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Mental Conditioning In the study of (Virginia M.

Gonzalez, Jean

Goeppinger, Kate Lorig 1990) under the Self-Efficacy Theory, self-efficacy

refers to the belief of the person to mobilize motivation, cognitive resources

and the action needed to meet the situational demands. To be precise, it is

the judgment of what one is capable to what one possessed. The self-

efficacy theory also deals with one's perception towards the future. The

mental conditioning of the person will either fall to the self-efficacy of

learned helplessness or locus control. Learned helplessness is the person's

belief that they cannot control over something. On the hand, locus control is

the person's general perception that he or she can control everything.

On the same study of (Virginia M. Gonzalez, Jean Goeppinger, Kate

Lorig 1990)under the Coping Theory, the constant changing of behavior of a

person to manage internal or external circumstances is defined as coping by

Lazarus and Folkman. The definition is further discussed as the capability of

a person to adapt to the changes of the situation. Coping efforts are

changing overtime depending on the situation. The overwhelming situation

for an individual stimulates the cognitive and behavior. Personal and

situational factors are outlooked in coping theory. Personal factors occurred

when an individual does something that brought the person to a specific

situation. On the other hand, situational factor occurred even without the

involvement of the individual. The reaction of a person perceives the

probability of events that might happened in the future. Similar to the self-

efficacy theory, one of the strategies of coping theory is self-control in which

the individual involves in dealing the problems by taking care of oneself,

decision-making, and problem solving.

The theory of Social Support under the same study of (Virginia M.

Gonzalez, Jean Goeppinger, Kate Lorig 1990), explains that social factor

affects the mental condition of the individual. Social support has a positive

effect of a person's well-being. This theory has a beneficial effect to a person

under stress and not under stress. Personal networks, volunteer linking,

mutual aid networks, neighborhood helper strategy, and community

empowerment are the five strategies for social support that can be used to

enhance the well-being of an individual. Personal networks and mutual aid

networks are the most capable social support strategy to cope the mental

condition of a person.

(Megan R. Dushko 2016) (Lee Crust, Christian Swann 2011)believed that the

excessive testing in schools around the world affect the mental health of the

students. This problem usually results to poor academic performance and

low probability of success. Moreover, it also triggers the stress hormone of

the students who only have pre-existing problems.

Another study conducted by (Lee Crust, Christian Swann 2011) indicates

that mental toughness is having an unshakeable belief, coping effectively

with pressure and adversity, being resilient, thriving on pressure, being

committed, and having superior concentration skills (Crust, 2008; Jones,

Hanton, & Connaughton, 2007; Sheard, 2010). In contrast to the recent

study, it is believed that mental toughness refers to the resistance resource

that operates time adversity and allow one to be able to cope up when

things go well.

cope up when things go well. Some students see problems as self-development

Lee Crust, Christian Swann. 2011. January. Accessed February 1, 2020.

Megan R. Dushko. 2016. August 9. Accessed February 1, 2020.
impact-mental-health.amp, 2016.

Virginia M. Gonzalez, Jean Goeppinger, Kate Lorig. 1990. "" Accessed

February 1, 2020.

Lee Crust, Christian Swann. 2011. January. Accessed February 1, 2020.

Megan R. Dushko. 2016. August 9. Accessed February 1, 2020.
impact-mental-health.amp, 2016.

Virginia M. Gonzalez, Jean Goeppinger, Kate Lorig. 1990. "" Accessed

February 1, 2020.

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