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SAP MM _ Configuration 9

Release Strategy / Procedure for RFQs

Edit Classes
Edit Characteristics
Define Release Procedure for RFQs

Release Strategies / Procedure for RFQs

In this section, you set up a release procedure for requests for quotations (RFQs).
If you want to use workflow to release RFQs, you must make the standard and basic settings for workflow
(Basis -> Business Management -> SAP Business Workflow).
How do you set üp a release procedure for RFQs?
To set up the release procedure, you must make a series of settings in Customizing. This section provides you
with an overview of the necessary activities.
You must perform the following steps:
1. Create characteristics and classes
For more on this topic, see Edit Characteristics and Edit Classes.

Edit Classes
In this step, you create classes for a release procedure for requests for quotations (RFQs).
You use a class to group together characteristics that are to constitute a release condition for a release
strategy. In the step " Define Release Procedure for RFQs" you assign this class to the release strategy.
1. Create a class with the class type 032. You have a free choice of names for the new class (e.g.
REL_RFQ for the release of RFQs).
2. Assign a name for the new class on the tab page Basic data.
3. You can view an error message if different characteristics with identical values have been assigned
to a class. To be able to do so, select the Check with error message indicator in the Same
classification area.
4. If appropriate, select terms to be used as search criteria in searches for your class on the
Keywords tab page.
5. Assign your characteristics to the class via the tab page Characteristics.
Create 3 Documents for characters

“Create Character” will appear


“Create Characteristics “will appear

Go back & click on ZZ_MMRFQPURCHSEGP

Create Characteristics will appear

Define Release Procedure for RFQs
In this step, you set up the release procedure for requests for quotations (RFQs) and can link it to workflow.
(Note that in this context "releasing" means "approving", or giving the "green light" to a document.)
• In the case of a release procedure linked to workflow, you must have previously created in the
organizational plan the user names, positions, jobs, etc. that you here assign to the release code, and
must have linked them to the relevant standard tasks in task-specific Customizing (Basis -> Business
Management -> Business Workflow -> Perform Task-Specific Customizing).
• You must assign the authorization M_EINK_FRG to the persons who are to be involved in this release
procedure (Authorization Management -> Create Authorization Profiles and Assign to Users).
Here you define the following:
• Release group
• Release codes
• Release indicators
• Release strategy
• Workflow
Release group
Create a release group for your release procedure and assign it to a class. In the process, you assign release
conditions to the release procedure.
Release codes
Here you create the release codes you need for your release strategy and assign the codes to your release
group. If a release code is to be used in workflow, indicate this accordingly in the Workflow field.
The Workflow indicator is also used to control role resolution:
• "1 - Role Resolution with Group, Code and Plant (T16FW)"
Here you use a role resolution that is supplied in the standard system. To do so, you must assign the
release point in the section Workflow (see below).
• "9 - Role Resolution via User Exit"
Here you use Customer exit M06E0005 to define a role resolution of your own.
Release indicators
A release indicator shows the release status of an RFQ.
Via the following settings, you can define the release indicators you need for your release procedure:
• The Released indicator is used to specify whether messages (RFQ documents in output format) may
be transmitted for an RFQ with this indicator.
• The Changeability indicator shows the effect of changes to the RFQ (a change to an RFQ may require
a new release strategy to be determined, for instance).
• By means of the Value change field, you can specify that the release strategy is to be re-started if an
RFQ is changed and the value of an RFQ item thereby increases by a certain percentage (e.g. 10%).
Set the Changeability indicator to "4 - Changeable, new release in case of new strategy or value
change" or "6 - Changeable, new release in case of new strategy or value change/outputted" and enter
a percentage in the Value change field.
The following release indicators are necessary for every release procedure:
o Release indicator for initial status
If the RFQ is subject to a release strategy, it must normally be released before it can be
transmitted to the supplier. Therefore, when an RFQ is created, it is assigned a release
indicator that blocks it from being outputted in message form.
The Released indicator must not be selected for this indicator.
o Release indicator for released status
This indicator is assigned to the RFQ when it is released.
The Released indicator must be selected for this indicator.
Release strategies
Create a release strategy for your release group and assign your release codes accordingly.
• Release prerequisites
With the release prerequisites, you specify the order in which the individual release points
(individuals or departments) represented by the release codes may release the document.
The following table shows release prerequisites for a strategy with four release codes.
Code/Release prerequisite
01 02 03 04
01 - [] [] []
02 [x] - [] []
03 [x] [x] - []
04 [x] [x] [x] -
In this release strategy, the codes 01, 02, 03, and 04 must successively release the RFQ.
Read the table from left to right. For instance, the third line for release code 03: For code 03, release
via code 01 and code 02 is a prerequisite. That is to say, the RFQ must be released via codes 01 and
02 before it can be released via code 03.
• Release statuses
Here you specify the status an RFQ has after certain release points have effected release.
Specify which release indicator/status an RFQ is to have after having been released via a certain
release code.
• Classification
In classification, you maintain the values assigned to the characteristics. Via the characteristics and
their values, you specify the RFQs to which your release strategy is assigned.
Maintain values (individual values or intervals) for your characteristics.
Two characteristics and their values have been maintained in classification for release strategy 'EA':
- Document type - 'NB - standard purchase order'
- Total value - above $10,000
All POs with the document type 'NB' and a total value in excess of $10,000 are thus subject to a
release procedure with the release strategy 'EA'.
• Release simulation
The release simulation function enables you to check which status an RFQ will achieve with your
release strategy if release is effected by a certain release point.
Choose "Simulate release" and release the document with the desired release code by double-
clicking. The system shows you which status the RFQ now has as a result of this release.
Assign a processor ID to your workflow-relevant release codes. The processor (member of staff
responsible for processing the document) will then receive a work item when he or she is required to
effect release.
You can assign a processor ID either directly or indirectly:
o Direct processor assignment:
Enter a user name.
o Indirect processor assignment:
Enter a job, for example, or a position. At runtime, the system will then determine the
member(s) of staff responsible for processing the document.
Create “Release Group”
Be careful to entre “Class “here which we created earlier

Release Codes
Release Indicators
Release Strategies
Check Field & click details

Entre Release Gp & Codes. Then click Release Prerequisites

Continue & click Release Statuses
Continue & click Classification

Entre A01 & click information & see characteristics already created
Entre A02 & click information & see characteristics already created

Entre A03 & click information & see characteristics already created
Go to Release Simulation. Simulate/ release the release codes RA,RB,RC,RD consecutively

Enter Gp Code , Rel Code , Object type, Agent ID

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