15.-SAP MM Config 7

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SAP MM _ Configuration 7

Define Industry Sectors and Industry-Sector-Specific Field

Maintain Company Codes for Materials Management
Define Attributes of Material Types
Define Number Ranges for Each Material Type
Define Material Groups
Define Divisions
Define Material Status
Define Laboratories and Offices
Define Storage Conditions
Define Temperature Conditions
Define Units of Measure Groups

Define Industry Sectors and Industry-Sector-Specific Field

In this step, you check the industry sectors and, if necessary, create new ones. You use the industry sector to
determine which fields require an entry when maintaining material master data and which fields do not (an
entry being optional in this case).
Standard Settings
The following industry sectors are defined as standard:
• A for plant engineering and construction
• C for the chemical industry
• M for mechanical engineering
• P for pharmaceuticals
You can change the name of the industry sector (plant engineering and construction, and so on) and, if
necessary, the field input control too (via the field reference).
Click “New Entries”
Save it

Maintain Company Codes for Materials Management

In this IMG activity, you maintain your company codes. There are two situations in which you do this:
• When setting up company codes for materials management
• When changing the Allow backposting or Disallow backposting indicators
To create a material master record, the control record must exist for the company code for which you want to
create your master record.
To set up a company code, enter the current period here. Alternatively, you can do this with the period closing
Define Attributes of Material Types
Whenever you create a material master record, you must assign it to a material type. This requires you to first
define the attributes of each material type. You do this in this IMG activity.
Material types are used in the following neighboring areas, where they are also configured in Customizing:
• Profit Center Accounting
• Product Cost Planning
• Sales and Distribution ( availability check)
• Valuation and Account Assignment ( valuation classes)
• Production:
o Bills of material
o Routings
Consult with these areas if necessary.
Check Material Type ZVEH & click quantity / value updating

Plant is 7000. Check value & quantity updating

Define Number Ranges for Each Material Type
In this step, you define the type of number assignment and the number range intervals for material master
records. When creating a material master record, you must assign it a unique number. There are two ways of
doing this:
• internal number assignment
In this case, a number within the number range interval allowed is assigned by the SAP system.
Currently, the maximum length allowed for an internal number is 18.
• external number assignment
Here, the user assigns a number within the number range interval allowed. You can define the
intervals for external number assignment numerically and alphanumerically. For integration purposes,
SAP, currently, allows only the number range length of 18 characters.
You define the number range intervals for so-called groups. You assign one or more material types to each
• If you assign just one material type to a group, you can define both an internal and an external number
range interval for the material type.
• If you group together more than one material type, you can define an internal and an external number
range interval here too. This allows several material types to have the same number range intervals.
In the step Define attributes of material types, you have defined as an attribute of the material type whether,
with external number assignment, a check is to be made against the number range.
Create Material Group
Check Material Group” Vehicles”

Material Type VEHI

Check VEHI & click Element / Group

Mat type “VEHI” linked with Mat Group “Vehicles”

Define Material Groups
In this IMG activity, you define material groups. With material groups you group materials with the same
attributes or purpose.
You can use material groups to:
• Limit the scope of analyses
• Systematically search for material master records via matchcodes

Check Mat Group 0003 & click “Copy As”. Change Fields.
Mat Group 03 _ Communication Equipment. Save it.

Define Divisions
In this IMG activity, you define the divisions in your company. You use divisions to group together
materials, products, or services. The system uses the division to determine the sales areas and
business areas to which a material, product, or service is assigned,
Define Material Status
In this step, you define the material status as well as the characteristics of the individual material statuses.
The material status determines how a material is handled in different applications and in business operations
(for example, purchasing, materials planning, usage in bills of material, and so on).
For each material, you can set a material status in the corresponding material master record. If a material has a
material status, the system will issue either a warning or an error message (depending on which status you
have chosen) if the material is used.
Check Field & click details. Just save it.
Define Laboratories and Offices
In this IMG activity, you define the laboratories/offices allowed.
The field "Laboratory/office" in the material master record is normally required if the material is a chemical
component. This field is maintained in the Basic Data view on a material master record.
Define Storage Conditions
In this IMG activity, you define the storage conditions for your materials. In the Storage conditions field in the
material master, you can then specify one of the storage conditions you have defined here.
In the standard system, this field appears on the General Plant Data / Storage screen in the material master for
industry, and on the Basic Data screen in the material master for retail. In both instances, the storage
conditions apply to all the storage locations in which the material is stored.
Define Temperature Conditions
In this step, you define the temperature conditions under which your materials are to be stored.
If a material needs to be stored at a particular temperature, this is indicated in the "Temp. conditions" field in its
master record.
This field is maintained in the Storage view on the material master record.
Define Units of Measure Groups
In this step, you can group together existing units of measure.
You can store units of measure groups in a material master record.
If you specify a units of measure group on the units of measure screen when maintaining material master
records, all the units in this group will be copied to the material using the conversion factor assigned. The
conversion factors relate to the material's base unit of measure.

Check “new entries” & create unit of measure group “Length 100 inches”

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