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Fault Name Chinses Description

DFC_AFSBattErr 进气质量流量传感器(MAF)供电电压错误(电压过高或过低)

DFC_AFSDrftAdjVa 进气质量流量传感器(MAF)测量偏差大0(修正因子超出漂移修正最大限制值)

DFC_AFSDrftAdjVa 进气质量流量传感器(MAF)测量偏差大1(修正因子超出漂移修正最大限制值)

DFC_AFSPhysRngHi 进气质量流量传感器(MAF)测量流量大(超流量传感器上限)

DFC_AFSPhysRngLo 进气质量流量传感器(MAF)测量流量小(超流量传感器下限)

DFC_AFSScg 进气质量流量传感器(MAF)对地短路故障

DFC_AFSSetyDrftM 进气质量流量传感器(MAF)测量不准确(漂移偏差大)

DFC_AFSSetyDrftM 进气质量流量传感器(MAF)测量不准确(漂移偏差小)

DFC_AFSSigErr 进气质量流量传感器(MAF)信号错误(开路)

DFC_AFSSRCRawMax 进气质量流量传感器(MAF)短路或开路

DFC_AFSSRCRawMin 进气质量流量传感器(MAF)开路或短路

DFC_AFWVltgHigh 发电机发电电压高

DFC_AFWVltgLow 发电机发电电压低

DFC_AirCCmprOL 空调压缩机开路

DFC_AirCCmprOvrT 空调压缩机过温

DFC_AirCCmprRedT 空压机驱动开路

DFC_AirCCmprRedT 空压机驱动过温

DFC_AirCCmprRedT 空压机驱动对电源短路

DFC_AirCCmprRedT 空压机驱动对地短路

DFC_AirCCmprSCB 空调压缩机对电源短路

DFC_AirCCmprSCG 空调压缩机对地短路

DFC_AirCSwtDEC1S 来自CAN报文的空调开关信号不可用

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_AirCtlAirSlw 新鲜空气进气量或EGR阀比需求值响应慢(负向反应慢故障)

DFC_AirCtlAirSlw 新鲜空气进气量或EGR阀比需求值响应慢(正向反应慢故障)

DFC_AirCtlGovDvt 加热模式EGR流量过高、进气量低(进气量闭环偏差Max)

DFC_AirCtlGovDvt 加热模式EGR流量过低、进气量大(进气量闭环偏差Min)

DFC_AirCtlGovDvt 正常模式EGR流量过高、进气量低(进气量闭环偏差Max)

DFC_AirCtlGovDvt 正常模式EGR流量过低、进气量大(进气量闭环偏差Min)

DFC_AirCtlRatSlw EGR率或EGR阀比需求值响应慢(负向反应慢故障)

DFC_AirCtlRatSlw EGR率或EGR阀比需求值响应慢(正向反应慢故障)

DFC_AirFltDsPipe 空滤后管路断开故障

DFC_AirHt_TstOff 进气加热测试功能关闭时电压过高次数超限

DFC_AirHt_TstOff 进气加热测试功能关闭时电压过低次数超限

DFC_AirHt_TstOnH 进气加热测试功能开启时电压过高次数超限

DFC_AirHt_TstOnL 进气加热测试功能开启时电压过低次数超限

DFC_AirHtCheckOL 加热继电器检测线路开路故障

DFC_AirHtOL 加热继电器开路故障

DFC_AirHtOvrHt 进气加热时间过长故障,进气加热过度

DFC_AirHtStickOn 进气加热继电器粘连

DFC_AirMonEGRRed EGR管路出现阻塞、流量低

DFC_AirRlyOL 空气系统供电继电器开路(CAN通讯EGR或VGT供电继电器等)

DFC_AirRlyOvrTem 空气系统供电继电器过温(CAN通讯EGR或VGT供电继电器等)

DFC_AirRlySCB 空气系统供电继电器对电源短路(CAN通讯EGR或VGT供电继电器等)

DFC_AirRlySCG 空气系统供电继电器对地短路(CAN通讯EGR或VGT供电继电器等)

DFC_AirTMonPlaus 进气温度0测量不准确(不可信错误 SCR下游温度)

DFC_AirTMonPlaus 进气温度1测量不准确(不可信错误 DPF下游温度)

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_AirTMonPlaus 进气温度2测量不准确(不可信错误 水温)

DFC_AirTMonPlaus 进气温度3测量不准确(不可信错误 环境温度)

DFC_AirTMonPlaus 进气温度4测量不准确(不可信错误 进气温度)

DFC_AirTMonPlaus 冷启动时发动机温度传感器中存在异常传感器(水温、进气温度等

DFC_ARlySCB_0 主继电器0驱动对电源短路故障

DFC_ARlySCB_1 主继电器1驱动对电源短路故障

DFC_ARlySCB_2 主继电器2驱动对电源短路故障

DFC_ARlySCG_0 主继电器0对地短路

DFC_ARlySCG_1 主继电器1对地短路

DFC_ARlySCG_2 主继电器2对地短路

DFC_BattUHi 蓄电池电压过高

DFC_BattULo 蓄电池电压过低

DFC_BattUSRCMax 电池电压超上限故障

DFC_BattUSRCMin 蓄电池电压过低

DFC_BattVltgHigh 电池电压高

DFC_BattVltgLow 电池电压低

DFC_BFPOL 回流泵(后处理6.5系统)开路

DFC_BFPOvrTemp 回流泵(后处理6.5系统)过温

DFC_BFPSCB 回流泵(后处理6.5系统)对电源短路

DFC_BFPSCG 回流泵(后处理6.5系统)对地短路

DFC_BlkShtReleas 泄压错误

DFC_BrkNpl 主、副刹车信号不可信

DFC_BrkSigMn 来自CAN的主刹信号错误

DFC_BrkSigRdnt 来自CAN的副刹信号错误

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_BusDiagBusOf CAN节点0通讯中断

DFC_BusDiagBusOf CAN节点1通讯中断

DFC_BusDiagBusOf CAN通讯错误(CAN通讯EGR阀或VGT线路开路或短路Node2)

DFC_BusDiagBusOf CAN节点3通讯中断

DFC_CAClgEta 中冷器效率低故障

DFC_CAClgLpEta 低压级中冷器效率低故障(两级增压器适用)

DFC_CalcTiExcdAl 连续超负荷运行时间报警

DFC_CalcTiOvrLoa 24小时平均负荷超过阈值报警

DFC_CalcTiOvrLoa 连续运行时间平均负荷超过阈值报警

DFC_CalcTiOvrLoa 每年满负荷运行时间超过阈值报警

DFC_CalcTiOvrLoa 每年常用功率运行时间超过阈值报警

DFC_CalcTiOvrLoa 每年发动机运行时间超过阈值报警


DFC_CEngDsTAbsTs 水温绝对可信性校验故障

DFC_CEngDsTDynTs 节温器卡滞故障

DFC_CEngDsTPhysR 水温过高

DFC_CEngDsTPhysR 水温过低

DFC_CEngDsTSRCMa 水温传感器开路

DFC_CEngDsTSRCMi 水温传感器短路

DFC_CEngDsTVDPla 出水温度不准确

DFC_ChrCtlFlowMo EGR流量低于下限故障

DFC_ChrCtlFlowMo EGR流量高于上限故障

DFC_ChrCtlGovDvt 节流阀后压力低(闭环控制偏差Max)

DFC_ChrCtlGovDvt 节流阀后压力高(闭环控制偏差Min)

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ClntPmpPWMOL 电磁水泵开路

DFC_ClntPmpPWMOv 电磁水泵过温

DFC_ClntPmpPWMSC 电磁水泵对电源短路

DFC_ClntPmpPWMSC 电磁水泵对地短路

DFC_ClthNpl 离合器信号不可信

DFC_ClthSig 来自CAN的离合器信号错误

DFC_CoETSBstPrtT 增压器保护强扭矩限制激活

DFC_CoETSEngPrtT 发动机保护强扭矩限制激活

DFC_CoETSInjSysT 来自喷射系统的强扭矩限制激活

DFC_CoETSLimInfo 相关扭矩限制激活

DFC_CoETSNTCTrqL 负扭矩协调器扭矩限制激活

DFC_CoETSPDiffTr 来自颗粒过滤器的强扭矩限制激活

DFC_CoETSPrfmLim 扭矩限制器强扭矩限制激活

DFC_CoETSSmkTrqL 烟度限制强扭矩限制激活

DFC_ComA1DEFIDLC 尿素品质传感器报文信息数据长度错误

DFC_ComA1DEFITO 尿素品质传感器CAN线开路(尿素浓度报文超时)

DFC_ComActDosDLC 报文ActDos字节错误


DFC_ComActvCodeD 接收到的增压系统发送报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComActvCodeT 未接收到增压系统发送的报文

DFC_ComAMBDLC 接收的包含大气温度、大气压力等信息报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComAMBTO 未收到包含大气温度、大气压力等信息报文

DFC_ComAPPMaxErr 接收的油门踏板信号超过最大值

DFC_ComAPPTO 从油门踏板信号接收报文时间过长

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ComAT1FC1DLC AT1FC1报文数据长度故障

DFC_ComAT1FC1TO AT1FC1报文超时故障

DFC_ComAT1IG1DLC 上游氮氧传感器数据错误(报文AT1IG1长度不符合规定)

DFC_ComAT1IG1TO 上游氮氧传感器CAN线开路(上游氮氧浓度报文超时)

DFC_ComAT1IG2RxD SCR系统上游排温报文数据长度故障

DFC_ComAT1IG2RxT 上游排温信号所走CAN线开路

DFC_ComAT1IGC1DL 上游氮氧传感器数据错误(报文AT1IGC1长度不符合规定)

DFC_ComAT1IGC1TO 上游氮氧传感器CAN线开路

DFC_ComAT1IGC2DL 上游氮氧传感器数据错误(报文AT1IGC2长度不符合规定)

DFC_ComAT1IGC2TO 上游氮氧传感器CAN线开路(上游氮氧修正报文超时)

DFC_ComAT1OG1DLC 下游氮氧传感器数据长度错误(报文AT1OG1长度不符合规定)

DFC_ComAT1OG1TO 下游氮氧传感器CAN线开路(下游氮氧浓度报文超时)

DFC_ComAT1OGC1DL 下游氮氧传感器数据长度错误(报文AT1OGC1长度不符合规定)

DFC_ComAT1OGC1TO 下游传感器(NOX修正,增益和偏移补偿)报文超时故障

DFC_ComAT1OGC2DL 下游氮氧传感器数据长度错误(报文AT1OGC2长度不符合规定)

DFC_ComAT1OGC2TO 下游氮氧传感器CAN线开路(下游氮氧修正报文超时)

DFC_ComAT1T1IDLC 尿素品质传感器报文数据长度故障

DFC_ComAT1T1ITO 尿素品质传感器CAN线开路(尿素温度报文超时)

DFC_ComCANPurgRe 后处理喷射器的清洁请求报文出现错误

DFC_ComCCVSRollg 接收到的巡航控制相关信息不正常

DFC_ComCILBusOff 刷写CAN断开

DFC_ComCILBusOff DM1LE_CAN出现busOff故障

DFC_ComCILBusOff LP_CAN出现busOff故障

DFC_ComCILBusOff PT_CAN出现busOff故障

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ComCM1DLC 接收到的风扇转速请求百分比信息报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComCM1TO 未接收到风扇转速请求百分比信息报文

DFC_ComDDDLC 接收到的油箱液位信息报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComDDTO 未接收到油箱液位信息报文

DFC_ComDEC1Rollg 接收到的驾驶员需求信息(进气加热、油门开度、辅助制动等)不

DFC_ComDemDPMSAE 燃油消耗率错误

DFC_ComDisTankLv 尿素箱液位报文信息不可用

DFC_ComDlcDM1DCU DM1报文接收字节错误



DFC_ComDlcNOXDAT 下游氮氧传感器报文接收字节错误

DFC_ComDlcNOXDAT 上游氮氧传感器报文接收字节错误

DFC_ComDlcNOxSen 下游氮氧传感器报文确认超时错误

DFC_ComDlcNOxSen 下游氮氧传感器报文接收BAM字节错误

DFC_ComDlcNOxSen 上游氮氧传感器报文确认字节错误

DFC_ComDlcNOxSen 上游氮氧传感器报文接收BAM字节错误

DFC_ComDlcPGNRQ PGN请求报文字节错误

DFC_ComDM19DsAck DCU在一定时间内未收到下游氮氧传感器的响应信息

DFC_ComDM19DsBAM 收到的下游氮氧传感器报文信息不全

DFC_ComDM19DsBAM 收到的下游氮氧传感器报文信息不全

DFC_ComDM19DsPKT 收到的下游氮氧传感器报文信息不全

DFC_ComDM19UsAck DCU在一定时间内未收到上游氮氧传感器的响应信息

DFC_ComDM19UsBAM 收到的上游氮氧传感器报文信息不全

DFC_ComDM19UsBAM 收到的上游氮氧传感器报文信息不全

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ComDM19UsPKT 收到的上游氮氧传感器报文信息不全
























#Caterpillar: Confidential Green













DFC_ComDrvCyclId 远程锁车功能激活状态下,T15上电后,发动机转速为0的时间过长

DFC_ComEBC1DLC 接收到的包含制动状态信息的报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComEBC1TO 未接收到制动状态信息报文

DFC_ComEBC2DLC 接收到包含前轮平均车速信息的报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComEBC2TO 未收到前轮平均车速信息报文

DFC_ComEGF1DLC EGF1报文数据长度故障

DFC_ComEGF1TO EGF1报文超时故障



DFC_ComEGSPMData 报文ComRx_EGSPMData2数据长度故障

DFC_ComEGSPMData 报文ComRx_EGSPMData2超时故障

DFC_ComEGSPMInit 报文ComRx_EGSPMInit数据长度故障

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ComEGSPMInit 报文ComRx_ComEGSPMInit超时故障

DFC_ComEGSPMMode 报文ComRx_EGSPMMode6Dia数据长度故障

DFC_ComEGSPMMode 报文ComRx_EGSPMMode6Diag超时故障

DFC_ComEGSPMSemi 报文ComRx_EGSPMSemiContDiag数据长度故障

DFC_ComEGSPMSemi 报文ComRx_EGSPMSemiContDiag超时故障

DFC_ComEngShOffE 来自EBC1报文的发动机关机请求

DFC_ComETC1DLC 从变速箱档位信息接收的报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComETC1Rollg 接收到的变速箱档位信息不正确

DFC_ComETC1TO 变速箱档位信息接收报文时间过长

DFC_ComETC2DLC 接收的包含变速箱档位信息的报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComETC2Rollg 接收到的变速箱档位信息不正确

DFC_ComETC2TO 未收到变速箱档位信息报文

DFC_ComETC7DLC 接收到的包含变速箱模式信息的报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComETC7TO 未收到变速箱模式信息相关报文

DFC_ComGbxData 检测到变速箱当前档位信息不正常

DFC_ComHRWDLC 包含车速信息的报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComHRWTO 未接收到包含车速信息的报文


DFC_ComKeyErr VDHR报文超时故障

DFC_ComKeyMsgTo 远程锁车Key接收超时

DFC_ComKnRxDLC CAN通讯的EGR阀通讯信号错误(KnRxDLC)


DFC_COMM_E_NET_S 通道0在非通讯模式时接收到CAN网络信息

DFC_COMM_E_NET_S 通道1在非通讯模式时接收到CAN网络信息

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_COMM_E_NET_S 通道2在非通讯模式时接收到CAN网络信息

DFC_COMM_E_NET_S 通道3在非通讯模式时接收到CAN网络信息

DFC_COMM_E_NET_S 通道4在非通讯模式时接收到CAN网络信息

DFC_COMM_E_NET_S 通道5在非通讯模式时接收到CAN网络信息

DFC_ComMaxPTOSwt 接收的PTO开关报文信息超过最大值

DFC_ComMinPTOSwt 接收的PTO开关报文信息低于最小值

DFC_ComNOxCorGnC 下游氮氧传感器氮氧增益错误

DFC_ComNOxCorGnD 上游氮氧传感器氮氧增益错误

DFC_ComNOxCorOfs 下游氮氧传感器氮氧偏差错误

DFC_ComNOxCorOfs 上游氮氧传感器氮氧偏移错误

DFC_ComNOxCorPre 下游氮氧传感器lambda压力修正错误

DFC_ComNOxCorPre 上游氮氧传感器Lambda压力修正错误

DFC_ComNOxCorPre 下游氮氧压力修正错误

DFC_ComNOxCorPre 上游氮氧压力修正错误

DFC_ComNOxHtrRat 下游氮氧传感器加热速率信号错误

DFC_ComNOxHtrRat 上游氮氧传感器加热速率信号错误

DFC_ComNOxNH3Cor 下游氮氧传感器NH3修正错误

DFC_ComNOxNH3Cor 上游氮氧传感器NH3修正错误

DFC_ComNOxNO2Cor 下游氮氧传感器NO2修正错误

DFC_ComNOxNO2Cor 上游氮氧传感器NO2修正错误

DFC_ComNOxNoCat2 下游氮氧传感器氮氧浓度信息错误

DFC_ComNOxNoMCat 上游氮氧传感器氮氧浓度校正信息错误

DFC_ComNplPTOSwt 接收的PTO开关报文信息不正确

DFC_ComO2NoCat2D 下游氮氧传感器氧气浓度错误

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ComO2NoMCatD 上游氮氧传感器氧浓度校正信息错误

DFC_ComPrcClthSl 接收的离合器滑动百分比报文信息不正常

DFC_ComRemAPPMax 接收的远程油门踏板信号超过最大值

DFC_ComRemAPPTO 接收的远程油门踏板信号发生超时故障

DFC_ComRxACC1DLC 接收到的包含自适应巡航工作模式信息的报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComRxACC1TO 未接收到自适应巡航工作模式相关报文发生超时故障

DFC_ComRxACC2DLC 接收到的驾驶员激活自适应巡航的需求信息报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComRxACC2TO 未接收到驾驶员激活自适应巡航的需求信息报文

DFC_ComRxAEBS1DL 从紧急制动控制器接收的报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComRxAEBS1TO 未收到从紧急制动控制器发送的报文

DFC_ComRxBrkAirP 从VCU接收的报文发生字节长度错误(制动回路气压信号)

DFC_ComRxBrkAirP 未从VCU接收到报文(制动回路气压信号)

DFC_ComRxCACIDLC 从空调压缩机接收的报文发生字节长度错误(空调压缩机出口压力

DFC_ComRxCACITO 未从空调压缩机接收到报文(空调压缩机出口压力)

DFC_ComRxCCVS2Fr 从自适应巡航控制器接收的报文发生字节长度错误(巡航控制指令

DFC_ComRxCCVS2Fr 未从自适应巡航控制器ACC接收到报文(巡航控制指令)

DFC_ComRxCCVS2Fr 从紧急制动控制器接收的报文发生字节长度错误(巡航控制不允许

DFC_ComRxCCVS2Fr 未从紧急制动控制器接收到报文(巡航控制不允许状态)

DFC_ComRxCCVSDLC 接收到的包含巡航控制相关信息的报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComRxCCVSTO 未接收到包含巡航控制相关信息的报文

DFC_ComRxDEC1DLC 接收到的包含进气加热状态、制动开关、空挡开关、油门踏板位置

DFC_ComRxDEC1TO 未接收到包含进气加热状态、制动开关、空挡开关、油门踏板位置

DFC_ComRxDM5DLC DM5报文接收字节错误

DFC_ComRxDM5TO DM5报文接收 超时

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ComRxEGSPMDa 报文ComRx_EGSPMData1数据长度故障

DFC_ComRxEGSPMDa 报文ComRx_EGSPMData1超时故障

DFC_ComRxEMKDLC 接收报文EMK字节长度错误


DFC_ComRxERC1DLC 从电子缓冲器控制器接收的报文发生字节长度错误

DFC_ComRxERC1TO 未接收到电子缓冲器控制器发送的报文

DFC_ComRxRFDLC 从变速箱控制器接收的报文发生字节长度错误(液压/油温)

DFC_ComRxRFTO 未接收到变速箱控制器发来的报文(液压/油温)

DFC_ComRxWVSDLC 从VCU接收的报文发生字节长度错误(暖风除霜工作状态)

DFC_ComRxWVSTO 未接收到VCU发送的报文(暖风除霜工作状态)

DFC_ComSCRSysSta 报文SCRSysSta字节长度错误

DFC_ComSCRSysSta 报文SCRSysSta超时

DFC_ComSensNOxNo 上游氮氧浓度不稳定

DFC_ComSensNOxSt 下游氮氧浓度不稳定

DFC_ComSensO2NoM 上游氧气浓度不稳定

DFC_ComSensO2Sta 下游氧气浓度不稳定

DFC_ComSensPwrNo 下游氮氧传感器功率超限

DFC_ComSensPwrRn 下游氮氧传感器功率超限

DFC_ComSensTempN 下游温度传感器温度过高

DFC_ComSensTempN 上游温度传感器温度过高

DFC_ComT50StMaxE 发送的点火开关信息报文

DFC_ComTankLvlAm 尿素箱液位过高

DFC_ComTankLvlOp 尿素箱液位传感器开路

DFC_ComTankLvlSe 尿素箱液位传感器故障

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ComTankLvlSh 尿素箱液位传感器对地短路

DFC_ComTankTAmb 尿素箱温度过高

DFC_ComTankTOpCi 尿素箱温度传感器开路

DFC_ComTankTSens 报文尿素箱温度传感器故障

DFC_ComTankTShCi 尿素箱温度传感器对地短路

DFC_ComTCO1DLC 从仪表接收的报文发生字节长度错误(仪表发送的车速信号)

DFC_ComTCO1TO 从仪表接收的报文发生超时错误(仪表发生的车速信号)

DFC_ComTFI4DataD CAN通讯的进气流量传感器通讯信号错误(TFI4DataDLC)

DFC_ComTFI4DataT CAN通讯的进气流量传感器开路(TFI4DataTO)

DFC_ComTimeDateD 时间信息报文数据长度错误

DFC_ComTimeDateT 时间信息报文超时故障




DFC_ComToNOXDATA 下游氮氧传感器报文超时

DFC_ComToNOXDATA 上游氮氧传感器报文接收超时

DFC_ComToNOXSEND 下游氮氧传感器报文超时

DFC_ComToNOxSenD 下游氮氧传感器报文超时

DFC_ComToNOXSENU 上游氮氧传感器报文超时

DFC_ComToNOxSenU 上游氮氧传感器报文接收BAM超时


DFC_ComTOTSC1ACC 未从自适应巡航控制器ACC接收到报文主动超时(转速/扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1ACC 未从自适应巡航控制器ACC接收到报文被动超时(转速/扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1ACC 未从自适应巡航控制器ACC接收到报文主动超时(扭矩需求)

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ComTOTSC1ACC 未从自适应巡航控制器ACC接收到报文被动超时(扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1AEA 未接收到刹车系统发送的报文主动超时(转速/扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1AEP 未接收到刹车系统发送的报文被动超时(转速/扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1ARA 未接收到刹车系统发送的报文主动超时(扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1ARP 未接收到刹车系统发送的报文被动超时(扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1DEA 未接收到传动轴控制器发送的报文主动超时(转速/扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1DEP 未接收到传动轴控制器发送的报文被动超时(转速/扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1DRA 未接收到传动轴缓冲器发送的报文主动超时(扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1DRP 未接收到传动轴缓冲器发送的报文被动超时(扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1PEA 未接收到控制器发送的报文主动超时(转速/扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1PEP 未接收到控制器发送的报文被动超时(转速扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1TEA 未接收到传动系统控制器发送的报文主动超时(转速/扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1TEP 未接收到传动系统控制器发送的报文被动超时(转速/扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1TRA 未接收到传动系统控制器发送的报文主动超时(扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1TRP 未接收到传动系统控制器发送的报被主动超时(扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1VEA 未接收到车速控制器发送的报文主动超时(来自于整车)

DFC_ComTOTSC1VEP 未接收到车速控制器发送的报文被动超时(来自于整车)

DFC_ComTOTSC1VRA 未接收到车身控制器发送的报文主动超时(扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTOTSC1VRP 未接收到车身控制器发送的报文被动超时(扭矩需求)

DFC_ComTraEngCrk 传动轴不允许起动故障

DFC_ComTRF1DLC 从TCU控制器接收的报文发生字节长度故障(变速箱油温)

DFC_ComTRF1TO 从TCU控制器接收的报文发生超时故障(变速箱油温)

DFC_ComTSC1ACCED 从自适应巡航接收的转速扭矩需求报文字节长度故障

DFC_ComTSC1ACCEM 从自适应巡航接收的转速扭矩需求报文可信性检验校验和检测故障

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ComTSC1ACCEM 从自适应巡航接收的转速扭矩需求报文可信性检验计数检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1ACCET 从自适应巡航接收的转速扭矩需求报文超时故障

DFC_ComTSC1ACCRD 从自适应巡航接收的扭矩需求报文数据长度错误

DFC_ComTSC1ACCRM 从自适应巡航接收的扭矩需求报文可信性检验校验和检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1ACCRM 从自适应巡航接收的扭矩需求报文可信性检验计数检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1ACCRT 从自适应巡航接收的扭矩需求报文超时故障

DFC_ComTSC1AEDLC ABS发来的转速扭矩需求报文数据长度错误

DFC_ComTSC1AEMsg ABS发来的转速扭矩需求报文可信性检验校验和故障

DFC_ComTSC1AEMsg ABS发来的转速扭矩需求报文可信性检验计数检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1AETO ABS发来的转速扭矩需求报文超时故障

DFC_ComTSC1ARDLC ABS发来的扭矩需求报文数据长度错误

DFC_ComTSC1ARMsg ABS发来的扭矩需求报文可信性检验校验和检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1ARMsg ABS发来的扭矩需求报文可信性检验计数检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1ARTO ABS发来的扭矩需求报文超时故障

DFC_ComTSC1DEDLC 传动轴控制器发来的转速扭矩需求报文数据长度错误

DFC_ComTSC1DEMsg 传动轴控制器发来的转速扭矩需求报文可信性检验校验和检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1DEMsg 传动轴控制器发来的转速扭矩需求报文可信性检验计数检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1DETO 传动轴控制器发来的转速扭矩需求报文超时故障

DFC_ComTSC1DRDLC 传动轴缓速器发来的扭矩需求报文数据长度错误

DFC_ComTSC1DRMsg 传动轴缓速器发来的扭矩需求报文可信性检验校验和检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1DRMsg 传动轴缓速器发来的扭矩需求报文可信性检验计数检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1DRTO 传动轴缓速器发来的扭矩需求报文超时故障

DFC_ComTSC1PEDLC PTO发来的转速扭矩需求报文数据长度错误

DFC_ComTSC1PEMsg PTO发来的转速扭矩需求报文可信性检验校验和检测故障

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ComTSC1PEMsg PTO发来的转速扭矩需求报文可信性检验计数检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1PETO PTO发来的转速扭矩需求报文超时故障

DFC_ComTSC1TEDLC TCU发来的转速扭矩需求报文数据长度错误

DFC_ComTSC1TEMsg TCU发来的转速扭矩需求报文可信性检验校验和检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1TEMsg TCU发来的转速扭矩需求报文可信性检验计数检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1TETO TCU发来的转速扭矩需求报文超时故障

DFC_ComTSC1TRDLC TCU发来的扭矩需求报文数据长度错误

DFC_ComTSC1TRMsg TCU发来的扭矩需求报文可信性检验校验和检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1TRMsg TCU发来的扭矩需求报文可信性检验计数检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1TRTO TCU发来的扭矩需求报文超时故障

DFC_ComTSC1VEDLC 车身控制器发来的转速扭矩需求报文数据长度错误

DFC_ComTSC1VEMsg 车身控制器发来的转速扭矩需求可信性检验校验和检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1VEMsg 车身控制器发来的转速扭矩需求可信性检验计数检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1VETO 车身控制器发来的转速扭矩需求报文超时故障

DFC_ComTSC1VRDLC 车身控制器发来的扭矩需求报文数据长度错误

DFC_ComTSC1VRMsg 车身控制器发来的扭矩需求可信性检验校验和检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1VRMsg 车身控制器发来的扭矩需求可信性检验计数检测故障

DFC_ComTSC1VRTO 车身控制器发来的扭矩需求报文超时故障

DFC_ComUCatUsTSA SCR上游排温错误

DFC_ComUrQlSnsrC 尿素箱浓度报文信息错误

DFC_ComUrQlSnsrT 接收尿素浓度报文(A1DEF1)尿素温度错误

DFC_ComUrTankLvl 接收尿素箱液位1报文(AT1T1I报文)错误

DFC_ComUrTankTSA 接收尿素箱温度报文(AT1T1I)温度错误

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ComUTankLvl2 接收尿素箱液位2报文(AT1T1I报文)错误

DFC_ComVDC1DLC 车身稳定性信息报文数据长度错误

DFC_ComVDC1TO 车身稳定性信息报文超时故障

DFC_ComVDHRDLC 高精度里程报文数据长度错误

DFC_ComVDHRTO 高精度里程报文超时故障

DFC_ComVGTMotEff VGT电机功率过大,VGT电机故障(VGTMotEffErr)

DFC_ComVGTOperCo VGT运行状态错误,VGT故障(VGTOperCondErr)

DFC_ComVGTStatus VGT通讯信号错误(VGTStatusDLC)

DFC_ComVGTStatus VGT通讯信号错误(VGTStatusTO)

DFC_ComVGTTempSn VGT温度过高(VGTTempSnsrErr)

DFC_CoVehPrfmLim OBD扭矩限制激活错误

DFC_CoVehPrfmLim OBD扭矩限制重启后激活错误(非道路四阶段)

DFC_CrCsPPhysRng 曲轴箱压力过高

DFC_CrCsPPhysRng 曲轴箱压力过低

DFC_CrCsPSRCMax 曲轴箱压力传感器开路

DFC_CrCsPSRCMin 曲轴箱压力传感器短路

DFC_CrCsVDiscInt 曲轴箱通风管道故障

DFC_CrCUIModeNpl 多功能按键操作模式错误,按键超时或者多个按键同时按下

DFC_CrpModeActv 扭矩限制模式激活

DFC_CThmstOL 电子节温器开路

DFC_CThmstOvrTem 电子节温器过温

DFC_CThmstSCB 电子节温器对电源短路

DFC_CThmstSCG 电子节温器对地短路

DFC_DevLibBattUH 电池电压太高

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_DevLibBattUL 电池电压太低

DFC_DocEffExo DOC转换效率低故障

DFC_DocEffHcCnv DOC转换碳氢效率低故障


DFC_DocSenTempDs DPF上游温度传感器信号不可信

DFC_DocSenTempUs DOC上游温度传感器信号不可信

DFC_DocTemperatu DOC 温度过高

DFC_DpfPasOvTi 被动再生超时次数超限

DFC_DrvDemMode 通过按键进行调速,按键错误模式错误

DFC_dVGTActErr VGT执行器状态错误

DFC_dVGTActPosEr VGT实际位置错误

DFC_dVGTTrgtPosE VGT目标位置错误

DFC_EBrkPreSelPl 制动预选开关状态不可信

DFC_ECBtnStopDEC 来自CAN报文的车下停止开关信号不可用

DFC_ECBtnStopSig 车下停车开关信号故障

DFC_ECBtnStrtDEC 来自CAN报文的车下启动开关信号不可用

DFC_ECBtnStrtSig 车下启动开关信号故障

DFC_ECRVlv1OL 缸内制动阀1开路

DFC_ECRVlv1OvrTe 缸内制动阀1过温

DFC_ECRVlv1SCB 缸内制动阀1对电源短路

DFC_ECRVlv1SCG 缸内制动阀1对地短路

DFC_ECRVlv2OL 缸内制动阀2开路

DFC_ECRVlv2OvrTe 缸内制动阀2过温

DFC_ECRVlv2SCB 缸内制动阀2对电源短路

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ECRVlv2SCG 缸内制动阀2对地短路

DFC_EGFVCtlGovDv 加热模式EGR流量过低、进气量高(EGR率闭环偏差Max)

DFC_EGFVCtlGovDv 加热模式EGR流量过高、进气量低(EGR率闭环偏差Min)

DFC_EGFVCtlGovDv 正常模式EGR流量过低、进气量高(EGR率闭环偏差Max)

DFC_EGFVCtlGovDv 正常模式EGR流量过高、进气量低(EGR率闭环偏差Min)

DFC_EGRClgMonEta EGR中冷器效率低故障


DFC_EGRVlvDrftCl EGR阀关闭位置电压错误(DrftClsd)

DFC_EGRVlvDrftOp EGR阀开启位置电压错误(DrftOpn)

DFC_EGRVlvDrftRn EGR开启或关闭位置电压错误(DrftRng)

DFC_EGRVlvElecEr 智能EGR内部电路故障

DFC_EGRVlvFlt 智能EGR阀开度超出范围故障

DFC_EGRVlvGovDvt 冷启动时EGR阀故障(GovDvtCld)

DFC_EGRVlvGovDvt EGR阀开度过小(GovDvtMax)

DFC_EGRVlvGovDvt EGR阀开度过大(GovDvtMin)


DFC_EGRVlvHBrgOp EGR阀电机开路故障(HBrgOpnLd)

DFC_EGRVlvHBrgOv EGR阀电机过温故障(HBrgOvrTemp)

DFC_EGRVlvHBrgSh EGR阀电机供电线1对电源短路故障

DFC_EGRVlvHBrgSh EGR阀电机供电线2对电源短路故障

DFC_EGRVlvHBrgSh EGR阀电机供电线1对地短路故障

DFC_EGRVlvHBrgSh EGR阀电机供电线2对地短路故障

DFC_EGRVlvHBrgSh EGR阀电机电流过大故障

DFC_EGRVlvHBrgUn EGR阀电机供电电压低

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_EGRVlvJamVlv CAN通讯的EGR阀卡滞故障

DFC_EGRVlvJamVlv EGR阀卡滞(JamVlvClsd)

DFC_EGRVlvJamVlv EGR阀卡滞(JamVlvOpn)

DFC_EGRVlvLonTim EGR阀关闭位置电压错误(LonTimeDrftClsd)

DFC_EGRVlvLonTim EGR阀开启位置电压错误(LonTimeDrftOpn)

DFC_EGRVlvLrnFai 智能EGR阀自学习失败故障



DFC_EGRVlvOvrTem 智能EGR阀超温故障

DFC_EGRVlvPhysSR EGR阀开度过大(PhysSRCMax)

DFC_EGRVlvPhysSR EGR阀开度过小(PhysSRCMin)



DFC_EGRVlvShrtTi EGR阀关闭位置电压错误(ShrtTimeDrftClsd)

DFC_EGRVlvShrtTi EGR阀开启位置电压错误(ShrtTimeDrftOpn)

DFC_EGRVlvSprgBr EGR阀回位弹簧损坏

DFC_EGRVlvSRCMax EGR阀传感器开路或短路

DFC_EGRVlvSRCMin EGR阀传感器短路或开路

DFC_EGRVlvTmpErr EGR阀温度高故障

DFC_EGRVlvVoltFl 智能EGR电压错误故障

DFC_EGRVlvWarnTe 智能EGR阀超温报警故障

DFC_EngICO 发动机关闭请求导致喷油切断

DFC_EngOilLvlMax 机油液位传感器开路(盛邦)

DFC_EngOilLvlMin 机油液位传感器短路(盛邦)

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_EngOilLvlPhy 机油液位高(盛邦)

DFC_EngOilLvlPhy 机油液位低(盛邦)

DFC_EngPrtOvrSpd 发动机超速故障

DFC_EngPrtOvrSpd 开排气制动时转速超速

DFC_EngPrtOvrSpd 发动机转速超速预报警

DFC_EngReqCrpAft 重新加注燃料之后,激活车速限制模式(伴随其他故障一起报出)

DFC_EngReqCrpAft 长时间驻车后,激活车速限制模式(伴随其他故障一起报出)

DFC_EngReqCrpAft 重新起车后,激活车速限制模式(伴随其他故障一起报出)

DFC_EngReqCrpAft 发动机长时间工作后,激活车速限制模式(伴随其他故障一起报出

DFC_EngReqCrpMod 发动机长时间工作后,激活车速限制模式(伴随其他故障一起报出

DFC_EnhSRCMaxT1E 排温1高于上限

DFC_EnhSRCMaxT2E 排温2高于上限

DFC_EnhSRCMaxT3E 排温3高于上限

DFC_EnhSRCMaxT4E 排温4高于上限

DFC_EnhSRCMaxT5E 排温5高于上限

DFC_EnhSRCMaxT6E 排温6高于上限

DFC_EnhSRCMinT1E 排温1低于下限

DFC_EnhSRCMinT2E 排温2低于下限

DFC_EnhSRCMinT3E 排温3低于下限

DFC_EnhSRCMinT4E 排温4低于下限

DFC_EnhSRCMinT5E 排温5低于下限

DFC_EnhSRCMinT6E 排温6低于下限

DFC_EnvPAmbPresM 环境压力不准确

DFC_EnvTAmbTempM 环境温度不准确

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_EnvTPhysRngH 环境温度过高

DFC_EnvTPhysRngL 环境温度过低

DFC_EnvTSig 环境温度报文故障

DFC_EnvTSRCMax 环境温度传感器开路

DFC_EnvTSRCMin 环境温度传感器短路

DFC_EpmCaSI1ErrS 凸轮轴信号错误

DFC_EpmCaSI1NoSi 凸轮轴无信号

DFC_EpmCaSI1OfsE 曲轴凸轮轴信号偏差过大

DFC_EpmCrSErrSig 曲轴信号错误

DFC_EpmCrSNoSig 曲轴无信号

DFC_EpmSpdSig1OL 转速输出驱动开路

DFC_EpmSpdSig1OT 转速输出驱动温度过高

DFC_EpmSpdSig1SC 转速输出驱动对电源短路

DFC_EpmSpdSig1SC 转速输出驱动对地短路

DFC_ETCtlInrLopC 排温内环控制最大值温度偏差过大故障

DFC_ETCtlInrLopC 排温内环控制最小值温度偏差过大故障

DFC_ETCtlInrLopR 排温内环控制响应时间超限故障

DFC_ETCtlOutrLop 排温外环控制最大值温度偏差过大故障

DFC_ETCtlOutrLop 排温外环控制最小值温度偏差过大故障

DFC_ETCtlOutrLop 排温外环控制响应时间超限故障

DFC_ExcdAlarmLmp 超负荷指示灯开路

DFC_ExcdAlarmLmp 超负荷指示灯过温

DFC_ExcdAlarmLmp 超负荷指示灯对电源短路

DFC_ExcdAlarmLmp 超负荷指示灯对地短路

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ExhFlpLPOL 排气制动阀开路

DFC_ExhFlpLPOvrT 排气制动阀过温

DFC_ExhFlpLPSCB 排气制动阀对电源短路

DFC_ExhFlpLPSCG 排气制动阀对地短路

DFC_ExhTMonPlaus 排气温度0不可信错误

DFC_ExhTMonPlaus 排气温度1不可信错误

DFC_ExhTMonPlaus 排气温度2不可信错误

DFC_ExhTMonPlaus 排气温度3不可信错误

DFC_ExhTMonPlaus 排气温度4不可信错误

DFC_ExhTMonPlaus 排气温度5不可信错误

DFC_ExhTMonPlaus 排气温度不可信错误,但无法准确定位某个传感器的错误

DFC_ExhTMonPlaus 模型计算排气位置1排温不可信故障

DFC_ExhTMonPlaus 模型计算排气位置2排温不可信故障

DFC_ExhTMonPlaus 模型计算排气位置3排温不可信故障

DFC_ExhTMonPlaus 模型计算排气位置4排温不可信故障

DFC_ExhTMonPlaus 模型计算排气位置5排温不可信故障

DFC_ExhTMonPlaus 模型计算排气位置6排温不可信故障

DFC_ExtVoltTrckM 安全诊断相关:传感器外部供电0超限

DFC_ExtVoltTrckM 安全诊断相关:传感器外部供电1超限

DFC_FanDIOOL_0 风扇继电器0开路

DFC_FanDIOOL_1 风扇继电器1开路

DFC_FanDIOOvrTem 风扇继电器0过温

DFC_FanDIOOvrTem 风扇继电器1过温

DFC_FanDIOSCB_0 风扇继电器0对电源短路

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_FanDIOSCB_1 风扇继电器1对电源短路

DFC_FanDIOSCG_0 风扇继电器0对地短路

DFC_FanDIOSCG_1 风扇继电器1对地短路

DFC_FanElecOL 电子风扇开路

DFC_FanElecOvrTe 电子风扇过温

DFC_FanElecSCB 电子风扇对电源短路

DFC_FanElecSCG 电子风扇对地短路


DFC_FanPWMOvrTem 风扇PWM过温



DFC_FanSpdLonPer 风扇转速传感器周期信号超出范围故障

DFC_FanSpdSRCHig 风扇转速超上限故障

DFC_FanSpdSRCLow 风扇转速太低

DFC_FlFltHtOL 燃油加热继电器开路

DFC_FlFltHtOvrTe 燃油加热继电器过温

DFC_FlFltHtSCB 燃油加热继电器对电源短路

DFC_FlFltHtSCG 燃油加热继电器对地短路

DFC_FlFWLvlLmpOL 油中有水指示灯开路

DFC_FlFWLvlLmpOv 油中有水指示灯过温

DFC_FlFWLvlLmpSC 油中有水指示灯对电源短路

DFC_FlFWLvlLmpSC 油中有水指示灯对地短路

DFC_FlFWLvlSRCMa 油中有水传感器原始电压 超上限故障

DFC_FlFWLvlSRCMi 油中有水传感器原始电压 超下限故障

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_FlLvlSig 燃油液位走CAN报文路径故障

DFC_FlLvlSRCMax 燃油液位传感器原始电压 超上限故障

DFC_FlLvlSRCMin 燃油液位传感器原始电压 超下限故障

DFC_FlSysTnkLo 油箱液位低

DFC_FlSysWtDet 油中有水

DFC_FlSysWtDetTr 连续两个驾驶循环发现油中有水故障

DFC_FlSysWtDetTr 油中有水时间过长故障

DFC_FrbidStrtCut 防竞品分析判定在台架工况

DFC_FuelFltClg 燃油精滤堵塞

DFC_FuelPOfsChkM 燃油压力偏差超上限故障

DFC_FuelPOfsChkM 燃油压力偏差超下限故障

DFC_FuelPPRCMax 粗滤负压过大

DFC_FuelPPRCMin 粗滤负压过小

DFC_FuelPSRCMax 燃油压力传感器开路

DFC_FuelPSRCMin 燃油压力传感器短路

DFC_FuelTPhysRng 燃油温度过高

DFC_FuelTPhysRng 燃油温度过低

DFC_FuelTSRCMax 燃油温度原始电压超上限故障

DFC_FuelTSRCMin 燃油温度原始电压超下限故障

DFC_FuelTVDPlaus 燃油温度测量不准确

DFC_GbxNPosCANSi 来自CAN报文的档位信号不可用

DFC_GbxNPosNPL 变速箱的空挡开关不可信故障

DFC_GlwLmpOL 冷启动指示灯开路

DFC_GlwLmpOvrTem 冷启动指示灯过温

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_GlwLmpSCB 冷启动指示灯对电源短路

DFC_GlwLmpSCG 冷启动指示灯对地短路

DFC_HegnHtrAvlB1 上游氮氧传感器加热可用性检测失败

DFC_HegnHtrAvlB1 上游氮氧传感器加热可用性检测失败

DFC_HegnHtrRdnB1 上游氮氧传感器未在规定时间内加热到设定值

DFC_HegnHtrRdnB1 下游氮氧传感器未在规定时间内加热到设定值

DFC_HegnMntgPlau 上游氮氧浓度不准

DFC_HegnMntgPlau 下游氮氧浓度不准

DFC_HegnNoxAvlDi 氮氧传感器信号有效状态检测失败(Nox传感器1)

DFC_HegnNoxAvlDi 氮氧传感器信号有效状态检测失败(Nox传感器2)

DFC_HegnNoxDynCh 监测Nox动态在overrun时由高阀值到低阀值失败

DFC_HegnNoxDynCh 监测Nox动态在overrun时由高信号值到高阀值时失败

DFC_HegnNoxOffsM Nox信号偏差超上限(Nox传感器1)

DFC_HegnNoxOffsM Nox信号偏差超上限(Nox传感器2)

DFC_HegnNoxOffsM Nox信号偏差超下限(Nox传感器1)

DFC_HegnNoxOffsM Nox信号偏差超下限(Nox传感器2)

DFC_HegnNoxOffsU Nox信号偏差undershoot(Nox传感器1)

DFC_HegnNoxOffsU Nox信号偏差undershoot(Nox传感器2)

DFC_HegnNOxSRCMa Nox信号SRC超上限(Nox传感器1)

DFC_HegnNOxSRCMa Nox信号SRC超上限(Nox传感器2)

DFC_HegnNOxSRCMi 上游氮氧传感器电压小(传感器内部电路)

DFC_HegnNOxSRCMi 下游氮氧传感器电压小(传感器内部电路)

DFC_HegnO2PlausF Nox传感器全负载工况下氧浓度可信性检测失败(Nox传感器1)

DFC_HegnO2PlausF Nox传感器全负载工况下氧浓度可信性检测失败(Nox传感器2)

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_HegnO2PlausO Nox传感器overrun工况下氧浓度可信性检测失败(Nox传感器1)

DFC_HegnO2PlausO Nox传感器overrun工况下氧浓度可信性检测失败(Nox传感器2)

DFC_HegnO2PlausP Nox传感器半负载工况下氧浓度可信性检测失败(Nox传感器1)

DFC_HegnO2PlausP Nox传感器半负载工况下氧浓度可信性检测失败(Nox传感器2)

DFC_HegnOpCirB1S 上游氮氧传感器开路故障(传感器内部电路)

DFC_HegnOpCirB1S 下游氮氧传感器开路

DFC_HegnShCirB1S 上游氮氧传感器短路

DFC_HegnShCirB1S 下游氮氧传感器短路故障(传感器内部电路)

DFC_HegnSnsrSigR 上游Nox传感器可读性检测超时

DFC_HegnSnsrSigR 下游Nox传感器可读性检测超时

DFC_HegnSRCBinMa 开关氧信号SRC超上限(Nox传感器1)

DFC_HegnSRCBinMa 开关氧信号SRC超上限(Nox传感器2)

DFC_HegnSRCBinMi 开关氧信号SRC超下限(Nox传感器1)

DFC_HegnSRCBinMi 开关氧信号SRC超下限(Nox传感器2)

DFC_HegnSRCLinMa 上游氮氧传感器线氧信号电压高(传感器内部电路)

DFC_HegnSRCLinMa 下游氮氧传感器线氧信号电压高(传感器内部电路)

DFC_HegnSRCLinMi 上游氮氧过低

DFC_HegnSRCLinMi 下游氮氧过低

DFC_HegnWireDiag 上游氮氧传感器供电电源故障(传感器内部电路)

DFC_HegnWireDiag 下游氮氧传感器供电电源故障(传感器内部电路)

DFC_HESTLmpOL HEST后处理过温指示灯开路

DFC_HESTLmpOvrTe HEST后处理过温指示灯过温

DFC_HESTLmpSCB HEST后处理过温指示灯对电源短路

DFC_HESTLmpSCG HEST后处理过温指示灯对地短路

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_HLSDem_MonOB 转速OBD监控超过最大值

DFC_HLSDem_MonOB 转速OBD监控低于最小值

DFC_HydOilTPhysR 风扇变矩器的液压油温度物理值超上限故障

DFC_HydOilTPhysR 风扇变矩器的液压油温度物理值超下限故障

DFC_HydOilTSRCMa 风扇变矩器的液压油温度原始电压超上限故障

DFC_HydOilTSRCMi 风扇变矩器的液压油温度原始电压超下限故障

DFC_IAirHtOL 进气加热继电器开路

DFC_IAirHtOvrTem 进气加热继电器过温

DFC_IAirHtSCB 进气加热继电器对电源短路

DFC_IAirHtSCG 进气加热继电器对地短路

DFC_InduceSysAct 非加热系统不能供给尿素严重驾驶限制故障

DFC_InhLmpOL 脱硫禁止灯驱动开路

DFC_InhLmpOvrTem 脱硫禁止灯驱动过温

DFC_InhLmpSCB 脱硫禁止灯驱动对电源短路

DFC_InhLmpSCG 脱硫禁止灯驱动对地短路

DFC_InjCrvInjLim 需求喷射次数受到喷油器电气需求能达到最大喷射次数的限制

DFC_InjCrvInjLim 需求喷射次数受到高压油泵油量平衡所能达到最大喷射次数的限制

DFC_InjCrvInjLim 需求喷射次数受到系统允许最大喷射次数限制

DFC_InjCrvNumInj 需求喷射次数受到运行时间限制

DFC_InjCtlMonMax 喷射油量超上限

DFC_InjCtlMonMin 喷射油量超下限

DFC_InjDiaQOCfac 喷孔存在轻微磨损

DFC_InjDiaQOCMax 喷油器磨损

DFC_InjDiaQOCMin 喷油器堵塞

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_InjUnStrtPre 发动机启动建压存在异常

DFC_InjUnStrtTst 发动机启动诊断存在异常

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Dc 喷油器驱动电压过低

DFC_InjVlv_DI_No 1缸喷油器开路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_No 5缸喷油器开路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_No 3缸喷油器开路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_No 6缸喷油器开路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_No 2缸喷油器开路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_No 4缸喷油器开路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Sc 喷油器bank0对地短路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Sc 喷油器bank1对地短路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Sc 1缸喷油器短路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Sc 5缸喷油器短路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Sc 3缸喷油器短路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Sc 6缸喷油器短路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Sc 2缸喷油器短路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Sc 4缸喷油器短路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Sc 1缸喷油器高边低边短路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Sc 3缸喷油器高边低边短路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Sc 4缸喷油器高边低边短路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Sc 2缸喷油器高边低边短路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Sc 2缸喷油器高边低边短路故障

DFC_InjVlv_DI_Sc 4缸喷油器高边低边短路故障

DFC_IVAdjDiaIVAd 物理1缸IQA修正异常

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_IVAdjDiaIVAd 物理2缸IQA修正异常

DFC_IVAdjDiaIVAd 物理3缸IQA修正异常

DFC_IVAdjDiaIVAd 物理4缸IQA修正异常

DFC_IVAdjDiaIVAd 物理5缸IQA修正异常

DFC_IVAdjDiaIVAd 物理6缸IQA修正异常

DFC_LimChgPAirFl 空滤器更换提醒故障

DFC_LimErrPAirFl 空滤器堵塞故障

DFC_MaxPTOSwt 硬线PTO开关开路或与电源短路故障

DFC_MeUnNoDiagIn 油量计量单元虚接

DFC_MeUnOlHsLs 油量计量单元开路故障

DFC_MeUnScbHs 油量计量单元高边对电源故障

DFC_MeUnScbLs 油量计量单元低边对电源短路故障

DFC_MeUnScgHs 油量计量单元高边对地短路故障

DFC_MeUnScgLs 油量计量单元低边对地短路故障

DFC_MeUnScHsLs 油量计量单元高边与低边短路故障

DFC_MeUnSRCMax MeUn电流超上限

DFC_MeUnSRCMin MeUn电流超下限





DFC_MinPTOSwt 硬线PTO开关与地短路故障

DFC_MoCADCNTP ADC无负载测试脉冲监控故障

DFC_MoCADCTst ADC测试电压监控故障

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green


DFC_MoFAPP 加速踏板两个电压不一致

DFC_MoFInjDatBlk 空喷射加电时间不可信

DFC_MoFInjDatET 喷油器加电时间不可信

DFC_MoFInjDatPhi 喷射提前角不可信

DFC_MoFInjQnt 零油量标定的加电时间不可信

DFC_MoFMode1 后喷2效能不可信

DFC_MoFMode2 后喷2关闭错误

DFC_MoFMode3 后喷3效能不可信

DFC_MoFOvR OverRun时加电时间超过最大值

DFC_MoFOvRHtPrt Overrun时喷油器加电时间超过最大允许值(对喷油器的过热保护)

DFC_MoFQntCor 喷射量修正波形不可信

DFC_MoFRailP 轨压错误

DFC_MoFRmtApp 远程加速踏板两个电压不一致

DFC_MoFStrt 启动失败故障

DFC_MoFTrqCmp 发动机实际扭矩与允许扭矩不一致

DFC_MonLimCurr 轨压控制路径被功能控制模块扭矩监测限制

DFC_MonLimLead 空气系统路径被功能控制模块扭矩监测限制

DFC_MonLimSet 喷油量设定路径被功能控制模块扭矩监测限制

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU0 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU1 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU1 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU1 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU1 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU1 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU1 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU1 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU1 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU2 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU2 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU2 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU2 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU2 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU3 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU3 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU3 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU3 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU3 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU3 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU3 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU3 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU3 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU3 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU4 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU4 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU4 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU4 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU4 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU4 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU4 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU4 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU5 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU5 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU5 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU5 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU5 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU5 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU5 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU5 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU5 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU5 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU5 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU6 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU6 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU6 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU6 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU7 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU7 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU7 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU7 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU7 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU7 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU8 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU8 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MOXEMM_FCCU8 安全监控相关诊断(底层)

DFC_MRlyOL ECU主继电器开路

DFC_MRlySCB ECU主继电器对电源短路

DFC_MRlySCG ECU主继电器对地短路





DFC_NplHsChngPPF DPF安装反故障

DFC_NplPresSensC 曲轴箱压力绝对值超出限值

DFC_NplPresSensP DPF移除故障

DFC_NplPTOSwt PTO开关不可信


DFC_OCWDACom ECU故障,问答通讯故障导致WDA激活

DFC_OCWDAErrPin ECU故障,ErrorPin激活

DFC_OilLvlMax 机油液位传感器电压超上限(大陆恒流源)

DFC_OilLvlMin 机油液位传感器电压超下限(大陆恒流源)

DFC_OilLvlNpl 机油液位信号不可信(大陆恒流源)

DFC_OilLvlPhysRn 机油液位传感器物理超上限(大陆恒流源)

DFC_OilLvlPhysRn 机油液位传感器物理超下限(大陆恒流源)

DFC_OilPLmpOL 机油压力灯开路

DFC_OilPLmpOvrTe 机油压力灯过温

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_OilPLmpSCB 机油压力灯对电源短路

DFC_OilPLmpSCG 机油压力灯对地短路

DFC_OilPMin 机油压力过低

DFC_OilPNpl 机油压力信号不可信

DFC_OilPSwmpPhys 机油压力过高

DFC_OilPSwmpPhys 机油压力过低

DFC_OilPSwmpSRCM 机油压力传感器开路

DFC_OilPSwmpSRCM 机油压力传感器短路

DFC_OilTPhysRngH 机油温度过高

DFC_OilTPhysRngL 机油温度过低

DFC_OilTSRCMax 机油温度传感器开路

DFC_OilTSRCMin 机油温度传感器短路

DFC_OilTVDPlaus 机油温度测量不准确

DFC_PAirCPhysRng 空调压缩机压力传感器压力超上限故障

DFC_PAirCPhysRng 空调压缩机压力传感器压力超下限故障

DFC_PAirCSRCMax 空调压缩机压力传感器原始电压超上限故障

DFC_PAirCSRCMin 空调压缩机压力传感器原始电压超下限故障

DFC_PAirFltDsPhy 空滤后压力物理值超上限故障

DFC_PAirFltDsPhy 空滤后压力物理值超下限故障

DFC_PAirFltDsPls 空滤后压力和环境压力差值超上限不可信故障

DFC_PAirFltDsPls 空滤后压力和环境压力差值超下限不可信故障

DFC_PAirFltDsSRC 空滤后压力传感器原始电压超上限故障

DFC_PAirFltDsSRC 空滤后压力传感器原始电压超下限故障

DFC_PCACDsLpPhys 低压级中冷后压力过高(PhysRngHi)

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_PCACDsLpPhys 低压级中冷后压力过低(PhysRngLo)

DFC_PCACDsLpPlsH 低压级中冷后压力测量不准确(PlsHi)

DFC_PCACDsLpPlsL 低压级中冷后压力测量不准确(PlsLo)

DFC_PCACDsLpSRCM 低压级中冷后压力传感器开路

DFC_PCACDsLpSRCM 低压级中冷后压力传感器短路

DFC_PCDLmpOL PCD灯开路(非道路启用)

DFC_PCDLmpOvrTem PCD灯过温(非道路启用)

DFC_PCDLmpSCB PCD灯对电源短路(非道路启用)

DFC_PCDLmpSCG PCD灯对地短路(非道路启用)

DFC_PCRAirSlwRes 增压器增压压力响应慢(Neg)

DFC_PCRAirSlwRes 增压器增压压力响应慢(Pos)

DFC_PCRGovDvtMax 增压器增压压力低

DFC_PCRGovDvtMax 增压器增压压力低Lvl1(中等)

DFC_PCRGovDvtMax 增压器增压压力低Lvl2(严重)

DFC_PCRGovDvtMin 增压器增压压力高

DFC_PCRSlwResp 增压器控制慢反应错误

DFC_PCRTiToCtl 增压器运行中强制闭环

DFC_PCRTiToStrtC 增压器启动时强制闭环

DFC_PEnvRngChkMa 环境压力过高

DFC_PEnvRngChkMi 环境压力过低

DFC_PEnvSigRngMa 环境压力过高

DFC_PEnvSigRngMi 环境压力过低

DFC_PEnvSnsrPlau 环境压力测量不准确

DFC_PfEff DPF过滤效率低

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_PfEff1 DPF 效率诊断1(积分法)

DFC_PfEffSootSen DPF过滤颗粒能力超下限故障

DFC_PfFbLim DPF 再生时喷射能力闭环能力差

DFC_PfFbTout DPF再生时无法闭环控制

DFC_PfFrqHi DPF再生频率过高

DFC_PFltDstrMin DPF压差传感器的压力值最小偏差故障


DFC_PFltLmpOvrTe DPF灯过温

DFC_PFltLmpSCB DPF灯对电源短路


DFC_PFltManRgnSu 再生禁止开关粘连

DFC_PFltRgnDmdDr 驻车再生开关粘连

DFC_PFltSupLmpOL DPF再生禁止灯开路

DFC_PFltSupLmpOv DPF再生禁止灯过温

DFC_PFltSupLmpSC DPF再生禁止灯对电源短路

DFC_PFltSupLmpSC DPF再生禁止灯对地短路

DFC_PfMiss DPF 移除

DFC_PfNotCmp DPF再生不完全

DFC_PfOvldLv1 DPF 过载Level1

DFC_PfOvldLv2 DPF 过载Level2

DFC_PfSenPdifDyn DPF 压差传感器动态变化信号不可信

DFC_PfSenPdifOfs T15下电后DPF 压差传感器信号不可信

DFC_PfSenPdifRng DPF 压差传感器信号不可信

DFC_PfSenTempDs DPF 下游温度传感器可信性校验

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_PfTemperatur DPF温度过高

DFC_PIntkVUsPhys 进气压力过大(物理值超上限故障)

DFC_PIntkVUsPhys 进气压力过小(物理值超下限故障)

DFC_PIntkVUsPlsH 进气压力测量不准确(PlsHi)

DFC_PIntkVUsPlsL 进气压力测量不准确(PlsLo)

DFC_PIntkVUsSRCM 进气压力传感器开路

DFC_PIntkVUsSRCM 进气压力传感器短路

DFC_PlausUrDosVl 低电池电压下尿素喷嘴的针阀被卡住

DFC_PPDsBattErrH PM传感器控制单元电压过高

DFC_PPDsBattErrL PM传感器控制单元电压过低

DFC_PPDsDiagSig PM传感器CAN通讯故障

DFC_PPDsHeatrMon PM 传感器加热器故障

DFC_PPDsHeatrOL PM 传感器加热器开路故障

DFC_PPDsHeatrPcb PM 传感器加热器PCB 电路故障

DFC_PPDsHeatrScb PM 传感器对电源短路

DFC_PPDsHeatrScg PM 传感器对地短路

DFC_PPDsIDEMon PM 传感器自检测故障

DFC_PPDsIDENegUO PM传感器停止供电时的负电极故障

DFC_PPDsIDEPosOv PM 传感器正电极过压故障

DFC_PPDsIDEPosSc PM 传感器正电极对电源短路故障

DFC_PPDsIDEPosSc PM 传感器正电极对地短路故障

DFC_PPDsIDEShntC PM 传感器旁路检测故障

DFC_PPDsPwrDcdcM PM 传感器控制单元电压过高故障

DFC_PPDsPwrDcdcM PM 传感器控制单元电压过低故障

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_PPDsSnsrSig PM传感器连接故障

DFC_PPDsSnvtyFac PM传感器敏感因子不在范围内

DFC_PPDsTempMeaH PM 传感器温度过高故障

DFC_PPDsTempMeaL PM 传感器温度过低故障

DFC_PPDsTempPcb1 PM 传感器PCB1电流超上限故障

DFC_PPDsTempPcb1 PM 传感器PCB1电流超下限故障

DFC_PPDsTempPcb2 PM 传感器PCB2电流超上限故障

DFC_PPDsTempPcb2 PM 传感器PCB2电流超下限故障

DFC_PPFltDiffEnh DPF压差传感器测量值过高

DFC_PPFltDiffEnh DPF压差传感器测量值过低

DFC_PPFltDiffNpl DPF压差动态变化故障

DFC_PPFltDiffNpl DPF管路完全堵塞故障

DFC_PPFltDiffSot DPF管路脱落故障

DFC_PPFltDiffSRC DPF压差传感器开路

DFC_PPFltDiffSRC DPF压差传感器短路

DFC_PPFltUsPhysR DPF入口压力物理值超上限故障故障

DFC_PPFltUsPhysR DPF入口压力物理值超下限故障故障

DFC_PPFltUsPlsHi DPF上游压力传感器可信性超上限

DFC_PPFltUsPlsLo DPF下游压力传感器可信性超上限

DFC_PPFltUsSensF 低温下DPF入口压力传感器有水造成的故障

DFC_PPFltUsSRCMa DPF入口压力原始电压超上限故障故障

DFC_PPFltUsSRCMi DPF入口压力原始电压超下限故障故障

DFC_PRVctOpnMax PRV阀开启次数超限

DFC_PRVFrOpnPres 主动冲阀轨压上升监控

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_PRVFrOpnPres 主动冲阀高轨压冲击建立监控


DFC_PRVOpnNotPla 非期望PRV开启监控

DFC_PRVQBalChk 主动冲阀油量平衡检查

DFC_PRVRPOutOfRn 平均轨压超上下限

DFC_PRVtiOpnMax PRV开启时间超限

DFC_PSPOL 电控输油泵开路

DFC_PSPOvrTemp 电控输油泵过温

DFC_PSPSCB 电控输油泵对电源短路

DFC_PSPSCG 电控输油泵对地短路

DFC_PTOSwtDEC1Si 来自CAN报文的多态开关信号不可用

DFC_PTrbnUsPhysR 涡前压力过高(物理值范围超上限故障)

DFC_PTrbnUsPhysR 涡前压力过低(物理值范围超下限故障)

DFC_PTrbnUsPlsHi 涡前压力测量不准确(PlsHi)

DFC_PTrbnUsPlsLo 涡前压力测量不准确(PlsLo)

DFC_PTrbnUsSRCMa 涡轮前压力传感器开路

DFC_PTrbnUsSRCMi 涡轮前压力传感器短路

DFC_PVenDltPls 文丘里管压差传感器测量不准确(不可信故障)

DFC_PVenDltSRCMa 文丘里管压差传感器开路

DFC_PVenDltSRCMi 文丘里管压差传感器短路

DFC_PVenUsPlsHi 文丘里管上游压力传感器测量不准确(PlsHi)

DFC_PVenUsPlsLo 文丘里管上游压力传感器测量不准确(PlsLo)

DFC_PVenUsSRCMax 文丘里管上游压力传感器开路

DFC_PVenUsSRCMin 文丘里管上游压力传感器短路

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_RailCPC1 CPC模式下PCV设定值异常

DFC_RailCPC3 CPC模式下最小轨压异常

DFC_RailCPC4 CPC模式下最大轨压异常

DFC_RailHiZrDlv MeUn模式下零油量超限

DFC_RailHiZrDlvA MeUn自适应模式下零油量超限

DFC_RailLimpHome Limp Home时间超限

DFC_RailMeUn0 实际轨压低于设定轨压200bar

DFC_RailMeUn10 油泵以最大能力供油,还无法满足发动机需求油量,燃油系统有泄

DFC_RailMeUn13 MeUn模式下负向轨压偏差异常

DFC_RailMeUn2 实际轨压高于设定轨压200bar

DFC_RailMeUn22 MeUn模式下二阶段零流量负向轨压异常

DFC_RailMeUn3 实际轨压低于200bar

DFC_RailMeUn4 实际轨压过高

DFC_RailMeUn42 MeUn模式下二阶段最大轨压异常

DFC_RailMeUn7 发动机突卸时,喷油量过大

DFC_RailMeUn8 发动机怠速时,喷油量过大

DFC_RailMonInjRl 起动过程中,实际轨压低于200bar

DFC_RailMonTTC 轨压控制进闭环等待时间超限

DFC_RailPCVLimpE 跛行模式下轨压最大值超限

DFC_RailPCVLimpE 跛行模式下喷油量小于限值

DFC_RailPCVLimpE 跛行模式下油温超限

DFC_RailPGradMon 轨压传感器虚接

DFC_RailPOfsTstC 轨压传感器自学习值超上限

DFC_RailPOfsTstC 轨压传感器自学习值超下限

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_RailPOfsTstM 轨压传感器电压超上限

DFC_RailPOfsTstM 轨压传感器电压超下限

DFC_RailPSRCMax 轨压传感器开路

DFC_RailPSRCMin 轨压传感器短路

DFC_RailStartNoP 建压失败导致启动失败

DFC_RailSwtCPCMa 轨压控制模式从MeUn调至CPC次数超限

DFC_RBA_IOEXTLIB 运行时某外设KeepAlive故障

DFC_RBA_IOEXTLIB 初始化期间某外设KeepAlive故障

DFC_rba_IoSigRtc 计数器StopCounter计数速度过快/过慢或与计数器断通讯

DFC_rba_MemDiag_ EEPROM读错误

DFC_rba_MemDiag_ EEPROM写错误

DFC_rba_MemDiagE ECU内存读故障

DFC_rba_MultiSta ECU堆栈溢出

DFC_rba_SyC_IrrS 监控计数器非法关闭

DFC_rba_T15_Diag 通过通讯总线传递的T15信号无效

DFC_rba_T15_Diag 通过通讯总线传递的T15是关闭状态但是硬件信号为打开状态

DFC_rba_T15_Diag 通过通讯总线传递的T15是打开状态但是硬件信号为关闭状态

DFC_RdcAgQlDetFa 基于喷射量的尿素品质不合格故障

DFC_RebtHtOL 呼吸器加热继电器开路

DFC_RebtHtOvrTem 呼吸器加热继电器过温

DFC_RebtHtSCB 呼吸器加热继电器对电源短路

DFC_RebtHtSCG 呼吸器加热继电器对地短路

DFC_RevVlvPlaus 反向阀故障

DFC_SCRChkAdapMa 自适应因子超最大值

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_SCRChkAdapMi 自适应因子超最小值


DFC_SCRChkEta1 氮氧转化效率低

DFC_SCRChkEta2 SCR效率诊断2

DFC_SCRChkEta3 SCR效率诊断3

DFC_SCRChkNOxDsP SCR下游Nox传感器峰值检测

DFC_SCRChkNOxDsS SCR下游Nox传感器峰值检测时下游Nox值错误

DFC_SCRChkNOxUsP 上游Nox超上限

DFC_SCRChkNOxUsP 上游Nox超下限


DFC_SCRCtlRmnDst 尿素剩余里程低故障

DFC_SCRCtlRmnDst 尿素剩余里程低于第一阶段警告限值故障

DFC_SCRCtlRmnDst 尿素剩余里程低于第二阶段警告限值故障

DFC_SCRDEFSplyLo SCR加热系统在环境温度为-17℃时,70min未实现尿素供给




DFC_ScrEDRdcAgQl 尿素品质检测失败



DFC_SCRLmpOvrTem SCR脱硫灯过温



DFC_SCRMonAftRun 在压力补偿后压力过低

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_SCRMonDetMod 尿素回流管压力过高

DFC_SCRMonDetMod 尿素压力管压力过高

DFC_SCRMonDetMod 尿素压力不稳定


DFC_SCRMonLdStOv 回流管尿素未清空

DFC_SCRMonMetCtl 尿素在喷射过程中压力过高

DFC_SCRMonMetCtl 喷射过程中尿素压力过低

DFC_SCRMonOvrPre 喷射过程中尿素压力过高

DFC_SCRMonPBldUp 尿素泵建压失败

DFC_SCRMonPBldUp 尿素泵建压失败

DFC_SCRMonPresBu 尿素系统建压失败

DFC_SCRMonPresRd 尿素系统泄压后压力过高

DFC_SCRPODEnhdCd SCR系统尿素喷射测试时消耗偏差过大故障

DFC_SCRPODFilFul 尿素泵过滤器功率超限


DFC_SCRPODLeakDe 尿素未喷射时,尿素发生泄露

DFC_SCRPODMonTnk 尿素箱温度偏差大

DFC_SCRPODPlausU 冷启动前后处理下游(SCR)排气温度传感器偏差大

DFC_SCRPODPlausU 后处理上游(SCR)排气温度偏低

DFC_SCRPODPlausU 后处理(SCR)上游排气温度过高

DFC_SCRPODPlausU 冷启动前后处理上游(SCR)排气温度传感器偏差大

DFC_SCRPODPlausU 尿素喷嘴的针阀被卡住

DFC_SCRPODPlausU 尿素箱尿素消耗过少

DFC_SCRPODPlausU 尿素箱尿素消耗过多

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_SCRPODPRednE 回流泵泄压时最小压力超限

DFC_SCRPODPSnsrP 尿素泵压传感器超上限

DFC_SCRPODPSnsrP 尿素泵压传感器超下限

DFC_SCRPODPUQPEr 尿素泵占空比不跟随喷嘴占空比改变

DFC_SCRPODSMHtr 经过加热,尿素泵及其加热器温度均未上升

DFC_SCRPODSMHtrT 经过加热,尿素泵加热器温度均未上升

DFC_SCRPODSMHtrT 冷启动状态下尿素泵加热器温度不可信故障

DFC_SCRPODSMT 尿素泵温度过高或过低

DFC_SCRPODSMTCld 冷启动状态下尿素泵温度不可信故障

DFC_SCRPODTestIn SCR系统尿素喷射测试时偏差超范围故障


DFC_SCRPODTnkTem 尿素箱温升过慢


DFC_SCRPODUrQlyD 经过快速和慢速滤波器滤波后的尿素浓度差值太大

DFC_SCRPODUrTank 尿素箱温度超上限

DFC_SCRPODUrTank 尿素箱温度超下限

DFC_SCRRCntErr 由于尿素过少发动机启动次数超限值故障

DFC_ScrSulfurPoi 硫中毒故障

DFC_SCRTDosDisbl SCR温度模型错误

DFC_SigPTOSwt 来自报文的PTO开关无效

DFC_SigUTnkLvl 尿素箱液位信息错误

DFC_SMHtrTDycFai 尿素泵加热器反馈占空比信号超范围故障

DFC_SMHtrTDycInv 尿素泵加热器反馈占空比信号无效故障

DFC_SMNoAvl 尿素泵加热失败

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_SMPerPwm 尿素泵反馈信号周期超范围

DFC_SMPwm 尿素泵反馈信号未按协议顺序反馈故障

DFC_SMTDycFail 尿素泵反馈温度信号超范围

DFC_SMTDycInvld 尿素泵反馈温度信号无效

DFC_SMTLoErr 尿素泵驱动前温度过低故障

DFC_SootSenBat PM 传感器电池可信性检测

DFC_SootSenCan PM 传感器CAN 通讯检测

DFC_SootSenClgdP PM 传感器软管堵塞检测

DFC_SootSenFacSn PM传感器精度故障

DFC_SootSenHeatF PM传感器加热自检故障

DFC_SootSenHeatO PM传感器开路故障

DFC_SootSenHeatO PM传感器加热故障

DFC_SootSenIDENe PM 传感器IDE低边错误

DFC_SootSenIDEPo PM 传感器IDE高边错误

DFC_SootSenIDESe PM 传感器IDE功能自检

DFC_SootSenIDESh PM 传感器IDE 并联电路检测

DFC_SootSenTempO PM 传感器可信性检测

DFC_SootSenTempP 上电时PM 传感器可信性检测

DFC_SootSenTMea PM 传感器过温检测

DFC_SootSenTPcb PM 传感器硬件温度检测

DFC_SootSenUnmnt PM 传感器是否安装检测

DFC_SRCHighAdjSp 发电用转速微调旋钮原始电压超上限故障

DFC_SRCHighAPP1 油门踏板1与电源短路故障

DFC_SRCHighAPP2 油门踏板2与电源短路故障

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_SRCHighRmtAP 远程油门踏板1与电源短路故障

DFC_SRCHighRmtAP 远程油门踏板2与电源短路故障

DFC_SRCHighSpdGo 发电用调速率旋钮原始电压超上限故障

DFC_SRCLowAdjSpd 发电用转速微调旋钮原始电压超下限故障

DFC_SRCLowAPP1 油门踏板1开路或对地短路故障

DFC_SRCLowAPP2 油门踏板2开路或对地短路故障

DFC_SRCLowRmtAPP 远程油门踏板1开路或对地短路故障

DFC_SRCLowRmtAPP 远程油门踏板2开路或对地短路故障

DFC_SRCLowSpdGov 发电用调速率旋钮原始电压超下限故障

DFC_SRCMaxUTnkLv 尿素箱液位传感器原始电压超上限故障

DFC_SRCMinUTnkLv 尿素箱液位传感器原始电压超下限故障

DFC_SSpMon1 供电模块1监控故障

DFC_SSpMon1OT 供电模块1输出温度过高

DFC_SSpMon1OV 供电模块1输出电压过高

DFC_SSpMon1SCG 供电模块1对地短接

DFC_SSpMon1UV 供电模块1输出电压欠压

DFC_SSpMon2 供电模块2监控故障

DFC_SSpMon2OT 供电模块2输出温度过高

DFC_SSpMon2OV 供电模块2输出电压过高

DFC_SSpMon2SCG 供电模块2对地短接

DFC_SSpMon2UV 供电模块2输出电压欠压

DFC_SSpMon3 供电3监控故障(针脚5.14&5.15&5.31&5.34&7.18&7.19&7.32)

DFC_SSpMon3OT 供电3输出温度过高(针脚5.14&5.15&5.31&5.34&7.18&7.19&7.32)

DFC_SSpMon3OV 供电3输出电压过高(针脚5.14&5.15&5.31&5.34&7.18&7.19&7.32)

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_SSpMon3SCG 供电3对地短接(针脚5.14&5.15&5.31&5.34&7.18&7.19&7.32)

DFC_SSpMon3UV 供电3输出电压欠压(针脚5.14&5.15&5.31&5.34&7.18&7.19&7.32)

DFC_SSpMonSply1M 12V供电电压过高

DFC_SSpMonSply1M 12V供电电压过低

DFC_SSpMonSplyMa 内部12V供电电压过高

DFC_SSpMonSplyMi 内部12V供电电压过低

DFC_StopLmpOL 红色停止灯开路

DFC_StopLmpOvrTe 红色停止灯过温

DFC_StopLmpSCB 红色停止灯对电源短路

DFC_StopLmpSCG 红色停止灯对地短路

DFC_stRmtLckMod1 远程锁车限制转速

DFC_stRmtLckMod2 远程锁车禁止发动机起动

DFC_StrtLim 发动机多次起动超限

DFC_StrtOL 启动继电器开路

DFC_StrtOvrTemp 启动继电器过温故障

DFC_StrtSCB 启动继电器对电源短路

DFC_StrtSCG 启动继电器对地短路

DFC_SurDert1 脱硫请求时间超过标定时间1

DFC_SurDert2 脱硫请求时间超过标定时间2

DFC_SVSOL 故障/诊断(闪码灯)开路

DFC_SVSOvrTemp 故障/诊断(闪码灯)过温

DFC_SVSSCB 故障/诊断(闪码灯)对电源短路

DFC_SVSSCG 故障/诊断(闪码灯)对地短路

DFC_SWReset_0 ECU软件复位1

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_SWReset_1 ECU软件复位1

DFC_SWReset_2 ECU软件复位1

DFC_SyncAPP 油门踏板1信号与踏板2信号不同步

DFC_SyncAPPDblPo 传感器电压与怠速开关状态不可信

DFC_SyncRmtAPP 远程油门踏板1信号与踏板2信号不同步

DFC_SysDiagIndcC 非加热系统低温条件激活车速限制

DFC_SysDiagIndcC 非加热系统达到低温条件报警

DFC_SysDiagIndcE EGR卡滞类故障导致扭矩限制

DFC_SysDiagIndcE EGR卡滞类故障导致车速限制

DFC_SysDiagIndcE EGR卡滞类故障报警

DFC_SysDiagIndcI 尿素喷射系统干扰分组故障导致扭矩限制

DFC_SysDiagIndcI 尿素喷射系统干扰分组故障导致车速限制

DFC_SysDiagIndcI 尿素喷射系统干扰分组故障导致报警

DFC_SysDiagIndcO 驾驶诱导系统不激活报警故障

DFC_SysDiagIndcO PM故障驾驶诱导系统不激活报警故障(非道路启用)

DFC_SysDiagIndcP PCD系统失效分组故障导致扭矩限制(非道路启用)

DFC_SysDiagIndcP PCD系统失效分组故障导致车速限制(非道路启用)

DFC_SysDiagIndcP PCD系统失效分组故障导致报警(非道路启用)

DFC_SysDiagIndcP PM系统堵塞分组故障导致扭矩限制(非道路启用)

DFC_SysDiagIndcP PM系统堵塞分组故障导致车速限制(非道路启用)

DFC_SysDiagIndcP PM系统堵塞分组故障导致报警(非道路启用)

DFC_SysDiagIndcP PM系统失效分组故障导致扭矩限制(非道路启用)

DFC_SysDiagIndcP PM系统失效分组故障导致车速限制(非道路启用)

DFC_SysDiagIndcP PM系统失效分组故障导致报警(非道路启用)

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_SysDiagIndcR 尿素液位低激活报警

DFC_SysDiagIndcR 尿素溶液消耗信号错误分组故障导致扭矩限制

DFC_SysDiagIndcR 尿素溶液消耗信号错误分组故障导致车速限制

DFC_SysDiagIndcR 尿素溶液消耗信号错误分组故障导致报警激活

DFC_SysDiagIndcR 尿素溶液质量信号错误分组故障导致扭矩限制

DFC_SysDiagIndcR 尿素溶液质量信号错误分组故障导致车速限制

DFC_SysDiagIndcR 尿素溶液质量信号错误分组故障导致报警激活

DFC_SysDiagIndcT 系统作弊故障导致扭矩限制

DFC_SysDiagIndcT 系统作弊故障导致车速限制

DFC_SysDiagIndcT 系统作弊故障报警

DFC_SysDiagIndcU 尿素液位低激活激活扭矩限制

DFC_SysDiagIndcU 尿素液位低激活激活车速限制

DFC_SysDiagIndcU 尿素液位低激活报警

DFC_SysDiagPmFlt PM故障确认并激活(非道路启用)

DFC_SysDiagRepOf 驾驶诱导系统中扭矩限制重复激活故障

DFC_SysDiagRepOf 驾驶诱导系统中车速限制重复激活故障

DFC_T50Err 点火钥匙开启的时间太长

DFC_TAFSDtyCycHi 进气温度信号错误(TAFS占空比超上限)

DFC_TAFSDtyCycLo 进气温度信号错误(TAFS占空比超下限)

DFC_TAFSPerHi 进气温度信号错误(TAFS周期超上限)

DFC_TAFSPerLo 进气温度信号错误(TAFS周期超下限)

DFC_TAFSPhysRngH 进气温度过高(TAFS物理值超上限)

DFC_TAFSPhysRngL 进气温度过低(TAFS物理值超下限)

DFC_TAFSVDPlaus 进气温度信号测量不准确(TAFS信号不可信)

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_TCACDsLpPhys 低压级中冷后进气压力过高(物理值超上限故障)

DFC_TCACDsLpPhys 低压级中冷后进气压力过低(物理值超下限故障)

DFC_TCACDsLpSRCM 低压级中冷后进气压力传感器开路

DFC_TCACDsLpSRCM 低压级中冷后进气压力传感器短路

DFC_TCACDsLpVDPl 低压级中冷后温度测量不准确(信号不可信)

DFC_TCACDsPhysRn 中冷后进气温度过高(物理值超上限故障)

DFC_TCACDsPhysRn 中冷后进气温度过高(物理值超下限故障)

DFC_TCACDsSRCMax 中冷后进气温度传感器开路

DFC_TCACDsSRCMin 中冷后进气温度传感器短路

DFC_TCACDsVDPlau 中冷后温度测量不准确(信号不可信)

DFC_TCACUsPhysRn 中冷前进气温度过高(物理值超上限故障)

DFC_TCACUsPhysRn 中冷前进气温度过低(物理值超下限故障)

DFC_TCACUsSRCMax 中冷前进气温度传感器开路

DFC_TCACUsSRCMin 中冷前进气温度传感器短路

DFC_TCACUsVDPlau 中冷前温度测量不准确(信号不可信)





DFC_TECUSnsrPlau ECU温度测量不准确

DFC_TEGRClrDsPhy EGR冷后温度过高(物理值超上限故障)

DFC_TEGRClrDsPhy EGR冷后温度过低(物理值超下限故障)

DFC_TEGRClrDsSRC EGR冷却器下游温度传感器开路

DFC_TEGRClrDsSRC EGR冷却器下游温度传感器短路

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_TEGRClrDsVDP EGR冷却器下游温度测量不准确(信号不可信)

DFC_TempCtlStgEr 再生或脱硫分阶段温度过低(温度拉升次数超过限值)

DFC_ThermtJamTst 节温器卡滞故障

DFC_ThrVlvDrftCl 节流阀关闭位置电压错误(DrftClsd)

DFC_ThrVlvdrftOp 节流阀开启位置电压错误(DrftOpn)

DFC_ThrVlvDrftRn 节流阀开启或关闭位置电压错误(DrftRng)

DFC_ThrVlvGovDvt 冷启动时节流阀故障(GovDvtCld)

DFC_ThrVlvGovDvt 节流阀开度过小(GovDvtMax)

DFC_ThrVlvGovDvt 节流阀开度过大(GovDvtMin)

DFC_ThrVlvHBrgCO 节流阀电机故障(HBrgCOMErr)

DFC_ThrVlvHBrgOp 节流阀阀电机开路故障(HBrgOpnLd)

DFC_ThrVlvHBrgOv 节流阀电机过温故障(HBrgOvrTemp)

DFC_ThrVlvHBrgSh 节流阀电机供电线1对电源短路故障

DFC_ThrVlvHBrgSh 节流阀电机供电线2对电源短路故障

DFC_ThrVlvHBrgSh 节流阀电机供电线1对地短路故障

DFC_ThrVlvHBrgSh 节流阀电机供电线2对地短路故障

DFC_ThrVlvHBrgSh 节流阀电机电流过大故障

DFC_ThrVlvHBrgUn 节流阀电机供电电压低

DFC_ThrVlvJamVlv 节流阀卡滞(JamVlvClsd)

DFC_ThrVlvJamVlv 节流阀卡滞(JamVlvOpn)

DFC_ThrVlvLonTim 节流阀关闭位置电压错误(LonTimeDrftClsd)

DFC_ThrVlvLonTim 节流阀打开位置电压错误(LonTimeDrftOpn)

DFC_ThrVlvOL 节流阀开路

DFC_ThrVlvOvrTem 节流阀过温

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_ThrVlvPhysSR 节气门开度过大(PhysSRCMax)

DFC_ThrVlvPhysSR 节气门开度过小(PhysSRCMin)

DFC_ThrVlvSCB 节流阀对电源短路

DFC_ThrVlvSCG 节流阀对地短路

DFC_ThrVlvShrtTi 节流阀关闭位置电压错误(ShrtTimeDrftClsd)

DFC_ThrVlvShrtTi 节流阀关闭位置电压错误(ShrtTimeDrftOpn)

DFC_ThrVlvSprgBr 节流阀回位弹簧损坏

DFC_ThrVlvSRCMax 节流阀传感器开路

DFC_ThrVlvSRCMin 节流阀传感器短路

DFC_ThrVlvTmpErr 节流阀温度高故障

DFC_TIntkVUsPhys 进气歧管温度过高(物理值超上限故障)

DFC_TIntkVUsPhys 进气歧管温度过低(物理值超下限故障)

DFC_TIntkVUsSRCM 进气歧管温度传感器开路

DFC_TIntkVUsSRCM 进气歧管温度传感器短路

DFC_TIntkVUsVDPl 歧管温度传感器测量不准确(信号不可信)

DFC_TOxiCatDsPhy DOC下游温度物理值超上限

DFC_TOxiCatDsPhy DOC下游温度物理值超下限

DFC_TOxiCatDsSRC DOC下游温度电压值超上限

DFC_TOxiCatDsSRC DOC下游温度电压值超下限

DFC_TOxiCatUsNpl DOC上游温度不可信

DFC_TOxiCatUsPhy DOC上游温度过高(超过物理限值)

DFC_TOxiCatUsPhy DOC上游温度过低(低于物理限值)

DFC_TOxiCatUsSRC DOC上游温度传感器开路

DFC_TOxiCatUsSRC DOC上游温度传感器短路

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_TPFltDsPhysR DPF下游温度物理值超上限

DFC_TPFltDsPhysR DPF下游温度物理值超下限

DFC_TPFltDsSRCMa DPF下游温度电压值超上限

DFC_TPFltDsSRCMi DPF下游温度电压值超下限

DFC_TPFltUsNpl DPF上游温度不可信

DFC_TPFltUsPhysR DPF上游温度过高(超过物理限值)

DFC_TPFltUsPhysR DPF上游温度过低(低于物理限值)

DFC_TPFltUsSRCMa DPF上游温度传感器开路

DFC_TPFltUsSRCMi DPF上游温度传感器短路

DFC_TransOilTPhy 传动油温度物理值超上限故障

DFC_TransOilTPhy 传动油温度物理值超下限故障

DFC_TransOilTSRC 传动油温度原始电压超上限故障

DFC_TransOilTSRC 传动油温度原始电压超下限故障

DFC_TrbChCANErr 增压器CAN通讯故障

DFC_TrbChCmdSrcE 增压器CAN信号错误(CmdSrcErr)

DFC_TrbChCmdSrcT 增压器开路

DFC_TrbChEEPErr 增压器存储信号错误

DFC_TrbChElecErr 增压器内部电气故障

DFC_TrbChFault 增压器下电自学习错误

DFC_TrbChFdkFail 增压器反馈信号错误

DFC_TrbChInitFai 增压器初始化故障

DFC_TrbChInitFlt 增压器初始化错误

DFC_TrbChIntActr 增压器执行器错误

DFC_TrbChJamVlv 增压器卡滞故障

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_TrbChJamVlvL 增压器自学习过程堵塞故障

DFC_TrbChLowVolt 增压器低电压错误

DFC_TrbChLpPWMOL 低压级涡轮增压执行器开路

DFC_TrbChLpPWMOv 低压级涡轮增压执行器过温

DFC_TrbChLpPWMSC 低压级涡轮增压执行器对电源短路

DFC_TrbChLpPWMSC 低压级涡轮增压执行器对地短路

DFC_TrbChLrnErr 增压器自学习错误

DFC_TrbChLrnFail 增压器自学习失败

DFC_TrbChLrnRngE 增压器自学习错误(范围超限故障)

DFC_TrbChLrnValE 增压器学习值错误故障

DFC_TrbChMotEff 增压器电机故障(MotEff)

DFC_TrbChOvrSpd 增压器转速超速故障

DFC_TrbChOvrTemp 增压器过温故障

DFC_TrbChParkPos 增压器停止位置错误(ParkPos)

DFC_TrbChPWMOL 增压器开路

DFC_TrbChPWMOvrT 增压器过温

DFC_TrbChPWMSCB 增压器对电源短路

DFC_TrbChPWMSCG 增压器对地短路

DFC_TrbChRefErr 增压器自学习故障(RefErr)

DFC_TrbChRunTst 增压器运行测试故障

DFC_TrbChShCirEr 增压器电机短路故障

DFC_TrbChSnsrErr 增压器位置传感器故障

DFC_TrbChSpdPlau 增压器转速信号不准确(不可信故障)

DFC_TrbChSpdSigL 增压器转速传感器信号错误(SpdSigLonPer)

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_TrbChSpdSRCM 增压器转速信号开路

DFC_TrbChSpdSRCM 增压器转速信号短路

DFC_TrbChTemp 增压器温度故障

DFC_TrbChTempFin 增压器温度故障

DFC_TrbChTempWar 增压器温度报警

DFC_TrbChThrmFai 增压器热敏电阻故障

DFC_TrbChVoltFau 增压器电压过高错误

DFC_TrbChVoltHi 增压器供电电压高故障

DFC_TrbChVoltLo 增压器供电电压低

DFC_TrbChWarnTem 增压器温度报警故障

DFC_TrbChWipeFau 增压器清扫失败故障

DFC_TTrbnUsNpl 涡前温度传感器测量不准确(信号不可信)

DFC_TTrbnUsPhysR 涡前温度过高(物理值超上限)

DFC_TTrbnUsPhysR 涡前温度过低(物理值超下限)

DFC_TTrbnUsSRCMa 涡前温度传感器开路

DFC_TTrbnUsSRCMi 涡前温度传感器短路

DFC_UCatDsTNpl SCR下游温度不可信

DFC_UCatDsTPhysR 后处理下游温度(SCR)高于合理值

DFC_UCatDsTPhysR 后处理(SCR)下游温度过低

DFC_UCatDsTSRCMa 后处理下游温度(SCR)传感器开路

DFC_UCatDsTSRCMi 后处理下游温度(SCR)传感器短路

DFC_UCatUsTPhysR 后处理上游温度(SCR)高于合理值

DFC_UCatUsTPhysR 后处理(SCR)上游温度过低

DFC_UCatUsTSRCMa 后处理上游温度(SCR)传感器开路

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_UCatUsTSRCMi 后处理上游温度(SCR)传感器短路

DFC_UDCRdcAgRmn 尿素箱空

DFC_UDCRdcAgRmnR 尿素箱液位低于5%

DFC_UDCRdcAgRmnW 尿素箱液位低于10%

DFC_UDosVlvOL 尿素喷嘴开路

DFC_UDosVlvSCB 尿素喷嘴对电源短路

DFC_UDosVlvSCG 尿素喷嘴对地短路

DFC_UDosVlvSCHSL 尿素喷嘴高低边短路

DFC_UHCEnfShOffW 后处理加热系统部件故障导致加热系统强制关闭清空

DFC_UHtrBLLdOL SCR加热系统回流管加热电阻丝开路

DFC_UHtrBLOL 尿素回流管继电器开路

DFC_UHtrBLOvrTem 尿素回流管继电器过温

DFC_UHtrBLSCB 尿素回流管继电器对电源短路

DFC_UHtrBLSCG 尿素回流管继电器对地短路

DFC_UHtrLdFdBkPl 尿素加热继电器负载端反馈电压不可信

DFC_UHtrMrOL 后处理加热总继电器开路

DFC_UHtrMrOvrTem 后处理加热总继电器过温

DFC_UHtrMrSCB 后处理加热总继电器对电源短路

DFC_UHtrMrSCG 后处理加热总继电器对地短路

DFC_UHtrPLLdOL SCR加热系统压力管加热电阻丝开路

DFC_UHtrPLOL 尿素压力管继电器开路

DFC_UHtrPLOvrTem 尿素压力管继电器过温

DFC_UHtrPLSCB 尿素压力管继电器对电源短路

DFC_UHtrPLSCG 尿素压力管继电器对地短路

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_UHtrRlyLdOL SCR加热主继电器负载端开路

DFC_UHtrRlyLdSCB SCR加热主继电器负载端对电源短路

DFC_UHtrRlyLdSCG SCR加热主继电器负载端对地短路

DFC_UHtrSLLdOL SCR加热系统吸液管加热电阻丝开路

DFC_UHtrSLOL 尿素吸液管继电器开路

DFC_UHtrSLOvrTem 尿素吸液管继电器过温

DFC_UHtrSLSCB 尿素吸液管继电器对电源短路

DFC_UHtrSLSCG 尿素吸液管继电器对地短路

DFC_UHtrSMLdOL SCR加热系统尿素泵加热端开路

DFC_UHtrSMOL 尿素泵加热继电器开路

DFC_UHtrSMOvrTem 尿素泵加热继电器过温

DFC_UHtrSMSCB 尿素泵加热继电器对电源短路

DFC_UHtrSMSCG 尿素泵加热继电器对地短路

DFC_UHtrTnkOL 尿素箱加热继电器开路

DFC_UHtrTnkOvrTe 尿素箱加热继电器低边过温

DFC_UHtrTnkSCB 尿素箱加热继电器低边对电源短路

DFC_UHtrTnkSCG 尿素箱加热继电器低边对地短路

DFC_UPmpMotComRx 尿素泵与ECU通讯错误

DFC_UPmpMotNDvt 尿素泵电机转速偏差永久性故障

DFC_UPmpMotNDvtP 尿素泵电机转速偏差故障

DFC_UPmpMotNoAvl 尿素泵无法驱动

DFC_UPmpMotOL 尿素泵开路

DFC_UPmpMotOvrTe 尿素泵过热

DFC_UPmpMotPwmPe 尿素泵反馈信息周期错误

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_UPmpMotratdc 尿素泵周期超出最大值

DFC_UPmpMotratdc 尿素泵周期低于最小值

DFC_UPmpMotratHT 尿素泵加热输出周期超出最大值

DFC_UPmpMotratHT 尿素泵加热输出周期低于最小值

DFC_UPmpMotratnP 尿素泵转速周期超出最大值

DFC_UPmpMotratnP 尿素泵转速周期低于最小值

DFC_UPmpMotratSM 尿素泵温度周期超出最大值

DFC_UPmpMotratSM 尿素泵温度周期低于最小值

DFC_UPmpMotSCB 尿素泵对电源短路

DFC_UPmpMotSCG 尿素泵对地短路

DFC_UPmpPPhysRng 尿素泵压力过高

DFC_UPmpPPhysRng 尿素泵压力过低

DFC_UPmpPPlausMa 尿素泵压力比环境压力差值高50百帕

DFC_UPmpPPlausMi 尿素泵压力比环境压力差值低500百帕

DFC_UPmpPSRCMax 尿素泵压力传感器开路

DFC_UPmpPSRCMin 尿素泵压力传感器短路

DFC_URevVlvOL 反向阀继电器开路

DFC_URevVlvOvrTe 反向阀继电器过热

DFC_URevVlvSCB 反向阀继电器对电源短路

DFC_URevVlvSCG 反向阀继电器对地短路

DFC_UrQlSnsrCatR 尿素品质传感器数据无效

DFC_UrQlSnsrConc 尿素添加液浓度错误

DFC_UrQlSnsrConc 尿素浓度过高

DFC_UrQlSnsrConc 尿素浓度过低

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_UrQlSnsrDEFN 尿素品质传感器信号不可用

DFC_UrQlSnsrDEFN 还原剂类型检测失败

DFC_UrQlSnsrDies 尿素箱内是柴油

DFC_UrQlSnsrInvl 尿素浓度信号无效

DFC_UrQlSnsrNoDE 不能决定还原剂类型

DFC_UrQlSnsrSCBO 尿素品质传感器开路

DFC_UrQlSnsrSCG 尿素品质传感器对地短路

DFC_UrQlSnsrSRCM 尿素浓度超上限

DFC_UrQlSnsrSRCM 尿素浓度超下限

DFC_UrQlSnsrStuc 尿素浓度在一定时间内无变化

DFC_UrQlSnsrTAmb 尿素温度过高

DFC_UrQlSnsrTInv 尿素温度信号无效

DFC_UrQlSnsrTout 浓度信号超时

DFC_UrQlSnsrTSCB 尿素温度传感器开路

DFC_UrQlSnsrTSCG 尿素温度传感器对地短路

DFC_UrQlSnsrTSRC 尿素温度信号超上限

DFC_UrQlSnsrTSRC 尿素温度信号超下限

DFC_UrQlSnsrTTou 尿素品质传感器温度信号超时

DFC_UrQlSnsrWat 尿素中添加过多水

DFC_UTnkLvlPhysR 尿素箱液位过高

DFC_UTnkLvlPhysR 尿素箱液位过低

DFC_UTnkTPhysRng 尿素箱温度过高

DFC_UTnkTPhysRng 尿素箱温度物理值超下限故障

DFC_UTnkTSig 尿素箱温度接收报文路径错误

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DFC_UTnkTSRCMax 尿素箱温度原始电压超上限故障

DFC_UTnkTSRCMin 尿素箱温度原始电压超下限故障

DFC_UTnkTVDPlaus 尿素箱温度测量不准(尿素箱温度比环境温度高)

DFC_UTnkTVDPlaus 尿素箱温度测量不准(尿素箱温度比环境温度低)

DFC_VehVCANSig 来自CAN的转速错误

DFC_VehVMax 车速超上限

DFC_VehVNplMon 车速传感器未连接

DFC_VehVPhysRngH 车速信号物理值超上限

DFC_VehVPhysRngL 车速信号物理值超下限

DFC_VehVPlaus 车速信号不可信

DFC_VehVSRCHi 车速传感器对电源短路

DFC_VehVSRCLo 车速传感器对地短路

DFC_VehVTachMax 车速计信号脉冲宽度过长

DFC_VehVTachMin 车速计信号脉冲宽度过短

DFC_VehVTachSig 车速计信号周期过短

DFC_VenDltPPhysR 文丘里压差过大(物理值超上限故障)

DFC_VenDltPPhysR 文丘里压差过小(物理值超下限故障)

DFC_VenUsPPhysRn 文丘里上游压力过大(物理值超上限故障)

DFC_VenUsPPhysRn 文丘里上游压力过小(物理值超下限故障)

DFC_WarnSysActWi 非加热尿素系统不能供给尿素

DFC_WrnLmpOL 报警灯开路

DFC_WrnLmpOvrTem 报警灯过温

DFC_WrnLmpSCB 报警灯对电源短路

DFC_WrnLmpSCG 报警灯对地短路

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

English Description Basic data status

AFS supply voltage exceeds the limit Not Available

Low idle correction exceeding the maximum drift limit Not Available

oil level sensor signal exceeds the upper limit Not Available

oil level sensor signal exceeds the lower limit Not Available

Physical Range Check low for HFM sensor Not Available

short circuit to ground error on the signal line(In case of PWM int Not Available

Sensitivity drift high error for HFM sensor Not Available

Sensitivity drift error low for HFM sensor Not Available

SCB of hardware signal of HFM sensor Not Available

Air flow sensor feedback voltage higher than the upper limit Not Available

Air flow sensor feedback voltage lower than the lower limit Not Available

The generator voltage voltage is over limit Available

The generator voltage is below limit Available

AC compressor drive open circuit Available

Over-temperature fault of AC compressor drive Available

AC compressor torque reduction drive open circuit Available

Over-temperature fault of AC compressor torque reduction drive Available

AC compressor torque reduction drive short circuit to power supply Available

AC compressor torque reduction drive short circuit to ground Available

AC compressor drive short circuit to power supply Available

AC compressor drive short circuit to ground Available

The air conditioning switch signal from the CAN is not available Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Error case for SlowResponse of the air mass in case of a negative g Not Available

Error case for SlowResponse of the air mass in case of a positive g Not Available

Positive governor deviation above limit for regeneration Not Available

Negative governor deviation below limit for regeneration Not Available

The maximum air control deviation exceeds the upper limit Not Available

The minimum air control deviation falls below the lower limit Not Available

Error case for SlowResponse of the EGR rat in case of a negative g Not Available

Error case for SlowResponse of the EGR rat in case of a positive gr Not Available

The pipe line is disconnected after air filtration Not Available

The voltage is over the limit for a number of timesWhen the intake Not Available

The voltage is lower the limit for a number of timesWhen the intake Not Available

The voltage is over the limit for a number of timesWhen the intake Not Available

The voltage is lower the limit for a number of timesWhen the intake Not Available

Heating relay open circui Available

Heating relay open circui Available

The air intake heating time exceed the limit Available

The Air intakeheating relay sticks on Available

error case of a reduced EGR mass flow due to sooting Not Available

Open circuit air system power supply relay (CAN communicate EGR or Not Available

Overtemperature of air system power supply relay (CAN communicate E Not Available

Air system power power supply relay(CAN communicate EGR or VGT pow Not Available

Air system power power supply relay(CAN communicate EGR or VGT pow Not Available

Error of the first fresh air temperature sensor at cold start Not Available

Error of the first fresh air temperature sensor at cold start Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Error of the first fresh air temperature sensor at cold start Not Available

Error of the first fresh air temperature sensor at cold start Not Available

Error of the first fresh air temperature sensor at cold start Not Available

Event of an error in case of more than one fresh air temperature se Not Available

Actuator 0 short circuit to power supply Available

Actuator 1 short circuit to power supply Available

Actuator 2 short circuit to power supply Available

Actuator 0 short circuit to ground Available

Actuator 1 short circuit to ground Available

Actuator 2 short circuit to ground Available

The sensor raw signal BattU_uRaw (voltage) exceeds above limit Available

The sensor raw signal BattU_uRaw (voltage) exceeds below limit Available

Battery Voltage exceeds upper limit Available

Battery Voltage exceeds below limit Available

Battery Voltage exceeds above limit Available

Battery Voltage exceeds below limit Available

Reflux pump open circuit Not Available

Over temperature for reflux pump Not Available

Short circuit to battery error or reflux pump Not Available

Short circuit to ground error or reflux pump Not Available

Release pressure error Not Available

The signal of the main brake and auxiliary is farfetched Available

The main brake signal received via CAN is defective. Available

The auxiliary brake signal received via CAN is defective. Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

CAN node 0 communication is interrupted Available

CAN node 1 communication is interrupted Available

CAN communication error (CAN communication EGR valve or VGT circuit Not Available

CAN node 3 communication is interrupted Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for charge air cooler efficiency Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for low pressure charge air cooler efficien Not Available

Continuous overload operation time alarm Available

The 24-hour average load exceeds the threshold alarm Available

Continuous running time average load exceeds threshold alarm Available

Each year the full load operation time exceeds the threshold alarm Available

The common power operation time exceeds the threshold alarm every y Available

The engine running time exceeds the threshold alarm every year Available

CAN communications timeout Not Available

coolant temperature absolute credibility check fault Not Available

coolant temperature dynamic credibility check fault Not Available

coolant temperature physical value exceeds the upper limit Available

coolant temperature physical value exceeds the lower limit Available

The voltage of coolant temperature signal exceeds the upper limit Available

The voltage of coolant temperature signal exceeds the lower limit Available

coolant temperature signals are unreliable Not Available

Flow error 1 in EGR system, EGR flow falls below the lower limit Not Available

Flow error 2 in EGR system, EGR flow exceeds the upper limit Not Available

The pressure behind throttle valve is over limit Available

The pressure behind throttle valve is lower than limit Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Electronic control water pump open circuit Not Available

Electronic control water pump is overheated Not Available

Electronic control water pump short circuit to power supply Not Available

Electronic control water pump short circuit to ground Not Available

Plausibility check for Clutch Available

The clutch signal received by CAN reports a clutch defect Available

The torque limitation is actived to protect booster Not Available

The torque limitation is actived to protect engine Not Available

The torque limitation is actived by injection system Not Available

The torque limitation is actived Not Available

The torque limitation is actived by Negative torque coordinator Not Available

Strong limitation by particulate filter Not Available

The torque limitation is actived by torque limiter Not Available

The torque limitation is actived by smoke limitation Not Available

The urea quality sensor message data length error Not Available

Urea quality sensor open circuit Available

Message Byte error in ActDos Not Available

Time out for DM1DCU BAM or single message Not Available

Error in byte length of message sent by pressurizing system Available

No message received from the booster system Available

Error in byte length of atmospheric temperature, atmospheric pressu Available

No information message of atmospheric temperature and atmospheric p Available

The accelerator pedal exceed maximum Available

The accelerator pedal signal receives message time is over the maxi Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Message AT1FC1 byte error Not Available

Message AT1FC1 timeout error Not Available

The upstream nitrogen oxygen sensor data error Available

The upstream nitrogen oxygen sensor open circuit Available

The upstream exhaust temperature sensor message data length error Not Available

The upstream exhaust temperature sensor CAN line open circuit Not Available

The upstream nitrogen oxygen sensor data error Available

The upstream nitrogen oxygen sensor CAN line open circuit Not Available

The upstream nitrogen oxygen sensor data error Available

The upstream nitrogen oxygen sensor open circuit Available

The upstream nitrogen oxygen sensor message data length error Not Available

The upstream nitrogen oxygen sensor CAN line open circuit(The upstream
Not Available
nitrogen oxygen concentrat

The upstream nitrogen oxygen sensor message data length error Not Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen(Correction, gain and offset comp Not Available

The upstream nitrogen oxygen sensor message data length error Not Available

The upstream nitrogen oxygen sensor CAN line open circuit Not Available

The Urea quality sensor message data length error Not Available

The Urea quality sensor CAN line open circuit(Urea temperature mess Available

After handling injector cleaning message error Available

The cruise control information received is not normal Available

Flash CAN is disconnected Available

The fault of busOff occurred Available

BusOff error of LP_CAN Not Available

BusOff error of PT_CAN Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

A byte length error occurred in the received fan speed request perc Available

No fan speed request percentage message received Available

A byte length error occurred in the received tank level information Available

No tank level information message has been received Available

The received driver demand information (inlet heating, throttle ope Available

Fuel consumption rate error Not Available

Urea Tank level message is not available Not Available

Byte error in DM1 Not Available

Byte error in DM1DCU BAM Not Available

Byte error in DM1DCU PACK Not Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensors message byte length erro Not Available

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen sensors message byte length error Not Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensors message timeout Not Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensors message timeout Not Available

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen sensors message byte length error Not Available

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen sensors message byte length error Not Available

PGN request message byte error Available

The error is set when DCU receives Ack message from NOx Downstream Available

The message received from the downstream NOx sensor is incomplete Available

The message received from the downstream NOx sensor is incomplete Available

The message received from the downstream NOx sensor is incomplete Available

DCU did not receive the response information from the upstream NOx Available

The message received from the downstream NOx sensor is incomplete Available

The message received from the downstream NOx sensor is incomplete Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

The message received from the downstream NOx sensor is incomplete Available

Timeout error in DM1DCU Not Available

Timeout error in DM1DCU Not Available

Error path SPN1 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN10 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN11 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN12 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN13 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN14 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN15 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN16 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN17 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN18 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN19 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN2 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN20 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN21 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN22 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN23 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN24 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN25 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN26 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN27 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN28 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Error path SPN29 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN3 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN30 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN4 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN5 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN6 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN7 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN8 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Error path SPN9 matching of DM1DCU message Not Available

Time out for DM1DCU BAM or single message Not Available

Message DPFC2 byte error Not Available

Message DPFC2 timeout error Not Available

The engine speed is 0 and T15 turn on timeout,simulation goes into Available

A byte length error occurred in the received message containing bra Available

No brake status message received Available

A byte length error occurred when receiving a message containing in Available

No information message of front wheel average speed received Available

Message EGF1 byte error Not Available

Message EGF1 timeout error Not Available

Message EGRBRx byte error Not Available

Message EGRBRx timeout error Not Available

Message EGSPMData2 byte error Not Available

Message EGSPMData2 timeout error Not Available

Message EGSPMInit byte error Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Message EGSPMInit timeout error Not Available

Message EGSPMMode6Diag byte error Not Available

Message EGSPMMode6Diag timeout error Not Available

Message EGSPMSemiCont byte error Not Available

Message EGSPMSemiCont timeout error Not Available

Engine shutdown request from EBC1 message Available

A byte length error occurred in the message received from the trans Available

Incorrect transmission gear information received Available

The transmission gear information receives message is too long Available

A byte length error occurred in the received message containing the Available

Incorrect transmission gear information received Available

No transmission gear information message received Available

A byte length error occurred on the received message containing tra Available

No transmission mode message has been received Available

Abnormal information about the current gear box is detected Available

A byte length error occurred in the message for the speed informati Available

No message containing speed information received Available

Message InjOnDPMSAE error Not Available

VDHR message timeout failure Available

Remote lock car Key receives timeout Available

EGR valve communication signal error for CAN communication(KnRxDLC) Not Available

Open EGR valve for CAN Communication (KnRxTO) Not Available

Channel 0 receives CAN network information in non-communication mod Available

Channel 1 receives CAN network information in non-communication mod Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Channel 2 receives CAN network information in non-communication mod Available

Channel 3 receives CAN network information in non-communication mod Available

Channel 4 receives CAN network information in non-communication mod Available

Channel 5 receives CAN network information in non-communication mod Available

The received PTO switch message exceeds the maximum value Available

The received PTO switch message is below the minimum value Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensors gain error Not Available

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen sensors gain error Not Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensors deviation error Not Available

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen sensors deviation error Not Available

Lambda pressure correction error for Downstream Nox sensor Not Available

Lambda pressure correction error for Upstream Nox sensor Not Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen pressure correction error Available

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen pressure correction error Available

Wrong heating rate signal for downstream nitrogen and oxygen signal Available

Wrong heating rate signal for upstream nitrogen and oxygen signal Available

Ammonia correction error for downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor Not Available

Ammonia correction error for upstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor Not Available

NO2 correction error for upstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor Not Available

NO2 correction error for downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor Not Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor concentration error Available

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor concentration correction er Available

The received PTO switch message is not correct Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor concentration error Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor concentration correction er Available

The received clutch slip percentage message is not normal Available

Bus remote APP opening message error Available

Bus remote APP opening message timeout error Available

byte length error occurred in the received message containing adapt Available

timeout failure occurred when no message related to adaptive cruise Available

byte length error occurred in the received driver activation adapti Available

The driver activation adaptive cruise request message was not recei Available

byte length error occurred in the message received from the emergen Available

No message received from emergency brake controller Available

Byte length error in message received from VCU (pressure signal in Available

No message received from VCU (pneumatic signal of brake circuit) Available

Byte length error in message received from air conditioning compres Available

No message received from air conditioning compressor (air condition Available

Byte length error in message received from adaptive cruise controll Available

No message received from adaptive Cruise controller ACC (Cruise con Available

Byte length error in message received from emergency brake controll Available

No message received from emergency brake controller (cruise control Available

byte length error occurred on the received message containing cruis Available

No message containing cruise control information was received Available

byte length error occurs in the received message containing informa Available

No message containing inlet heating status, brake switch, neutral s Available

DM5 message receiving byte error Available

DM5 message receiving timeout Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Message RxEGSPMData1 byte error Not Available

Message RxEGSPMData1 timeout error Not Available

EMK byte length error in received message Available

No EMK message received Available

A byte length error occurred in a message received from an electron Available

No message received from electronic buffer controller Available

Byte length error in message received from transmission controller Available

Failed to receive message from gearbox controller (hydraulic/oil te Available

Byte length error in message received from VCU (warm air defrosting Available

The message sent by VCU has not been received (warm air defrosting Available

Byte error in SCRSysSta Not Available

Timeout error in SCRSysSta Not Available

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen concentration is unstable Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen concentration is unstable Available

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen concentration is unstable Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen concentration is unstable Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensors are overpowered Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensors are overpowered Available

The downstream temperature sensor exceed over limit Available

Theupstream temperature sensor exceed over limit Available

Error sending ignition switch message Available

The level of urea tank is over limit Available

Urea liquid tank level sensor open circuit Available

Urea liquid tank level sensor failure Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Urea liquid tank level sensor short to ground Available

Urea liquid tank temperature is over limit Available

Urea liquid tank temperature sensor open circuit Available

Urea liquid tank temperature sensor failure Not Available

Urea liquid tank temperature sensor short to ground Available

Byte length error occurred in the message received by the instrument(Instrument

Available speed signal)

Timeout error occurred in the received message of the instrument(In Available

Intake flow sensor Communication error Not Available

Intake flow sensor open circuit Not Available

Message TimeDate byte error Available

Message TimeDate timeout error Available

DFC for time out detection of DM1DCU Not Available

Timeout error in DM1DCU Not Available

Timeout error in DM1DCU Not Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor message timeout Not Available

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor message reception timeout Not Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor message timeout Not Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor message timeout Not Available

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor message timeout Not Available

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor message BAM receptio timeou Not Available

PGN request message timeout Available

No message (speed/torque requirement) received from adaptive Cruis Available

No message (speed/torque requirement) received from adaptive Cruis Available

No message (Torque requirement) received from adaptive Cruise Contr Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

No message (Torque requirement) received from adaptive Cruise Contr Available

No message (speed/torque requirement) received from braking system Available

No message (speed/torque requirement) received from braking system Available

No message (torque requirement) received from braking system Available

No message (torque requirement) received from braking system Available

No message (speed/torque requirement) received from adaptive Drive Available

No message (speed/torque requirement) received from adaptive Drive Available

No message (torque requirement) received from adaptive Transmissio Available

No message (torque requirement) received from adaptive Transmissio Available

No message (speed/torque requirement) received from Control Unit Available

No message (speed/torque requirement) received from Control Unit Available

No message (speed/torque requirement) received from adaptive Drive Available

No message (speed/torque requirement) received from adaptive Drive Available

No message (torque requirement) received from adaptive Driveline c Available

No message (torque requirement) received from adaptive Driveline c Available

No message receive from the speed controller (from the vehicle) Available

No message receive from the speed controller (from the vehicle) Available

No message (torque requirement) received from adaptive Body Contro Available

No message (torque requirement) received from adaptive Body Contro Available

The drive shaft is not allowed to start Available

Byte length failure of message received from TCU controller (Transm Available

Time-out failure of message received from TCU controller (Transmiss Available

Failure of byte length of rotational speed and torque demand messag Available

Reliability failure of the rotational speed torque demand message r Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Reliability failure of the rotational speed torque demand message r Available

Time-out failure of the rotational speed and torque demand message Available

Byte length failure of the rotational speed and torque demand messa Available

Reliability failure of the torque demand message received from the Available

Reliability failure of the torque demand message received from the Available

Time-out failure of the torque demand message received from the ada Available

Byte length failure of speed and torque demand message sent from AB Available

Reliability failure of speed and torque demand message sent from A Available

Reliability failure of speed and torque demand message sent from A Available

Time-out failure of speed and torque demand message sent from ABS Available

Byte length failure of speed and torque demand message sent from AB Available

Reliability failure of speed torque demand message sent from ABS Available

Reliability failure of speed and torque demand message sent from A Available

Time-out failure of torque demand message sent from ABS Available

Error in byte length of speed and torque demand message sent from d Available

Reliability failure of rotational speed torque demand messagesent f Available

Reliability failure of rotational speed torque demand messagesent f Available

Time-out failure of the rotational speed and torque demand message Available

Error in byte length of speed and torque demand message sent from D Available

Reliability failure of torque demand message sent from drive shaft Available

Reliability failure of torque demand message sent from drive shaft Available

Timeout failure in torque demand message sent from drive shaft ret Available

The data length of the rotational speed and torque demand message s Available

Reliability failure of rotational speed torque demand message sent Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Reliability failure of rotational speed torque demand message sent Available

The speed torque demand message sent by PTO has timed out Available

The data length of the rotational speed torque demand message sent Available

Reliability failure of rotational speed torque demand message sent Available

Reliability failure of rotational speed torque demand message sent Available

Time-out failure of rotational speed torque demand message sent by Available

Data length error in torque demand message sent by TCU Available

Reliability failure of torque demand message sent by TCU Available

Reliability failure of torque demand message sent by TCU Available

Time-out failure of rotational torque demand message sent by TCU Available

The data length of the rotational speed and torque demand message s Available

Reliability failure of rotational speed and torque demand message s Available

Reliability failure of rotational speed and torque demand message s Available

Time-out failure of torque demand message sent by car body controll Available

The length of torque demand message sent by the car body controller Available

Reliability failure of rotational speed and torque demand message s Available

Reliability failure of rotational speed and torque demand message s Available

Time-out failure of torque demand message sent by car body control Available

Upstream exhaust temperature error Not Available

The urea tank concentration message error Not Available

Urea liquid solution concentration and temperature exceed limits Available

Urea liquid tank Level 1 message error Not Available

Error receiving urea box temperature message Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Urea liquid tank Level 2 message error Not Available

Data length error in vehicle stability information message Available

Timeout failure of vehicle stability information message Available

Data length error in high precision mileage message Available

Timeout failure of high precision mileage message Available

BUS VGT battery error Not Available

VGT operating conditions error Not Available

Message VGTStatus byte error Not Available

Message VGTStatus timeout error Not Available

VGT temperature sensor error Not Available

Limiting torque is due to OBD Not Available

OBD torque limit activates error after restart Not Available

Crankcase pressure is too high Not Available

Crankcase pressure is too low Not Available

Crankcase pressure sensor open circuit Not Available

Crankcase pressure sensor short circuit Not Available

Crankcase ventilation duct failure Not Available

Multi-function key operation mode error, key timeout or multiple ke Available

Torque limit mode activated Not Available

The electronic thermostat is open Not Available

The electronic thermostat is overheated Not Available

The electronic thermostat short circuit to the power supply Not Available

The electronic thermostat short circuit to the ground Not Available

Battery voltage is too high Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Battery voltage is too low Not Available

DOC conversion efficiency fails Available

DOC conversion low hydrocarbon efficiency failure Available

DOC is removed Not Available

DPF upstream temperature sensor signals cannot be not trusted Not Available

DOC upstream temperature sensor signals cannot be trusted Not Available

DOC temperature is too high Available

The number of passive regeneration is over limit Not Available

Through the key to speed, key error mode error Available

VGT actuator status error Not Available

VGT actual position error Not Available

VGT target position error Not Available

Brake preselector switch status is not trusted Available

The undercar stop switch signal from the CAN message is not availab Available

The undercarriage stop switch signal is faulty Available

The undercar start switch signal from the CAN message is not availa Available

Undercar start switch signal failure Available

Open Load error of In-cylinder brake valve 1 Available

Open Load error of In-cylinder brake valve 1 Available

Over Temperature error of In-cylinder brake valve 1 Available

Over Temperature error of In-cylinder brake valve 1 Available

Open Load error of In-cylinder brake valve 2 Available

Open Load error of In-cylinder brake valve 2 Available

Over Temperature error of In-cylinder brake valve 2 Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Over Temperature error of In-cylinder brake valve 2 Available

The maximum EGR flow control deviation exceeds the upper limit Not Available

The minimum EGR flow control deviation falls below the lower limit Not Available

The maximum EGR flow control deviation exceeds the upper limit Not Available

The minimum EGR flow control deviation falls below the lower limit Not Available

EGR cooler efficiency is low Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for CAN Error for EGR smart Actuator Not Available

EGR valve close position Voltage error (DrftClsd) Not Available

Status of diagnostic fault check sensor drift at opened stop Not Available

EGR On/off position Voltage error (DrftRng) Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Internal Electrical Fault for EGR smart Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Span Percent of EOL for EGR smart Actuat Not Available

EGR valve positive governor deviation falls below the lower limit i Not Available

EGR valve positive governor deviation falls below the lower limit Not Available

EGR valve negative governor deviation falls below the lower limit Not Available

EGR valve motor fault (HBrgCOMErr) Not Available

EGR valve H bridge open load Not Available

EGR valve motor overtemperature fault Not Available

EGR valve H bridge line 1 Short circuit to battery Not Available

EGR valve H bridge line 2 Short circuit to battery Not Available

EGR valve H bridge line 1 Short circuit to ground Not Available

EGR valve H bridge line 2 Short circuit to ground Not Available

EGR valve motor current is too large Not Available

EGR valve motor power supply is low Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Diagnostic fault check for Valve jammed condition for EGR smart Act Not Available

Status of diagnostic fault check valve jammed closed Not Available

EGR valve jam open Not Available

EGR valve close position voltage error Not Available

EGR valve opening position voltage error Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Span Learn Failure for EGR smart Actuato Not Available

EGR valve open Not Available

EGR valve overtemperature Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Fault Temperature for EGR smart Actuator Not Available

EGR position sensor physical signal more than upper limit Not Available

EGR position sensor physical signal is lower than the lower limit Not Available

EGR valve short-circuits the power supply Not Available

EGR valve shorted to the ground Not Available

Status of diagnostic fault check short time sensor drift at opened Not Available

Status of diagnostic fault check short time sensor drift at opened Not Available

EGR valve return spring damaged Not Available

EGR valve feedback voltage higher than the upper limit Not Available

EGR valve feedback voltage lower than the lower limit Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Fault Temperature for EGR valve Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Ignition Voltage Fault for EGR smart Act Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Temperature Warning for EGR smart Actuat Not Available

Shut-off request of the injection cut-off for the shut-off coordina Not Available

oil level sensor signal exceeds the upper limit Not Available

oil level sensor signal exceeds the lower limit Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Oil level signal physical value exceeds the upper limit Not Available

Oil level signal physical value exceeds the lower limit Not Available

Engine overspeed Available

Overspeed when opening/exhaust braking Available

Engine speed overspeed warning Available

the fuel level in the tank changes by EngReq_drFlTnkQntThres_C% whe Not Available

Activate the speed limit mode after prolonged parking Not Available

modeengine restart when there is a Request for the activation of cr Not Available

Detection of engine operation hours timeout when there is a Request Not Available

Detection of engine operation hours timeout when there is a Request Not Available

Exhaust temperature 1 is above the upper limit Not Available

Exhaust temperature 2 is above the upper limit Not Available

Exhaust temperature 3 is above the upper limit Not Available

Exhaust temperature 4 is above the upper limit Not Available

Exhaust temperature 5 is above the upper limit Not Available

Exhaust temperature 6 is above the upper limit Not Available

Exhaust temperature 1 is below the lower limit Not Available

Exhaust temperature 2 is below the lower limit Not Available

Exhaust temperature 3 is below the lower limit Not Available

Exhaust temperature 4 is below the lower limit Not Available

Exhaust temperature 5 is below the lower limit Not Available

Exhaust temperature 6 is below the lower limit Not Available

Environmental pressure is inaccurate Not Available

The environmental temperature is not accurate Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

The sensed sensor signal EnvT_tSens is greater than EnvT_PhysRng.M Not Available

The sensed sensor signal EnvT_tSens is less than EnvT_PhysRng.Min_C Not Available

Error receiving urea environment temperature message Not Available

Diagnostic Fault Check SRC Max Error Environment

Air Temperature Available

Diagnostic Fault Check SRC Min Error Environment Available

Air Temperature

Camshaft signal fault Available

There is no camshaft signal Available

The camshaft torsion fault of the

first camshaft

DFC for crankshaft signal diagnose − disturbed signal Available

DFC for crankshaft signal diagnose − no signal Available

Speed output drive open circuit Available

The speed output drive temperature is too high Available

Speed output drive short circuit to power supply Available

Speed output drive short circuit to earth Available

Error for not reaching the setpoint of the inner loop with maximal Not Available

Error for not reaching the setpoint of the inner loop with Minimal Not Available

Error path for response time of inner loop Not Available

Error path for not reaching the setpoint of the outer loop with max Not Available

Error path for not reaching the setpoint of the outer loop with min Not Available

Error path for response time of outer loop Not Available

Overload lamp open circuit Available

Overload lamp over temperature Available

Overload lamp short circuit to battery Available

Overload lamp short circuit to ground Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Exhaust brake valve open circuit Available

Overtemperature of exhaust brake valve Available

Short circuit the exhaust brake valve to the power supply Available

Short circuit the exhaust brake valve to the ground Available

Diagnostic Fault check array 1 for cold start conditionof exhaust− Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check array 2 for cold start conditionof exhaust− Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check array 3 for cold start conditionof exhaust− Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check array 4 for cold start conditionof exhaust− Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check array 5 for cold start conditionof exhaust− Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check array 6 for cold start conditionof exhaust− Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check during cold start condition of exhaust−gas Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check for Model based plausiblity check of exhaus Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check for Model based plausiblity check of exhaus Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check for Model based plausiblity check of exhaus Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check for Model based plausiblity check of exhaus Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check for Model based plausiblity check of exhaus Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check for Model based plausiblity check of exhaus Not Available

Safety diagnostic correlation:the external power supply of the sens Available

Safety diagnostic correlation:the external power supply of the sens Available

Open Load error of Fan relay 0 Available

Open Load error of Fan relay 1 Available

Over Temperature error of Fan relay 0 Available

Over Temperature error of Fan relay 1 Available

Short circuit to Battery Error of Fan relay 0 Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Short circuit to Battery Error of Fan relay 1 Available

Short circuit to Ground error of Fan relay 0 Available

Short circuit to Ground error of Fan relay 1 Available

Open Load error of Electronic fan Available

Over Temperature error of Electronic fan Available

Short circuit to Battery Error of Electronic fan Available

Short circuit to Ground error of Electronic fan Available

Fun PWM open circuit Available

Fun PWM is over-temperature Available

Fun PWM short circuit to battery Available

Fun PWM short circuit to ground Available

Failure of fan speed sensor cycle signal beyond range Available

Fan Speed is above the upper limit Available

Fan speed signal range check low fault path Available

Open Load error of Fuel heating relay Available

Over Temperature error of Fuel heating relay Available

Short circuit to Battery Error of Fuel heating relay Available

Short circuit to Ground error of Fuel heating relay Available

Water in fuel lamp open circuit Available

Water in fuel lamp over temperature Available

Short circuit to battery error at Water in fuel lamp Available

Short circuit to gound error at Water in fuel lamp Available

Water in fuel sensor voltage exceed upper limit Available

Water in fuel sensor voltage exceed lower limit Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Fuel level CAN message path fault Available

The original voltage of the fuel level sensor exceeds the upper lim Available

The original voltage of the fuel level sensor exceeds the minimum l Available

fuel tank below critical level Not Available

Water in fuel Available

Two consecutive driving cycles found water fault in the oil Not Available

There is water in the oil for too long Not Available

The analysis of anti-competitive products determines the working co Available

Fuel oil filtration is blocked Not Available

Fuel pressure deviation over upper limit failure Not Available

Fuel pressure deviation beyond limit failure Not Available

The negative pressure of coarse filtration is too high Not Available

The negative pressure of coarse filtration is too low Not Available

fuel pressure sensor is open Not Available

Fuel pressure sensor Short circuit Not Available

Fuel temperature physical value exceeds the upper limit Not Available

Fuel temperature physical value exceeds the lower limit Not Available

Fuel temperature sensor voltage value exceeds the upper limit Not Available

Fuel temperature sensor voltage value exceeds the lower limit Not Available

fuel temperature measurement is Inaccurate Not Available

The tap signal from the CAN message is not available Available

There is an untrusted fault with the neutral switch of the transmis Available

Intake air heating lamp open circuit Available

Intake air heating lamp over temperature Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Intake air heating lamp short circuit to battery Available

Intake air heating lamp short circuit to ground Available

Upstream NOx signal heating availability test failed Available

Upstream NOx sensor heating availability test failed Not Available

Upstream NOx signal was not heated to the set value within the spec Available

Downstream NOx sensor is not reached to the set value Not Available

Error for Upstream NOx concentration Available

Downstream NOx signal error Not Available

Error for nitrogen oxygen sensor signal effective state (Nox sensor Not Available

Error for nitrogen oxygen sensor signal effective state (Nox sensor Not Available

Error for dynamic value of Nox in overrunning Not Available

Error for dynamic value of Nox in overrunning Not Available

Monitoring of the upper plausibility limit of the Nox signal offset (NOx
Not Available

Monitoring of the upper plausibility limit of the Nox signal offset (NOx
Not Available

Monitoring of the lower plausibility limit of the Nox signal offset (NOx
Not Available

Monitoring of the lower plausibility limit of the Nox signal offset (NOx
Not Available

Undershoot of the Nox signal offset (NOx sensor1) Not Available

Undershoot of the Nox signal offset (NOx sensor2) Not Available

Monitoring of the upper plausibility limit of the Nox SRC signal(NOxNot


Monitoring of the upper plausibility limit of the Nox SRC signal(NOxNot


Low voltage for upstream NOx signal (sensor internal circuit) Available

SRC low for Downstream NOx sensor(internal circuit) Not Available

Oxygen concentration credibility test failed under full load condit Not Available

Oxygen concentration credibility test failed under full load condit Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Oxygen concentration credibility test failed under overrunning cond Not Available

Oxygen concentration credibility test failed under overrunning cond Not Available

Oxygen concentration credibility test failed under half load condit Not Available

Oxygen concentration credibility test failed under half load condit Not Available

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor open circuit Available

The downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor open circuit Not Available

The upstream nitrogen and oxygen sensor Short circuit Available

Diagnostic Fault check for Signal below maximum limit (internal circuit)
Not Available

Timeout for Upstream Nox sensor readability detection Not Available

Timeout for Downstream Nox sensor readability detection Not Available

Monitoring of the upper limit of the O2 signal(Nox sensor 1) Not Available

Monitoring of the upper limit of the O2 signal(Nox sensor 2) Not Available

Monitoring of the lower limit of the O2 signal(Nox sensor 1) Not Available

Monitoring of the lower limit of the O2 signal(Nox sensor 2) Not Available

Upstream NOx signal line oxygen signal voltage high (sensor interna Available

Downstream NOx signal line O2 signal voltage high ( internal circui Not Available

Check low for Upstream NOx Available

The meassured Downstream NOx is implausible low Not Available

Upstream NOx signal power supply failure (sensor internal circuit) Available

Downstream NOx signal power supply failure (internal circuit) Not Available

Open Load error of HEST lamp Available

Over Temperature error of HEST lamp Available

Short circuit to Battery Error of HEST lamp Available

Short circuit to Ground error of HEST lamp Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Engine speed exceeds the upper limit while High-Low Speed Demand is Not Available

Engine speed falls below the lower limit while High-Low Speed Deman Not Available

The hydraulic oil temperature physical value of the fan torque conv Not Available

Failure of hydraulic oil temperature physical value of fan torque c Not Available

Failure of hydraulic oil temperature and original voltage of fan to Not Available

Failure of the hydraulic oil temperature and original voltage of th Not Available

Intake air heating relay open circuit Available

Intake air heating relay over temperature Available

Intake air heating relay short circuit to battery Available

Intake air heating relay short circuit to ground Available

Serious driving limit without Urea supply Not Available

Open Load error of InhibitLmp Available

Over Temperature error of InhibitLmp Available

Short circuit to Battery Error of InhibitLmp Available

Short circuit to Ground error of InhibitLmp Available

The number of demand injections is limited by the injector's electr Available

The number of required ejections is limited by the maximum number o Not Available

The required number of ejections is limited by the maximum number o Not Available

The number of required jets is limited by the running time Not Available

The amount of oil injected exceeds the upper limit Not Available

The amount of oil injected exceeds the lower limit Not Available

There is slight wear in the orifice Not Available

Fuel injector wear Not Available

The fuel injector is blocked Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Abnormal build pressure in engine starting Not Available

Engine start diagnosis is abnormal Not Available

The fuel injector drive voltage exceeds below limit Available

Engine Fuel 1 Injector Cylinder open circuit Available

Engine Fuel 5 Injector Cylinder open circuit Available

Engine Fuel 3 Injector Cylinder open circuit Available

Engine Fuel 6 Injector Cylinder open circuit Available

Engine Fuel 2 Injector Cylinder open circuit Available

Engine Fuel 4 Injector Cylinder open circuit Available

Engine Fuel Injector bank0 short to ground Available

Engine Fuel Injector bank1 short to ground Available

Engine Fuel 1 Injector Cylinder short circuit Available

Engine Fuel 5 Injector Cylinder short circuit Available

Engine Fuel 3 Injector Cylinder short circuit Available

Engine Fuel 6 Injector Cylinder short circuit Available

Engine Fuel 2 Injector Cylinder short circuit Available

Engine Fuel 4 Injector Cylinder short circuit Available

Engine Fuel 1 Injector Cylinder higher side short circuit to lower Available

Engine Fuel 5 Injector Cylinder higher side short circuit to lower Available

Engine Fuel 3 Injector Cylinder3 higher side short circuit to lower Available

Engine Fuel 6 Injector Cylinder higher side short circuit to lower Available

Engine Fuel 2 Injector Cylinder higher side short circuit to lower Available

Engine Fuel 4 Injector Cylinder higher side short circuit to lower Available

The correction of Physical 1 cylinder IQA is abnormal Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

The correction of Physical 2 cylinder IQA is abnormal Not Available

The correction of Physical 3 cylinder IQA is abnormal Not Available

The correction of Physical 4 cylinder IQA is abnormal Not Available

The correction of Physical 5 cylinder IQA is abnormal Not Available

The correction of Physical 6 cylinder IQA is abnormal Not Available

Air filter1 replacement reminder Available

Blockage of air filter1 Available

Defect Fault Check for "signal value above maximum limit Available

Diagnosis information of MeUn power stage is not available Available

Metering unit open circuit Available

Metering unit high side short circuit to battery Available

Metering unit low side short circuit to battery Available

Metering unit high side short circuit to ground Available

Metering unit low side short circuit to ground Available

Metering unit high side short circuit to low side Available

MeUn current exceeding upper limit Not Available

MeUn current exceeding lower limit Not Available

Open Load error of MIL lamp Available

Over Temperature error of MIL lamp Available

Short circuit to Battery Error of MIL lamp Available

Short circuit to Ground error of MIL lamp Available

Hard wire PTO switch and ground short circuit fault Available

ADC no-loaded test pulse monitoring failure Not Available

ADC test voltage monitoring failure Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

MoCSOP requests ICO to fail Not Available

Error in the plausibility of the accelerator pedal voltage Not Available

Air injection charging time is not trusted Not Available

The charging time of fuel injector is not reliable Not Available

Jet advance Angle is not credible Not Available

The charging time of zero oil is not reliable Not Available

Efficiency of postinjection 2 is not reliable Not Available

postinjection 2 close error Not Available

Efficiency of postinjection 3 is not reliable Not Available

Overpowering when OverRun Not Available

When overpowered by the fuel injector (overheat protection of the i Not Available

Injection volume correction waveform is not credible Not Available

Rail pressure error Not Available

The two voltages of the remote accelerator pedal are inconsistent Not Available

Startup failure Not Available

The actual torque of the engine is inconsistent with the allowable Not Available

The track pressure control path is limited by the torque monitoring Not Available

The air system path is restricted by the functional control module Not Available

The fuel injection rate setting path is limited by the torque monit Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Safety monitoring related diagnosis(base course) Not Available

Open Load error of ECU main relay Available

Short circuit to Battery Error of ECU main relay Available

Short circuit to Ground error of ECU main relay Available

Open Load error of NCD lamp Available

Over Temperature error of NCD lamp Available

Short circuit to Battery Error of NCD lamp Available

Short circuit to Ground error of NCD lamp Available

Fault check for Hoseline connection Not Available

The absolute value of crankcase pressure exceeds the limit Not Available

Fault check for the pressure sensor plausibility Not Available

The PTO switch is not trusted Available

ECU failure, ABE activation, power chip shutdown Not Available

ECU failure, Q&A communication failure causing WDA activation Not Available

ECU failure,ErrorPin activation Not Available

oil level sensor signal exceeds the upper limit Not Available

oil level sensor signal exceeds the lower limit Not Available

oil level sensor signal is not trusted Not Available

Oil level signal physical value exceeds the upper limit Not Available

Oil level signal physical value exceeds the lower limit Not Available

Open Load error of OilPLmp Available

Over Temperature error of OilPLmp Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Short circuit to Battery Error of OilPLmp Available

Short circuit to Ground error of OilPLmp Available

Oil pressure is too low Not Available

The oil pressure signal is not trusted Not Available

Oil pressure signal physical value exceeds the upper limit Available

Oil pressure signal physical value exceeds the lower limit Available

Oil pressure sensor voltage exceeds the upper limit Available

Oil pressure sensor voltage exceeds the lower limit Available

Oil temperature signal physical value exceeds the upper limit Available

Oil temperature signal physical value exceeds the lower limit Available

Oil temperature sensor voltage exceeds the upper limit Available

Oil temperature sensor voltage exceeds the lower limit Available

The oil temperature is not measured accurately Not Available

The pressure sensor of air conditioning compressor exceeds the uppe Available

Pressure sensor of air conditioning compressor has pressure fault b Available

The original voltage of the air conditioning compressor pressure se Available

The original voltage of the pressure sensor of the air conditioning Available

Intake air pressure after filter signal1 physical value exceeds the Available

Intake air pressure after filter signal1 physical value exceeds the Available

The deviation from intake air pressure1 after filter and environme Available

The deviation from intake air pressure1 after filter and environme Available

Intake air pressure1 after filtersensor voltage value exceeds the u Available

Intake air pressure1 after filter sensor voltage value exceeds the Available

Low pressure charge air cooler downstream pressure sensor physical Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Low pressure charge air cooler downstream pressure sensor physical Not Available

DFC for plausibility check for maximum threshold of the pressure se Not Available

DFC for plausibility check for minimum threshold of the pressure se Not Available

Low pressure charge air cooler downstream pressure sensor voltage e Not Available

Low pressure charge air cooler downstream pressure sensor voltage e Not Available

Open Load error of PCD lamp Available

Over Temperature error of PCD lamp Available

Short circuit to Battery Error of PCD lamp Available

Short circuit to Ground error of PCD lamp Available

Error case for SlowResponse of the VNT actuator in case of a negati Not Available

Error case for SlowResponse of the VNT actuator in case of a positi Not Available

Boost pressure control deviation is higher than the upper limit (in Available

Boost pressure control deviation is higher than the upper limit (in Available

Boost pressure control deviation is higher than the upper limit (in Available

Boost pressure control deviation is lower than the lower limit Not Available

Error case for slow response of the VNT actuator Not Available

Forced closed loop during supercharger operation Not Available

The supercharger starts with a forced closed loop Not Available

Ambient air pressure sensor range chack max−error Available

Ambient air pressure sensor range check min−error Available

fault check max signal range violated for ambient air pressure sens Available

fault check min signal range violated for ambient air pressure sens Available

Ambient air pressure sensor sensor error by component self diagnosi Available

Low DPF filtering efficiency Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DPF efficiency Diagnosis 1 (Integral method) Not Available

DPF filter particle capacity beyond the lower limit fault Not Available

The closed-loop capability of injection capability is bad in DPF re Not Available

DPF regeneration cannot be closed-loop controlled Not Available

DPF regeneration frequency Not Available

DPF differential pressure sensor pressure value minimum deviation f Not Available

Open Load error of DPF lamp Available

Over Temperature error of DPF lamp Available

Short circuit to Battery Error of DPF lamp Available

Short circuit to Ground error of DPF lamp Available

Regeneration forbid switch adhesion Available

Parking regenerative switch adhesion Available

DPF regeneration prohibition lamp open circuit Available

DPF regeneration prohibition lamp is over-temperature Available

DPF regeneration prohibition lamp short circuit to battery Available

DPF regeneration prohibition lamp short circuit to ground Available

DPF Removed Not Available

DPF regeneration is incomplete Not Available

DPF overload leval1 Not Available

DPF overload leval2 Not Available

DPF differential pressure sensor dynamic change signal can not be t Not Available

The DPF differential pressure sensor signalis not trusted after T15 Not Available

DPF differential pressure sensor signal can not be trusted Not Available

Reliability verification of DPF downstream temperature sensor Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DPF is over-temperature Not Available

Intake manifold pressure physical value exceeds the upper limit fau Available

Intake manifold pressure physical value exceeds the lower limit fau Available

Upstream inlet pressure signal is higher than the upper limit Available

Upstream inlet pressure signal is lower than the lower limit Available

Intake manifold pressure sensor original voltage exceeds the upper Available

Intake manifold pressure sensor original voltage exceeds the lower Available

The fault of battery voltage below the lower limit cause urea nozzl Available

Fault check to detect if the voltage of battery is too high error a Not Available

Fault check to detect if the voltage of battery is too low error at Not Available

particulate sensor not connected Not Available

functional error particulate sensor heater defect Not Available

electrical heater particulate sensor is open circuit Not Available

electrical heater particulate sensor pcb error Not Available

electrical heater particulate sensor is short circuit to battary Not Available

electrical heater particulate sensor is short circuit to ground Not Available

functional IDE self diagnostic error of particulate sensor Not Available

electrical IDE Neg error during voltage off of particulate sensor Not Available

electrical IDE Pos error of particulate sensor − over

Not Available
electrical IDE Pos error of particulate sensor − short
Not Available
circuit to battery
electrical IDE Pos error of particulate sensor − short
Not Available
circuit to ground
functional IDE shunt short circuit error of particulate
Not Available
the voltage converter of particulate sensor
Not Available
control unit is too high
the voltage converter of particulate sensor
Not Available
control unit is too low

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

particulate sensor signal not valid Not Available

Monitoring of the SF adjustment value of the particulate Not Available


Monitoring of maeander temperature − high Not Available

Monitoring of maeander temperature − low Not Available

Fault of PM sensor PCB1 current exceeding upper limit Not Available

Fault of PM sensor PCB1 current exceeding lower limit Not Available

Fault of PM sensor PCB2 current exceeding upper limit Not Available

Fault of PM sensor PCB2 current exceeding lower limit Not Available

Enhanced SRC high for PFlt differential pressure

Not Available

The DPF differential pressure sensor measurement value is too low Not Available

DFC for dynamic plausibility check for differential

pressure across the Particulate filter Not Available

The DPF piping is completely blocked Not Available

The DPF piping fall off Not Available

DPF differential pressure sensor open circuit Not Available

DPF differential pressure sensor short circuit Not Available

DPF inlet pressure physical value is over upper limit Not Available

DPF inlet pressure physical value is beyond the lower limit Not Available

Pressure sensor upstream DPF is over maximum limit Not Available

Pressure sensor under DPF is over maximum limit Not Available

There is water in DPF inlet pressure sensor in cold environment Not Available

DPF inlet pressure original voltage is beyond the upper limit Not Available

DPF inlet pressure original voltage is beyond the lower limit Not Available

PRV valve opening times exceeded Not Available

PRV open due to high rail pressure Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

PRV open due to rail pressure oscillation Available

PRV valve open Available

PRV valve open signal is not trusted Not Available

Check oil balance of active flush valve Not Available

Average rail pressure exceeds upper and lower limits Not Available

PRV open time exceede limit Not Available

Electronically controlled fuel pump open circuit Not Available

Electronically controlled fuel pump over temperature Not Available

Short circuit to battery error at Electronically controlled fuel pu Not Available

Short circuit to gound error at Electronically controlled fuel pump Not Available

The polymorphic switch signal from the CAN message is not available Available

Turbine upstream pressure sensor physical signal is above maximum l Not Available

Turbine upstream pressure sensor physical signal is below minimum l Not Available

DFC for plausibility check for maximum threshold of the pressure se Not Available

DFC for plausibility check for minimum threshold of the pressure se Not Available

Turbine upstream pressure sensor voltage exceeds the maximum value Not Available

Turbine upstream pressure sensor voltage exceeds the minimum value Not Available

The differential pressure sensor of venturi tube is inaccurate Not Available

The differential pressure sensor of venturi tube open circui Not Available

The differential pressure sensor of venturi tube short circuit to g Not Available

DFC for plausibility check for maximum threshold of the pressure se Not Available

DFC for plausibility check for minimum threshold of the pressure se Not Available

Venturi upstream pressure voltage is higher than upper limit Not Available

Venturi upstream pressure voltage is below than lower limit Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

The PCV set value in CPC mode is abnormal Not Available

Minimum rail pressure anomaly in CPC mode Not Available

Maximum rail pressure anomaly in CPC mode Not Available

In MeUn mode, the zero oil quantity exceeds the limit Not Available

Zero oil excess in MeUn adaptive mode Not Available

"Limp Home time is over Not Available

The actual rail pressure is below the set rail pressure Available

Fuel leak reduce the fuel supply Available

MeUn setting value is abnormal in overrun state in MeUn mode Not Available

The actual rail pressure is over the set rail pressure Available

Two-stage zero flow negative rail pressure anomaly in MeUn mode Not Available

The actual rail pressure is below 200bar Available

Maximum rail pressure anomaly in MeUn mode Not Available

Two-stage maximum rail pressure anomaly in MeUn mode Not Available

The high pressure pump delivery quantity in overrun exceed the thre Available

The high pressure pump delivery quantity at low idle exceed the thr Available

The rail pressure falls below the threshold when engin start Available

Rail pressure control into the closed loop waiting time exceeding t Not Available

The maximum rail pressure in limp hpme mode exceeds the limit Not Available

In limp home mode, the injection quantity is less than the limit va Not Available

Oil temperature exceeds limit in claudication mode Not Available

Virtual connection of rail pressure sensor Not Available

The self-learning value of rail pressure sensor is over the limit Not Available

The self-learning value of rail pressure sensor is beyond the limit Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

The voltage of rail pressure sensor exceeds the upper limit Not Available

The voltage of rail pressure sensor exceeds the lower limit Not Available

Rail pressure sensor voltage exceeds the upper limit Available

Rail pressure sensor voltage exceeds the lower limit Available

A build failure caused the startup to fail Not Available

The rail pressure control mode is adjusted from MeUn to CPC times e Not Available

A KeepAlive peripheral fails at runtime Available

A KeepAlive peripheral fails during initialization Available

The counter StopCounter counts too fast/too slow or disconnects wit Not Available

EEPROM reading error Available

EEPROM write error Available

ECU memory read failure Not Available

ECU stack overflow Available

The monitor counter is off illegally Available

The T15 signal transmitted over the communication bus is invalid Not Available

The T15 transmitted through the communication bus is in the off sta Not Available

The T15 transmitted through the communication bus is in the open st Not Available

BAd Quality of Reduction Agent detected Not Available

Open Load error of Respirator heating relay Available

Over Temperature error of Respirator heating relay Available

Short circuit to Battery Error of Respirator heating relay Available

Short circuit to Ground error of Respirator heating relay Available

Error for Reverse valve Not Available

Monitoring of the upper limit of the adaption factor Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Monitoring of the lower limit of the adaption factor Not Available

Passive monitoring of SCR effectiveness − combination of range 1 a Not Available

Passive monitoring of SCR effectiveness − range 1 (typically the e Available

Passive monitoring of SCR effectiveness − range 2(typically the effectiveness

Not Available
during the normal pre

Passive monitoring of SCR effectiveness − range 3(typically the ef Not Available

Peak detection for Downstream Nox sensor Not Available

Downstream NOx signal error Not Available

Monitoring of the upper plausibility limit of the Nox sensor before Not Available

Monitoring of the lower plausibility limit of the Nox sensor before Not Available

Monitoring of the time until the dosing release is given Not Available

Warning for residual mileage of Urea Not Available

Warning for residual mileage of Urea(Below the first stage) Not Available

Warning for residual mileage of Urea(Below the second stage) Not Available

SCR heating system did not realize Urea supply Not Available

SCR conversion efficiency is too low (SCRED) Not Available

SCR Efficiency Diagnostics 1(SCRED) Not Available

SCR Efficiency Diagnostics2(SCRED) Not Available

Urea quality test failed Not Available

SCR feedback control detection Not Available

Open Load error of SCR lamp Available

Over Temperature error of SCR lamp Available

Short circuit to Battery Error of SCR lamp Available

Short circuit to Ground error of SCR lamp Available

The pressure is too low after pressure compensation Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

General backflow line plausability error Available

Check high for urea pressure tube Available

Monitoring for stabilisation of the pressure Available

ECU overheating Available

Not emptied for return urea Available

Overpressure error for dosing mode Available

Underpressure error in Metering Control Available

Monitoring of over pressure Available

Urea pump failed to build up pressure Available

Urea pump failed to build up pressure Available

Urea system failed to build pressure Available

Check high for the pressure after relief of urea system Available

Diagnostic fault check for Urea injection test deviation over range Not Available

Error due to positive power limit Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for implausible high SCR catalyst temperatu Not Available

Urea leaks Available

Temperature deviation of urea tank is large Available

Error SCR catalyst Downstream temperature sensor static plausibilit Not Available

Check low for Post-treatment Upstream (SCR) exhaust temperature Available

Check high for upstream exhaust temperature (SCR) Available

Large deviation of upstream (SCR) exhaust temperature before cold s Available

The dosing valve is blocked Available

The meassured Tanklevel is implausible high in comparison with the Not Available

The meassured Tanklevel is implausible low in comparison with the d Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Diagnostic fault check for backflow pump decompressed pressure over Not Available

The pressure of the urea pump is over limit Not Available

The pressure of the urea pump is below limit Not Available

Error Duty ratio for Urea pump Not Available

Error supply module heater plausibility Available

Error supply module heater plausibility Available

Error Urea Heater temperature sensor cold start plausibility Not Available

Error urea supply module temperature sensor dynamic plausibility Available

Error Urea supply module temperature sensor cold start plausibility Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Urea injection test deviation over range Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for a timeout to enter meteringcontrol state Not Available

Stuck in range check of Urea Tank temperature sensor Not Available

The concentration of urea solution is below the limit Available

Effective quality error (for example by filling with false medium) Not Available

The temperature of the urea tank exceeds the upper limit Not Available

The temperature of the urea tank exceeds the lower limit Not Available

Engine start limit failure due to low Urea Not Available

Sulfur poisoning Not Available

Monitoring whether the replacement value of the temperature before Not Available

Invalid PTO switch from message Available

The level information of urea tank is wrong Available

Diagnostic Fault Check for Supply Module temperature Duty cycle in Available

Diagnostic Fault Check for Supply Module Heater Temperature Duty cy Available

The urea pump failed to heat Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

The feedback signal cycle of urea pump is beyond range Available

The feedback signal of urea pump does not feedback fault according Available

Diagnostic Fault Check for Supply Module temperature Duty cycle in Available

Diagnostic Fault Check for Supply Module temperature Duty cycle in Available

Diagnostic fault check for low temperature before Urea pump driving Not Available

PM sensor battery reliability test Not Available

PM sensor CAN communication detection Not Available

PM sensor hose plug detection Not Available

PM sensor precision failure Not Available

PM sensor heating self - check failure Not Available

Open circuit fault of PM sensor Not Available

PM sensor heating failure Not Available

Low edge IDE error for PM sensor Not Available

High edge IDE error for PM sensor Not Available

PM sensor IDE function self-check Not Available

PM sensor IDE parallel circuit detection Not Available

PM sensor credibility detection Not Available

PM sensor credibility test Not Available

PM sensor overtemperature detection Not Available

PM sensor hardware temperature detection Not Available

PM sensor is installed and tested Not Available

Speed adjustment knob original voltage exceeds the upper limit Available

APP1 voltage exceeds the upper limit Available

APP2 voltage exceeds the upper limit Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Short circuit to Battery Error of RmtAPP1 Available

Short circuit to Battery Error of RmtAPP2 Available

Speed governing rate knob original voltage exceeds the upper limit Available

Speed adjustment knob original voltage exceeds the lower limit Available

APP1 voltage exceeds the lower limit Available

APP2 voltage exceeds the lower limit Available

Remote app1 voltage exceeds the lower limit Available

Remote app2 voltage exceeds the lower limit Available

Speed governing rate knob original voltage exceeds the lower limit Available

Urea tank level sensor voltage exceeds the upper limit Not Available

Urea tank level sensor voltage exceeds the lower limit Not Available

Power supply module 1 monitoring sensor failure Available

Power supply module 1 temperature is over threshold Available

Power supply module 1 voltage is over threshold Available

Power supply module 1 short to ground Available

Power supply module 1 voltage is below threshold Available

Power supply module 2 monitoring sensor failure Available

Power supply module 2 temperature is over threshold Available

Power supply module 2 voltage is over threshold Available

Power supply module 2 short to ground Available

Power supply module 2 voltage is below threshold Available

Sensor power supply 3 error Not Available

The output temperature of power supply module 3 is too high(stitch 5.14&5.15&5.31&5.34&7.18&7.19&7

Not Available

Power supply module 3 over voltage Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Power supply module 3 is short connected to ground(stitch5.14&5.15&5.31&5.34&7.18&7.19&7.32)
Not Available

Power supply module 3 under voltage Not Available

12V supply voltage is too high Not Available

12V supply voltage is too low Not Available

12V sensor power supply over voltage Not Available

12V sensor power supply under voltage Not Available

Diagnostic Fault Check for Open Load error on the output powerstage Available

Diagnostic Fault Check for Over Temperature error on the output pow Available

Diagnostic Fault Check for Short circuit to Battery error on the ou Available

Diagnostic Fault Check for Short circuit to Ground error on the out Available

Remote lock car to limit speed Available

Remote lock does not allow engine to start Available

Multiple engine starts over limit Available

Start relay low side open circuit Available

Start relay low side over temperature Available

Short circuit to battery error at Start relay low side Available

Short circuit to gound error at Start relay low side Available

Desulfurization time timeout Not Available

Desulfurization time timeout Not Available

Diagnostic lamp open circuit Available

Fault/diagnosis (flash code light) over temperature Available

Fault/diagnosis (flash code light) shorts the power supply Available

Fault/diagnosis (flash code light) shorts to ground Available

ECU software reset 1 Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

ECU software reset 1 Not Available

ECU software reset 1 Not Available

Deviation of APP1 and APP2 is too large Available

APP1 and APP2 voltage signal and low idle switch is not trusted Available

Remote accelerator pedal 1 signal is out of sync with pedal 2 signa Available

The unheated system activates the speed limitation under low temper Not Available

The unheated system reaches low temperature condition alarm Not Available

The group of EGR valve blocking fault cause torque limitation Not Available

The group of EGR valve blocking fault cause speed limitation Not Available

The group of EGR valve blocking fault cause alarm Available

The group of urea dosing interrupt fault cause torque limitation Not Available

The group of urea dosing interrupt fault cause speed limitation Not Available

The group of urea dosing interrupt fault cause alarm Available

Driving guidance system fault does not activates alarm Available

PM driving guidance system fault does not activates alarm Available

The group of PCD system failure fault cause torque limitation Not Available

The group of PCD system failure fault cause speed limitation Not Available

The group of PCD system failure fault cause alarm Not Available

The group of PM system blocking fault cause torque limitation Not Available

The group of PM system blocking fault cause speed limitation Not Available

The group of PM system blocking fault cause alarm Not Available

The group of PM system failure fault cause torque limitation Not Available

The group of PM system failure fault cause speed limitation Not Available

The group of PM system failure fault cause alarm Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Urea tank level low activates alarm Not Available

The group of urea solution consumption failure fault cause torque l Not Available

The group of urea solution consumption failure fault cause speed li Not Available

The group of urea solution consumption failure fault cause alarm Not Available

The group of urea solution Concentration failure fault cause torque Not Available

The group of urea solution Concentration failure fault cause speed Not Available

The group of urea solution Concentration failure fault cause alarm Available

The group of cheating fault cause torque limitation Not Available

The group of cheating fault cause speed limitation Not Available

The group of cheating fault cause alarm Available

Urea tank level low fault activates torque limitation Not Available

Urea tank level low fault activates speed limitation Not Available

Urea tank level low fault activates alarm Not Available

PM fault confirmed and activated Not Available

Driving guidance system repeatedly activates torque limitation Not Available

Driving guidance system repeatedly activates speed limitation Not Available

T50 switch error Available

SRC high for air temperature sensor Not Available

SRC low for air temperature sensor Not Available

SRC high for period duration of air temperature sensor Not Available

SRC low for period duration of air temperature sensor Not Available

Physical Range high error for air temperature sensor Not Available

Physical Range low error for air temperature sensor Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for air temperature sensor Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Low pressure charge air cooler downstream temperature sensor physi Not Available

Low pressure charge air cooler downstream temperature sensor physi Not Available

Low pressure charge air cooler downstream temperature sensor voltag Not Available

Low pressure charge air cooler downstream temperature sensor voltag Not Available

Low pressure charged Air Cooler Temperature downstream plausibility Not Available

Physical value of intake air temperature after intercooler exceed u Not Available

Physical value of intake air temperature after intercooler exceed l Not Available

Original voltage of intake air temperature after intercooler exceed Available

Original voltage of intake air temperature after intercooler exceed Available

Charged Air Cooler Temperature down stream plausibility check Not Available

Charged Air Cooler upstream temperature sensor physical signal abov Not Available

Charged Air Cooler downstream temperature sensor physical signal be Not Available

Charged Air Cooler upstream temperature sensor voltage exceeds the Not Available

Charged Air Coolerdownstream temperature sensor voltage exceeds the Not Available

Charged Air Cooler Temperature upstream plausibility check Not Available

ECU internal temperature exceed upper limit Available

ECU internal temperature exceed lower limit Available

ECU temperature value exceeds the upper limit fault Available

ECU temperature value exceeds the lower limit fault Available

ECU temperature sensor untrusted failure Available

EGR cooler downstream temperature sensor physical signal more than Not Available

EGR cooler downstream temperature sensor physical signal is lower t Not Available

EGR cooler downstream temperature sensor feedback voltage higher th Not Available

EGR cooler downstream temperature sensor feedback voltage lower tha Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

EGR cooler downstream Temperature plausibility check Not Available

Low temperature in stages of regeneration or desulfurization (tempe Not Available

The thermostat is stuck Not Available

TVA valve close position Voltage error (DrftClsd) Not Available

Throttle valve open position voltage fault Not Available

TVA On/off position Voltage error (DrftRng) Not Available

Throttle valve positive governor deviation falls below the lower li Available

Throttle valve positive governor deviation falls below the lower l Available

Throttle valve negative governor deviation falls below the lower li Available

TVA valve motor fault (HBrgCOMErr) Not Available

Throttle valve power supply motor open circuit Available

Throttle motor is over-temperature Not Available

Throttle valve power supply motor line 1 Short circuit to battery Available

Throttle valve power supply motor line 2 Short circuit to battery Available

Throttle valve power supply motor line 1 Short circuit to ground Available

Throttle valve power supply motor line 2 Short circuit to ground Available

Throttle motor current is over limit Not Available

Throttle motor voltage is below limit Not Available

Throttle valve is closed Available

Throttle valve is opened Available

Throttle valve Close position voltage fault Not Available

Throttle valve open position voltage fault Not Available

TVA valve open Not Available

TVA valve overtemperature Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Throttle valve position sensor physical signal more than upper lim Available

Throttle valve position sensor physical signal is lower than the l Available

TVA valve short-circuits the power supply Not Available

TVA valve shorted to the ground Not Available

Throttle valve Close position voltage fault Not Available

Throttle valve Close position voltage fault Not Available

Status of diagnostic fault check Phys. SRC Max. senor range error Not Available

Throttle valve sensor open circuit Available

Throttle valve sensor short circuit Available

throttle valve is over-temperature Not Available

Intake valve upstream temperature sensor physical signal more than Not Available

Intake valve upstream temperature sensor physical signal is lower t Not Available

Intake valve upstream temperature sensor voltage exceeds the maximu Not Available

Intake valve upstream temperature sensor voltage exceeds the minimu Not Available

Intake valve upstream temperature plausibility check Not Available

The physical value of DOC downstream temperature exceeds the upper Not Available

The physical value of DOC downstream temperature is beyond the lowe Not Available

The voltage value of DOC downstream temperature exceeds the upper Not Available

The voltage value of DOC downstream temperature is beyond the lower Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Plausibility errors in Oxidation

Not Available
Catalyst upstream temperature

The physical value of DOC upstream temperature exceeds the upper li Available

The physical value of DOC upstream temperature beyond the lower lim Available

DOC upstream temperature sensor open circuit Available

DOC upstream temperature sensor short circuit Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

The physical value of DPF downstream temperature exceeds the upper Not Available

The physical value of DPF downstream temperature beyond the lower Not Available

The voltage value of DPF downstream temperature exceeds the upper Not Available

The voltage value of DPF downstream temperature beyond the lower l Not Available

DPF upstream temperature is not trusted Not Available

DPF upstream temperature is too high(above physical limit) Not Available

DPF upstream temperature is too low (below the physical limit) Not Available

DPF upstream temperature sensor open circuit Not Available

DPF upstream temperature sensor short circuit Not Available

Failure of transmission oil temperature physical value exceeding up Not Available

Failure of transmission oil temperature physical value beyond lower Not Available

Failure of transmission oil temperature and original voltage exceed Not Available

Transmission oil temperature original voltage beyond the lower limi Not Available

Turbocharger communication failure Not Available

Turbocharger communication signal failure Not Available

Turbocharger actuator open circui Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger EEP abnormal failure Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger internal electrical fault Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbochargerr percentage of power on lea Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger feedback failure Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger Initialisation failure Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger Initialization fault Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger Internal actuator Fault Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger continous position error Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Diagnostic fault check for Obstruction fault Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for low voltage error Not Available

Low pressure turbocharger actuator open load Not Available

Low pressure turbocharger actuator overtemperature Not Available

Low pressure turbocharger actuator short to battery Not Available

Low pressure turbocharger actuator short to ground Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger Obstruction fault Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger deviation in span learn Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger learn span out of range err Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger Learn Value Error Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger Motor effort limited Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger over speed failure Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger over temperature failure Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger park position error for Cum Not Available

Turbocharger actuator open load Not Available

Turbocharger actuator overtemperature Not Available

Turbocharger actuator short to battery Not Available

Turbocharger actuator short to ground Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger reference not found Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger running Test Sequence Not Available

Turbocharger motor short circuit Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Turbocharger position sensor failure Not Available

The speed signal of the Turbocharger is inaccurate Not Available

The speed sensor signal of the Turbocharger is wrong Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Turbocharger speed sensor open circui Not Available

Turbocharger speed sensor short circui Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for turbocharger temperature fault Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for turbocharger final temperature fault Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for turbocharger temperature Warning Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for turbocharger thermistor failure Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for turbocharger overhigh voltage error Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for turbocharger Supply Voltage High Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for turbocharger Supply Voltage Low Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for turbocharger temperature warning Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for turbocharger low voltage error Not Available

The vortex-front temperature sensor is inaccurate Not Available

Exhaust before turbine temperature signal physical value exceeds th Not Available

Physical Range Check low for turbine upstream temperature sensor Not Available

The vortex-front temperature sensor open circuit Not Available

The vortex-front temperature sensor short circuit Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for plausibility of Urea catalyst Downstream Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check for Physical Signal above maximum limit Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check for Physical Signal below minimum limit Not Available

Downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensors open circuit Not Available

Downstream nitrogen and oxygen sensors short circuit Not Available

Physical Range Check high for turbine upstream temperature sensor Available

Physical Range Check low for turbine upstream temperature sensor Available

SRC upstream temperature sensor open circuit Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

SRC upstream temperature sensor short circuit Available

Urea tank is empty Available

The liquid level of urea tank is below 5% Available

The liquid level of urea tank is below 10% Available

Urea dosing valve actuator open circuit Available

Short circuit to battery error in powerstage of Urea dosing valve a Available

Short circuit to ground error in powerstage of Urea dosing valve ac Available

Short circuit on Load error of urea dosing valve actuator Available

Pressure line heater error and temperature condition to perform an Available

SCR heating system backflow line heating resistance wire open Available

Open Load error of Urea Backflow Line Heater Actuator powerstage Available

Over Temperature error of Urea Backflow Line Heater Actuator powers Available

Short Circuit to Battery of Urea Backflow Line Heater Actuator powe Available

Short Circuit to Ground of Urea Backflow Line Heater Actuator power Available

The feedback voltage at the load end of the urea heating relay is n Available

Open Load error of Post - treatment heating master relay Available

Over Temperature error of Post - treatment heating master relay Available

Short Circuit to Battery of Post - treatment heating master relay Available

Short Circuit to Ground of Post - treatment heating master relay Available

SCR heating system pressure tube heating resistance wire open Available

Open Load error of Urea Pressure Line Heater Actuator powerstage Available

Over Temperature error of Urea Pressure Line Heater Actuator powers Available

Short Circuit to Battery of Urea Pressure Line Heater Actuator powe Available

Short Circuit to Ground of Urea Pressure Line Heater Actuator power Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Open Load error of SCR heating main relay Available

Over Temperature error of SCR heating main relay Available

Short Circuit to Battery of SCR heating main relay Available

Short Circuit to Ground of SCR heating main relay Available

Open Load error of Urea Suction Line Heater Actuator powerstage Available

Over Temperature error of Urea Suction Line Heater Actuator powerst Available

Short Circuit to Battery of Urea Suction Line Heater Actuator power Available

Short Circuit to Ground of Urea Suction Line Heater Actuator powers Available

SCR heating system urea pump heating end open Available

Open Load error of Urea Supply Module Heater Actuator powerstage Available

Over Temperature error of Urea Supply Module Heater Actuator powers Available

Short Circuit to Battery of Urea Supply Module Heater Actuator powe Available

Short Circuit to Ground of Urea Supply Module Heater Actuator power Available

Open Load error of Urea Tank Heater Actuator powerstage Available

Over Temperature error of Urea Tank Heater Actuator powerstage Available

Short Circuit to Battery of Urea Tank Heater Actuator powerstage Available

Short Circuit to Ground of Urea Tank Heater Actuator powerstage Available

Pump Motor Communication Receive Fail Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for urea pump motor speed deviation Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for urea pump motor speed deviation Not Available

Pump motor not available for actuation Available

Urea pump motor open circuit Available

Over temperature error on powerstage for urea pump motor Available

Diagnostic Fault check for period outside valid range Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Diagnostic fault check for Pumpmotor internal Duty cycle above maxi Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Pumpmotor internal Duty cycle below mini Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Supply Heater Module temperature Duty cy Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Supply Heater Module temperature Duty cy Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Pumpmotor speed Duty cycle above maximum Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Pumpmotor speed Duty cycle below mimimum Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Supply Module temperature Duty cycle abo Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for Supply Module temperature Duty cycle bel Not Available

Short circuit to battery error on powerstage for urea pump motor Available

Short circuit to ground error on powerstage for urea pump motor Available

Physical Range Check high for Urea Pump Module Pressure Sensor Available

Physical Range check low for Urea Pump Module Pressure Sensor Not Available

The pressure of the urea pump is higher than the threshold value Available

The pressure of the urea pump is lower than the threshold value Available

Urea pump pressure sensor open circuit Available

Urea pump pressure sensor Short circuit Available

Reverse valve relay open circuit Available

Reverse valve relay is over-temperature Available

Reverse valve relay short circuit to battery Available

Reverse valve relay short circuit to ground Available

Invalid data forUrea quality sensor Not Available

Wrong concentration of Urea additive Not Available

The meassured Urea concentration is implausible high Not Available

The meassured Urea concentration is implausible low Not Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Unavailable forUrea quality sensor Not Available

Fail to detect Reduction agent type Not Available

Diesel oil in the Urea Tank Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for concentration invalid failure mode ident Not Available

The type of reducing agent cannot be determined Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for concentration short circuit to battery o Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for concentration short circuit to ground er Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for concentration electrical signal range ma Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for concentration electrical signal range mi Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for concentration stuck−in−-range error Not Available

Over temperature Detection for Urea solution Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for temperature invalid failure mode identif Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check for concentration signal timeout error Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for temperature short circuit to battery or Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for temperature short circuit to ground erro Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for temperature electrical signal range maxi Not Available

Diagnostic fault check for temperature electrical signal range mini Not Available

Diagnostic Fault check for temperature signal timeout error Not Available

Excess water in Urea Not Available

Physical Range Check high for Urea Tank Level Module Sensor Available

Physical Range Check low for Urea Tank Level Module Sensor Available

Physical Range Check high for Urea tank temperature Sensor Available

Physical Range Check low for Urea tank temperature Sensor Available

Signal error for CAN message Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

SRC high for Urea temperature sensor Not Available

SRC low for Urea temperature sensor Not Available

Inaccurate temperature measurement of the urea tank (the temperatur Available

Inaccurate temperature measurement of the urea tank (the temperatur Available

Signal error for vehicle speed over CAN Available

Speed exceeding limit error Available

Vehicle speed sensor - sensor not connected Available

The physical value of speed signal exceeds the upper limit Available

The physical value of the speed signal exceeds the limit Available

Vehicle speed is not plausible to engine speed and torque Available

Vehicle speed sensor - short circuit to battery Available

Vehicle speed sensor - short circuit to ground Available

Vehicle speed tachometer signal - pulse width too long Available

Vehicle speed tachometer signal - pulse width too short Available

Vehicle speed tachometer signal - period duration too short Available

Thedelt Pressure sensor physical signal more than upper limit Not Available

Thedelt Pressure sensor physical signal is lower than the lower li Not Available

Venturi upstream pressure sensor physical signal above maximum limi Not Available

Venturi upstream pressure sensor physical signal below minimum limi Not Available

Unheated Urea system cannot supply Urea Not Available

Warning lamp open circuit Available

Warning lamp over temperature Available

Warning lampshort circuit to battery Available

Warning lampshort circuit to ground Available

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

SPN(Decimal DTCM(Hexadecimal
Level FMI(Decimal) ) Code(Decimal )

6 11 517097 2111 P0001

2 17 517097 2311 P0002

2 15 517097 2311 P0003

6 4 517097 2111 P0004

6 5 517097 2111 P0005

6 0 517097 2111 P0006

2 16 517097 2312 P0007

2 18 517097 2312 P0008

6 1 517097 2111 P0009

6 8 517097 2111 P000A

6 9 517097 2111 P000B

1 3 1795 1211 P000C

1 0 209894 1211 P000D

1 5 3062 5211 P000E

0 6 3062 5211 P000F

1 5 519701 5211 P0010

0 6 519701 5211 P0011

1 3 519701 5211 P0012

1 4 519701 5211 P0013

1 3 3062 5211 P0014

1 4 3062 5211 P0015

0 2 7853 5311 P0016

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 21 5264 2313 P0018

2 20 5264 2313 P0019

6 15 517100 2313 P001A

6 17 517100 2313 P001B

6 0 1241 2313 P001C

6 1 1241 2313 P001D

2 15 5264 2223 P001E

2 16 5264 2223 P001F

9 11 519664 2131 P05C9

3 16 2898 5212 P0020

3 18 2898 5212 P0021

3 15 2898 5212 P0022

3 17 2898 5212 P0023

1 20 2898 5212 P0570

1 21 2898 5212 P0571

2 6 520000 5212 P05DD

2 7 2898 5212 P0024

2 2 517101 2211 P0025

6 0 522045 5115 P0263

6 1 522045 5115 P0264

6 2 522045 5115 P0265

6 3 522045 5115 P0266

2 0 517102 2314 P002A

2 1 517102 2314 P002B

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 2 517102 2314 P002C

2 3 517102 2314 P002D

2 4 517102 2314 P002E

2 5 517102 2314 P002F

2 3 3597 5213 P0030

2 3 3598 5213 P0031

2 3 3599 5213 P0032

2 4 3597 5213 P0039

2 4 3598 5213 P003A

2 4 3599 5213 P003B

6 15 167 5411 P0042

6 17 167 5411 P0043

6 3 168 5411 P0044

6 4 168 5411 P0045

1 0 167 5411 P0046

1 1 167 5411 P0047

1 31 4375 3211 P0048

1 20 4375 3211 P0049

1 19 4375 3211 P004A

1 14 4375 3211 P004B

1 11 518101 1331 P0572

3 2 597 5214 P004C

1 19 597 5214 P004D

1 19 519702 5214 P004E

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 4 522045 5312 P0267

0 5 522045 5312 P0268

8 6 522045 5312 P0269

0 7 522045 5312 P026A

2 11 5285 2315 P0054

2 12 5285 2315 P05CA

1 0 519724 2115 P0573

1 3 519724 2115 P0574

1 15 519724 2115 P0575

1 16 519724 2115 P0576

1 17 519724 2115 P0577

1 18 519724 2115 P0578

0 2 519675 5312 P0055

2 16 110 1111 P0056

2 15 110 1111 P0057

2 0 110 1111 P0058

2 17 110 1111 P0059

5 3 110 1111 P005A

5 4 110 1111 P005B

2 2 110 1111 P005C

2 15 1241 2324 P005D

2 17 1241 2324 P005E

6 3 7595 2212 P005F

6 4 7595 2212 P0060

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 5 517701 2114 P0579

0 6 517701 2114 P057A

0 3 517701 2114 P057B

0 4 517701 2114 P057C

1 2 598 5215 P0061

3 19 598 5215 P0062

1 1 518000 1311 P0063

1 2 518000 1311 P0064

1 3 518000 1311 P0065

1 4 518000 1311 P0066

1 5 518000 1311 P0067

1 6 518000 1311 P0068

9 7 518000 1311 P0069

1 8 518000 1311 P006A

11 14 519097 5313 P006B

8 2 519097 5313 P006C

1 14 517138 5313 P05B5

1 2 517138 5313 P05B6

0 14 519606 5313 P006D

0 2 519606 5313 P006E

0 14 519676 5121 P0070

0 0 519676 5121 P0071

0 19 91 5313 P0072

0 2 91 5313 P0073

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 25 522042 5121 P0074

1 26 522042 5121 P0075

1 10 7353 5313 P0076

8 11 7353 5313 P0077

1 27 522042 5121 P0078

1 28 522042 5121 P0079

1 14 519607 5313 P007A

1 12 7353 5313 P007B

1 14 519608 5313 P007C

1 13 7353 5313 P007D

1 10 7351 5313 P007F

1 11 7351 5313 P0080

1 14 519609 5313 P0081

1 12 7351 5313 P0082

1 14 519610 5313 P0083

1 13 7351 5313 P0084

11 14 7354 5313 P0085

8 2 7354 5313 P0086

0 29 522042 5121 P0087

0 19 519678 5313 P0088

0 8 522045 5313 P026B

1 9 522045 5313 P026C

0 10 522045 5313 P026D

1 11 522045 5313 P026E

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 14 519615 5313 P008D

0 2 519615 5313 P008E

0 14 519616 5313 P008F

0 2 519616 5313 P0090

0 8 519617 5313 P0091

0 30 522042 5121 P0092

1 19 7606 5313 P0093

1 14 2903 5313 P0026

1 14 2902 5313 P0027

1 14 2904 5313 P0028

1 14 3234 5313 P0029

1 14 3235 5313 P0033

1 14 3272 5313 P0034

1 14 3273 5313 P0035

1 14 3274 5313 P0036

1 14 5715 5313 P0037

0 14 519627 5313 P0017

0 19 519618 5313 P0094

0 2 519703 5313 P0095

0 2 519704 5313 P0096

0 2 519705 5313 P0097

0 19 519619 5313 P0098

0 2 519706 5313 P0099

0 2 519707 5313 P009A

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 2 519708 5313 P009B

1 2 519620 5313 P009C

1 2 519709 5313 P00A2

1 19 519711 5313 P00A3

1 5 520310 5313 P05DE

1 6 520310 5313 P05DF

1 7 520310 5313 P05E0

1 8 520310 5313 P05E1

1 10 520310 5313 P05E2

1 23 484506 5313 P05E3

1 13 520310 5313 P05E4

1 15 520310 5313 P05E5

1 16 520310 5313 P05E6

1 17 520310 5313 P05E7

1 19 519712 5313 P00A4

1 18 520310 5313 P05E8

1 19 520310 5313 P05E9

1 0 520311 5313 P05EA

1 1 520311 5313 P05EB

1 3 520312 5313 P05EC

1 4 520313 5313 P05ED

1 5 520314 5313 P05EE

1 6 520315 5313 P05EF

1 7 520316 5313 P05F0

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 8 520317 5313 P05F1

1 19 519713 5313 P00A5

1 5 520318 5313 P05F2

1 19 519714 5313 P00A6

1 19 519715 5313 P00A7

1 1 520310 5313 P05F3

1 2 520310 5313 P05F4

1 3 520310 5313 P05F5

1 4 520310 5313 P05F6

1 2 519716 5313 P00A8

0 14 522043 5121 P00A9

0 2 522043 5121 P00AA

1 0 522043 5121 P00AB

0 14 519621 5313 P00AC

0 2 519621 5313 P00AD

0 14 519622 5313 P00AE

0 2 519622 5313 P00AF

6 1 522043 5121 P00B5

6 23 522043 5121 P00B6

6 2 5265 5313 P00B7

8 11 5265 5313 P00B8

0 10 519197 5313 P00B9

0 2 519197 5313 P00BA

0 10 519198 5313 P00BB

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 2 519198 5313 P00BC

0 10 519199 5313 P00BD

0 2 519199 5313 P00BE

0 10 519200 5313 P00BF

0 2 519200 5313 P00C0

0 19 519623 5313 P00C1

0 14 519624 5313 P00C4

0 19 519624 5313 P00C5

0 2 519624 5313 P00C6

0 14 519625 5313 P00C7

0 19 519625 5313 P00C8

0 2 519625 5313 P00C9

0 22 522043 5121 P00CA

0 2 519686 5313 P00CB

0 19 519688 5313 P00CF

0 10 522043 5121 P00D1

0 11 522043 5121 P00D4

1 12 522043 5121 P00D6

1 13 522043 5121 P00D7

1 21 522043 5121 P00D8

6 14 517127 2225 P057D

6 2 517127 2225 P057E

0 1 522042 1341 P0038

0 2 522042 1341 P003C

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 3 522042 1341 P003D

0 4 522042 1341 P003E

0 5 522042 1341 P003F

0 6 522042 1341 P0040

0 3 517128 2121 P0581

0 4 517128 2121 P057F

1 19 5032 5313 P00DC

1 19 5025 5313 P00DD

1 19 5033 5313 P00DE

1 19 5026 5313 P00DF

1 19 5027 5313 P00E0

1 19 5034 5313 P00E1

1 19 5028 5313 P00E2

1 19 5035 5313 P00E3

1 19 5031 5313 P00E8

1 19 5024 5313 P00E9

1 19 5855 5313 P00EA

1 19 5848 5313 P00EB

1 20 3269 5313 P00EC

1 19 3270 5313 P00ED

6 19 3271 5313 P00EE

1 17 522043 5121 P00EF

0 16 517128 2121 P0580

1 10 5041 5313 P00F8

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 18 522043 5121 P00F9

0 10 519628 5313 P00FC

0 19 519629 5313 P00FD

0 2 519629 5313 P00FE

0 14 517129 2122 P0583

0 2 517129 2122 P0584

0 14 517130 2122 P0585

0 2 517130 2122 P0586

0 14 517131 2123 P0587

0 2 517131 2123 P0588

0 14 520001 2152 P05F7

0 2 520002 2152 P05F8

0 14 517139 5211 P05B7

0 2 517139 5211 P05B8

0 14 517132 2124 P0589

0 2 517132 2124 P058A

0 14 517133 2124 P058B

0 2 517133 2124 P0582

0 14 522030 5313 P00FF

0 2 522030 5313 P0100

0 19 522043 5121 P0101

0 20 522043 5121 P0102

1 7 522042 5313 P0041

1 8 522042 5313 P004F

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 10 519201 5313 P0103

0 2 519201 5313 P0104

0 14 520003 2151 P05F9

0 2 520004 2151 P05FA

0 14 517134 2125 P058E

0 2 517134 2125 P058F

0 14 517135 2125 P058C

0 2 517135 2125 P058D

0 14 520005 2151 P05FB

0 2 520006 2151 P05FC

1 14 517136 5313 P05B9

1 2 517136 5313 P05BA

1 19 3259 5313 P0107

1 19 3269 5313 P0108

1 11 5041 5313 P0109

1 12 5041 5313 P010A

1 19 3218 5313 P010B

1 19 3228 5313 P010C

1 19 3219 5313 P010D

1 19 3229 5313 P010E

0 19 519632 5313 P010F

6 2 3523 5313 P0110

6 3 3523 5313 P0111

6 4 3523 5313 P0112

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

6 11 3523 5313 P0113

6 2 4365 5313 P0114

6 3 4365 5313 P0115

6 4 4365 5313 P0116

6 11 4365 5313 P0117

0 24 522043 5121 P0118

0 2 519717 5313 P0119

6 26 522043 5121 P011B

6 27 522043 5121 P011C

0 14 519633 5313 P011E

0 2 519633 5313 P011F

1 1 519716 5313 P009E

1 2 2902 5313 P009F

1 2 2904 5313 P0050

1 2 3234 5313 P0051

1 2 3235 5313 P0052

1 2 3272 5313 P0089

1 2 3273 5313 P008A

1 2 3274 5313 P008B

1 2 5715 5313 P008C

0 19 519627 5313 P009D

0 2 519635 5313 P0121

0 10 519635 5313 P0122

0 2 519691 5313 P0123

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 10 519691 5313 P0124

0 2 519636 5313 P0125

0 10 519636 5313 P0126

0 2 519637 5313 P0127

0 10 519637 5313 P0128

0 2 519638 5313 P0129

0 10 519638 5313 P012A

0 2 519639 5313 P012B

0 10 519639 5313 P012C

0 2 519640 5313 P012D

0 10 519640 5313 P012E

0 2 519641 5313 P012F

0 10 522041 5313 P0130

0 2 519642 5313 P0131

0 10 519642 5313 P0132

0 2 519643 5313 P0133

0 10 519643 5313 P0134

0 2 519644 5313 P0135

0 10 519644 5313 P0136

0 19 519692 5313 P0137

0 14 519645 5313 P0138

0 2 519645 5313 P0139

0 14 519718 5313 P013A

0 28 522043 5121 P013B

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 29 522043 5121 P013C

0 2 519718 5313 P013D

0 14 519719 5313 P013E

0 30 522043 5121 P013F

0 31 522043 5121 P0140

0 2 519719 5313 P0141

0 14 519646 5313 P0142

0 0 522044 5121 P0143

0 1 522044 5121 P0144

0 2 519646 5313 P0145

0 14 519694 5313 P0146

0 2 522044 5121 P0147

0 3 522044 5121 P0148

0 2 519694 5313 P0149

0 14 519647 5313 P014A

0 4 522044 5121 P014B

0 5 522044 5121 P014C

0 2 519647 5313 P014D

0 14 519648 5313 P014E

0 6 522044 5121 P014F

0 7 522044 5121 P0150

0 2 519648 5313 P0151

0 14 519649 5313 P0152

0 8 522044 5121 P0153

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 9 522044 5121 P0154

0 2 519649 5313 P0155

0 14 519650 5313 P0156

0 10 522044 5121 P0157

0 11 522044 5121 P0158

0 2 519650 5313 P0159

0 12 522044 5121 P015A

0 13 522044 5121 P015B

0 14 522044 5121 P015C

0 15 522044 5121 P015D

0 14 519651 5313 P015E

0 16 522044 5121 P015F

0 17 522044 5121 P0160

0 2 519651 5313 P0161

0 14 519652 5313 P0162

0 18 522044 5121 P0163

0 19 522044 5121 P0164

0 2 519652 5313 P0165

1 19 3258 5313 P0169

6 19 519098 5313 P016A

6 19 519099 5313 P016B

6 19 519100 5313 P016C

6 19 519101 5313 P016D

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

6 19 519102 5313 P016E

0 14 519653 5313 P016F

0 2 519653 5313 P0170

0 14 519654 5313 P0171

0 2 519654 5313 P0172

6 0 7381 5313 P0175

6 11 7381 5313 P0176

6 2 5451 5313 P0177

6 11 5451 5313 P0178

6 11 5385 5313 P0179

1 0 519310 1312 P017C

0 0 520007 1312 P05FD

0 0 101 5221 P0261

0 1 101 5221 P0262

1 3 101 5221 P017D

1 4 101 5221 P017E

1 16 101 5221 P017F

2 2 596 5221 P0180

1 11 519698 5111 P0181

1 5 1659 1212 P0182

1 6 1659 1212 P0183

1 3 1659 1212 P0184

1 4 1659 1212 P0185

1 15 444 5411 P0186

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 17 444 5411 P0187

10 17 5298 4311 P0188

10 17 5310 4311 P0189

0 1 4796 4311 P018A

0 2 4766 4111 P018B

0 2 4765 4111 P018C

10 6 4796 4311 P018D

0 3 5397 4333 P05B4

1 19 519656 5321 P0192

6 2 5385 2213 P0193

6 11 5386 2213 P0194

6 2 5386 2213 P0195

1 19 571 5222 P0196

0 0 519657 5513 P0198

1 2 519657 5315 P0199

0 1 519657 5513 P019B

1 19 519658 5315 P019C

2 5 520008 1241 P05FE

2 6 520009 1241 P05FF

2 3 520010 1241 P0600

2 4 520011 1241 P0601

2 5 520012 1241 P0602

2 6 523013 1241 P0603

2 3 518014 1241 P0604

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 4 520015 1241 P0605

6 3 2659 2321 P01AD

6 4 2659 2321 P01AE

6 15 2659 2321 P01AF

6 17 2659 2321 P01B0

2 11 4752 2322 P01B1

6 19 27 2212 P01B2

2 15 27 2215 P01B3

2 17 27 2215 P01B4

2 1 27 2215 P01B5

6 11 27 2212 P01B6

6 7 27 2212 P01B7

2 0 517098 2323 P01B8

6 18 27 2323 P01B9

6 15 517098 2323 P01BA

2 11 5773 5314 P01BB

8 1 5764 2221 P01BC

2 11 5764 2221 P01BD

6 0 5764 2221 P01BE

6 3 5764 2221 P01BF

6 2 5764 2221 P01C0

6 4 5764 2221 P01C1

2 5 5764 2221 P01C2

2 17 5764 2221 P01C3

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

8 2 27 2224 P01C4

8 1 5831 2214 P01C5

8 0 5831 2214 P01C6

2 17 5832 2215 P01C7

2 18 5832 2215 P01C8

6 3 27 2224 P01C9

2 0 5773 2222 P01CA

2 6 5255 2222 P01CB

6 4 27 2224 P01CC

6 0 5264 2222 P01CD

6 1 5264 2222 P01CE

2 3 5773 2222 P01CF

2 4 5773 2222 P01D0

2 15 5832 2215 P01D1

2 16 5832 2215 P01D2

2 11 5831 2222 P01D3

8 3 5263 2222 P01D4

8 4 5263 2222 P01D5

2 11 517109 2222 P01D6

6 5 27 2212 P01D7

6 0 27 2224 P01D8

0 11 1109 1312 P01D9

1 3 517900 1112 P01DA

1 4 517900 1112 P01DB

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 15 517900 1112 P01DC

1 17 517900 1112 P01DD

2 11 1769 1313 P01DE

2 0 1769 1325 P01DF

2 1 1769 1325 P01E0

1 1 519659 1314 P01E1

1 2 519659 1314 P01E2

1 3 519659 1314 P01E3

1 4 519659 1314 P01E4

1 5 519659 1314 P01E5

0 0 518660 4312 P01E6

0 15 518660 4312 P01E7

0 16 518660 4312 P01E8

0 0 518098 4312 P01E9

0 15 518098 4312 P01EA

0 16 518098 4312 P01EB

0 1 518660 4312 P01EC

0 17 518660 4312 P01ED

0 18 518660 4312 P01EE

0 1 518099 4312 P01EF

0 17 518099 4312 P01F0

0 18 518099 4312 P01F1

1 2 520016 5112 P0606

2 19 171 5112 P01F2

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 11 171 5112 P01F3

2 18 171 5112 P01F4

1 0 171 1124 P01F5

8 3 171 5112 P01F6

8 4 171 5112 P01F7

2 15 4201 1113 P01F8

2 3 4201 1113 P01F9

2 17 4201 1113 P01FA

2 15 4203 1114 P01FB

2 3 4203 1114 P01FC

1 5 1623 1411 P01FD

1 6 1623 1411 P01FE

1 3 1623 1411 P01FF

1 4 1623 1411 P0200

0 15 517910 4214 P0201

0 17 517910 4214 P0202

0 18 517910 4214 P0203

0 15 520312 4214 P0204

0 17 517911 4214 P0205

0 18 520314 4214 P0206

1 5 987 5251 P0590

1 6 987 5251 P0591

1 3 987 5251 P0592

1 4 987 5251 P0593

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 5 519660 5222 P0207

2 6 519660 5222 P0208

2 3 519660 5222 P0209

2 4 519660 5222 P020A

0 0 518661 4312 P020B

0 15 518661 4312 P020C

0 16 518661 4312 P020D

0 1 518661 4312 P020E

0 17 518661 4312 P020F

0 18 518661 4312 P0210

0 2 518661 4312 P0211

0 8 518100 4312 P0212

0 9 518100 4312 P0213

0 10 518100 4312 P0214

0 11 518100 4312 P0215

0 12 518100 4312 P0216

0 13 518100 4312 P0217

1 9 522042 1343 P00A0

1 10 522042 1343 P00A1

2 5 4815 5223 P0218

2 5 519699 5223 P0219

2 6 4815 5223 P021A

2 6 519699 5223 P021B

2 3 4815 5223 P021C

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 3 519699 5223 P021D

2 4 4815 5223 P021E

2 4 519699 5223 P021F

2 5 520017 5152 P0607

2 6 520018 5152 P0608

2 3 520019 5152 P0609

2 4 520020 5152 P060A

2 5 519719 5223 P0220

2 6 519719 5223 P0221

2 3 519719 5223 P0222

2 4 519719 5223 P0223

1 8 4815 5223 P0224

2 3 1639 5223 P0225

2 4 1639 5223 P0226

1 5 4009 1213 P0227

1 6 4009 1213 P0228

1 3 4009 1213 P0229

1 4 4009 1213 P022A

2 5 519661 1115 P022B

2 6 519661 1115 P022C

2 3 519661 1115 P022D

2 4 519661 1115 P022E

1 3 519662 1115 P022F

1 4 519662 1115 P0230

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 0 96 1121 P0231

1 3 96 1121 P0232

1 4 96 1121 P0233

1 1 96 1121 P0234

1 11 519662 1122 P0235

1 11 522048 1122 P0595

1 11 522049 1122 P0594

1 23 522044 5122 P0236

1 12 522045 1224 P026F

1 0 18 1125 P0238

1 1 18 1125 P0239

1 15 18 1125 P023A

1 17 18 1125 P023B

1 3 18 1125 P023C

1 4 18 1125 P023D

1 0 8420 1123 P023E

1 1 8420 1123 P023F

1 3 8420 1123 P0240

1 4 8420 1123 P0241

1 2 8420 1123 P0242

0 0 59 5113 P0243

1 2 59 5113 P0244

2 5 626 5224 P0246

2 6 626 5224 P0247

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 3 626 5224 P0248

2 4 626 5224 P0249

1 16 3222 3111 P0273

1 17 3232 3112 P0274

8 16 3223 3111 P0275

1 17 3233 3112 P0276

8 16 3225 3111 P0277

1 17 3235 3112 P0278

1 16 5714 3111 P0279

1 17 5713 3112 P027A

1 16 3263 3111 P027B

1 17 3273 3111 P027C

1 20 5026 3111 P027D

1 20 5033 3112 P027E

1 17 5026 3111 P027F

1 17 5033 3112 P0280

1 16 5026 3111 P0281

1 16 5033 3112 P0282

1 0 3216 3111 P0283

1 0 3226 3112 P0284

1 1 3216 3111 P0285

1 1 3226 3112 P0286

1 11 3216 3111 P0287

1 2 3226 3112 P0288

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 15 3216 3111 P0289

1 15 3226 3112 P028A

1 16 3216 3111 P028B

1 16 3226 3112 P028C

8 5 3216 3111 P028D

1 5 3226 3112 P028E

8 6 3216 3111 P028F

1 7 3226 3112 P0290

1 2 3216 3111 P0291

1 11 3226 3112 P0292

1 3 3216 3111 P0293

1 3 3226 3112 P0294

1 4 3216 3111 P0295

1 4 3226 3112 P0296

1 3 5027 3111 P0297

1 3 5034 3112 P0298

1 4 5027 3111 P0299

1 4 5034 3112 P029A

8 12 3216 3111 P029B

1 6 3226 3112 P029C

2 5 519663 4222 P029D

2 6 519663 4222 P029E

2 3 519663 4222 P029F

2 4 519663 4222 P02A0

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 15 518010 1315 P02A1

2 17 518010 1315 P02A2

1 0 90 1112 P0596

1 1 90 1112 P0597

1 3 90 1112 P0598

1 4 90 1112 P0599

2 5 2898 5212 P02A3

2 6 2898 5212 P02A4

2 3 2898 5212 P02A5

2 4 2898 5212 P02A6

1 0 5245 1412 P059A

1 5 522043 3113 P00F1

1 6 522043 3113 P00F2

1 3 522043 3113 P00F3

1 4 522043 3113 P00F4

1 1 517600 1214 P02A7

1 2 517600 1214 P02A8

1 3 517600 1214 P02A9

1 4 517600 1214 P02AA

1 15 517610 1215 P02AB

1 17 517610 1215 P02AC

2 18 517620 1221 P02AE

2 19 522045 1221 P0270

2 20 522045 1221 P0271

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 18 517630 1321 P02AF

2 11 520211 1321 P02B0

2 3 517640 1222 P02B1

2 5 1413 1222 P02B2

2 5 1417 1222 P02B3

2 5 1415 1222 P02B4

2 5 1418 1222 P02B5

2 5 1414 1222 P02B6

2 5 1416 1222 P02B7

2 3 517650 1222 P02B8

2 3 517651 1222 P02B9

2 3 1413 1222 P02BA

2 3 1417 1222 P02BB

2 3 1415 1222 P02BC

2 3 1418 1222 P02BD

2 3 1414 1222 P02BE

2 3 1416 1222 P02BF

2 4 1413 1222 P02C0

2 4 1417 1222 P02C1

2 4 1415 1222 P02C2

2 4 1418 1222 P02C3

2 4 1414 1222 P02C4

2 4 1416 1222 P02C5

0 13 522045 1222 P0272

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 14 522045 1222 P02C6

0 15 522045 1222 P02C7

0 16 522045 1222 P02C8

0 17 522045 1222 P02C9

1 18 522045 1222 P02CA

1 16 519664 5114 P02CC

1 18 519664 5114 P02CD

2 3 976 5511 P02CF

2 14 1442 1223 P02D1

2 5 1442 1223 P02D2

2 3 1442 1223 P02D3

2 4 1442 1223 P02D4

2 6 1442 1223 P02D5

2 8 1442 1223 P02D6

2 9 1442 1223 P02D7

2 0 1442 1223 P02D8

2 1 1442 1223 P02D9

2 5 519665 5225 P02DA

2 6 519665 5225 P02DB

2 3 519665 5225 P02DC

2 4 519665 5225 P02DD

2 4 976 5511 P02DE

2 11 517800 1323 P02DF

2 14 517800 1323 P02E0

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 14 517810 1323 P02E1

2 11 519666 1321 P02E2

2 14 517820 1321 P02E3

2 1 520227 1321 P02E4

2 2 520227 1321 P02E5

2 3 520227 1321 P02E6

2 1 520230 1321 P02E7

2 2 520230 1321 P02E8

2 3 520230 1321 P02E9

2 16 519721 1321 P02EA

2 15 519721 1321 P02EB

0 14 520232 1321 P02EC

2 16 1675 1321 P02ED

1 11 519667 1321 P02EE

2 11 519668 1321 P02EF

2 14 520234 1321 P02F0

2 1 520235 1322 P02F1

2 2 520235 1322 P02F2

2 3 520235 1322 P02F3

1 21 522045 1341 P02CB

1 29 522045 1341 P0320

1 23 522045 1341 P02D0

1 22 522045 1341 P02CE

1 24 522045 1341 P02FC

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 25 522045 1341 P02FD

1 26 522045 1341 P02FE

1 27 522045 1341 P02FF

1 28 522045 1341 P031F

1 2 522046 1341 P0325

1 30 522045 1341 P0321

1 31 522045 1341 P0322

1 0 522046 1341 P0323

1 1 522046 1341 P0324

1 12 522046 1341 P038D

1 3 522046 1341 P0326

1 4 522046 1341 P0327

1 5 522046 1341 P0328

1 6 522046 1341 P0329

1 7 522046 1341 P037B

1 8 522046 1341 P037C

1 9 522046 1341 P037D

1 10 522046 1341 P037E

1 11 522046 1341 P038C

1 13 522046 1341 P039D

1 14 522046 1341 P039E

1 15 522046 1341 P039F

1 16 522046 1341 P03A0

1 17 522046 1341 P03A1

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 18 522046 1341 P03A2

1 19 522046 1341 P03A3

1 20 522046 1341 P03A4

1 31 522046 1341 P03AF

1 21 522046 1341 P03A5

1 22 522046 1341 P03A6

1 23 522046 1341 P03A7

1 24 522046 1341 P03A8

1 25 522046 1341 P03A9

1 26 522046 1341 P03AA

1 27 522046 1341 P03AB

1 28 522046 1341 P03AC

1 29 522046 1341 P03AD

1 30 522046 1341 P03AE

1 3 522047 1341 P03B4

1 0 522047 1341 P03B1

1 1 522047 1341 P03B2

1 2 522047 1341 P03B3

1 4 522047 1341 P0433

1 5 522047 1341 P0434

1 6 522047 1341 P0435

1 7 522047 1341 P0436

1 8 522047 1341 P0437

1 9 522047 1341 P044C

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 10 522047 1341 P044D

1 11 522047 1341 P044E

1 12 522047 1341 P044F

1 5 3508 1342 P00F5

1 3 3508 1342 P00F6

1 4 3508 1342 P00F7

2 5 519722 5231 P02F4

2 6 519722 5231 P02F5

2 3 519722 5231 P02F6

2 4 519722 5231 P02F7

0 2 3251 4331 P02F8

1 15 101 1131 P02F9

0 11 3251 4331 P02FA

1 2 976 5232 P02FB

1 13 522047 1231 P0452

1 14 522047 1231 P0453

1 15 522047 1231 P0500

1 3 98 1132 P0300

1 4 98 1132 P0301

1 2 98 1132 P0302

1 15 98 1132 P0303

1 17 98 1132 P0304

2 5 519670 5233 P0305

2 6 519670 5233 P0306

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 3 519670 5233 P0307

2 4 519670 5233 P0308

2 1 100 1133 P0309

2 2 100 1133 P030A

2 15 100 1133 P030B

2 17 100 1133 P030C

2 3 100 1133 P030D

2 4 100 1133 P030E

2 15 175 1133 P030F

2 17 175 1133 P0310

2 3 175 1134 P0311

2 4 175 1134 P0312

2 2 175 1134 P0313

1 0 3062 5211 P05BB

1 1 3062 5211 P05BC

1 15 3062 5211 P05BD

1 16 3062 5211 P05BE

11 0 519664 2131 P0314

11 1 519664 2131 P0315

11 15 519664 2131 P0316

11 17 519664 2131 P0317

11 3 519664 2131 P0318

11 4 519664 2131 P0319

6 0 3562 1413 P059B

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

6 1 3562 1413 P059C

6 0 517137 1413 P059D

6 1 517137 1413 P059E

6 3 3562 1413 P059F

6 4 3562 1413 P05A0

2 3 513539 1421 P060B

2 6 520322 1421 P060C

2 3 520323 1421 P060D

2 4 520324 1421 P060E

2 16 5541 2231 P00FA

2 18 5541 2231 P00FB

10 3 5541 2331 P031A

10 5 5541 1414 P05A1

10 1 5541 1414 P05A2

10 4 5541 2331 P031B

2 14 5541 2231 P031C

2 15 5541 2231 P031D

2 17 5541 2231 P031E

8 3 108 1135 P032A

8 4 108 1135 P032B

2 15 108 1135 P032C

2 17 108 1135 P032D

2 2 108 1135 P032E

0 18 518690 4332 P032F

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

8 1 518690 4332 P05BF

0 17 518690 4332 P0330

0 17 3716 4333 P0331

0 7 3556 4333 P0332

0 15 5397 4333 P0333

0 17 3251 4333 P0334

2 5 4175 5234 P0335

2 6 4175 5234 P0336

2 3 4175 5234 P0337

2 4 4175 5234 P0338

2 7 3695 5235 P0339

2 7 3696 5241 P033A

2 24 522044 4134 P033B

2 25 522044 4134 P033C

2 26 522044 4134 P033D

2 27 522044 4134 P033E

0 11 4795 4332 P033F

0 10 5319 4333 P0340

0 15 4781 4334 P0341

0 0 4781 4334 P0342

0 15 3251 4131 P0343

0 21 3251 4131 P0344

0 20 3251 4131 P0345

0 2 3248 4132 P0346

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 15 3250 4132 P0347

6 16 102 2132 P0348

6 18 102 2132 P0349

6 15 102 2132 P034A

6 17 102 2132 P034B

6 0 102 2132 P034C

6 1 102 2132 P034D

6 4 3361 3131 P034E

0 3 519202 4133 P034F

0 4 519202 4133 P0350

0 11 519202 4133 P0351

0 11 519203 4133 P0352

0 5 519203 4133 P0353

0 6 519203 4133 P0354

0 3 519203 4133 P0355

0 4 519203 4133 P0356

0 2 519204 4133 P0357

0 19 519204 4133 P0358

0 14 519204 4133 P0359

0 3 519204 4133 P035A

0 4 519204 4133 P035B

0 11 519204 4133 P035C

0 3 519205 4133 P035D

0 4 519205 4133 P035E

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 11 519206 4133 P035F

0 0 519206 4133 P0360

0 3 519207 4133 P0361

0 4 519207 4133 P0362

0 3 519208 4133 P0363

0 4 519208 4133 P0364

0 15 519208 4133 P0365

0 17 519208 4133 P0366

0 3 3251 4134 P0367

0 4 3251 4134 P0368

0 16 3251 4134 P0369

0 18 3251 4134 P036A

0 13 3251 4134 P036B

0 0 3251 4134 P036C

0 1 3251 4134 P036D

0 15 518680 4134 P036E

0 17 518680 4134 P036F

0 16 518680 4134 P0191

0 18 518680 4134 P0197

0 11 518680 4135 P0370

0 3 518680 4135 P0371

0 4 518680 4135 P0372

2 15 517670 1233 P0373

2 14 517670 1233 P0374

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 8 517670 1233 P0375

2 7 517670 1233 P0376

1 2 517670 1233 P0377

1 13 517670 1233 P0378

2 0 517670 1233 P0379

2 1 517670 1233 P037A

1 17 522047 1234 P0502

1 18 522047 1234 P0503

1 19 522047 1234 P0504

1 20 522047 1234 P0505

0 11 976 5511 P037F

6 0 517111 2133 P019A

6 1 517111 2133 P0245

6 16 517111 2133 P024A

6 18 517111 2133 P024B

6 3 517111 2133 P0380

6 4 517111 2133 P0381

6 11 1264 2134 P0382

6 3 1264 2134 P0383

6 4 1264 2134 P0384

2 15 22 2134 P0385

2 17 22 2134 P0386

2 3 22 2134 P0387

2 4 22 2134 P0388

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 14 517680 1235 P0389

0 14 517682 1235 P038A

0 14 517683 1235 P038B

1 16 517700 1235 P038E

1 15 517700 1235 P038F

1 14 517705 1235 P0390

2 1 517710 1331 P0391

2 2 517710 1331 P0392

2 3 517710 1331 P0393

2 1 520533 1331 P0394

2 5 517710 1331 P0395

2 6 517710 1331 P0396

2 7 517710 1331 P0397

2 8 517710 1331 P0398

2 9 517710 1331 P0399

2 10 517710 1331 P039A

1 14 517785 1332 P039B

2 14 517786 1332 P039C

1 11 517710 1333 P05A3

1 12 517710 1333 P05A4

1 13 517710 1333 P05A5

2 2 517730 1333 P03B0

1 21 522047 1333 P0506

1 22 522047 1333 P0507

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 23 522047 1333 P0508

1 24 522047 1333 P0509

2 3 157 1141 P03B5

2 4 3516 1141 P03B6

1 14 517731 1333 P03B7

1 3 517732 1333 P03B8

1 18 522042 1145 P024C

1 19 522042 1145 P024D

1 20 522042 1145 P024E

1 21 522042 1145 P024F

1 22 522042 1145 P0251

1 11 522042 1145 P0253

1 23 522042 1145 P0254

1 24 522042 1145 P0255

1 12 522042 1145 P0256

1 25 522047 1145 P0257

1 26 522047 1145 P0258

1 12 4376 3331 P03B9

2 5 520021 5143 P060F

2 6 520022 5143 P0610

2 3 520023 5143 P0611

2 4 520024 5143 P0612

1 7 5435 3231 P03BA

1 16 4348 3332 P03BB

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 18 4348 3332 P03BC

1 1 4364 3341 P03BD

1 18 4364 3341 P03BE

1 21 4364 3341 P03BF

1 17 4364 3341 P03C0

1 17 3226 3342 P03C1

1 18 3226 3342 P03C2

1 17 3216 3131 P03C3

1 18 3216 3131 P03C4

1 11 4348 3333 P03C5

1 11 5245 3343 P03C6

1 17 5245 3343 P03C7

1 4 5245 3343 P03C8

1 6 520025 3217 P0613

1 1 519104 3334 P03C9

1 17 519104 3334 P03CA

1 18 519104 3334 P03CB

1 18 3364 3334 P03CC

1 16 4339 3335 P03CD

2 5 6915 5241 P03CE

2 6 6915 5241 P03CF

2 3 6915 5241 P03D0

2 4 6915 5241 P03D1

6 18 5435 3344 P03D2

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

8 16 518150 3344 P03D3

8 2 518150 3344 P03D4

8 0 518150 3344 P03D5

6 3 518152 3241 P03D6

6 11 518153 3334 P03D7

8 16 518153 3344 P03D8

8 18 518153 3344 P03D9

8 15 518153 3344 P03DA

8 11 518155 3344 P03DB

1 1 1387 3344 P03DC

6 11 5435 3344 P03DD

6 7 518156 3344 P03DE

1 0 4348 3242 P03DF

1 28 522044 3345 P03E0

1 29 522044 3345 P03E1

6 16 4375 3243 P03E2

6 0 4363 3244 P03E3

1 2 4363 3132 P03E4

8 1 4360 3133 P03E5

8 2 4360 3133 P03E6

8 11 4360 3133 P03E7

8 0 5394 3232 P03E8

1 1 1761 3345 P03E9

1 2 1761 3345 P03EA

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 30 522044 3345 P03EB

1 15 7107 3233 P03EC

1 17 7107 3233 P03ED

1 11 5394 3244 P03EE

6 21 4355 3244 P03EF

6 11 4355 3244 P03F0

1 2 5707 3244 P03F1

6 15 5707 3244 P03F2

1 16 5707 3244 P03F3

1 15 4348 3345 P03F4

1 31 522044 3345 P03F5

6 0 7607 3244 P03F6

8 16 3364 3234 P03F7

1 15 3364 3234 P03F8

1 16 7607 3134 P03F9

1 18 7607 3134 P03FA

1 11 3517 3245 P03FB

1 0 520026 3318 P0614

1 15 4360 3245 P03FC

0 19 976 5242 P03FD

6 2 3517 3135 P03FE

6 17 5707 3244 P03FF

6 18 5707 3244 P0400

6 7 4375 3244 P0401

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

6 8 4375 3244 P0402

6 2 4375 3244 P0403

6 9 4375 3244 P0404

6 13 4375 3244 P0405

1 1 517728 5245 P0615

0 15 518650 4141 P0406

0 2 518650 4141 P0407

0 16 518650 4141 P0408

0 17 518650 4141 P0409

0 8 518650 4141 P040A

0 3 518650 4141 P040B

0 7 518650 4141 P040C

0 5 518650 4141 P040D

0 4 518650 4141 P040E

0 14 518650 4141 P040F

0 13 518650 4141 P0410

0 18 518650 4141 P0411

0 0 518650 4141 P0412

0 6 518650 4141 P0413

0 12 518650 4141 P0414

0 11 518650 4141 P0415

2 3 519720 1334 P0416

2 3 91 5243 P0417

2 3 29 5243 P0418

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 3 519666 5243 P0419

2 3 519667 5243 P041A

2 3 519668 1334 P041B

2 4 519720 1334 P041C

2 4 91 5243 P041D

2 4 29 5243 P041E

2 4 519666 5243 P041F

2 4 519667 5243 P0420

2 4 519668 1334 P0421

1 3 3532 3141 P0422

1 4 3532 3141 P0423

2 14 3509 1335 P0424

2 6 3509 1335 P0425

2 15 3509 1335 P0426

2 4 3509 1335 P0427

2 17 3509 1335 P0428

2 14 3510 1335 P0429

2 6 3510 1335 P042A

2 15 3510 1335 P042B

2 4 3510 1335 P042C

2 17 3510 1335 P042D

2 14 3511 1335 P042E

2 6 3511 1335 P042F

2 15 3511 1335 P0430

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 4 3511 1335 P0431

2 17 3511 1335 P0432

2 15 3513 1335 P0438

2 17 3513 1335 P0439

2 3 3513 1335 P043A

2 4 3513 1335 P043B

2 5 880 5244 P043C

2 6 880 5244 P043D

2 3 880 5244 P043E

2 4 880 5244 P043F

1 0 7728 5323 P0440

1 1 7728 5323 P0441

1 13 519668 1321 P05CB

2 5 520027 1242 P0616

2 6 520028 1242 P0617

2 3 520029 1242 P0618

2 4 520030 1242 P0619

1 14 517780 3151 P044A

1 14 517781 3151 P044B

1 5 519669 5331 P0454

0 6 519669 5331 P0455

1 3 519669 5331 P0456

1 4 519669 5331 P0457

1 15 522042 1341 P0259

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 16 522042 1341 P025A

1 17 522042 1341 P025B

2 2 519666 5332 P0458

1 2 558 5332 P0459

2 2 519667 5332 P045A

1 2 519306 5333 P061A

1 0 51308 5333 P061B

1 1 519300 5333 P045B

1 2 519300 5333 P045C

4 0 519300 5333 P045D

1 1 519301 5333 P045E

1 2 519301 5333 P045F

4 0 519301 5333 P0460

1 0 519297 5333 P0461

1 0 519321 5333 P061C

1 1 519307 5333 P061D

1 2 519302 5333 P061F

1 0 519306 5333 P0620

1 1 519309 5333 P0621

1 2 519303 5333 P0622

1 0 519320 5333 P0623

1 1 519308 5333 P0624

1 2 519304 5333 P0625

1 0 519307 5333 P0626

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 0 519298 5333 P0462

1 1 519302 5333 P0463

1 2 519302 5333 P0464

1 0 519302 5333 P0465

1 1 519303 5333 P0466

1 2 519303 5333 P0467

4 0 519303 5333 P0468

1 1 519304 5333 P0469

1 0 519305 5333 P046A

4 0 519304 5333 P046B

1 1 519306 5333 P0627

1 2 519305 5333 P0628

1 0 519305 5333 P062C

1 0 519322 5333 P0629

1 1 519305 5333 P046C

1 2 519305 5333 P046D

2 19 519672 5131 P046E

2 3 517112 2135 P046F

2 4 517112 2135 P0470

2 3 517113 2135 P0471

2 4 517113 2135 P0472

2 3 517114 2135 P0473

2 4 517114 2135 P0474

2 11 517114 2135 P0475

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

6 0 8607 1415 P05A6

6 1 8607 1415 P05A7

6 3 8607 1415 P05A8

6 4 8607 1415 P05A9

2 15 8488 1415 P05AA

6 0 8488 2141 P0476

6 4 8488 2141 P0477

6 3 8488 2141 P0478

6 17 8488 2141 P0479

2 11 8488 2141 P047A

2 3 8487 2142 P047B

2 4 8487 2142 P047C

2 15 8487 2142 P047D

2 5 8487 2142 P047E

2 16 8487 2142 P047F

1 15 1136 1142 P0480

1 17 1136 1142 P0481

1 3 1136 1142 P0482

1 4 1136 1142 P0483

1 2 1136 1142 P0484

6 11 8487 2143 P0485

6 4 4750 2143 P0486

6 15 4750 2143 P0487

6 17 4750 2143 P0488

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 11 4750 2143 P0489

0 1 517740 1343 P062A

1 0 520031 1343 P062B

2 3 51 2232 P048A

2 4 51 2232 P048B

2 0 51 2232 P048C

6 11 51 2232 P048D

6 15 51 2232 P048E

6 17 3673 2232 P048F

6 11 7383 2232 P0490

6 1 5375 2232 P0491

2 11 5375 2232 P0492

6 0 5375 2232 P0493

6 3 5375 2232 P0494

6 2 5375 2232 P0495

6 4 5375 2232 P0496

2 5 5375 2232 P0497

6 17 5375 2232 P0498

2 0 517116 2232 P0499

6 0 517117 2232 P049A

2 16 5445 2232 P049B

2 18 5445 2232 P049C

2 5 7383 2232 P049D

2 6 5783 2232 P049E

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

6 3 517118 2232 P049F

6 4 517118 2232 P04A0

2 3 7383 2232 P04A1

2 4 7383 2232 P04A2

2 15 5445 2232 P04A3

2 17 5445 2232 P04A4

2 11 5374 2232 P04A5

6 16 51 2232 P04A6

6 18 51 2232 P04A7

2 11 5445 2232 P04A8

6 3 105 2144 P04A9

6 4 105 2144 P04AA

6 16 105 2144 P04AB

6 18 105 2144 P04AC

8 2 105 2144 P04AD

0 15 518682 4142 P04AE

0 17 518682 4142 P04AF

0 3 518682 4142 P04B0

0 4 518682 4142 P04B1

0 2 518682 4143 P04B2

11 15 4768 4143 P04B3

11 17 4768 4143 P04B4

10 3 4768 4143 P04B5

10 4 4768 4143 P04B6

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

0 15 3248 4144 P04B7

0 17 3248 4144 P04B8

0 3 3248 4144 P04B9

0 4 3248 4144 P04BA

0 2 3242 4145 P04BB

0 15 3242 4145 P04BC

0 17 3242 4145 P04BD

0 3 3242 4145 P04BE

0 4 3242 4145 P04BF

1 15 5913 2112 P05AC

1 17 5913 2112 P05AD

1 3 5913 2112 P05AE

1 4 5913 2112 P05AB

6 8 7381 5141 P04C0

2 3 7381 5141 P04C1

2 1 7381 5141 P04C2

2 19 7381 2233 P04C3

6 14 7381 2233 P04C4

6 4 7381 2233 P04C5

6 15 7381 2233 P04C6

2 16 7381 2233 P04C7

2 18 7381 2233 P04C8

2 10 7381 2234 P04C9

6 0 5386 2234 P04CA

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

6 17 5386 2234 P04CB

6 2 7381 2234 P04CC

6 5 519136 2113 P05AF

6 6 519136 2113 P05B0

6 3 519136 2113 P05B1

6 4 519136 2113 P05B2

2 1 5386 2234 P04CD

6 2 6201 2234 P04CE

2 11 6201 2234 P04CF

2 0 6201 2234 P04D0

2 5 7381 2234 P04D1

2 20 7381 2234 P04D2

2 11 517119 2234 P04D3

2 11 517120 2234 P04D4

6 5 517121 2234 P04D5

6 6 517122 2234 P04D6

6 3 517123 2234 P04D7

6 4 517124 2234 P04D8

2 11 517125 2234 P04D9

2 11 517126 2234 P04DA

6 3 5386 2234 P04DB

6 6 5386 2234 P04DC

2 7 7381 2234 P04DD

2 9 7381 2234 P04DE

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

2 12 7381 2234 P04DF

2 13 7381 2234 P04E0

2 5 5787 2234 P04E1

2 6 5787 2234 P04E2

2 2 5787 2234 P04E3

2 6 7381 2234 P04E4

2 5 5386 2234 P04E5

2 4 5386 2234 P04E6

2 7 5386 2234 P04E7

2 3 5787 2234 P04E8

6 17 7381 2234 P04E9

2 11 1180 2145 P04EA

2 3 2789 2145 P04EB

2 4 2789 2145 P04EC

2 3 6785 2145 P04ED

2 17 4363 2145 P04EE

1 15 4363 3142 P04EF

1 16 4363 3142 P04F0

1 18 4363 3142 P04F1

1 3 4363 3142 P04F2

1 4 4363 3142 P04F3

6 0 4360 3143 P04F4

6 16 4360 3143 P04F5

8 3 4360 3143 P04F6

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

8 4 4360 3143 P04F7

9 14 5425 3152 P04F8

9 18 5245 3152 P04F9

5 1 5245 3152 P04FA

8 5 5394 3235 P04FB

8 3 5394 3235 P04FD

8 4 5394 3235 P04FE

8 2 5394 3235 P04FF

8 11 519700 3153 P050E

6 5 4357 3154 P05C1

6 5 4346 3154 P050F

6 6 4346 3154 P0510

6 3 4346 3154 P0511

6 4 4346 3154 P0512

6 15 4355 3154 P05C2

6 5 4342 3154 P0513

6 6 4342 3154 P0514

6 3 4342 3154 P0515

6 4 4342 3154 P0516

6 24 4356 3154 P05C3

6 5 4356 3154 P0517

6 6 4356 3154 P0518

6 3 4356 3154 P0519

6 4 4356 3154 P051A

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

6 5 523003 3154 P05C4

6 3 523003 3154 P05C5

6 4 523003 3154 P05C6

6 5 4340 3154 P05C7

6 5 4354 3154 P051B

6 6 4354 3154 P051C

6 3 4354 3154 P051D

6 4 4354 3154 P051E

6 5 5706 3154 P05C8

6 5 4355 3154 P051F

6 6 4355 3154 P0520

6 3 4355 3154 P0521

6 4 4355 3154 P0522

6 5 3363 3154 P0523

6 6 3363 3154 P0524

6 3 3363 3154 P0525

6 4 3363 3154 P0526

1 0 4375 3145 P0527

1 10 4375 3145 P0528

1 12 4375 3145 P0529

8 22 4375 3145 P052A

8 5 4375 3145 P052B

6 6 4375 3145 P052C

1 11 4375 3145 P025C

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 15 4375 3145 P052D

1 18 4375 3145 P052E

1 16 5706 3145 P052F

1 18 5706 3145 P0530

1 16 4374 3145 P0531

1 18 4374 3145 P0532

1 16 7107 3145 P0533

1 18 7107 3145 P0534

8 3 4375 3145 P0535

8 4 4375 3145 P0536

6 16 1387 3144 P0537

6 18 1387 3144 P0538

8 15 1387 3144 P0539

8 17 1387 3144 P053A

8 3 1387 3144 P053B

8 4 1387 3144 P053C

8 5 4376 3251 P053D

6 6 4376 3251 P053E

8 3 4376 3251 P053F

8 4 4376 3251 P0540

6 11 3521 3252 P0541

6 2 3520 3252 P0542

6 0 3521 3252 P0543

6 1 3521 3252 P0544

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

6 15 3521 3252 P0545

6 14 3521 3252 P0546

6 2 3521 3252 P0547

6 11 3520 3252 P0548

6 13 3521 3252 P0549

6 3 3520 3252 P054A

6 4 3520 3252 P054B

6 0 3520 3252 P054C

6 1 3520 3252 P054D

6 10 3516 3252 P054E

6 2 3519 3252 P054F

6 11 3519 3252 P0550

6 7 3520 3252 P0551

6 3 3519 3252 P0552

6 4 3519 3252 P0553

6 0 3519 3252 P0554

6 1 3519 3252 P0555

6 7 3519 3252 P0556

6 18 3521 3252 P0557

6 16 3517 3253 P0558

6 18 3517 3253 P0559

6 16 3031 3254 P055A

6 18 3031 3254 P055B

6 2 7607 5132 P055C

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

1 3 3031 3254 P055D

1 4 3031 3254 P055E

6 0 3031 3254 P055F

6 1 3031 3254 P0560

2 11 84 5133 P0561

2 0 84 5133 P0562

2 2 84 5133 P0563

2 15 84 5133 P0564

2 1 84 5133 P0565

2 19 84 5133 P0566

2 3 84 5133 P0567

2 4 84 5133 P0568

2 3 519723 5133 P0569

2 4 519723 5133 P056A

2 8 519723 5133 P056B

6 16 1264 2134 P025D

6 18 1264 2134 P025E

6 15 1264 2134 P025F

6 17 1264 2134 P0260

1 2 5245 1412 P05B3

2 5 519674 5334 P056C

2 6 519674 5334 P056D

2 3 519674 5334 P056E

2 4 519674 5334 P056F

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

DTCO(Hexadecimal FaultTyp(Hexadecim
) al)

P0100 01

P010F 85

P010F 84

P0100 f2

P0100 f0

P0100 11

P0101 f3

P0101 f1

P0103 29

P0103 12

P0102 11

U200C 17

U200C 16

P0645 13

P0645 4b

P0645 f0

P0645 f1

P0647 12

P0646 f1

P0647 f0

P0646 11

U0466 29

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P0411 f0

P0411 f1

P0101 fe

P0101 fe

P0402 9c

P0401 9b

P0411 f2

P0411 7c

P012A 07

P2609 73

P2609 f0

P2609 72

P2609 f1

P2605 12

P2605 13

P0127 00

P2609 9e

P0403 64

P3301 13

P3302 4b

P3303 12

P3304 11

P1000 64

P1001 64

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P1002 64

P1003 64

P1004 64

P1005 64

P0659 12

P2671 12

P2686 12

P0658 11

P2670 11

P2685 11

P0563 a3

P0562 a2

P0563 85

P0562 84

U200F 17

U200F 16

P3010 13

P3011 4b

P3013 12

P3012 11

P0088 07

P0504 62

P0571 29

P0703 29

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

U0073 00

U0037 08

U0046 08

U0055 08

P026A 00

P026A f1

P107C f0

P107C f1

P107C f2

P107C f3

P107C f4

P107C f5

U1000 00

P0116 26

P0116 27

P0115 85

P0115 84

P0118 12

P0117 11

P0116 1c

P0401 fe

P0401 fe

P2074 85

P2074 84

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P0A05 13

P0A05 4b

P0A05 12

P0A05 11

P0704 01

U1400 29

P1038 00

P1039 00

P1040 00

P1006 00

P1041 00

P1042 00

P1043 00

P1044 00

U02A2 81

U02A2 87

U1112 f1

U1113 87

U1001 81

U1001 02

U0100 f1

U0100 f2

U1152 f0

U1153 87

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

U1002 81

U1002 87

U0113 81

U029D 87

U0113 f0

U0113 f1

U0113 fa

U0113 f2

U0113 fb

U0113 f3

U029E f5

U029E f6

U0113 fc

U029E f7

U0113 fd

U029E f8

U010E 81

U010E 87

U1003 f9

U0305 f0

U1001 00

U1002 f1

U1002 f2

U0073 00

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

U1004 81

U1004 87

U1106 81

U1107 87

U0411 f1

U0406 00

U0619 f0

U0113 f0

U0113 f1

U0113 f2

U0113 f3

U0113 f4

U0113 f5

U0113 f6

U0113 f7

U0113 f8

U0401 00

U0113 fa

U0113 fb

U0113 fc

U0113 fd

U0113 fe

U0113 ee

U0113 ed

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

U0113 ec

U0113 eb

U0113 ea

P20A7 00

P1409 00

P140A 00

P140B 00

P140C 00

P140D 00

P140E 00

P140F 00

P1410 00

P1411 00

P1412 00

P2BA8 00

P1414 00

P1415 00

P1416 00

P1417 00

P1418 00

P1419 00

P141A 00

P141B 00

P141C 00

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P141D 00

P208E 00

P141E 00

P20FF 00

P1404 00

P1405 00

P1406 00

P1407 00

P1408 00

P208A 87

U0601 e9

U0601 e8

U1010 00

U0129 81

U0129 87

U0129 f0

U0129 f1

U040B e7

U010A e6

U0653 81

U0653 87

U04A4 81

U02A3 87

U04A4 81

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

U02A3 87

U04A4 81

U02A3 87

U04A4 81

U02A3 87

U1100 00

U0103 81

U0103 f0

U0103 87

U0291 81

U0291 f0

U0291 87

U019E 81

U0108 87

U110A 00

U041E 81

U011D 87

U1006 00

U046B 2f

U016A 87

U010A 86

U010A 83

U1007 f0

U1007 f1

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

U1007 f2

U1007 f3

U1007 f4

U1007 f5

U0117 12

U0117 11

U0113 e5

U0113 e4

U0113 e3

U0113 e2

U0113 e1

U0113 e0

U0113 de

U0113 dd

U0113 dc

U0113 db

U0113 da

U0113 d9

U0113 d8

U0113 d7

U0113 d6

U0113 d5

U0117 64

U0113 d4

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

U0113 d3

U1158 f1

U1159 f3

U1160 f4

U0405 86

U0405 87

U0433 86

U0433 87

U100A 86

U100A 87

U0128 87

U0128 86

U1114 f1

U1115 87

U100B 86

U100B 87

U100C 86

U100C 87

U0100 fc

U0104 87

U1008 81

U1008 87

U0441 00

U0113 63

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

U04A4 81

U02A3 87

U0236 86

U0236 87

U100D 86

U100D 87

U100E 86

U100E 87

P1645 86

P1646 87

U1116 f1

U1117 87

U0113 d0

U0113 ce

U0113 cd

U0113 cc

U0113 cb

U0113 ca

U0113 c9

U0113 c8

U0107 f5

U0619 9a

P203D 13

U0619 09

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P203C 11

U061C 9a

P205D 13

U061C 09

P205C 11

U0100 fe

U0100 ee

U060F 81

U060F 87

U0101 81

U1101 87

U0113 f0

U0113 f1

U0113 f2

U0113 f3

U0113 f4

U0113 f5

U0113 f6

U0113 f7

U0113 f8

U0401 63

U0405 87

U0405 86

U0405 87

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

U0405 86

U0121 53

U0121 52

U0121 f0

U0121 f1

U0121 f2

U0121 f3

U0121 f4

U0121 f5

U0121 f6

U0121 f7

U0121 f8

U0121 f9

U0121 fa

U0121 fb

U0121 fc

U0121 fd

U0121 fe

U0121 ee

U0108 f0

U1102 81

U1102 87

U0305 81

U0305 83

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

U0305 82

U0104 87

U0305 81

U0305 83

U0305 82

U0104 87

U0121 81

U0121 83

U0121 82

U0121 87

U0121 ed

U0415 83

U0415 82

U0121 ec

U0121 eb

U0121 83

U0121 82

U0121 ea

U0121 e9

U0121 83

U0121 82

U0121 e8

U0121 e7

U0121 83

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

U0121 82

U0121 e6

U0121 e5

U0121 83

U0121 82

U0121 e4

U0121 e3

U0121 83

U0121 82

U0121 e2

U0121 e1

U0121 83

U0121 82

U0121 e0

U0121 de

U0121 83

U0121 82

U0121 dd

U1108 00

U05A3 08

U05A3 08

U040F 08

U040F 08

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

U040F 08

U0122 81

U0122 87

U0122 f0

U0122 f1

U040D 08

U040D 87

U040D 81

U02AC 87

U040D 08

P2BAF 00

P1647 01

P053E 85

P2C34 84

P051A 12

P051A 11

P04E1 00

P0575 01

P1060 00

P0128 13

P0128 4b

P0128 12

P0128 11

P0563 17

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P0562 16

P0423 00

P0421 00

P0421 07

P042A 64

P0425 64

P200E 00

P2459 35

P05D0 64

P0045 91

P0045 91

P0045 91

P1500 64

P1143 29

P2536 9f

P1144 29

P2536 9e

P1648 13

P1649 92

P164A 12

P164B 11

P164C 13

P164D 92

P164E 12

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P164F 11

P0400 85

P0400 84

P0400 9c

P0400 9b

P2457 92

P0487 29

P0404 f0

P0404 f1

P0404 f2

P0487 1c

P0487 f1

P0404 f3

P0401 9c

P0402 9b

U0651 02

P0487 13

P213A 4b

P0487 12

P213A 12

P0487 11

P213A 11

P213A 01

P213A a2

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P0487 71

P0401 73

P0402 72

P0404 f5

P0404 f6

P0487 f1

P0403 14

P0403 4b

P040A 4b

P0409 84

P0409 85

P0403 12

P0403 11

P0404 f7

P0404 f8

P0409 74

P0406 12

P0405 11

P0409 01

P0403 a1

P040A 98

P1008 00

U0668 12

U0668 11

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

U0668 85

U0668 84

P0219 00

P0219 f0

P0219 f1

P1061 00

P1062 00

P1063 00

P1064 00

P1065 00

P2031 f0

P2031 f1

P2031 f2

P2031 f3

P2031 f4

P2031 f5

P2031 f6

P2031 f7

P2031 f8

P2031 f9

P2031 fa

P2031 11

P2226 1c

P0071 1c

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P0070 85

P0070 84

P0070 29

P0073 12

P0072 11

P0341 29

P0340 31

P0340 01

P0336 29

P0335 31

P0725 13

P0725 4b

P0725 12

P0725 11

P20CB 85

P20CB 84

P24C2 f0

P24C2 85

P24C2 84

P24C2 52

P1021 13

P1021 4b

P1021 12

P1021 11

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P0475 13

P0475 4b

P0478 12

P0477 11

P0544 fb

P2031 fc

P242A f0

P246E f0

P2480 f0

P1410 64

P1411 64

P0544 fd

P2031 64

P242A 64

P246E 64

P2480 64

P1412 00

P1102 00

P1102 04

P0480 f0

P0480 f0

P0480 f1

P0480 f1

P0692 12

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P0692 12

P0691 11

P0691 11

P0480 01

P0480 4b

P0480 12

P0480 11

P0481 13

P0481 4b

P0694 12

P0693 11

P0480 01

P0495 00

P0494 f0

P1032 13

P1033 4b

P1034 12

P1035 11

P226A 13

P226A 4b

P226A 12

P226A 11

P2267 12

P2266 11

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P0460 31

P0460 17

P0460 16

P0460 01

P2269 00

P2269 66

P2269 68

P3102 f0

P3103 00

P0090 f0

P0090 f1

P01C3 85

P01C3 84

P01C3 12

P01C3 11

P0180 85

P0180 84

P0183 12

P0182 11

P0181 1c

U1402 29

P1707 29

P0381 13

P0381 4b

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P0381 12

P0381 11

P2205 f0

P22A3 f0

P220E 00

P220F 00

P2201 76

P229F 76

P2213 f0

P2200 f0

P2214 f1

P2214 f2

P2216 85

P2201 85

P2215 84

P2201 84

P225D 02

P225F 02

P2216 12

P2201 12

P2215 11

P2201 11

P014D f2

P013B f0

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P014D 85

P013B f1

P014D f1

P013B 84

P2203 f5

P22A1 f3

P2202 f6

P22A0 f6

P2213 29

P2200 29

P2216 f0

P2200 f0

P2215 f1

P2200 f0

P2215 f2

P2200 85

P2216 f3

P2200 84

P220A f5

P220B f6

P1613 13

P1613 4b

P1613 12

P1613 11

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P0507 85

P0506 84

P0937 85

P0937 84

P0937 12

P0937 11

P0110 13

P0110 4b

P0113 12

P0112 11

P218F 00

P1101 13

P1101 4b

P1101 12

P1101 11

P1086 55

P100F 00

P1010 00

P1011 84

P0611 85

P0611 84

P026D 9b

P0201 85

P029C 84

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P1066 00

P0A0F 00

P2146 17

P0201 13

P0205 13

P0203 13

P0206 13

P0202 13

P0204 13

P062D 12

P062E 12

P0262 12

P0274 12

P0268 12

P0277 12

P0265 12

P0271 12

P0261 11

P0273 11

P0267 11

P0276 11

P0264 11

P0270 11

P062B f1

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P062B f2

P062B f3

P062B f4

P062B f5

P062B 00

P012A f1

P012A 97

P251C 12

P0251 31

P0251 13

P0254 12

P0254 17

P0253 11

P0253 16

P0253 11

P0254 12

P0253 11

P0650 13

P0650 4b

P0650 12

P0650 11

P251B 11

P060B f0

P060B 00

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P3107 f0

P1012 00

P1045 00

P1014 00

P1015 00

P1016 00

P1017 00

P1018 00

P1019 00

P101A 00

P101A 00

P101B 00

P101C 00

P0225 48

P06E9 ff

P101D 00

P101E 00

P101F 00

P1020 00

P1021 00

P1021 f0

P1021 f4

P1021 f3

P1021 f5

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P1021 f6

P1021 f7

P1021 f8

P1021 f9

P1021 f1

P1021 fa

P1021 fb

P1021 fc

P1021 fd

P1021 f2

P1021 fe

P1021 ff

P1021 01

P1021 02

P1021 03

P1021 04

P1021 05

P1021 06

P1021 07

P1021 08

P1021 09

P1021 0a

P1021 11

P1021 12

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P1021 13

P1021 14

P1021 15

P1021 21

P1021 16

P1021 17

P1021 18

P1021 19

P1021 1a

P1021 1b

P1021 1c

P1021 1d

P1021 1e

P1021 1f

P1021 25

P1021 22

P1021 23

P1021 24

P1021 26

P1021 27

P1021 28

P1021 29

P1021 2a

P1021 2b

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P1021 2f

P1021 31

P1021 32

P0685 13

P0685 12

P0685 11

P1633 13

P1633 4b

P1633 12

P1633 11

P244A 76

P051A 85

P2452 f0

P253E 64

P3105 f0

P060C fc

P3106 f0

P250D 12

P250C 11

P250B 1c

P252F 85

P250F 84

P160B 13

P160C 4b

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P160D 12

P160E 11

P0524 00

P0521 1c

P0523 85

P0524 84

P0523 12

P0522 11

P0195 85

P0195 84

P0198 12

P0197 11

P0196 64

P0530 85

P0530 84

P0530 17

P0530 16

P012A 85

P012A 84

P012A f7

P012A f8

P012A 17

P012A 16

P00F8 85

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P00F8 84

P00F8 61

P00F8 64

P00F8 12

P00F8 11

P1650 01

P1651 01

P1652 01

P1653 01

P2431 f0

P2431 f1

P2263 85

P2263 f0

P2263 f1

P2263 84

P2562 7c

P259C 52

P056E 52

P2229 85

P2228 84

P2226 12

P2226 11

P2226 64

P2002 00

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P2003 09

P2003 00

P24A1 00

P249F 00

P2459 37

P226D 09

P260E 13

P260E 4b

P260E 12

P260E 11

P25BA 09

P25BA 09

P3101 13

P3101 4b

P3101 12

P3101 11

P226D 00

P24A2 00

P2463 00

P24A4 00

P2452 fe

P2452 ff

P2453 64

P246E 64

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P200C 4b

P023D 85

P023D 84

P006D 85

P006D 84

P0238 12

P0237 11

P2047 97

P24AE 17

P24AE 16

P24AE 29

P24B3 09

P24B3 13

P24B3 63

P24B3 15

P24B3 14

P24AE f0

P24AE f1

P24AE f3

P24AE f4

P24AE f5

P24AE f6

P24AE f8

P24AE f9

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P24AE fb

P24AE fc

P24C6 85

P24C6 84

P24C6 f2

P24C6 f3

P24C6 f4

P24C6 f5

P244B 85

P244A 84

P2452 f1

P2452 21

P2463 84

P2455 12

P2454 11

P244D 85

P244C 84

P2452 85

P2452 84

P1420 00

P244D 12

P244C 11

P0089 85

P0089 f0

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P0089 f1

P0089 f2

P0089 97

P1036 00

P1037 00

P0089 f3

P0627 13

P0627 4b

P0627 12

P0627 11

U1404 29

P012A 17

P012A 16

P012A 17

P012A 16

P0470 12

P0470 11

P047A 64

P047A 17

P047A 16

P0470 85

P0470 84

P0470 17

P0470 16

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P009B f6

P009B f7

P009B 00

P0090 f1

P0090 f2

P018F fa

P0251 f2

P0251 f3

P0251 00

P0251 f4

P0251 f5

P0087 00

P0088 f0

P0088 f1

P1050 00

P0251 f6

P213E 00

P015E 00

P018F f9

P0148 84

P0168 85

P0194 1f

P34C9 69

P34C9 6a

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P0191 85

P0191 84

P0193 12

P0192 11

P01CA 84

P34C9 27

P1103 f0

P1103 f1

P1103 f2

P1103 f3

P1103 f4

P1103 f5

P1103 f6

P1103 f7

P1103 f8

P1103 f9

P1103 fa

P203B 09

P1654 13

P1655 12

P1656 12

P1657 11

P20A0 92

P3051 f0

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P3052 f1

P0420 f4

P0420 f0

P20EE f1

P2BAE f2

P2214 84

P2214 21

P2201 85

P2201 84

P3042 00

P203F f0

P203F f1

P203F f2

P1658 01

P2BAE 00

P2BAE f0

P2BAE f1

P2BA6 00

P3065 00

P065D 13

P065D 4b

P065D 12

P065D 11

P3055 00

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P20A5 f0

P218F 00

P20FF 00

P0669 4b

P3015 00

P20E9 84

P20E8 85

P20E9 85

P2C11 04

P20E9 04

P3040 04

P20FE f2

P2062 00

P3070 6b

P34C9 4b

P3091 92

P24FF 1c

P242A 64

P242B 85

P242B 84

P242B 1c

P208E 64

P3066 00

P3067 00

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P3014 6c

P3007 85

P3007 84

P3000 04

P3057 00

P3058 00

P3059 00

P3060 00

P3061 00

P20FF 00

P34C9 66

P203B 52

P207F 00

P207F 00

P205A 85

P205A 84

P2068 12

P1659 00

P06F0 00

U1404 29

P203A 89

P05ED 98

P05ED 03

P3038 00

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P2062 38

P2062 86

P2062 98

P2062 03

P208A 00

P2BAE 09

P2BAE 29

P2BAE f7

P2BA6 fc

P24B3 09

P24B3 13

P24B3 00

P24AE f0

P24AE f1

P24AE f2

P24AE f3

P24C6 02

P24C6 64

P24C6 4b

P24C6 01

P24C6 62

P0725 17

P0123 12

P0223 12

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P1501 17

P1502 17

P0219 17

P0725 16

P0122 11

P0222 11

P1503 16

P1504 16

P0219 16

P203D 12

P203C 11

P0643 12

P0641 4b

P0641 a3

P0641 11

P0641 a2

P0653 12

P0651 4b

P0561 a3

P0651 11

P0651 a2

P0699 12

P0697 4b

P0697 a3

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P0697 11

P0697 a2

P1602 f0

P1603 f0

P1602 85

P1603 84

P160F 13

P1610 4b

P1611 12

P1612 11

P34C9 6d

P34C9 6e

P0512 00

P0615 13

P0485 00

P0615 12

P0615 11

P20EE 84

P20F2 84

P1604 13

P1605 4b

P1606 12

P1607 11

P1104 f0

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P1104 f1

P1104 f2

P2135 64

P2135 00

P1505 64

P107C 00

P107D 00

P1068 00

P1069 00

P2BAC 00

P106B 00

P106C 00

P2BA8 00

P106E 00

P107E 00

P107F 00

P1080 00

P1081 00

P1082 00

P1083 00

P1084 00

P1085 00

P1086 00

P1087 00

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P1070 00

P1071 00

P1072 00

P2BAA 00

P1074 00

P1075 00

P2BA9 00

P1077 00

P1078 00

P2BAE 00

P1088 00

P1089 00

P108A 00

P108B 00

P107A 00

P107B 00

P2530 01

P0113 12

P0112 11

P0113 37

P0112 36

P0100 85

P0100 84

P00AB 1c

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P011C 85

P011C 84

P011C 12

P011C 11

P011C 64

P007A 85

P007A 84

P0098 12

P0097 11

P0096 1c

P00A0 85

P00A0 84

P00A0 17

P00A0 16

P00A0 64

P0666 85

P0666 84

P0666 12

P0666 11

P0666 64

P24F2 85

P24F2 84

P040A 12

P040A 11

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P040A 1c

P244C 00

P0597 13

P2108 f0

P2108 f1

P2108 f2

P2112 92

P2112 85

P2111 84

U0107 00

P2100 13

P2100 4b

P2100 f0

P2100 12

P2100 f1

P2100 11

P2100 f2

P2100 a2

P2112 73

P2111 72

P2108 f3

P2108 f4

P2100 13

P2101 4b

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P2101 12

P2101 92

P2103 12

P2102 11

P2108 84

P2108 85

P212A 1c

P2622 12

P2621 11

P2620 13

U0007 85

U0007 84

P0098 85

P0097 84

P0110 29

P0435 85

P0435 84

P042A 12

P042A 11

P0425 64

P0425 85

P0425 84

P0428 12

P0427 11

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P214B 85

P214D 84

P200D 12

P200D 11

P200C 64

P200C 85

P200C 84

P042C 12

P042D 11

P2740 85

P2740 84

P2740 12

P2740 11

P1222 ff

P1222 fe

P1222 fd

P1222 fc

P1222 fb

P1222 fa

P1222 f9

P1222 f8

P1222 f7

P1222 f6

P1222 f5

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P1222 f4

P1222 f3

P0243 13

P0243 4b

P0243 12

P0243 11

P1222 f2

P1222 f1

P1222 f0

P1222 ef

P1222 ef

P0049 00

P0045 4b

P122C f0

P0045 13

P0045 4b

P0045 12

P0045 11

P1222 ed

P1222 ec

P1222 eb

P1222 ea

P2578 64

P2578 22

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P2578 12

P2578 11

P1222 e9

P1222 e8

P1222 e7

P1222 e6

P1222 e5

P1222 e4

P1222 e3

P1222 e2

P1222 e1

P0544 1c

P2428 85

P2428 84

P0544 12

P0544 11

P043A 64

P043A 85

P043A 84

P0428 17

P0427 16

P042D 85

P042C 84

P242D 12

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P242C 11

P203F 00

P203F f3

P203F f4

P2047 13

P2049 12

P2048 11

P202E 00

P263D 00

P20B9 1b

P3021 13

P3072 4b

P3023 12

P3022 11

P21C2 29

P20C5 13

P20C5 4b

P20C5 12

P20C5 11

P20BD 1b

P3024 13

P3076 4b

P3027 12

P3026 11

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P21C2 13

P21C2 12

P21C2 11

P20C1 1b

P3028 13

P3081 4b

P3032 12

P3031 11

P263D 17

P3033 13

P3085 4b

P3037 12

P3036 11

P3016 13

P3018 4b

P3020 12

P3019 11

P2043 89

P3001 00

P3086 f0

P208B f1

P05EE 13

P3003 4b

P3004 00

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P3038 37

P2062 36

P3029 4b

P3029 6f

P2062 19

P3002 18

P3029 37

P3029 36

P05F0 12

P05EF 11

P3087 f0

P02E8 f1

P204B 85

P204B 84

P204D 12

P204C 11

P20A0 13

P20A0 4b

P20A3 12

P20A2 11

P207F 86

P207F 9a

P207F 85

P207F 84

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P207F 29

P207F f5

P207F f2

P207F 81

P207F f4

P206A 15

P206A 11

P206A 17

P206A 16

P206A 2a

P2042 9a

P2042 81

P207F 87

P2042 15

P2042 11

P2042 17

P2042 16

P2042 87

P207F f3

P203D 85

P203C 84

P205D 85

P205C 84

P205A 29

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

P205D 16

P205C 17

P205B 85

P205B 84

U1405 29

P0279 11

P2162 00

P0500 85

P0500 84

P0501 1c

P0503 1f

P0502 11

P2158 01

P2160 11

P2161 29

P1105 85

P1105 84

P1106 1a

P1106 1b

P218F 68

P1613 13

P1614 4b

P1615 12

P1616 11

#Caterpillar: Confidential Green

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