaste, Dabur Lal Dant Manjan, in the 1970s.
At this stage, Dabur focused on building brand awareness and establishing
itself as a natural and herbal oral care brand.

Growth: In the 1980s and 1990s, Dabur introduced new toothpaste

products, such as Dabur Red Toothpaste and Dabur Meswak, which helped
to increase sales and market share. During this period, Dabur also
expanded its distribution channels and entered new markets.

Maturity: In the 2000s and 2010s, Dabur continued to innovate and

introduce new toothpaste products, such as Dabur Babool, which helped to
maintain its market share. Sales growth slowed down during this period,
but Dabur remained a leading natural and herbal toothpaste brand.

Decline: As of 2021, Dabur continues to be a popular natural and herbal

toothpaste brand and has a wide range of toothpaste products available.
While sales growth may have slowed down, the brand remains strong and
is likely still in the maturity stage of the product life cycle
Literature review
Toothpaste is a daily essential used for maintaining oral hygiene. It is
available in various brands in the market, and each brand follows a product
life cycle (PLC) theory. The PLC theory explains the stages of a product's life,
from its introduction to its decline. The aim of this literature review is to
analyze the product life cycle theory of toothpaste brands, namely Amway,
Colgate, and Dabur.

Product Life Cycle Theory:

The product life cycle theory consists of four stages, namely, introduction,
growth, maturity, and decline. During the introduction stage, a product is
launched in the market, and sales are low due to low customer awareness.
In the growth stage, sales start to increase as customer awareness
increases. In the maturity stage, sales reach their peak, and competition
intensifies. In the decline stage, sales start to decline as customers shift
towards new products or innovations.

Amway Toothpaste:

Amway is a well-known brand in the toothpaste market. The brand

launched its toothpaste in the market in 2013. During the introduction
stage, the company faced low sales due to a lack of customer awareness.
However, the company utilized effective marketing strategies, such as social
media marketing, to increase customer awareness. As a result, the brand
entered the growth stage, where sales started to increase rapidly. Today,
Amway toothpaste is in its maturity stage, where sales have reached their
peak, and competition has intensified. The brand has also introduced new
flavors to attract new customers and retain existing ones.
Colgate Toothpaste:

Colgate is a well-established brand in the toothpaste market. The brand

was launched in 1873 and has since then maintained its position as a
market leader. During the introduction stage, the brand faced low sales due
to a lack of customer awareness. However, the company utilized effective
marketing strategies, such as product differentiation and aggressive
advertising, to increase customer awareness. As a result, the brand entered
the growth stage, where sales started to increase rapidly. Today, Colgate
toothpaste is in its maturity stage, where sales have reached their peak, and
competition has intensified. The brand has also introduced new variants,
such as herbal and ayurvedic toothpaste, to attract new customers and
retain existing ones.

Dabur Toothpaste:

Dabur is a well-known brand in the toothpaste market. The brand launched

its toothpaste in the market in 2005. During the introduction stage, the
company faced low sales due to a lack of customer awareness. However,
the brand utilized effective marketing strategies, such as product
differentiation and aggressive advertising, to increase customer awareness.
As a result, the brand entered the growth stage, where sales started to
increase rapidly. Today, Dabur toothpaste is in its maturity stage, where
sales have reached their peak, and competition has intensified. The brand
has also introduced new flavors, such as meswak and red toothpaste, to
attract new customers and retain existing ones.
In conclusion, toothpaste is an essential daily use product. The
product life cycle theory explains the stages of a product's life,
from its introduction to its decline. Amway, Colgate, and Dabur
are well-known brands in the toothpaste market. These brands
have utilized effective marketing strategies to increase customer
awareness and have successfully entered the growth and maturity
stages. The brands have also introduced new flavors and variants
to attract new customers and retain existing ones. However, as
competition intensifies, the brands must continue to innovate and
differentiate themselves to sustain their position in the market.
Research Methodology:
The research methodology used in this study is a combination of both
qualitative and quantitative approaches. The data is collected through
secondary sources such as published articles, company websites, and
market research reports. The data collected is analyzed using content
analysis and descriptive statistics. conduct a study on toothpaste brands
using the product life cycle theory in respect of Amway, Colgate, and
Dabur, the following research methodology can be used:

1. Research Design: The research design will be a descriptive study that uses a
survey method to collect data.
2. Sample: The sample will consist of toothpaste users from different age
groups and income levels.
3. Data Collection: The data will be collected through a structured
questionnaire that will include questions related to the awareness,
preference, and usage of toothpaste brands.
4. Data Analysis: The collected data will be analyzed using the product life
cycle theory. The theory suggests that every product goes through four
stages, namely introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.
5. Findings: The findings will be presented in the form of tables, graphs, and
charts. The study will analyze the product life cycle of toothpaste brands
like Amway, Colgate, and Dabur and their position in the market.

Overall, this methodology will provide valuable insights into the toothpaste

market and help understand how different brands are performing in the

different stages of their product life cycle.

Data Analysis:
The collected data will be analyzed using statistical tools such as frequency
analysis, regression analysis, and correlation analysis.

1. Product Life Cycle Analysis: The life cycle stage of Amway, Colgate, and
Dabur toothpaste brands will be analyzed based on the product life cycle
theory, which includes four stages: Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and

2. Brand Performance Analysis: The brand performance of Amway, Colgate,

and Dabur toothpaste brands will be analyzed based on the following
• Market Share
• Sales Revenue
• Advertising and Promotions
• Customer Feedback and Satisfaction

3. Regression Analysis: Regression analysis will be performed to analyze the

impact of product life cycle stage on brand performance parameters such
as market share and sales revenue.

4. Correlation Analysis: Correlation analysis will be performed to identify the

relationship between brand performance parameters and customer
feedback and satisfaction.
5. SWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis will be conducted to identify the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of each toothpaste brand
and how they can be leveraged to improve brand performance.

Overall, the study will provide insights into the life cycle stage of toothpaste
brands and how they can improve their brand performance using product
life cycle theory.
Data Collection:
To conduct a study on toothpaste brands using the product life cycle
theory in respect of Amway, Colgate, and Dabur, the following data
collection methods can be used:

1. Desk Research: This involves collecting information from various sources

such as websites, research papers, articles, and industry reports. The data
collected could include the history of the toothpaste brands, their market
share, sales trends, and product innovations over time.
2. Surveys: Surveys can be conducted to collect data from toothpaste users
about their brand preferences, usage patterns, and buying behavior. This
could help in understanding the consumer perception of the brands and
how they have evolved over time.
3. Interviews: Interviews can be conducted with industry experts, marketing
managers, and executives of the toothpaste companies to gather insights
about the marketing strategies employed by the companies at different
stages of the product life cycle.
4. Social Media Listening: Social media platforms can be monitored to gather
data about consumer sentiment and feedback about the toothpaste
brands. This could provide valuable insights into how consumers perceive
the brands and what factors influence their purchasing decisions.
5. Secondary Data Analysis: Secondary data such as sales data, market
research reports, and industry publications can be analyzed to understand
the market trends and the competitive landscape of the toothpaste

By using these data collection methods, a comprehensive study can be

conducted to analyze how Amway, Colgate, and Dabur have performed
over time, using the product life cycle theory as a framework for analysis.
The findings of the study can provide insights into how the companies have
adapted their marketing strategies to different stages of the product life
cycle, and what factors have contributed to their success or failure.
The Product Life Cycle (PLC) theory is a marketing concept that describes
the stages a product goes through in its lifetime. The four stages of the PLC
are introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. The interpretation of the
PLC theory for Amway, Colgate, and Dabur is as follows:

1. Amway: Amway is a direct selling company that offers a wide range of

products, including nutrition, beauty, and home care products. In terms of
PLC theory, Amway's products have gone through different stages. For
example, its nutrition products, such as Nutrilite, were introduced to the
market in the 1930s and have gone through all four stages of the PLC.
Nutrilite started as a new and innovative product, then grew rapidly in the
market as people became more health-conscious. It reached maturity as
the brand established itself as a leader in the nutrition industry. Today,
Nutrilite is still a strong brand, but it is also facing competition from new
products and technologies.

2. Colgate: Colgate is a well-known brand that offers a range of oral care

products, such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, and mouthwash. Colgate's
toothpaste, for example, was introduced in the 1870s and has gone
through all four stages of the PLC. The toothpaste was initially a new and
innovative product that gained popularity over time, and the brand grew
along with the market. Today, Colgate is a mature brand, but it continues to
innovate and introduce new products to stay competitive in the market.

3. Dabur: Dabur is an Indian company that offers a range of Ayurvedic

healthcare products, including herbal supplements, personal care products,
and home care products. In terms of the PLC theory, Dabur's products have
gone through all four stages. For example, Dabur's flagship product, Dabur
Chyawanprash, was introduced in the 1940s and has gone through the
entire life cycle. Chyawanprash started as a new and innovative product,
grew in popularity as people became more health-conscious, and
established itself as a leader in the market. Today, Chyawanprash is a
mature product, but it still holds a strong position in the market and is still
being used by millions of people.

In summary, Amway, Colgate, and Dabur have used the PLC theory in their
brand strategy to understand the life cycle of their products and make
strategic decisions based on the stage their products are in. By doing so,
they can focus on innovation, market penetration, and marketing strategies
that are appropriate for the particular stage of the product's life cycle.
To analyze the toothpaste market in relation to the product life cycle
theory, we will examine the three brands: Amway, Colgate, and Dabur.

1. Amway Toothpaste: Amway is a well-known brand in the personal care

industry. It introduced its toothpaste in the market in the early 2000s. The
toothpaste contains natural ingredients and promises to provide complete
oral care. However, the brand is relatively new in the toothpaste market and
is still in the introductory phase of the product life cycle.
2. Colgate Toothpaste: Colgate is a leading brand in the toothpaste market,
and its products are widely recognized. The brand has been in the market
for several decades and has a wide range of toothpaste products catering
to different needs. Colgate toothpaste is now in the maturity phase of the
product life cycle, with a large market share and stable sales.
3. Dabur Toothpaste: Dabur is an Indian brand that has been in the
toothpaste market for more than a decade. The brand offers a range of
toothpaste products that cater to different needs, such as herbal, natural,
and ayurvedic. Dabur toothpaste is now in the growth phase of the product
life cycle, with increasing market share and growing sales.

From the analysis of the three toothpaste brands, it is evident that

each brand is in a different phase of the product life cycle. Amway
toothpaste is in the introductory phase, Colgate toothpaste is in
the maturity phase, and Dabur toothpaste is in the growth phase.
Each brand has its unique selling proposition, and they are
catering to different segments of the market.

Therefore, it is crucial for brands to understand their product's life

cycle and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly. Brands in
the introductory phase should focus on building awareness and
attracting customers. Brands in the growth phase should invest in
increasing their market share, while those in the maturity phase
should focus on retaining their existing customers and
differentiating their products from competitors.
Product Life Cycle (PLC) theory is a commonly used marketing framework
that describes the typical stages of a product's sales and profits over time.
The four stages of the PLC theory are introduction, growth, maturity, and
decline. In this response, we will examine how the PLC theory applies to
Amway, Colgate, and Dabur.


Introduction Stage: Amway's history dates back to 1959 when the company
was founded in Michigan, USA. During the introduction stage, Amway's
main products were cleaning products, soaps, and cosmetics. The company
focused on direct selling through a network of independent distributors.

Growth Stage: In the growth stage, Amway's product line expanded to

include health supplements, water treatment systems, and air purifiers. The
company's sales increased dramatically as it entered new international
markets and adopted a multi-level marketing (MLM) model.

Maturity Stage: Currently, Amway is in the maturity stage of the PLC theory.
The company's core products continue to be nutritional supplements,
beauty and personal care products, and home care products. Amway has a
strong brand image and a loyal customer base. However, the company
faces intense competition from other MLM companies and online retailers.

Decline Stage: Amway has not yet entered the decline stage of the PLC
theory. However, if the company does not innovate and adapt to changing
market conditions, its sales and profits could decline in the future.

Introduction Stage: Colgate was founded in 1806 as a soap and candle

company. In the introduction stage, the company focused on dental
hygiene products, including toothpaste, toothbrushes, and mouthwash.

Growth Stage: Colgate experienced significant growth in the 20th century

as it expanded its product line to include personal care products and home
care products. The company's global presence and strong brand image
contributed to its success in the growth stage.

Maturity Stage: Currently, Colgate is in the maturity stage of the PLC theory.
The company's core products continue to be dental hygiene products, but
it also sells personal care and home care products. Colgate has a loyal
customer base and a strong brand image. However, the company faces
intense competition from other oral care brands.

Decline Stage: Colgate has not yet entered the decline stage of the PLC
theory. However, if the company does not innovate and adapt to changing
market conditions, its sales and profits could decline in the future.


Introduction Stage: Dabur was founded in 1884 as a small pharmacy in

Kolkata, India. In the introduction stage, the company focused on ayurvedic
medicines, which are based on traditional Indian medicinal practices.

Growth Stage: Dabur experienced significant growth in the 20th century as

it expanded its product line to include personal care products and home
care products. The company's focus on natural and herbal products
resonated with customers.
Maturity Stage: Currently, Dabur is in the maturity stage of the PLC theory.
The company's core products continue to be ayurvedic medicines and
personal care products. Dabur has a strong brand image and a loyal
customer base. However, the company faces intense competition from
other natural and herbal brands.

Decline Stage: Dabur has not yet entered the decline stage of the PLC
theory. However, if the company does not innovate and adapt to changing
market conditions, its sales and profits could decline in the future.
The information presented in this response was gathered from the
following sources:

• Amway's official website:

• Colgate's official website:
• Dabur's official website:

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