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Science 2 ESO Name:Francesc Josep

Curs 22-23 Class:2nD

1. Choose two of the following phenomena and look up information about myths
that explain them in two different cultures.

- the origin of the universe - snow

- the existence of day and - lightning
night - the stars

Phenomenon: Phenomenon:



Science 2 ESO Curs 22-23

2. Choose 4 scientists and complete the table below:

Name When and where Which kind of What is her/his

was he/she science did he/she great contribution
born/dead? study? to science?

3. Make a conceptual map describing the scientific method. Use the following
words: natural phenomena - answer - questions - experimentation -
observation - reasoning.

Science 2 ESO Curs 22-23

4. Vocabulary:

★ Biology:

★ Chemistry:

★ Physics:

★ Geology:

★ Myths:

★ Scientific law:

★ Scientific model:

★ Scientific theory:

★ Technology:

★ ………………:

★ ………………:

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