ADLG-R v4 Army Lists December 2021

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Un-official army lists

L’Art De La Guerre v4
Rules by Hervé Caille

Army Lists compiled by

Simon LeRay-Meyer and Bruno Dejoux

December 2021

Title: The Siege of Presnitz, 1641

Artist: Peter Snayers

Key Eras
War Years Notes:
Italian Wars 1494 - 1559
Wars of Religion 1562 - 1598
30 Years War 1618 – 1648
80 Years War 1568 - 1648 Dutch Wars of Independence
English Civil War 1642 - 1651
9 Years War 1688 - 1697
“Northern Wars” 1554 – 1679 Covers, Russo-Swedish War, Livonian war,
Northern Seven Years War, Russo-Polish war,
Second Northern War and Scanian War

Italian Wars ................................................................................4 52. Hungarians.............................................................. 40
1. Kingdom of Naples ....................................................6 53. Colonial Venetian ................................................... 41
2. Imperial Spanish........................................................6 54. Early Austrians Habsburg ........................................ 41
3. French Valois.............................................................7 55. Austrian Habsburgs................................................. 42
4. Italian Wars French ...................................................7 56. Knights of St John ................................................... 42
5. Italian City States ......................................................8 57. Barbary States ........................................................ 43
6. Italian Wars Venetian ................................................9 The Age of Enlightenment........................................................ 44
7. Maximillian Imperial German....................................9 58. Later Louis XIV ........................................................ 45
8. German City States .................................................10 59. Holy Roman Empire ................................................ 45
9. Swiss Cantons .........................................................10 60. Duchy of Savoy ....................................................... 46
Wars of Religion .......................................................................11 61. League of Anglo-Dutch ........................................... 46
10. Tudor English ..........................................................12 62. Restoration British .................................................. 47
11. Elizabethan English .................................................12 63. Later Spanish .......................................................... 47
12. Scottish ...................................................................13 64. Colonial Portuguese ................................................ 47
13. Early Low Countries Spanish ...................................13 65. Later Dutch ............................................................. 48
14. French Catholic .......................................................14 66. Scottish Covenanting Rebels ................................... 48
15. French Hugenot ......................................................14 67. Jacobite Irish ........................................................... 48
16. Irish .........................................................................15 68. German States ........................................................ 48
17. War of the Peasants ................................................16 69. Later Danish ............................................................ 49
18. Dutch Rebellion.......................................................16 70. Later Portuguese .................................................... 49
The Thirty Years War ................................................................18 71. Monmouth Rebels .................................................. 49
72. Hungarian Rebellion ............................................... 50
19. Danish .....................................................................20
73. Romanov Russians .................................................. 50
20. Later Low Countries Spanish ...................................20
74. Later Venetian Colonial .......................................... 51
21. Early 17th Century French ........................................21
India & Asia .............................................................................. 52
22. 30 Years War French ...............................................21
23. Early 30 Years War Swedish ....................................22 75. Ming Chinese .......................................................... 52
24. Swedish Gustavus Adolphus ...................................22 76. Manchu Chinese ..................................................... 52
25. Later 30 Years War Swedish and Weimarian ..........23 77. Japanese Shogunate ............................................... 53
26. 30 Years War German Protestant ...........................23 78. Korean .................................................................... 53
27. Early 30 Years War German Catholic.......................24 79. Mongols .................................................................. 54
28. Later 30 Years War German Catholic ......................24 80. Jurchens .................................................................. 54
Wars of the Three Kingdoms ....................................................25 81. Tibetan.................................................................... 54
82. Muslim Indians ....................................................... 55
29. Scots Royalists.........................................................26
83. Hindu and Sinhala Indians ...................................... 55
30. Covenant Scots .......................................................26
84. Indonesians and Malay ........................................... 56
31. English Civil War Parliamentarian ...........................27
85. Indochinese ............................................................ 56
32. New Model Army ....................................................27
86. Colonial Dutch ........................................................ 57
33. Early English Civil War Royalists ..............................27
87. Mahratta................................................................. 57
34. Later English Civil War Royalist ...............................28
35. Confederate Irish ....................................................28
36. Early Louis XIV French .............................................29
Northern Wars .........................................................................30
37. Vasa Swedish ..........................................................31
38. Denmark and Kalmar Union ....................................31
39. Caroline Swedish .....................................................32
40. Jagiellonian Polish ...................................................32
41. Polish & Lithuanian Commonwealth .......................33
42. Later Polish & Lithuanian Commonwealth ..............33
43. Cossacks ..................................................................34
44. Muscovite Russians .................................................35
45. Tartars .....................................................................35
46. Romanian Principalities...........................................36
The Turkish Wars ......................................................................37
47. Ottoman Turkish .....................................................38
48. Turcomans ..............................................................39
49. Turcomans of the White Sheep...............................39
50. Mamluks .................................................................39
51. Safavid Persians ......................................................40

Italian Wars

Title: The anachronistic Siege for Battle of

Artist: Melchior Feselen

The Italian Wars began with the French kings' claims to Naples and Milan, against a backdrop of
dreams of chivalry and crusading. From 1515 onwards, with the accession of Charles V, both King of
Spain and Emperor, they became a confrontation between the two superpowers of the time, Valois
France and Habsburg Spain.

Although encircled from the Pyrenees to Flanders by the immense possessions of the Habsburgs, and
threatened intermittently by England, France had definite assets: the "interior lines", a strong central
power and a professional standing army, supported by a large and prosperous population for the
time and a nascent national feeling. On the other hand, the Emperor had to deal constantly with
diverse and restive local powers. He soon had to deal with the Reformation, which divided the
German states, and the Turkish threat in the East, with which the very Catholic King of France did
not hesitate to ally himself.

Militarily, troop types, weapons and tactics remained close to those of the 15th century, but with signs
of modern times: troops were largely professional and discipline and the ability to manoeuvre and co-
operate between arms improved; the importance of fire and light cavalry was realised; artillery slowly
progressed and began to play a role on the battlefield. Many of the terms in modern military
vocabulary were born at this time.

France, which had the largest army in Europe at the time, remained faithful for a long time to the
gendarme/pikemen pairing based on the Swiss model. The gendarme remained the most powerful
weapon on the battlefield and even the pikemen feared it and had to close ranks to resist it. He

charges "en haye", i.e. in a thin formation of one or two rows, with the lance lying down. His plate
armour, which ideally protects the horse as well, benefits from the latest advances in metallurgy: it is
more or less impervious to arrows, and even resists crossbow bolts and arquebus well, except at short

The Spaniards and Imperials adapted more quickly to the progress of firearms and the use of light
cavalry. Based on the model of the Swiss and the landsknechts, "El Gran Capitan" developed the
"columns" of pikemen, ronderelos and harquebusiers, which evolved into the "tercios". They were
imitated everywhere, but their high level of training gave them the upper hand on the battlefield for a
long time.

The professionalism of the armies did not diminish the ferocity of the fighting. The Swiss are known
for their brutality, especially against the landsknechts, whom they see as vile imitators and take no
prisoners. The landsknechts pursued with vindictiveness those among them who served against the
Emperor, to whom they had sworn loyalty. All the troops, often poorly paid and poorly supplied,
subjected to very harsh material conditions, often paid for themselves on the regions they crossed,
whether friendly or enemy. Italy was devastated.

The period is rich in remarkable characters and historical "totems": "la Furia Francese", "El Gran
Capitan", Bayard "le chevalier sans peur et sans reproche", the evidence of Monsieur de La Pallice,
Georg von Frunsberg "le Père des landsknechts", "Marignan 1515" and the "Tout est perdu sauf
l'honneur" (All is lost but honour) of François I...

1. Kingdom of Naples Medium artillery 10 0-2
1495-1518 Notes:
Plain, Mountain  Papal States allies (List #5 Italian City
Command +6 States) in 1512.
Strategist: Gonzalo Fernandez of Cordoba
1495-1507 2. Imperial Spanish
1519 to 1558 AD
Spain was drawn into the Italian Wars because Plain, Mountain, Forest if France
of Naples, which was then Aragonese. The Command +6
army of Naples had a high proportion of Strategists: Francesco Francisco d’Avalos
troops adapted to the terrain: jinets, rodorelos (1513-1525 AD)
equipped with a buffalo point, a rondache and
a rapier. They could not cope well with the This period begins with the accession of
head-on clash with the powerful French Charles V as King of Spain and Emperor and
formations and Viceroy Gonzalo of Cordoba ends with the end of the Italian Wars. The
implemented the reform that gave rise to the main enemy was France, but the Imperials also
Tercios. The Spaniards understood the had to fight against the Turks and the
potential of harquebusiers and fortifications, Protestant German princes. In 1534, the
as shown by the victory of Cerignola in 1503. "Colunelas" became "Tercios", mixed units of
Troop Type Pts Units pikemen and gunners that were copied by
Men at Arms (before 1503) * other European armies. The Spanish infantry
Heavy knight 11 1-4 dominated Europe for a century.
Add impact (max 2) +2 0-2 Troop Type Pts Units
Jinetes Spanish Gente d’Armas*
Light cavalry javelin 6 4-8 Heavy knight elite 13 1-2
Medium cavalry javelin 8 Italian Men at Arms*
Roderelos Heavy knight impact 13 0-2
Medium swordsmen 13 1-4 Burgundian Gendarmes*
Aragon Shooters Heavy knight impact 13 0-2
Light foot arquebus 4 3-6 Celadas
Crossbowmen 14 Heavy cavalry impact 10 1-3
Ditches & fortifications Heavily armoured cavalry
Fortifications 1 0-6 impact 12
From 1503 German Reiter
Italian Elmeti* Heavy cavalry caracole 11 0-2
Heavy knight impact 13 1-3 Heavily armoured cavalry
Italian Cavalleria Leggiera caracole 13
Heavy cavalry impact 10 0-2 Jinetes
Italian Arquebusiers Light cavalry javelin 6 2-6
Medium cavalry carbine 9 1-3 Italian Arquebuseiers
Italian Foot Arquebusiers Light cavalry carbine 6 1-2
Arquebusier mediocre 9 0-4 Landsknechts
Upgrade to ordinary +3 Keil 19 1-2
Italian Skirmishers Landsknechts Arquebusiers
Light foot arquebus 4 0-4 Light foot arquebus 4 0-2
Spanish Pikemen Arquebusier Companies
Heavy spearmen mediocre 12 0-2 Arquebusier 12 0-3
From 1508 Upgrade to elite (max 1) +3
Spanish Pikemen* Italian Foot
Keil 19 0-4 Levy 3 0-2
From 1512 Artillery
Carretta of War Medium artillery 10 1-3
War wagon crossbow 12 2-6 Heavy artillery 10
Cannons Before 1535
Light artillery 6 0-4 Spanish Colunela*

Colunela 20 2-4 Upgrade old bands of Picardy
From 1534 and Piedmont
Tercio* Colunela mediocre 17 all
Tercio arquebus 24 2-4 From 1543
Notes: Dragoons
 Venetian allies (List #6 Italian Wars Dragoon arquebus 5 0-2
Venetian). From 1554
 German allies (List #8 German City Mercenary Reiters
States). Heavy cavalry caracole 11 0-3
 English allies (List #10 Tudor English). Heavily armoured cavalry
caracole 13
3. French Valois
1494 - 1559 4. Italian Wars French
Plain, Forest 1494 - 1559
Command +3 Plain, Forest
Command +4
The French gendarmes are considered the best Strategists: Gaston of Foix-Nemours (1509 to
shock cavalry of the time. The mounted 1512AD)
"archers" had evolved into light horsemen,
wearing a three-quarter breastplate, armed Covers the French armies in Italy during the
with a lighter lance and deployed Italian Wars.
independently or in support of the gendarmes. Troop Type Pts Units
The French infantry remained mediocre and Ordonnance Gendarmes*
the use of mercenaries was constant. The Heavy knight impact 13 2-6
artillery was the best at the time. Until the Upgrade to elite (max 3) +2
disaster of Pavia, the Kings of France did not Ordonnance Archers
hesitate to fight at the head of their troops to Heavy cavalry impact 10 2-6
galvanise them. Mounted Crossbow
Light cavalry crossbow 6 1-2
The French Valois list covers the French Scottish Guard*
armies operating in France. Medium swordsmen
Troop Type Pts Units headstrong 13 0-1
Ordonnance Gendarmes* French Foot
Heavy knight impact 13 2-6 Keil mediocre 16 0-2
Upgrade to elite (max 3) +2 Gascons and Adventurers
Ordonnance Archers Light foot crossbow 4 1-3
Heavy cavalry impact 10 2-6 Crossbowmen 14
Mounted Crossbow Artillery
Light cavalry crossbow 6 1-2 Light artillery 6 0-1
Franc Archers Medium artillery 10 1-3
Bowmen 14 0-2 Heavy artillery 10
Old bands of Picardy and From 1498
Piedmont Italian Men at Arms
Keil mediocre 16 0-2 Heavy knight impact 13 0-1
Gascons and Adventurers Italian Arquebusiers
Light foot crossbow 4 1-3 Light cavalry carbine 6 0-1
Crossbowmen 14 Medium cavalry carbine 9
Artillery Stradiots
Light artillery 6 0-1 Light cavalry impact 6 0-1
Medium artillery 10 1-3 Arquebusiers
Heavy artillery 10 Light foot arquebus 4 1-4
From 1512 Arquebusier mediocre 9
Landsknecht* Before 1512
Keil 19 1-4 Swiss Keil* See Note
After 1535 Keil headstrong elite 22 1-2

Swiss Skirmishers Heavy knight impact 13 2-6
Light foot arquebus 4 2-4 Cavalleria Leggiera
From 1512 Heavy cavalry impact 10 0-4
Landsknecht* Mounted Crossbowmen
Keil 19 1-4 Light cavalry crossbow 6 1-4
From 1522 Medium cavalry crossbow 9
Swiss Keil* See Note Mounted Arquebusiers
Keil headstrong elite 22 1-2 Light cavalry carbine 6 0-1
Swiss Skirmishers Provisionnati
Light foot arquebus 4 2-4 Heavy swordsmen 15 0-2
Before 1535 Mercenary Sword and
Old Bands of Picardy and Bucklermen
Piedmont Medium swordsmen 13 0-2
Colunela mediocre 17 0-3 Landsknechts*
From 1554 Keil 19 0-2
Mercenary Reiters Arquebusiers
Heavy cavalry caracole 11 0-3 Light foot arquebus 4 0-6
Heavily armoured cavalry Arquebusier 12
caracole 13 Mercenary Crossbowmen
From 1543 Crossbowmen 14 0-2
Dragoons Pioneers
Dragoon arquebus 5 0-2 Levy 3 0-2
Notes: Ditch & Bank Fortifications
 Swiss contingent Fortifications 1 0-6
o must be in one body, Organ guns and Bombards
commanded by an ally Light artillery mediocre 4 1-2
general. Heavy artillery 10
o can have maximum of two Duchy of Milan (1494-1500)
non-Swiss units. Famiglia Ducale*
 Only one general can be included in a Heavy knight impact elite 15 0-1
landsknecht unit. Republic of Florence (1494-1530)
 Venetian allies (List #6 Italian Wars Militia
Venetian) from 1515 to 1522. Keil mediocre 16 2-4
Papal States (1494-1522)
5. Italian City States Romagnola Pikemen
1494- 1559 Keil 19 1-2
Plain, Mountain Republic of Siena from 1552
Command +3 Landsknecht pikemen
Keil 19 2-3
The Italian cities tried to preserve their Notes:
independence as best they could, threatened  The Army must be one of the
by the great powers and their own rivalries. proposed options:
Florence remained faithful to the concept of o Duchy of Milan.
the communal militia. Pisa was under o Republic of Siena.
Florentine influence and Siena under French o Republic of Florence.
influence. Venice and the Pope play the o Papal States.
seesaw between France and Spain, then the  Papal States – Kingdom of Naples
Empire. Venice uses Albanian and Greek allies (List #1 Kingdom of Naples).
stradiots, paid per enemy head brought back!
A typical army is that of the League of Venice
of 1496, a grouping of Condottieri who tried in
vain to stop the French at Fornovo. The army
must be of only one of the proposed options.
Troop Type Pts Units
Condottieri or Elmeti*

6. Italian Wars Venetian Troop Type Pts Units
1494 - 1559 Gendarmes*
Plain, Forest Heavy knight impact 13 1-3
Command +3 Upgrade to elite (max 2) +2
Troop Type Pts Units German Men at Arms
Elmeti* Heavy cavalry 9 1-4
Heavy knight impact 13 1-4 Add impact +1
Stradiots Mounted Crossbowmen
Light cavalry impact 6 1-4 Heavy cavalry crossbow 11 0-1
Medium cavalry impact 8 Downgrade to mediocre -2
Turks Landsknecht
Light cavalry bow elite 7 0-1 Keil 19
Mounted Crossbowmen Upgrade to elite (max 2) +3 2-6
Light cavalry crossbow 6 0-1 Add armour (max ½) +2
Medium cavalry crossbow 9 Add keil swordsmen +1
Landsknechts or other Landsknecht Shooters
mercenary pikemen Light foot arquebus 4 1-4
Keil 19 1-3 Arquebusiers 12
Mercenary Missilemen City Militia
Light foot arquebus 4 1-6 Keil mediocre 16 0-3
Arquebusier 12 Heavy swordsmen 2HW 16
Mounted Arquebusiers Early Reiters
Light cavalry carbine 6 0-3 Heavy cavalry carbine 11 0-2
Militia Foot Heavily armoured cavalry 13
Light foot arquebus 4 0-3 carbine -2
Arquebusier mediocre 9 Downgrade to mediocre
Militia Pioneers Artillery
Levy 3 0-2 Light artillery 6 0-2
Ditch & Bank Fortifications Medium artillery 10 1-3
Fortifications 1 0-6 Heavy artillery mediocre 8
Artillery Fortifications
Light artillery 6 Fortifications 1 0-10
Medium artillery 10 1-3 Before 1507
Heavy artillery mediocre 8 Landsknecht Doppelsoldner
Heavy Swordsmen 2HW 16 0-2
7. Maximillian Imperial German Notes:
1494 - 1519  English allies (List #10 Tudor English)
Plain, Mountain, Forest before 1513.
Command +3

Emperor Maximilian I of Habsburg opposes

Louis XI over the division of the Burgundian
heritage. To compete with the Swiss, he
entrusts Georg von Frundsberg with the
creation of the national infantry of the
landsknechts. The pay was good compared to
the low average income of the peasant
population and attracted volunteers. They also
served as mercenaries throughout Europe.
They are subject to very strict regulations and
are kept up in their hatred of the Swiss. The
German cavalry, on the other hand, did not
shine on the battlefield. The petronel, or
poitrinal, a short, large-calibre arquebus, takes
its name from "petra" (stone).

8. German City States  You must have equal amount of
1500 - 1558 poorly equipment men at arms as men
Plain, Mountain, Forest at arms.
Command +2  German allies (List #8 German City
Within the Holy Roman Empire the
principalities enjoyed almost complete 9. Swiss Cantons
freedom. The Protestants formed the League 1500 - 1515
of Smalkalde and were defeated by an Forest, Mountain
imperial army at Mühlberg in 1547. The Command 4+
German gendarmes soon adopted the half
armour and the pistol; fighting in deep The Swiss are at the height of their reputation.
formation, they became the reiters who The Swiss tactics remained a rapid approach
specialised in the caracole. This list covers the in three compact columns as in the
army of the Swabian League during the Burgundian wars. Faced with armies that
Bauernkrieg. were better equipped with firearms and used
Troop Type Pts Units entrenchments, their star faded somewhat.
Gendarmes* Moreover, as mercenaries, they are difficult to
Heavy knight impact 13 1-2 control, especially if their pay is late!
Upgrade to elite +2 Troop Type Pts Units
Men at Arms* Keils*
Heavily armoured cavalry Keil headstrong elite 22 3-7
impact 12 2-4 Add keil swordsmen +1
Poorly Equipped Men at Arms Halberdiers
Heavy cavalry impact 10 2-4 Heavy swordsmen polearm
Landsknecht* elite 19 0-3
Keil 19 Arquebusiers
Add keil swordsmen +1 2-6 Light foot arquebus 4 2-6
Add armour (max ½) +2 Crossbowmen
Upgrade to elite (max 2) +3 Light foot crossbowmen 4 0-2
Landsknecht Arquebus Mounted Crossbowmen
Light foot arquebus 4 0-3 Light cavalry crossbow 6 0-2
Arquebusier 12 Mounted Arquebuisers
City Militia Light cavalry carbine 6 0-2
Light foot crossbowmen 4 0-3 Captured Artillery
Crossbowmen 14 Light artillery 6 0-1
Militia From 1513 to 1515 Milanese and Papal ally
Keil mediocre 16 0-1 Milanese & Papal Elmeti
Mounted Crossbowmen Heavy knight impact 13 0-2
Heavy cavalry crossbow 11 0-1 Milanese & Papal
Reiters Crossbowmen
Heavy cavalry carbine 11 0-3 Light cavalry bow 6 0-2
Downgrade to mediocre -2 Medium cavalry bow 9
Gunss & Bombards Notes:
Light artillery 6 0-1  Milanese & Papal units must be in one
Heavy artillery mediocre 8 1-3 command.
From 1543
Early Kurassiers
Heavily armoured cavalry
caracole 13 0-3
Musketeer 14 0-1
Medium artillery 10 0-2

Wars of Religion

Title: Battle of Moncontour 1569

Credit: Musee de l'Armee

The Reformation took hold in the Habsburg Empire, largely taking advantage of the fact that the
Emperor already had his hands full with the French and the Turks. However, the Emperor seized the
opportunity of a dynastic discord in Saxony to defeat the Protestant Smalkalde League at Mühlberg in
1547. The subsequent Peace of Augsburg lasted until the Thirty Years' War.

In France, the conflict broke out in 1562, with the massacre of 74 Protestants at Wassy ordered by
François de Guise. The civil war was soon accompanied by foreign intervention, with England and
the Netherlands supporting the Protestants and Spain the Catholic League. The monarchy wavered
between the two parties as best it could. Massacres, assassinations and wars followed one another
until the arrival on the throne of Henry of Navarre in 1589 ("Paris is worth a mass!") and the Edict of
Nantes in 1598. France's enemy then became the Habsburg Empire again, and for a long time...

Militarily, the period saw the continued decline of the classical, spear-charging gendarmerie and the
rise of firearms, arquebus, musket and pistol. Cavalry, still the weapon of decision, manoeuvred
around static blocks of pikemen/shooters and infantry were given up for lost if their cavalry were
defeated. The emphasis is on joint support, with corps combining blocks of infantry and cavalry units
intermingled. In France, the Protestants were more innovative and better commanded than the

For the armament of cavalry, a controversy opposes the supporters of the traditional lance and those
of the pistol. In individual combat, the lancer is given the upper hand, but lancers generally charge
"en haye", i.e. deployed in a thin line, at a gallop in the last few metres, whereas pistoliers fight at a
trot, in a deep formation and in close ranks, which allows them to absorb the shock of the lancers and
to take the upper hand when the latter have exhausted their initial impact. The lance, to be effective,
requires extensive training and high quality, and expensive horses. It loses ground quickly to the
pistol. The pistol is easy to use and is satisfied with an ordinary horse, its effect does not depend on
the violence of the impact. Two ways of using the pistol exist: the caracole, a compact mass of
horsemen taking turns to unload their pistols into enemy lines and then return to the rear to reload
and start again, in the hope of creating a breach; or a more determined charge, firing the pistol just
before contact and then fighting with the sword.

At this time, the concept of the dragoon was also born, a mounted harquebusier who was invaluable
for hand-to-hand combat and for seizing key elements of the terrain.

10. Tudor English From 1544
1500 - 1558 Reiters
Plain, Forest Heavily armoured cavalry
Command +4 caracole 13 0-2
Italian Arquebusiers
While the longbow disappeared rapidly on the Light cavalry carbine 6 0-1
continent, a victim of the development of flat Pikemen
armour and its difficulty of use, it remained Keil mediocre 16 1-3
the main infantry weapon in England. It still Notes:
proved effective against the masses of  German allies (List #7 Maximillian
unarmoured Scottish pikemen, so that the use Imperial German).
of the pike and harquebus developed more  Spanish allies (List #2 Imperial
slowly than elsewhere. During this period, Spanish).
from the reign of Henry VIII to that of Mary
Tudor, the main adversaries were the Scots 11. Elizabethan English
and the French. Alliances with the Imperials 1559 - 1603
did not materialise on the ground. Plain, Forest
Troop Type Pts Units Command +3
Kings Spears*
Heavy knight impact 13 0-1 The reign of Elizabeth I is an era of stability
English Men at Arms* and development of English power. English
Heavy knight impact 13 0-4 armies fight in support of the Protestants in
Demi-Lancers* Scotland, France and Ireland. The main
Heavy cavalry impact 10 1-3 opponent is Spain, the champion of
Heavily armoured cavalry Catholicism, without a pitched battle. But
impact 12 Elizabeth was more interested in developing
Border Horse trade and conquering the seas than in military
Light cavalry javelin 6 2-6 glory and was reluctant to sign alliances that
Longbowmen might lead to too much land engagement, as
Longbow the Dutch or Ivan the Terrible proposed.
-before 1544 2-6 Firearms slowly replaced spears and
-From 1544 15 1-3 longbows. The infantry is equally divided
Add stakes +1 0-6 between harquebuses, longbows and pikes.
Troop Type Pts Units
Gentlemen Pensioners before
Heavy swordsmen 2HW 16 1-6
Add armour (max2) +2
Heavy knight impact elite 15 0-1
Keil 19 0-1
Heavy cavalry impact 10 1-4
Arquebusier 12 0-1
Border Horse
Light foot arquebus 4 0-2
Light cavalry javelin 6 2-6
German Heavy cavalry
Medium cavalry 7
Heavy cavalry impact 10 0-2
Italian light foot
Keil mediocre 16 2-6
Light foot arquebus 4 0-1
Militia Billmen
Medium swordsmen 2HW
Heavy swordsmen 2HW
mediocre 11 2-6
mediocre 13 0-1
Militia Bowmen
Arquebusier mediocre 12 2-8
Bowmen mediocre 11 0-2
Cannons with Organs and
before 1575 15 2-6
Light artillery 6 0-4
after 1575 0-2
Heavy artillery mediocre 8 0-2
Field Cannons
Pallisades & Ditches
Medium artillery 10 0-2
Fortified camp 6 0-1

Heavy artillery 10 0-1 Strategist: Alexander Farnese (1577-1592)
From 1575
Reiters The main Spanish force is now based in
Light cavalry carbine 6 1-4 Flanders. It fights against the Dutch rebels and
Medium cavalry carbine 9 the French. This was the golden age of Spanish
Musketeers military power and the tercios ruled the
Arquebusier 12 2-4 battlefields until the defeat at Rocroi in 1643.
The "Spanish" troops were recruited in all the
12. Scottish territories controlled by the Habsburgs, Spain,
1500 - 1602 but also Flanders, Wallonia, Germany and
Plain, Mountain, Forest Italy. The ordinary option for normally elite
Command +3 tercios allows a distinction between 'old
Spaniards' and less experienced or less
The opponent remained England and the main motivated formations. A classic formation is
ally France, whose support was rather three tercios arranged in a triangle, pointing
symbolic, given the geographical constraints. towards the enemy. The gendarmes were
The Scots relied on pikes, going so far as to gradually replaced by lighter horsemen.
have their cavalry dismantled: the nobility Spanish rule in the Netherlands is associated
formed armoured front ranks for the pikemen, with Viceroy Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, the
hence the armour option. The opposition with ruthless Duke of Alba who suppressed the
England temporarily ended when James VI of Dutch revolt.
Troop Type Pts Units
Scotland ascended the English throne.
Guardias Viejas*
Troop Type Pts Units
Heavy knight impact 13 2-4
Lowland Infantry*
Upgrade to elite (max 2) +2
Keil mediocre 16 3-10
Caballos Ligeros
Border Horse* Heavy cavalry impact 10 2-6
Light cavalry javelin 6 0-4
Herguletiers (all identical)
Medium cavalry impact 8
Light cavalry carbine 6
Border Skirmishers Medium cavalry carbine 9 2-6
Light cavalry crossbow 6 0-2
Light cavalry carbine
Light foot arquebus 4 0-4
mediocre 5
Arquebusier 12
Spanish Skirmishers
Medium swordsmen
Light foot musket elite 5 0-1
reduced bow headstrong 13 0-3
Scottish Arquebusiers
Tercio arquebus elite 27 2-6
Arquebusier 12 0-3
Downgrade to ordinary -3
Flemish, Walloon and
Heavy artillery mediocre 8 1-2 Mercenary landsknechts
Only in 1513 (Battle of Flodden) Keil 19 1-4
French Gendarmes Add Keil swordsmen +1 0-2
Heavy knight impact elite 15 0-1 Artillery
French Infantry Medium artillery 10 1-2
Keil mediocre 16 0-2 Heavy artillery 10
Light foot arquebus 4 0-2 Breastworks and Redoubts
Light Cannons Fortifications 1 0-12
Light artillery 6 0-1
From 1568
Notes: Reiters
 French allies (List #4 Italian Wars Heavily armoured cavalry
French) from 1523 to 1560. caracole 13 0-4
Before 1573
13. Early Low Countries Spanish Jinetes
1558 - 1602 Light cavalry javelin 6 0-4
Plain From 1578
Command +6

Huerreuelos Royal Swiss*
Heavily armoured cavalry Keil headstrong elite 22 1-3
caracole Add keil swordsmen (max 1) +1
13 0-4 Swiss Skirmishers
Replace Tercios with Later Light foot arquebus 4 0-1
Tercios Lansquenets
Later Tercio arquebus elite 25 0-6 Keil 19 0-3
Downgrade to ordinary -3 0-4 French Foot
Add Musket +1 0-4 Colunela mediocre 17 1-3
From 1589 – 1592 Lansquenets
French Catholic Gendarmes* Keil 19 0-2
Heavily armoured cavalry Spanish or Wallon Infantry
impact 12 0-2 Tercio arqeubus 24 0-1
French Catholic Pistoliers* Enfants Perdu
Heavy cavalry pistol 10 0-2 Light foot arquebus 4 1-3
Catholic French Infantry Italian Infantry
Colunela mediocre 17 0-2 Arquebusier 12 0-3
Papal Swiss Downgrade to mediocre -3
Colunela 20 0-1 Artillery
Upgrade to elite +3 Light artillery 6 0-1
Downgrade to mediocre -2
14. French Catholic Medium artillery 10
1562 - 1598 Armed Friars
Plain, Mountain, Forest Levy headstrong 3 0-4
Command +4 From 1589
Spanish Walloon Herguletiers
Having inherited the bulk of the ordonnance (all identical)
companies, the Catholics remained loyal to the Light cavalry carbine 6 0-2
lancers for a longer period, although they Medium cavalry carbine 9
lamented a decline in their quality. Their 'haye' Walloon Lancers
charge formation proved vulnerable to the Heavy cavalry impact 10 0-4
deep formation of the pistoliers. The Swiss and
Germans are the best infantry. The Argoulets, 15. French Hugenot
or Albanians, are now mounted 1562 - 1598
harquebusiers. The list covers the royal armies Plain, Mountain, Forest
and those of the Catholic League until 1589, Command +5
then those of the last Ligueurs who do not Strategist: Henry de Navarre (1580-1598)
admit the access to the throne of Henri IV. The
League was supported by Spain, the The Huguenots did not have the bulk of the
Huguenots by the Netherlands and England. ordonnance companies and used mercenaries,
Internal struggles between opposing often German landsknechts and reiters. They
denominations and foreign wars were innovated and their cavalry had the upper
intertwined, with the monarchy navigating its hand over the opposing cavalry. The
way through this confusing situation. cuirassiers charged at a trot in deep formation
Troop Type Pts Units armed with the pistol, which eventually
Gendarmes* supplanted the lance. For the infantry, the
Heavy knight impact 13 2-6 Huguenots relied more on the arquebus than
Upgrade to elite (max 1) +2 on the pike and the arquebusiers were used to
Archers and chevaux leger support the cavalry. From 1589, the list covers
Heavy cavalry impact 10 1-4 the royal army of Henri de Navarre, who
Reiters became Henri IV at the price of his conversion
Heavily armoured cavalry to Catholicism.
caracole 13 1-4 Troop Type Pts Units
Argoulets Reiters
Light cavalry carbine 6 0-2 Heavy cavalry caracole 11 1-5

Heavily armoured cavalry exploited guerrilla tactics. During the Nine
caracole 13 Years' War, the Earl of Tyrone, a Catholic in
Arquebusiers on nags revolt supported by the Pope, converted his
Dragoon arquebus 5 0-2 Galloglaichs into pikemen and his Kerns into
Argoulets gunmen. He defeated the English at Yellow
Light cavalry carbine 6 0-1 Ford in 1598, but was defeated at Kinsale in
Enfants Perdu 1601, without succeeding in joining up with a
Light foot arquebus 4 0-3 disembarked Spanish corps. He died in exile
Landsknechts in Rome after trying to return to Ireland.
Keil 19 1-4 Troop Type Pts Units
Colunela 20 Men at Armes*
Arquebusiers Heavy knight impact elite 15 0-1
Arquebusier 12 1-5 Irish Riders
Downgrade to mediocre -3 Light cavalry javelin 6 2-4
Levy Medium cavalry impact 8 0-2
Levy 3 0-2 Light Barrel Artillery
Field Cannons Light artillery 6 0-1
Light artillery mediocre 4 0-1 Ditches
Medium artillery 10 0-2 Fortifications 1 0-6
Trenches Before 1594
Fortifications 1 0-6 Galloglaich
Before 1577 Medium swordsmen 2HW 14 2-4
Gendarmes* Upgrade to elite (max 2) +3
Heavy knight impact 13 2-4 Bonnachts
Upgrade to elite (max 2) +2 Medium swordsmen 13 2-6
From 1577 Kerns
Cuirassiers* Medium swordsmen
Heavily armoured cavalry mediocre 10 3-6
pistol Light foot bow 4
12 1-4
Upgrade to elite (max 2) +2 Anglo-Irish Option
From 1589 Men at Arms of Pale*
Royal Swiss* Heavy knight impact 13 0-3
Keil headstrong elite 22 1-3 Longbowmen of Pale
Before 1560 15 2-4
 Sub generals must be unreliable.
From 1560 1-2
 English allies (List #11 Elizabethan
Pale Billmen
Medium swordsmen 2HW 11 0-1
 Dutch allies (List #18 Dutch Rebellion)
from 1589.
Arquebusiers of Pale
Light foot arquebus 3 1-2
16. Irish mediocre
1494-1601 New Scots Redshanks
Plain, Forest Keil 19 0-1
Command +3 Arquebusier 12 0-2
Medium swordsmen 2HW 14 0-2
The Pale is under the direct control of the From 1594, Tyrone’s Revolt
English crown, but the rest of Ireland is held Tyrone’s “Cavaliers”*
by rebellious lords. Religious conflicts Heavy cavalry 8 0-1
aggravate the situation. The infantry was Tyrone’s Gallogliach
made up of peasant Kerns and mercenaries: Keil 19 1-2
Scottish Galloglaichs, Irish Bonnachts, Medium swordsmen 2HW
"Redshanks" ("red legs") from the Islands, so elite 17 1-2
called because of their bare legs! Irish armies Tyrone’s Bonnachts
quickly developed the use of firearms and Keil mediocre 16 1-3

Arquebusier 12 1-3 1568-1648
Tyrone’s Kerns Plain
Light foot arquebus 4 4-8 Command +6
Notes: Strategist: Maurice of Nassau 1590-1648
 Pale or Tyrone’s options cannot be
chosen at the same time. The list covers the armies of the Dutch who
 Pale’s Troops must be commanded by revolted against Spain during the "Eighty
the C n C. Years' War" or "Revolt of the Beggars".
William the Silent, Prince of Orange, leads the
 Spanish allies (List #13 Early Low
rebels. His son, Maurice of Nassau, innovates
Countries Spanish) in 1601.
in tactics and standardises artillery units and
17. War of the Peasants calibres. The United Provinces gain their
1524-1526 independence within the borders of the
Plain, Mountain, Forest present-day Netherlands. The Dutch use
Command +2 mercenaries, whom they pay well, and foreign
Protestant volunteers. The cavalry is offensive.
In 1524, peasants in various parts of southern The infantry evolves towards more mobility
Germany protested against the lords' attempts with a decrease in pikes in favour of muskets.
to change the rules of feudal law for their Troop Type Pts Units
benefit. The nobles in the Swabian League Dutch Nobles (before 1592)*
negotiated while they commissioned Nicholas Heavy knight impact elite 15 0-2
Count Salm to raise an army. The most radical German Reiters
rebels seized Weinsberg Castle and massacred Heavily armoured cavalry
its occupants. The peasants put at their head caracole 13 2-8
more or less voluntary knights of fortune such Carabineers
as Götz von Berlichingen and Florian Geyer, Light cavalry carbine 6 1-4
whose "Black Bands" will remain famous. Dutch Arquebusiers
Lüther, who hesitated for a moment, took the Arquebusier mediocre 9 0-4
side of the lords. The army of the League of Dutch Levy
Swabia travelled in all directions and crushed Levy 3 0-2
the rebels, who were scattered and disunited. Ditches, levees & redoubts
The peasants use the shoe as an emblem, in Fortifications 1 0-12
contrast to the knights' spurred boot. Before 1577
Troop Type Pts Units Landsknechts
Armed Peasants with prize Colunela 20 2-6
weapons* Before 1592
Keil mediocre 16 0-2 Artillery
Medium swordsmen Medium artillery 10 0-2
headstrong 13 0-12 Heavy artillery 10
Light foot arquebus From 1577
Light foot arquebus 4 0-8 Dutch, English & Scottish
Peasants* demi-lancers*
Levy 3 12-24 Heavy cavalry impact 10 2-4
Add headstrong (max 12) +0 Huguenot Volunteer Pistoliers
Hussite type War Wagons Heavily armoured cavalry
War wagon crossbow caracole 13 0-2
mediocre 10 0-4 From 1577 to 1622
Fortifications Dutch, English & Walloon
Fortifications 1 0-8 infantry
Captured Artillery Later Tercio arquebus 22 1-6
Light artillery mediocre 4 0-3 From 1592
Notes: Cuirassiers*
 All sub generals must be unreliable. Heavy cavalry caracole 11 2-8
From 1590 – 1610
18. Dutch Rebellion
Veteran Infantry Regiments

Pike & Shot arquebus elite 18 0-1
From 1606
Dragoon arquebus 5 0-2
From 1622
Pike & Shot musket 16 4-8
 Tudor allies (List #10 Tudor English)
from 1585 to 1594.

The Thirty Years War

Title: Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden at the Battle of Breitenfeld

Artist: Johann Walter

The war broke out in 1618 with the "defenestration of Prague" (the Emperor's representatives were
expelled from the town hall through the 1st floor window by angry Bohemians!) It crystallises many
oppositions between religions, local particularisms, and imperial power. It ended with the treaties of
Westphalia in 1648 and left Germany ruined and divided. It left lasting traces, such as the Czechs'
distrust of the Germans and anti-French sentiment in Germany.

The first phase ended in 1625 with Tilly's defeat of Bohemia at the White Mountain in 1620, the
occupation of the Palatinate by the Spaniards and the rout of Brunswick at Stadtlohn in 1623. The
imperial victory was not final, as it worried the other European powers. France, England and the
Netherlands subsidised Denmark's entry into the war, but the Danes were defeated by Tilly and
Wallenstein and signed peace in 1629. France did not want an imperial triumph and pushed the
Swedes into the war: Gustavus Adolphus, with a disciplined army and innovative tactics, defeated
Tilly at Breitenfeld, before being killed at Lützen in 1632. The fanatical Swedes set Germany on fire,
before being defeated at Nordlingen in 1634 by an imperial and Spanish army. This phase ended with
the Treaty of Prague in 1635.

The peace in Germany was still not to France's liking and Richelieu, then Mazarin, directly engaged
the French armies by declaring war on Spain. The Swedes took up arms again and battles were fought
in Germany, Flanders, Artois, Catalonia, Italy... 1643 saw Condé's victory at Rocroi over the Spanish
tercios, and Turenne distinguished himself on the Rhine, in Swabia and in Bavaria. A new victory by
Condé at Lens in 1648 forced the Emperor to negotiate. The treaties of Westphalia put an end to the

war. France appeared to be the major beneficiary of the conflict, while Germany remained
permanently divided.

In military terms, most of the armies initially raised in Central Europe were mercenaries, whose
loyalty depended on regular pay, which was rarely assured. The Spanish, French and especially
Swedish armies were more national and loyal to their sovereign: they were to be the model from then
on. The Swedes introduced more offensive tactics and the slender order for the infantry, with half
pikes, or no pikes at all, and a single musket discharge at close range before the shock. They will be
copied by the French. Rocroi saw the collapse of the tercios, left isolated on the battlefield by the
defeat of their cavalry and decimated by the French artillery. The pike lost ground to the increasingly
effective firearms.

Cavalry tactics also evolved: the caracole, which was not very offensive, showed its limits and some
riders found the way to the impetuous charge, abandoning the cumbersome and inefficient pistols for
the sword. The caracole and the full charge coexisted for a long time before the final disappearance of
the caracole in the 18th century. The charge at full gallop made it possible to limit the effect of the fire:
it was theorised that if the gallop was taken from too far away, or if the riders were insufficiently
trained, the formation would break up and the horses would be exhausted; if it was taken too close,
the risk was to be pushed aside by a more impetuous enemy or to suffer too much fire

19. Danish  Transylvanian allies (List #46
1588 - 1648 Romanian Principalities) in 1626.
Plain, Forest  German Protestant allies (List #26 30
Command +3 Years War German Protestant).
 Catholic German allies (List #28 Later
In an attempt to gain leadership over the 30 Years War German Catholic) in
German Protestant states, Christian IV, after 1644.
the Kalmar War against Sweden from 1611 to
1613, engaged his country in the Thirty Years' 20. Later Low Countries Spanish
War in 1625... to his misfortune as his armies 1602 - 1659
were crushed. He became dependent on Plain
Sweden. He then moved closer to the Catholic Command +6
states, causing the Tortenson War with Strategist: Ambrogio Spionla 1603-1628
Sweden in 1644-45. The country finally lost its Troop Type Pts Units
status as a leading power in Europe. Christian Caballos Ligeros
IV tried to build up a national army, but he Heavy cavalry impact 10 2-6
still relied heavily on mercenaries. Regiments Herguletiers (all identical)
were identified by colour of dress, companies Light cavalry carbine 6
by colour of breeches. Medium cavalry carbine 9 0-3
Troop Type Pts Units Tercios
Cuirassiers* Later Tercio arquebus elite 25 4-8
Heavily armoured cavalry Downgrade to ordinary -3 0-4
caracole 13 4-8 Add Musket +1 0-4
Upgrade to elite (max ½) +2 Artillery
German Reiters Medium artillery 10 1-3
Medium cavalry carbine 9 0-8 Heavy artillery 10
Arquebusiers Breastworks and Redoubts
Medium cavalry carbine 9 1-3 Fortifications 1 0-12
Heavy cavalry carbine 11 Before 1630
Sailors Guardias Viejas
Medium swordsmen impact 14 0-1 Heavy knight elite 13 1-2
Field Artillery From 1619
Medium artillery 10 1-2 Replace all Caballos Ligeros
Heavy artillery 10 0-1 with Caballos Corazos
Dragoons Heavily armoured cavalry
Dragoon musket 6 0-1 pistol 12 1-3
Entrenchments and Barricades Heavy cavalry pistol 10 1-3
Fortifications 1 0-6 Upgrade to elite +2
Before 1629 From 1630
Infantry Regiments Replace all Herguletiers with
Later Tercio musket 23 2-8 Dragoon
From 1614 Dragoon arquebus 5 0-3
Carabiners (all identical) Replace all Tercios
Light cavalry carbine 6 1-3 Pike & Shot Musket 16 4-8
Medium cavalry carbine 9 Tercio Viejos
From 1625 Pike & Shot musket elite 18 0-2
Danish Guard Foreign Regiments
Musketeer elite 17 0-1 Pike & Shot musket 16 0-2
Infantry Regiments
Pike & Shot musket 16 2-8
From 1629
Replace all Cuirassiers*
Heavy Cav Pistol
Upgrade to elite (max ½) +2 All

21. Early 17th Century French Heavy cavalry pistol elite 12 0-1
1599 - 1623 Chevaux-Legers
Plain, Forest, Mountain Medium cavalry pistol 8 2-8
Command 3+ Heavy cavalry pistol 10
Troop Type Pts Units Carabins
Cuirassiers* Medium cavalry carbine 9 0-3
Heavily armoured cavalry Heavy cavalry carbine 11
caracole 13 1-2 Forlorn Hope
Upgrade to elite +2 Light cavalry carbine 6 0-1
Chevaux Legers Dragoon arquebus 5
Heavy cavalry caracole 11 1-3 Guard and Vieux Infantry
Carabins Pike & Shot musket impact
Medium cavalry carbine 9 1-3 elite 20 0-2
Forlorn Hope Petits Vieux and New Infantry
Light cavalry carbine 6 0-1 Pike & Shot musket impact 17 2-7
Dragoon arquebus 5 Newly Raised French Infantry
Veteran Guard Infantry and Militia
Pike & Shot arquebus elite 18 0-2 Pike & Shot musket
Guard and Petits Vieux mediocre 13 0-6
Infantry Foreign Infantry Regiments
Pike & Shot arquebus 15 2-8 Pike & Shot musket 16 0-2
French Militia Artillery
Pike & Shot arquebus Medium artillery 10 1-2
mediocre 12 0-4 Heavy artillery 10
Foreign Infantry Regiments Ditches and Barricades
Pike & Shot musket 16 0-3 Fortifications 1 0-8
Artillery Before 1637
Medium artillery 10 1-2 Gendarmes
Heavy artillery 10 Heavy cavalry pistol 10 2-4
Before 1643
3 pdr battalion gun
22. 30 Years War French Regimental gun 4 0-1
1623 - 1648
From 1643
Plain, Forest, Mountain
Replace Artillery
Command +5
Light artillery 6 0-2
Replace all Chevaux-Legers or
France was in turmoil when Louis XIII took
power and was also fighting against Spain.
Medium cavalry pistol 8
The young king did not hesitate to enlist at the
Heavy cavalry pistol 10 2-8
head of his cavalry, before his entourage
Upgrade to elite (max 3) +2
dissuaded him. Richelieu engaged France in
the Thirty Years' War. It was then once again a
leading power. The gendarmes gave way to  0-1 Regimental guns per non-
the pistoliers. The French cavalry adopted the mediocre infantry.
Swedish tactics of "charge en sauvage". The  Swedish and Weimarian allies (List
infantry includes the three Guards, the "old #25 Later 30 Years War Swedish and
corps" still heavy in pikemen, and the "new Weimarian).
regiments" with more gunners and sometimes  Dutch allies (List #18 Dutch
without pikemen. In contact with the Swedes, Rebellion).
it adopted a slim formation and offensive
tactics. The Bernardins are the troops of
Bernard of Saxe-Weimar 'on loan' from
Troop Type Pts Units
Gendarmes of the Guard*

23. Early 30 Years War Swedish civil and military reforms and took his first
1617 - 1630 steps against Poland from 1626 to 1629. He
Plain, Forest, Mountain learnt lessons from this and applied them to
Command +5 his entry into the Thirty Years' War in 1630: he
Strategist: Gustavus Adolphus defeated the imperial armies but was killed at
Troop Type Pts Units Lützen in 1632, charging alone in the fog!
Swedish Latta Ryttare & Gustavus Adolphus, making the most of the
veteran German Cavalry* limitations of his troops (lack of horses
Heavy cavalry caracole 11 1-6 suitable for harassment and pikemen),
Finnish Hakkapeliita introduced very offensive tactics: the Finnish
Heavy cavalry shock Hakkapelitta led galloping charges on sturdy
headstrong elite 13 0-1 little horses, firing their first pistol at 20 paces,
Mercenary Karbinryttare the second at 5 paces, before drawing the
Medium cavalry carbine 9 1-4 sword; their name comes from a war cry (in
Artillery essence, "get them in there!"). The infantry
Medium artillery 10 1-3 fired at close range before charging furiously
Heavy artillery 10 and relied on the power of muskets and
Dragoons regimental guns (the 'leather' ones are made of
Dragoon musket 6 0-2 copper wrapped in rope and leather).
German or Livonian Gustavus Adolphus innovations were to
Cuirassiers inspire the French when they entered the war.
Heavily armoured cavalry Troop Type Pts Units
pistol elite 14 0-1 Swedish Latta Ryttare &
Before 1622 veteran
Swedish Finnish and German Cavalry*
Mercenary Infantry Heavy cavalry pistol 10 1-4
Later Tercio musket 23 1-8 Finnish Hakkapeliita
Downgrade to mediocre -3 Medium cavalry shock
From 1625 headstrong elite 11 0-1
Replace Swedish Latta Ryttare Mercenary Karbinryttare
& veteran German Cavalry* Medium cavalry carbine 9 1-4
Heavy cavalry pistol 10 0-4 Yellow & Veteran Colour
Upgrade to elite (max 2) +2 Regiments
Colour Regiments Pike & Shot salvo elite 21 1-2
Pike & Shot salvo elite 21 0-2 Other Regiments
Other Regiments Pike & Shot salvo 18 1-6
Pike & Shot salvo 18 1-8 Commanded Shot
3 pdr battalion guns Commanded Shot 3 1-3
Regimental gun 4 0-1 3 pdr battalion guns
Commanded Shot Regimental gun 4 0-1
Commanded Shot 3 0-2 Artillery
Swedish Feathers Medium artillery 10 1-3
Fortifications 1 0-12 Heavy artillery 10
Notes: Dragoons
 0-1 Regimental guns per non-mediocre Dragoon musket 6 0-2
Salvo battle unit. German or Livonian
24. Swedish Gustavus Adolphus Heavily armoured cavalry
1630 - 1634 pistol elite 14 0-1
Plain, Forest, Mountain Mercenary Infantry Regiments
Command +5 Pike & Shot musket 16 0-2
Strategist: Gustavus Adolphus (up to 1632) From 1632
Replace Swedish Latta Ryttare
Gustavus Adolphus ascended the Swedish & veteran German Cavalry*
throne in 1611 at the age of 16. He undertook Heavy cavalry pistol elite 12 0-4

Notes: History will give his troops an unenviable
 0-1 Regimental guns per non- reputation for ferocity. The German
mediocre Salvo battle units. Protestants were less successful overall than
the Imperials and were only saved from defeat
25. Later 30 Years War Swedish and by successive foreign interventions.
Weimarian Troop Type Pts Units
1634 - 1648 Kurassier*
Plain, Forest, Mountain Heavily armoured cavalry
Command +3 caracole 13 1-4
Troop Type Pts Units Upgrade to elite (max 2) +2
Swedish and German "Demi- Bandellier Reiter
Cuirassiers"* Medium cavalry carbine 9
Medium cavalry pistol 8 2-8 Heavy cavalry carbine 11 2-8
Upgrade to elite (max 4) +2 Downgrade to mediocre -2
Dragoons Foot Regiments
Dragoon musket 6 1-2 Pike & Shot musket 16 3-8
German or Swedish Foot Downgrade to mediocre -3
Pike & Shot musket 16 2-8 Ill equipped Foot
Downgrade to mediocre Pike & Shot arquebus 15 0-3
(max 4) -3 Dragoons
Upgrade to elite (max 2) +3 Dragoon musket 6 0-2
German or Swedish Musket Musket only infantry
Musketeer 14 0-3 Musketeer 14 0-3
3 pdr battalion guns Dutch Infantry
Regimental gun 4 0-1 Pike & Shot musket 16 0-4
Artillery Downgrade to mediocre -3
Light artillery 6 1-2 Embittered Peasants
Medium artillery 10 Levy headstrong 3 0-2
Commanded Shot Artillery
Command Shot 3 0-4 Medium artillery 10 0-2
Mercenary Bandellier Reiter Heavy artillery 10 0-1
Medium cavalry carbine 9 0-4 Barrikaden
Downgrade to mediocre -2 Fortifications 1 0-8
Only Weimarians From 1637 Before 1622
Foot Light Horse
Pike & Shot musket Impact 17 0-4 Light cavalry carbine 6 0-3
Notes: Before 1626
 0-1 Regimental guns per non- Replace Foot Regiments
mediocre infantry. Later Tercio musket 23 3-11
26. 30 Years War German Protestant  Transylvanian allies (List #46
1609 - 1648 Romanian Principalities).
Plain, Forest, Mountain
Command +4

The list covers the armies of the Protestant

states of Germany: Bohemia, Saxony, Baden,
Hesse-Cassel. There are variations between
states, but the complexity of operations makes
it legitimate to use them simultaneously,
unless otherwise indicated in the list. The
Protestant cavalry charged on the Dutch
model. The most famous warlord was Ernst
Mansfeld, a Catholic, but at odds with the
Empire because of a succession dispute.

27. Early 30 Years War German Catholic Heavy cavalry pistol 10 2-8
1618 – 1632 Upgrade to elite (max 3) +2
Plain, Forest, Mountain
Command +6
Strategist: Tilly 1620-1632, Wallenstein 1623- 28. Later 30 Years War German Catholic
1632 1632 – 1648
Plain, Forest, Mountain
The list covers the imperial armies and those Command +4
of the Bavarian Catholic League. They had Strategist: Wallenstein 1632-1634
good cavalry, shock cavalry with the Troop Type Pts Units
cuirassiers, light cavalry with the Croats and Cuirassiers*
the Hungarian hussars. The pistol has replaced Heavy cavalry pistol 10 2-8
the lance. Three-quarter armour was gradually Upgrade to elite (max 4) +2
replaced by corselets. The carabiniers were Bandellier Reiter
eventually rearmed with pistols and cuirassés Medium cavalry carbine 9 1-4
to encourage them to fight in close quarters. Heavy cavalry carbine 11
Raimundo Monteccuccoli, a renowned theorist Downgrade to mediocre -2
and future opponent of Turenne, served in Dragoner
these armies. Dragoon musket 6 2-3
Veteran Infantry Regiments
Troop Type Pts Units Pike & Shot musket elite 19 0-2
Cuirassier* Infantry Regiments
Heavily armoured cavalry Pike & Shot musket 16 3-12
caracole 13 2-8 3 pdr battalion guns
Upgrade to elite (max 3) +2 Regimental gun 4 0-1
Bandellier Reiter Poor Quality Infantry
Medium cavalry carbine 9 1-5 Regiments
Heavy cavalry carbine 11 Pike & Shot musket
Veteran Inf mediocre 13 0-4
Later Tercio musket elite 25 0-3 Crabaten & Kossaken
Infantry Regiments Light cavalry carbine 6 0-4
Tercio musket 25 1-8 Schutzenkompanien
Later Tercio musket 23 Light foot musket elite 5 0-1
Militia Regiments Command Shot
Tercio musket mediocre 22 0-4 Command shot 3 0-2
Crabaten & Kossaken Artillery
Light cavalry carbine 6 0-3 Light artillery 6 1-3
Schutzenkompanier Medium artillery 10
Light foot musket elite 5 0-1 Heavy artillery
Musketenkompanien Heavy artillery 10 0-1
Musketeer 14 0-1 Barrikaden
Dragoon Fortifications 1 0-6
Dragoon Musket 6 0-2 Levy
Field and siege cannons Levy 3 0-2
Medium artillery 10 1-4 Notes:
Heavy artillery 10 0-1  0-1 Regimental guns per non-
Barrikaden mediocre infantry.
Fortifications 1 0-6
Levy 3 0-2
Only Tilly From 1622 – 1631
Tilly’s Veterans
Tercio musket elite 28 0-3
From 1628
Replace Cuirassier*

Wars of the Three Kingdoms

Title: Marston Moor

Artist: John Baker

Religious, political and national struggles intertwine in this troubled period for England, Scotland
and Ireland, ruled by the same king. Charles I reigned from 1625 and opposed Parliament. In 1638,
the Scottish Presbyterians rose up against an attempt to introduce the Anglican Church and formed
the Covenant, triggering the Bishops' War. The King summoned Parliament to secure funding for the
war, but Parliament revolted in 1642. The civil wars that followed, which spread to Scotland and
Ireland, ended with Cromwell's triumph, the execution of the King and the submission of Ireland in
1649, and the submission of Scotland in 1652. England was then governed by a Puritan republic. It
waged war against Holland, a commercial rival, from 1652 to 1654, and against Spain from 1654 to
1659. The Stuarts returned to the throne in 1660 after Cromwell's death, the time of Charles II's reign.
Cromwell became famous as a cavalry general, with his famous Ironsides, which adopted offensive
tactics and served as the model for the cavalry of the New Model Army. Pikemen were now in the
minority compared to musketeers within the infantry. The pikemen and musketeers seem to be
deployed separately, rather than in mixed formations, perhaps to make the most of the English
bocage: the musketeers, shielding the pikemen, use the hedgerows as cover. The Scots and Irish are
generally less well equipped than the English, having to make do with what they have on hand and
some outside contributions.

29. Scots Royalists was not sincere, some of them, the "Engagers",
1644 - 1647 supported Charles I, who made the same
Plain, Mountain promise to them, and opposed the
Command +4 "Whiggamore", who were hostile to the King.
Strategist: Montrose Cromwell, victorious in England, intervened,
defeated the Scots at Dunbar and Worcester
Montrose sided with Charles I. He initially and subdued Scotland in 1652. The Scottish
won many victories, with the help of Alasdair pikes were initially shorter than those of their
Mac Colla's Irish and the Highlanders. He was opponents.
finally defeated at Philiphaugh in 1645 and Troop Type Pts Units
fled to Norway, returning in 1650 to support “Cavaliers”
Charles II's cause. He was defeated at Medium cavalry pistol
Carbisdale, captured and executed. mediocre 6 1-6
Troop Type Pts Units Foot Regiments
Irish Brigades* Pike & Shot reduced musket 15 0-8
Medium swordsmen musket 14 Poorly Equipped Foot
Upgrade to elite (max ½) +3 4-8 Pike & Shot reduced musket
Highlanders* mediocre 12 3-8
Medium swordsmen Frames
headstrong reduced musket 13 1-8 Light artillery mediocre 4 1-3
Horse* Artillery
Medium cavalry pistol 8 Medium artillery 10 0-2
Medium cavalry impact 8 1-5 Heavy artillery 10
Downgrade to mediocre -2 Dragoons
Ill Trained Foot Dragoon arquebus mediocre 4 2-4
Pike & Shot reduced musket Upgrade to ordinary (max 2) +1
mediocre 15 3-8 From 1642 to 1644
Frames or Drakes Replace all Dragoons
Light artillery mediocre 4 0-2 Dragoon musket 6 0-2
Upgrade to ordinary +2 From 1642
Only in 1644 Replace all “Cavaliers”*
Moss Bands Medium cavalry pistol 8 1-6
Light cavalry impact 6 0-1 Medium cavalry impact 8
Irish militia Downgrade to mediocre -2
Pike & Shot musket Replace all Foot Regiments
mediocre 13 0-1 Pike & Shot musket 16 0-6
From 1645 Only In Scotland in 1645 - 1650
Horsemen* Highlanders
Heavy cavalry impact Medium swordsmen
mediocre 8 0-6 headstrong reduced musket 13 0-2
Dragons Downgrade to mediocre -3
Dragoon musket 6 0-2 Campbell of Lawers regiment
Scottish Foot Pike & Shot musket elite 19 0-1
Pike & Shot musket 16 1-6 From 1650
Replace all Foot Regiments
30. Covenant Scots Pike & Shot musket 16 0-8
1639 - 1652 Moss Troops
Plain, Mountain Light cavalry impact 6 0-1
Command +3

The National Covenant is founded to defend

Presbyterianism in Scotland. It intervened in
the English Civil War on the side of
Parliament, which had promised to impose
Presbyterianism in England. Realising that this

31. English Civil War Parliamentarian Downgrade to mediocre -3
1642 - 1645 From 1644
Plain, Mountain Upgrade some horse to Eastern
Command +3 Association
Strategist: Sir Thomas Fairfax 1642-1644 Heavy cavalry pistol 10 0-4
Veteran Foot
Parliament controls the main economic centres Pike & Shot musket Elite 19 0-2
and has a central position. Parliament has
good generals like Fairfax and Waller and 32. New Model Army
gains the upper hand quite quickly. Its 1645- 1660
supporters are called 'roundheads' because of Plain, Mountain
the short haircuts of some Puritans. The Command +4
Eastern Association of Counties formed the Strategist: Cromwell
backbone of the army and Cromwell Troop Type Pts Units
distinguished himself as a cavalry officer. He Ironsides*
promoted offensive tactics for his 'Ironsides'. Heavy cavalry pistol 10 2-8
After the execution of the King, he proclaimed Upgrade to elite (max 2) +2
a republic under the name of Commonwealth Dragoons
of England, appointed himself Lord Protector Dragoon musket 6 0-1
and established a Puritan dictatorship. He Foot
conquered Scotland and Ireland and reduced Pike & Shot musket 16 3-10
the last Royalists. During this period, England Association Horse
also opposed the Netherlands and Spain. The Heavy cavalry pistol 10 0-3
"New Model Army" is the standardisation of Upgrade to elite (max 1) +2
the Civil War troops. Cromwell commanded
Association or Militia Foot
the New Model Army after Fairfax ordered it
Musketeer 14 0-4
to retreat.
Troop Type Pts Units
Light artillery 6 0-2
Parliamentary Horse* Heavy artillery 10
Heavy cavalry carbine
From 1646
mediocre 9 2-9
Veteran Foot
Pike & Shot musket elite 19 0-4
Pike & Shot musket 16 3-6
Ill Trained & Equipped Foot
33. Early English Civil War Royalists
Pike & Shot musket
1642 -1644
mediocre 13 0-8
Plain, Mountain
Command +4
Light foot musket elite 5 0-1
Artillery When Charles I went to war against
Light artillery 6 1-2 Parliament in 1642, he was surrounded by
Medium artillery 10 only 2,000 horsemen. His supporters were
Command Shot present in the west and north of England, in
Command Shot 3 0-2 Scotland, Wales and Cornwall. Due to the
Before 1643 initial lack of firearms, the cavalry adopted the
Cuirassiers sword gallop charge at Rupert's instigation.
Heavily armoured cavalry Prince Rupert of the Rhine is noted for his
pistol 12 0-1 boldness as a cavalry general and his bad
From 1643 temper! The Royalists were defeated at
Upgrade some Parliamentary Marston Moor in 1644 and Naseby in 1645.
Horse to Ironsides* Charles then surrendered to the Scots, who
Heavy cavalry pistol 10 0-3 sold him to the English Parliament! He
Upgrade to elite (max 2) +2 escaped in 1647, causing another uprising of
Replace all Foot and Ill Trained his supporters, who were defeated at Preston
Foot in 1647. He was tried by Parliament and
Pike & Shot musket 16 2-8

executed for treason. "Cavaliers" is the Musketeer 14
nickname for the royalist nobles. Downgrade to mediocre -3
Troop Type Pts Units Dragoon
“Cuirassiers”* Dragoon musket 6 0-2
Heavily armoured cavalry Firelocks
pistol elite 14 0-3 Musketeer elite 17 0-1
Horse* Armed Peasants
Medium cavalry shock Levy 3 0-3
headstrong 9 2-9 Artillery
Downgrade to mediocre -2 Light artillery 6 0-1
Foot Medium artillery 10
Pike & Shot reduced musket 15 0-6 From 1644
Ill equipped and trained foot Veteran Foot Regiments or
Pike & Shot reduced musket Commanded out Musketeers
mediocre 12 3-8 Pike & Shot musket elite 19 0-4
Artillery Musketeer elite 17
Light artillery 6 0-1 Siege Cannons
Medium artillery 10 Heavy artillery 10 0-1
Command Shot Notes:
Command shot 3 0-2  Irish allies (List #35 Confederate Irish)
Dragoons from 1646.
Dragoon arquebus 5 0-2
From 1643 35. Confederate Irish
Replace All Horse & 1641 – 1652
Cuirassiers* Plain, Mountain
Medium cavalry shock Command +3
headstrong 9 3-9
Heavy cavalry shock The Irish Catholics rebelled in 1641 against the
headstrong 11 English Anglican royal authority, massacred
Downgrade to mediocre -2 Protestant settlers and founded the Irish
Upgrade to elite (max 3) +2 Confederation in Kilkenny, supported by the
Cornish Pikemen Apostolic Nuncio. They then allied themselves
Pike & Shot reduced musket 15 0-8 with the English Royalists. The Scottish
Replace all Dragoons Covenanters landed in Ulster. Massacres
Dragoon musket 6 0-2 multiply. The division between the clans
Notes: remained endemic and James Butler, Duke of
 Cornish Pikemen are treated as Pike Ormonde, who took over the leadership of the
for melee. royalist camp from 1648 onwards, himself a
Protestant and responsible for the first
34. Later English Civil War Royalist repressions, had great difficulty in
1644-1647 maintaining unity between the Catholic "Old
Plain, Mountain Irish" and "Old English". In 1649 Cromwell
Command 3+ intervened with his "New Model Army" and
Strategist: Prince Rupert, 1644 crushed the disunited Irish. Prisoners were
Troop Type Pts Units executed or deported. Harsh laws and land
Horse* confiscations hit the Catholics. The civilian
Medium cavalry shock population suffered enormously from the war.
headstrong 9 4-11 Troop Type Pts Units
Heavy cavalry shock Cavalry*
headstrong 11 Medium cavalry pistol 8 1-4
Upgrade to elite (max 4) +2 Irish Horse
Downgrade to mediocre -2 Medium cavalry pistol
Foot Regiments or Commanded mediocre 6 1-2
out Musketeers Irish Foot
Pike & Shot musket 16 3-9 Pike & Shot reduced musket 15 3-8

Medium swordsmen 13 0-8 Light artillery 6
Skirmishing Shot Medium artillery 10 1-2
Light foot musket 4 0-2 Heavy artillery 10
Irish Militia Regiments
Pike & Shot reduced musket
mediocre 12 0-4
Dragoon musket 6 0-1
Medium swordsmen
headstrong bow mediocre 11 0-6
Kerns with Traditional
Weapons 4 0-4
Light foot javelin
Demi-Cannon or Culverins
Medium artillery 10 0-1
From 1648, English Royalists
Royalist Cavaliers
Heavy cavalry pistol 10 0-3
Upgrade to elite (max 2) +2
Royalist English Infantry
Pike & Shot musket 16 2-4
 All sub generals must be unreliable.

36. Early Louis XIV French

1648 - 1661
Plain, Forest, Mountain
Command 3+
Troop Type Pts Units
Medium cavalry pistol 8 2-9
Heavy cavalry pistol 10
Upgrade to elite (max 3) +2
Gendarmerie or similar
Medium cavalry shock
headstrong elite 11 0-4
Heavy cavalry shock
headstrong elite 13
Dragoon musket 6 1-3
Guard and Old Infantry
Pike & Shot musket impact
elite 20 0-2
Petitis Vieux and Other
Pike & Shot musket impact 17 3-8
Musketeer 14
Newly Raised French Infantry
and Militia
Pike & Shot musket
mediocre 13 0-5
Foreign Infantry Regiments
Pike & Shot musket 16 0-4

Northern Wars

Title: Battle of Kircholm, 1605

Artist: Peter Snayers

The chapter brings together armies engaged in the struggle for supremacy on the Baltic and in
Eastern Europe. The dominant power in northern and eastern Europe was Jagiellonian Poland,
which controlled a much larger territory than modern-day Poland. Until its disastrous intervention in
the Thirty Years' War, Denmark was a significant regional power. Sweden, which was freed from
Danish rule, and Moscow's Russia, which was freed from Tartar rule, gradually joined the club of
great powers. The Russians set out to explore the Siberian vastness. The armies of Central Europe
evolved differently from the Western armies: in contact with the Eastern armies, Turks and Tartars,
they were more mobile; the bow was still widely used; the gendarme lancer in armour disappeared
more quickly or never existed; heavy cavalry remained predominant, but was more mobile. Although
the infantry was not neglected, the pike did not impose itself and firearms developed rapidly. With
the famous winged hussars, the Poles had the best shock cavalry of the 17th century, with a long
lance that gave them better reach than the short half-pikes of the infantry. The Scandinavian armies
were more similar to the Western armies, but the infantry was never neglected.

37. Vasa Swedish War Wagon Artillery
1523 - 1617 mediocre 12 0-4
Plain, Forest, Mountain From 1604
Command +4 Infantry Regiments
Later Tercio arquebus 22 2-8
In 1520, Gustav Vasa led the Swedish rebellion From 1610
against Denmark, which resulted in Swedish Replace all Swedish Nobles*
independence. He became king in 1523 and Medium cavalry carbine 9 1-3
imposed Lutheranism in his states. He Heavy cavalry carbine 11
reformed the army, which was now based on
mercenaries and compulsory military service.
38. Denmark and Kalmar Union
The Swedish armies only adopted the pike
1494 - 1587
after being overwhelmed by Polish cavalry in
Plain, Forest, Mountain
1605. However, firearms remained the main
Command +3
weapons of the infantry, which heralded the
armies of Gustavus Adolphus.
The Scandinavian Union of Kalmar brings
Troop Type Pts Units Denmark, Norway and Sweden under the
Nobles* same crown. The Swedes gain their
Heavy cavalry impact 10 1-3 independence with Gustav Vasa. From 1523,
Upgrade to elite (max 1) +2 the list covers the Danish armies alone, until
Skytter the advent of Christian IV. The armies were
Medium cavalry carbine 9 1-2 dependent on feudal and church contingents,
Landsknecht Mercenaries with an influx of German, French and Scottish
Keil 19 1-3 mercenaries. The autonomous Swedes were
Add armour +2 treated as allies.
Add keil swordsmen +1 Troop Type Pts Units
Mixed Crossbowmen or Hofmaend, Frelsmaend*
Arquebuisers Heavy knight impact 13 2-6
Crossbowmen 14 2-8 Skytter & Kjobstandskytter
Arquebusier 12 Heavy cavalry carbine 11 0-2
Artillery Heavily armoured cavalry
Medium artillery 10 0-1 carbine 13
Heavy artillery 10 0-3 Landsknecht Arquebusiers
Fortifications Light foot arquebus 4 0-2
Fortifications 1 0-12 Arquebusier 12
From 1560 to 1599 Artillery
Replace all Swedish Nobles* Light artillery 6 0-1
Heavily armoured cavalry Medium artillery 10 1-2
caracole 13 1-3 Heavy artillery 10
Infantry Regiments Camp Followers
Keil 19 1-4 Levy 3 0-4
Light foot arquebus 4 1-4 Before 1550
From 1600 German Gendarmes
Other Mercenary Foot Heavy knight impact 13 0-1
Later Tercio arquebus 22 0-3 Upgrade to elite +2
Replace all Nobles* Before 1575
Heavy cavalry caracole 11 1-3 German Men at Armes
Cuirassiers Heavy cavalry caracole 11
Heavily armoured cavalry 12 0-1 Heavily armoured cavalry 1-3
pistol caracole 13
Landsyrttare Upgrade to elite (max 1) +2
Medium cavalry pistol 8 1-3 Before 1580
Downgrade to mediocre -2 Landsknechts
Cannons on Cart Keil 19 2-4
Upgrade to elite (max 1) +3

Add armour +2  0-1 Regimental guns per non-
Add keil swordsmen +1 mediocre infantry.
From 1550
Replace Landsknechts 40. Jagiellonian Polish
Colunela 20 2-4 1494-1576
From 1540 to 1574 Plain, Forest
Replace all Gendarmes* Command +3
Heavily armoured cavalry 12 2-6 Troop Type Pts Units
impact +2 Lithuanian feudalists
Upgrade to elite (max 1) Medium cavalry 9 0-5
From 1575 Lithuanian Levy
Cuirassiers* Medium cavalry bow
Heavy cavalry caracole 11 2-6 mediocre 7 0-1
Heavily armoured cavalry Tartars
caracole 13 Light cavalry bow elite 7 0-1
Upgrade to elite (max 1) +2 Serbian Hussars
Light cavalry impact 6 0-2
39. Caroline Swedish Mercenary Reiters
1648 - 1698 Heavy cavalry caracole 11 0-1
Plain, Forest, Mountain Haiduks
Command +4 Medium foot swordsmen
Troop Type Pts Units arquebus 13 0-1
Swedish or Finnish Horse* Falconets
Medium cavalry pistol 8 Light artillery 6 0-2
Heavy cavalry pistol 10 2-8 Tabor
Upgrade to elite (max 3) +2 War wagon arquebus 12 0-2
Swedish or Finnish Guard Wagon fortress
Pike & Shot musket Elite 19 0-4 Field fortifications 1 0-6
Swedish or Finnish Infantry Fortified camp
Pike & Shot musket 16 2-8 Fortified camp 6 0-1
Swedish or Finnish Garrison Before 1525
Infantry Polish Nobles*
Pike & Shot musket Heavy Knight impact 13 1-3
mediocre 13 0-4 Strzelcy
3 pdr battalion guns Heavy cavalry crossbow
Regimental gun 4 0-1 impact 12 2-5
Dragoons Upgrade to elite +2 0-2
Dragoon musket 6 0-2 Draby
Artillery Medium spearmen crossbow 15 1-3
Light artillery 6 1-2 Downgrade to mediocre -3
Medium artillery 10 From 1525
From 1676 Replace Polish Nobles*
Replace Swedish or Finnish Heavy cavalry impact 10 all
horse* Replace Strzelcy
Medium cavalry shock 9 0-2 Heavy cavalry carbine
Upgrade to elite (max 3) +2 impact 12 all
From 1680 Upgrade to elite (max 2) +2
Replace all Swedish or Finnish Replace Draby
Guard Medium spearmen arquebus 13 all
Pike & Shot salvo elite 21 all From 1550
Replace all Swedish or Finnish Landsknecht
Infantry Keil 19 0-2
Pike & Shot salvo 18 all Landsknecht arquebus
Notes: Light foot arquebus 4 0-1

41. Polish & Lithuanian Commonwealth Before 1611
1576 - 1631 German Mercenary Reiters
Plain, Forest Heavy cavalry caracole 11 0-3
Command +5 Heavily armoured cavalry
Strategist: Etienne Bathory 1576-1586 caracole 13
From 1611 to 1629
This was the heyday of Poland. Stephen German Mercenary Infantry
Bathory, a Transylvanian prince elected King Musketeer 14 0-3
of Poland, reformed the army and fought Later Tercio musket 23
victoriously against the Muscovites. The two From 1625
powers clashed again from 1605 to 1618 and German Mercenary Infantry
the Poles were driven out of Russia after Pike & Shot musket 16 0-3
holding Moscow. The Poles stopped a Turkish Notes:
invasion in 1620-1621 and fought the  Fake Hussars can be deployed as
Transylvanians in the Thirty Years' War. mounted using Hussar bases. Once
Troop Type Pts Units enemy are within 4MU, the bases
Polish Hussars* must be revealed as Levy.
Heavy cavalry shock elite 13 2-4  German Catholic allies (List #27 Early
Polish Cossacks 30 Years War German Catholics)
Medium cavalry carbine 9 1-4
Heavy cavalry carbine (max 11 42. Later Polish & Lithuanian
4) Commonwealth
Lithuanian Petyhortsy (all 1632 - 1698
identical) Plain, Forest
Light cavalry bow elite 7 0-4 Command +4
Medium cavalry bow impact 10 Strategist: John III Sobieski 1668-1696
Heavy cavalry bow impact 12
Lithuanian Tartars Poland experienced difficult times in the mid-
Light cavalry bow elite 7 0-3 17th century, with the Khmelnitski Cossack
Feudal Levies revolt in 1654, the First Northern War from
Heavy cavalry mediocre 6 0-4 1655 to 1660 against Sweden, Prussia,
Other Cossacks Transylvania and Russia, and a war against
Light cavalry bow 6 1-2 the Crimean Khanate in 1666. John III Sobiesky
Medium cavalry bow 9 distinguished himself before Vienna by
Haiduks and Cossack Foot crushing the Turks at Kahlenberg in 1683 and
Arquebusier 12 1-4 ending the siege of the city. This was the swan
Medium swordsmen song of Greater Poland: the country would be
arquebus 13 dismembered by its neighbours in the
German or Livonian following century.
Cuirassiers Troop Type Pts Units
Heavily armoured cavalry Polish Hussars*
pistol 12 0-1 Heavy cavalry shock elite 13 2-4
Dragoons Armoured Cossacks or
Dragoon arquebus 5 0-2 Pancerni
Peasant Infantry Heavy cavalry carbine 11 1-6
Levy mediocre 2 0-2 Add impact +1
Fake Hussars Upgrade to elite (max 2) +2
Levy mediocre 2 0-2 Lithuanian Petyhorsty
Tabor Medium cavalry bow
Fortified camp 6 0-1 impact 10 0-4
War wagon arquebus 12 0-4 Heavy cavalry bow impact 12
Fortifications 1 0-6 Tartars
Artillery Light cavalry bow elite 7 0-2
Medium artillery 10 0-2 German raytar or
Heavy artillery 10 “Arkebusiers”

Medium cavalry pistol 8 1-3 between the Buryat and the Dnieper, Polish
Heavy cavalry pistol 10 subjects, Don, Terek and Ural Cossacks, loyal
Downgrade to mediocre -2 to the Russians.
Dragoons Troop Type Pts Units
Dragoon musket 6 0-2 Heavy Riders*
Peasant Inf Heavy cavalry bow 11 0-2
Levy mediocre 2 0-1 Upgrade to elite +2
Fake Hussars Riders (before 1651)
Levy mediocre 2 0-2 Light cavalry bow 6
Artillery Upgrade to elite +1
Light artillery 6 0-1 Medium cavalry bow 9
Medium artillery 10 0-2 Upgrade to elite +2
Tabor Cossacks of the Don 6-16
Fortified camp 6 0-1 Other Cossacks 4-8
War wagon arquebus 12 0-4 Mounted Infantry
Before 1680 Dragoon arquebus 5 0-3
Germans Style Infantry Upgrade to elite +1
Pike & Shot musket 16 1-4 Moloitsky
Downgrade to mediocre -3 Medium swordsmen
Before 1655 arquebus 13 2-6
Haiduks and Cossack Foot Light Foot
Medium swordsmen Light foot arquebus elite 5 0-6
musket 14 0-2 Peasants
Musketeer 14 Levy headstrong 3 0-6
Between 1652 to 1662 Tabor
Light Guns attached to Fortifications 1 0-8
German Infantry regiments Fortified camp 6 0-1
Regimental Gun 4 0-1 From 1651
From 1673 Riders
Polish Style Infantry Light cavalry carbine 6
Medium swordsmen 2HW 15 1-4 Upgrade to elite +1
musket -2 Medium cavalry carbine 9
Downgrade to mediocre Upgrade to elite +2
Notes: Cossacks of the Don 6-16
 0-1 Regimental guns per non- Other Cossacks 4-8
mediocre infantry. Moloitsky
 Fake Hussars can be deployed as Medium swordsmen musket 14 2-6
mounted using Hussar bases. Once Light foot musket elite 5 0-2
enemy are within 4MU, the bases Only in Ukrainian Revolt of Khmelnytsky
must be revealed as Levy. From 1648-1657
Revolting Peasants
Musketeer mediocre 11 0-3
43. Cossacks Medium swordsmen
1550 - 1700 headstrong 13
Plain, Steppes Russian guns on sleds
Command +4 Light artillery 6 0-4
Strategists: Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1648-1657 Crimean Tartar ally (Crimean Khanate
Cossack communities were formed in the Don Cossack ally, Cossack ally, Don Option
Middle Ages in the vast steppes of southern Notes:
Russia from Petchenegian, Cuman and Tartar  Transylvanian allies (List #46
nomads. They were joined by peasants Romanian Principalities).
wanting to escape feudal drudgery, slaves or
 One option must be chosen; Don
criminals on the run, rebels and adventurers.
Cossacks, Conquest of Siberia,
They were divided into Zaporizhia Cossacks,

Khmelnytsky revolt or Other From 1550
Cossacks. Streltsy
Medium swordsmen 2HW
44. Muscovite Russians arquebus 14 1-4
1500 - 1647 From 1598
Plain, Forests, Steppes German Mercenaries
Command +3 Later Tercio arquebus 22 0-1
Strategists: Ivan IV the Terrible 1574-1584 From 1621
Replace all Streltsy
Muscovy was freed from Tartar rule and Medium swordsmen 2HW
became a regional power, despite endemic musket 15 2-8
disputes over succession. Ivan IV, known as Dragoons
"the Terrible", centralized power to the Dragoon musket 6 1-2
detriment of the turbulent boyars, before
sinking into a murderous paranoia. The 45. Tartars
Muscovites' opponents were the Poles, the 1494-1700
Swedes and the Tartars, the latter being Steppes
defeated by Ivan the Terrible. The feudal Command +3
cavalry, dvor soldiers and boyars, initially
formed the bulk of the armies, alongside the The descendants of the Mongol conquerors of
Cossacks and urban militias. Ivan IV created the 13th century divided into several states,
regular troops, streltsy and artillery. The the Golden Horde and the Khanates of Siberia,
classic deployment is a vanguard, a central Kazan, Astrakhan and Crimea. The Golden
corps, two elders and a rear guard. Horde fell to the Crimean Khanate in 1502, the
Troop Type Pts Units Kazan Khanate to the Russians in 1552, the
Dvor & Boyars* Astrakhan Khanate in 1556 and the Siberian
Medium cavalry bow 9 6-16 Khanate in 1598. Only the Crimean Khanate
Heavy cavalry bow 11 survived until the 18th century, allied to the
Upgrade to elite (max 2) +2 Ottomans. The proportion of spears increased
Militia Spearmen over time, and bows became scarce. The
Heavy Spear Mediocre 12 0-1 subject populations - Muslims, Armenians and
Militia Archers Italians ("Fryazei") from the Crimean cities,
Bowmen mediocre 11 0-3 Germans from the Volga - provided the
Arquebusier mediocre 9 infantry.
Light foot arquebus Troop Type Pts Units
mediocre 3 Noble Tartars*
Cossacks on foot Heavy cavalry bow 11 2-6
Light Foot Bow 4 0-2 Add impact +1
Gulay Gorad Upgrade to elite +2
Fortifications 1 0-8 Tartar Tribesmen
Fortified camp 6 0-1 Light cavalry bow 6 6-18
Artillery Upgrade to elite +1
Light artillery 6 0-1 Medium cavalry bow 9
Medium artillery 10 1-2 Upgrade to elite +2
Heavy artillery 10 Only Golden Horde or Khanate of Kazan
Before 1553 Bessermeni
Cossacks & Tartars Bowmen mediocre 11 0-2
Light cavalry bow elite 7 0-8 Upgrade to ordinary +3
From 1553 Only Golden Horde or Crimean Khanate
Replace all Cossacks & Tartars Armenians and Fryazei
Light cavalry bow 6 0-6 Bowmen 14 2-6
Upgrade to elite (max 2) +1 Crossbowmen 14
From 1550 Only Khanate of Sibir
Replace all Cossack Infantry Siberians
Bowmen 14 0-2 Bowmen mediocre 11 1-3

Medium Swordsmen 13 Mercenary Horse Arquebusiers
Only Khanate of Crimea Light cavalry carbine 6
Petyhorsty Horse (all identical) Medium cavalry carbine 9 0-4
Heavy cavalry bow elite 13 0-2 Vlachs
Heavy cavalry headstrong Dragoon arquebus 5 0-2
elite 11 Mercenary Infantry
Segund mounted arquebusiers Later Tercio musket
Dragoon arquebus 5 0-4 mediocre
Germans of the Volga Upgrade to ordinary 20 1-2
Musketeer 14 0-2 +3
Peasants Wallachian & Transylvanian
Levy 3 0-6 Haiduks (all identical)
Fortifications and Camp Medium swordsmen
Fortifications 1 0-6 arquebus impact 14 0-4
Fortified camp 6 0-1 Medium swordsmen
Notes: arquebus 13
 Turkish allies (List #48 Ottoman Peasantry
Turks). Light foot arquebus 4 0-6
Field Cannons
46. Romanian Principalities Medium artillery 10 1-2
Wallachia & Moldova 1494 – 1648 Notes:
Transylvania 1533-1629  They army must be a Wallachian,
Plain, Forest, Mountain Moldavian or Transylvanian, except
Command +3 that of Michael le Brave, who can
Strategist: Michael le Brave 1593-1601 regroup all three.
Troop Type Pts Units  Troops without indication of
Boyars (before 1533)* nationality can serve in all nations.
Heavy cavalry impact elite 12 2-4  Austrian ally 1593-1600.
Vitejis  Moldova only - Polish allies (List #41
Light cavalry bow 6 4-12 Polish & Lithuanian Commonwealth).
Medium cavalry bow 9
Before 1606
Medium swordsmen 2HW 14 0-2
Bowmen mediocre 11 3-8
Upgrade to ordinary (max 3) +3
Light foot bow 4 0-6
Mercenary Crossbowmen
Light foot crossbow 4 0-2
Crossbowmen 14
Mercenary arquebusiers
Light foot arquebus 4 0-1
Arquebusier 12
Levy headstrong 3 0-6
Heavy artillery 10 0-2
Palisades & fortifications
Fortifications 1 0-6
Fortified camp 6 0-1
From 1606
Mercenary Cuirassiers
Heavy cavalry caracole 11 0-6

The Turkish Wars

Title: The Siege of Vienna (Belagerung und Entsatz der Stadt Wien im September 1683)
Artisit: Anonymous

The Near East, the Balkans and the Mediterranean were dominated by the Ottoman Empire, which
was at the height of its power. It exerted considerable pressure on Central Europe until the 18th
century. The 16th century was marked by the personality of Suleiman the Magnificent. Long
considered invincible, the Turks made different choices from the West and were more modern in
some respects: a solid infantry based on firepower rather than on the clash with the Janissaries,
artillery, highly mobile cavalry and the use of fortifications. But, unlike the West, the Turks did not
evolve much and, from the 17th century onwards, they began a slow decline that would not end until
1918. From the reign of Suleiman onwards, and despite numerous victories in pitched battles, the
Ottomans' progress stalled in Europe, even though expansion continued in Asia and the Maghreb.
The failures at Vienna in 1529 and Malta in 1565, then the naval disaster at Lepanto in 1571, marked
this decline. It was confirmed by the defeat of the Kahlenberg before Vienna in 1683.

The efficiency of the Turkish armies forced their opponents to adapt and the European armies in
contact with them became more diverse and lighter, compared to the Western armies. Europe's main
bulwarks against the Ottomans were the imperial armies and the formidable Knights of Malta. The
Polish armies, dealt with in another chapter, also intervened, often decisively.
While firearms were widely adopted, the bow, especially on horseback, remained widely used
throughout the period.

47. Ottoman Turkish Janissary Skirmishers
1500 - 1700 Light foot musket 4 0-2
Plain, Mountain Poorly Equipped Levy
Command +6 Levy mediocre 3 0-4
Strategist: Suleiman the Magnificent 1520-1566 War Carts
War wagon artillery 14 0-2
The limited evolution of Ottoman armies Bombards
allows for two centuries to be included in the Heavy artillery 10 0-2
same list. The troop types are generally lighter Upgrade to elite +2
than those of the Europeans and may appear Palisades & chains
poorly armed in comparison. Turkish armies Fortifications 1 0-8
include elite standing troops such as the Fortified camp 6 0-1
Janissaries and the Sipahis of the Porte, who Before 1595
belong to the "Qapu Khalqi" (the "palace Akinjis
slaves"), feudal troops of various qualities Light cavalry bow 6 4-12
such as the Sipahis, unsalaried adventurers Downgrade to mediocre -1
such as the Akinjis, temporary levies such as Turcomans & Tartars
the Azabs, and contingents from various parts Light cavalry bow elite 7 0-4
of the Empire, of varying motivation. The Dervishes
Qapu Khalqi are present when the Sultan Medium swordsmen 16 0-1
commands the army and a unit of Janissaries headstrong elite
forms the core of each provincial army. In Balkan Voynuks
pitched battle, the deployment is fairly Medium swordsmen 2HW 14 0-2
stereotyped, with the Janissaries in the centre,
From 1595
behind fortifications and supported by
Slavic & Anatolian Snipers
artillery, the Sipahis on each wing, the Gate
Light foot musket elite 5 1-2
Sipahis in reserve. A screen of Akinjis and
Upgrade to Dragoon musket
Azabs covered the front of the army.
elite 7 0-2
Ambushes are often set up on the flanks. This
Upgrade Janissaries
deployment is extremely effective in defence,
Medium swordsmen
less so in attack. The Janissaries placed great
arquebus impact elite 17 0-4
importance on gunnery training and early on
used 'snipers' armed with a long arquebus,
Light Horse bow 6 0-2
here classified as a musket. The Sipahis, on the
From 1625
other hand, considered firearms to be unfair,
Replace Qapu Khalqi Sipahis*
good for Janissary "slaves" and unsuitable for
Heavily armoured cavalry
their highly mobile mounted type of combat,
bow elite 15 All
and only adopted them at a later stage. The
Heavy cavalry bow elite 13
Turks abandoned breastplates more quickly
than the Westerners. Replace Sipahis Timariotes
Medium cavalry carbine 9 All
Troop Type Pts Units
Heavy cavalry carbine 11
Qapu Khalqi Sipahis*
Heavily armoured cavalry Replace all Janissaries
15 0-2
bow elite Medium swordsmen musket
13 0-3
Heavy cavalry bow elite impact 15 4-8
Add impact (before 1595) Before 1645
Sipahis Timariotes Azabs
Medium cavalry bow 9 Light foot bow 4 0-2
Heavy cavalry bow (max ½) 11 4-8 Bowmen mediocre 11 2-6
Upgrade to elite (max ½) +2 From 1645
Kurds & Bedouins Azabs
Light cavalry impact 6 0-2 Musketeer mediocre 11 2-6
Janissaries Light foot musket 4 0-2
Medium swordsmen bow Notes:
impact elite 18 2-6  Transylvanian allies (List #46
Romanian Principalities) from 1595

 Khanate Crimean Tatar allies (List #45 Upgrade to ordinary +2
Tartars) from 1645. Bombards
 If the Sultan in Commander in chief, Heavy artillery mediocre 8 0-2
the army must include at least 1 Qapu Archers & Persian militia
Kalqi and 3 Janissaries in his Light foot bow 4 2-6
command. Bowmen 14
 There must be at least 1 Sipahis Arquebusiers
Timariotes in each of two different Arquebusier mediocre 9 2-3
commands. Light foot arquebus 4
48. Turcomans Levy 3 1-4
1494-1515 Circle of Carts
Plain, Steppes Fortifications 1 0-6
Command +3 Fortified camp 6 0-1
Troop Type Pts Units
Nobles* 50. Mamluks
Medium cavalry bow 9 2-6 1494-1517
Heavy cavalry bow 11 Plain, Desert
Add impact +1 0-4 Command +5
Upgrade to elite +2 0-4 Troop Type Pts Units
Tribal Riders Guards of the Sultan*
Light cavalry bow 6 8-24 Heavy cavalry bow impact
Medium cavalry bow 9 elite 14 0-2
Militia Mamluks
Medium swordsmen 13 0-2 Heavy cavalry bow elite 13 4-12
Bowmen 14 0-2 Add impact +1
Light foot bow 4 0-2 Syrian Halqa & Ashir Druze
Levy 3 0-2 Medium cavalry impact 8 0-6
Cannons & Bombards Heavy cavalry impact 10
Light artillery mediocre 4 0-3 Bedouins
Heavy artillery mediocre 8 0-2 Light cavalry impact 6 0-4
Circle of Carts Turkomans
Fortified camp 6 0-1 Light cavalry bow 6 0-6
Notes: Upgrade to elite +1
 Mamluk allies (List #50 Mamluks). Egyptian Halqa
Light foot bow 4 0-2
49. Turcomans of the White Sheep Bowmen mediocre 11
1494-1508 Jabbalyah of Aleppo
Plain, Steppes Light foot javelin 4 0-2
Command +4 Medium swordsmen
Troop Type Pts Units mediocre 10
Pushan* Black Arquebusiers
Heavy cavalry bow impact Light foot arquebus 4 0-2
elite 14 2-4 Arquebusier mediocre 9
Nobles Militia
Medium cavalry bow 9 4-8 Levy mediocre 2 0-3
Heavy cavalry bow 11 Zamburaks
Tribal Riders Medium camel carbine 10 0-2
Light cavalry bow 6 4-12 Carts
Medium cavalry bow 9 War wagon arquebus 12 0-2
Kurdish Horsemen Bombards & Ship guns
Medium cavalry impact 8 0-4 Medium artillery 10 0-2
Heavy cavalry impact 10 Heavy artillery 10 0-2
Cannons & Bombards Artillery redoubts, ditches and
Light artillery mediocre 4 0-3 palisades

Fortifications 1 0-6 1500 - 1526
Notes: Plain, Mountain, Steppes
 The Bedouins and Turkomans cannot Command +2
be in the same command.
 Artillery, Camels and fortifications can The end of Matthias Corvinus’s reign marked
only be selected if at least 3 units of the end of the Black Army, a professional
foot are chosen. army that had kept the Turks at bay during
 If foot are chosen, there must be at the second half of the 15th century. Left
least 3 units. unpaid, it sank into brigandage and was
dispersed by a feudal army. Royal authority
51. Safavid Persians declined and so did the effectiveness of the
1494-1639 command. This episode marked the beginning
Plain, Steppes of Hungary's military decline, as it lost its only
Command +4 major battle of the period against the
Strategists: Shah Ismail 1499-1529 Ottomans at Mohacs, and its independence.
Troop Type Pts Units Hungary was then fought over by the Turks
Feudal Riders and the Austrians. The dissolution of the Black
Heavy cavalry bow 11 8-20 Army left the army dependent on national
Upgrade to elite +2 0-6 feudal contingents, although German,
Add impact +1 0-6 Bohemian and Italian mercenaries fought
Turkomans bravely at Mohacs.
Light cavalry bow 6 0-4
Upgrade to elite +1 Troop Type Pts Units
Archers Royal Banderium*
Bowmen mediocre 11 0-2 Heavy knight impact elite 15 0-2
Levy Hungarian Nobles*
Levy 3 1-3 Heavy knight 11 4-6
From 1520 Heavy cavalry impact 10
Arquebuisers (before 1590) Hungarian Hussars
Light foot arquebus 4 0-2 Light cavalry bow 6 0-2
Arquebusier mediocre 9 Medium cavalry bow 9
Light artillery & War wagons German Mercenary Men at
Light artillery 6 Arms
War wagon light artillery 0-2 Heavy cavalry 8 0-2
mediocre 12 Heavily armoured cavalry 9
Add impact +1
From 1590
Replace all Feudal Riders and Szekler Cavalry
Qullars Light cavalry bow elite 6
Medium cavalry bow 9 8-12 Medium cavalry bow 9
Heavy cavalry bow 11 0-4 Heavy cavalry bow 11 0-4
Medium cavalry carbine 9 0-2 Medium cavalry bow impact 10
Upgrade to elite +2 0-4 Heavy cavalry bow impact 12
Infantry City Militia
Medium swordsmen 13 0-2 Heavy spear 15 0-2
Musketeers Download to mediocre -3
Arquebusier mediocre 9 1-3 Bohemians or Italian foot
Afghans Light foot crossbow 4 0-2
Light foot arquebus Crossbowmen 14
4 0-6
Light foot musket elite 5 0-2 Artillery
Zamburaks Light artillery 6 0-1
Medium camel carbine Medium artillery 10 0-2
10 0-2
Heavy artillery 10
Medium artillery Palisades and Fortifications
10 0-2
Fortifications 1 0-8
Fortified camp 6 0-1
52. Hungarians

From 1514 From 1601
Landsknechts Replace all Elmeti*
Keil 19 0-2 Heavy cavalry impact 10 1-4
Add keil swordsmen +1 Reiters
Landsknechts Arquebus Heavy cavalry caracole 11 2-6
Light foot arquebus 4 0-2 Tercios
Arquebusier 12 Later Tercio arquebus 22 1-2
Downgrade to mediocre -3

54. Early Austrians Habsburg

53. Colonial Venetian 1520 to 1558
1500 - 1617 Plain, Forest, Mountain
Plain Command +4
Command +2
Troop Type Pts Units After the defeat of Hungary at Mohacs, the
Elmeti* Austrians found themselves in the front line
Heavy knight impact 13 2-6 against the Turks. The Turks laid siege to
Stradiots & Crobati Vienna in 1529 and won victories in pitched
Light cavalry impact 6 4-8 battles, such as at Gorjiani in 1537 and at
Mounted Crossbowmen Keresztes in 1596. However, the Austrians
Light cavalry crossbow 6 1-3 succeeded in keeping them at bay overall,
Medium cavalry crossbow 9 which was the prelude to a slow push back
Mercenary Foot during the 17th century.
Light foot crossbow 4
Crossbowmen 14 1-4 Troop Type Pts Units
Arquebusier 12 Imperial Gendarmes*
Mounted Arquebusiers Heavy knight impact 13 1-2
Light cavalry carbine 6 0-1 Upgrade to elite +2
Archers Men at Arms
Light foot bow 4 0-2 Heavily armoured cavalry
Bowmen 14 impact 12 0-8
Militia Poorly Equipped Men at Arms
Heavy spear mediocre 12 0-2 Heavy cavalry 9 1-3
Ditch & Bank Add impact +1
Fortifications 1 0-12 Hungarian Hussars
Field Cannons Light cavalry bow 6 1-3
Medium artillery 10 0-2 Medium cavalry bow 9
Fortified camp Foreign Men at Arms
Fortified camp 6 0-1 Heavy knight 11 0-1
From 1518 Add impact +2
Replaced all Militia Mounted Arquebusiers
Keil mediocre 16 0-2 Light cavalry carbine 6 2-6
Mercenary Foot Medium cavalry carbine 9
Arquebusier mediocre 9 0-8 Landsknecht*
From 1530 Keil 19 2-6
Replace Mercenary Foot Upgrade to elite (max 2) +3
Light foot arquebus 4 0-4 Add armour +2
Arquebusier 12 1-6 Add keil swordsmen +1
Before 1560 Landsknecht Arquebus
Scapoli Light foot arquebus 4 1-3
Medium swordsmen 2HW Arquebusier 12
14 0-4 Artillery
From 1560 Medium artillery 10 1-3
Cannons Heavy artillery 10
Heavy artillery 10 0-1

55. Austrian Habsburgs Upgrade to elite +2
1559 - 1618
Plain, Forest, Mountain 56. Knights of St John
Command +4 1494 - 1575
Troop Type Pts Units Plain, Mountain
Hussars Command +5
Light cavalry bow 6 1-3 Strategist: Jean Parisot de Vallette 1557-1568
Medium cavalry bow 9
Foreign Men at Arms After the fall of Rhodes in 1522, and the
Heavy knight 11 0-1 evacuation negotiated with Suleiman, the
Add impact +2 Knights Hospitallers of Saint John of
Mounted Arquebusiers Jerusalem settled in Malta, which they
Light cavalry carbine 6 0-1 fortified. The Sultan soon regretted his
Medium cavalry carbine 9 magnanimity, as they resumed their raids
Landsknecht against Turkish shipping and the Turkish
Keil 19 coast. It was not until 1565 that Suleiman
Add armour (max ½) +2 2-8 mounted a powerful expedition for a famous
Add keil swordsmen (max siege. Against all odds, the Knights, led by the
½) +1 intractable Grand Master de Vallette and
Tercio arquebus 24 supported by the Maltese population, resisted
Landsknecht Arquebus and inflicted a humiliating defeat on the
Light foot arquebus 4 1-3 Turks. Specialising in sea raids, the Knights
Arquebusier 12 had never really been engaged in a classic
Musketeers large-scale pitched battle. The cavalry did,
Light foot musket 4 0-1 however, play an important role in Malta
Artillery during the siege by harassing the Turks, who
Medium artillery 10 1-4 had neglected to reduce the Knights' outer
Heavy artillery 10 garrisons on the island. Reinforcements from
Before 1590 Sicily arrived in extremis and took part in the
Guards of the Archduke* final fighting during the Turkish evacuation.
Heavy knight impact 13 1-2
Upgrade to elite +2 Troop Type Pts Units
Men at Arms Knights
Heavily armoured cavalry Heavy knight impact elite 15 0-2
impact 12 2-6 Foot Knights
Poorly Equipped Men at Arms Heavy swordsmen 2HW
Heavy cavalry 9 1-3 armoured 18 2-4
Add impact +1 Convert Brothers
Reiters Heavy cavalry impact elite 12 0-2
Heavily armoured cavalry Heavy swordsmen 2HW 16
caracole 13 4-8 Organ Guns
From 1570 Light artillery 6 0-3
Replace Landsknechts Walls & Ditches
Later Tercio arquebus 22 2-8 Fortifications 1 0-8
Replace Spanish Tercios Fortified camp 6 0-1
Later Tercio arquebus 22 0-3 Up to 1522
From 1585 Turcopoles
Reiters Light cavalry bow 6 0-2
Heavy cavalry carbine 11 4-8 Medium cavalry bow 9
Heavily armoured cavalry 13 Greek Archers
carbine Light foot bow 4 2-8
From 1590 Bowmen mediocre 11
Kurassiere* Greek Crossbowmen &
Heavily armoured cavalry Mercenaries
caracole 13 1-3 Light foot crossbow 4 1-2

Crossbow 14 Medium camel mediocre 6 0-4
Mercenaries Add headstrong +0
Light foot arquebus 4 2-4 Algerian Option before 1553
Medium swordsmen 2HW Christian Renegades
14 Crossbowmen 14 0-3
Bombards Arquebusier 12
Heavy artillery 10 0-2 Tunisian Option
From 1522 Mamluk Guards*
Mercenary Pikemen Heavy cavalry impact elite
Keil 19 1-2 12 0-1
Mercenary Arquebus Janissaries (From 1574)
Light foot arquebus elite 5 2-3 Medium swordsmen
Arquebusier 12 arquebus elite 16 0-2
Medium swordsmen 13 0-2
Armed Maltese
Levy headstrong 3 1-3
Field Cannons
Medium artillery elite 12 0-3
 Neapolitan ally (List #1 Kingdom of
Naples) from 1522, max 4 mounted.

57. Barbary States

1494 – 1700
Plain, Mountain, Desert
Command +4
Troop Type Pts Units
Medium cavalry impact 8 2-12
Heavy cavalry impact 10
Tribal Riders
Light cavalry impact 6 0-20
Tribal Warriors*
Medium swordsmen
headstrong 13 6-20
Bowmen (before 1570) 14 0-6
Medium swordsmen
arquebus elite 16 0-2
Light foot crossbow 4 0-4
Light foot arquebus elite 5
Heavy artillery 10 0-1
Morocco Option From 1570
Mounted Arquebus
Light cavalry carbine 6 0-3
Arquebusier 12 2-4
Libyan option
Medium camel bow
mediocre 8 0-2

The Age of Enlightenment

Title: Siege of Rheinberg by the French, 6 June 1672

Artist: Lambert de Hondt (II) painted between 1672 and 1679

58. Later Louis XIV After the Thirty Years' War, the Habsburgs'
1661 - 1698 attention turned eastwards, in the face of the
Plain, Forest, Mountain Turkish threat and the Hungarian rebellion. A
Command +4 first Turkish invasion was stopped at St
Troop Type Pts Units Gotthard (a village, not the pass) in 1664 by
Kings Guard Cavalry* Montecuccoli, assisted by French contingents.
Medium cavalry pistol elite 10 0-2 A new and final invasion was narrowly
Guard Infantry stopped in 1683 at Kahlenberg before Vienna
Pike & Shot musket impact by the combined army of John Sobiesky, King
elite 20 0-3 of Poland. Prince Eugene won the victory at
Line Infantry Zenta in 1697 during the Holy League War.
Pike & Shot musket impact 17 2-8 The cavalry returned to offensive tactics
Artillery Troop Type Pts Units
Light artillery 6 1-2 Imperial Cuirassiers
Medium artillery 10 Heavy cavalry pistol 10 2-6
Heavy artillery 10 Heavy cavalry carbine 11
Before 1670 Croats (all identical)
Line Cavalry* Light cavalry carbine 6
Medium cavalry shock Light cavalry impact 6 1-4
headstrong elite 11 2-6 Upgrade to elite +1
Heavy cavalry shock Polish Horse
headstrong elite 13 Light cavalry carbine 6 0-4
Downgrade to ordinary Dragons
(max 2) -2 Dragoon musket 6 1-3
Dragoons Upgrade to elite +1
Dragoon musket 6 0-1 Imperial Infantry
Militia Pike & Shot musket 16 4-8
Pike & Shot musket Upgrade to elite (max 2) +3
mediocre 13 0-4 Hungarian and Slavic Haiduks
From 1671 (all identical)
Fusiliers du Roi Medium swordsmen musket
Bayonet 16 0-1 2HW 15 0-2
From 1670 Medium swordsmen musket
Replace Line Cavalry* impact 15
Medium cavalry shock elite 3 pdr gun
Downgrade to ordinary 11 All Regimental gun 4 0-1
(max 2) -2 Grenz
Dragoons Light foot musket elite 5 0-3
Dragoon musket 6 0-3 Garrison Infantry
From 1692 Pike & Shot musket
Hussars mediocre 13 0-2
Light cavalry carbine 6 0-1 Field fortifications
Carabineers Fortifications 1 0-6
Medium cavalry carbine 9 0-1 Field & Seige Cannons
Heavy cavalry carbine 11 Light artillery 6 0-2
Notes: Medium artillery elite 12 1-3
 British allies (List #62 Restoration Heavy artillery 10 0-1
British) from 1672 – 1674. Only From 1664
59. Holy Roman Empire Levy 3 0-2
1661-1700 From 1675
Plain, Forest, Mountain Replace Imperial Infantry
Command +5 Later Pike & Shot 17 all
Strategist: Raimundo Montecuccoli 1661-1675 Upgrade to elite (max 2) +3
Before 1688

Hungarian Hussars Later Pike & Shot impact 18 0-3
Light cavalry bow 6 0-4 From 1693
Heavy cavalry impact 10 0-1 Bavarian Guard
From 1683, Bavarian, Saxon or Brandenburg Bayonet 16 0-3
ally Upgrade to elite (max 1) +3
German Infantry Note
Later Pike & Shot 17 0-4  Spanish allies (List #63 Later Spanish).
Downgrade to mediocre -3  Hapsburg allies (List 59 Holy Roman
German Infantry From 1691 Empire) from 1689.
Bayonet 16 0-2  German allies (List #68 German
German Mounted States) only in 1694.
Medium cavalry pistol 8
Medium cavalry carbine 9 0-4 61. League of Anglo-Dutch
Downgrade to mediocre -2 1689 to 1697
From 1691 Plain, Forest
Imperial Musketeers Command +3
Musketeer 14 0-2 Troop Type Pts Units
Downgrade to mediocre -3 British and Dutch Cavalry*
Notes: Medium cavalry pistol 8 1-4
 0-1 Regimental guns per non- Heavy cavalry pistol 10
mediocre infantry Imperial Infantry. Poor Quality British and
 Polish allies (List #42 Later Polish & Dutch Cavalry
Lithuanian) in 1683. Medium cavalry pistol
mediocre 6 0-2
60. Duchy of Savoy British and Dutch Guard
1649 - 1698 Later Pike & Shot elite 20 0-3
Plain, Forest, Mountain British and Dutch Infantry
Command +2 Later Pike & Shot 17 2-10
Troop Type Pts Units Garrison Infantry
Savoyard Horse* Later Pike & Shot mediocre 14 0-4
Medium cavalry pistol 8 2-5 Danish Infantry
Downgrade to mediocre -2 Bayonet 16 0-2
Savoy Guard* Upgrade to elite (Max 1) +3
Pike & Shot musket elite 19 0-1 3 pdr battalion guns for British
Savoy, Mercenary or Militia or Danish Infantry
Infantry Regimental gun 4 0-1
Pike & Shot musket 16 3-10 Dragoons
Downgrade to mediocre -3 Dragoon musket 6 1-2
Dragoons Artillery
Dragoon musket 6 0-2 Light artillery 6 1-2
Artillery Medium artillery 10
Light artillery 6 1-2 Danish, German or Spanish
Medium artillery 10 Cavalry
From 1685 Medium cavalry pistol 8 0-1
Replace all Savoy Guard* Medium cavalry carbine 9
Later Pike & Shot elite 20 0-1 German Infantry
Replace all Savoy, Mercenary Bayonet 16 0-4
or Militia Infantry Swedish Infantry
Later Pike & Shot 17 3-10 Pike & Shot salvo 18 0-1
Downgrade to mediocre -3 British Fusiliers
From 1689 Bayonet 16 0-1
Spanish Infantry Notes:
Pike & Shot musket 16 0-2  0-1 Regimental guns per non-
From 1691 mediocre infantry.
Huguenot Refugees  Spanish allies (List #63 Later Spanish).

Dragoon musket 6 0-2
62. Restoration British Miquelets
1660 - 1688 Light foot musket 4 0-2
Plain, Mountain From 1689
Command +3 German Infantry
Troop Type Pts Units Bayonet 16 0-2
Guard and Other Horse Notes:
Regiments*  Dutch allies (List #65 Later Dutch)
Heavy cavalry pistol 10 2-6 from 1683.
Foot Guard  Anglo Dutch allies (List #61 League of
Pike & Shot musket elite 19 0-3 Anglo Dutch) from 1689.
Infantry Regiments
Pike & Shot musket 16 2-9 64. Colonial Portuguese
Artillery 1494 - 1660
Light artillery 6 0-1 Plain, Forest
Medium artillery 10 0-2 Command +3
Dragoons Troop Type Pts Units
Dragoon musket 6 0-2 Portuguese Infantry
Newly Recruited or Militia Medium swordsmen 13 4-12
Horse Crossbowmen 14 0-6
Medium cavalry pistol 8 0-2 African and Arab Slaves
Downgrade to mediocre -2 Medium swordsmen
Newly Recruited or Militia mediocre 10 2-6
Foot Scouts
Pike & Shot musket Light foot arquebus 4 0-2
mediocre 13 0-8 Artillery
From 1686 Light artillery 6 0-2
3 pdr battalion guns Medium artillery 10
Regimental gun 4 0-1 From 1520
Fusiliers Replace Portuguese
Bayonet 16 0-1 Crossbowmen
Notes: Arquebusier 12 All
 0-1 Regimental guns per non- From 1620
mediocre infantry. Portuguese Infantry
Medium swordsmen musket
impact 15 4-8
63. Later Spanish
Indian or Ceylon option From 1510
1659 to 1698
Indian Lascars
Light foot arquebus 4 0-4
Command +3
Arquebusier mediocre 9
Troop Type Pts Units
Indonesian or Macao option From 1520
Caballos Corazas*
Chinese infantry
Heavy cavalry pistol 10 1-4
Medium swordsmen
Upgrade to elite (max 1) +2
mediocre 10 0-4
Light foot arquebus 4 0-2
Pike & Shot musket 16 1-10
Option Morocco till 1660
Provincial or Auxiliary
Jinetes of Tangier
Light cavalry javelin 6 0-2
Pike & Shot mediocre 13 2-8
Tercio Viejos
 Only one option can be chosen.
Pike & Shot elite 19 0-2
 Indonesian allies (List #84 Indonesians
and Malay) 1520 – 1605.
Medium artillery 10 0-3
Heavy artillery 10

65. Later Dutch Heavy cavalry pistol 10 1-3
1648 - 1688 Heavy cavalry shock elite 13 0-1
Plain Other Cavalry
Command +3 Medium cavalry pistol 8 1-3
Troop Type Pts Units Foot Guard
Dutch Cavalry* Later Pike & Shot elite 20 0-1
Medium cavalry pistol 8 1-6 Veteran Infantry
Downgrade to mediocre -2 Later Pike & Shot 17 0-2
Dutch Guard Less Well-Equipped Foot
Pike & Shot musket Elite 19 0-2 Pike & Shot reduced musket 15 3-8
Dutch or other line Infantry Downgrade to mediocre -3
Pike & Shot musket 16 2-8 Dragoons
Dutch Garrison Infantry Dragoon musket 6 0-1
Pike & Shot musket Artillery
mediocre 13 0-4 Medium artillery 10 0-1
3 pdr battalion guns Raparees
Regimental gun 4 0-1 Light foot musket 4 0-2
Dragoons Militia
Dragoon musket 6 1-2 Medium swordsmen 13 0-4
Artillery Only in 1690
Medium artillery 10 1-2 French Infantry
Heavy artillery 10 Later Pike & Shot impact 18 0-4
Notes: Downgrade to mediocre -3
 At least half of the Dutch Cavalry
must be mediocre. 68. German States
 0-1 Regimental guns per non- 1648 - 1698
mediocre infantry. Plain, Forest, Mountain
Command +3
66. Scottish Covenanting Rebels Troop Type Pts Units
1670 – 1689 German Horse*
Plain, Forest, Mountain Heavy cavalry pistol 10 1-5
Command +2 Downgrade to mediocre -2
Troop Type Pts Units Guard Regiment
Devoted Worshippers Pike & Shot musket elite 19 0-1
Medium swordsmen German Infantry
headstrong 13 6-12 Pike & Shot musket 13 3-7
Worshipers Downgrade to mediocre -3
Musketeer 14 1-2 3 pdr battalion guns
Light foot musket 4 0-2 Regimental gun 4 0-1
Fanatical Followers Dragoons
Medium swordsmen Dragoon musket 6 0-2
headstrong elite 16 0-2 Artillery
Rabble Followers Light artillery 6 1-2
Levy mediocre 3 4-8 Medium artillery 10
Cavalry Fortifications
Medium cavalry pistol Fortifications 1 0-6
mediocre 6 0-4 From 1675
Upgrade to ordinary (max 2) +2 Jaegers
Light foot musket 4 0-1
67. Jacobite Irish From 1688
1689 - 1691 Bavarian Hussars
Plain, Forest, Mountain Light cavalry carbine 6 0-1
Command +2 Replace German Horse
Troop Type Pts Units Heavy cavalry carbine 11 0-1
Horse Guard* Downgrade to mediocre -2

Replace Guard Regiment 70. Later Portuguese
Bayonet elite 19 all 1660 - 1698
Replace German Infantry Plain, Forest, Mountain
Bayonet 16 all Command +2
Notes: Troop Type Pts Units
 0-1 Regimental guns per non- Cavalos*
mediocre infantry Heavy cavalry pistol 10 1-3
 Hapsburg allies (List 59 Holy Roman Arcabuzeiors a cavalo
Empire). Medium cavalry carbine 9 0-2
 German allies (List #68 German “Tercios”
States). Pike & Shot musket 16 3-8
 Polish allies (List #42 Later Polish & Downgrade to mediocre -3
Lithuanian) in 1657-1658 or 1687-1689. Regimented Foot
Pike & Shot musket elite 19 0-1
69. Later Danish Fuzileiros
1649 - 1698 Bayonet 16 0-1
Plain Fortifications
Command +3 Fortifications 1 0-6
Troop Type Pts Units Artillery
Danish Horse* Light artillery 6 0-2
Medium cavalry pistol 8 1-6 Medium artillery 10
Danish Guard British Horse
Pike & Shot elite 19 0-2 Heavy cavalry pistol 10 0-1
Danish, German or Norwegian Before 1678
Infantry British Foot
Pike & Shot 16 2-7 Pike & Shot musket
Garrison Infantry mediocre 13 0-3
Pike & Shot mediocre 13 0-4 between 1678 – 1688
3 pdr battalion guns British Foot
Regimental gun 4 0-1 Pike & Shot 16 0-3
Dragoons From 1689
Dragoon musket 6 0-2 British Foot
Field Artillery Later Pike & Shot 17 0-3
Medium artillery 10 0-2
Heavy artillery 10 0-1 71. Monmouth Rebels
Fortifications 1685
Fortifications 1 0-6 Plain, Forest, Mountains
Only From 1677 to 1678 Command +2
Austrian Kurassiers Troop Type Pts Units
Heavy cavalry carbine 11 0-1 Cavalry
Heavy cavalry pistol 10 Heavy cavalry pistol 10 1-3
From 1678 Downgrade to mediocre -2
Replace Danish Guard Trained Foot
Bayonet elite 19 all Pike & Shot reduced musket 15 2-8
Replace Danish, German or Untrained Foot
Norwegian infantry Medium swordsmen 13 2-8
Bayonet 16 all Artillery
Notes: Light artillery 6 0-2
 0-1 Regimental guns per non-
mediocre infantry  There must be as many Untrained as
 German allies (List #68 German there are Trained Foot.
States) from 1675 – 1678.
 Dutch allies (List #65 Later Dutch)
from 1658-1659.

72. Hungarian Rebellion Downgrade to mediocre -2
1672 - 1685 Dragoons
Plain, Mountain, Steppes Dragoon musket 6 0-1
Command +2 Streltsy
Troop Type Pts Units Medium swordsmen 2HW
Armoured Hussars* musket 15 1-6
Heavy cavalry impact elite 12 0-3 Downgrade to mediocre -3
Hussars Soldaty
Light cavalry carbine 6 3-9 Pike & Shot musket 16 1-8
Medium cavalry carbine 9 Downgrade to mediocre -3
Veteran Hussars Tatar or Kalmyk Cavalry
Light cavalry carbine elite 7 0-3 Light cavalry bow 6 1-2
Medium cavalry carbine Medium cavalry bow 9
elite 11 Cossack Infantry
Dragoons Arquebusier 12 0-3
Dragoon musket 6 0-3 Cossack Cavalry
Haiduks Medium cavalry carbine 9 0-3
Medium swordsmen musket 14 0-6 Medium cavalry impact 8
Light Foot Provincial Musketeers
Light foot musket 4 0-3 Musketeer mediocre 11 0-2
Peasants Artillery
Levy mediocre 3 0-3 Light artillery 6 0-1
Artillery Medium artillery 10 1-2
Light artillery 6 0-1 Heavy artillery 10
Medium artillery 10 Gulay Gorod
Notes: Fortifications 1 0-6
 Polish allies (List #42 Later Polish & Fortified camp 6 0-1
Lithuanian) in 1677. From 1635
 Turkish allies (List #47 Ottoman Replace all Reitary
Turks) from 1682. Medium cavalry pistol 8 1-4
Heavy cavalry pistol 10
73. Romanov Russians Downgrade to mediocre -2
1648 - 1698 From 1642
Plain, Forest, Steppes Replace all Dragoons
Command +3 Dragoon musket 6 0-3
From 1651
Despite internal revolts and wars against Replace all Cossack infantry
Poland, Sweden and the Tartars, Russia's Musketeer 14 0-3
power grew during the long reign of Alexis I From 1662
"the Peaceful" from 1645 to 1676. Russian Lancers
influence extended to the Ukraine and Siberia. Heavy cavalry shock 11 0-1
Conscription was introduced, but only for the Heavy cavalry impact 10
duration of campaigns, to the detriment of the From 1695
quality of the troops. The streltsy are the Guard Infantry
permanent core of the army, but they behave Later Pike & Shot elite 20 0-1
like praetorians and want to play a political

Troop Type Pts Units

Medium cavalry bow 9 2-6
Downgrade to mediocre -2
Medium cavalry carbine 9 0-4
Heavy cavalry carbine 11

74. Later Venetian Colonial
1645 - 1698
Plain, Mountain
Command +4

Venice's power was based too much on its

trade with the East for it to be inclined to seek
trouble from the Turks. However, the rise of
Ottoman imperialism, which threatened its
possessions in the Balkans and then Italy itself,
led the Serenissima to take up arms. The
armies of the Venetian "Outremer" relied more
than those of the "Terre ferme" on the
Stradiots, whose speciality was harassment
and raids in border areas.

Troop Type Pts Units

Light cavalry carbine 6 1-3
Medium cavalry carbine 9
Venetian, Italian & Croatian
Pike & Shot musket 16 4-8
Downgrade to mediocre -3
Schiavoni infantry
Medium swordsmen musket 14 0-3
Musketeer mediocre 11 0-3
Maltese Marines
Medium swordsmen musket 14 0-2
Dragoon musket 6 0-3
Medium artillery 10 0-1
Heavy artillery 10 0-2
Palisade & Fortifications
Fortifications 1 0-6
Fortified camp 6 0-1
Before 1650
Mercenary Horse
Medium cavalry pistol 8 0-2
Medium cavalry carbine 9
Downgrade to mediocre -2
From 1689
Replace Venetian, Italian &
Croatian infantry
Later Pike & Shot 17 all
Downgrade to mediocre -2
 French allies (List #58 Later Louis
XIV) from 1660 – 1667.

India & Asia Medium swordsmen Impact 14
Armed Carts

War wagon light artillery 14 0-4

75. Ming Chinese
Only Shun and peasant rebellions (1628-
1494 – 1683
Plain, Mountain, Desert
Revolting Peasants
Command +4 or +2 after 1644
Levy headstrong 3 4-12
Strategist Qi Jiguang 1553 - 1583
After 1644
Troop Type Pts Units
Portuguese Musketeers
Regular Cavalry*
Medium swordsmen musket 14 0-2
Medium cavalry bow 9 0-6
Heavy cavalry bow 11 Only Three Feudatiars after 1644
Mercenary Cavalry Elephants
Medium cavalry bow Elephant 13 0-2
mediocre 7 3-6 Notes:
Chinese Infantry  0-1 Regimental guns per non-
Medium swordsmen mediocre infantry
mediocre 10 2-6  Korean allies (List #78 Korean) from
Add 2HW +1 1592-1616.
Bowmen 14 2-6  Mongolian allies (List #79 Mongols) or
Crossbowmen 14 2-6 Jurchen allies (List #80 Jurchens)
Replace some infantrymen and before 1620.
shooters with Medium
swordsmen bowmen or 76. Manchu Chinese
crossbowmen 1635 – 1700
Medium swordsmen bow or Plain, Mountain, Forest
crossbow 14 0-6 Command +4
Medium spearmen bow or Strategist: Hong Taiji 1635-1643
crossbow 15 Troop Type Pts Units
Infantry Manchurian Bannermen*
Mediums swordsmen Heavy cavalry bow elite 13
impact 14 0-2 Heavy cavalry elite 11 4-10
Chinese arquebusiers Light cavalry bow elite (max
Arquebusier mediocre 9 0-6 ½) 7
Upgrade to ordinary +3 Mongolian Bannermen*
Tribal Auxiliaries Light cavalry bow (max ½) 7 2-8
Light foot bowmen 4 0-4 Medium cavalry bow 9
Light foot javelin 4 Heavy cavalry bow 11
Medium swordsmen Chinese Green Standard
mediocre 10 Cavalry
Chinese militia Medium cavalry bow
Levy 3 0-6 mediocre 7 1-4
Flamethrower for Chinese Chinese Green Standard
shooter units Infantry
Regimental gun 4 0-1 Medium spearmen bow 15 2-8
Light Guns and Rockets Medium spearmen crossbow 15
Light artillery mediocre Medium spearmen arquebus 14
4 0-4
Medium artillery mediocre 8 Downgrade to mediocre -3
Upgrade to ordinary +2 0-2 Gansidui
Bombard Medium swordsmen impact 14 0-2
Heavy artillery mediocre 8 0-2 Upgrade to elite (max 1) +3
Palisades Skirmishers
Fortifications 1 0-12 Light foot bow 4 0-2
Light foot arquebus 4
Only Qi Jiguang From 1553 to 1583
Mandarin Duck units Chinese Militia
Levy 3 0-4

European-style artillery Monks on Foot
Medium artillery mediocre 8 1-2 Medium swordsmen 2HW 14 0-4
Medium artillery 10 0-2 From 1592
Heavy artillery 10 0-2 Replace all Ashigaru Bowmen
Fortified camp Arquebusier mediocre 9 2-8
Fortified camp 6 0-1 Add Pavise +1
Notes: Upgrade to ordinary +3
 Mongolian allies (List #79 Mongols).
 Ming allies (List #75 Ming Chinese) 78. Korean
before 1644. 1494 – 1698
 Korean allies (List #78 Korean) from Plain, Mountain, Forest
1650 -1658. Command +4
Troop Type Pts Units
77. Japanese Shogunate Guard or Veteran Cavalry*
1494 – 1614 Heavy cavalry impact 10 4-8
Plain, Mountain, Forest Upgrade to elite (max 2) +2
Command +4 Horsemen with Bow
Strategists: Oda Nobunaga 1560-1582 & Light cavalry bow 6 0-8
Tokugawa Ieyasu 1561-1615 Medium cavalry bow 9
Troop Type Pts Units Heavy cavalry bow (max 2) 11
Mounted Samurai* Archers
Heavy cavalry bow 11 0-4 Bowmen 14 2-6
Upgrade to elite +2 Spearmen
Samurai Medium spear mediocre 11 2-6
Heavy swordsmen 2HW Upgrade to ordinary +3
armoured 18 4-12 Halberdiers
Upgrade to elite +3 Medium swordsmen 2HW 14 0-2
Ronin Skirmishers
Medium swordsmen 2HW 14 0-2 Light foot crossbow 4 0-6
Upgrade to elite +3 Light foot arquebus 4
Ashigaru with Yari or Peasants
Naginata Levy 3 0-6
Medium swordsmen 13 4-12 Rockets & Light Guns
Medium spearmen 14 Light artillery 6 1-4
Ashigaru Bowmen Ditches and embankments
Bowmen mediocre 11 0-4 Fortifications 1 0-8
Add Pavise +1 Imjin War 1592-1598
Palisades Warrior Monks
Fortifications 1 0-6 Light foot javelin 4 0-4
Artillery Medium spear mediocre 11
Light artillery 6 0-1 Upgrade to ordinary +3
City Militia Levy 3
Levy 3 0-4 From 1599
Armed Boys & Women Arquebusiers
Fortified camp 6 0-1 Arquebusier mediocre 9 2-4
From 1542 Upgrade to ordinary +3
Ashigaru with Arquebus From 1629
Arquebusier mediocre 9 0-4 Cannons
Upgrade to ordinary +3 Medium artillery 10 0-2
Cannons Heavy artillery 10
Medium artillery mediocre 8 0-1 Notes:
Before 1572 Allied Monks  Ming allies (List #75 Ming Chinese)
Mounted Monks* from 1592 – 1620.
Heavy cavalry bow 11 0-1
Heavy cavalry impact 10

79. Mongols Jingals and grenades
1494 – 1698 Regimental gun 4 0-1
Steppe, Mountain Chinese Skirmishers
Command +3 Light foot bow 4 0-3
Strategist: Altan Khan 1529-1582 Light foot arquebus 4
Troop Type Pts Units From 1628
Guard or Veteran Cavalry* Chinese or European Artillery
Heavy cavalry bow impact Light artillery 6 0-2
elite 14 0-6 Medium artillery 10
Horsemen Bombards
Light cavalry bow 6 12-30 Heavy artillery 10 0-1
Upgrade to elite (max ½) +1 Notes:
Medium cavalry bow 9  0-1 Regimental guns per non-
Upgrade to elite (max ½) +2 mediocre infantry
Riders with Firearms  Mongolian allies (List #79 Mongols).
Light cavalry carbine 6 0-3  Ming allies (List #75 Ming Chinese)
Serfs and Servants before 1618.
Levy 3 0-2  Korean allies (List #78 Korean) from
Fortified camp 1619-1626.
Fortified camp 6 0-1
Notes: 81. Tibetan
 Tibetan allies (List #81 Tibetan). 1494 – 1698
 Ming allies (List #75 Ming Chinese) Plain, Mountain
from 1613-1617. Command +2
Troop Type Pts Units
80. Jurchens Tibetan Horsemen*
1494 – 1698 Heavy cavalry ½ bow
Plain, Forest impact 11 4-8
From 1545, Plain, Forest, Mountain, Tropical Upgrade to elite +2 0-2
Command +3 Tibetan Retainers
Strategist: Nurhaci 1599-1626 Heavy cavalry ½ bow
Troop Type Pts Units impact 11 4-9
Guard or Veteran Cavalry* Heavy cavalry bow 11
Heavy cavalry bow impact Nomad Horsemen
elite 14 0-6 Light cavalry bow 6 0-4
Horsemen Medium cavalry bow 9
Light cavalry bow 6 Archers
Upgrade to elite (max ½) +1 4-16 Bowmen 14 0-6
Medium cavalry bow 9 Spearmen
Upgrade to elite (max ½) +2 Medium spearmen 14 0-4
Fortified camp Downgrade to mediocre -3
Fortified camp 6 0-1 Serfs
1618-36 Levy 3 0-4
Chinese Regular Infantry Skirmishers
Medium swordsmen bow 14 Light foot bow 4 0-4
Medium swordsmen 2-8 Fortified camp
crossbow 14 Fortified camp 6 0-1
Downgrade to mediocre -3 Notes:
Tiger Men  Mongolian allies (List #79 Mongols).
Medium swordsmen impact 14 0-2
Upgrade to elite (max 1) +3
Chinese Arquebus
Medium swordsmen
arquebus 13 0-3
Downgrade to mediocre -3

82. Muslim Indians Organ Guns and Rocket
1494 – 1700 Launchers
Plain, Mountain Medium artillery mediocre 8 1-3
Command +5 Only Mughals after 1526
Strategist: Babur 1504-1530 & Akbar 1556-1605 Mansabdar Horsemen
(Mughals), Sher Shah Suri 1531-1545 (other Heavy cavalry ½ bow
sultanate) impact
Troop Type Pts Units Heavy cavalry 11 4-8
Timurid Horsemen and Royal Upgrade to elite (max ½) 9
Mamluks (before 1556 if +2
Mughals)* Rajput Horsemen
Heavy cavalry bow 11 4-12 Heavy cavalry headstrong 9 0-4
Upgrade to elite (max ½) +2 Upgrade to elite (max ½) +2
Add impact +1 0-4 Zamindar Horsemen
Archers on Horseback Light cavalry javelin 6 0-6
Light cavalry bow 6 0-2 Medium cavalry 9
Upgrade to elite (before +1 Artillery of the Etrier
1508) Medium artillery 10 0-1
Elephants* Replace all Afghan and Hindu
Elephant 13 2-4 Infantry
Upgrade to elite +3 Medium swordsmen
Add Light artillery (From +2 0-2 headstrong 13 0-6
1556) Mughal Infantry before 1560
Hindu, Afghan and Baluch Arquebusiers 12 2-6
Archers 11 Mughal Infantry after 1560
Bowmen mediocre +3 0-6 Musketeers 14 2-8
Upgrade to ordinary Arquebusiers 12
Light foot bow 4 Downgrade to mediocre -3
Afghan and Hindu Upgrade to elite (max 1) +2
Infantrymen Notes:
Medium swordsmen
 Artillery of the Etrier must be in the
headstrong 13 0-2 CnCs command.
Afghan and Hindu Skirmishers  Mahratta allies (List #87 Mahratta)
Light foot javelin 4 0-2 from 1646.
Hindu Levy
Levy 3 0-3 83. Hindu and Sinhala Indians
War Wagons 1494 – 1698
War wagon arquebus 12 0-4 Plain, Mountain, Forest
Bombards Command +3
Heavy artillery 10 1-2 Strategist: Krishnadevaraya 1509-1529
Fortifications 1 0-12 The army must be Rajput, Sinhalese or Other
Chained Wagons
Troop Type Pts Units
Fortified camp 6 0-1
War Elephants* (Rapjut see
Before 1508 note)
Persian and Tajik Militia Elephant 13 2-4
Bowmen mediocre 11 0-4 Upgrade to elite +3
After 1526 Riders (except Rajput and
Jezails Ceylon)
Light foot musket elite 5 0-1 Light cavalry javelin 6 3-9
Zamburaks and escorts (all the Medium cavalry 8
same) Heavy cavalry (max 3) 9
Light camel carbine 7 0-3 Scouts (except Ceylon)
Medium camel carbine 10 Light cavalry bow 6 0-1
Light artillery 6

Mercenary Muslim Horsemen Archers and Arquebus
(except Ceylon) Bowmen mediocre 11 1-4
Heavy cavalry bow 11 0-2 Arquebus mediocre (max 2) 8
Infantry “Riflemen”
Medium swordsmen Light foot bow 4 0-8
headstrong Light foot arquebus 4
Ceylon 13 4-12 Light foot javelin 4 0-2
Others 1-4 Cannons
Archers Medium artillery mediocre 8 0-2
Bowmen mediocre 11 2-6 Only Malay
Upgrade to ordinary (max 2) +3 Cannons
Paiks (except Ceylon) Heavy artillery 10 0-1
Light foot javelin 4 0-4 Only Javanese from 1678
Levy Musketeers
Levy 3 1-4 Medium swordsmen musket 14 0-4
Rocket Launchers (except Notes:
Ceylon)  Khmer ally if Vietnamese.
Medium artillery mediocre 8 1-3  Vietnamese ally if Khmer.
Bombards (except Ceylon)  Colonial Portuguese ally from 1515,
Heavy artillery 10 0-1 except Vietnamese.
From 1510
Arquebusiers 85. Indochinese
Arquebusier 12 0-2 1494 – 1700
Only Ceylon From 1560 Plain, Mountain, Forest
Musketeers Command +2, +3 if Burmese or Siamese
Musketeer mediocre 11 2-8 Strategist: Anaukpeitlun 1608-1628(Burma)
Upgrade to ordinary +3
Only Rajput (see Notes:) This list covers the Thai, Khmer, Burmese,
Rajput Horsemen * Siamese and Vietnamese armies. The army
Heavy cavalry headstrong 9 8-16 must be from a nation: Thai, Burmese,
Upgrade to elite +2 Siamese, Laotian, Malay, Khmer or
Notes: Vietnamese.
 All Rajput sub generals are unreliable. Troop Type Pts Units
 Only Rajput can have Elephant Horsemen
Generals. Medium cavalry mediocre 6 0-3
Upgrade to ordinary +2
84. Indonesians and Malay Elephants*
1494 – 1698 Elephant 13 1-3
Mountain, Forest Upgrade to elite +3
Command +3 Warriors (except Vietnamese)
Medium swordsmen
This list covers the Javanese, Malay and headstrong 13 0-4
Indonesian armies. The army must be from a Medium swordsmen 13 4-8
nation: Java, Malay or Indonesia. Archers (except Vietnamese)
Troop Type Pts Units Bowmen 14 1-4
Noble Riders (except Malay)* Crossbowmen 14 0-2
Medium cavalry 8 Levy, Porters and Peasant
Light cavalry javelin 6 0-4 Militias
Elephants (except Malay)* Bowmen mediocre 11
Elephant 13 0-3 Medium swordsmen
Warriors (all identical) mediocre 10
Medium swordsmen 13 3-12 Vietnamese 4-12
Medium swordsmen Others 0-2
headstrong 13 Arquebusiers
Upgrade to elite +3 Arquebusier mediocre 9 0-2

Upgrade to ordinary +3  Malay allies (List #84 Indonesians and
Skirmishers Malay) only if in Ceylon and
Light foot bow 4 0-8 Moluccas.
Light foot javelin 4  Sinhala allies (List #83 Muslim
Rocket Launchers & Bombards Indians) in Ceylon from 1648.
Medium artillery mediocre 8 1-2  Javanese ally (List 84 Indonesians and
Heavy artillery mediocre 8 0-1 Malay) in Java 1678 – 1681.
Upgrade to ordinary +2
Palisades 87. Mahratta
Fortified camp 6 0-1 1646 – 1700
Only Siamese From 1632 Plain, Mountain
Mughal Guards, Tartars & Command +4
Rajputs 11 0-1 Strategist: Shivaji Bhonsale 1645-1680
Heavy cavalry bow Troop Type Pts Units
Notes: Regular Riders*
 Khmer allies (List #87 Indonesian) if Medium cavalry impact 8 6-12
Vietnamese. Upgrade to bow or carbine
 Vietnamese allies (List #87 Upgrade to elite +2
Indonesian)if Khmer. Light cavalry javelin (max +2
 Portuguese allies (List #64 Colonial ½) 6
Portuguese) from 1515, except Irregular Horsemen
Vietnamese. Light cavalry javelin 6 2-4
86. Colonial Dutch Medium swordsmen
1602 – 1700 headstrong 13 2-6
Plain, Mountain, Forest Guards
Command +3 Medium swordsmen
arquebus impact 14 0-2
Dutch expeditionary forces were small in size, Riflemen
requiring a local ally. Light foot bow 4 0-2
Troop Type Pts Units Light foot musket elite 5
Dutch Infantry Pathans (all identical)
Medium swordsmen Medium swordsmen
arquebus impact 14 2-8 headstrong 13 0-2
Disembarked Dutch Seamen Medium swordsmen 13
Medium swordsmen impact 14 0-4 Rocket Launcher
Field and Marine Guns Medium artillery mediocre 8 1-3
Light artillery 6 Bombards
Medium artillery 10 0-2 Heavy artillery 10 0-1
Marine Guns Zamburaks
Heavy artillery 10 0-2 Medium Camel Carbine 10 1-2
Upgrade to elite +2
Only in Java and Sumatra
Islamic Auxiliary
Arquebusier 12 0-4
Only in Ceylon and Moluccas
Head Hunters
Light foot javelin 4 0-2
From 1630
Replace Dutch Infantry
Medium swordsmen musket 15 2-8


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