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di smk n 11 semarang banyak sekali gedung salah satunya gedung B.

Gedung B berhadapan dengan

gedung M. gedung B hanya satu lantai saja. Di gedung B terdapat 3 ruangan yaitu koperasi sekolah, uks,
dan gradasi.

koperasi sekolah digunakan untuk menyediakan alat tulis untuk siswa, dan juga menyediakan makanan.
Koperasi sekolah tidak kalah ramenya dengan kantin sekolah. Siswa sangat suka mengunjungi koperasi
sekolah untuk membeli makanan. Selain siswa guru pun juga suka mengunjungi koperasi sekolah.

Uks digunakan untuk orang sakit. Didalam uks ada banyak sekali alat² kesehatan seperti tabung oksigen,
p3k, alat tensi, dll. Di uks juga ada tempat tidur.

Gradasi biasanya digunakan untuk fotokopi. Selain untuk siswa gradasi juga bisa digunakan untuk orang
luar. Didalam gradasi terdapat mesin fotokopi, banyak kertas kertas. di gradasi juga ada minuman untuk

Description Of Building B

There's a lot of building between them. building b. building b versus building m. building b is just one
floor. Building b has three rooms of school, medical, and grade-a cooperative.

School operatives are used to provide writing tools for students, as well as to provide food. School
operatives are as good as the school cafeteria. Students particularly like to visit school operatives to buy
food. Besides teachers, even teachers like to visit school operatives.

School's Health Clinic',is used for sick people. In School's Health Clinicthere are so many health tools like
oxygen tube, first-aid kits, tension tools, etc. The School's Health Clinic has beds.

Gradients are commonly used for photocopying. Not only for gradations but also for outsiders. In the
gradations, there's a copier, lots of paper. In gradations, there are also beverages to sell.

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